La Historia de Juana - Capitulo 42

  • 2 months ago


00:00I swear I'll break your face.
00:02Are you crazy?
00:03Do you want to kill me?
00:06I don't want to.
00:07But I know who I have to get out of my way.
00:10It's Juana.
00:11What do you want me to do?
00:12Aren't you going to help me?
00:15I tried to help you once.
00:17You ruined everything.
00:18I'm sorry, but I can't do anything for you.
00:20I know very well the world you come from.
00:22I know you have no control over anything.
00:24You clearly showed me that with the relationship you have.
00:27Look, you even came to live here, to his cave.
00:30Besides, I know you want Juana far away from Gabriel,
00:33just like I do.
00:34Of course I want Juana far away from Gabriel.
00:37But not for me, Paula.
00:39For you.
00:40Because I do consider you my friend.
00:43And believe it or not, I made my last attempt.
00:46I offered her money so that Gabriel's life would disappear.
00:50What did she say?
00:51She said she'd give it to me.
00:54She's an idiot.
00:56Even if she says she has no price,
00:58I know many won't hesitate to want to end her
01:01if I pay what's necessary, and I'm willing to do it.
01:04And you, you're going to help me
01:07if you don't want to end up like her.
01:25Look, Tania.
01:27I trust you completely.
01:29I'm going to leave you these papers.
01:30Keep them, please.
01:31I'll send for them later.
01:33Yes, sir, don't worry.
01:34I know where to keep them until you send for them.
01:38Now I have to go, but I want to thank you
01:42for letting me know that Juana was here.
01:44You've always been very nice to me,
01:45so I'd like you to keep being my eyes in this house.
01:48Damn, boss.
01:50I'm sorry, but I don't know if I'm going to stay here.
01:55Mrs. Paula scares me a lot.
01:57I understand.
01:59Well, I can't do anything about your decision.
02:01And just so you know, Engineer,
02:03Mrs. Paula left a while ago after they argued
02:06and she didn't let me accompany her.
02:08The thing is, she's out of control.
02:10You saw her.
02:11And I didn't want to take away her safety,
02:13because if they attack me,
02:14they can also attack her.
02:16Boss, don't worry.
02:18Don't worry about anything.
02:19Just worry about yourself
02:21and about Juana, who is going to be the mother of your child.
02:24Everything else is left over, okay?
02:26We're going to be fine.
02:29Thank you.
02:30Take care.
02:31Thank you.
02:33Let's go.
02:34Excuse me.
02:36Excuse me.
02:37David, how are you? How are you doing?
02:40Physically fine, but I want to break your face.
02:43Juana is crying here because of your wife.
02:45What? Juana is there?
02:46How can Paula tell her she's taking her son away?
02:49Why are you two here?
02:50Please tell her not to go. I'm on my way.
02:52No, no, no. Juana is leaving.
02:54That's why I'm calling you.
02:55Please tell her to call me.
02:57She can be calm.
02:58Everything Paula told her won't happen.
03:00Our son will be fine.
03:01I'm not your messenger.
03:03I called to tell you
03:04that every time you get close to Juana,
03:06you get her in trouble.
03:07Fix your life with Paula.
03:10I don't think we have to go to extremes with Juana.
03:15I think we have to come up with a strategy
03:18to get Gabriel to stay away from Juana.
03:20I already did.
03:21That's why I threatened to legally take his son away from Juana.
03:25To give him to me.
03:26But I know it won't be easy.
03:28Do you really want that child?
03:30My lawyer is going to fight for my rights over that child.
03:33There's a contract between me and Juana.
03:36My lawyer is going to fight for my rights over that child.
03:38There's a contract between me and Juana.
03:39But from the way Gabriel spoke to me,
03:41I already understood that if that child is born,
03:43and even if I get the law to give me the bastard,
03:47he's still going to be with Juana, no matter what.
03:50Gabriel is very much in love with Juana.
03:53Yes, he is.
03:55And even if he manages to prove that she
03:58got pregnant from him on purpose,
04:01that idiot is still so in love with her
04:04that he's going to live with her in prison.
04:06That's why neither that child must be born,
04:09nor does Juana have to exist.
04:20I want you to give this to Quiroz.
04:22He's helping me delay my daughter's divorce with Gabriel.
04:25The person who's following Miss Camila called me.
04:28She told me that her daughter is with her in the apartment right now.
04:35Here you have more money.
