Zlatni Decko - Epizoda 2

  • 2 months ago
This is the story of a young, talented football player with a problematic temperament, who already in his youth, because of his talent, becomes the target of several interest groups.
Ово је прича о младом, талентованом фудбалеру проблематичног темперамента, који већ у младости, због свог талента, постаје мета неколико интересних група.
Ovo je priča o mladom, talentovanom fudbaleru problematičnog temperamenta, koji već u mladosti, zbog svog talenta, postaje meta nekoliko interesnih grupa.
Ognjen Jankovic
Ognjen Jankovic, Aleksa Rsumovic, Vuk Rsumovic
Denis Muric, Igor Bencina, Petar Strugar

04:41Dixie, come on.
04:42I'm going to my parents now.
04:44When I get back, if you're still here, I'll call Muri.
04:50I thought you were a pretty bitch.
04:58Now call Muri.
05:25Who are you?
05:29You don't even look like a football player.
05:34Are you a part of their family?
05:36Yes, yes.
05:41We are your new managers.
05:43Braco Skokovic, Nikola, Aleksandar.
05:47My manager is Chaki, bro.
05:50He's not anymore.
05:51Chaki owes you a lot of money.
05:54And in return for that debt, he sold you to us.
05:57Is this some kind of hidden camera?
06:09Someone wants to talk to you.
06:14Hey, Chaki.
06:17What is this, bro? Who are these people?
06:19You can't do this.
06:23You can't explain everything to everyone.
06:27Wait, bro.
06:28Did you really drown me in debt?
06:34Let me tell you, now I'll explain everything to you.
06:36Are you crazy, bro?
06:37How could you do that?
06:38Are you fucking kidding me?
06:41Don't get mad, bro.
06:44I think you did it to yourself.
06:46To myself?
06:50He went into the tunnel.
06:51I see.
06:57This is probably the best thing that could have happened to you.
06:59Even a fool is incapable.
07:01Who will tell you?
07:02He didn't know what to do with you.
07:04He didn't have anything to tell you.
07:06Come on.
07:07Tell us nicely what you need to do to start training.
07:11To get in shape.
07:13And to go back to Velika Vrata.
07:15To fuck off this little door.
07:18We can't do that.
07:19That's the only thing you can do, because I don't play football anymore.
07:26Look, son.
07:28You don't have to ask anything anymore.
07:31You won't be able to force me to train.
08:16The door is unlocked.
08:22This time we're going to do it the right way.
08:24What does that mean?
08:25No drugs, no alcohol.
08:26From now on, you're thinking about training and only training.
08:37Is that clear?
09:17Go fuck yourself.
09:19Look, son.
09:21Go fuck yourself.
09:24That's why there are no whores, no fuckings, no whores, no whores.
09:28Sit down nicely.
09:29It's comfortable, you have everything you need.
09:31See you tomorrow at training.
09:42Where are you, people? Welcome.
09:44Where are you?
09:46Thank you.
10:08Where's the make-up?
10:11Wait, did you give him this?
10:12Give it to him, he doesn't have it.
10:13Look how he looks.
10:14Give it to him, he's running away.
10:15What are you doing here?
10:16Where are you now?
10:17In the washroom.
10:19Start my attacker.
10:20Hey, get this over with.
10:21You know, we played together, he was the starting player.
10:23Bro, without you, the club will never be the same.
10:26Come on, fuck off, enjoy.
10:28Where's my brother, the biggest promoter in town?
10:33Come on, come on, come on, come on.
10:34You're not coming, man.
10:37How did you roll over?
10:39You're dirty, you're dirty.
10:41That's a fake boy, bro, what do you want?
10:43You're raining, Mila, see, I didn't even doubt it.
10:45What are you drinking, bro?
10:47Skittles, huh?
10:50Just a second.
10:51Here you go.
10:54Here's a whiskey for my brother.
10:55I heard you came because of Dixie, bro.
10:57I don't have a gun, fucker.
11:00And I'm an orthopedist, what's it to you?
11:05Hey, I didn't come empty-handed.
11:08Throw me a five.
11:10Wait for me here, I'm coming, I'm coming.
11:16Hey, wait!
11:19Hey, hey, hey, wait!
11:20Wait for me!
11:21Wait for me!
11:30Come on, people!
11:32The party's starting, fuck!
11:39Turn it up!
12:16That you never loved me like I loved you
12:22That you never loved me like I loved you
12:28It will never be what it was
12:32And from all that was, little is left
12:36Now my heart is killing me
12:40I would give everything if I knew
12:42That you never loved me like I loved you
12:48That you never loved me like I loved you
12:54That you never loved me like I loved you
13:05Could you give him a pipe?
