La Historia de juana - Capitulo 41 Completo en Español

  • 2 months ago
La Historia de juana - Capitulo 41 Completo en Español
00:00If we get a divorce, I want my rights over our son to be discussed.
00:04What son are you talking about?
00:05I want Juana's child to be in her womb.
00:08Because it's our child.
00:10And I want my rights over that child
00:12to be included in the adoption process.
00:18You have no rights over Juana's child.
00:20Of course I do.
00:22Because if Juana is pregnant,
00:24it's because you and I are the ones who are responsible
00:28It's because you and I, as a couple,
00:30signed an agreement with the clinic
00:33and authorized it to get pregnant in a rental womb.
00:36So the mistake they made affects us both.
00:39I won't let you get close to Juana and our baby.
00:42What part of what I'm explaining don't you understand?
00:45If Juana is pregnant, it's because we signed an agreement,
00:49a marriage agreement,
00:51to inseminate someone else's womb
00:53so we can fulfill our dream of being parents.
00:55Our dream?
00:57You never wanted a child, Paula, for God's sake.
00:59Do you have proof of that?
01:01Because I do have proof
01:02that my client wanted to be pregnant with you.
01:05And I have the clinical studies that show
01:08that she had several inseminations in one year.
01:11And the contract they signed together with the clinic
01:14asking for a subrogate pregnancy.
01:16Yes, and also show her the proposal to adopt Nicolás
01:19when Rosa lost the baby.
01:22Here's a picture of you two with the baby on his birthday.
01:27And I also have the letter from the orphanage
01:29where Paula requests the adoption of the baby
01:31so that you can become a family together.
01:36I've always wanted to be a mother.
01:38That's enough!
01:39You're a damn pregnant woman!
01:41You're a liar!
01:42The war between the Rubiros and the Mayor has already broken out.
01:45All the time you were supposedly looking for a child with me,
01:48you took contraceptive pills so you wouldn't get pregnant.
01:52If you tell Gabriel that I was taking contraceptive pills
01:55so I wouldn't get pregnant, I'll kill you, Camila.
01:58Gabriel, please calm down and explain that calmly.
02:02What's going on?
02:04Show me the evidence.
02:06You know that everything I'm telling you is true.
02:08You were never interested in my dream.
02:10You knew how important that child was to me.
02:14You knew that the possibility of being a father
02:17was limited to the samples in the lab.
02:21And you didn't care!
02:22I came for my sister.
02:24No, wait.
02:25Gabriel and Paula are talking to their lawyers.
02:27You know what?
02:28I'm starting to think that you had something to do
02:30with the loss Rosa suffered.
02:33How dare you?
02:34You know that what I'm telling you is true!
02:39You pretended that you wanted to get pregnant
02:41after each insemination,
02:42and when you couldn't, you set up a play
02:45so that I would believe it!
02:47Well, you don't have proof of that.
02:51Let's go.
02:53Come on, let's go.
02:56You lied to me.
02:57Now you want to take away the two things I love most in life.
03:01You lied to my client to have a child with someone else.
03:04Now I'll make Juana abort that child.
03:07I'll make her give it to me.
03:08I never gave her the consent to inseminate her in the contract.
03:12I don't know what you're doing.
03:13Please, please.
03:14Paula, look at me.
03:15You don't know what I'm capable of.
03:19Do you want me to accuse your client of threats?
03:22Your claim will not proceed. Enough.
03:24We'll see.
03:25What my client asks for is not unreasonable.
03:28When you sign a contract of that nature, it's legal.
03:31Where future parents and the pregnant woman
03:33commit to specific conditions.
03:36In the case of Mr. Rubio and Mrs. Fuenmayor,
03:39the product of the subrogated gestation is both.
03:42And you know it, lawyer.
03:43Juana never signed any contract.
03:45Of course, because Juana took advantage
03:47and acted with premeditation and bad faith to trap you.
03:49Are you crazy?
03:52How can you be so convinced
03:54that it's not a fortune-teller?
03:57I won't let you talk to me like that about Juana.
03:59I swear I'm going to end this.
04:01Get out.
04:05Did you hear that?
04:06He wants to end me.
04:08He's threatening me. He wants to kill me.
04:11This meeting is over.
04:12Let's go, Paula.
04:15See you in court.
04:30Oh, Bebito, or Bebita.
04:33I'm very excited to meet you.
04:36And you must be happy
04:38because you managed to unite your mom
04:40with the love of her life, as you can see.
04:42The love of her life, and you too.
04:46You're amazing.
04:48You're flying high, aren't you?
04:52You better get down to earth,
04:54because I'll take care of the beating you'll get.
04:57You're amazing.
04:58How many times do I have to tell you
04:59that Gabriel asked his wife for a divorce?
05:01We're going to be together.
05:04And you think she'll let him go like nothing happened
05:07to her husband?
05:08That Paula, Paulina, Paula...
05:11Whatever her name is,
05:14she's going to leave her husband
05:16without even going to war with you.
05:18You're very wrong, honey.
05:20Who do you think sent her to buy you?
05:25Don't even think about it.
05:26You're not that young anymore.
05:42Why are you smiling like that?
05:45Don't tell me you're just like Juana
05:47because she's going to give me something.
05:52So you're just happy?
05:55That's great.
05:56I don't know what you guys did in this house.
05:59I think you put San Antonio in charge.
06:01I hope you're not smiling like that
06:05because of what I'm thinking, kid.
06:07Mrs. Josefina, don't worry.
06:10It's just that I'm happy.
06:15I don't know why.
06:16Because your father just doesn't show up.
06:19And besides, I don't know why you guys are so happy.
06:23In this house, problems pop up like crickets.
06:29So you better not be so happy.
06:31Well, yes, but...
06:34My dad told me that no matter what happens,
06:38life is beautiful.
06:40Life is beautiful.
06:42You're so irresponsible, kid.
06:44I wish I had such a beautiful life.
06:53I don't know if Gabriel only loves the bastard
06:56or Juana.
06:57Do you know how angry he got
06:58when I accused him of being a fortune teller?
07:01What I do know is that I hit you
07:04because I managed to destabilize him.
07:06And I'm going to take advantage of that.
07:09Paula, you have to calm down.
