Jon Richardson: Ultimate Worrier. S02 E04. Health.

  • 3 months ago
First broadcast 24th July 2019.

Jon Richardson

Rob Beckett
Ed Gamble
Lou Sanders

Robert Dingwall


00:00This programme contains strong language and adult humour
00:35Hello, and welcome to Ultimate Worry,
00:38the show where I discuss all of the world's worries
00:41and file them away neatly for future reference.
00:44It's less of a glass-half-full, glass-half-empty show
00:47and more like the glass has been smashed to pieces
00:49and I've got to tidy everything up.
00:51This is my Worry Index.
00:54It's home to millions of worries,
00:56all of which have been categorised and ranked
00:58following decades of thorough analysis.
01:00This week, we'll be looking at some brand-new worries,
01:03exclusively to do with the theme of health.
01:06Now, some of the things we'll be looking at tonight
01:08include plagues, pickles and screaming into the void.
01:12Before we crack on, please welcome my guests for tonight.
01:15It's Lou Sanders, Ed Gamble and Rob Beckett!
01:23Hello, hello, hello.
01:33Lou, you're the perfect bookie for this show
01:35because you run a podcast called Why Is Your Bottom So Dirty?
01:39And Rob's worried on the last series that he has a dirty bottom.
01:43Perhaps as the expert, you could outline to Rob
01:45quite why he's got such a dirty bottom.
01:47Er, he's not cleaning it properly.
01:49Well, I know I do, but I have a sort of strange worry
01:51where I think I may have wiped too well and it's gone up my back.
01:55So, this was... Was this your worry on the last series?
01:58Yeah, yeah.
01:59So it's been a full year and you've still not cleaned your arse?
02:02Well, my arse is fine, my back's in pieces.
02:05That's a terrible state of affairs.
02:07Are you a worrier, Ed?
02:08I have a healthy amount of worry.
02:10It's right that I'm sitting in the middle here, I think.
02:12Rob just has absolutely no worries.
02:14He's like a little Cockney Buddha, he's so zen.
02:17But I've...
02:20I'm chill, baby. Are you chill?
02:23I worry about, like, my parents dying and stuff,
02:25but I keep it light. Keep it light.
02:29Now, Ed, you're going to start with our first worry of the night.
02:32Do you have a health-based worry?
02:34I do. I am worried that I'm an undercover fat man.
02:39I mean, without wishing to butter you up straight away,
02:42it's a hell of a disguise.
02:43I was a big boy for a long time
02:45and I worked very hard to lose that weight.
02:48Yes. But I... How much?
02:50Six stone. Six stone.
02:54Thank you.
02:57I believe you've brought in some pictures.
02:59I've brought in some pictures, so we can see what...
03:02You had to get them delivered by van, didn't you?
03:04Yeah, there we go.
03:05Oh, wow. You look like a bloated trader.
03:11Is that a cigarette or a lollipop?
03:13Good question.
03:14I think it's a chicken satay skewer.
03:19That's Corfu, and on that holiday I was smoking 50 a day.
03:24How did you fit that in?
03:27I love the smell of beer and smoke on a man, actually.
03:31This may be the most damaged couch we've ever had.
03:35There's a picture, I believe, of you at work.
03:37Yeah, there we are.
03:39Lovely personality, though.
03:43There I am. I miss my little chubby hands.
03:45Little soft pillow hands.
03:47So does your girlfriend.
03:49Same girlfriend. Isn't that lovely, though?
03:51She loves a real him.
03:52Same girlfriend? That wasn't a return on investment, was it?
03:56You're like her Bitcoin.
04:00She's loving it, isn't she?
04:04In real estate terms, I was very much an up-and-coming lady.
04:07She's gentrified the shit out of you.
04:12Unfortunately, I may have lost the weight,
04:14I've not lost the fat man brain. I still think like a fat man.
04:17So I feel like I've been sent undercover from the fat community
04:21to sort of spy on thin people and what they get up to.
04:24I don't know what you're like, John, you're a very slim man.
04:27Have you been trim your whole life?
04:29I'm sort of going the other way.
04:31I'm reverse gambling, shall we say.
04:34Corfu's booked for 2022.
04:38I've booked two seats on the plane, put it that way.
04:40It's been in situations where you go over to a thin person's house
04:43and they say, do you want a biscuit? I think we've got some biscuits.
04:46You think, who doesn't know if they have biscuits?
04:49You buy them all and eat the entire packet
04:51before you've unpacked the rest of the shopping.
04:54Rob, have you got a side of your former self that you're trying to keep?
04:58A bit like Ed, really, greedy, when I was younger.
05:01And I will have moments where I let it slip again.
05:04So I bought some Ferrero Rocher for Christmas
05:07and I thought, I'll have one,
05:10because I'm trying to save them for Christmas.
