Succession Beauty and the Billionaire Part 5

  • 2 days ago
Succession Beauty and the Billionaire Part 5


00:00Who the hell did that to your face?
00:09And on your birthday?
00:10Don't worry about me.
00:11The two of you should head to the party.
00:13I can't go like this.
00:15Oh sweetie, but it's your birthday party and if our little princess doesn't go, then why
00:21should we?
00:23Come on and be honest and tell us who did this to you.
00:27I want to tell you, but I'm worried it will put you both in a difficult situation.
00:32He's someone you guys can't handle.
00:35Who the hell is it?
00:40He slapped me for saying it was payback for hitting Grace.
00:44Grace had to have put him up to this.
00:48I'm so angry!
00:51He did this for Grace?
00:53What exactly is their relationship?
00:56I don't know how she's seducing all these men, but she's dating both Yuju and Aiden
01:00at the same time.
01:02I mean, what happens if one of them gets serious with her?
01:07I cannot see that happen.
01:11But where's my ring?
01:14There's something inside of the bouquet.
01:16Take a look.
01:20What's this?
01:21Who gives someone a ring like this?
01:23You should be putting it on my finger.
01:26I'm sorry.
01:27It's my first time proposing.
01:29I didn't know how to choose.
01:31I'll go with you tomorrow, and we'll pick the one you like the best.
01:36Is it not okay?
01:38Aiden, I'm so happy when I'm with you.
01:41I feel like a princess.
01:44Tomorrow, I'm going to wear a ring and tell Aiden that I'm Grace Taft.
01:49He's going to be so happy.
01:56Oh, Nora, baby.
02:00I wanted to do this in front of everyone at your party, but since you're staying here,
02:06I'll just do it right here, right now.
02:12Nora, Esther, will you marry me?
02:16Okay, I'll do it.
02:26Did you bring your picture in?
02:28Of course.
02:32I know I put it in here.
02:34It's okay, if you don't have it.
02:36Where is it?
02:38Oh, found it.
02:44What is this?
02:46It's nothing. It's just a birthday gift.
02:48I forgot to give it back.
02:50I'm so sorry.
02:53It's nothing. It's just a birthday gift.
02:55I forgot to give it back.
02:57This is the diamond from the auction, right?
03:01Why do you have this?
03:05Yuju gave it to me as a birthday gift.
03:07I told him I would...
03:09Yuju? Why would he?
03:13Grace, you know how much this costs.
03:15He gave me a 15 million dollar ring and...
03:17Are the two of you...
03:19No, no. It's not what you think.
03:21At the auction...
03:23You acted like you didn't know each other?
03:27And I wanted to get this diamond for you.
03:29Did you want to get it from him?
03:31And not me?
03:39This marriage...
03:41It's not gonna happen.
03:53What are you doing here?
03:55You're not here to get a wedding ring, are you?
03:57I mean...
03:59How can you without a fiance?
04:05Daniel and I are engaged and we're getting married soon.
04:07He's not as rich as Yuju or Aiden...
04:11He's a good fit for my family.
04:13I mean, you can hang out with rich guys...
04:15They're not gonna marry you.
04:17I'd rather die alone than marry a scum like you.
04:20What did you call me?
04:26Well, I guess that makes you trash...
04:28For getting thrown away by scum.
04:34Is that the recently auctioned Spirit of the Rose?
04:36No, no.
04:38Yuju won Spirit of the Rose for 15 million dollars.
04:46Grace knows Yuju.
04:50No, it can't be.
04:52Even if they know each other,
04:54why would Yuju buy that orphan
04:56such an expensive gift?
04:58It must be fake.
05:02Nora, baby.
05:04Look at me.
05:06Even though Yuju is Mr. Taft's godson,
05:08he's practically the heir to the family.
05:12Do you really think Taft
05:14would let Yuju
05:16spend that much money
05:18on a low-class girl like Grace?
05:22You're right.
05:24Okay, I feel better now.
05:28What's going to entice
05:30seeing a bitch with a diamond like that?
05:34Let's go.
05:40Grace, why did you come alone?
05:42What about Aiden?
05:44What happened to your foot?
05:47It's fine. I just twisted my ankle.
05:49Stay still. I'm gonna call a doctor.
05:57When's the wedding?
05:59Aiden won't marry me because of this.
06:01He saw the ring?
06:03Yeah, and he got the wrong impression of the two of us because of it.
06:05I told you I wouldn't take it.
06:09Aiden, you made an appointment
06:11to try to buy a wedding ring?
06:13I booked the appointment.
06:16Aiden said he was going to propose to Grace.
06:18So, did you get the ring?
06:20Grandpa, I didn't propose.
06:24Why not?
06:26I thought I knew Grace.
06:28I called it off because I don't really know her at all.
06:30You were fine this morning.
06:32Why the sudden change of heart?
06:34You don't have to worry about Grace, okay?
06:36There's plenty of men that want to be with her
06:38and want to marry her.
06:42Are you saying that Grace is with another man?
06:46See, William?
06:48I told you. She's not a good girl.
06:50I've known plenty of girls like that.
06:52Talentless and poor.
06:54And they leech onto some guy
06:56to try to make it in this world.
06:58That's why I'm trying to match you
07:00with Miss Taft.
07:02The true one.
07:04It's all for you.
07:06Mother, stop.
07:08No matter what you say,
07:10I'm not gonna marry Miss Taft.
07:18You can't walk around like this.
07:20You should stay home
07:22and focus on getting treatment
07:24for at least a week.
07:26Grace, you're going to get some rest.
07:28Clear your mind.
07:30I will contact your company for you.
07:42I'm sorry, but who are you?