04:37You're going to give it to whoever you have to give it to
04:40from the construction so that this tree can be transplanted.
04:43If we don't want two dead instead of one in that place.
04:47Do you understand me, Cabocho?
04:49I understand, boss.
04:50Then move.
04:57Sorry to bother you with all this,
04:59but if I went to my house,
05:00my grandmother was going to read it to me in the face in a second.
05:03Can you imagine that your grandmother finds out
05:05what Paula wants to do?
05:06No, I don't even want to imagine.
05:09That's why Gabriel wanted me to know directly about him.
05:15You're very brave, Juana.
05:17I've told you a thousand times, but Paula comes and threatens you
05:20that she's going to sue you, that she's going to take your son away from you.
05:22And what do you do?
05:24You run to face her.
05:25What else could I do?
05:27I wanted to look her in the eye and tell her that my son is hers.
05:32And you know what?
05:33She did it.
05:35It's just...
05:37I don't even know how to explain it.
05:39She's crazy.
05:40Yes, yes, yes.
05:42Do I feel so impotent?
05:43No, David, please.
05:45You do enough by listening to me, by advising me.
05:48That's huge for me.
05:51You're really my only friend.
05:54Dani doesn't even call me back.
05:56Yes, she was here.
05:57She's angry with life.
05:58Well, then...
06:00She brought me empanadas.
06:01Do you want one?
06:08Good morning.
06:09Good morning.
06:10Come have breakfast, sweetie.
06:11I made you some sojalditas.
06:12No, Mom.
06:13I'll buy something on the way.
06:16Hey, hey.
06:17Dani, come, come, come.
06:18I haven't seen you with Juana in days,
06:21and she hasn't stopped by either.
06:23Is she okay?
06:24Yes, yes, Mom.
06:25She's always okay.
06:28Did you fight?
06:30No, no, no.
06:31It's just...
06:32It's just...
06:33It's just that Juana is selfish, okay?
06:35So, she's in her world, I'm in mine,
06:38and we're all happy.
06:39Hey, I've never heard you express yourself like that about her.
06:42Well, you have to be compassionate.
06:45What happened?
06:46Don't turn things around, okay?
06:48I just need a little distance from Juana, the Virgin,
06:52and that's it, that's all, okay?
06:55Well, I'm leaving.
06:56I have to go to the salon to do my hair.
06:57Yes, sweetie.
06:59Hey, but...
07:00Take care of yourself, please.
07:01Eat something.
07:02Yes, Mom.
07:03Don't let your blood sugar go down.
07:05Don't get sick.
07:12Oh, Virgin.
07:13Put light in her heart so she doesn't fight.
07:20I called to tell you that every time you get close to Juana,
07:23you get her in trouble.
07:24Fix your life with Paula.
07:25Gabriel, you're finally here.
07:27I know.
07:28I was worried.
07:30Today is the toast to the merger with the Spanish distributor.
07:33It's important that you're there.
07:34There's a lot to do.
07:35Yes, yes, I know.
07:36Don't worry, I'm here.
07:37In the morning, I'll take you to the airport,
07:39and I'll take you to the hotel to the committee.
07:41Thank you, Uncle.
07:42You talked to Juana about what happened yesterday with Paula, right?
07:45Because every time you make that face, it has to do with that, right?
07:48Yes, I talked to her.
07:53They argued.
07:55They said everything.
07:56Gabriel, that merger is very important to all of us.
07:59We all depend on you to find a new direction
08:01to make El Cerro blonde from now on.
08:03I know, but Paula is out of her mind.
08:05She's obsessed, Uncle.
08:06I'm going to tell you something that you have to understand very well.
08:08If you want to protect the people you love,
08:11you need to find a safe place.
08:13Save your company,
08:15but take the estate and turn it into your new home,
08:17and then shield it so that no one can enter.
08:19I feel like if I'm not close to Juana, I'll lose her.
08:23After arguing with Paula, she went to David's house.
08:25David, David, why didn't you call me?
08:27Oh, Gabriel, please.
08:28Stop being jealous of David, okay?
08:30I'm going to tell you something.
08:31When I took Juana to the hacienda,
08:34and I saw how she looked at you,
08:35I had never seen anyone in my life
08:36who I saw with as much love as she did.
08:39Of course.
08:42Step by step and trust.
08:44Okay, you talk just like my mom.
08:48It's not for free, she was my sister.
08:51David told me the same thing.
08:52First, solve my problems so as not to put her in danger.
08:59Shall we go?