05:13So I thought, what I'll do is I'll eat it in a new way to slow it up.
05:16So I just pop one in my mouth and let it dissolve.
05:19And it took ages, like a really sort of strong-willed quaver.
05:26A skip with an attitude.
05:29And I let it sit and it dissolved into my mouth
05:32and it was the most beautiful way to eat one.
05:34And then I ate all of them.
05:37Six hours you were there.
05:40Driest mouth I've ever had.
05:42It smells so good. With a glass of milk, I still have chocolate.
05:45See, this is the fat man colour.
05:47Cookies and milk, I could just plough through them.
05:49Go vegan. You don't get that fat-unctiousness.
05:52You have one and you think...
05:57Also, milk's got pus in it.
05:59Milk's got pus in it? I've got shit all over me back there.
06:04So, Ed, I'm going to log the worry that you are an undercover fat man
06:08and I'll tell you now, Ed, I'm going to log that one as a moderate worry.
06:13And the reason is because, obviously, it's very sad to have thought
06:16that you might return to your previous chubby ways
06:18and that haunts your every waking moment.
06:20But you have lost a lot of weight and you're now very handsome
06:23and I find that quite threatening.
06:25So it is on the list there next to weird moles,
06:27which you can also find in the index under gardening,
06:30along with unseasonal frost and foxes shagging.
06:33So, Tariqa, Ed Gamble, your worry is a moderate worry.
06:42Now, Rob, do you have a health-based worry?
06:44Yes. Well, basically, I've been trying to get fit,
06:48so I've started doing boxing, I haven't done any sparring yet
06:51and I'm worried that I might enjoy being hit in the face.
06:55So we've summarised that as,
06:57I worry that getting fit will make me unfit.
06:59Yeah, if you can call being punched in the head unfit.
07:02You're one of five brothers, right? Yes.
07:04So surely you've been punched in the face.
07:06Yeah, true.
07:08When we were kids, my dad used to make us box in the front room.
07:11We used to fight each other.
07:13Are you sure this is the right arena
07:15to be revealing this sort of information?
07:17We enjoyed it.
07:19It wasn't like, you know...
07:20You sell tickets to the local community.
07:22Me and my brother actually had our first blood fight at the beach once.
07:25We were fighting in the sea and then whoever bled first lost.
07:31Also, as well, cos I've got to remember my jokes,
07:33so if I start doing too much boxing,
07:35I'm worried I might get punched out my head.
07:37Also, if you start sparring, the teeth are a target, aren't they?
07:40I mean, yeah, I've not looked into gum shields yet
07:42and that could cost a lot.
07:44Are you good at boxing?
07:46Not really, but I've got a lot of energy.
07:48The trainer bloke said,
07:49you're quite frantic and you keep smiling.
07:51The more tired you get, the more smiley you get,
07:53so it's quite off-putting if you're trying to beat someone up
07:56and they keep smiling.
07:57It's not a menacing smile, is it? It's a proper, like...
08:00I'm just delighted to be here.
08:02That was my favourite punch to the face I've ever had.
08:04That's when you mess with their mind and get in there.
08:06Like, give them a compliment and whack them round the head.
08:09I don't think I'd ever want to do a proper fight.
08:11I don't think getting hit in the face really should be a major worry,
08:14based on this clip of you sparring
08:16with former world middleweight champion Darren Barker.
08:20This is what it all comes down to.
08:22Three minutes, you've got two rounds apiece
08:24to spar with this man here.
08:26What's all this stuff on the floor?
08:28It's called blood.
08:29That's blood. Ignore that, it's just a bit of blood.
08:31Look at boys, get to your corners.
08:33Hands up! What have you been working on?
08:35OK, Rob, try and spark him out early.
08:37Dig in.
08:39Oh, my goodness, look at that power.
08:41The training had paid off.
08:42Well done!
08:43Go on, Beckett!
08:44Look at the speed in this man.
08:46Sort of.
08:53Oh, mate! You all right, mate?
08:56That noise...
08:58It really hurt.
09:00I made the noise before I felt the pain.
09:03Cos I remember, I just went...
09:06And then I went...
09:08The noise was like the sound of part of you dying.
09:12The part of you that thought, I'm good at this,
09:14that was the noise, it died, and you went...
09:16To be fair, that was the first time I've ever done boxing.
09:19Oh, so you're saying you'd muller that guy?
09:21Yeah, I'd actually kill him.
09:23Darren Bark, if you're watching, I'm going to take you out.
09:26Weightlifting is a real peril.
09:28Here is a weightlifting fail.
09:45That may have been tactical.
09:47I don't think I can put this down normally.
09:50I'll just go down with it.
09:53Have you taken a serious injury from sport or exercise?
09:56I ate a lasagne once and went for a run,
09:58and then I was sick the whole lasagne.
