We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together Part 3

  • 2 months ago
We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together Part 3


00:00You should bring Lisa with you.
00:02OK, Grandpa.
00:08Hey, where you going with my tea?
00:10It's not bad.
00:14Hey, girl, what's wrong?
00:15Is your dad still a veterinarian,
00:16and do you know how to take care of a goldfish?
00:18Yes and no.
00:20But, girl, you got a goldfish?
00:21I got a goldfish.
00:22Is it a coral or a bottom?
00:25All the tea today?
00:30Order up, one piping hot tea.
00:33I don't know if the diminished brain capacity is
00:35from all the hair gel absorbing into his scalp
00:36or from fumigating himself every day with body spray,
00:38but either way, you look like a feral dog
00:40and you smell like one, too.
00:41How's that for tea?
00:43Make sure it's hot.
00:49What, not enough work for you to do?
00:51Got enough time to chit-chat with one of your guy
00:54You know, I don't think I'm actually very good
00:56at this whole secretary thing, so maybe I should ask.
00:58Oh, don't cut yourself short.
00:59You make a nice cup of coffee.
01:06And not a bad cup of tea, either.
01:08It tastes just like the tea from last night.
01:13So tell me, what did you put in it?
01:17It's just an herb blend.
01:21I didn't realize you liked tea so much.
01:27Trish, I didn't know you were supposed to be here.
01:33First time seeing the mistress in person.
01:36She's pretty.
01:39But stupid and mean.
01:41I have to go shopping.
01:41Why don't you come with?
01:43I'm a bit busy today.
01:46Here, why don't you take the card, Lisa?
01:47Take her shopping.
01:48Thank you.
01:53You two have fun.
01:54Men like them stupid, don't they?
02:05Take a photo of me holding this, and then we
02:07can just throw it out after.
02:14Did you just roll your eyes at me?
02:20I can tell you want Aiden.
02:22He sent you here to serve me.
02:25I can spot a gold digger from a mile away.
02:27Is that because you spend so much time looking
02:29at yourself in the mirror?
02:30I'm going to swat away all the flies surrounding Aiden.
02:35Flies among turtles.
02:37Are you calling him a piece of shit?
02:39Because I'd be happy to pass on that message.
02:42Hey, what is going on?
02:44She hit me.
02:47I love technology.
02:50She hit me, actually.
02:51The security cameras never lie.
02:58Anyway, as if I haven't watched enough real short shows
03:03to know how to deal with bitches like you.
03:06Did you hit her?
03:08She's lying.
03:10Thank god that shit-head ex-husband didn't take
03:12the house and the hot tub with it.
03:20I can relax after a long day.
03:32What is it, shit-head ex-husband?
03:34Wait, what did you just call me?
03:37Mr. Valentino, what's up?
03:39Look, I'm a bit drunk.
03:41So I'm going to need you to come pick me up at the Seventh
03:45Heaven bar.
03:48Wait, Seventh Heaven?
03:50No way I'm going.
03:54Should've told me, what the hell.
04:05You're cute.
04:07Want to dance?
04:09You're drunk.
04:11How about I take you home?
04:12No, Lisa's coming to pick me up.
04:15Oh, I don't think Lisa's coming anywhere.
04:17Hey, can you get up?
04:19Hey, ever heard of first come, first serve, ugly Betty?
04:22If he's not coming home with me, he's definitely
04:24not coming home with you.
04:29You know what?
04:30Let's bet on it.
04:31If he comes home with me, you pay his tab.
04:33But if he goes home with you, I'll pay yours.
04:37Should've checked the mirror before leaving the house,
04:41Do you want to come home with me?
04:46Uh, that sounds good.
04:50What, is he blind?
04:51I'm clearly the hot one.
04:56Thanks for picking up the tab.
05:02Why don't you call Jake?
05:04Or Miss Poopy Pants?
05:08Or Miss Poopy Pants?
05:11What, are you jealous?
05:12My god, how can he be this hot?
05:16Mr. Valentino.
05:18Mrs. Valentino?
05:19Please sign.
05:24Oh, sorry.
05:25Former Mrs. Valentino.
05:32Oh, I get it.
05:35Sorry for interrupting.
05:36Carry on.
05:40Rich guys only start stating her after the divorce.
05:45Hey, no money for us lawyers.
05:55Mrs. Valentino.
06:03I admit it.
06:06I'm your ex-wife.
06:14Oh, OK.
06:20Just kidding, I'm good.
06:37Oh, that's nice.
06:43You look the same as you did five years ago.
06:46I bet you think I skimmed my way into this marriage.
06:54When I found out that your grandfather
06:56wanted me to marry you, I was so excited I couldn't sleep.
07:04Wait, wait, wait, wait.
07:06Your house here smells so nice, but not
07:10as nice as Lisa Sampson's tea.
07:17But why, why does she always yell at me?
07:21I don't yell at you.
07:24Well, then tell me, why do you play so hard to get?
07:34Oh, I'm so confused.
07:39OK, you were drunk, and now you're drunk.
07:44Are you messing with me, Aiden Valentino?
07:47Mrs. Sampson.
07:50Look, don't be like all those gold diggers on the TV dramas
07:54that are just trying to sleep their way to the top.
07:59Sorry, are you OK?
08:00Don't assume the worst of me.
