We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together Part 2

  • 2 months ago
We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together Part 2


00:00Your coffee, sir.
00:07Okay, sir.
00:09All right.
00:10Oh, that's the...
00:11Oh, my God.
00:12Oh, my God.
00:13Lisa Sampson!
00:14What are you doing?
00:15What are you doing?
00:16Do you need something from me, sir?
00:17Yes, I need you.
00:18I need you to go shopping.
00:19To get a gift that serves as an apology.
00:20Can you do that?
00:21Must be for Patricia Brown.
00:22Oh, my God.
00:23Oh, my God.
00:24Oh, my God.
00:25Oh, my God.
00:26Oh, my God.
00:27Oh, my God.
00:28Oh, my God.
00:29I'm sorry, Patricia Brown, for that call I intercepted last night.
00:33Oh, my God.
00:38Uh, I'm just...
00:41I'm celebrating because an overly competent engineer, such as myself, am more than qualified
00:51to tackle such a daunting task of picking out gifts.
00:58Have we met before?
01:00Have we met before?
01:02We slept together too, dummy.
01:04I don't think so.
01:07I'm gonna go get your gifts now.
01:09Thank you.
01:14Oh, God, this is hot.
01:17Jake, an ice pack, ASAP.
01:22And another coffee.
01:28What is this?
01:31Looks like a piece of shit, sir.
01:32I think it is intentional.
01:42Do you have a problem with me?
01:46What are you talking about?
01:48Because you just landed a giant turd on my desk.
01:51Oh, okay.
01:53See, I'm an engineer, so all I had was parchment paper.
02:02You're just trying to get my attention, aren't you?
02:04Don't misunderstand me.
02:06I simply thought that brown paper would match Miss Brown's accents.
02:10And whoever said this is for Patricia Brown?
02:13It's actually for...
02:17What's up?
02:18How many mistresses do you have?
02:20Ex-wife's name, Jake.
02:22He's buying gifts for me?
02:24He's never gotten me anything in the three years we've been married.
02:28Maybe he does have a heart.
02:33Your ex-wife is also named Lisa Sampson.
02:36You share the same name as my ex-wife.
02:38I'm literally her, dumbass.
02:43Jake, can you get her my ex-wife's address so she can send this to her?
02:51Jesus fucking Christ, I know where I live.
02:54I'll find the address.
03:00Hmm, she wants to play.
03:03And I shall indulge her.
03:06No, he literally did not remember his own ex-wife's name.
03:12Forget his ass.
03:13You had fun last night, didn't you?
03:15Why don't we go again?
03:17No, I got a headache and I don't want to drink.
03:21Go ahead.
03:22I don't, yeah, I don't want to drink.
03:24Yeah, hey, hey, can I play that?
03:27So, why don't you go to a business dinner and drink with us tonight?
03:33Tonight, I can't.
03:35I've got plans and I'm not drinking anyway.
03:40The bar's designated, drive to the...
03:45Um, no.
03:59Why won't she drink up?
04:01This is disrespectful to our culture.
04:03How am I supposed to do business with you people like this?
04:08Ask me nicely and maybe I'll save you.
04:11Jerk face.
04:15How about this?
04:17I ordered the oyster soup just for you.
04:19It's wonderful for your health.
04:25I'm sure that your wife will be very excited about it later tonight.
04:39Hmm, slick, but gross.
04:45Maybe you should be my secretary instead.
04:52What are you doing?
04:53It's pad thai.
04:54It's got peanuts.
04:57You know about the boss' peanut allergy?
04:59And how the hell would you know that?
05:02Mr. Valentino is the hottest guy in town,
05:05so, you know, all the girls in the office have been talking about it.
05:08I knew it, she's interested in me.
05:13Please be mindful of social boundaries, Miss Epson.
05:16Says the one who hires his ex-wife to be his secretary.
05:19Yeah, excuse me, just a minute.
05:27Excuse me.
05:32She's a good secretary.
05:35I still don't understand why you wanted me to prank her for you.
05:37Because she pranked me earlier, so I want to prank her now.
05:40So she has a sense of humor.
05:42Don't be so mean to her.
05:44I was your college roommate for four years, and even I didn't know about your peanut allergy.
05:49I was your college roommate for four years, and even I didn't know about your peanut allergy.
05:57Excuse me, where are you going?
06:00You're my driver.
06:06Oops, I better go check on my restaurant.
06:12Next meal's on me.
06:18Your grandfather called.
06:19He's asking for you and Mrs. Valentino to come back and have dinner with him now that you're back in the country.
06:23He doesn't know that we're divorced?
06:27Your grandfather's health has declined.
06:29Your ex-wife probably didn't want to disappoint him.
06:31After all, it is her who's been taking care of him all these years.
06:37She wouldn't have even gotten that marriage contract from my grandpa if she didn't have allegedly run into him to save him from an asthma,
06:43not to mention the $2 million she got out of it.
06:45So why wouldn't she be sucking up to him?
06:47It's all for her own benefit.
06:50Well, someone has to be nice to your grandpa, Aiden.
06:57Come on, let it out.
07:00I should have just let him die.
07:02Just eat his peanuts and die from his allergy.
07:05And then rip up his $2 million check and just throw it on top of his grave.
07:09Are you really going to hide the fact that you're his ex-wife?
07:12What else am I supposed to do?
