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Welcome to Super Cult Cinema, where classic movies meet contemporary classics! Dive into a world of timeless films, spanning decades and genres, curated for cinephiles like you. From Hollywood classics to international masterpieces, we've got it all. Join us as we celebrate the art of cinema and explore the stories that have captured our hearts and minds for generations. Subscribe now to embark on a journey through the rich tapestry of cinematic history. Don't miss out on our latest uploads, exclusive content, and curated playlists. Get ready to experience the magic of movies like never before with Super Cult Cinema!
Short filmTranscript
00:02:00Oh, Jesus.
00:02:42Ingenieur Giorgio Manfredi?
00:02:44Non c'è.
00:02:46Eh, non sappiamo.
00:02:47Non viene sempre a dormire a casa.
00:02:49E dove va?
00:02:50Bah, non lo so.
00:02:51Sta con me un giovanotto scapolo.
00:02:54Qual è la sua camera?
00:02:56Da quella parte.
00:02:58Ivano, tu su.
00:03:09Viene molta gente a trovarlo?
00:03:10Una volta sì, ma da un pezzo non viene più nessuno.
00:03:12Già, naturalmente.
00:03:27Quanti altri pensionanti avete?
00:03:30Dove è il telefono?
00:03:31In fondo al corridoio.
00:03:36Ferma, rispondo io!
00:03:41Allo? Pronto?
00:03:43C'è Giorgio?
00:03:45Ma sì, l'ingegnere Manfredi.
00:03:47Ma con chi parlo?
00:03:48Sono un amico dell'ingegnere.
00:03:50Che amico?
00:03:51Con chi parlo?
00:04:00Era una donna.
00:04:01Chi è?
00:04:02E che ne so io, mica l'ho visto.
00:04:03Hai trovato qualcosa?
00:04:04Niente, niente.
00:04:06Quella porta?
00:04:07Eh, la terrazza.
00:04:08Ah, la terrazza.
00:04:10Calma, mi raccomando.
00:04:40Chi abita là?
00:04:41C'è l'ambasciata di Spagna.
00:04:46La città verrà divisa in quattordici zone.
00:04:49Il piano Schröder che noi abbiamo già applicato in diverse città europee
00:04:53permette il rastrellamento scientifico di grandi masse di uomini
00:04:57con l'impiego di minime forze.
00:05:04Herr Sturmbannführer,
00:05:05Unterwitz Herr Bauer telefonisch mitgeteilt
00:05:06die betreffende Personen nicht gefunden zu haben.
00:05:11Es wohnen dort zwei Frauen.
00:05:12Die wird Ihnen das Dienst mischen.
00:05:13Sollen wir beigeführt werden, Herr Sturmbannführer?
00:05:15Nein, nicht nötig.
00:05:21Una notizia spiacevole?
00:05:23Una persona è mancata a un appuntamento.
00:05:25Una persona importante?
00:05:42Chi sono?
00:05:45Lui si fa chiamare Ingegnere Manfredi.
00:05:49C'è stato segnalato questo nome.
00:05:50Pare che sia uno dei capi della Giunta Militare
00:05:52del Comitato di Liberazione Nazionale.
00:05:54Ho le mie buone ragioni per credere che sia proprio lui.
00:05:57Ma voi come lo avete pescato?
00:05:59L'ho incontrato qui, su questo tavolo.
00:06:02Tutte le sere io faccio una lunga passeggiata per le vie di Roma
00:06:07senza uscire dal mio ufficio.
00:06:09Io amo molto questo genere di fotografie
00:06:12che coglie la gente quasi di sorpresa.
00:06:15Si fanno incontri molto interessanti.
00:06:17Qualche tempo fa, per esempio,
00:06:19mi sono veduto venire incontro il signor Manfredi
00:06:23e la sua piccola amica.
00:06:25Mi sono detto,
00:06:27io quest'uomo l'ho già visto in qualche luogo.
00:06:32Guardate, per esempio, questo gruppo.
00:06:36Il secondo a sinistra.
00:06:38Ho ricevuto queste fotografie da Berlino.
00:06:41Credo di non sbagliare.
00:06:44Ma che sbagliare? È lui.
00:06:46Sono la stessa persona.