09:00Let's go.
09:07Here, you are the most interested
09:09in making Juana and that child disappear.
09:13You take care of it.
09:14I have nothing to do with this.
09:16But it has to be a person who knows how to get what is needed,
09:19and here you are the one who comes from a neighborhood.
09:22You probably know someone out there
09:24who can do a little job for us, right?
09:26But I don't want to deal with those people.
09:29And I swear, Paula, you don't either.
09:31But you just told me that you are my friend.
09:35But I don't have the money for that.
09:36It doesn't matter, I put the money.
09:38All I need from you is for you to find someone
09:40who knows your total confidence, and that's enough.
09:42Let's not go back to the subject.
09:45Are you going to help me or not?
09:47That's why I made sure
09:49that you would meet with Juana again
09:50so that you can clarify your differences.
09:52Is Gabriel still seeing Juana?
09:54And I confess something to you.
09:55I am surprised how in love they look at each other.
10:20I feel a little guilty for eating the empanadas
10:22that Danny brought you.
10:24They are mine.
10:25I can eat them with whoever I want.
10:29Well, just don't tell him
10:30that you ate them with me, okay?
10:33Well, that's it.
10:35I'm coming.
10:36No, no, no, I'm not going.
10:37Oh, David, please.
10:38Let's see.
10:39I'm going to go open the door, believe me.
10:50Good morning, Miss Juana.
10:52Gerardo, what are you doing here?
10:55The boss asked me to accompany you to his house
10:57as soon as you left here.
10:59And how do you know I'm here?
11:01Sorry, it was me.
11:04When you went to the bathroom,
11:05I called Gabriel to complain
11:07that you got into trouble
11:08and to ask him to put his life in order with Paula.
11:11Is it serious, David?
11:13Apparently, Gabriel can't leave you alone.
11:16Apparently, Gabriel can't leave you alone.
11:22The Spaniards sent their best people.
11:24We have to be happy about that.
11:26They are very prepared people,
11:27so I suggest you have a close relationship
11:29with each of them
11:30so they know
11:32that it's such a personal relationship, right?
11:34Yes, of course.
11:37Thank you
11:38for being like my dad
11:40and like my mom.
11:42I don't know how to thank you.
11:44We're even.
11:46I don't know how to thank you
11:47for being like a son to Abel.
11:49Thank you.
11:50I never had a stable partner
11:51or a family of my own.
11:53And I think Paula has never understood
11:54that concept of family.
11:56And I don't think she ever understands the truth.
11:58I told you that Paula is very much like her dad.
12:01Take into account that it is the first time in her life
12:04that she does not achieve something that she proposes.
12:07I imagine that for someone like her,
12:09it must be very hard.
12:11It's like an injured animal.
12:13But that injured animal
12:14is out of control, believe me.
12:16Yes, but then
12:17if it's like that, don't see her.
12:19Talk to the lawyers.
12:20Don't deal with her.
12:21It's something emotional.
12:24Rogelio is also an animal,
12:26but different.
12:27He's cold.
12:31And the truth is that
12:32he's capable of doing anything
12:35to get what he's looking for.
12:37So, as I told you before,
12:39the first thing is the first thing.
12:44I asked you not to tell anyone
12:45and you go and call Gabriel?
12:48I couldn't hold back my anger,
12:49that's why I called him.
12:50What else did you tell him?
12:51What I told you.
12:52That I would leave you alone
12:53and that you would fix your life with Paula.
12:55That's all.
12:56I came looking for a friend
12:58with whom to vent.
12:59I didn't come to ask you for help
13:00or much less
13:01to send someone to follow me all day.
13:04If you understand that I have always been free.
13:07And that's exactly what I want.
13:08My freedom.
13:09With all due respect, Miss,
13:10what good is your freedom
13:12if at any moment something can happen to you?
13:14There are bad people.
13:15Gerardo, please.
13:17In my job you have to be raw and honest.
13:19Well, I'm going to go on my motorcycle
13:23without asking anyone for permission
13:25like I've done all my life.
13:26Miss, you are in danger.
13:29Since my boss was shot,
13:31and everyone knows it,
13:33the priority of the engineer has been you
13:35and the baby in your womb.
13:37I'm not going to let Paula or anyone
13:39change the way I live my life, okay?
13:41If we asked your baby what he thinks
13:44before putting it in the hands of someone
13:46who decides whether he lives or dies,
13:49what would your son say about that?
13:56Let's go.
