I Swapped Bodies With My Nemesis (Part-1)

  • last month
00:00I don't think so, father.
00:02Evelyn is giving up charity.
00:04She's a frigid, pretentious asshole.
00:06I would rather die than marry Lexi Ember.
00:14I swashbodies with Nick.
00:18I'm shoving a tampon up my...
00:21Yeah, you mean mine.
00:24So Nick, let's hear your plan for next quarter, okay?
00:27Shit, shit, shit.
00:28You look pretty every time I see you.
00:32This is what Lexi has to go through at work.
00:34We'll figure out a way to swap after him.
00:37How, how, how?
00:38You're gonna go through obstacles and...
00:40I'll let it go.
00:46If you touch her again, you'll regret it for the rest of your life.
00:49I don't want to risk it.
00:51I'm willing to risk it.
00:59Miss Ember?
01:00This way, please.
01:05Nope, not today.
01:06Come on, sweetie.
01:07Let's just talk.
01:14What is there to talk about?
01:16I'm not marrying Nick Rivers.
01:18He's a frigid, pretentious asshole.
01:23Arranged marriage with Lexi Ember.
01:26I don't think so, father.
01:28Well, her family's tech company is blooming.
01:31Together we can...
01:32He's a rich party girl who probably can't even read.
01:35All he does is read.
01:36At June's party, he literally sat there and read a book while we played beer pong.
01:39She got so drunk playing beer pong that she lit the carpet on fire.
01:43Just give her a chance, Nick.
01:45At least give him a chance.
01:47We've made a reservation for brunch for you.
01:49Mom, excusez-moi, but I'm not speaking English.
01:53But I'm not speaking English.
01:55I'm going to say this one last time.
01:58Like I said, I would rather die than marry Lexi Ember.
02:10Challenge accepted.
02:18At least she looks good in that dress.
02:24Thanks for joining, Lexi.
02:26Nineteen minutes late.
02:28A girly doesn't just wake up like this, you know.
02:30At least she looks good in that suit.
02:33Yeah, you're supposed to let the wine breathe.
02:35And don't gulp it.
02:38Don't sip.
02:40Jesus Christ.
02:41Don't mansplain me on how to drink wine when I love Nick.
02:44I need something a lot stronger if I'm going to be stuck here with you.
02:47Yeah, I couldn't agree more.
02:48A camera key, please.
02:53Wait, that's your go-to drink, too?
02:55Yeah, ever since I finished reading The Great Gatsby.
03:00You've read F. Scott Fitzgerald?
03:02Yeah, I read Esch's Scooter.
03:04F. Scott Fitzgerald.
03:11I'll be right back.
03:25That was you?
03:28What is my psycho ex-boyfriend doing here?
03:31Who's your new mentor?
03:35Really, Lexi?
03:40Really, Lexi?
03:43You're out and about with a new dude after you let me last month out of nowhere?
03:48I caught you in bed with your secretary.
03:52Oh, God.
03:56You're a cheating asshole.
03:59Oh, it's not my fault. You don't like to give it up.
04:03A man has knees, Lexi.
04:05Oh, but I'm saving myself for marriage.
04:07You were born in the fucking 1900s. You're a fucking prude.
04:09At least I'm not a cheating asshole.
04:14With no heart.
04:18Who the fuck do you think I'm talking to, huh?
04:20Do you know who I am?
04:22You're fucking worthless without me. You are nothing, Lexi.
04:24Nothing without me. You know that?
04:26Do you know that, Lexi?
04:29You don't ever put your hands on her. Do you hear me?
04:34You stay the fuck away from me.
04:38I'm gonna break your arm.
04:41Do you hear me?
04:44I'm setting you go.
04:53We should do this again soon.
04:56I'll see you later, Lexi.
05:12Lexi, that's the man that you were dating less than a month ago.
05:16I'm still working on it.
05:18I'm trying to move past my mistakes, all right, Nick?
05:21You're still the same naive, reckless, spoiled princess who doesn't know how to be alone in this world.
05:29You know what? Fine. Think what you want, okay?
05:32At least I'm not a self-righteous asshole like you.
05:35I can't believe my father wanted me to marry someone like you.
05:37You don't have to worry about that, okay?
