Baby you had it coming Part 4

  • 2 days ago
Baby you had it coming Part 4


00:00It's my fault.
00:02I let those monsters get away.
00:04But I can't let them get away from me.
00:06I'm sorry.
00:08I'll be back.
00:10You'll be back?
00:14I'll be back.
00:16I'll be back.
00:18I'm sorry.
00:20I can't let you go.
00:22I'll be back.
00:24I'm sorry.
00:26I'm sorry.
00:28You saw it. Your room is exactly how you left it.
00:37You and Willow are home now. Nothing will hurt you here.
00:49I loved him. And he hurt me.
00:54He hurt Willow. He...
00:57I gave you everything, Jared Myers. And this is how you repay me?
01:03Then I'll have to take it all back.
01:10Oh! I knew you were the right woman for my son.
01:23$100 million. All thanks to Sabine.
01:28I knew the Donahue Group wouldn't be able to resist me.
01:31No thanks to that stupid, ugly whore.
01:34Why bring up old news when Sabine's here?
01:39So you'll do it, will you? You'll marry my son?
01:49What were you doing? Go get her a ring!
02:11Why are we here?
02:14Well, you've always loved glittery, beautiful things.
02:18Consider it a father's selfish wish to see you smile again.
02:23Dad, I should have listened to you about marrying Jared.
02:26Hush. We're here to make you smile, remember?
02:30We'll take it. And anything else my daughter's eyes linger on for more than a second.
02:41Is that your bastard husband?
02:44You don't even look rich. That gold-digging slut doesn't even know how to pick them.
02:49You disgusting!
02:53Give this old man a moment with her.
02:56It'll be your turn next.
02:59Must be your saggy, wrinkly balls she's riding now.
03:03Your mother was soft on you, wasn't she?
03:05What the hell are you saying?
03:10She obviously didn't teach you any common decency.
03:16Or accountability.
03:25If she'd done any of that, you never would have hurt my Ivy.
03:29Do it again and I'll kill you.
03:32Not if I kill you first.
03:38Who the fuck are you?
03:43Who the fuck are you?
03:44You don't deserve to know.
03:47Effective immediately, these two are prohibited from setting foot in any Donahue property.
03:54Don't touch me! He doesn't have the right to do this.
03:58Who is he? Get this trash out of my sight.
04:07That was so much better than earrings.
04:10I'm getting old, Ivy.
04:12Didn't seem that way a minute ago.
04:14It's time you fill my shoes.
04:17Lead the Donahue group as you were meant to.
04:23Rose is still in a coma. She needs me.
04:26I'll take care of her.
04:28I want to be there the second she wakes up.
04:32A lot of catching up to do with my granddaughter.
04:39It's been so long since I've run any business.
04:42It's a good thing I've got one more present for you.
04:47You don't mean...
04:52Opulent, sprawling villas. All-inclusive amenities.
04:56World-class parks and facilities.
04:59It's no wonder so many of the rich and famous are fighting tooth and nail to purchase a home here.
05:05Once you sign here, Mrs. Myers, Grand Estates and all the surrounding properties will be yours.
05:19I go by Donahue now.
05:27Congratulations, Ms. Donahue. I'll be back.
05:38Dad would give me the richest neighborhood in the state as CEO practice.
05:46Beautiful. Just exquisite.
05:51I can imagine myself already in this neighborhood with my two beautiful grandsons.
06:02It looks expensive.
06:05You couldn't get me the ring I wanted. You owe me a house.
06:08Oh, just get it for her, Jared. We're rich.
06:12I have details on the house Ms. Ross had her eye on. It's $20 million.
06:17$20 million?
06:19That number is nothing to us. Right, Jared?
06:26We don't have that kind of money. Not now.
06:28You can't lose Sabine. You do understand her earning potential, right?
06:34Just do what you have to do. The down payment is just a fraction, right?
06:39Her money becomes yours once you're married.
06:47We'll buy it.
06:54Not if I have anything to say about it.
06:59You. I'll teach you to stalk and harass my son, you ugly freak.
07:07You ugly freak.
07:11So sure you can still bully me so easily. Not anymore, Mom.
07:16Let go of my mother.
07:18Crazy bitch. Get your hands off my prospective resident.
07:22Do you work here?
07:24I'll call security.
07:29What the fuck are you doing here?
07:31Isn't it obvious? She's trying to get you back.
07:35You might dress better, but you still don't stand a chance.
07:38Jared is mine.
07:40Oh, please. Like I care about the trash I threw out.
07:44You're something, huh?
07:46Jared told me about how much he hated coming home to your ugly face.
07:53And that loud and annoying little brat.
07:56Well, I guess she's not loud anymore, is she?
07:59As quiet as the grave.
08:15I won't ever forgive you.
08:18Fuck if I care.
08:21See this? Jared gave it to me.
08:24It shows how much he loves me.
08:27Wasn't the ring he got you a lot smaller?
08:30Wasn't the only thing he gave me that was small?
08:37Lying bitch. Take that back.
08:39Let's stop dragging this out.