10:01I'm not surprised that you were sick.
10:03Who eats a lasagne and then goes for a run?
10:05Well, everyone talks about carving up before a run.
10:07You're not lasagne, you're not lasagne!
10:10I don't think they do it five minutes before, either.
10:12This bechamel sauce is really going to get me past the wall.
10:16I did the half marathon and ate a Chinese,
10:18and they had food stalls with people watching,
10:21and I was like, I'll just get a quick Chinese before it's set off.
10:24But the thing is, it took ages to cook,
10:26so I was sort of eating it, and then they blew the whistle.
10:28It was awful. It was such an awful...
10:30Because that's food for the spectators, right?
10:32Yeah, yeah, yeah.
10:33They must be looking at you a full year going,
10:35what the hell is this woman doing?
10:37I tell you what, they put the marathon on TV every year,
10:39and I imagine the viewing figures are dwindling.
10:41I would definitely watch it if everyone had had a Chinese.
10:44If you can watch them on Tundra inside a massive rhino outfit.
10:48And they should let them off in groups.
10:50Here's the curry group.
10:52They've all had a vindaloo, good luck at the eight-mile mark.
10:56Here comes the pizza hut buffet crew.
10:59There's Rob Beckett with Dolmio down his bust.
11:02Every day's a Dolmio day.
11:06So, Rob, I'm going to log your worry,
11:08that you are worried that getting fit will make you unfit.
11:12And I'm going to tell you that that is going to be logged as a low worry.
11:15And the reason is because I basically like you as a comedian,
11:19and you're a funny comedian because, let's say,
11:21you don't always know exactly what's going on in the world,
11:23so the more you get hit in the face, the funnier you're going to become.
11:28When you're funny now, can you imagine how funny you'll be
11:31if you don't really know what a sandwich is?
11:35Some of the other worries you can see there are fun runs,
11:38just because it rhymes doesn't mean it's true,
11:40and rogue blasters, which is less of a worry if it's yours,
11:43but a severe worry if they're mysterious.
11:46So for that reason, Rob, it's a low worry.
11:53So that's it for this part. See you in a bit.
12:10Welcome back to Ultimate Worry,
12:12where tonight we're looking at the world of health.
12:14Each show, one of our guests carries out some extra research
12:17on one of their worries. This week, that person is Lou.
12:19Lou, what is your worry?
12:21I hate noises, and I think we've got too sort of loud.
12:25I know, don't look at me like I am loud, but I mean...
12:28Yeah, I was going to say, this is very hypocritical.
12:31But I think... I don't mind me being loud,
12:33but I don't like the world around me.
12:35You know, like people on a train, like, shouting into their phones,
12:38or, like, just watching whole episodes of stuff without any earphones.
12:42Just, like, treating the train like it's their house.
12:45Like, oh, yeah, why not have a trumpet lesson and a wet shave?
12:48It's just gone too far.
12:50I mean, if I saw someone doing that, I'd be quite impressed.
12:53You know, like, even in the supermarket,
12:55like, the beeps, they've got really loud,
12:57and I feel sorry for people working there.
12:59Like, why not mix it up, have, like, make it a woof sound,
13:02or, like, a little squawk or something, or even a compliment.
13:05You know, it's a hard day's shift, bit of bread through,
13:08and it goes, oh, you're lovely, or something like that.
13:10You know, rather than a beeping. I hate police sirens.
13:13Oh, yeah, we're all busy. Like, we're all in a rush.
13:16Maybe if you paid for more stuff, you wouldn't hear them so much.
13:19I don't like the beeping, so I just took it,
13:21and now the bloody sirens are after me.
13:23You hate police sirens, yeah, we're all busy.
13:25That's not them showing off that they've got a job.
13:28Tone it down a bit, though.
13:30May I suggest, if you're not a fan of noise,
13:32the New Zealand Comedy Festival is one of the biggest on the planet.
13:35If you ever get offered it, you should really take it down,
13:38because you are apt to meet this gentleman in New Zealand.
13:44Harry Shuler is officially the loudest person in the world.
13:48He's been measured at 130 decibels,
13:51narrowly beating an Australian record of 128.
13:55He's apparently louder than a 747.
13:59Harry plans to try and enter his name in the Guinness Book of Records.
14:03In the meantime, he's spending a lot of time practising.
14:06The first New Zealand Shouting Champs will be held next month.
14:10Jo Malcolm, One Network News.
14:12Two words, daddy issues.
14:15Daddy issues.
14:17You think he's screaming for his daddy to hear?
14:20I did the New Zealand Comedy Festival
14:22and none of my audiences had any problem with being too loud.
14:26Opposite problem. Yeah.
14:28So, the European Commission have dubbed noise the silent killer.
14:31According to the World Health Organisation,
14:33at least one million healthy years of life
14:36are lost every year due to noise pollution.
