Venezuelan Attorney General ratifies the transparency of the Venezuelan electoral authorities

  • 3 months ago
Venezuela's Attorney General, William Saab, offered statements to the press regarding the most recent violent attacks against the government of President Nicolas Maduro after the presidential elections. teleSUR
00:00is providing statement. Let's listen.
00:05In 2017, it was directed by a group of mercenaries. Unfortunately, the state of Venezuela
00:16hindered that, prevented that plan, and we have provided the names,
00:21the names of the culprits. The head of the company that executed such a terrorist action
00:31was Lester Toledo, wanted for justice. And they tried to execute this blackout
00:44in the transmission of the acts. It's on the map, you can locate the site of this
00:59incident in the border. And the issue that comes after this,
01:06that it happened after yesterday, it was that they were just on their way with violent acts,
01:21which are not surprising. We provided information through our
01:36informative networks about the ones who were accountable for these actions. Unfortunately,
01:49they used again many minors, teenagers, people under the effects of drugs, who
02:01were burned down consecutively. They will tell us that it is a peaceful rally,
02:13as it happened in the past, but these detainees and prosecuted people, they will
02:22place them on the list of wanted for the government. They burned police headquarters,
02:33they burned down health centers, they tore down the monuments of Venezuela,
02:47they tore down a monument in homage to the Saint Jose, and likewise, the brutal attack
03:03to public venues as the headquarters of the electoral council and the headquarters in Suate,
03:16people, armed people launching bombs, burning down venues and public centers. I want to highlight
03:26that all these people that I have been mentioning, this data, these incidents, these events,
03:33that I am explaining to you, all these people are arrested. They have been prosecuted,
03:45and besides that, I want to recall that for the serious of their crimes,
03:57they could be attached to other cases and destruction of, it's not like that.
04:08They committed acts of terrorism, acts of inciting, of killing Venezuelans. Those cowards,
04:18those cowards who used a double standard speech. We are going to walk with our families to go to
04:29the national electoral council venue, and do you think that the visual reality that they are
04:40referring to, which families are you placing, lady, your family in front of an attack of burning down
04:51public headquarters, and inciting to kill, to burn down alive human beings for your sustaining
05:06your political neo-Nazi, for your sustaining your neo-Nazi policy. This prosecutor's office
05:16is not accomplished, and you want to be impugned, and you will, so this,
05:28we are, so the prosecutor's office, in all their times, they just provided support to
05:39all these criminals, but today we are not like that. We have the accurate data of these crimes,
05:51and these criminals killed a member of the Bolivarian armed forces. They shot down
06:00this military, and they brought him, and they jumped him to water, and these actions,
06:09these crimes are unforgivable, and in 2017, let's recall that
06:19a group of criminals burned down public centers, and
06:28they weren't, these crimes weren't prosecuted. They were pardoned,
06:36but I am seeing very concerned, but I am not surprised
06:43of an international TV channel that they are saying these criminals are menacing
06:54families, officials, and the images have been seen, the fire, how are they, how they are
07:06burning down public centers, and they are broadcasting protests in Venezuela, because
07:16they don't recognize the results of elections. In Venezuela, they are not having riots, but
07:27just the spotlights of criminals who have been attacking and trying to generate chaos.
07:41They want a scale or an escalation of violence nationwide, but they are not achieving so.
07:51I greet, I praise the action of the Venezuelan state of charging with
08:03those crimes, as they have the facade of
08:11in the fascism, and they don't want to recognize the results of the elections. The only
08:18body that exists here in Venezuela, the National Electoral Council, has the power of issuing
08:29results. No one here is going to set or allow the resurgence of what it implied
08:42in getting advantage that it was at the head of the legislative power that was self-proclaimed
08:54president, and as of that event, he robbed the assets of Venezuela in the United Kingdom,
09:07over one billion dollars in gold, and one billion dollars in Portugal, and it won't happen
09:20anything like that again. The prosecutor's office is acting alongside several official institutions,
09:30and we are just assessing the crimes. These crimes are very serious. We are watching
09:42brutal terrorist acts and instigation to order, and we are not going to tolerate that. We are
09:52we are not going to allow them to occur in this country.
09:58So, I just said on Sunday at a press briefing alongside the public powers, the
10:14controller's office, among other entities, that literally there weren't any incidents in
10:20Venezuela despite the vast turnout that were at the polling stations, and we weren't in many
10:35press briefings from the time we dismantled the Bracelete Blanco
10:47plan, and we, the Jesus Maria Casal, and the members of the fraudulent primaries,
10:56they told us that they have committed, that we have committed,
11:07well, they have committed just fraud, and they just disclosed fake news about the primaries.
11:16Some people were at the, there were 3,000, and they said three million people
11:26were participating in that event, and so they are,
11:33they are,
11:40well, they brought down those, those evidence, those acts when they did this
11:49mockery theater, but this time it's not like that. This time it is, there is an electoral power,
11:57there is an automated electoral system which has several, three components in which
12:07the voter can verify, can first cast his vote or her vote on the computer, and then to verify it
12:20on the print paper, and that's the reality today, and I intend to do, to do again that
12:30mockery theater, and each member of the, members of the electoral primaries, they confessed
12:40those actions, and it, it is the same methodology they want to use, they wanted to use,
12:49as they confessed that how, how he has set up all that mockery, electoral mockery.