00:06:48Ma che noia!
00:06:59Was soll dieser Herr Müller?
00:07:00Bitte um Verzeihung, Herr Strubeck.
00:07:02Wir verherren jenen Professor, aber...
00:07:04Schon gut, er soll aber endlich schweigen.
00:07:06Quanto gridano questi italiani!
00:07:10E la ragazza chi è?
00:07:12Una certa Marina Amari, attrice di riviste.
00:07:15Ah, sì, la conosco, l'ho vista.
00:07:19Molto carina.
00:07:22Piano, piano, calma, calma.
00:07:27Ma che succede?
00:07:28Non lo vedete, hanno assaltato il forno.
00:07:31E voi che fate?
00:07:32Io purtroppo sono indivisa.
00:07:35Ma che vuoi?
00:07:40Non posso far niente, questa cura di popolo.
00:07:42Io sono impotente.
00:07:43Lo so, lo so, ma con cento grammi al giorno.
00:07:46Brutta carogna, pure li pasticcini c'aveva, guardate qua.
00:07:49Oh, questo è bravo.
00:07:50E poi diceva che non c'aveva farina.
00:07:52Agostino, perché non te li vai a piede a te, eh?
00:07:54Io mica posso, io sono sacrestano.
00:07:56Poi vado a finire all'inferno.
00:07:58Ma allora i pasticcini ti il mengerai in paradiso.
00:08:00E lasciate stare.
00:08:03Saro, Sarapino, ma è una pazzia.
00:08:06Nel vostro stato.
00:08:07Eh, che devo morire di fame.
00:08:11Ma va a morire ammazzata, va.
00:08:13Va a accompagnarmi, aspetta.
00:08:22Eccoci arrivati.
00:08:23Grazie tanto.
00:08:25Volete che ve la porti fino a su?
00:08:26No, perché?
00:08:27È pesante.
00:08:29Ecco, così pesa meno.
00:08:31Veramente non dovrei.
00:08:33Ma c'ho una fame arretrata.
00:08:38Sarapino, ma che dite voi?
00:08:40Esistranno veramente questi americani?
00:08:43Pare di sì.
00:08:49Sarapino, volete lavo a sedici?
00:08:51A pianto lavo.
00:08:52Come vi permettete?
00:08:53In mia presenza.
00:08:54Questo è Borsanino.
00:08:56A brigadier, lasciate perde che è meglio.
00:09:05Chi cercate?
00:09:07Scusi, abita qui Francesco il tipografo?
00:09:09Sì, ma adesso non c'è.
00:09:10Non sa mica dove è andato?
00:09:11E che ne so, sarà andato per i fatti suoi.
00:09:14Scusi, lei chi è?
00:09:15Ma scusate, a voi che ve ne frega?
00:09:17Ho capito, lei è la sua rapina.
00:09:19E lei come lo sa?
00:09:20Francesco mi parla sempre di lei.
00:09:22Un amico.
00:09:23Che stupido, l'avevo presa per un poliziotto.
00:09:25Mi sono accorto.
00:09:26Mi dica, che desidera?
00:09:27Dovrei entrare in casa di Francesco.
00:09:29Le apro subito, prendo la chiave.
00:09:41Mi scusi, non trovavo la chiave.
00:09:43Sa comodi.
00:09:48Trova tutto in disordine, tutto sporco, ma proprio non ci si fa.
00:09:51Lasci fare, non importa.
00:09:52Senta, lei conosce Don Pietro?
00:09:54Eh, come no.
00:09:55Il parogo di San Clemente.
00:09:56Vorrei parlarmi.
00:09:57Ci vado io, ci vado.
00:09:58No, no, no, lei no.
00:10:00Ci manda il ragazzino mio, eh?
00:10:01Eh, così è meglio.
00:10:02Ma aspetti di là.
00:10:06Scusi, non trovavo la chiave.
00:10:08Sa comodi.
00:10:21Che vuoi?
00:10:22Vieni giù un momento.
00:10:23Non posso.
00:10:24Devi andare a Don Pietro, sbrigati.
00:10:26E mo' c'ho da fare?
00:10:28Vieni giù subito, t'ho detto.