05:40And I didn't read The Great Gatsby. I only watched it because of Leonardo DiCaprio.
05:53Fuck me.
05:59Lexi? Lexi, wait.
06:34What the hell?
06:36What the hell is happening to my voice?
06:41Oh, my God.
06:51Oh, my God.
06:53Oh, my God.
06:55Oh, my God.
06:57Oh, my God.
07:00Oh, my God.
07:04Oh, this can't be happening.
07:05Oh, my God. This is impossible.
07:06This can't be happening.
07:07I swapped bodies with Lexi.
07:09I swapped bodies with Nick.
07:24What are you doing with my body? Give it back!
07:28Don't panic.
07:29Don't panic? This isn't the best time to panic. You have my frigging body.
07:32Calm down!
07:35We'll figure out a way to swap back.
07:37How? How? How?
07:49Get out of my body!
08:09You know, there's one thing that we haven't tried.
08:12What's that?
08:17Yeah, no, you're not. Nice try.
08:30Okay, Lexi, first of all, if I kissed you, it would basically be, like, me kissing myself, which is super weird.
08:37Second of all, aren't, in those chick movies, don't they, like, I don't know, there's, like, a magical kiss or whatever?
08:42Yeah, well, if you actually watch the girly movies, you'd know that the magic only works if they're in love.
08:47You know, fine. Stay in my body.
08:50But there is something that I should probably prepare you for, especially in the morning.
08:56In the morning.
09:00Ew! Okay, fine, fine, fine, fine.
09:04You can kiss.
09:07None of that.
09:08No tongue. None.
09:09Lexi, do you think that I want to French kiss myself?
09:28It's not working.
09:30Oh, my God, I'm going to be stuck in your body forever.
09:34Daddy would know what to do. I need Daddy.
09:36Lexi, no, no, we can't tell anyone, okay?
09:42They will think we're crazy.
09:52We just have to work together, okay?
09:55We'll figure this out, okay?
10:00Oh, Mommy, Daddy.
10:06Okay, I'm fine. I'm fine. Get off.
10:15Um, Mommy? Daddy?
10:20The restaurant call said you were passed out on the street.
10:23Passed out? We got hit by a car.
10:26What are you talking about, Nick? There was no car.
10:29Marshall, I think you're missing the big picture here.
10:33They were kissing.
10:35Oh, what did I tell you, sweetie?
10:40Nick isn't a pretentious prude.
10:43Wow, yeah, you know what? No.
10:47Nick is just the most gentlemanly, handsome, amazing, all-around outstanding guy ever.
10:55I was a big, big idiot.
10:59I'm in your body now, Nick. You want to dance?
11:03Let's dance.
11:09No, no, no, no. I was the huge idiot.
11:14Because Lexi is the total package.
11:18So pretty, smart, God, so sexy.
11:22Sexy? Have you seen her booty?
11:28Sexy booty? Seriously?
11:31You brought this on yourself.
11:34You know what? We have an announcement to make.
11:41We are moving in together.
11:48Look what you made me do.
11:51Oh, I just love him so much.
12:04Do you have to have so much stuff?
12:06Hey, I didn't want to come here. It was your idea to move.
12:08If we don't live together, people are going to figure us out, all right?
12:21Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, boy.
12:23Hey, hey, hold it right there, cowboy.
12:25What do you think you're doing? You're going to see everything.
12:27Oh, my God. I'm not going to look, all right?
12:30Okay, that's not the point. You're going to touch everything.
12:34Okay, yeah. Well, would you rather you look like this when I'm going out?
12:42Oh, it's not good.
12:43Good point.
12:45How about this? How about this?
12:47I bathe you.
12:50Yeah, that's not how to do it. Sorry.
12:53Okay, yeah. How about this? Stay there. One sec. I got an idea.
13:01Lexi, don't fuck up my shit.
13:11Take it.
13:18That'll go.
13:20No peeking.
13:22Let me know if you have any questions.
13:27Genius, Lexi.
13:29There's got to be a better way.
13:34Eight suitcases of clothes and not one pair of underwear.
13:45Hey, I don't know if there's something wrong with your...
13:53No, I'm not wearing this. No, this is torture. Yeah.
13:59How does this even work?
14:01Hey, I don't know if there's something wrong with your...