07:12This could end badly.
07:14Gabriel declared war on me.
07:16So let him put up with it.
07:18He doesn't know me either.
07:20He thought I was going to accept everything
07:22just like that, without saying anything.
07:25My dad is here.
07:26He doesn't understand that the brewery isn't my priority.
07:30You shouldn't involve Dad in this, Paula.
07:33It's very dangerous.
07:35I can be just as dangerous as he is.
07:38He got involved on his own.
07:39I told him to stay out of this
07:41because I'm going to solve this on my own.
07:43Without anyone's help or advice,
07:45including you, little brother.
07:51Hi, Manuel. Paula, can we go?
07:56Please tell me everything Paula said is nonsense.
07:59That there's no legal basis.
08:01The rent is a new law, Gabriel.
08:04It's something that doesn't have a solid legal structure yet.
08:07What I need to know is if she has any possibility
08:11of having any rights over my son.
08:13I'm sorry to tell you,
08:15but what she says has a certain foundation.
08:17Mine can't be.
08:19I'm not going to let her do whatever she wants.
08:22What she says has a certain foundation.
08:24Mine can't be.
08:25Listen, when Paula says that you and her
08:28signed an agreement to be parents,
08:31that's true.
08:33And that can be disputed in court.
08:35Especially if she wants to prove
08:37that it was a malicious plan by Juana.
08:39She said it because she hates her.
08:41I know.
08:42And that lawsuit probably won't get anywhere.
08:45But under the law,
08:47in what she presents as arguments and evidence,
08:49there is a case.
08:51That contract was with Rosa, not Juana.
08:54Yes, you're right.
08:55And in that contract, there is an implicit agreement.
08:59An agreement that makes it very clear,
09:01and specifically that Paula would be the mother,
09:04and you, the father,
09:05of the product of the insemination with your sample.
09:07My son is not the product of an agreement.
09:10I know.
09:11But the fact is that Juana stayed in the state
09:14because you and Paula decided to embrace someone
09:16with your sample.
09:18And that's the argument that the lawyer Gil presents.
09:20I swear I'll die
09:22if Paula has any right over the child
09:24that Juana and I are going to have.
09:26I'll die.
09:39Oh, Dani.
09:41No, nothing, sorry.
09:42I'm calling you and you're not answering.
09:46Yes, I'm very busy.
09:48What do you want?
09:50Oh, okay, no, of course.
09:52Sorry, no, no, I don't want to bother you.
09:54I just...
09:56Well, I miss you.
09:58And the last time we talked, it didn't end very well.
10:02So, well, I don't know.
10:04I just wanted to talk to you.
10:09I know you're used to us all being there
10:13when you need us.
10:15But I can't take care of you right now, okay?
10:19I'm going to hang up.
10:20And I hope you really understand.
10:21I don't have time for anyone, not at all.
10:30Gabriel, I know you're nervous,
10:31but we've been through the whole brewery.
10:33Let's go back to the office, okay?
10:34What if he doesn't find anything legal against Paula?
10:37It's incredible, she's crazy.
10:40That's why I have to do something.
10:41Unfortunately, for now, you can't do anything.
10:44So take the job as an escape
10:46and let Claudio find something.
10:48I'm sorry, but first things first.
10:58How was the massage?
11:00Don't you get bored of always being on my watch?
11:03You know everything.
11:04And that's scary, Rogelio.
11:07I like it when you're scared of me.
11:09Because when you think I'm not around,
11:11you'll think much better of what you're doing.
11:13When will you realize that love is different?
11:17I'm not interested in love.
11:20Oh, no?
11:21Look, I thought you were interested
11:23in having me in love.
11:25You're hurting me.
11:27I'm hurting you because you're misbehaving.
11:30And all I care about is your body
11:32while I'm still growing.
11:35You're the worst person I know.
11:37All I care about is being your only owner.
11:40If it was just sex, you'd have sent me a lot of messages
11:45You don't care about me.
11:48Why did you go see Juana?
11:49Did you want to talk to her?
11:52You don't care.
11:55Don't play hard to get with me.
11:58And if you do...
12:03it's hard for me to get you out of my life.
12:06But what if we both leave with your souls out there?
12:11Then you're nobody to me.
12:14And I'll stop suffering for you.
12:16What do you say, baby?
12:20Do you want to die with me?
12:31Hello, beautiful.
12:38Is everything ready?
12:39How do you think my ex knew I was cheating on her?
12:44Two margaritas, please.
12:50So, my queen,
12:52how long are we going to play this game?
12:55You know I like you a lot, don't you?
13:01All I know is that I don't like this kind of treatment.
13:07I'm only here to work.
13:10Jenny, all you need is a man.
13:17A man who'll give you a good beating.
13:19All I need is these drinks
13:21that I have to deliver right now.
13:24Thank you.
13:28I went to see Juana because I can't believe
13:30Gabriel left Paola for a woman like her.
13:34Well, he already did.
13:35The divorce is under way.
13:38But Gabriel didn't leave Paola for Juana.
13:40Gabriel left Paola for the son who's waiting for Juana.
13:44What did he say? That he's going to lose her?
13:46Please, don't be stupid.
13:47I asked him what his price was to leave Gabriel alone.
13:50Did he give you a figure? No.
13:52I can't believe you'd pay to have Gabriel.
13:57I did it not for me.
14:00I did it for your daughter.
14:02Because I love her.
14:04Even though she hates me because she knows
14:06you and I have something going on.
14:07Don't make me look like an idiot.
14:10You didn't do it for Paola. You did it for yourself.
14:13All you want is to go back to Gabriel's bed.
14:17Gabriel and Paola are my friends.
14:20And yes, maybe I was weak because of Gabriel
14:22when Francisco disappeared.
14:24But that weakness was for protection.
14:27I wanted a man to watch over me,
14:28not just someone who wanted to sleep with me like you.
14:35Follow her.
14:42Julian, you don't have to be so strict with me.
14:45Thank you.
14:46Mr. Gabriel, after the attack,
14:48we can't expose ourselves like this.
14:50Please cooperate.
14:51I'm cooperating.
14:52I was going to come alone and let you know.
14:54I'm going to be with Juana.
14:55Everything will be fine. Nothing will happen to her.