00:10:34T'ho detto tante volte che non ci devi stare su da Romoletto, è pericoloso.
00:10:37Vai a Don Pietro, cammina.
00:10:38Che io devo dire?
00:10:39Gli devi dire che devi venire qui subito, sbrigati.
00:10:42Non ti perde per strada, eh?
00:10:49È andato.
00:10:50Don Pietro sarà qui fra poco.
00:10:52Oh, grazie.
00:10:54Stamattina abbiamo assaltato un forno.
00:10:56Ah, sì?
00:10:57È il secondo nella settimana.
00:10:59Come vanno le donne?
00:11:01Oh, Dio.
00:11:02Qualcuna lo sa perché lo fa.
00:11:04Ma la maggior parte arraffano più sfilatini che ponno.
00:11:07Qualcuna poi stamattina se s'ho fregato un par de scarpe è una bilancia.
00:11:10Io vorrebbe sapere se fregate le garze mie.
00:11:13Scusate tanto.
00:11:14Se le sarei fregate...
00:11:15Oh, ingegnere.
00:11:16Buongiorno, Laura.
00:11:17Buongiorno, come mai qui?
00:11:18E' venuto a cercare me?
00:11:19Sì, sì, appunto.
00:11:20Ho incontrato il signore per le scale, l'ho fatto entrare qui, ho pensato che...
00:11:23Eh, ma lo potevi dire subito.
00:11:24Vabbè, stavo per venire dall'abbey, ma non importa.
00:11:26Io volevo soltanto chiederle un favore.
00:11:27Vado a mettermi qualche cosa.
00:11:28No, sta benissimo così.
00:11:29Scusi un momentino.
00:11:31Senta, Laura, e te le vede Marina, vero?
00:11:33Sì, dopo pranzo, a teatro.
00:11:34Ecco, lei dica per favore che io per qualche giorno non potrò vederla.
00:11:37Se mi sarà possibile, telefonerò.
00:11:39Va bene, e niente altro?
00:11:40No, niente altro.
00:11:41Arrivederci, ingegnere, mi scusi, eh?
00:11:45Abita con lei quella?
00:11:46E' mia sorella.
00:11:47Ah, sua sorella.
00:11:48Si meraviglia lei, eh?
00:11:50Chissà quante buceglie avrà raccontato, e abita chissà dove.
00:11:54Eh, si vergogna da noi perché dice che lei fa l'artista, e noi siamo poveri operai.
00:11:59Ma io me ce cambierei con lei.
00:12:00Ah, lo capisco.
00:12:01No, mica perché è cattiva.
00:12:03E' stupida.
00:12:08Ma lei come la conosce, Lauretta?
00:12:11Oh, scusi tanto, sono indiscreta, eh?
00:12:14No, Lauretta è molto amica di una ragazza che io conosco.
00:12:17Chi? Marina?
00:12:18Ah, la conosce?
00:12:19Oh, da quando è nata.
00:12:21La madre faceva la portiera a via Tiburtina, dove mio padre c'aveva un negozio da stagnaro.
00:12:25Lei e Lauretta si può dire che sono cresciute insieme.
00:12:29Oh, ma mi raccomando, non dica niente a Marina di quello che gli ho detto, mi raccomando proprio, eh?
00:12:34No, non dubiti, e poi io non la vedrò più.
00:12:36E perché?
00:12:37Non so perché, ma sento che è una cosa che deve finire.
00:12:40Del resto è durata anche troppo.
00:12:42La conosce da molto tempo?
00:12:44Sì, da quattro mesi. Io ero appena arrivato a Roma.
00:12:46Lei veniva a mangiare in una piccola tratteria vicino a Piazza di Spagna.
00:12:50Un giorno hanno dato l'alarme e tutti sono scappati.
00:12:52Siamo rimasti soli.
00:12:54Lei rideva, non aveva paura.
00:12:58Già, succede, eh?
00:13:00Eh, succede.
00:13:03Ma non è una donna per me.
00:13:05Forse l'avessi conosciuta prima quando era a via Tiburtina.
00:13:09Beh, che c'entra? Una donna può cambiare, soprattutto quando è innamorata.
00:13:13Ma chi le dice che si è innamorata?