07:15I waited for three years.
07:17And for what?
07:19Some pitiful divorce gifts, which I had to buy and wrap myself?
07:24I should just give it up.
07:26You've been in love with him for so long and you gave up so much for him.
07:37Samson, Mr. Valentino is not happy with your lack of goodbyes tonight.
07:43He wishes to get an explanation tomorrow.
07:46He's insane.
07:47I'm quitting.
07:53This is the bottle with the star.
07:55The one and only.
07:57You're my gold model.
07:59Can you please let me go?
08:01This is the bottle with the star.
08:04The one and only.
08:06You're my gold model.
08:08Can you please let me go?
08:11Can you?
08:14This is the bottle with the star.
08:17He's earned his modeling career sky high thanks to your help.
08:20She broke her leg four years ago, saving my life.
08:22I thought I'd give her a little something else.
08:29Yeah, take this.
08:30Thank you.
08:31I didn't think you were so much for picking me up.
08:35Please be mindful of social boundaries, Patricia.
08:39Okay, well, I tried to call you two days ago and some random woman picked up.
08:44Who was she?
08:49Sorry, a puppy ran out from under the car, sir.
08:53Was it okay?
08:54Yeah, it's fine.
08:55It got out of the way in time.
08:59What's going on?
09:00Ow, I hit my knee.
09:01It's hurting.
09:02Hey, Jake, we might need to go to the hospital for this.
09:04No, no, no, no, no.
09:05You don't need to go to the hospital.
09:07I mean, he's too far gone and I'm just reminded of all the pain.
09:11But if you spend some time with me, you'll feel better.
09:18Get in the car.
09:23Letter of resignation.
09:26So Steven's covering for Anna while she's away.
09:28I moved your 11 a.m. to 12.
09:30And then lastly, the board emailed today.
09:32They said as soon as you make sure everything is in order here,
09:34they want to transfer you to their new start at three months.
09:37He's only going to be here for three months?
09:39That means I don't have to resign.
09:42What is that?
09:44Your apology for leaving me at the restaurant last night.
09:51It's, it's, it's.
09:59You're always falling.
10:01You know falling for me will have severe consequences?
10:07Actually, I broke my knee a few years ago saving an ungrateful idiot.
10:13And, uh, I have 20-20 vision.
10:16And what is that supposed to mean?
10:17She's calling you ugly, sir.
10:19And she's trying to say that she's not blind.
10:28Looks like the break-in bolded her.
10:31She's special.
10:32If he thinks he can bully me into submission, he's got another thing coming.
10:37Oh, and get me a file on Lisa Sampson.
10:40Wait for secretary, sir.
10:42Secretary? Duh!
10:50Grandpa wants us over for dinner tonight.
10:52A family dinner tonight.
11:06I can't keep this secret forever.
11:08I cannot do it.
11:11There are other jobs in the world.
11:12I'll lose this one and find another.
11:17Grandpa Valentino?
11:19Olga said you weren't feeling well.
11:21Oh, ow, ow.
11:24I must have hurt something.
11:25Sit, sit, sit, sit. Here.
11:26I'll be alright.
11:28You know, the doctor said it would be healthy for me to have some distractions.
11:34Some great-grandchildren, perhaps?
11:39Then I could run around chasing after them.
11:43Doctor says it's good exercise, Lisa.
11:47How about some tea?
11:49That would be lovely.
11:53Where's Aydin?
11:59Um, Aydin and I, sir,
12:05Aydin and I...
12:07Sir, Mr. Valentino Jr.'s car has arrived in the driveway.
12:11Well, finally.
12:14Let's go get him, my dear.
12:28Sir, Mr. Aydin is a bit busy at the moment, so he told me to bring you this new pet first.
12:33I get to live another day.
12:42Tell me, where is he?
12:45He's, um, he's helping Miss Brown with her physical therapy.
12:48Ugh, Brown is a bitch again.
12:51That boy.
12:54Have a goldfish.
12:57I guess I did swap him out for a goldfish.
13:05Oh, gosh.
13:11Aydin, can you open my leg?
13:14I need to really stretch my glute.
13:18Open it.
13:20It's open.
13:32Uh, excuse me, sir, but your grandfather insists that you join him.
13:35Okay, yes, I think I should go.
13:37I thought you wanted nothing to do with your scheming ex-wife.
13:45Hey, Grandpa.
13:46How are you?
13:47Um, I think I'd just come in and check up on you.
13:49What are you...
13:50Oh, you remember I exist, do you?
13:53You're doing this on purpose, aren't you?
13:55Hell, you missed Lisa.
13:57She just left.
13:59Even the tea is still warm.
14:01You'd rather fly around the world with that dang mistress of yours and spare one glass at your wife.
14:06Grandpa, it's not like that between me and Patricia.
14:08Don't you mention her name in this house.
14:11Go explain to your wife.
14:12Actually, there's something that...
14:16Do you have any idea how she's been taking care of this family this entire time?
14:22She takes me to all my doctor visits.
14:24Even this tea.
14:26She makes the blend all herself.
14:38This tea isn't bad.
14:41You could be drinking this every day.
14:44Grandpa, it's average.
14:47Did you at least like the goldfish that I brought you?
14:49Gave it to Lisa already.
14:51You can't bribe me with pets.
14:54I want a human great-grandchild.
14:57Now go home.
14:58And don't you come back unless...