14:38Oh, these bunch of nerds are doing my head in.
14:41They're not about fucking noise. Have a day off.
14:44That's sort of what the show's about.
14:48Here is a clip of a gentleman using noise
14:51to give enjoyment to the world.
14:55Get out, boy! Stop it!
14:57SHIT YOU!
15:01I say hi.
15:21NERDS! For goodness sakes, boy!
15:23F*** off!
15:27Oh, it's great.
15:31So, two choices now.
15:33We crack on with the show or we just watch that for two hours.
15:36I love that he just...
15:38His arms went up like one of those things outside a car garage.
15:41Don't worry, he turns the hoover on for me.
15:44Oh, yeah.
15:46So, Lou, I set you as your homework,
15:48if we're worried about noise, to find the alternative argument
15:51and to find a way to embrace sound.
15:53What have you got?
15:55OK, have you ever heard of ASMR?
15:59Which is... I wear it down cos it's really boring to learn.
16:02Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response.
16:05Which is, basically, it's people eating or whispering
16:08or making, like, quiet noises
16:10and people use them to get to sleep or feel relaxed.
16:13They talk all softly and... Yeah.
16:15It sounds like a wanking thing.
16:17They speak. People are speaking.
16:19Can we have a look at what it is?
16:21Yeah, I won't recreate it. Let's look on there.
16:24Hello, hello, hello.
16:57Thank you.
17:05That was horrible.
17:0724 million views, that got.
17:09A woman eating pickles. 24 million views.
17:11Oh, there's some grubby little bastards on the internet, innit?
17:14I feel like it's the sort of thing you'd hear if you were kidnapped
17:17and you had a bag over your head.
17:19Hello. Thank you for the pickles.
17:23So, I think, actually, we've set up a dressing room for Rob,
17:26cos of the gnashers, obviously,
17:28if you want to get chomping on some pickles
17:30to see if it's erotic or relaxing or needless.
17:33OK, so, do you want me to do sexual?
17:36I think so.
17:38It looks like a casting couch.
17:40So, you're going to go over there and you're going to eat some fruits?
17:43Yeah, I'm not going to have to suck off a middle-aged man, am I?
17:46That's optional. That is optional.
17:48I'm here for the show. I'm a team player. I will do it.
17:51OK, come on, you. Head to Lou's dressing room.
17:59It's a lovely dressing room you've got, isn't it? Nice.
18:02But I will say as well, this is how horror movies start.
18:06Rob, can you hear me, Rob?
18:09Yeah, I can hear you.
18:11Push right up to the mic and do it like the ASMR.
18:14Really chew, tell us what you're up to.
18:16I am...
18:22Eat a pickle for me.
18:33Just eat one pickle right into the mic.
18:35Don't say anything, just enjoy the pickle.
18:40They're all in little slices, so I think I need a few.
18:43Go on, then.
18:50Is that what you want?
18:55I mean, you've brought a real level of aggression to it.
18:59That wasn't picking up on in the other videos.
19:10Oh, popping candy, yeah, have some popping candy.
19:13Eat it all for me.
19:21That's quite enough, Jon.
19:25Are you wanking?
19:27Are you wanking to this, Jon?
19:29Just what you want.
19:36Anyone getting anything?
19:38Oh, I am rock hard.
19:40Ladies and gentlemen, ASMR featuring Mr Rob Beckett.
20:00Sorry, I didn't know what I was doing.
20:02That came across...
20:04It's really weird not being able to talk at a normal level.
20:07Three people in the audience ejaculated.
20:11That's my record for a room.
20:15That's my record for a lifetime.
20:17We're going to log the worry,
20:19and the worry is I worry everything's getting a bit loud.
20:22I sort of feel like we brought in the ASMR
20:25to sort of swing me back from the fear that noise is a killer.
20:29It didn't quite get me there.
20:31I enjoyed what you did in there.
20:33I don't think I was the person to deliver it to you, though.
20:36I can't.
20:38We've picked the loudest person.
20:40This ain't news to me.
20:44Let's get Rob to do that, he's often quiet.
20:48So, Lou, I'm going to log your worry
20:50that you think everything's getting a bit too loud,
20:53and I'm going to log it as a moderate worry.
20:57Personally, I would eradicate 90% of all conversation
21:01and the people saying the things.
21:03So that's a moderate worry. Thank you, Lou.
21:10Now, let's take a break,
21:12and after that, we'll be looking at my first worry of the night,
21:15which is I worry that we're due a plague.
21:18I'll see you in a bit, unless we all die!
21:25Coming up on Ultimate Worryer...
21:30I don't like it in here, Jon!
21:32It's on me!
21:42Welcome back to Ultimate Worryer,
21:44where tonight we're looking at worries exclusively to do with health.