00:13:15Perché non dovrebbe esserla?
00:13:17Oddio mio, non gli ho chiesto nemmeno se vuole un caffè, lo vuole?
00:13:20No, non si distrugge.
00:13:21Ah, per carità, un momento, subito faccio.
00:13:23Guardi, il caffè per modo di dire, eh?
00:13:25Non dai qua.
00:13:26Via per cazzo!
00:13:28L'ho perso! L'ho perso!
00:13:30Questa mia persona!
00:13:32Chiaramente, mi han messo d'atti.
00:13:34Al pub a dove stai giorno?
00:13:36Ma non parlo, ma non parlo, ma non parlo!
00:13:39Vieni, vieni.
00:13:41Ma non parli!
00:13:43Vieni qua!
00:13:46Vieni qua!
00:13:47Ma non parlare, questa è la condizione!
00:13:49Ma non parlare, ma non parlare, ma non parlare, ma non parlare!
00:13:52Ma non parli!
00:13:53Don Pietro!
00:13:55Don Pietro!
00:13:57Don Pietro!
00:13:59I told you so many times
00:14:01you shouldn't play the game like that.
00:14:03Watch out, Don Pietro!
00:14:09Ah, it's you.
00:14:11What a miracle to see you at the oratory.
00:14:13I came because my mother sent me.
00:14:15Well done. You too.
00:14:17Don Pietro, let me finish talking.
00:14:19I have to go back to our house right now.
00:14:21It's important.
00:14:23What is it?
00:14:25I don't know how the mysterious woman did it,
00:14:27but there must be someone at Francesco's house.
00:14:29All right, let's go.
00:14:37get up.
00:14:39Agostino will come now.
00:14:41You direct the game.
00:14:43Don't do anything bad.
00:14:45Here, take this.
00:14:47Come here.
00:14:49Don't do anything bad.
00:14:51Don't do anything bad.
00:14:53Don't do anything bad.
00:14:55Don't do anything bad.
00:14:57Don't do anything bad.
00:14:59Don't do anything bad.
00:15:01Don't do anything bad.
00:15:03Don't do anything bad.
00:15:05Don't do anything bad.
00:15:07Don't do anything bad.
00:15:09Don't do anything bad.
00:15:11Don't do anything bad.
00:15:13Don't do anything bad.
00:15:15Don't do anything bad.
00:15:17Don't do anything bad.
00:15:19Don't do anything bad.
00:15:23Don't do anything bad.
00:15:25What are you doing wasting your time at the shop?
00:15:27What are you talking about?
00:15:29You'll understand in a minute.
00:15:30We have to build a block against the enemy commune.
00:15:34Who told you that?
00:15:38Romoletto told you that?
00:15:39Don Pié, please, don't tell anyone.
00:15:44Here's the purgatory.
00:15:48Don Pié, what do you have here?
00:15:51I did the shopping.
00:15:52How much do you have?
00:15:55Not even a little.
00:15:57Why so much bread?
00:15:58I don't know. They wanted to celebrate this morning.
00:16:01I don't know what they were celebrating.
00:16:03I don't even know if it was the bakery.
00:16:05I'm sorry, don Pié, I'm going.
00:16:07What's the occasion?
00:16:08I don't understand.
00:16:10Let's hope my mother heard about it.
00:16:14Here you go.
00:16:16It won't be good, but at least it's hot.
00:16:18Drink it right away.
00:16:19No, thanks. Francesco told me you were getting married.
00:16:23A marriage a little late.
00:16:25You'll understand, in these conditions.
00:16:27But we had fixed it a long time ago.
00:16:28And then, for one reason or another, we always had to postpone it.
00:16:32But now it's fixed.
00:16:32And for when?
00:16:34Ah, then I'll have to give you a gift.
00:16:36For God's sake, this is a marriage of war.
00:16:39Let's go to Don Pietro's for a moment, we'll do it right away.
00:16:41Ah, you're getting married in church.
00:16:43Yes, Francesco really didn't want to.
00:16:45But I told him,
00:16:47it's better that Don Pietro marries us, than at least one of us.
00:16:49Instead of getting married to a fascist governor, don't you think?
00:16:53In a way, it's right.