13:08The kid.
13:10The kid has a problem in his head.
13:12No one can solve it,
13:13it's just that they're getting us into trouble.
13:15He wasn't born that madman
13:17who can bring the kid to his senses.
13:22Dreaming with the help of ideals
13:24is stronger than the heart of a disappointed man.
13:31What the hell is this?
13:32Read it.
13:34To what extent is Schopenhauer's nihilism
13:39still a consequence of the same ideal
13:43which is...
13:44What the hell is this?
13:48It's nothing.
13:49Where the hell are you, you moron?
13:51I'm not a moron.
13:55I'm calling you ten times this morning, man.
13:57Where the hell are you?
13:59I have a meeting.
14:01What meeting?
14:03Get yourself together
14:04and get out of your hole.
14:06Johnny and I are waiting for you.
14:07Your job, your car, your apartment, everything is waiting for you.
14:10I have my own plans.
14:13What do you mean your own plans?
14:14What are you going to do?
14:15Run after debtors?
14:16I know what you're going to do.
14:18You're going to be a security guard on the rafts.
14:21Fuck you.
14:22I'm not going to do that.
14:26Okay, but don't forget me.
14:27Call me.
14:28Relax a little, man.
14:29Relax a little, man.
14:30Why are you so nervous?
14:32See you.
14:33Call me.
14:34Okay, jerk.
15:09What is this?
15:16I got a new job.
15:19It's a serious story,
15:20but it turned out to be a bigger problem than I thought.
15:26What's the problem?
15:27A kid.
15:31What kid?
15:34I hired a football player.
15:37You know what he's like with the ball.
15:38You know what a genius he is.
15:40A talent.
15:42But, man, he's crazy.
15:47Look, this is a serious matter.
15:50You, Johnny, and I are sharing the job.
15:53Wait a minute.
15:54What does it have to do with football?
15:55I have nothing to do with football.
15:58And the kid has no problem with football.
16:05Big deal.
16:08But if you fix him...
16:19Where's the kid?
16:25I don't know.
17:44Hey, son.
17:47I did.
17:55I did.
18:25I did.
18:41Are you okay?
18:47Are we going further?
18:49Let's go.
18:50I can't walk.
18:51I'm bleeding.
18:53Let's go somewhere else.
18:55We can.
18:57Let's go.
18:59Let's go.
19:00Let's go.
19:01Let's go.
19:07How's your leg?
19:09It's better.
19:10Do you want some whiskey?
19:17Let's go further.
19:25Let's go.
20:02Sit down.
20:08Are you fucking kidding me?
20:24Give me some water, please.
20:40Let's go.
20:56Hit it.
20:57Don't be a pussy.
20:59I'm a football player.
21:00Don't be a pussy.
21:01Hit it.
21:07Come on.
21:11You're not normal, man.
21:13Find a bag and hit it.
21:19Fucking psychopath.
21:30Where are you, asshole?
21:37This guy is not normal.
21:41What did you do yesterday?
21:42Where are you?
21:49Come on, man.
21:51Kill him.
21:59Here's the family.
22:03You know, they fucked up my kebab at the post office.
22:06But I paid for you.
22:09Kill me, man.
22:10I don't give a shit.
22:16What's going on?
22:18What are your plans?
22:19What plans?
22:24I battled it, man.
22:25What do you mean, you battled it?
22:27How are you going to earn money?
22:30When was this a problem, man?
22:35What the fuck is wrong with you?
22:36Relax, man.
22:45You know what's wrong with this kid?
22:50Derek, man.
22:51Look at him.
22:52Look at Maestro now.
22:53Look at him.
22:59Doctor, this is how it's done.
23:01You know what?
23:02We're going to bring him now.
23:05Maestro, take him to the fifth floor.
23:10What's up, fam?
23:11What's up, Maradona?
23:19Hey, Orlando!
23:20Give me back my girl!
23:27How are they?
23:29They're ready, man.
23:40Good day.
23:41Thank you, boss.
23:43How's it going?
23:45What can I say?
23:47We fixed the shit that came out of the toilet.
23:50But the pipe broke.
23:52And the board fell on the little Stevic's finger.
23:55But I hired another welder.
23:57What can I say?
23:59Little Stevic will be back soon.
24:01Thank you, boss.
24:02It's good.
24:03It's not as black as it looks.
24:05What's good?
24:06I'm looking at the inspection.
24:08The inspection?
24:09So what?
