PBM-5A Mariner First Impressions - Skilled Marksmen Battlepass - War Thunder

  • 2 months ago
Today we take a look at the PBM-5A, the free prize of the Skilled Marksmen Battlepass.

So join me as we take a look at this aircraft, look at its stats and discuss how I think it will play in War Thunder.

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Game: War Thunder ⬅️

#warthunder #pbm #floatplane #amphibian #toreno #testflight #battlepass

Stats: 00:00
Test Flight: 02:33
Overall Thoughts: 05:48
00:00Hello everybody, Tran0 here, and today we are going to be taking a look at the Aerial Prize for the Skilled Marksman Battle Pass.
00:07And that is the PBM 5A Mariner, which is coming in at rank 3, battle rating 3.7, and is incidentally the free prize of the Battle Pass,
00:17so you need to get to level 51 to unlock it, but you don't have to buy the Battle Pass to do so.
00:22So this is the second prize of the Battle Pass, and we have already got PBMs in the game already,
00:28so if you've played those previous models, you're probably already kind of used to this.
00:33But we take a look at the stats, it's not particularly fast, so it's got a top speed of 214 miles per hour,
00:39and a turn time of 33 seconds, and a rate of climb of only 6.9 meters a second.
00:44And it's got an airspeed limit of only 252 miles an hour.
00:49Now, this does carry a decent amount of bombs, so you can carry up to eight 1,000 pound bombs or magnetic mines,
00:58and you can also carry two 1,600 pound armor-piercing bombs, which is pretty good.
01:04You can also carry two torpedoes, but unfortunately these seem to be the pre-war models,
01:08so it's got a maximum drop speed of 128 miles per hour and altitude of 105 meters, they only go for 4.11 kilometers.
01:17Compare that to the post-war models, and they've got a maximum drop speed of 472 miles per hour,
01:23and can be dropped from up to 731 meters, with a speed of 46 miles per hour in the water,
01:29though it has got a smaller travel distance.
01:31So basically the torpedoes we've got in-game are just massively inferior to the post-war models,
01:37which makes no sense because this is a post-war vehicle.
01:41You know, this is supposed to be from 1948, 1949, so it should have the post-war torpedoes.
01:46I'm really baffled how they've managed to get that one wrong, to be honest.
01:49I mean, they're literally already in the game.
01:53You can see there's a little bit of armor around some of the turrets and the pilots,
01:58so not a massive amount of armor, but you know, it protects you against the odd shot.
02:02And some of the fuel tanks are self-sealing, well, the majority of them are self-sealing.
02:06These two at the rear here aren't, but the ones at the front and in the wing are, so that's pretty good.
02:12And you've got a crew of seven, so you've got two pilots who can access the radar,
02:16and then you've got your gunner at the front here, middle, and the rear, and then the waist position.
02:22So you've got three twin turrets and two single turrets, so that's pretty good.
02:27And then you've got your radar here.
02:29It's a search radar, 27 kilometer range, so pretty good.
02:34And we're taking this out for a quick test fly just to see how it performs.
02:38We're going to fit the magnetic mines, although we're not really going to have any targets to go after with the mines, I don't think.
02:46So we start off on the water because, of course, this is a float plane, but as I mentioned in the dev blog,
02:51you can land on the ground because you do have some tricycle gears fitted.
02:59We're going to take off first, and you can see on the search radar we're already picking up quite a few ships in the area.
03:06So this will be quite useful in naval battles, especially when you're in an area with really thick, heavy cloud,
03:14which is rare, but I have had a few occasions where I've just not been able to find the targets very easily.
03:19I've ended up overshooting them because I'm trying to stay away from enemies and just can't see them through the cloud cover.
03:26So this will be quite useful for in naval battles.
03:30We're just going to show the gears deployed.
03:34Hopefully we'll be able to take off a little bit more before they deploy because I don't want to fall out of the sky on the extra drag.
03:41So there are your gears. That will be quite useful, making this a bit more versatile, being able to land at airfields.
03:52Here is the cockpit. Of course, it is a placeholder like with the previous models.
03:58Again, these seem to be in the pre-war uniforms, so it does look like Gaijin have just reused some assets here, unfortunately.
04:06There are the magnetic mines.
04:10Let's drop a few of them to show what the target is.
04:14See how they perform when they actually hit the ship.
04:25And there they go.
04:27Oh no, they just go straight through it.
04:31I was wondering why there hadn't been an explosion from the previous mine drops.
04:37You can see we're picking up all sorts of units over there. I must say I'm quite impressed with the radar.
04:44If I did unlock this in the battle pass, I think this would be quite useful for in naval, which I've been playing quite a lot of in the last few months.
04:51And there are the machine guns. You can see the rear and top turret can cover pretty similar areas, so you can double up your firepower in some ways.
05:02You've got your front turret, your waist turret, which can also be covered by that top turret. It's only really below you that you're going to be blind to enemy aircraft.
05:12And you can see it's just not a particularly fast aircraft. It's pretty sluggish.
05:19I mean, straight flight does accelerate a little bit, but it's not great.
05:26And we're only at 300 meters here. It's going to take you a long time to climb up to altitude.
05:34I'll just drop some of those mines again.
05:37Yeah, and we took out the Panzer III B with the mines.
05:48So anyway, that is the PBM-5A Mariner. And as a free aerial price, I think it's decently okay.
05:55I mean, like I've said, the lack of the post-war torpedoes is going to be a little bit of an issue.
06:02I suspect your bomb load does somewhat make up for that, especially with the 1,000 pound bombs and the magnetic mines.
06:09It's just bizarre how they've managed to mess that up. I mean, this is a post-war aircraft.
06:14Presumably, it could carry the post-war torpedoes. Overall, I think it will be an okay price.
06:18I think it'll do pretty well, especially in naval battles and evening ground battles and aerial battles.
06:24I think it'll do pretty good with its massive bomb load.
06:27But yeah, hopefully they fix the torpedoes soon, you know, before people unlock this for real.
06:34And yeah, if I unlock it, if I get near to unlocking it, I think I will probably do the final push to try and get it.
06:40I think it'll be very useful in naval battles. And it seems like a decent enough price, if not spectacular.
06:47Anyway, that's just a quick video looking at the PBM-5A Mariner.
06:51Hopefully you've enjoyed it. Hopefully you'll join me for the next one.
06:54I've been Tyranno, and I'll see you next time.
