Baby you had it coming Part 2

  • 2 days ago
Baby you had it coming Part 2


00:00After we're done, I'll introduce you to a few higher-ups at Donahue.
00:07I'm sure they'd love to partner with your company.
00:18What the hell are you doing here?
00:20I told you to stay at home.
00:22Sabine's lying about the polls she has with the Donahue group.
00:26As if you do!
00:28Oh, or have you been keeping something from us?
00:31Have you been moonlighting as a janitor for them all along?
00:39There you go, janitor. Do your job.
00:43I don't work for Donahue, but neither does she!
00:45I got her fired!
00:47What the hell are you doing?
00:49Who do you think you are?
00:51I'm doing this for us, Jared.
00:53You're delusional.
00:55Stop some Xanax like all the other dumb housewives.
00:57Go home! Now!
01:00Me? Fired?
01:02Do you even know where you are?
01:05This event is mine.
01:07All these fans here are mine.
01:11Sabine, we love you!
01:15Meanwhile, you're a pathetic loser.
01:20Can we get rid of this eyesore?
01:23No! No!
01:25Sabine's the one that doesn't belong here!
01:27What is all this ruckus about?
01:33Do you work for Donahue?
01:35I do.
01:36Then you should know that the collaboration with Sabine has been terminated.
01:40Wait, Sabine's not with Donahue anymore?
01:42Well, then why are we here?
01:44I don't know who the fuck you are, but you better watch your mouth.
01:48Do you know how hard I worked to make this collaboration happen?
01:51Like hell I'll let you ruin it.
01:56You haven't heard anything from Kwan?
01:58How do you know that name?
02:00Ivy hasn't done anything outside the house in years.
02:04You think she's really acquainted with the Donahue Group's general manager?
02:07She's only a useless skank who dug her claws into my son.
02:14You better keep your hole shut.
02:16I don't care how you know Kwan, and I don't care that you're a lady.
02:20I will fuck you up!
02:22So she's just a crazy...
02:24Get her out.
02:26Crazy, toxic wife.
02:28That's what she deserves.
02:30She's done. She's so done.
02:32You stupid bitch!
02:34Get out before I'm dragged into your mess!
02:36Jared, no, please. I'm not lying. I'm your wife.
02:40What are you talking about?
02:42It's my son and I don't know you.
02:46What did I say about ruining my event?
02:50Take her somewhere out of sight.
02:52Somewhere where I can have a word with you later.
02:56Get your filthy goddamn hands off her.
02:59Get your filthy goddamn hands off of her.
03:09Who is he?
03:10He's so cute, isn't he?
03:13Who the fuck are you supposed to be?
03:16Ivy, are you okay?
03:21My ex-fiancé is the last person I want to see me like this.
03:25Doesn't he look cuter to you?
03:27He is.
03:28I don't know.
03:29He's gorgeous.
03:30He's so gorgeous.
03:32This entire event has been cancelled.
03:34I'm here to shut it down.
03:36What? On what grounds?
03:39Donahue doesn't have a celebrity promoter to feature today.
03:43Apparently, it's not going to work out.
03:46I've heard jack shit about this.
03:48You're a liar.
03:50This is all you're doing, isn't it?
03:52You know, I get that you're jealous.
03:55But hiring some rando to come stir shit and rain on my parade?
04:02But I'm not falling for it.
04:04What are you trying to do to Sabine, you stupid little...
04:07I said don't touch her.
04:10That's my mother.
04:11And she's your wife.
04:13I don't see you defending her, you pathetic sack of shit.
04:16Fuck off.
04:17This is a family matter.
04:19Adam, the press conference has been delayed enough.
04:21Toss him.
04:22You heard the lady.
04:24Kick him out now.
04:25Wait, I recognize him now.
04:27Isn't he...
04:29You heard the lady.
04:31Kick him out now.
04:32Mr. Jones, I can't...
04:33What's the hold up?
04:34Do your goddamn job.
04:36Mr. Jones, I can't.
04:37Can't what shit for brains?
04:39I can't eject this man from the property.
04:40He's my boss.
04:42He's your what?
04:44You're standing in the Pierce Summit Center.
04:46Who do you think is in charge here?
04:49Hey, you're full of shit.
04:52If you were some Pierce hotshot, we wouldn't have met.
04:55Not if you aren't worth meeting.
04:59Oh, wait.
05:00Oh, my God.
05:01No way.
05:02Oh, my God.
05:03I can't believe it.
05:04It's really him.
05:05That is him.
05:06That's Elias Pierce, CEO of Pierce Hotel and Holding.
05:09Oh, my God.
05:11It's like Sabine said.
05:13He's just some lookalike actor hired to sabotage her.
05:17You're just an imposter.
05:18If security won't take you out, I'll do it myself.
05:23Mr. Kwan.
05:26Mr. Kwan, so nice to finally meet you.
05:29I'm so excited to work with you and the Donahue Group on this collaboration.
05:34There's just been a few minor hiccups.
05:36Once we iron out the kinks and get rid of the deplorables,
05:39it'll go off without a hitch.
05:45Are you an idiot?
05:46The man you insulted is Elias Pierce,
05:49CEO of Pierce Hotels and Holdings,
05:52our business partner.
05:56My sincerest apologies, Mr. Pierce.
05:59I'm not the person you should apologize to.
06:03You should get out of here.
06:06Too many pissed off big shots.