21:47Now, before the break, I revealed this worry of mine.
21:50I worry that we're due a plague!
21:53This is one of the big worries.
21:55It's obviously up there with the death of bees and food shortages,
21:58people who say they're going on Hollybobs.
22:01We're talking a serious worry.
22:05When you think plague, don't think zombie virus.
22:08Think the flu.
22:10The World Health Organisation earlier this year listed a flu pandemic
22:13as one of their top ten threats to global health.
22:16And isn't it fun to find out there's ten?
22:18They could have just said three, really,
22:20or kept the whole thing to themselves so we could sleep at night.
22:23But it's a lovely top ten, it really is worth reading.
22:26Ed Sheeran's not in it as well, which is a bonus.
22:29Here's their quote.
22:31The world will face another influenza epidemic.
22:34The only thing we don't know is when it will hit and how severe it will be.
22:38So that's relaxing, isn't it?
22:41And if you want to see a clip of a flu-related sneeze
22:44that will make you housebound for a season, here it is.
22:51Not done.
22:53And then it goes back up.
22:55That's a terrible day's acting work as well, isn't it?
22:59But it'll only take one sneeze like that to start the plague, won't it?
23:02Absolutely. One aggressive sneeze.
23:04It was probably them filming that video that's probably ground zero.
23:07Well, they had to infect that woman with some pretty serious viruses.
23:10I sneeze like that from my trousers.
23:17We've got the clip.
23:20The tough day's acting work.
23:24I think it'd be quite handy.
23:26A flu plague.
23:28Cos it's busy, isn't it, on a commute?
23:31So just lop a few off.
23:33Would make things easier, wouldn't it?
23:35Table reservations for dinner.
23:38At the moment it sounds like your view's
23:40that you're the most cockney dictator of all time.
23:43Lop a few off.
23:46We're all saying knock a few off as if we might not be some of those people.
23:50I think I've already got it. You think you've got it?
23:52Yeah, I've been ill for four days.
23:54I've got gut problems.
23:56Gut problems?
23:58This feels like a conversation you could have had with our booker a week ago.
24:03I mean, I'm all right. I'm on my own chair here.
24:06As long as your legs are crossed when you sneeze, I think we'll be all right.
24:11I mean, that taken out of context is a career ender for me.
24:15Do you want to see something called a risk matrix?
24:17Of course you do.
24:19This is something a government draws up
24:21and it's a list of threats to our society.
24:25So along the bottom here,
24:27this is the likelihood of occurring in the next five years.
24:30This is the severity of it.
24:32So up here, this would be your worst.
24:34You'd have like Paddy McGuinness would be here.
24:37Almost inevitable that it's going to occur in the next five years.
24:40Very serious when it does.
24:42But here's your influenza right up here.
24:44It's four out of five likelihood of occurring in the next five years.
24:48And it is the most severe thing that we face.
24:50What, the flu?
24:51The flu, yeah.
24:52I mean, there are other threats.
24:54It raining when you're out for a drive.
24:58A dripping tap.
25:01I mean, they're quite right. It's almost inevitable, isn't it?
25:04I think that's what Lou's got at the moment, to be honest.
25:08I've taken this sort of methodology and I've made my own risk matrix.
25:12It's called the John Richardson Marriage Risk Matrix
25:15and it's threats to my marriage.
25:18You see, likelihood of occurrence,
25:20that's the likelihood my wife will bump into these people
25:22versus the risk of them ruining my marriage.
25:27This is Greg Wallace.
25:29I don't think she fancies Greg Wallace,
25:31but it doesn't seem to matter to him.
25:34Seems determined to marry all women at some point anyway., she's really into,
25:40but I've put him as a low risk as sort of pees in a pod, innit?
25:44Why would you leave me for such a similar guy?
25:48Who's top right?
25:50This is Glyn, he is our electrician stroke.
25:56He's sort of an electrician and a plumber
25:58and he can sort of do anything, so anything goes wrong in our house.
26:01When we have to call for a real man, it's Glyn that comes round.
26:04He's just a permanently emasculating presence in our marriage.
26:09Can I say your wife has got terrible taste in men?
26:12No offence.
26:23I think I overheard her mum saying that.
26:27Let's get back to the risk of us all dying of plague.
26:31Now that we've had a little bit of fun.
26:35This is a message from 1976.
26:37This is an advert on how easily these things can be spread.
26:42Joe brought it home from the office.
26:44He gave it to Betty and one of his kids and to Betty's mother.
26:50But Betty's mother went back to California the next day.
26:53On her way to the airport, she gave it to a cab driver,
26:57a ticket agent and one of the charming stewardesses.
27:01In California, Betty's mother gave it to her best friend, Dottie.
27:05But Dottie had a heart condition and she died.