14:57Thank you, thank you.
14:58We're ready.
14:59We're ready.
15:00Let's go.
15:01Let's go.
15:02Thank you, thank you.
15:03We're here.
15:04Thank you.
15:15I thought you weren't going to call me
15:16after seeing the picture of the baby's echo.
15:18No, that's impossible.
15:21But you had my heart in your mouth.
15:23That's mean.
15:24And I didn't want to call you to bother you.
15:26Hey, I'm very close to your house.
15:29In fact, I'm exactly 53 steps away.
15:33I didn't want to go to your house
15:34because I didn't want to scare your grandmother,
15:36but here I am.
15:37Come here.
15:38Are you serious?
15:40Well, I'm on my way.
15:41Hey, but wait.
15:42What do you mean 53 steps?
15:44Well, I don't know.
15:45I'm making it up.
15:46And even if it were a million steps,
15:48I'd be close to you.
15:49But come on, I'm waiting for you.
15:51I want to see you.
15:52Well, I'm in a hurry.
15:53Count 53 steps, okay?
15:56Well, I'll see you here.
15:59One, two, three, four, five...
16:02And now where are you going counting the steps?
16:05I'm going to walk.
16:07The doctor recommended that I walk 53 steps a day.
16:10Why 53?
16:12I don't know.
16:13That's what she said.
16:16One, two, three, four, five, six...
16:21That's amazing, Fabio.
16:23You're such a professional.
16:26Oh, but don't kiss me.
16:28Well, yes.
16:29Women are just friends.
16:31But what are you going to do with this video?
16:33I'm going to make sure that bastard respects us, okay?
16:39Let's go.
16:44Are you alone?
16:46No, Juana should be here with you.
16:48Look, I'm not a kid.
16:50I can do things on my own too.
16:51Don't worry.
16:55They almost killed you.
16:57It's all to save Gabriel's life.
16:59He's done a lot for Juana.
17:01The least she should do is be here with you.
17:04She was here, she helped me, she cooked for me, everything.
17:07And she had to leave.
17:08Besides, she left because I told her
17:09that a lady was coming to help me twice a week.
17:11Calm down.
17:12No, it's just that it bothers me that we really spend all the time
17:15doing things to her convenience.
17:17You deserve her to be here helping you
17:19for everything you do for her.
17:21What do you have with her?
17:24You know what?
17:25I'll bring you some empanadas.
17:27But I already saw that they're useless
17:29because you love being kicked.
17:31I'm leaving.
17:34Dani, calm down.
17:35Why are you like this?
17:37Please don't leave like this.
17:44What's up, Mom?
17:46What's up, Vales?
17:50It's delicious.
17:51Thank you.
17:52Hey, do you think I can go to my room
17:54or is that lady's daughter there?
17:56I'm really worried about Juana.
17:58She just left,
18:00but I'm sure she went to see Gabriel.
18:02Mom, calm down.
18:03Just trust what she said.
18:05No, I do trust her.
18:08The one I don't trust is that armadillo she has
18:12and the snakes she has around Gabriel.
18:15I can't do that.
18:21I needed a glass of hibiscus water, Mom.
18:25You're running out of honey soon.
18:28Don't start. Sit down.
18:31I want to see if that skinny, malnourished girl
18:35is going to make you the enchiladas I make you.
18:39I'm not going to dance to Chalma or that.
18:43San Señor Chalmita, I come to see you.
18:47I don't think they expected that.
18:49I don't think so.
18:51And I did it very well, don't you think?
18:54Yes, but as your lawyer,
18:57I'm obliged to tell you what we're doing.
19:00Sit down, please.
19:04With this, you can pressure Gabriel
19:07and I can get you a great divorce agreement.
19:10But it's certainly not easy
19:12for you to get rights over Gabriel and Juana Bravo's son.
19:15I understand it won't be easy,
19:17but I also know you're a great lawyer
19:19and you're going to make the judge understand
19:23that what I'm asking for is crazy
19:25and I have rights over that child.
19:27Look, Severiana, they lied to me.
19:29They told me to give my permission
19:31to have a child with my husband,
19:33but out of marriage, and I did it.
19:36In fact, a deal was made.
19:38So you have to take this to court.
19:40Okay, I'll try, but...
19:42No, no, no, no buts. No buts, Severiana.
19:45I'm going to have Juana Bravo's son with me
19:48so Gabriel won't leave me.
19:51And if I don't have him, no one will.
20:03Hi, Julian.
20:04How are you, Miss Juana?
20:06Mr. Gabriel is waiting for you.
20:08You know how careless he is, but...
20:10It's my fault. Sorry, Julian.
20:25¿Me quieres matar haciéndome esperar?
20:27Oye, no digas eso, aunque sea de broma,
20:29porque hay alguien que sí te quiere matar y no soy yo.
20:32Oye, hace un día no te veía y parece
20:34que fue una semana que no te quería ver.
20:36Y yo a ti.
20:37Quiero estar cerca de ti, besarte.
20:42¿Cómo estás?
20:44¿Yo bien? ¿Y tú? ¿Estás bien?
20:51Lo que pasa es que Paula enloqueció.
20:56¿No se quiere divorciar?
20:57Hacerlo de menos.
20:58Aunque no lo quiera hacer, yo me voy a divorciar.
21:01Fue con su abogada a la cervecería a amenazarnos.
21:03Te llamé.
21:04¿Qué? ¿Cómo?
21:06Me comentaron que como tú quedaste embarazada
21:09por inseminación artificial y fue un proceso que hicimos
21:12mientras estábamos casados,
21:14quería tener derechos sobre nuestro hijo.
21:51¡Familia, no se pierdan!
21:52¡Contacto Deportivo!
21:53Estaremos hablando del efecto Anselmi.
21:55La máquina vuela y pinta para pelear por el campeonato.
21:58¡Contacto Deportivo del Verano!
22:00Martes, jueves y viernes a las 11.30 de la noche
22:04con las estrellas.
22:06Estas son las noticias en punto.
22:08Estados Unidos negará el ingreso a solicitantes de asilo
22:11que lleguen de forma irregular.
22:13A lo largo del año, la situación de sequía
22:15se ha ido agravando en nuestro país.
22:17Es el primer caso en todo el mundo.