08:02Is money all that you care about?
08:04No, I should have left you at the club.
08:05Don't call me after 5 PM.
08:10Shit, I fucked up.
08:18Got files for you.
08:20Hey, I got your favorite page for you.
08:22They are quarterly budget reports
08:24from the finance department.
08:25They need you to signature immediately.
08:28OK, I just want to talk a little bit about last night.
08:39How's your shoulder?
08:41Mr. Valentino, I found the mystery woman
08:43that you spent the night with at the resort.
08:52No, I mean, all I can see is silhouettes here, Jake.
08:54How am I going to see who it actually is?
08:58Thank God, it's just a silhouette.
08:59It may just be a silhouette, but I
09:02have a feeling that she'll come up very soon
09:04with a positive pregnancy test asking Mr. Valentino
09:06to pay child support.
09:07Stop with the overreactive imagination.
09:09Take it back, Jake.
09:11No way am I pregnant.
09:14Samson, you're back.
09:18Your back and the back of your hair
09:19look identical to the woman in this video.
09:21Identical is a strong word, don't we think?
09:24Jake, I need a moment alone with Lisa.
09:28He can't prove anything if I just deny it.
09:33Take off your blazer.
09:36You heard me.
09:37Take off the blazer.
09:40That's an HR violation, actually.
09:43Well, if that was you in the security camera,
09:44I can go to HR.
09:46Now take off the blazer.
09:48Lisa, what's the problem?
09:50The blazer.
09:51Take off the blazer.
09:52Take off the blazer.
09:53Dang it, Ryden.
09:54What's going on here?
09:56I'm trying to steal my boyfriend.
09:58Hey, that's enough, Patricia.
10:00I didn't.
10:01We're coming on our date, right?
10:03Great, I'm going to leave.
10:04Hey, you're coming with us.
10:08I can't.
10:09I've got a fish to feed at home,
10:12and I don't want it to go belly up, so.
10:13Is your damn goldfish more important than me?
10:17Your boss.
10:18The goldfish was gifted to me by a very special man, so.
10:24Well, you're on the clock.
10:26So it's either your job or the goldfish.
10:29I didn't.
10:29You don't need a third wheeler.
10:34I'll go.
10:36But that's overtime.
10:38So you're going to pay up.
10:44Oh my god, Iden.
10:46Did you see that new film I got started?
10:48OK, there's this character, an evil queen,
10:50and she reminds me so much of your sleazy ex-wife.
10:56Thank you, my friend.
10:56Of course.
10:57On the house.
11:06Oh no.
11:07Looks like I got you all wet.
11:09I guess you've got to go home and change.
11:16Scheming queen coming through.
11:21Anyway, the production was eh.
11:24My coverage, eh.
11:25They really should have put a higher budget.
11:27I just, like, I'm really confused.
11:28Like, clearly didn't know what she was doing.
11:30They didn't give me enough bronzer.
11:32I just, whatever.
11:33But you know me, I'm like.
11:38Don't think your dumb tricks will win over Iden.
11:42And who are you to tell me this?
11:44His mistress?
11:45He loves me.
11:55What are you going to do?
11:56Hit me?
12:00You asked for it.
12:01Mistress is getting slapped.
12:03Hey, and what is with all the noise?
12:06Iden, she slapped me.
12:08And why would you do that?
12:09Because I'm a super duper evil conniving
12:14and scheming little bitch.
12:17I don't think I can't fire you.
12:18Yes, fire her.
12:20You can't.
12:21Because I am firing you from my life.
12:25You can't do that.
12:26I just did.
12:32If I was you, I would take that back.
12:34You can't do that.
12:35I just did.
12:39If I was you, I would take that back.
12:43Iden, my leg.
12:45It's hurting again.
12:46She just fired me.
12:49She just fired me.
12:50She just fired me.
12:59Lisa, can you please bring me in here a tea?
13:11My god, this tea sucks.
13:12What is this?
13:13Simpson Lefser, remember?
13:18Do you want a new one?
13:19Do you want a coffee instead?
13:20No, no.
13:21I don't want to take that away.
13:25Yes, sir.
13:38Boss doesn't like your glance.
13:41Do you know how many different combinations
13:42of tea leaves, temperatures, and techniques
13:44the former secretary tested and formulated just
13:46for Mr. Valentino's palate?
13:47Yeah, that's true.
13:49Ever since the new CO arrived, all she would do
13:51is carry tea leaves, prepared to make any combination
13:54any time his little heart desired.
13:57Such a thoughtful secretary.
14:00And such big shoes to fill.
14:01How are we ever going to find a replacement?
14:04Spill the tea.
14:05Did she get fired for trying to seduce the boss?
14:09Was that pun intended or unintended?
14:13Careful not to get fired.
14:15Unintended, right?
14:17I thought so.
14:24She's always so cold to me on the surface.
14:27But deep down, she actually really cares about me.
14:35What's this?
14:36Your ex-wife ordered a ball gown.
14:39The shop owner sent both items here by mistake.
14:41So I'll make sure this gets sent back to her address.
14:44I would put your suit in the executive closet.
14:46But Samson still has the key.
14:49Just hire her back.
14:51I mean, I don't get it.
14:51When you fire somebody and they take the key,
14:54that makes no sense.
14:55I thought she was the one that fired you.