14:21I thought you were at the brewery.
14:23Why did you go to see Camila?
14:25And why did you take her to live in that apartment?
14:29Did you think I didn't know about the existence of that place?
14:32Well, look, I've known for many years.
14:35I know you say you're going on a business trip
14:37when you're actually in a cave with your lovers.
14:40You're no one to tell me anything, Paulita.
14:50Is something wrong?
14:52No, Mom. Everything's fine.
14:55I have for you to take you to eat at the club.
14:57Let's go.
14:59Go get my bag.
15:07Let's go.
15:15And that child must be born.
15:17And Juana has to exist.
15:20You're the one who comes from a neighborhood.
15:22You probably know someone out there who can do a little job for us, right?
15:25Let's go.
15:36Carlos gave me the reports you have with you.
15:38I want you to review them, please.
15:40There are the photos of each of the Spanish impressionists with a review.
15:44Gentlemen, I want you to sit at home.
15:49I think it's a very good idea, Carlos,
15:51but don't you feel like we're invading your privacy?
15:53If we do it with respect and admiration,
15:55more than offended, they will feel flattered.
16:01The one who seems to be invading something in his mind is you.
16:04Is everything okay? You look distracted.
16:07I love that you're so observant.
16:09We're solving one thing at a time, okay?
16:12Can I help you with anything?
16:14Help me with your good vibes.
16:15That when they arrive, they feel good.
16:18Hey, well, I wanted to ask you if I can take someone to the urinal.
16:22Do you want to invite Felipe?
16:25Count on it.
16:26Thank you.
16:27I would love to be able to invite Juana to share this happiness with her,
16:30but well, I have to protect her.
16:32Let's go.
16:35Do you think if we analyze one by one?
16:42Well, we're here.
16:45I think you can go now.
16:48With all due respect, miss, I can't leave yet.
16:51Let's see, to begin with, I'm Juana.
16:54This is my house, I'm going to stay inside.
16:56Nothing's going to happen to me, Gerardo.
16:58You can come in, relax, the street is free,
17:01and you can't forbid me to stay.
17:03My love, is everything okay?
17:05Who is this man?
17:06Nothing, he's one of Gabriel's bodyguards
17:08who forced me to bring him everywhere.
17:11Well, my love, he's worried.
17:12He wants to protect you and the baby.
17:14Oh, I'll take care of him a lot, right?
17:16Take good care of my girl, okay?
17:17With great pleasure, ma'am.
17:19Don't do this to me.
17:21I've been looking for my dad.
17:22I can't find him anywhere.
17:24Did he go to the place where you drink coffee?
17:26The truth is that I don't know where he went.
17:28I don't know.
17:30Gerardo, I don't want the gossip to talk about my safety.
17:35I'm sorry, but I can't leave
17:36until the engineer orders me otherwise.
17:40Well, let's go inside.
17:41Let's go inside.
17:46You know what, Gerardo?
17:48It's good to stay, okay?
17:51This family is threatened.
17:54Please, stay, okay?
17:56With great pleasure.
17:58Thank you.
17:59Excuse me.
18:01My love, it's because you're so stubborn.
18:04You told me yourself
18:05that you had already made up with Gabriel,
18:07that you were going to have the baby together,
18:09that it's bad that he protects you and wants to take care of you.
18:11Mom, I don't want to.
18:13It makes me uncomfortable.
18:14Even if you have a thousand reasons, I don't want to.
18:16What do you mean a thousand reasons?
18:17Has someone threatened you?
18:18Has someone hurt you?
18:19Mom, enough!
18:20Leave me alone!
18:23I'm worried.
18:27Well, before doing the merger with the Spaniards,
18:30I wanted to see you.
18:31To thank you.
18:33For doing this company that I love so much.
18:35Because you do it.
18:37You take care of it.
18:39So I want to make a toast to you.
18:43Thank you.
18:44Thank you.
18:46Thank you.
18:52Excuse me.
18:57Are you okay?
19:00Gerardo told me he had already arrived home.
19:03No, well.
19:04I feel in a reality show.
19:05I don't even know why I'm calling you.
19:06Anyway, you know what I'm doing.
19:08Are you mad at me?
19:09Gabriel, I don't like any of this.
19:11I don't understand why you sent Gerardo
19:12without even asking me first.
19:14All I want is to take care of you.
19:16Nothing else.
19:17I know how to take care of myself.
19:18And besides, I'm at home, right?
19:20And look.