13:00This was condemned by the National Electoral Council, and over 1,000 international observers
13:12have been present among them, several former presidents, and now it is my turn to give you
13:21the account, the balance account of the prosecutor's office attached to constitution and law abided,
13:30and against these armed criminals. That's why I, I want to give you more details,
13:43to give, to make a clear difference. In 2014, 2017, they have part of missionaries
13:55that they pay off, because we, we already checked by interviews, and these detainees
14:06revealed that in some cases for ten dollars, or for 20k, for 20 dollars, and they even said that
14:16for just candies, they were sent to the streets, to take to the streets, to burn down
14:23highways, and to, to cause bloodshed across the country, and besides that, they, they told that
14:36they summoned a sector of the middle class, a faction of, we could say, people who live in
14:46urban areas at the east of Caracas, or in some municipalities of some states of Carabobo,
14:57Managua, and so on, and then we are going to refer to similar places in the country. They placed,
15:08they used people of this social sector to be accompanied with armed criminals,
15:16and this time it has not been like that, because the people of Venezuela has raised awareness of
15:24this, and we haven't seen any of these, this middle class to accompany these armed criminals.
15:37We have seen, and I want to conclude with this, we have seen criminals,
15:50criminals, and these are just,
15:57we have seen them using hate speech, and we have seen them very high under defense of drugs,
16:08and you will see how they were crying,
16:14crying, they all were crying after being arrested, apologizing,
16:21don't send me, don't send me to prison, they ordered me to do so, they ordered me, they ordered
16:29us to kill and burn down people alive, burn down public centers, and you will go to burn down the
16:41health center, you will kill workers and military, on behalf of who? Of freedom of thought, that was
16:53when, when it was the corrupted prosecutor that favored with impunity all that happened,
17:06but we are here, the prosecutor's officers here is dignified, is with dignity and defend,
17:15defending democracy, defending the popular ballots, the popular vote, that's, hence I want
17:23to highlight that we are already, we are already investigating these detainees,
17:34and we are just charging them with instigation to hate,
17:39with resistance to authority, and in the most serious cases, terrorism,
17:48and of course, they are being sentenced, they are being bailed,
17:54and so far, there have been 749 people arrested, criminals arrested, and
18:09allegedly, they, you remembered in 2017, they called themselves as liberators,
18:19and 749 of these criminal detainees, and anyone who dared to suggest that yesterday,
18:32there were happening peaceful rallies, I want to inform you that there have been
18:40some injured, so 48 officials and police officers, so tell me people of Venezuela,
18:52can we accept this? Can the United States accept this, if it would happen there?
18:58And the international outlets have been just spreading and giving them propaganda,
19:17and so they are just broadcasting live these terrorist acts that have been produced in the
19:26country, and unfortunately, within this framework of almost 50 officials injured,
19:34there have been a dignified military official in Maracay, state of Aragua, by product of the
19:47gunshots of these criminals. I would like to mention some, case one,
20:00fire to the electoral council in FalcĂłn, who dared to say to me that this was a family meeting,
20:10for allegedly to deliver a document and rally peacefully. A group of people here
20:18carried out a criminal act, in which they launched a lot of bombs, stones, and entering
20:28into the electoral council, which was attacked by these criminals, who after destroying the assets
20:35of that place, they proceeded to burn the facility down. Let's see the video.
20:51That's the people grabbing what belongs to us, because everything that is here, it belongs to us.
21:02We are going to burn everything down, and we are going to make those authorities leave.
21:19You are hearing the voice of a criminal. They looked up a lot to
21:28Silvio Guerrero, the Patacabra, the alias monkey, and that was, and outlets,
21:44they said that this is a democratic leader, and the leader of the far right, and that's this.
21:53Well, now let's see another, a second case, an attempt on the life of an official in Caracas.
22:02They persecuted a military official, and they attacked him physically, and they
22:15burned him alive. Let's see these images.
22:23Go, go.
22:36Beat him, beat him.
22:44Surely, the international outlets and NGOs that are paid off by NATO,
22:55and are saying that these are peaceful, peaceful protesters, and they are killers,
23:07they are hitmen. The people arrested are going to be prosecuted by the crime of terrorism,
23:15because trying to kill and burn down a military is not an act of a peaceful demonstration.
23:26I want to show the burning down of the house of the government party. It happened in Tigre.
23:40There have been eight people arrested, Mario Maita,
23:45Laide Rondon, Jesus Rafael Salazar, Simon Otunez,
23:54Simons Santa Rosa, Luis Miguel Ramos, Ricardo Medina, and a 15-year-old teenager,
24:03all were arrested while they were committing acts of vandalism located in the
24:12Tigre municipality in front of Bolivar Square. Let's see this video.
24:43Here, you see, I want to see the photo on the screen. These are these criminals with their
24:56faces crying. What you have been seeing here, all of them were crying, were apologizing,
25:06because they were paid off. You cannot ask for mercy. You will be prosecuted,
25:17even if the FACED organization came here to claim for them.
