Succession Beauty and the Billionaire Part 3

  • 2 days ago
Succession Beauty and the Billionaire Part 3


00:16Grace, uh, can you spare some time at lunch? I have something I want to ask you.
00:23What do you want?
00:24Grace, could you give these documents to your CEO?
00:30Our company really wants to work with the Devonshire Group on this project.
00:35It's a proposal.
00:39Okay, look, if you help our company work with the Devonshire Group on this project, I'll break up with Nora and you can date me again.
00:50If you want this job so badly, go talk to Aiden yourself.
00:54Aiden? Oh, so you're on a first name basis with him now, huh?
00:59Well, I guess that...
01:03You slept with him, didn't you?
01:06Ha! That's why you're turning me down? Pathetic.
01:11Daniel, where's Nora?
01:14Wait a minute, isn't this your ex-girlfriend?
01:17Uh, Grace called me. I thought there was something serious, so I came.
01:22But, as it turns out, she's just here begging me to get back together.
01:30He's the one that wants to get back together with me.
01:34Oh my god, I'm gonna call Nora right now.
01:39Grace, don't you know not to touch things that aren't yours?
01:43Don't you know not to touch things that aren't yours?
01:46Now, why would I want to date someone homeless?
01:54Who says she's homeless?
01:58Who says she's homeless?
02:01Grace? Who did this?
02:04Grace seduced him first. I saw it. She's still in love with him!
02:13Whenever you and Nora are going to leave me alone, I'm not just going to stand here and take it anymore.
02:18You little shit. You think you can hit me?
02:21You forget that Grace is my assistant.
02:27You're messing with the Devonshire girl.
02:30Come on, let's go.
02:37Grace, are you okay?
02:40I'm okay.
02:44Should I just give them a warning? Or should I just bankrupt the whole Esther family business?
02:49Leave the business for now. They did rush Grace. I'll give them one more chance.
02:53Don't give them so much slack. They didn't seem like good parents anyway.
02:59Give it to me. I'll do it.
03:08Did you find your father?
03:17Grace, what do you think you're doing? Making moves on Daniel? Are you trying to steal him away from Nora?
03:24Why would she even listen to my side of the story? I didn't do that. Daniel was the one who asked me to meet up.
03:30Give me the phone.
03:32Grace, listen. If you didn't have any dirty intentions, then why would you go out to meet him?
03:40You're treating our daughter like nothing because you have Aiden on your side.
03:46But Grace, you better pray that Aiden protects you forever.
03:59Grace, don't. Don't cry. And now that you're no longer with Esther's family, you don't need to pick up their calls.
04:07I know. But we were family once.
04:12They're the ones that left you first.
04:17You're right. I feel much better now. Thanks to you, Mr. Devonshire.
04:24I'll see myself out.
04:26Oh, Grace, before you go, why did you meet up with your ex?
04:32He says he wants to work with the Devonshire group.
04:35I don't think you should work with somebody like him. He has no talent and he's extremely opportunistic.
04:44It's okay. I trust you.
04:52Grace, you need to stay away from Mr. Devonshire.
04:55You've got it all wrong. He's just helping me because I'm his secretary. He felt bad for me.
04:59No, that's not what I'm talking about.
05:01What kind of CEO ices his secretary's face when she can do it herself?
05:05Let this be a warning to you, Grace. Come to your senses.
05:08Even if Mr. Devonshire likes you, you two can never be together.
05:11Why? Because he's supposed to marry the Taft's family daughter?
05:14Does she want to marry him?
05:16Of course.
05:18Well, if I were the Taft's family daughter, I would never accept an arranged marriage.
05:23I'd marry someone I love, whether he had money or not.
05:25Oh, Grace. Please wake up. You're not Cinderella.
05:29This is not a fairy tale.
05:31If you want to be the Taft's family daughter, your best chance is just to be born again.
05:35Who knows? Maybe I am the Taft's family daughter.
05:38Oh, you're the Taft's family daughter.
05:41Then you must know all about the New City Project.
05:44We've been competing for it, our company.
05:47And luckily, the person in charge of the project is your uncle, Lou Dumas.
05:52I don't know him yet.
05:54What's that? Didn't he just say you're the daughter of the Taft family?
05:59Aiden has a meeting with them, and I think you should go.
06:02It's going to help our negotiating power.
06:04Oh, I can't do that. What if I ruin everything?
06:08What happened to your confidence?
06:10Just a moment ago, I thought you were the real Grace Taft.
06:13Don't worry about it. No one's expecting anything from you.
06:16Just consider it a fun little learning experience.
06:19Mr. Devonshire, it's already 30 minutes past the appointment time.
06:24Should I call?
06:26We're the ones here to ask Lou for the project.
06:28Even if he's late, we should just wait.
06:30Have some tea. Relax.
06:32Does Lou Dumas not want to give you the job?
06:34New City Projects are highly competitive among global construction companies.
06:38We may not be able to get the job.
06:40But I'm sure you'll be able to find a way.
06:42I'm sure you'll be able to find a way.
06:44But I'm sure you'll be able to find a way.
06:45We may not be able to get the job.
06:47Perhaps other companies offer better conditions.
06:56Mr. Lou Dumas.
07:03Are you the guy my niece was going to meet?
07:06Has it happened?
07:08No. I haven't had the chance to meet her yet.
07:10I heard she isn't meeting anyone due to health issues.
07:13Actually, I haven't had the chance to meet her yet either.
07:16I don't even know what she looks like.