27:09Before she died, Dottie gave it to her girlfriend,
27:12the mailman, the paperboy and the vet when she went to pick up her chihuahua.
27:20If a swine flu epidemic comes, this is how it could spread.
27:25Clearly the thing to be scared of there is the woman doing the voiceover.
27:28The plea with which she says, she died.
27:32Is the stuff of nightmares.
27:34The choice of music is incredible as well.
27:36It's not a swine flu, it's laid back jazz fun.
27:39My worry is why is she touching the paperboy?
27:46Never quite clear up how the taxi driver gets it.
27:48The mailman got it, I bet he did.
27:51I think the lesson from that is don't kiss your kids on the lips, it's weird.
27:55Don't touch the paperboy and don't fuck the postman.
27:59So just how close are we towards a global pandemic
28:02and what will the impact be?
28:04To answer those questions and more,
28:05please welcome sociologist Professor Robert Dingwall.
28:19I mean, I've gone in for a handshake there, I've probably started.
28:22Very rash of you, I think.
28:25So, a sociologist, do you study pandemics as part of that?
28:28Yeah, I'm sort of interested in accidents, catastrophes, disasters.
28:34Pandemics are just another one of these things that comes along.
28:37I'll tell you what, Robert,
28:38you've gone straight onto my dream dinner party list.
28:42So, when can we expect the next pandemic plague?
28:45Well, the World Health Organisation are absolutely right.
28:48Nobody knows when.
28:50The one thing that we can be reasonably certain of
28:52is it will come down the track sometime.
28:54So there's no sort of regular pattern?
28:56If you look over the last 100 years or so,
28:58you've got 1889, 1918, 1957, 1968, 2009.
29:06You find a pattern in that.
29:13What happens with the pandemic is that the virus changes
29:16in a way that we haven't seen before,
29:18so we don't have a really robust response to it.
29:22And that means that a lot more people get sick and a lot more people die.
29:26Is it worth having a Barocca?
29:29Good question. Thank you.
29:31I would...
29:33..take the chances while they're here. OK, thanks, mate.
29:36What can you do to ensure that if it breaks out,
29:38you're not going to get it?
29:40There's not an awful lot you can do to look after yourself.
29:43These airborne viruses are very infectious.
29:45They're very easily transmitted.
29:47You say there's nothing you can do about a pandemic,
29:49but surely that's going to help a bit, right?
29:52But you see, John, if you read the label, it says antibacterial,
29:56and we're talking about viruses.
30:03Take a one.
30:05I've got a healer, Gillian the Pyrenees,
30:08and she says you don't really get ill unless you're emotionally stressed,
30:13so she can probably help.
30:15Has she ever had chicken pox?
30:17Probably not. She's magic.
30:20Yeah, being stressed probably doesn't help.
30:22I mean, that's, again, it's one of the theories about 1918,
30:25that people were so stressed out by, you know,
30:28little things like World War I... Yeah.
30:30..that they weren't terribly...
30:32And they didn't even have social media press, did they? Indeed, yeah.
30:35Because, I mean, at the moment, I don't know if I've mentioned it,
30:38Gillian the Pyrenees said that it's purification,
30:40and she also said the reason I haven't been near a boy for a while
30:43is because the angels are purifying my lower regions.
30:49You genuinely pay a woman to tell you
30:53that angels are purifying your lower region?
30:55Is that why you've got the shits?
30:59So, who are the major sort of spreaders?
31:01I've identified Rob Beckett, but who would be the people who spread?
31:04Well, he's a pretty fair candidate, but actually...
31:09Going off him.
31:11Actually, it's the toddlers that you really need to worry about.
31:14Children? Yeah, I mean, relatively small ones.
31:18Because they, you know, they're snotty-nosed and they dribble a lot...
31:21They're grubby little bastards.
31:24They distribute the virus around very freely.
31:26Oh, what a bunch of arseholes.
31:29Honestly, small people who need affection, honestly, I've noticed that.
31:34So that's my Tinder profile.
31:37Why do you think that went for Rob as the prime candidate?
31:40Yes, Rob. Yes.
31:43Neither of you look good doing that.
31:47I'm a boxer, mate, it's what we do. Don't be S-Rob.
31:50Right, we're going to log the worry, but before that,
31:52let me say a massive thank you to Professor Robert Dingwall.
32:01So we're going to log the worry that I worry we're due a plague,
32:05and how could that be anything other than a very severe worry?
32:09The Professor has convinced me that we are due a plague at any minute,
32:14so that is clearly a severe worry.
32:18So that's it for this part.
32:20I'm going to have a shower in antibacterial hand wash.
32:23I know he said it's pointless, I just like the feel of it on my skin.
32:26I'll see you after the break, you dirty bunch.
32:43Welcome back to Ultimate Worrier.
32:45I am about to confront my biggest worry from the world of health,
32:49which is this one.