24:10They're all covered.
24:11It's good.
24:12If they came, they came routinely.
24:14I don't know what you covered them with.
24:16But they asked for all my papers.
24:18I pulled them out somehow.
24:19But if they come back, I don't know what to tell them.
24:21What papers?
24:22I paid half of the municipality.
24:23What papers?
24:24Calm down.
24:25We'll figure it out.
24:26And you act like nothing happened.
24:31Okay, okay.
24:32Come on.
25:23Look how gentle your hands are.
25:24Just like girls.
25:28Why are you laughing?
25:29Come on.
25:37That's it.
25:41That's it, that's it.
25:43That's it, that's it.
26:05Where did you find this idiot?
26:08He's a bit raw, he just got out of jail.
26:10What, you hired a rapist to train me?
26:17Okay, why did he hire you?
26:18What does it matter?
26:19It matters, man, I don't want some pedophile to train me.
26:22You see, I see that a man is not normal.
26:24Oh, don't get mad, then.
26:26Mac is in jail for murder.
26:30You can't?
26:32Come on, we had a nice chat.
26:41Hey, man.
26:43When are you going to sell me that beauty?
26:45You like it, huh?
26:46It's what I know.
26:48It's not bad.
26:50I'm sorry it's disappearing like this.
26:52It's nothing.
26:54I don't know, I'll see.
27:01How's the kid?
27:04I don't know what to say.
27:07I don't know what to say.
27:14Okay, I didn't say that.
27:15Tell me.
27:18He wants to train me.
27:20Do you think he has a choice?
27:24Yours, huh?
27:25Silent Kenyan.
27:26I finish the job.
27:28Come on, man, where did you get that from?
27:30I got it, we all got it.
27:32I have to know right away if there's something in it or not.
27:35Come on, man, you're a gold digger.
27:36Did you see how he plays?
27:38My friend, he doesn't play anything.
27:41He's just doing his job.
27:42Staff guard, moron.
27:45He's just passing by like an egg.
27:47Like an egg?
27:48That's the most important lesson in life.
27:51Isn't that right?
27:55Fuck you.
27:56I haven't talked to you since you left.
27:59Are you okay?
28:00Are we okay?
28:06Are you okay?
28:11Now I am.
28:14That's it, that's it, that's it.
28:15Good, good.
28:17Communication, communication, guys.
28:21Go, go, go, faster.
28:22Come on, come on, come on.
28:23Come on, come on.
28:26Who are you?
28:31You can move, I'm watching the training.
28:33You didn't show up.
28:35This is closed.
28:36Training, parents can't be present.
28:38Who told you I'm a parent?
28:54Shooting is forbidden here.
29:02I'm sorry.
29:11You'd better take care of these kids.
29:13You're being too smart.
29:15They don't care.
29:17Come on, come on.
29:32Come on, come on.
29:38Real killers.
29:40They told me this guy killed a man and he's in jail.
29:45If he was a real killer, I wouldn't mess with him.
29:50Okay, I don't think he'll tell me anything.
29:55He won't.
29:56For a killer, I have no idea.
29:59But he's not the only killer here.
30:01He's not a killer.
30:02No, no, no, no.
30:03Look, it's my fault.
30:04It's my fault.
30:06Come here.
30:07Come on, hurry up.
30:09What are you staring at?
30:10Come on, you'll be here in 50 minutes.
30:11No, no, you don't have the money.
30:12I don't have the money.
30:13You don't.
30:14Come on, put the money in the game.
30:15You don't have the money.
30:16This isn't your game.
30:32What are you doing here?
30:33Where are you, Lepi?
30:41Put the bag in my room.
30:47I didn't ask for a bag.
30:50Come on, let's go.
31:07And don't bring any guests here.
31:19I don't like guests.
31:32Wait, what?
31:33Are you going to live with me now?
31:36Where's Dovla?
31:38This way.
31:42Listen, man.
31:43You can't drag my man out of the gutter.
31:45Do you understand?
31:57Look, bro.
31:58I don't understand who's going to fuck us with that guy.
32:02You, Johnny, don't get it, General.
32:05If Mali brought someone to the hunt,
32:07it wouldn't have been a long time.
32:09Plus, Mali got on our nerves.
32:11Can't you see that Mali is a golden boy?
32:13He's worth so much.
32:15He's no better than everyone else.
32:17Do you know who's leading the players today?
32:20I don't want them to mix us up with all those peasants.
32:24I don't give a shit who's leading the players today.
32:26I'm sick and tired of Zela Nasenja.
32:28I can't stand those drug addicts.
