We Are Never Ever Getting back Together Part 4

  • 2 months ago
We Are Never Ever Getting back Together Part 4


00:00Be glad I don't have a cat, otherwise this fish would already be dead, lol.
00:11Is this the goldfish that she got?
00:14Whoever got that for her is lame.
00:18Oh, it's a cute puppy.
00:23I like puppies too.
00:26Going out tonight! Time to find a cute daddy for my puppy.
00:32Who are you going out with?
00:37No, it's...
00:39It's probably best just to be nice. Let me just...
00:45Cute puppy.
00:50Period. Yeah, that's fine.
01:00Are these hard-to-get strategies just going too far, Lisa?
01:04Jeez, Jake, what are you doing?
01:07Why does it seem like you're more interested in getting her attention than it is the other way around?
01:12How long have you been standing there?
01:15It's time for the event, sir.
01:56Ex-wife ordered a ball gown.
01:58My schemey ex-wife is here. She better not say anything bad about me.
02:03Oh, these appetizers look good.
02:13You! What are you doing here?
02:16It's none of your beeswax.
02:20I don't work for you anymore.
02:22And you made me drop my appetizer.
02:25Who are you here to meet?
02:27Throwing this much skin? Trying to look so appetizing?
02:31Fishing for a new husband?
02:33I'm definitely not fishing for you.
02:36You are always so difficult.
02:39Am I?
02:40Sir, Mrs. Valentino!
02:44I'm Nicole. I'm the nurse at the hospital.
02:47Mrs. Valentino?
02:55Oh, my mistake. Excuse me.
02:59Yeah, it's fine.
03:04Did I get the wrong person?
03:07I see her at the hospital all the time with Mr. Valentino Sr.
03:13This is the file you wanted on Lisa Sampson.
03:19The secretary.
03:21I haven't looked at it.
03:22I find it a bit creepy to hire a private investigator to look into your co-workers.
03:26What? She's married.
03:27I heard she just got divorced.
03:28Is that why she's so hot and cold with me?
03:31She's not ready for a new relationship?
03:34Mr. and Mrs. Valentino!
03:37Your ex-wife ordered a ball gown.
03:39Looks like we need to pay my ex-wife a visit. Let's go.
03:55This is the house you left your ex-wife after the divorce, sir.
04:03Damn. You literally shit where you eat.
04:06Just like him.
04:07Surrounds himself with that piece of brown turd model.
04:11But you're a good boy.
04:13Can't say a thing about that drunk face.
04:16She's talking about you, sir.
04:17That's way too rude.
04:19I thought you were here to see your ex-wife, sir.
04:21That's not her.
04:23Then who are you here to see?
04:25I can't tell whether I'm happy or disappointed it's not that Lisa.
04:31Let's go.
04:56You're here to see me?
05:05You're back?
05:06I just walked your dog.
05:08Thank you.
05:10Can you believe that I ran into my shithead ex twice in one night?
05:18I don't understand why you just can't admit to him that you're his ex-wife.
05:22He's the one that owes you an apology.
05:24Right? But I just...
05:28I don't know. I thought it would be a clean break.
05:33I mean, he's always got his poopy pants hanging around.
05:35That's true.
05:37But he's a two-timing scumbag.
05:39And we don't bother with scumbags.
05:41Scumbags don't live in our head rent-free.
05:44You're right.
05:45Okay, cheers to that.
05:47Hey, now I'm back on the market.
05:51Yes, you are.
05:54What do you want?
06:08Samson, Mr. Valentino would like to kindly invite you back to be his secretary.
06:16Are you going to call her?
06:17Almost there, sir.
06:19Keep him waiting.
06:22Mr. Valentino would like to kindly invite you back to be his secretary.
06:28Samson, are you alright?
06:34Wait, wait, wait.
06:36Lisa, Lisa, hey, can you hear me?
06:38Talk to me.
06:39Uh, Mr. Valentino?
06:41A girl who has self-respect doesn't do tasty faxies.
06:44So, bye!
06:46No, no, wait, wait, wait, wait.
06:48What if I were to tell you I can give you your own independent project?
06:52In exchange, you come back and work for me, secretary, for a month.
06:57Is he serious?
06:58It would take years to get my own project as an engineer.
07:01So, how does that sound?
07:02Oh, and not to mention it would be good for your career and the pay raise.
07:07Maybe I can finally give back the two million dollar check and call it even.
07:12Alright, deal.
07:14Well, hold on, hold on.
07:15I thought you said no tasty faxies a moment ago.