32:51I'm worried that stress will kill me.
32:55Now, to be clear, I'm not talking about worrying.
32:58Obviously, that would undermine the format.
33:02Worrying's not the same as stress. Worrying, I think, is productive.
33:05Worrying's about dealing with problems.
33:07Stress is purely an unpleasant state to be in.
33:09Would you say you're quite sort of stressy, angry people?
33:12You ever lost your rag?
33:14I lose my rag about tiny things.
33:16Like, big stuff doesn't really worry me.
33:18I'll just build up a stress.
33:20Like, I'm really stressed out at the moment
33:22about I bought a three-pack of peppers
33:24and I know I'm not going to use the green one.
33:26And when am I going to use a green pepper?
33:28It tastes like evil.
33:30Yeah, eat it and make money doing ASMR.
33:34I can sort you out. I'll get you on my channel.
33:36Yeah, cheers, mate.
33:38It's called the slightly confused and stressed ASMR guy.
33:40It's called the Cockney Whisperer.
33:44Do you get stressed?
33:46You wouldn't, like, for example, go into a bathroom
33:48and scream into the mirror for five minutes.
33:50I mean, I scream a lot.
33:52When you scream, is it just stress?
33:54I scream because I'm so excited.
33:58Because when I was a kid, when I was really excited,
34:00I used to, like, squeeze my nipples like that and go,
34:04But now I've just reined it back to,
34:10Now you squeeze your wife's nipples.
34:12When you started tugging your nipples as a child,
34:14did your parents think about taking you to see some sort of professional?
34:16Nah, I've got four brothers.
34:18There was too much going on.
34:20I like stress. I like it.
34:22You took your shirt off now and you had just really long nipples.
34:24I've got big nips,
34:26but I think that might be hormones.
34:28Oh, oh, oh.
34:30My concern is that
34:32it gets to the point where it builds up so much
34:34that it becomes a genuine, like,
34:36blood pressure.
34:38I've thrown toys.
34:40I had an issue with things being left out
34:42in the garden.
34:44I threw my daughter's
34:46little tricycle
34:48across the garden.
34:50She wasn't on it.
34:52She was fast asleep.
34:54But then it just comes out
34:56in a, ARGH!
34:58And I picked this tricycle up and properly, like, hammered through it.
35:00I spun three times.
35:02Just toyed it across the garden.
35:04What's your wife doing at this point?
35:06Oh, she's upstairs making mess in another room.
35:12She's testing it to my absolute limits,
35:14that's what she's doing.
35:16She's upstairs squeezing the toothpaste
35:18with the strength of a hundred rhinos.
35:22I find it on the fucking ceiling sometimes.
35:26So, this is a clip that sort of frightens me.
35:28It went viral as a sort of amusing clip,
35:30but it's something I see as a genuine
35:32flash of my future, cos where I do get it
35:34is road rage, and I'm one step away
35:36from offering to make a citizen's arrest
35:38on a child, which is...
35:40You're under a citizen's arrest!
35:42Put your hands on the car!
35:44And get ready to die!
35:46You're under a citizen's arrest!
35:48I'm not opening the door!
35:50You're under a citizen's arrest!
35:52You're under a citizen's arrest!
35:54And I'll tell you what, you are too!
35:56That's my 11-year-old son!
36:00I mean, what he's pointing out there is
36:02it's literally a child on the back seat.
36:04He threatens to put under a citizen's arrest
36:06because the car that was being driven
36:08cut him up on his way into the services.
36:10Now, there's no way in which that is a rational
36:12response to that situation.
36:14Cos if that did happen, I would lose it
36:16at someone who would return fire,
36:18and that's what happens here.
36:20It's called legal.
36:22Yeah, put your seat belt on.
36:24Put your fucking mouth shut!
36:26You are really pissing me off.
36:28I know I am.
36:30And you do this for a hobby.
36:32Fucking annoy people.
36:36I'm taking your camera.
36:40I'm a fucking tourist!
36:42Fuck you!
36:44You're a fucking prick!
36:56I sort of hate those clips
36:58because I feel like I'm in them.
37:00Certainly the bit when he said,
37:02you're pissing me off, and the guy goes,
37:04oh, no!
37:06That's me, is what that is.
37:08I think, oh, shit.
37:10I'm not surprised he fell over with that big blur
37:12in front of his face.
37:14The lowest I've come to this point
37:16in my life was spitting at a traffic light.
37:22What I recognised was
37:24an unhealthy response.
37:26I mean, if you approach a traffic light,
37:28the one thing you've got to expect
37:30that might happen is
37:32the light's changed colour.
37:34This light didn't become a transformer
37:36and burst all my tyres.
37:38It didn't show me pictures of traumatic events
37:40from my childhood.
37:42It simply went from green to amber
37:44at a time that I felt was taking the piss.