00:16:54Yes, the truth is...
00:16:57that I believe in God.
00:16:59And what do you do now? Do you work?
00:17:01I used to work at the Breda warehouse.
00:17:04But now they've kicked us out.
00:17:06The Germans are taking everything away.
00:17:11This must be Don Pietro.
00:17:13Good morning, Don Pietro.
00:17:15Good morning.
00:17:16Well, excuse me, I'm going over there, eh?
00:17:19Thank you for being so kind.
00:17:21You're welcome.
00:17:23Well, what are you doing there, young man?
00:17:25What's there?
00:17:26What's there to be? Walk, go over there.
00:17:28Hurry up, walk.
00:17:47Dovevo parla?
00:17:49Sono più di 500 sulle montagne e sopra Taglio a Cozza.
00:17:52Una bamba di ragazzi in gamba, non si può abandonarli.
00:17:55L'appuntamento è fissato per questa sera, alle sei al ponte di Burtino,
00:17:57verrà uno di loro.
00:17:59È meglio che io non ci vada, perché ormai io sono stato segnalato,
00:18:03e poi il coprifuoco è stato spostato alle cinque.
00:18:07Ando io.
00:18:09Nero è sicuro?
00:18:11Il messaggio qual è?
00:18:12There's no message. It's a sum from the military junta.
00:18:17Did I ask too much?
00:18:18No, for those who sacrifice themselves, it's not even too little.
00:18:22And how can I recognize it?
00:18:24Ah, you'll stop on the bridge and whistle that song,
00:18:26Matinata Fiorentina.
00:18:27Ah, yes, but you don't know it.
00:18:29I don't know which one.
00:18:30The one that goes...
00:18:37Well, of course, everyone sings it.
00:18:42I don't know.
00:19:00Buongiorno, Reverendo.
00:19:05Don't you happen to have a St. Anthony Abbate?
00:19:07Sorry, we had some time ago, but it's not enough.
00:19:11I'd like a St. Rocco, though.
00:19:14Thank you, I'm not interested.
00:19:17You're not interested in a saint like St. Rocco?
00:19:19Sit down.
00:19:20Come and see.
00:19:25Come on, come on.
00:19:26It's also a good job, you know.
00:19:27Well, let's see.
00:19:28Then I'm going.
00:19:29All right, remember to pass by Chiurazzi.
00:19:31All right.
00:19:32I'll give it to him for little.
00:19:34I should talk to Francesco.
00:19:37He sends me men with tight shoes.
00:19:41Wait a minute.
00:20:00Sit down, Reverendo.
00:20:01They're waiting for you.
00:20:07Thank you.
00:20:15Down this stairs.
00:20:22Ah, it's you, Don Pietro.
00:20:24What happened?
00:20:25Nothing serious, thank God.
00:20:27But it could happen.
00:20:28Last night the SS were in Malfredi.
00:20:31We knew that.
00:20:32But where is he?
00:20:33At your house.
00:20:36It's been three days.
00:20:39He gave me this note.
00:20:41I wanted to send it to St. Giovanni and Paolo,
00:20:43from the Passionists.
00:20:44It would have been safer.
00:20:45But he doesn't want to.
00:20:46He says he would have been fired.
00:20:48Yes, that's right.
00:20:49Yes, but for him now it's more dangerous to work,
00:20:52if they have reported him.
00:20:53I know, Reverendo, but we are few,
00:20:55and if everyone enters the convent...
00:20:57I understand.
00:20:58Excuse me.
00:20:59May I, Don Pietro?
00:21:00Our director.
00:21:01Very happy to meet you.
00:21:02Me too.
00:21:03I heard a lot about you.
00:21:04This is bad.
00:21:05For my model,
00:21:06and for my health.
00:21:08You have done and do a lot for all of us.
00:21:11I thank you.
00:21:12It is my duty to help those in need of help.
00:21:15Do you want to sit down?
00:21:35Here you are, Reverendo.
00:21:37But Alfredi told me it was a sum of money.
00:21:40They are books, but there is not much to read.
00:21:54All like this?
00:21:55There are a thousand pages.
00:21:58A million.
00:22:04Thank you.
00:23:00Who is it?
00:23:01Oh, Marina, it's me.