22:19Todas las noches, los puntos clave de cada historia.
22:21En punto.
22:2210.30 de la noche por las estrellas.
22:27¡Que me volaron el canario!
22:29¡Otra vez te dieron baje con el carro!
22:31¡Ay, no me acuerden que ahora sí me va a matar!
22:33¡Te la vas a acabar!
22:34¿Estás segura que este es tu taxi?
22:3710.24, aquí reportándose...
22:39¡Agárrenlo, que es ladrón!
22:42Está libre este jueves al terminar el notic.
22:45Lorena Martínez está en México. Ella misma me lo dijo.
22:48Hay algo que Lorena descubrió y me pidió que te lo dijera.
22:50De ella no quiero saber nada.
22:52¿Tuviste algo que ver con Juan Pablo?
22:54A las que se entreguen voluntariamente,
22:56no recibirán ningún castigo por haberse fugado del penal.
22:58No tengo para qué pensarlo más. Me voy a entregar.
23:00Pase lo que pase, me voy con ustedes.
23:02¿Cómo que se van a ir?
23:03Lunes a viernes, 8.30 de la noche.
23:17Pero en la noticia, su noticia ordene más.
23:19Lunes a viernes, 5.50 de la mañana, con las estrellas.
23:47¡Oh, oh, oh, oh!
23:50¡Oh, oh, oh, oh!
24:18Pero primero un café en el bicho y un consejo debes escuchar.
24:22Piensa en las cosas antes de hacerlas.
24:24A la que encuentres alguien en tu vida que te haga entender eso.
24:26A quien te quiere bien, en la cara se le ve.
24:29Y de seguro con eso avanzamos.
24:31Como dice el dicho, historias que conectan contigo.
24:35Menos de nada, yo ya voy a estar embarazada
24:38y le voy a poder contar a todo el mundo.
24:40La más sentí con Adrián lo que sentí con ese beso que me dio Sebastián.
24:44Eres un miserable.
24:47¿Cómo te atreves a chantajear a mi hija de esa forma?
24:49¡Lárgate de mi casa!
24:53Lunes a viernes, 6.30 de la tarde.
24:56N+. La información que te importa desde cualquier lugar.
24:58Accede al instante a lo que sucede en México y el mundo
25:01de manera rápida y fácil, con el seguimiento puntual
25:04a los acontecimientos de última hora.
25:06Siempre disponibles en la plataforma más cerca de ti.
25:09Síguenos para tener la información que te importa.
25:12N+. Donde estés, estamos.
25:16Lorena Martínez está en México. Ella misma me lo dijo.
25:18Hay algo que Lorena descubrió y me pidió que te lo dijera.
25:21De ella no quiero saber nada.
25:22¿Tuviste algo que ver con Juan Pablo?
25:24A las que se entreguen voluntariamente,
25:26no recibirán ningún castigo por haberse fugado del penal.
25:28No tengo para qué pensarlo más. Me voy a entregar.
25:30Pase lo que pase, me voy con ustedes.
25:32¿Cómo que se van a ir?
25:33Lunes a viernes, 8.30 de la noche.
25:46¿Podemos hablar?
25:47Pero no todos lo están disfrutando.
25:49¿Hay otra mujer en tu vida?
25:51Por ellas, oyeba.
25:52Lunes a viernes, 1.30 de la tarde.
25:54Con las estrellas.
25:56A Chuy le aplicarán la voladora.
25:58¡Que me volaron el canario!
26:00Otra vez te dieron baje con el carro.
26:02¡No me acuerdes que ahora sí me va a matar!
26:04Te la vas a acabar.
26:05¿Estás segura que este es tu taxi?
26:09Aquí reportándose.
26:10¡Agárrenlo, que es ladrón!
26:14Este jueves al terminar el Nauti.
26:16¿Por qué México aún no es una potencia solar a nivel mundial?
26:20Los glaciares son un termómetro.
26:22La fragilidad del hielo nos habla de la fragilidad de nuestro planeta.
26:26Entre más caliente es el agua, menos nutrientes contiene.
26:30Comprometen la supervivencia de los bosques de Kelps.
26:32¿Podemos comerciar con la biodiversidad sin acabar con ella?
26:36En la vida muchas decisiones deberás tomar.
26:39Pero primero un café en el bicho y un consejo debes escuchar.
26:43Piensa en las cosas antes de hacerlas.
26:44Alá, te encuentras alguien en tu vida que te haga entender eso.
26:46A quien te quiere bien, en la cara se le ve.
26:49Y de seguro con eso avanzamos.
26:51Como dice el dicho, historias que conectan contigo.
27:13Las 10.30 de la tarde por las estrellas.
27:43Con el análisis de la información y las historias que te importan.
27:49Además, todo sobre el deporte, el entretenimiento y el crimen.
27:53Despierta, un noticiero de N+.
27:55Lunes a viernes, 7 a 9 de la mañana, con las estrellas.
27:59Aquí encontrarás todo lo relacionado a los torneos más importantes del verano.
28:04Familia, no se pierdan contacto deportivo.
28:06Estaremos hablando del efecto Anselmi.
28:08La máquina vuela y pinta para pelear por el campeonato.
28:12Contacto deportivo del verano.
28:14Martes, jueves y viernes, a las 11.30 de la noche, con las estrellas.
28:41Tercer grado deportivo.
28:43Estados Unidos peluceó la Copa América.
28:46Hoy México es un equipo chico.
28:47Hoy México tiene que jugar a cerrar al rival.
28:50Busquemos colocar la guerra a un chico joven mexicano.
28:53Nunca fue el plan A, Jaime Lozano Francisco.
28:55Nunca fue el plan A.
28:56Tercer grado deportivo.
28:57Todos los lunes, al terminar en punto, por las estrellas.
29:01Ella es mi favorita, Daniela Sousa.
29:03Nunca le falló a una piñata.
29:07Nada mal, pero mi favorita es Randa Lula.
29:11¡Empieza Kevin Berlín!
29:17Juegos Olímpicos París 2024, por Televisa, para todo México.
29:40Juegos Olímpicos París 2024, por Televisa, para todo México.
30:10Juegos Olímpicos París 2024, por Televisa, para todo México.