19:21Anyway, you already know this.
19:23But just so you know,
19:24I went to see David
19:25because I needed to talk to someone
19:26after what happened with Paula.
19:27And you know what?
19:28It was very good for me to do it.
19:30And why didn't you talk to me?
19:32Gabriel, understand it.
19:33Talking to you about your wife, right?
19:36It's not easy.
19:37And Dani doesn't even talk to me.
19:38My family.
19:39I can't talk to them about this.
19:41David is really the only friend I have right now.
19:44Okay, you're right.
19:46I apologize.
19:48Please tell Gerardo to leave.
19:50I can't stand feeling watched.
19:52And besides, everyone in the neighborhood
19:53is already talking about this.
19:55I can't force you to do anything that bothers you.
19:57I'm going to tell him right now to leave.
20:01I have to go because I have a matter
20:02pending here at the brewery.
20:03I'll call you later.
20:05Yes, okay.
20:06Thank you.
20:08I love you.
20:10I love you more.
20:12I'll call you later.
20:23Why do I have to run away from my house
20:25as if I were a criminal?
20:27Mom, let's see.
20:28It's not time for questions.
20:29Please, pack your bag.
20:31Pack your bag.
20:32Explain to me what's going on.
20:33I don't have to explain anything to you.
20:34Pack your bag, please.
20:36Wait for me.
20:38Pack your bag, for God's sake.
20:51What's up?
20:53I haven't seen you in so many years.
20:55Life has treated you very well.
20:57They told me you need my special services.
21:01Tell me.
21:02What are you going to do for me?
21:07This is Juana's story
21:10It seemed like an accident
21:12For many, it's madness
21:15For others, it sounds incoherent
21:18But I don't see it that way
21:21As people tell me
21:23That life never waits
21:26And love sometimes comes
21:29In different ways
21:33And this happened to Juana
21:37Juana the Virgin
21:39She didn't expect it
21:42She didn't imagine
21:45What would happen to her
21:48Dear Juana
21:51How beautiful you are
21:56It was because of fate
21:59Or maybe good luck
22:02That the less awaited day
22:05Would change forever
22:08And it's true when they say
22:10That love sometimes comes
22:13In different ways
22:18And this happened to Juana
22:21Juana the Virgin
22:23She didn't expect it
22:26She didn't imagine
22:30What would happen to her
22:32Dear Juana
22:39How beautiful you are
22:53Hi, Dad.
22:57The company is tense
22:59Because today they're going to announce the merger with the Spaniards
23:03Do you think so?
23:04I don't have a choice
23:05You know that Gabriel opened the doors for Detective Castillo
23:09To make the necessary investigations, right?
23:12That detective is like a bone
23:15He's convinced that Francisco's disappearance
23:17And the attack on Gabriel
23:18Come from someone who works in the brewery
23:21Even the contaminated bacteria
23:23And you're about to start crying in two minutes
23:26And give yourself away, right?
23:28I'm just telling you what's going on, Dad
23:31When you go, I'll come, Manuel
23:33Well, that's how you should tell me, right?
23:35Don't forget that I got my hands dirty for your plans
23:39Come on
23:41Go cry in your room
23:49What happened, Camacho?
23:50I already delivered your package to the DA
23:52And I take this opportunity to tell you that Miss Camila
23:54Returned to her mother's house
23:55What's going on?
23:59I don't think at this point in the game
24:01She's regretting having abandoned her mother
24:07You know they don't lose sight of her
24:12A friend needs to get rid of someone
24:14You understand me, right?
24:16Of course I understand you, Duquesita
24:19More than taking advantage of someone
24:22It's expensive
24:24That's why don't worry
24:25She's willing to pay anything
24:28She's willing to pay anything
24:38Can I have some?
24:40Of course, I'll serve you anything you want
24:42You're in a better mood now
24:44You yelled at me
24:45Will you forgive me?
24:48Tell me
24:49Tell me what's going on
24:51Gabriel wants to put you in security and the guards
24:53Is that because of what happened to him?
24:55Yes, Mom
24:56If I were angry, I'd be grateful
25:00I think it's horrible to have someone following me like a shadow
25:04That's true
25:05He's used to it, right?
25:07He grew up like that since he was a kid
25:09But I don't like those things
25:11So what?
25:12Is my grandson going to be like that too?
25:14I'm telling you, these rich people
25:16The more money they have, the less freedom they have
25:18That's what I'm trying to explain to you, Mom
25:20What? About freedom? Who are you talking about?