06:08If my name gets included, I'll be ruined.
06:10Goddamn right.
06:11You can stir some shit.
06:13What are you doing standing there?
06:15Let's go.
06:19The one who should be apologizing is you.
06:21You're to blame for all of this.
06:24I'm to blame?
06:26You're the one who's been trying to steal my husband.
06:28What, did you really think that I would sit back and do nothing?
06:30I told you, you don't belong here.
06:34I warned you.
06:36No, no.
06:38How dare you attempt to touch Ms.
06:41This lady?
06:44What are you doing?
06:45That's our celebrity promoter, Sabine.
06:48Somebody didn't read their emails.
06:51As if someone like me reads emails.
06:53Unless you happened to send me one, boss.
06:56Did you, boss?
06:58Did you, boss?
07:00Sabine has been fired.
07:02Consider yourself on the same boat.
07:05Please, sir.
07:07Like I want to work with any of you assholes.
07:10Good luck finding anyone with half the star power that I have.
07:15It's not as hard as you think.
07:17Get these two out of my sight.
07:29Does this mean you're coming back?
07:36I let them off too easy.
07:38I should have made them drop to the ground,
07:40lick the stains off your feet.
07:44You know, that Adam guy seems like he'd be into that.
07:47He does. I take it back.
07:52Oh, no, that's too much. You don't have to go that far.
07:55I do.
07:57We've known each other since we were, what, five?
08:00I still remember when you used to stick boogers on the back of my shirt.
08:06You're not supposed to remember that.
08:08Well, hey, unless you want to know what I'll say to her.
08:18That tickles.
08:23Has your husband ever done this for you?
08:29No. Why would he?
08:34I don't know.
08:36He doesn't deserve you.
08:43I have a daughter.
08:45I have a daughter.
08:47I need to go home to her.
08:55Miss Donahue.
08:57I mean, Miss Myers.
09:00A moment, please.
09:02What is it?
09:06Your father is ready to step down.
09:08He wants you to take the Donahue group's reins.
09:12My husband still doesn't know I'm the heiress of the Donahue group.
09:15He's not ready to know.
09:17Continue concealing my identity.
09:19When my husband succeeds in his career,
09:22that's when I'll step up as CEO.
09:24Understood, ma'am.
09:26I hope that your husband will one day understand the depths of your love for him.
09:32He will.
09:55Honey, I'm sorry things didn't go the way you expected.
09:59I told you that homewrecker couldn't be trusted.
10:03You stupid whore.
10:05You ruined everything.
10:07This entire mess is your fault.
10:11It wasn't you. It wasn't...
10:13Sabine was the one who said...
10:15Can't you see she's turning you against me?
10:18Because of you,
10:20my son left the wrong impression on Elias Pierce.
10:24Think of the business opportunities you made my son lose.
10:39Sabine, what are you doing here?
10:42The Donahue group canned you.
10:44You've got no sway, nothing left to dangle over my husband now.
10:47So get out.
10:50Did you forget?
10:52I'm Sabine.
10:54I don't need this stupid gig to get what I want.
10:57This is what you want, baby.
11:00Our Sabine's a superstar.
11:03She can leverage other connections.
11:05Not like a Donahue.
11:07Shut up, you stupid cunt.
11:09Are you trying to piss her off?
11:11She's our lifeline.
11:12Not like you've done anything to help.
11:22Why are Mommy and Daddy fighting?
11:25We're not, sweetie.
11:30Playing makes me feel better.
11:32Maybe we can play hide and seek?
11:36Sure, brat.
11:37How about you go get lost?
11:50Jared, I'm exhausted.
11:53I need somewhere to relax.
11:55Preferably horizontal.
12:00How about your bedroom?
12:16Is Aunt Sabine Daddy's best friend now?
12:24Not for long.
12:32We're here. Now what?
12:34I wanted to check out this restaurant.
12:36My friends said it's nice.
12:37It's not the restaurant we're here for.
12:42Once I get Jared's company on the right track,
12:44he won't fall for Sabine's schemes.
12:53Quan, send a Donahue Group representative
12:55to this location tomorrow.
12:57Give them the authority to award my husband
12:59a hundred million dollar contract.
13:01My daughter needs her father back.
13:16About time.
13:18You invited her to our lunch date?
13:21You said the restaurant was nice.
13:23I'll be the judge of that.
13:25Jared, I wanted to talk to you about something important.
13:27You can say it in front of her.
13:29Aren't you two friends?
13:31Friends who share everything.
13:36Get off of him!
13:39Jared Myers of Myers Logistics?
13:43Do I know you?
13:45Told you it was him.
13:46Mr. Myers, what a surprise!
13:49We're with the Donahue Group
13:51and we have heard wonderful things about your company.
13:54You have?
13:56I mean, of course you have.
13:58Do you have time?
14:00We've already booked a table with the restaurant.
14:02You and your lovely wife can join us.
14:09Oh, my God.
14:12Aren't you Sabine?
14:15You're married to Sabine Ross, the superstar?
14:19I've watched all of your movies.
14:21Sabine and I aren't married.
14:34Who is this? Why is she following us?
14:36Maybe she's lost.
14:39I'm Jared's wife.
14:44And I'm next in line to own the entire company you work for.
14:48Could have fooled me.
14:50Right? I keep telling her that.
14:53She's not even in the same league as Jared.
14:58It's a table for four, not five.