30:41Juegos Olímpicos París 2024, por Televisa, para todo México.
30:45Juegos Olímpicos París 2024, por Televisa, para todo México.
30:48Juegos Olímpicos París 2024, por Televisa, para todo México.
30:51Juegos Olímpicos París 2024, por Televisa, para todo México.
30:54Juegos Olímpicos París 2024, por Televisa, para todo México.
30:57Juegos Olímpicos París 2024, por Televisa, para todo México.
31:00Juegos Olímpicos París 2024, por Televisa, para todo México.
31:03Juegos Olímpicos París 2024, por Televisa, para todo México.
31:06Juegos Olímpicos París 2024, por Televisa, para todo México.
31:09Juegos Olímpicos París 2024, por Televisa, para todo México.
31:12Pablo can't have rights over our son, Gabriel.
31:14Of course not.
31:16It's a war she and her lawyer are setting up to keep our son.
31:19Listen to me.
31:21I wanted to tell you so you know what's going on.
31:24But I also want you to know that I'm not going to allow it.
31:27You and I can want one thing, but she has a father with a lot of power
31:30who probably has contacts with lawyers, with the prosecutor.
31:33He has no legal basis.
31:35She signed something legal with you
31:37saying that you were going to have a child together
31:39in a rental apartment.
31:41Now I'm that rental apartment, do you understand?
31:44Everything that scares me the most is happening.
31:46They're going to force me to give birth to my baby.
31:48That's not going to happen.
31:50It's going to happen.
31:52Tell me the truth.
31:54Are you completely sure
31:56that Paula can't take our child away from us?
31:57So, beautiful,
31:59are you going to give her three lines?
32:02No, the one who has to give her not three lines,
32:05but ten lines, is you to your relax.
32:08And you're not going to keep that attitude
32:10because look, the last waitress I ran this place...
32:13Yes, yes, I know which is the last one you ran.
32:16Well, do you think that because you're the owner
32:18you can walk around and be a waitress?
32:20No, no, no.
32:22I'm not going to be a waitress.
32:24I'm going to be a lawyer.
32:26And because you're the owner,
32:28can you be manipulating and harassing your employees?
32:30Well, no.
32:32That's over.
32:35And this?
32:37It's a video so you can learn to respect your employees
32:40because if not,
32:42look, the police took this video.
32:44Or rather, I can also upload it to social media, right?
32:46The little sisters.
32:48It sounds good, right?
32:50Because I'm sure I'm not the only employee
32:52you've harassed.
32:54Jenny, I think it's not necessary.
32:58Let's leave it at that.
33:00What do you think?
33:02If you dare to fire me,
33:04I'll report you
33:06for harassing
33:08and manipulating.
33:11Is that clear, boss?
33:21I don't know what to do.
33:23I checked all the videos
33:25of the building where the lawyer
33:27of Engineer Rubio works.
33:29All the cameras,
33:31but he doesn't show his face anywhere.
33:33Either he has the glasses,
33:35or he has the sweatshirt, or he has...
33:37The guy is this guy, Pacheco,
33:39the guy is this guy.
33:43And how did you get him?
33:45Well, he left the sweatshirt lying around
33:47and there was a box of cigarettes inside.
33:49I went to make dactylars in the lab
33:51and it turns out
33:53that this guy was sued
33:55for attempted murder,
33:57but nothing could be proven.
33:59That's why he was released.
34:01Have you seen my teddy bear?
34:03I'll take it to Jenny.
34:05The teddy bear?
34:07She said it was hers, I couldn't do anything.
34:10Oh, sister, you're my idol,
34:12my goddess, my boss.
34:14I'm a bitch, but you tell me to get out of here
34:16and I'll leave.
34:18The bastard was dumbfounded, did you see?
34:26Let's double the world,
34:29but well loaded, well loaded.
34:33You know what?
34:35That woman thinks she can do more than me,
34:39but she doesn't know who she's messing with.
34:48Paula thinks she has a right over our son,
34:50but we're not going to allow it.
34:56I'm going to tell you something.
35:00If this goes to trial,
35:02I'm going to disappear
35:04with our son.
35:06Don't say it.
35:08We're not going to allow it, please.
35:13It seems that everyone thinks
35:15that I plan to get pregnant with you.
35:16Even Camila came to tell me.
35:19Did you talk to her?
35:21She came to my house
35:23to tell me that
35:25I was with you for money
35:27and even asked me for a price
35:29to get away from you.
35:31Are you all going crazy or what?
35:33I need to think.
35:35I'm going to my house.
35:37I'll go with you.
35:39I want you to know that I'm not going to allow
35:41Paula or Camila to get into our lives anymore.
35:44I promise you.
35:46It seems that there are too many people around us
35:49who don't want to see us together.
35:51But I can't allow
35:53our son to be part of that.
35:55You won't be.
35:57I swear.
36:03I need to be alone.
36:05Don't follow me.
36:13I love you.
36:14I love you too.
36:36My love!
37:00Oh, Enriquita.
37:03Right now we would be sleeping together.
37:06Hugging each other.
37:12I'm not going to pay you.
37:14My evil genius and my mom are right.
37:19You fly too high
37:21and this rooster doesn't know how to fly.
37:23What's that?
37:25I was going to make dinner.
37:27No, don't worry.
37:29Come in.
37:31I made you this shrimp broth
37:33because I don't think you realize
37:35that if you keep an eye on everyone else
37:37you end up eating poorly.
37:39I'm not going to eat you.
37:41I'm going to eat you.
37:43You're going to eat me?
37:45You're going to eat me?
37:47I'm going to eat you.
37:49You're going to eat me?
37:51You should eat all the others
37:53because you end up eating poorly.
37:55Who told you that I like shrimp broth so much?
38:00No, my dad.
38:03I think that for people who don't know you
38:06you might be afraid
38:08for those who don't know you
38:10but I know that's your way
38:12of showing your love.
38:14Did Ramón also tell you that?
38:18Even if it sounds weird
38:19I grew up with my dad talking to me about you all day.
38:23And he also told me that you were like the roses of the tepeyaco.
38:29Beautiful, very pretty, but with thorns to be respected.
38:33But very pretty and unique, I don't know.
38:39It looks like it's very beautiful.