25:23I love gossip
25:24Come here
25:25No, we weren't...
25:26What we were saying is that
25:28The richer people, the more money they have, the less freedom they have
25:31Oh, you're talking about the freedom of this girlfriend of Gabriel's, right?
25:35Well, I'm going to study
25:37Are we good?
25:46Did you find out that a friend of Paula Fuenmayor came to see her?
25:50She came to ask how much money she wanted for Gabriel to leave
25:54Of course
26:01Who did the designs?
26:03Romulo and René did them, but following the same line of the campaign that Juana had done
26:07Yes and no
26:08Look, we can't use this color
26:11Remember that this tone is the one used by the competition
26:13Check exactly what color Juana used
26:16Okay, perfect
26:19Ready, then I'll ask for the revisions and when you're ready I'll bring them to you
26:24And what else do you tell me?
26:26What gossip is there?
26:29No, well, from the office, almost nothing
26:32Only that Gabriel and Paula had a huge fight in the middle of the office
26:37But with lawyers and everything, it looked like a boxing ring
26:42Hey, do you think Juana did separate them?
26:44No, Juana has nothing to do with that, really
26:49Well, and the next time we see each other will be in the office
26:52I want to bring me the corrections, I can't stand being here one more day
26:55Okay, ready, I understand
26:58Hey, meanwhile, who is helping you?
27:07Well, I presume that Juana is not telling us the truth
27:09Because the friend of Gabriel's wife
27:11No, look, he already put the papers in court, they are already divorced
27:15Don't interrupt me, honey
27:16Oh well
27:17Well, let me tell you, I was standing outside
27:20Waiting for Juana and suddenly Juana found out
27:22Because she was so upset that she left
27:25But it seems to me that she is not telling us the whole truth
27:27Let's see, mom, stop making horror stories, really
27:30We already stopped with my dad
27:33And Margarita?
27:34Oh, poor thing, she's on the roof
27:37She helps me take off my clothes
27:40I don't know why I see my daughter around the house
27:43With that sad look
27:47Oh, poor girl
27:50Let's go
28:14I'm dying of anguish, really
28:17Although every day I ask the little virgin to take care of you
28:21To help you
28:24And to help me, really, to
28:29To find you quickly
28:35If something happens to you, I
28:39I'm going to die
28:43But I know you're going to be okay
28:46You're going to be okay
28:53This broth is delicious, sister
28:55Super refreshing
28:58Very good
28:59At your official orders, always
29:04I'll go with you
29:13How has your medication improved?
29:15Yes, right, mother?
29:17It's that, the apapachos and the chicken broth, which is very good
29:20And the help of the Lord, always counts
29:22Always, always
29:26Mother, did something happen?
29:27No, why?
29:29Well, because of the police
29:31Ah, or nothing to worry about
29:34They were asking about a certain Ramon Bravo
29:39Ramon Bravo?
29:40Yes, that his family is desperately looking for him
29:45I hope God helps them find him soon
29:49It's nice to see you better
29:54Gerardo, that Juana does not want you to watch her
29:58She has always been a woman who needs to feel that pain in her life
30:01So please sell the brewery so that you are in the fusion with the Spaniards
30:05Gabriel, shall we review the last details?
30:07Yes, yes, of course
30:08Thank you
30:09Thank you
30:15Hey, if the truth has the dance, bro
30:19There they speak to you
30:21We had already seen each other, right?
30:24Yes, but they did not formally introduce us
30:25I am Hugo Prieto
30:27But they call me El Chalán
30:29Thank you
30:32There they speak to you, bro
30:35Sit down, right?
30:36A chair, allow me a little, miss
30:38Wait, wait, I'm not going to get dirty
30:40There it is
30:42I leave you, I'm going to get some taquitos because I'm hungry
30:46Excuse me, miss
30:47Hurry up
30:48Excuse me
30:54Heart, is there anything in particular you want to tell me?
30:57Because I see you very happy
30:59And with everything that is happening with Gabriel, well ...
31:02Mom, don't worry, this will be solved
31:04I found a way to kill two birds with one stone
31:08I'm going to use Camila to get Juana out of the way
31:12And so I'm going to get revenge for both
31:15Because I have Camila like Juana
31:17They are a bunch of whores who want to take away what belongs to us
31:24Sorry I came without telling you
31:27But it's that, since you don't answer my phone, well ...
31:31You know, the truth ...