14:05Lexi, it's...
14:06What are you doing with my phone, you perv? Give me that back.
14:09No. Give me it back right now. Give me it back.
14:11I told you it's not what it looks like.
14:13Give me it back.
14:15Lexi, hey, look at me, okay?
14:18We already discussed we're not going to touch anything.
14:20We're not going to look down. We're only going to look up.
14:23We're not going to look down, and we're definitely not going to...
14:26Oh, my God. I have a penis. I have a penis.
14:31Oh, my God.
14:32Freak out.
14:38That's gross. Disgusting.
14:41I saw everything.
14:42Hey! I have, you know, plenty of women would love to be in my body, okay?
14:50It's not even interesting on this.
14:52I mean, come on. I'm going to eat this.
14:56Do you have Pacals? Because this is their breakfast.
14:58That is my one-six-a-week diet.
15:00Foods, no snacks, no sweets.
15:02No fucking fights.
15:04So, you're meeting with a board member today. You need to read all this.
15:07Oh, no. What the hell?
15:10There's no way I'm going to memorize. This is way too hard, Nick.
15:13And we have that meeting today with a Mr. Jenkins.
15:17What are we going to do?
15:20Okay, that's my assistant, Eddie.
15:23I'll take care of your meeting, okay?
15:25You need to meet with my board member, and if he asks you any questions,
15:27just say that we're assessing our positions and we're reinforcing our strategies.
15:32Yeah, okay.
15:33And you, be funny.
15:35Yeah, tell some jokes.
15:38Go, please.
15:40Yeah, we're screwed.
15:46Jesus, how do men greet each other?
15:50Think, Lexi, think.
15:56Morning, boss.
15:58Hey, boss.
15:59Yo, how's it hanging?
16:01Eddie, my man.
16:08Is everything okay?
16:09For sure. I'm great. How are you?
16:12I'm great.
16:14I like this. Friendlier, warmer.
16:17It might work.
16:18Cool. Are you ready to go home and do some business?
16:20Yeah, great.
16:21Let's boss shit.
16:22All right, boss shit.
16:25Looking sharp.
16:29What was that?
16:35Hey, there you are.
16:37Okay, love the new style. Very professional.
16:40Samantha, right? You're Lexi's... I mean, my assistant.
16:45You said it yourself. First besties, then business.
16:48Right, I'll choose business. Do you know where Mr. Jenkins is?
16:51I wish I could say no. That perv creeps me out.
16:54He's in your office. Want me to come with you?
16:58No, I think I'll take it from here.
17:00Also, could you get me a sales report and an employee list?
17:02Oh, and let marketing know that we have a meeting in an hour, okay?
17:08What was that?
17:11Hey, boss.
17:21Nick, how are you, son?
17:24Mr. Lucas, you are so very early.
17:28You know me, Nick.
17:34Ah, Ms. Endler.
17:37Always a sight for sore eyes.
17:40What the hell?
17:42I love to surprise people.
17:49Oh, sorry, I'm not used to the ten yet.
17:53I mean...
17:54Don't worry, young man.
17:56A powerful handshake is the best way to start a meeting.
18:01Pleasure to meet you, Mr. Jenkins.
18:05Wow, that's a bit strong, isn't it?
18:07Well, I was told that a strong handshake is a great way to start off...
18:10Yeah, but a girl should be gentler, don't you think?
18:14So, Nick, let's hear your plan for next quarter.
18:20Shit, shit, shit!
18:22I haven't had time to read any of this!
18:26You know, I have to say, Ms. Endler,
18:28you look prettier every time I see you.
18:34Is this guy for real now?
18:37Mr. Jenkins, I'm failing to see how my attractiveness has anything to do with business.
18:42Relax, honey.
18:43Come on, I'm making conversation.
18:46This is what Lexi has to go through at work.
18:49First of all, don't call me honey.
18:51Second of all, if you want to have conversation, we can have it about business.
18:56I know girls like you, princesses,
18:59who act like they know anything about business.
19:02But at the end of the day, you just become someone's trophy wife.
19:08Wow, Mr. Jenkins, it seems you have me figured out.
19:12Now it's my turn.
19:13Jenkins Corporation is a sinking ship.
19:16Your revenue has gone down 43%.