37:48And this light saw me coming and went,
37:50wait, let me get... Fuck off.
37:52Just went amber
37:54and I wound my window down and I spat at it.
37:58Anyone else would just go through amber, but...
38:04What they now advise people to do
38:06if you've heard of these,
38:08where you go into a room and you put in there
38:10all the things that have annoyed you
38:12and you just smash the crap out of everything.
38:14To me, that's sort of ramping up the problem.
38:16That's saying if you think you've got a problem with aggression,
38:18why don't you really lose your shit?
38:20I've come up with a sort of
38:22an alternative that I think would please me more,
38:24which I'm calling
38:26an arrange room.
38:28And what I need is basically that situation
38:30where other people go and unleash
38:32tensions they have in their life
38:34and then I go in and tidy up afterwards.
38:38The tension that would release in me
38:40in tidying up other people's mess
38:42would be a much healthier way
38:44of me dealing with anxiety.
38:46So, I have here my arrange room.
38:50Excuse me.
38:54If you could smash anything up,
38:56what would it be?
38:58For me, inequality.
39:02I'm sure we can do something about that.
39:04No, I reckon, like, the things we were talking about earlier,
39:06like snacks, sugary sweets
39:08and things like that, I'd just get them out my system.
39:10That's what you'd love to do in a buffet environment.
39:12Yeah. Rob?
39:14Well, I've always...
39:16Like, when I've got, like, the tomato sauce out the fridge,
39:18I've always had an urge just to squeeze it everywhere.
39:20So I know it's not acceptable.
39:22So, you know...
39:24It's a good job we're not married.
39:26I think it would be quite liberating
39:28if I could just go condiment crazy.
39:30Condiments, sugar and inequality.
39:32Yeah. So, I mean,
39:34a lot's going to change as a result of the next few minutes.
39:36You all look absolutely smashing
39:38and I wouldn't want to ruin that.
39:40So I've got you some protective gear.
39:42Look smashing, be smashing, yeah?
39:44There's some little protective suits for you to put on.
39:46Thank you.
39:48So, there you go. Please make your way to the arrange room,
39:50ladies and gentlemen.
39:54And first up in the arrange room,
39:56it's Lou Sanders smashing inequality.
40:00Inequality, of course,
40:02is a watermelon with a face.
40:06Yeah, I feel a bit threatened.
40:10That's inequality.
40:12We've smashed inequality.
40:14All right, sorry.
40:16Unleash the milkshakes of hell.
40:18Goodbye, milkshakes forever!
40:24I don't like it in here, Jon.
40:30Friendly fire, friendly fire!
40:32Rob! Rob!
40:34I don't want to do it.
40:36You don't have to do it, Rob.
40:38I don't like it in there.
40:40They're mad.
40:42Come and join us, Rob!
40:52God, I can't wait to get in there and tidy all that up.
40:56Oh, this is like watching porn in reverse.
41:00So, Rob, I'm very proud of the way you reacted there.
41:02I just panicked and left.
41:04I want you to come in with me,
41:06and I want you to see what happens when we sort all that mess out.
41:10So, we're going to go into the arrange room.
41:12Hello, Rob. Hello.
41:14Welcome to the room, you absolute pussy.
41:16Oh, it stinks!
41:18You're not even in, it's horrible, innit?
41:20There's only watermelons and sweets in here.
41:22It's condiments.
41:24You've brought a lot of this smell in with you.
41:26I tried to draw a knob, but it got too busy in here and I left.
41:28Do you all feel calmer than you did when you came in?
41:30Genuinely do, you know.
41:34I feel a bit more relaxed.
41:36I feel quite on edge.
41:38This is the most stress I've felt for the entire show.
41:40Time to deal with my stress.
41:42It's not about you anymore.
41:44I think this is going to be really thick.
41:46It's smearing slightly.
41:48Oh, it's on me!
41:52It's quite strange you're satisfied watching you do that.
41:56Well, you lot can go whenever you're ready to be honest.
42:00I mean, that was better than any sex anyone's ever had.
42:04Rob, do you want to have a squeegee?
42:06I'll have a little squeegee.
42:08Actually, I think you're a freak like me, Rob.
42:10I'm just spreading the milk.
42:12Jon, you've missed a bit.
42:16We're going to log the worry.
42:18The worry, of course, is I worry stress will kill me.
42:20It started off as a severe worry, of course it did,
42:22but I'll be honest with you,
42:24the last 30 seconds have been the best experience
42:26of my entire life.
42:28I think I've finally discovered a satisfying outlet
42:30for my stress.
42:32So stress is now a low worry for me.
42:36There it goes.
42:40That's it for this week on Ultimate Worrier.
42:42Thanks to my guests, Lou Sanders,
42:44Ed Gamble and Rob Becker.