38:41Antonio, Antonio, Antonio.
38:43Take it, take it, take it.
38:45It's the fever, it's going down.
38:47It's going down, it's going down.
38:49Take it.
38:50That's it.
38:51That's it.
38:52A little more.
38:53A little more.
38:54It's going to pass.
38:55It's going to pass.
38:59Let's go get the doctor.
39:00Yes, Antonio.
39:11Supposedly the compresses of cold water.
39:26Tania, who was ringing the bell so early?
39:30It's me.
39:32And I come to tell me what you intend to do with my son.
39:40Can you leave us alone, please?
39:41Yes, of course, ma'am.
39:43Excuse me.
39:50So Gabriel was already gossipy to tell you that I'm going to stay with your son.
39:53You're not going to stay with my son because I'm going to protect him with everything I have.
39:57So you better forget about that idea.
39:59Yes, I'm not going to take it away from you.
40:01Well, the law is going to give it to me when my lawyer proves that you planned everything to get a millionaire.
40:07Are you crazy?
40:08You know that's a lie.
40:11You were marrying a millionaire.
40:13You're probably even a friend of one of those nurses at the health center.
40:17The one who ran away when she made the mistake.
40:20And you believe that story.
40:21But the judge is going to believe it.
40:23And he's going to give your son to me.
40:26And how do you think I'm going to treat him after knowing that he gave birth to a whore who tried to destroy my marriage?
40:33You put a finger on my son and I don't answer.
40:38Look, he already got his last name from the fortune teller.
40:44Stop making dramas, Juana, we're alone.
40:47I'd better give you some advice.
40:48End your pregnancy once and for all.
40:51Before I stay with your son.
40:53Why? What do you think?
40:54I also have rights over him.
40:55That's what you would like, right?
40:58And you who talk about all this.
40:59You don't even want to be a mother.
41:02Yes, Gabriel told me.
41:04That you took anticonceptives while you were being inseminated.
41:07What kind of person does that?
41:09Gabriel has no proof of what he says.
41:11And if you want to know what kind of person I am, you're about to find out and you won't like it.
41:53Every week on Contacto Deportivo we'll be talking about the Anselmi effect.
41:56The machine flies and paints to fight for the championship.
41:59Contacto Deportivo of the summer.
42:02Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays at 11.30 at night with the stars.
42:07Your day begins in Despierta.
42:11With the analysis of the information and the stories that matter to you.
42:17In addition, everything about sport, entertainment and clipping.
42:21Despierta, a newscast from N+.
42:23Mondays to Fridays, 7 to 9 in the morning with the stars.
42:28She's my favorite.
42:29Daniela Sousa.
42:30I've never given her a piñata.
42:34Not bad, but my favorite is Randall Mulas.
42:37Kevin Berlin begins!
42:39Kevin Berlin.
42:43Olympic Games Paris 2024.
42:45On Televisa for all of Mexico.
42:47Achoo and they'll apply the flyer.
42:49They blew my canary.
42:51They hit you again, get out of the car.
42:53Don't touch me, she's going to kill me.
42:55You're going to kill her.
42:56Are you sure this is your taxi?
43:00Here reporting...
43:01Catch him, he's a thief.
43:03Catch him.
43:04It's free.
43:05This Thursday at the end of the noti.
43:07Start your day with us.
43:08At 9, games, tips, music and a lot of fun, only on OY.
43:13The golden girl, Paulina Rubio, is in Paris.
43:16And at the end, reports, cooking, everything about the famous and more on Cuéntamelo Ya.
43:22That goddess Pepe Madero.
43:23She broke the sole of her boots.
43:25From Monday to Friday with the stars.
43:27Lorena Martinez is in Mexico.
43:29She told me herself.
43:30There's something Lorena found out and asked me to tell you.
43:32I don't want to know anything about her.
43:34Did you have anything to do with Juan Pablo?
43:36Those who surrender voluntarily will not receive any punishment for escaping from prison.
43:40I don't have to think about it anymore, I'm going to surrender.
43:42No matter what happens, I'm going with you.
43:44How are you going to leave?
43:45Monday to Friday, 8.30 at night.
43:47The first hours of the day also bring the first stories that must be known.
43:51Agile, precise and punctual.
43:53So you will know all the information in the news.
43:56Because what happens in Mexico and the world is here.
43:58I am Carlos Hurtado and I wait for you in the news, a newscast from NEMAS.
44:02Monday to Friday, 5.50 in the morning with the stars.
44:08Love is in the air.
44:09Did you forget who you are here?
44:11It was where you and I made love.
44:14And each one claims his own.
44:16Honey, can we talk?
44:18But not everyone is enjoying it.
44:20Tell me, is there another woman in your life?
44:22For them, today is EVA.
44:23Monday to Friday, 1.30 in the afternoon with the stars.
44:27This is third grade sports.
44:29The United States played the Copa America.
44:32Today Mexico is a small team.
44:34Today Mexico has to play to close the rival.
44:37Let's look for a young Mexican boy.
44:43Third grade sports.
44:44Every Monday at the end in point for the stars.
44:47Ready, camera and action.
44:49This place is perfect for my next video.
44:52It is full of entertainment.
44:54And the best villains.
44:55What a Colosseum.
44:56Just as I imagined it.
44:58Here is the character I need.
45:00There are many strange characters, right?
45:02Cut, cut.
45:05This Friday at the end of the lottery.
45:07Less than anything.
45:08I'm going to be pregnant.
45:10And I'm going to be able to tell everyone.
45:12I never felt with Adrián what I felt with that kiss that Sebastian gave me.
45:16You are a miserable.
45:18How dare you blackmail my daughter that way?
45:20Get out of my house.
45:25Monday to Friday, 6.30 in the afternoon.
45:27Your day begins in wake up.
45:29Wake up.
45:32With the analysis of the information and the stories that matter to you.
45:37In addition, everything about sport, entertainment and crime.
45:41Wake up.
45:42A newscast from NMAS.
45:43Monday to Friday, 7.00 to 9.00 in the morning.
45:45With the stars.
45:47Here you will find everything related to the most important tournaments of the summer.
45:54We will be talking about the Anselmi effect.
45:56The machine flies and paints to fight for the championship.
45:59Sports contact of the summer.