19:18Your R&D is at a primitive lab.
19:20And you're failing to reconstruct your executive team.
19:23So here you are, acting nonchalant.
19:26Desperate for my funds.
19:29Did this princess get anything wrong?
19:34So as you know, your patent is what I want.
19:36It expires in two years.
19:38So sign this.
19:39Your company will not fail in two years, but it's up to you, Mr. Jenkins.
19:47What's it gonna be?
19:48I don't know about you, but I am loving this.
19:53But it's up to you, Mr. Jenkins.
19:58What's it gonna be?
20:11Thanks for the opportunity, Miss Amber.
20:16Pleasure doing business with you, Mr. Jenkins.
20:19Now, get out.
20:35Way to go, Lexi. You're such a badass.
20:38We got the patent.
20:39I posted the whole thing on Instagram.
20:41You smoked that arrogant asshole.
20:44Okay, watch your language. Get back to work.
20:55Say something.
20:57Uh, yeah, okay.
20:59We are assessing our position and reinforcing strategies.
21:11Sorry, I don't have anything for you.
21:15Well, Nick, I meet with the board today.
21:17I've got to give them something or they're gonna vote you out.
21:20No, I'm gonna get Nick fired.
21:23You remember that idea that you had?
21:27Yes, thank you.
21:29Um, yeah, I got something for you, Mr. Lucas.
21:33Mr. Lucas, we're gonna collaborate with Ember Tech Corporation.
21:42We're gonna collaborate with Ember Tech Corporation.
21:46The Ember Tech.
21:48The biggest AI development company in Los Angeles.
21:51That's wonderful.
21:52Yeah, um, and do you think their daughter, Miss Ember, is going to agree to partner with us?
21:58We have actually been getting to know each other quite a bit.
22:02And I think it's gonna work.
22:10Well, that's wonderful news.
22:11Ah, I can't wait to share it with the others.
22:13Yeah, do that.
22:19Get nailed in.
22:23I am.
22:30And you won't regret it.
22:31But it's all up to you, Mr. Hankins.
22:35Maybe I was wrong about him.
22:37Oh my gosh.
22:39Is that a smile I see on your face, Mr. Nick Rivers?
22:43Oh, wait.
22:44Regina White?
22:48Regina White?
22:55What the fuck, Regina?
22:58We saw you talking to Troy after his football practice, dork.
23:02Don't you know he's Regina's boyfriend, you slut?
23:05I didn't do anything to Troy.
23:09Stay away from what's mine, Lexi Ember, or I will destroy you.
23:21You doing okay?
23:22Can I help you with anything?
23:27My college nemesis works for Nick?
23:33So, Regina works for Nick and has a crush on him.
23:36Oh my God, this is perfect.
23:38Actually, Regina, there is something you can do for me.
23:43Oh my God.
23:49So there's this document that got shredded somehow.
23:52I don't know how, but I need you to piece it together for me.
24:00It's wet.
24:01And it smells.
24:04So sorry, sweetheart.
24:05Could you just give it to me if I knew, though?
24:12Oh, and Regina.
24:15Don't wear, like, whatever this is ever again.
24:21Because it's unprofessional.
24:29Nice, boss.
24:31God, I've been waiting to call her out for years on that.
24:34Why is that idiot...
24:36I mean, why am I dating that woman, anyway?
24:42You keep Regina around because her dad's the biggest investor in our company.
24:46No, no, no, no.
24:47She's all over you, but there is no chemistry there.
24:51See, there's no chemistry between you and any women.
24:56That's surprising.
24:59Because I'm so hot and rich and stuff.
25:08Anyway, um, we're gonna get some drinks afterwards if you want to come.
25:12You guys aren't as boring as I thought you were.
25:15Count me in.
25:20Ew, this banana peel's all stinky.
25:23Why are we even doing this, Regina?
25:25Can you guys just shut up and get to work?
25:28We need to get this done before the bar tonight.
25:30Tonight's the night, girls.
25:32I am gonna get Nick Rivers into bed.
25:37And then we don't like how he tastes.
25:41Are you just picking things up for fun or are you gonna, I don't know, maybe put some pieces together?
25:45We're trying our best.
25:47I'm an intern.
25:48It's showing.