08:41You're engaged to her now, Jared.
08:43So let's just get a divorce.
08:45Well, that's the first intelligent thing I've heard her say.
08:48You'll finally be free of her grubby claws.
08:51And you can marry Sabine.
08:54Sure. A divorce. When?
08:56I'll have my lawyers draft up the papers tomorrow.
08:59No. Not until this leech pays us back for everything she took from us.
09:04Mom's right. I supported your lazy ass for years while you sat around.
09:08You owe me.
09:10Do you even hear yourself?
09:12I gave you half a million in startup capital for your company before we got married.
09:17You're the one who insisted I stay home as a housewife so you could feel better about yourself.
09:21And you ran and hid whenever your mother beat me instead of protecting me, your wife.
09:26Shut the fuck up.
09:28You deserved it. You deserved all of it.
09:32Don't touch my man.
09:35I've got someone on the way.
09:37Trust me. Wait.
09:40I changed my mind about you buying a house.
09:43Go ahead. Sell the one you promised.
09:45Don't tell me what to do.
09:48See, we're not even married and he's buying me a luxury estate.
09:52What did he ever get you?
09:54If everything looks all right, Ms. Ross, we'll need half the value up front today.
09:58Ten million dollars.
09:59Jared. Here.
10:01Pay it.
10:04Here, Mom. You pay.
10:10What are you doing? Are you buying me the house or not?
10:13Of course we are. Right, Mom?
10:18Only, how are you going to pay for it?
10:21You have ten million dollars lying between the two of you.
10:25Jared, you couldn't even get enough paycheck to buy me a new shirt.
10:29Shut up.
10:30She's lying, right?
10:32You can definitely buy me the house.
10:35Mom, what are we going to do? We don't have the money.
10:39If you don't buy it, I'm not marrying Jared.
10:42That's final.
10:45We'll pay.
10:50I just...
10:53have to make sure there's enough on this.
10:57That's mine.
10:59That's an unlimited black card.
11:02Only the richest billionaires have those.
11:05Of course we can take it.
11:07How did you get that?
11:10How did you get that?
11:12It's mine.
11:14Did he move?
11:20It really is an unlimited black card.
11:22Didn't realize this family was so loaded.
11:25I picked the right guy.
11:26Does it have enough to buy the house?
11:28You could probably buy half the neighborhood if you wanted to.
11:31Jared, we're rich.
11:34Quick, swipe it and buy the house.
11:36What thief?
11:38You are a thief.
11:39I'm not a thief. This card is mine.
11:41You really think we're stupid enough to fucking believe that?
11:43We know you have nothing.
11:44Bitch, stop trying to steal my commission.
11:48Jared, did you take this card from my bag?
11:52found it.
11:53It's mine.
11:54Fair and square.
11:55So why don't you give it back to me?
11:56You say it's your card.
11:58Prove it.
11:59Where does it say that?
12:01Oh, you can't.
12:02Can you?
12:03So give it back to Jared and his mother.
12:05Better hurry.
12:07The authorities will be here any second.
12:09They'll haul you kicking and screaming to jail.
12:13They won't.
12:17They wouldn't be able to touch Ivy no matter how hard they tried.
12:23She's stealing my money.
12:25Millions, maybe even billions of dollars.
12:28Your money?
12:29You really are a gold-digging whore, aren't you?
12:32Draining my son of all his hard-earned money before you leave.
12:36Shameless hussy!
12:38It's not your son's money.
12:41It's hers.
12:42You can't prove that.
12:46Ivy, your card, please.
12:51A card like that belonging to this poor slut?
12:54Oh, Ivy, was that old man not enough of a sugar daddy to you?
12:59Just shut your mouth and watch.
13:08I need to change the last name.
13:10You're shitting me.
13:12It's true?
13:13You had all this money the entire time?
13:16Like hell she did.
13:18You, you're one of her sugar daddies, aren't you?
13:21He gave it to her.
13:23I don't remember the whore's pussy being worth the effort.
13:29I don't remember the whore's pussy being worth the effort.
13:36Talk about Ivy like that one more time and I will end you.
13:40I don't need a sugar daddy.
13:42The money is mine.
13:44It always has been mine.
13:46And it always will be mine.
13:49Ivy, my dear, we are still a family.
13:52You haven't divorced Jared yet.
13:54No need.
13:55I'm sure it was all just a misunderstanding.
13:57How about I hold on to that card?
13:59Ivy, hey.
14:00How about you buy the house for all of us?
14:02Willow is still alive, right?
14:04Just a little tumble.
14:05Kids do that, we can all be a happy family again.
14:07How dare you?
14:13Ivy, please, this is what you always wanted.
14:15Live in a nice neighborhood.
14:16You had your chance.
14:18But you blew it.
14:19Besides, even if I wanted to, I couldn't buy this house.
14:36How can I buy something that's already mine?
14:39This neighborhood, Grand Estates, it's mine.
14:43It and everything else within ten miles.
14:49You own Grand Estates.
14:53Do you know how much that would cost?
14:56Tens of billions.
14:58Doesn't matter how much.