46:01Tuesday, Thursday and Friday at 11.30 at night.
46:05With the stars.
46:07A complication in Amalia's pregnancy causes her babies to be born prematurely.
46:12Ignacio knows that working in the bathroom will not be able to pay for the hospital expenses.
46:17He will do everything possible to get his princesses to become the topo.
46:24The Russian of Guadalupe.
46:28She is my favorite.
46:29Daniela Sousa.
46:30She never gave me a piñata.
46:34Not bad.
46:35But my favorite is Randa Lulas.
46:37Kevin Berlin begins.
46:39Kevin Berlin.
46:41It looks like a pelvis.
46:42It's a dress.
46:43Olympic Games Paris 2024.
46:45On TV for all of Mexico.
46:47Why is Mexico still not a worldwide solar power?
46:51Glaciers are a thermometer.
46:53The fragility of ice tells us about the fragility of our planet.
46:57The hotter the water, the less nutrients it contains.
47:01They compromise the survival of the Kelp forests.
47:04Can we trade with biodiversity without ending it?
47:08The information that matters to you from anywhere.
47:10Access the moment to what happens in Mexico and the world in a quick and easy way.
47:14With the punctual follow-up to the latest events.
47:17Always available on the platform closest to you.
47:20Follow us to have the information that matters to you.
47:24Wherever you are, we are.
47:37It's time to know the truth.
47:39Do you know who I am?
47:40The real Paola Brach.
47:42La Usurpadora.
47:43Monday to Friday, 2.30 pm.
47:45For the stars.
47:47In life, you must make many decisions.
47:50But first, you must listen to a coffee in the saying and a piece of advice.
47:54Think about things before you do them.
47:56Maybe you'll find someone in your life who will make you understand that.
47:58Whoever loves you well, you can see it in their face.
48:01And I assure you, with that, you move forward.
48:03As the saying goes, stories that connect with you.
48:07Eva will get in trouble.
48:09But you can't find out that I lost the database.
48:11Adan, I have to confess to you.
48:13I don't pay anymore.
48:14And half of the other.
48:16But I'm going to go with my head held high.
48:18And in the meantime, Eva flees to another country.
48:20And you do it again, girl.
48:21Is it true, Eva?
48:22This Tuesday at the end of the notice.
48:24I can't lose that joke.
48:26So beautiful.
48:27This is third grade sports.
48:30The United States played the Copa America.
48:33Today Mexico is a small team.
48:34Today Mexico has to play to close the rival.
48:36Let's look for a young Mexican boy.
48:40It was never the plan.
48:43Third grade sports.
48:44Every Monday at the end in point for the stars.
48:47Here you will find everything related to the most important tournaments of the summer.
48:53Family, do not miss contact sports.
48:55We will be talking about the Anselmi effect.
48:57The machine flies and paints to fight for the championship.
49:00Summer sports contact.
49:03Tuesday, Thursday and Friday at 11.30 at night.
49:06With the stars.
49:08She is my favorite.
49:09Daniela Sousa.
49:10It was never me.
49:11Ana Piñata.
49:14Not bad.
49:15But my favorite is Randa Lulas.
49:17Kevin Berlin begins.
49:19Kevin Berlin.
49:23Olympic Games Paris 2024.
49:25By Televisa for all of Mexico.
49:34Do you already have the organigram for the Spaniards?
49:37They already sent it.
49:38I'll take it to your office right away.
49:40Thank you.
49:44Mr. Gabriel.
49:45Oh, sorry to bother you.
49:46I'm very scared.
49:48Hey, notice that Miss Juana is coming here in the house.
49:51And Mrs. Paula is eating her alive.
49:54I'm very afraid that I'm going to hurt her.
49:56I miss you.
49:59Better forget that my son and I exist.
50:01Because I don't want anything from you.
50:02But I do want your son.
50:05To make him suffer.
50:06For what his mother made me suffer.
50:08So better end your pregnancy if you don't want that child to suffer.
50:12My son is a blessing.
50:14It's a gift from heaven.
50:16And you're not going to take it from me.
50:17Well, that's to be seen.
50:19Ok, what are you going to tell the prosecutor when he asks you why you didn't deny that you were inseminated?
50:24What, are you going to tell him that you didn't even find out?
50:26And you really think that someone is going to believe you?
50:30Everyone is going to think that you did it on purpose to destroy my marriage.
50:35And they're going to give me your son.
50:36And I'm going to make his life miserable.
50:38Shut up!
50:39Shut up!
50:40This child is mine.
50:41It's mine.
50:42And you're not going to take it from me.
50:43Well, after the trial, it's going to be mine.
50:47And don't even think that my heart is going to soften when they give it to me.
50:50Do you remember Rosa?
50:52The one with the belly in the rental that Gabriel and I chose.
50:55Do you know what I did when Rosa lost her baby?
50:58A party.
51:01My friend Camila and I celebrated that the baby wasn't going to be born.
51:05Do you understand what I'm trying to tell you?
51:22What's up, bro?
51:26I'm not asking you for help because I see that you're already getting the hang of it.
51:29I'm going little by little.
51:30That's it.
51:31What's wrong with you?
51:33Yesterday you came knocking on the door and everything.
51:37Jenny's crazy crazy.
51:39Yesterday she got mad at me for you.
51:41What do you think?
51:42You're overreacting too.
51:44When you told me that you liked a mature woman,
51:46I never thought that she was going to be like that.
51:48When you told me that you liked a mature woman,
51:50I never thought that she was going to be like that.
51:52Well, she's a waitress.
51:53And let me tell you, she's not an angel.
51:56Hey, she's Juana's mother.
51:59Respect her.
52:00Of course.
52:01Of course.
52:02What was missing.
52:03Now you're going to defend the mother of the love of your life.
52:09Yes, of course.
52:15Good morning.
52:16Good morning.
52:17Good morning, daughter.
52:18Your sheets got stuck.
52:20A little bit.
52:22Now you're going to have to make yourself breakfast.
52:27It's okay.
52:29And Juana?
52:32She got up and came out like the devil's soul.
52:35You don't even know what she's got in her hands.
52:37Because she didn't say anything.
52:38She just came out.
52:45I'm coming.
52:51What happened?