31:34Well, I've been a genius that I can't even stand myself, right?
31:41And well, I don't know, I wanted to keep you at a distance
31:44So as not to affect you here with my roll
31:46I came to invite you to an event that the brewery is going to have in the afternoon
31:53I would love for you to come with me, Felipe
32:00I'll be waiting for you
32:13What's wrong with you?
32:15I'm going to grab your arm, bro
32:17How do you let it go?
32:18It's very dangerous here
32:19Sanriqueta is a beautiful little thing, fine, elegant, little baby
32:25I'm just going to tell you one thing
32:27Nobody knows what they have until they lose it
32:29If you don't take care of it, I'll take care of it
32:31Just get in your car and I'm leaving
32:33I'll be right back
32:41Oh, Carmela, did you like it?
32:43Oh, yes, I loved it
32:44Very pretty, I left you
32:46Yes, I'm going to make the feeling of my romantic date
32:48Oh, with mother, with dinner, with Quimis, with the butcher
32:53No, no, no, no, I know, with the gas
32:56No, man, you don't even know who you invited to go out, right?
32:59By the way, the one who came with one who looked like a guard
33:03It was Juana, the Virgin
33:08I think that girl is a millionaire
33:10There are the miracles of the tattoo
33:14Oh, my love
33:15Good afternoon, girls, what happened today?
33:17I'm going to give you a haircut, I'm going to give you a foot massage
33:20Have you already got a boyfriend?
33:21I have a permanent relationship
33:25I think that boy is going with Jenny
33:28If you are brave, you don't leave one for compadre
33:30Well, neither the friends, rather enemies
33:33I was the one who told you that the boy was a good match
33:35Oh, comadre, but he is too young for you
33:37Oh, forgive me, the 15-year-old spoke
33:40Oh, for me that Salvador wants to see me the face of a brute
33:43He's seeing Jenny, he's going to see her with me
33:45I didn't come to this neighborhood to be making fun of me
33:48Like my name is Yadira Soto
33:52Oh my God, cry?
33:54Don't talk to me
33:56Don't talk to me
33:57Comadre, please
33:58Oh, comadre, don't get on that plane
34:00They left me very pretty
34:01That's how I left him, that's how I left him
34:02Please, that's how I left him
34:05With all due respect, miss
34:07What good is your freedom if something can happen to you at any time?
34:11There are bad people
34:16Oh, my love, you scared me
34:19Oh, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry
34:21Why didn't you tell me that Paula's friend came to offer you money to get you away from Gabriel?
34:26I already had my grandmother who tormented you with that issue
34:28No, my love, no, no, no, it's okay
34:30Now I understand why Gabriel wants to put security on you
34:32Those people are crazy
34:34They live in a totally different way from us
34:37And now that they know that you and Gabriel are together
34:39And that you are going to have a son from him
34:41They're going to make your life out of little squares, believe me
34:45Oh, my love
34:47Please talk to me
34:49I know something is tormenting you
34:51Please trust me
34:54Let him go
34:57Paula hired a lawyer to take my baby away from me
35:04Oh, by the way, did you see the new collection they just released?
35:07Paula, I don't want to talk about fashion
35:09And don't evade my question, please
35:13Let's see, how is it that you're going to use Camila to get revenge on Juana
35:18And also to make her pay for what she did to me, right?
35:21I don't understand
35:22Mom, calm down
35:24Really, I'm going to take care of everything, don't worry, okay?
35:27Don't worry, everything will be fine
35:38I'll be right back
35:39No, where are you going?
35:40You order another mimosa, we have to toast
35:42No, Paula, please tell me what's going on, my love
35:44Come on, Mom
35:46I have everything under control, order another mimosa
35:48I'll be right back
35:50My love
35:54My love
36:07What's up?
36:11I already found the person who's going to do that
36:14Look, you're fast, Camila
36:17I like it
36:19Don't go too far, bros
36:21It's very possible that we'll get a good job
36:24I already put the price, you just have to accept it
36:27And as soon as that happens, get ready
36:29Because maybe we'll steal a Christian or a Christian
36:34Camera, eh?
36:37My love, what's wrong with you?
36:38Why did you confront that woman alone?
36:40Mom, because I wanted to see her eyes
36:42And make it very clear that she's not going to take my baby from me
36:45Yes, my love, but I would have accompanied you
36:47Do you know how eager I am to spit in her face
36:49Until she's going to die?
36:51Mom, that woman is crazy
36:53She doesn't care
36:54Do you know what she told me?