32:32Why? Do you want to live now?
32:34Don't worry about that.
32:35I don't want to have to deal with a whore anymore.
32:40Leave me alone.
32:49Let's go.
32:58Let's go.
33:28Let's go.
33:54What are you doing?
33:55I'm watching a series.
33:59What are you doing? How are you?
34:02I'm thinking about coming here to you.
34:12Do you want to tell me what's going on?
34:14It's a long story, Sara.
34:16You better start right away, because I don't understand anything.
34:21Here, Sara, I'm telling you first.
34:24I gave up on football.
34:27What are you talking about? Are you kidding me?
34:29No, I just know that I won't play anymore.
34:31You're a fool.
34:33Because you can't give up on football.
34:37You don't understand, Sara. I've already given up.
34:39Look at you.
34:41Okay, what are you going to do now?
34:43Do you have a plan?
34:45I'm coming to you.
34:47Do you miss me?
34:50What? Don't I miss you?
34:53No, it's not about that at all.
34:54Of course you miss me.
34:56It's just...
34:58Okay, what does this...
35:00What's his name? Chaki?
35:02Chaki betrayed me.
35:03He's no longer my manager.
35:04He drowned me in debt to some greenies who have no idea about football.
35:07Diana left me.
35:09I'm alone with that, you know?
35:13Okay, we'll figure something out.
35:15I'll find a job.
35:16Who are you going to find a job here?
35:20You'll find something for me, young, pretty, nice.
35:23Don't lie to me, please.
35:24I'll see everything when I come back.
35:26Denis, you can't come here.
35:29I have a lot of obligations.
35:31Stop it, Sara. Don't fuck with me.
35:32Cleaning hospital beds is a great science.
35:34I can do it without going to school.
35:36I have obligations to the faculty.
35:38It doesn't matter.
35:39I mean...
35:40You know what, Denis?
35:41Do literally whatever you want.
35:43If you want to give up on football, give up.
35:46Just don't involve me in it.
36:11Don't fuck with me.
36:18Don't fuck with me.
36:48Don't fuck with me.
37:14Is there anything sweet?
37:29I can't go to training like this, bro.
37:31I have diabetes, you know?
37:34Today is the signing of the contract.
37:38I'm not signing anything.
37:45What, like you won't negotiate with me?
37:48I won't.
37:51Okay, but I really won't sign anything.
37:56I know.
38:04What are we going to eat today?
38:09Let's go to the signing of the contract.
38:12Bro, I told you I won't sign anything.
38:15I'll sign the contract when you find me a club.
38:18Until then, I won't sign anything.
38:20I'm not a fool.
38:41Let's go.
38:59Shut up.
39:00You shut up, I'll talk.
39:04I'll give you a second chance.
39:07I know you don't deserve her, I'm not an idiot.
39:09But I don't want to work with these guys anymore.
39:11Listen to me.
39:12I've thought it through, bro.
39:13I'm going back to training.
39:15Now you'll find clubs to start looking for me.
39:17It'll be all yours, just find a club,
39:19that is, choose a club,
39:21and solve your gambling debt,
39:23and then I'll go on a horse with you, bro.
39:25Listen to me, man.
39:26You're gambling all the time.
39:28You should never enter the gambling house again,
39:30and that's it.
39:31We've solved it, even I forgive you.
39:36Why are you silent, bro?
39:38What's your problem?
39:39Thank you, Denis.
39:40Come on, man, I forgive you, bro.
39:44You think I wouldn't like her?
39:47It'll be like that, bro.
39:50Do you know who they are, man?
39:54He won't accept.
39:55What won't he accept?
39:58Wait, so you really plan to leave these guys, right?
40:01Man, they'll kill me, are you crazy?
40:02Yes, I'm crazy, bro.
40:04You're the same horse, you know?
40:06You're the worst of them all.
40:08Fucking shit.
40:09I can't believe you sold me for gambling debt.
40:13I hate you, motherfucker.
40:15I hate you, motherfucker!
40:26Milan, the contracts.
40:37First, the paint contracts.
40:41Here are the signatures.
40:55That's all, you're free now.
40:57It's not over yet.
41:00What do you mean?
41:02What are you going to do if I don't sign?
41:05That's not my problem anymore.
41:07It's not?
41:08Whose problem, man? His or yours?
41:15I'm asking you again.
41:24Is that it?
41:25You have one more signature.
41:28Here's another signature.
41:31You're all in this together, you beautiful motherfuckers.
41:49You sign it.
41:58Are you okay?
42:00Let's go to the gym.
42:05I like this.