07:17Yeah, but there's a condition.
07:19You know, if I don't feel like I'm being taken advantage of, then it's open for discussion.
07:23Well, alright then.
07:25I will see you tomorrow.
07:26See you tomorrow!
07:35Your tea?
07:37Welcome back, Lisa.
07:39So, tell me, did you block me?
07:49No, definitely, definitely not block you.
07:53Did you know that you get extra loud and animated when you lie?
07:57Did he hire me back just to torment me?
08:01Sir, we found out who drugged you.
08:03Who was it?
08:04Frank Dunst, CEO of your rival company.
08:07Looks like we need to pay him a visit then.
08:09You're coming with me.
08:10Let's go.
08:18Frank Dunst, the CEO of our rival company, should be right inside.
08:22Why are we back here again?
08:28Does he know that I'm the woman he spent the night with?
08:37Let's go.
08:42Oh my!
08:45Iden Valentino.
08:50What can I do for you, chick?
08:57Is that one of your goons?
08:59Did he drug me on his own or was it by your order?
09:10Hello, pretty.
09:15Can I be frank?
09:19I would love that.
09:21Hello, pretty.
09:23You've got some nice rooms on the floor above us.
09:26How about I give you a tour you won't forget?
09:29Respectfully, no.
09:33Did I mention that I own this place?
09:35Oh, really?
09:37Well, in that case...
09:41You're going to regret this!
09:45I'll show you real pain.
09:47I'll show you real pain.
09:55Are you okay?
09:59Are you okay?
10:01Are you okay?
10:03Are you okay?
10:05Are you okay?
10:07Are you okay?
10:10Don't you know who I am?
10:12Frank Dunst is my brother-in-law, you idiot!
10:19If I recall correctly, your wife is an only child.
10:23The sole heir to the Maple Fortress.
10:26So how do you suddenly have a brother-in-law?
10:28And he doesn't look like part of the Maple family at all.
10:31Are you cheating on your wife with his sister, sir?
10:35What do you want, Iden?
10:37The Northpoint Project.
10:40I'm interested in this.
10:42The Northpoint Project.
10:44I'm interested in that.
10:46A hundred billion dollar project.
10:49That's right.
10:51All right.
10:53I will withdraw my bid for it.
10:56And I also want an apology to my secretary now.
11:01I'm sorry.
11:03I'm sorry.
11:05And I apologize on behalf of this brother-
11:09My subordinates are all highly competent.
11:11Unlike yours.
11:13That's why I, as their superior, protect them.
11:19Let's go.
11:25I, um...
11:29I want to thank you for saving me.
11:33And, um...
11:36Would you have done the same if it were a different girl?
11:39Nobody bullies you except for me.
11:42No one's allowed to bully me except you?
11:45I'm sorry, what kind of sadistic line is that?
11:48Are you talking shit about me inside of your head again?
11:53No! No!
11:55I'm not!
12:04Do you dance?
12:06Oh, um...
12:09Not anymore.
12:10I mean, not...
12:11Just not anymore.
12:16A gift.
12:19From the company, not from me.
12:28You really don't remember me anymore?
12:31I didn't.
12:35No, he's so ugly.
12:37I don't have anything left to do, do you hear me?
12:49Are you okay?
12:51I can't see.
12:53I can't see.
12:57My leg!
13:00My leg!
13:03You two!
13:04Call the police!
13:06Mr. Valentino!
13:08We have to get you to safety.
13:09One second.
13:12This is my family heirloom.
13:14Come find me.
13:16We really have to go.
13:30How do you know I like dogs?
13:33He pays attention to me.
13:45Here, let me get this.
13:50This looks good.
13:52I know, right?
13:54I know, right?
13:57This looks good.
13:59It's for tonight.
14:04I got his tickets to see Swan Lake next weekend.
14:12I left them at the office.
14:21I knew you wanted to go out with me.
14:27Wait, Lisa.
14:29Why aren't you with the Valentinos for the holidays this year?
14:32Because that jerk-faced ex-husband didn't want to see me at all.
14:35Has that Iden Valentino been mean to you?
14:38No, it's great.
14:40I mean, his grandpa loves me, okay?
14:43And, like, he got me a designer purse.
14:45If it wasn't for my evil ex-girlfriend who blackmailed me for $2 million,
14:48she wouldn't have had to agree to that marriage contract anyway.
14:50It's all my fault.
14:52No, it's not.
14:53Hey, it's okay.
14:55Brian, it's not your fault.