07:23The New City Project is a very profitable business opportunity,
07:27so I don't want to give it to just anybody.
07:30If you become my nephew-in-law, then the project will be yours.
07:33If not, then there's nothing further to discuss.
07:43Then, I'll pull out.
07:46We'll meet again if there's another collaboration opportunity in the future.
07:51Mr. Devonshire.
07:53We'll meet again if there's another collaboration opportunity in the future.
07:57What do you mean?
07:59Are you saying you don't like my niece?
08:02No. I haven't met your niece yet, so I can't say whether I like her or not.
08:06It's just that I have no intentions of marrying her.
08:10You have no intention of marrying her?
08:13I guess I don't need to drink this tea then either.
08:17Mr. Dumas, wait!
08:19Mr. Dumas.
08:21The Devonshire's group offer is much better than other groups.
08:25We've been making a detailed development plan for a very long time.
08:28Miss, are you Aiden's assistant?
08:33Now that I think about it, Miss,
08:35you look exactly like my late sister.
08:38How did I not notice that before?
08:41Mr. Dumas.
08:43My name is Grace.
08:47My niece's name is Grace.
08:50Grace Taft.
08:53I'm Grace Taft, Uncle Lou.
08:58I can't believe it.
09:00I don't want to reveal my identity yet, so please help me.
09:04Grace, come here.
09:06Come here.
09:20Mr. Devonshire.
09:22Mr. Dumas says he would like to view our offer.
09:25What did you say to get him to change his mind?
09:30Being sincere always does the trick.
09:33Let's seal the deal.
09:37Let's have a seat.
09:42That's amazing.
09:44Lou Dumas is known to be extremely difficult to work with.
09:47How did you get a deal on the first try?
09:49Honestly, it was all Grace's doing.
09:52Drinks or I'll meet tonight?
09:54Well, if Mr. Devonshire says he wants to buy tonight, let him.
09:59But Lucas, don't forget about your promise.
10:04Someone said that they would call me Lady Grace if I got the New City Project deal.
10:12My lady.
10:20Mr. Devonshire, you can't drink. Last time you...
10:25It's okay.
10:27It's okay.
10:35Lucas, I already called a taxi for you, so just wait here.
10:39We're going to bring Mr. Devonshire home first.
10:42Go ahead. Don't worry about me.
10:52What's wrong with him?
10:53We signed the New City Project deal today. We celebrated with a few drinks.
10:58Not just the two of you, I hope.
11:01Lucas was there too.
11:03Grace, did you already forget what I said to you before?
11:09I'm going to tell you one more time.
11:12Aiden is going to marry Ms. Taft, so don't even think about trying anything.
11:18They were people from my dead body.
11:19Even if Aiden is your son, you shouldn't force him into marriage.
11:25How dare you lecture me!
11:30Aiden Devonshire!
11:33Don't disrespect her.
11:36Get off of my son right now!
11:45I kept my promise to you, mother.
11:49I went on a date with the Taft daughter.
11:52They're the ones that didn't hold up on their deal.
11:54Ms. Taft is sick in bed.
11:56You can meet her when she's feeling better.
11:59Even if I met her, it just means we have to get married.
12:03You haven't even met her yet.
12:05Why are you jumping to conclusions?
12:07Who knows? Maybe it'll be love at first sight.
12:10It is the middle of the night. What is all this ruckus?
12:15Grace, it's been too long.
12:18Where have you been staying?
12:20Grandpa William, I'm doing okay. You don't have to worry about me.
12:26It's getting late. I'll come back next time.
12:36Aiden, you like Grace, don't you?
12:40That's why I told you to do something about it before your mother got back.
12:45If you were already in an established relationship,
12:48your mother wouldn't be pushing you to marry someone else.
12:51William, how dare you tell her to date that low-life trash?
12:59Aiden is going to be the Taft family heir.
13:02And when that happens, the Taft group will be all ours.
13:06You would take another family's legacy in exchange for your own son?
13:09Do you think Aiden's going to be happy knowing you sold him off to satisfy your own selfish greed?
13:15Grandpa, don't be too upset. It's not good for your health.
13:19Let's go back to your room. Let's get some rest.
13:23I'd say you're the one who needs the rest, but okay.
13:31William, it's Grace's birthday soon.
13:34Since it's her first birthday with the Tafts, let's make it grand.
13:39Of course we'll make it grand.
13:42Honestly, I was hoping to finally reveal that Grace is my daughter on that occasion.
13:48But... but she doesn't want to.
13:52I can see that you're trying to test Aiden.
13:55When are you planning on keeping it a secret until?
13:59I just don't like that the Devonshires want to marry into the Taft family because of the Taft group.
14:04That means if the group goes under, they might kick me out.
14:08I don't think we'll go under that easily.
14:11Either way, I think marriage should be done for love and not money.
14:16And you can see a person's true color when they're in a tough situation.
14:21Then you can truly see if they love you.
14:24I think you're right on that one.
14:27Let's do as you say.
14:29Thank you, Father.
14:31Yeah, I'll do as you wish as well.
14:33Thank you, Uncle Lou.
14:34Now, tell me what you want for your birthday. I'll get you anything you want.
14:38I don't need anything. I'm just happy to spend my birthday with my family.
14:42Well, even still, an uncle should get something for his niece.
14:47There's a jewelry auction tonight.
14:50Tell me what you want, and I'll get it for you.
14:53I'll go with you.
14:55There's something special I want to pick up for Grace.
14:58Great. Let's all go together.