25:56Lexi's loser ex again?
25:59What are you doing here, you little minx?
26:03You know, if you're looking to have a little fun, I don't mind throwing you one for old time's sake.
26:09Maybe you should go home and have your mother teach you some manners.
26:15That's not how you speak to a lady.
26:20The fuck did you just say to me, bitch?
26:24Ow, fuck!
26:28You hit my fucking nose!
26:30You're lucky I was aiming for your teeth.
26:32Now get the fuck out!
26:34You fucking bitch!
26:35You got hit by a car?
26:36Shut the fuck up!
26:37Don't touch me!
26:38Take me to the fucking ER!
26:40You're fucking taking me to therapy.
26:41Are you fucking kidding me?
26:42Let's go!
26:44You're fucking crazy, you know that?
27:15Don't drink that!
27:22What the fuck?
27:25Wait, Lexi?
27:26Lexi Ember?
27:27God, it's Lexi the Van Stealer!
27:30She's trying to steal Nick from Regina?
27:32How pathetic.
27:34God, Lexi, I mean, look at yourself.
27:36You really think Nick's gonna choose you over me?
27:39Yeah, actually, I think I do because he's my boyfriend.
27:44Wait, Nick is your boyfriend?
27:46Did I stutter?
27:52Now you better leave before I pour another one of these on your face.
27:59Oh my God.
28:07That was awesome.
28:08Yeah, did you know that there was aphrodisiac in that drink?
28:11Oh, come on.
28:12I mean, Regina's, she's crazy.
28:14Yeah, she wouldn't...
28:18Oh, yeah, she totally would.
28:21Come on, let's get out of here.
28:23Okay, yeah.
28:30Lexi Ember, I am gonna burn you to the ground.
28:45I'm sorry, Nick.
28:48I should have known better.
28:51Thank you for protecting me back there, boyfriend.
28:56All right, take it easy.
29:00All that matters is that you got your revenge.
29:05I'm sorry.
29:07I'm sorry.
29:09I'm sorry.
29:11I'm sorry.
29:12All that matters is that you got your revenge.
29:15It was so awesome.
29:17She spent the entire day piecing together an Ikea ad and she smelled like moldy banana.
29:25What about you?
29:26How was being a spoiled princess?
29:32I know girls like you, princesses.
29:35But at the end of the day, you just become someone's trophy wife.
29:42Turns out it wasn't as easy as I thought.
29:46Turns out it wasn't as easy as I thought.
29:47Oh, no?
29:49I'm sorry.
29:52Hey, we made it.
29:56And now our companies are gonna be partners.
30:01And becoming friends.
30:04Maybe she's not just a princess.
30:08To becoming friends.
30:13Ooh, that's good.
30:15Don't chug it.
30:17Too late.
30:28I thought you were supposed to meet up with my dad for brunch.
30:31I am.
30:32I thought I'd make you something first.
30:34After all, you aren't my boyfriend.
30:47Regina, what are you doing here?
30:53Regina, what are you doing here?
30:56Relax, Lexi.
30:58I just wanted to come by and show you something.
31:09It's 10am on a Saturday, Regina.
31:11What do you want?
31:12Well, you know what I want.
31:14I want you two to break up.
31:23Regina, do we look like we need money?
31:26Our family's own the biggest companies in California.
31:29For now.
31:36If you don't leave Nick, I post those photos online.
31:42Heir to EmberTech bullies innocent women.
31:45I mean, that doesn't sound pretty, does it?
31:47Think of what that would do to your reputation.
31:50Or worse, your family's business.
31:56Yeah, Regina, I'm really impressed.
32:00Yeah, Regina, I'm really impressed.
32:04It's just too bad that I already have videos from the bar last night.
32:12Desperate employee, drug CEO, with aphrodisiac.
32:18God, imagine what that'll do to your reputation.
32:25You sneaky slut, give me that phone!
32:27I don't hit women.
32:29But if I did, you'd be so screwed.
32:32So, let me make things clear for you, alright?
32:34Release those photos, I'll post the video.
32:36I'll also get my lawyer to sue you for trespassing and blackmailing me today.
32:39No, no, no, you wouldn't dare.
32:41Try me.
32:49Wow, wow.
32:57Oh, uh, I bet your daddy's waiting, but...