00:23:03Come in.
00:23:15Guess who I saw this morning.
00:23:17Why do you care?
00:23:19He came to me.
00:23:20To you?
00:23:22At my house.
00:23:23Why did he come?
00:23:24What did he want?
00:23:25He asked me to tell you that for a few days
00:23:27he won't be able to see you.
00:23:29He will call you.
00:23:30Didn't he tell you anything else?
00:23:33What do you mean?
00:23:34He didn't tell you?
00:23:36I didn't ask him anything else.
00:23:38I was in my vest.
00:23:39With my moustache.
00:23:42He won't call you?
00:23:43It's your turn soon.
00:23:48How did he know where I lived?
00:23:50How did he know?
00:23:52You should have told him.
00:23:54I never told him.
00:23:55What do you want me to tell him?
00:23:57I wasn't going to tell him for sure.
00:23:59I don't want people to know where I live.
00:24:01By the way, Marina.
00:24:03I can't stay in that house anymore.
00:24:05If you don't mind, I'll move in with you
00:24:08until I find another room.
00:24:10Come whenever you want.
00:24:11I've told you so many times.
00:24:13You're a treasure.
00:24:19What are you looking for?
00:24:21A cigarette.
00:24:22I'll give it to you.
00:24:26Thank you.
00:24:28When did he come?
00:24:32Early this morning.
00:24:33I was in my vest.
00:24:34Marina Mari, it's your turn.
00:24:37I don't understand.
00:24:38Are you in love with him or not?
00:24:40Yes, he's nice.
00:24:41I'm not saying no.
00:24:42You're being nice to me by not taking care of him.
00:24:45You're the one who's happy for me.
00:24:48Do you feel bad?
00:24:51No, no.
00:24:52It's nothing.
00:24:55You know it hurts you.
00:24:58There are many things that hurt us.
00:25:00But we do the same to you.
00:25:04I'm coming.
00:25:09Good evening.
00:25:10How are you?
00:25:11Fine, and you?
00:25:12How beautiful it is tonight.
00:25:14But you're always so stupid.
00:25:16Well, I'm leaving.
00:25:18Try to hurry up.
00:25:19Otherwise, the director will hear you.
00:25:21Excuse me, I have to go.
00:25:23Yes, dear.
00:25:25Try it.
00:25:27Oh, my love.
00:25:44There's no time.
00:25:45Go away.
00:25:46Get out.
00:25:47Come back.
00:25:48Right now.
00:25:49He shouldn't even put his nose out of the window.
00:25:52He's always around.
00:25:53Then he's right.
00:25:55Let's hope they're good.
00:25:57I'm amazed by you.
00:25:58Do me a favor.
00:25:59What do you think?
00:26:00I don't know.
00:26:01Today, all that broth in the oven.
00:26:03You set it up.
00:26:06What do you think?
00:26:07That I'm stupid?
00:26:08I see everything.
00:26:09I understand everything.
00:26:10And I also know that if you continue to be fanatical,
00:26:12you'll get into some trouble.
00:26:13Let's hope not.
00:26:14Let's hope.
00:26:16Come on.
00:26:17You can hear it.
00:26:19What time is it?
00:26:20Because at five there's the bonfire.
00:26:21Let's see.
00:26:22It's four and a half.
00:26:23Well, I have to go.
00:26:24Do you want to leave a message?
00:26:25No, I wanted to talk to Don Pietro.
00:26:26But it doesn't matter.
00:26:27I'll see him tomorrow morning before we get married.
00:26:28Ah, there he is.
00:26:29Good evening, Don Pietro.
00:26:30Good evening, Pina.
00:26:31Good evening.
00:26:32I've told you so many times that you shouldn't cook on the stove.
00:26:33And then the cabbages.
00:26:34For me, if I could cook in the kitchen.
00:26:35Agostino, don't answer.
00:26:36You have to decide.
00:26:37If you don't like the stove, you don't like the kitchen.
00:26:52What's the matter with you?
00:26:54Always books.
00:26:56I have my money to buy a bagnano.
00:26:58And you keep buying books.
00:27:00Leave it. I have to take them from the parish of San Lorenzo.
00:27:02Why do you want to go out again?