07:44I'm Mr. Devonshire's new assistant, Ailee.
07:46Are you here to see Mr. Devonshire?
07:48He hasn't come in yet.
07:50I've been gone for one week
07:52and he already has a new assistant?
07:54May I ask for your name?
07:56I'm Aiden's assistant,
08:00Hello, Grace.
08:02Are you here to finish your resignation paperwork?
08:04I never said I was resigning.
08:06Oh, I'm sorry.
08:08When Lucas hired me, he said I'd be an official assistant
08:10so I thought you had resigned.
08:14I specifically submitted
08:16for a sick leave.
08:18Why did you hire a new employee?
08:22Aiden, are you firing me
08:24because of the gift Yuju gave me?
08:26I already gave it back.
08:28Just because he gave it back
08:30doesn't make it go away.
08:32Saying you love me
08:34while meeting Yuju in secret
08:36is cheating, isn't it?
08:38Aiden, I'm telling you
08:40there's nothing between us.
08:43I'm telling you there's nothing between Yuju and me.
08:45I think of him as a brother.
08:47I have no other feelings towards him.
08:49Thinking of each other as brother and sister is even more messed up.
08:51What kind of brother and sister
08:53gifts something this expensive, Grace?
08:57I'll keep my distance from him. Is that enough?
08:59There's no need.
09:01If you're that close, I don't want to go in between you.
09:05It's not going to be hard finding a new job.
09:07Please leave.
09:15I'm fired.
09:17Well, I didn't like you
09:19working as Aiden's assistant anyway.
09:21I like being by his side.
09:23Why don't you go on a
09:25vacation overseas
09:27with Yuju?
09:29You can have some rest and
09:31maybe even try working with him.
09:33Dad, do you want me to be with Yuju?
09:35I want you to be
09:37with someone you like.
09:39And if you don't find anyone you like,
09:41it's okay if you just live alone.
09:49I want to come clean
09:51and tell Aiden who I am.
09:53I don't know how he would take it.
09:55Yuju's going to leave our family
09:57if I marry Aiden.
09:59Maybe Aiden and I are meant to be.
10:01He'd vote for us.
10:03So maybe I should do that too.
10:07What is it?
10:10For your safety, I should be the one to open it.
10:16It's just an illustration of a ring.
10:18Take it
10:20and throw it away.
10:28What was that?
10:30There was a package delivered to Mr. Devonshire
10:32with a picture of a ring inside.
10:34He got really upset and told me to throw it out.
10:40This is why you don't want an affair with your boss.
10:42Things go wrong, you get fired.
10:46Ailey, did you throw away the package?
10:48No, I didn't throw it away yet.
10:50I figure there's probably a reason why she sent it.
10:56Mr. Devonshire must really love her
10:58if he took back what she sent.
11:00Honestly, I've been with him for years
11:02and I've never seen him fall in love this hard before.
11:06Aiden, I'm telling you,
11:09between you, Ju and me,
11:11I think of him as a brother.
11:13I have no other feelings towards him.
11:27I won't forgive you that easily.
11:33Maybe in a few days, I will.
11:39Who is that woman
11:41next to Vice Chairman Jin?
11:43Wow, she's pretty.
11:45Did he hire a new assistant?
11:47What kind of boss
11:49scores his assistant like that?
11:51If she isn't an assistant,
11:53then who is she?
11:57Everyone thinks I'm your assistant.
11:59Grace, don't underestimate yourself.
12:01I know you're great.
12:03Anyway, there's a new project we're working on.
12:05So, could you help me?
12:07So, could you please review the documents
12:09and I'll fill you in with the details?
12:13Where's my desk?
12:21Well, your father handed over the company
12:23so this is your office.
12:25I'm not ready yet.
12:29your grandfather handed over the company
12:31to your father when he was about your age.
12:33I'll work hard
12:36and prove myself.
12:46I heard the Harris of the Taft Group
12:48is coming in today.
12:50Is she here in the office yet?
12:52Liam's daughter?
12:54You're saying that young girl is the new boss?
12:56Nobody even knows what she looks like.
12:58Oh, who are you?
13:00It's my first day here today.
13:02You shouldn't be here.
13:04Don't you know who we are?
13:06I'm sorry. Like I said,
13:08I'm new here.
13:10Chief, what team is this newbie from?
13:12Why'd you hire such a dumb employee?
13:14I've never seen you before.
13:16I don't think that she was hired by our HR.
13:18If we hired her,
13:20I would know.
13:22Who the heck are you?
13:24Who the heck are you?
13:30If you don't tell us what team you're from,
13:33Do you even know who you're talking to?
13:35Don't talk to your new boss like this.
13:48Should I prepare a bed?
13:52You know, when I used to work
13:54at the Devonshire Group,
13:56all the work that I did was more administrative
13:58and not that complex.
14:00Now that I'm working for my dad's company,
14:03Yuju has me reading
14:05project documents all day.
14:07Gosh, it's just so hard.
14:09You're going to be the tough group's owner soon.
14:11There will be more to deal with then.
14:13Where's dad?
14:15Is he home yet?
14:17He has appointments, so going to be late.
14:19Did Mr. Jin not come home with you?
14:21He was too busy.
14:23He told me to come home first.
14:25Probably won't be back today.
14:29Mrs. Devonshire is here.
14:33Why is Aiden's mom here?
14:35Why is Aiden's mom here?
14:39Go out and tell her that
14:41dad isn't home and that I can't see anybody
14:43because of my allergies yet.
14:45Yes, ma'am.
14:49Mrs. Devonshire,
14:51I'm sorry,
14:53but Mr. Taft isn't home at the moment.
14:55You'll have to come back next time.