52:53What happened? Let's see.
52:56What happened?
52:58She says she's going to take my son away from me.
53:01She says she has rights over him because she had an agreement with Gabriel
53:04and that it was a marriage and that the child is hers.
53:06So she's going to take it away from me.
53:08Juana, Juana. Calm down.
53:09Calm down. Breathe.
53:14Do you think it's true?
53:16Do you think she could legally take my son away from me?
53:20I really don't know.
53:22Look, during the trials, the lawyers manipulate the information and the judges with evidence.
53:28I really don't know, Juana.
53:33Calm down.
53:37Where is Juana?
53:39You took your time.
53:41Apparently, from now on, you come to this house only when you know Juana is here.
53:46What did you do to her?
53:48Your dear Juanita came here on her own.
53:50I didn't invite her.
53:51And after telling me what was going to kill me, she left.
53:54Are you sure you didn't do anything to her?
53:56You're deaf if I'm telling you that she was the one who insulted me.
54:00She told me that you would never be with me again.
54:03And you know, she also told me that she got pregnant with you on purpose.
54:07To catch you.
54:09And then she made you believe that all this was an accident,
54:11so she could have you in her hands like an idiot.
54:15I don't believe anything.
54:17Here, the only person who has been lying to me is you.
54:20Making me believe that you wanted a son, that you wanted a family.
54:24When in reality, all you did was take pills so you wouldn't get pregnant.
54:27Yes, yes, yes, it's true.
54:30It's true, but because with both it was more than enough.
54:32But you have no proof of what you're saying.
54:35Everyone thinks I suffered for every baby I lost,
54:37when in reality I celebrated every loss, every failure in the treatment.
54:42How disgusting.
54:45You were only with me out of interest.
54:47No, no, no, you and I got married because we make a perfect couple.
54:50I don't know how you don't realize it.
54:52But you insisted so much on having a child with me,
54:54that now the law will give me the reason and that baby of Juana will be mine.
54:59The law won't give you anything.
55:01Because Juana had nothing to do with our agreement.
55:03I agree with the clinic.
55:05The only thing the law is going to do is condemn you for losing your mind because you're crazy.
55:09I don't blame you for being crazy.
55:11And if the law doesn't give me the reason, I'm going to take the law into my own hands.
55:15I swear.
55:16I swear that if you do something to her, I'm capable of...
55:18Capable of what?
55:19Let me go.
55:20Let me go.
55:21He's hurting me.
55:22Please someone help me.
55:23Help me.
55:24He wanted to throw me against the table.
55:26He wants to hit me.
55:27He wants to kill me.
55:28He's a murderer.
55:30Please help.
55:31I don't know.
55:32I don't know why they let him in this house.
55:38That's not true.
55:41Check the video of the cameras.
55:43Mr. Gabriel, you can't do that.
55:45Mrs. Paula disconnected all the cameras inside the house.
55:49Since you claimed to receive that model.
55:53We believe you.
55:54Of course, sir.
55:58Thank you.
56:02Thank you.
56:04You, a fortune teller.
56:06Paula is crazy.
56:07It's not just crazy.
56:08She's a bad person.
56:09Do you know what she told me?
56:11That when she takes my baby from me,
56:14that she's going to get rid of him because I took her husband from her.
56:16Do you know what that means?
56:18That if a judge gives her my baby,
56:20that she's going to make him suffer.
56:22And I can't stand that.
56:23Juana, Juana.
56:24Calm down.
56:28Paula is a very explosive woman,
56:30but I don't think she dares so much.
56:32Don't worry.
56:33It's just that I do.
56:35Because she hates my baby.
56:38What's more, she gave me another option.
56:39To interrupt my pregnancy right now,
56:43or if I don't do it,
56:46she made me understand that she could do something to me.
56:49I'm very worried.
56:50I think that if she was able to have Gabriel killed,
56:54that it wouldn't be hard for her to do it.
56:56Wait, wait.
56:57That was her?
56:58It's just that you haven't seen her.
56:59You haven't seen how she talks.
57:00Like, like a crazy, obsessive woman.
57:04While she was telling me all these horrible things,
57:09I had the feeling that if something were to happen to me,
57:12or to my baby,
57:14that she would be the happiest woman in the world.
57:27How's my job of transplanting that tree going?
57:31The city is investigating it.
57:33Right where we buried it, boss.
57:35They're going to build it there.
57:37We need patience.
57:38You know that's not one of my virtues, Camacho.
57:41I know, boss, but we can't do anything else.
57:46I'm scared, David. Really.
57:47First Camila threatened me,
57:49and now Paula with this violence against me.
57:51This is a threat.
57:52It's like taking my son from me.
57:55Calm down.
57:57a fool.
57:59Really, I'm a fool.
58:00I'm a weak person.
58:02I don't know what I'm doing crying
58:03if Paula is threatening me
58:04that she's going to take my son from me.
58:06A strong person who is willing to do anything, and I...
58:10Let's see, why don't we report her?
58:12We can talk to the policeman who's a friend of your family, Salvador.
58:16Do you think reporting will help?
58:20His word against mine.
58:33You're to blame for everything.
58:35What's wrong with you?
58:36If you hadn't spoken, none of this would be happening to me.
58:39What are you talking about?
58:41You told Gabriel that I was taking anticonvulsant pills.
58:45Why did you do it?
58:46Because now he's not coming back to me.
58:48Do whatever you want.
58:49Let me go!
58:50You seduced my dad.
58:51Now you also want to take him away from me.
58:53Paula, you're hurting me.
58:55You want to take my husband away from me
58:57because you and Juana are the same trash.
58:59So I'm going to kill you.
59:00You're going to end up like her.
59:05David, how are you? How are you doing?
59:08Physically fine, but with a desire to break your face.
59:10Here's Juana crying because of your wife.
59:13Juana is there.
59:14How can Paula tell her that she's going to take her son away?
59:16Why are you two here?
59:17What are you doing here?
59:18The boss asked me to accompany her to her house as soon as she left.
59:22And how do you know I'm here?
59:24When you went to the bathroom, I called Gabriel to complain.
59:27Are you serious, David?
59:31They told me you need my special services.
59:35Tell me, what are you going to treat Champita?
59:54I love you.