25:26The outlets are just mentioning that they are
25:36inheritors of Martin Luther King and prophets of Buddha and Jesus.
25:44Don't be surprised that this will be the speech that you find in the media outlets. We are showing
25:52this in real time, and I want to underscore that these vandalic acts occurred against the
26:02Monument of Saints loved by Venezuela, Dr. Menanzuete, and criminals were arrested,
26:14and they were committing acts of vandalism, the profanation and destruction of the monument
26:30located in the Tigre municipality, and they tried to tear it down without success,
26:40as the security forces interfered in on time.
26:52So, this was one of the worst we did in 2010, the monument I referred, and I want to
27:04to see you these two subjects, let's see their faces.
27:12The faces of hatred, not only of hatred, but they have been,
27:20they are drug addicts,
27:23they have to have an insane mind to try to tear down a monument paying homage to such a saint.
27:44A monument paying homage to such a saint,
27:49and then some, I want to refer to some other criminals who search
27:59for killing a citizen who could belong to Chavista sector. They imagine they,
28:07the citizen could belong to Chavism, and they attack him, and we initiated an identification,
28:20we initiated, we opened an investigation to identify these criminals that attacked a square
28:32which attacked this citizen who tried to to get away, but they grabbed him.
29:02So, you will see that the commission of human rights in Geneva,
29:13the NGO of human rights, will say that these killers who almost killed these men in
29:26square, they are persecuted by the Venezuelan government and they deserve to be
29:33awarded, and the award will be that they will have a sentence, because this what they have been
29:41doing there, what they did there, and if we, the bad thing about these actions,
29:56well, likewise, I want to highlight the profanation of another monument.
30:10You can see, they have clear targets. They went against Jose Gregorio monument, and against
30:22another monument of a hero against the Spanish colonialism, and the journey,
30:40well, these criminals committed crimes of vandalism, they hate the indigenous people,
30:48they hate everything that identified our origins, and don't be surprised, they began to
31:01burn down Bolivar's monuments and other libertators. They profaned a monument,
31:10and dragged the image of the monument under the area, and they burned down,
31:20and let's see this criminal act.
31:36I repeat, these are chunks of long videos, we will continue posting on our information
31:51networks, and there is a seven case, of those dozen cases we have, the destruction of an image
32:01of commander Chavez in Carabobos, the prosecutor's office officer initiated an investigation
32:10of ads against the Chavista sector, they destroyed an image of commander Chavez in Carabobos state.
32:22Let's see video nine.
33:00we will see it, we will see it one by one,
33:20after they being arrested, and we have another case, the prosecutor's office
33:30opened an investigation to identify the group of criminals who attacked
33:35the hospital of Coche, what has to do a health center with,
33:44they caused serious damages to the state of Venezuela, and compromising the
33:52services of that health facility.
34:15Likewise, we want to show you the destruction of a spot of the
34:25PMBV in Caracas, where there is a police point to protect the people in the area, and
34:37they attacked a point of control in the calvary, in which they used to try to
34:46hinder the highways, the routes for
35:06the people. One of the first incidents I want to show you, and we have already
35:12published it, was the attempt of burning down with personnel inside in the Veracruz.
35:31As we can see, they are using minors there. In most of the cases, we have been
35:44seeing that they are using morotov bombs, and arms, and minors, even children.
35:54What we are seeing there is an attempt of the burning down of the mayorship
36:02in the municipality, and there we have arrested 29 criminals,
36:15and let's see if they will be classified as political persecuted, and I want to refer
36:24that we have 749 arrested, and they will be trialed in the
36:38respective courts, and I want to ratify that the prosecutor's office,
36:45on 24 hours, at midnight, morning, evening, we are active for a real time to act against
36:58these criminals, because as I said initially, this prosecutor's office is different. It is
37:07is defending peace, dignity, and the Venezuelan people, which I want to congratulate, and I give
37:16my top support for keeping up our unity, and defending sovereignty, and not allow
37:26the interference of external powers that want to invade and glory to the brave Venezuelan people.
37:46Statements live from Caracas from the Attorney General of Venezuela, Tarek William Saab,
37:51where he referred and updated on how the investigations are going into the violent
37:55incidents incited by the far-right opposition against the electoral power, against the people
38:00of Venezuela, against the peace of Venezuela. He reported that there are over 700 people arrested
38:04that were responsible for criminal acts of violence carried out in the late Monday,
38:11of acts that were incited by the far-right, as he expressed, and people that have been
38:15described by the international media, which he condemned as peaceful protesters. He provided
38:21video evidence that showed that what these people were doing could not be, in any case,
38:27be described as peaceful protests. The Attorney General also congratulated the Venezuelan people
38:32for being steadfast in defense of democracy, and for the way that they behaved during the electoral
38:37system, and also made a promise that this Attorney General, this public ministry, would not be
38:43indifferent to the criminal acts that are being carried out in Venezuela, and they will continue
38:47with the investigations, and they will prosecute everyone that is involved in these criminal acts
38:52that are occurring in the country. Stay tuned with Treasurer English for more.