33:01That was awesome!
33:10Hello, Daddy. You ready for brunch?
33:13What are you doing?
33:17Hugging my old man.
33:21I got you a gift.
33:23Well, you never get me gifts.
33:27Wait, are you in some kind of trouble?
33:29Jesus, Dad, just open it.
33:34The one you wanted, right?
33:37My dad...
33:38Lexi's dad...
33:40told me about it during golf.
33:44It all makes sense now.
33:47Makes sense?
33:48What does he mean by that?
33:52Lexi told you to forgive me, right?
33:56Forgive you about what, Dad?
33:59It's alright, Nick.
34:02All those years...
34:04I know you blame me, and I blame myself, too.
34:08If I hadn't been working late at night,
34:10and your mother had that heart attack,
34:12maybe she'd still be with us,
34:13and you'd have a brother, and I'd have a wife.
34:15I'd forgive you, Dad.
34:21I've been waiting 15 years for those words.
34:24Thank you, son.
34:26I never knew that Nick suffered such a tragedy.
34:30I never knew that Nick suffered such a tragedy.
34:38Boss, the CEO of Diaz Pharmaceutical
34:40wants to schedule a meeting with you next week.
34:42Wait, Diaz Pharmaceutical?
34:45You're talking about Daniel Diaz?
34:49It's not my fault you don't give it a hug.
34:52You're a fucking prude, Lexi.
34:55You know what, Eddie?
34:56Tell Mr. Diaz to meet me in my office in 30 minutes.
34:59Oh, I can't wait to meet him.
35:08Eddie added a meeting to my Google Calendar?
35:11In 30 minutes?
35:15Is she meeting up with her cheating ex?
35:17What the hell is she thinking?
35:26Oh, excuse me, son.
35:27This elevator, you need a manager's card.
35:32Yeah, I mean, you could use the stairs if you really want to.
35:34Do you know who I am, you fucking mophead?
35:36I'm not taking the stairs, are you crazy?
35:39I'll pay it.
35:41Here to see the CEO.
35:48Great, and of course, now his stupid assistant
35:50isn't answering the phone.
35:51Great, fuck, I'm gonna be late.
35:52Shit, man, you better start running.
35:55See, I was on the 35th floor.
35:59Come on.
36:12This is gonna be good.
36:18Oh, fuck.
36:22Oh, fuck my life.
36:36Mr. Diaz.
36:40Got some water?
36:42Oh, actually, no, the water was shut off
36:43due to maintenance issues.
36:45God, I hope you weren't planning on going to the bathroom.
36:48Knowing that, I don't anymore.
36:51Well, I'll go get Mr. Rivers.
36:53Take a seat anywhere.
36:57Take a seat where?
37:06Everything is going according to plan.
37:08All right.
37:13Send him in.
37:23Mr. Rivers, such a pleasure.
37:24Shh, shh, shh.
37:27Trying to finish this Real Shorts episode.
37:29Oh, it is juicy.
37:32Juicy, juicy.
37:38Mr. Rivers, I'm sorry, Tinterell,
37:39but can we start the meeting?
37:43Fine, sure.
37:45We can start the meeting, Mr. Diaz.
37:50Wait, it's you?
37:52Not so much of a mophead now.
37:54Am I?
37:56Sir, I'm sorry, I...
37:57Hey, you don't have to apologize.
37:58Not to me.
38:01That's very kind of you, sir.
38:03I know.
38:04You're going to have to apologize to the board
38:06because I'm pulling the funds from your project.
38:10Why are you doing this?
38:14Lexi, what are you doing?
38:15Why are you meeting up with Danny Diaz without telling me?
38:19Wait, you're dating Nick Rivers?
38:25This all makes perfect sense.
38:27I thought you were fucking with me.
38:28What did this bitch tell you?
38:29I didn't have to tell him anything for him to know
38:31that you're a shit human being.
38:32Okay, so you're flushing a million-dollar project
38:35down the toilet because of a woman?
38:37Danny, we're not shutting down this project.
38:45Even Lexi knows better than you,
38:47and that's saying a lot, you fucking idiot.
38:50We're not shutting down this one project.
38:55We're terminating the entire partnership, Danny,
38:58with your company.