36:55That I'm an opportunist, that I got pregnant on purpose
36:57And that she has proof, according to her
37:00No, I swear that if I bring her some desire
37:02To grab her by the crotch and trample the whole house with her
37:04Well, imagine me
37:08Mom, who is it?
37:11Come in, Chavita, come in
37:12Thank you, Cristina
37:13Actually, I just stopped by
37:17Well, to tell you how we're doing with Ramón's whereabouts
37:26Tell him yes
37:27I'm going to give you the money so you can give it to him
37:29No, no, no, no, you don't understand
37:32You're going to give him the money
37:34Excuse me?
37:36I mean, Camila, you want me to go with you?
37:39But who...
37:41Who owes who more in this?
37:43I'm trying to recover our friendship, our alliance
37:46Despite what happened with my father
37:48And the only thing I want as a sign of that friendship
37:51Is for you to take care of it
37:53I mean, in the end, we're both in this
37:56But I don't want...
37:58To be seen, don't you understand?
38:00Oh no, of course I understand
38:02But are we both in this?
38:04Or are we not?
38:06I already did my part
38:09Now it's your turn
38:10Are you going to give him the money?
38:12Or are we not doing anything?
38:16Come on, let's not stay here like two-legged soldiers
38:18We're not going to sit down
38:20No, no, no, it's fine standing here
38:23So there's no news of my father?
38:25We've looked at all the nursing homes, social assistance centers, asylums, etc.
38:30And nothing, nothing, nothing
38:33There's no one registered with the name of Ramón Bravo
38:36I even have a list of all the people who have entered or left those places
38:40And nothing, I think he changed provinces or states
38:44No, no, no, there's no way, he was very sick, impossible
38:47Well, but maybe if there's no one with the name of Ramón Bravo
38:51It could be that he has registered with another name, right?
38:54Yes, he probably doesn't want us to find him
38:58And as my mom says, he put another name so we can't find him
39:07You look great
39:10Today is a great day
39:12Did you send me to call because you want me to tell the Spaniards something in particular?
39:18You look good too
39:20Thank you
39:21It's a shame that only on the outside
39:23You look good too
39:25Thank you
39:26You look good too
39:27Thank you
39:28It's a shame that only on the outside
39:30You look good too
39:31Thank you
39:32You look good too
39:33Thank you
39:34It's a shame that only on the outside
39:37Excuse me?
39:38Did you go with the woman I love, the mother of my son, to offer her money for her to leave?
39:54Well, if you see it possible, we really have to consider the possibility of looking for Ramón with another name
40:01Well, if that's the case, it's complicated
40:04But believe me, we're not going to stop looking for him
40:07Chavita, I've always said that you are our savior
40:11The truth is, I'm very grateful
40:13If it hadn't been for you a while ago, I would have closed Ramón's case
40:17Oh, but how rude I am
40:19Hey, don't you want a, I don't know, a drink?
40:22Before you leave Jamaica
40:24No, no, no, no need
40:25Some quesadillitas
40:26No, no, nothing, nothing
40:27No, of course not
40:28Yes, come with me, we're going to prepare it, come
40:35Cheer up, if there was any bad news, we would already know
40:38And there isn't
40:40Do you also know who disappeared?
40:42The little bear I gave you, that later in Xochimilco
40:45The polio
40:46The polio, yes, that one
40:51It's weird, isn't it?
40:52It's weird, yes
40:54Can I?
40:59You have beautiful eyes, why do you always wear that?
41:04Well, what you were saying, I think they took it because they like it a lot, right?
41:12You think?
41:13I can't find another reason
41:15It could be, right?
41:17I don't think so
41:20Oh, sorry, sorry, here it is
41:24Thank you
41:25Thank you
41:26I think I already know what name I would give Ramón
41:31Thank you, thank you
41:32Knowing him as I know him, I think I would give him his father's name
41:36Antonio Jose
41:44Mom, what happened? Is everything okay?
41:46What are you doing here?
41:50What about you? Did you forget something?
41:51No, ma'am
41:52Can you leave, please?
41:54Excuse me
41:55Go away
42:00You can talk now, mom, what happened?
42:02I was very worried about what you told me about the food
42:06Paula, please tell me clearly what you're going to do
42:12Mom, you don't need to know, the important thing is the result
42:15I'm not playing, I demand you tell me
42:20Okay, do you want to know?
42:24I'm going to have Juana killed