39:00But without the Rivers' money?
39:02Your stocks are going to run out,
39:03and you're going to go bankrupt within a month.
39:05Fuck you, Lexi. You can't do this.
39:06This isn't your company.
39:07You're right.
39:08It's Nick's decision to make.
39:14Mr. Rivers, you won't do this.
39:20Actually, I'm going to do it.
39:25Better start looking for a new job there, Danny.
39:27But wait.
39:30You son of a bitch.
39:34Um, you're going to regret this.
39:40You both will.
39:53He's dramatic.
39:56Why are you smiling at me like that?
39:58Did you just fire your biggest pharmaceutical client for me?
40:06Oh, my God.
40:09You were jealous.
40:11You were jealous.
40:13I don't think...
40:14Oh, my God.
40:15You are.
40:17You're jealous.
40:18Nope. I...
40:19You're so jealous.
40:21I'm not. I'm not.
40:22I'm leaving right now.
40:24I am leaving.
40:25Run, Nick Rivers. You can't hide.
40:28Stocks limited when Rivers' business terminated their partnership with Diaz.
40:37Lexi Ember.
40:40And Nick Rivers.
40:45Good evening, Mr. Diaz.
40:48Who the fuck are you?
40:49I'm Regina White.
40:52I believe we have the same enemy, which makes us friends.
40:58I have a plan to take down Lexi Ember.
41:01All I need now is a little help from you.
41:12Lexi, I'm...
41:13I'm very impressed.
41:15These reports, they're very detailed and...
41:17I'm kind of offended that you'd be surprised.
41:20I do help out with the family company, you know.
41:29What do you want, Regina?
41:31I just...
41:32I wanted to apologize for acting like a drunk idiot at the bar last night.
41:36It was unprofessional and it'll never happen again.
41:39Oh, anyway, so I brought you some coffee.
41:50Well, I'll just be right out there.
41:51So please, let me know if you guys need anything, okay?
41:55I just gave it to her.
41:56How long does it take?
41:57Five minutes is more than enough.
41:59You just wait.
42:04Lexi Ember.
42:06Ever since you showed up, Nick has been treating me like shit.
42:11Well, I've had enough, bitch.
42:14I'm sorry.
42:15I'm sorry.
42:16I'm sorry.
42:17I'm sorry.
42:18I'm sorry.
42:19I'm sorry.
42:20I'm sorry.
42:21I'm sorry.
42:22I'm sorry.
42:23I've had enough, bitch.
42:27Oh, check this out.
42:28I just...
42:29Let me show you something.
42:30I did colors.
42:32I think you probably noticed.
42:34Made everything look a thousand times better.
42:36And I think it's going to make a big difference.
42:40Change all these right here and that's all.
42:43Nick, are you okay?
42:50Oh, my God.
43:03Oh, my God, Nick.
43:04You're awake.
43:06I was so fucking scared.
43:08I don't know what I would do without you.
43:12I mean...
43:15What if you died?
43:19Well, I'm here now.
43:23Why am I in the hospital?
43:27Why am I in the hospital?
43:30They found...
43:34in your system and, uh,
43:36it's basically high doses of Berzerk.
43:39And I am allergic to that.
43:42Oh, uh, anyway, so I brought you some coffee.
43:47Regina, the coffee.
43:50It's not just...
43:54Think about it.
43:56Who else can get their hands on
43:58prescription pills
44:00and knows I'm allergic?
44:06They're working together.
44:08That's right.
44:11We're gonna take those rats down.
44:14She talks about you, too.
44:17She's kind of a bitch.
44:23I mean, we all heard about your
44:25itsy-bitsy overdose.
44:27I am just so happy to see that you're...
44:29What the fuck?
44:31What the fuck is your problem, Regina?
44:33You drugged my coffee.
44:35Way to blame someone else for your addiction, junkie.
44:37Yeah, go to rehab and leave us alone, bitch.
44:40You said I drugged your coffee?
44:42Where's your proof?
44:44I mean, you're not gonna expect them to just
44:46buy into your lies, right?
44:48Who says we don't have any proof?
44:50We've got the footage right here.
44:52We got you on tape, Regina.
44:55Are you talking about that little camera in your office?
44:58I mean, that doesn't prove anything, does it?