00:27:04In 20 minutes there is a bonfire.
00:27:06It doesn't matter. The doctors and the priests can circulate.
00:27:08Yes, even the milkmaids.
00:27:12I read it in the manifesto.
00:27:14But the dark is easy to be crushed with these delinquents.
00:27:16Don Pietro, I came to...
00:27:18Yes, to confess.
00:27:20What can I do? I have to go out.
00:27:22Maybe tomorrow morning.
00:27:24All right. I'll come with you.
00:27:26Let's go for a walk together.
00:27:28Give it to me. I'll take you to Paco.
00:27:30Are you crazy? A priest with Paco?
00:27:32Don't make me laugh.
00:27:34And then I don't feel bad.
00:27:36I'll take Giacomo.
00:27:38Come with me. Goodbye, Agostino.
00:27:40Don't worry.
00:27:42If this war doesn't end soon, I'll be stupid.
00:27:50Come on.
00:28:02Are you the parish priest?
00:28:06Don Pietro Pellegrini?
00:28:10I'd like to talk to you.
00:28:14So I'm going with Paco?
00:28:18Then it would be better...
00:28:22Wait for me there.
00:28:24Yes, yes. All right.
00:28:40Sit down.
00:28:42Go over there for a moment.
00:28:44Sit down.
00:28:50Sit down.
00:28:52Sit down.
00:29:12From Don Saverio de Risi.
00:29:14The parish priest of Nitturno.
00:29:22He's a good man.
00:29:30Don't believe me.
00:29:32I'm a coward.
00:29:34I can't.
00:29:42Don't give up like this.
00:29:44I'll try to help you.
00:29:46Where do you come from?
00:29:48From Casino.
00:29:50A hell.
00:30:00What did he want?
00:30:02Leave it. Who is he?
00:30:04He wanted some information.
00:30:06When I see those people...
00:30:10I can't confess.
00:30:12I'm almost ashamed.
00:30:14Don't leave me, Don Pietro.
00:30:16I feel I've lived badly.
00:30:18I've done so many things I shouldn't have done.
00:30:20Don't you think
00:30:22I'm ashamed to go to the altar
00:30:24in these conditions?
00:30:26But you can't understand me, Don Pietro.
00:30:28These are things that one does without thinking.
00:30:30Without having the impression
00:30:32that he's hurting you.
00:30:34I was so in love.
00:30:36And he's so good, so good.
00:30:38Many times I thought
00:30:40that in the end I could find a better one.
00:30:42Yes, a younger girl.
00:30:44And not a widow with a big son
00:30:46and without money.
00:30:48Because I had to sell everything
00:30:50to get ahead.
00:30:52And life gets worse.
00:30:54Who will make us forget
00:30:56all these sufferings,
00:30:58all these anxieties, these fears?
00:31:02But Christ doesn't see it.
00:31:06Many people ask me this question.
00:31:08Christ doesn't see it.
00:31:10But we are sure
00:31:12that we have always lived
00:31:14according to the laws of the Lord.
00:31:18And no one thinks of changing their lives,
00:31:20of seeing each other again.
00:31:22Then when the knots reach the chest,
00:31:24everyone gets desperate,
00:31:26they ask themselves,
00:31:28but the Lord doesn't see us,
00:31:30the Lord has no mercy on us.
00:31:32If the Lord has mercy on us,
00:31:34but we have so much to forgive.
00:31:36And for this we must pray
00:31:38and forgive a lot.
00:31:40I understand.
00:31:42But when you see those people,
00:31:44you want to slap them in the face.
00:31:46You're right.
00:31:48What do you say?
00:31:50Give me the package.
00:31:52It's getting late.
00:31:54Good evening, Mrs. Rapina.
00:32:10It's getting late.
00:32:32I came to tell you
00:32:34that the Germans had taken my fiancée away.
00:32:36Don't worry.
00:32:38I told you.
00:32:40We had a pair of thighs, guys.
00:32:44Hands up!
00:32:46Do you have permission?
00:32:56Look at the document.
00:32:58All right.
00:33:00Hurry home.
00:33:02Thank you.
00:33:08Thank you.
00:33:26Auf Wiedersehen, Capitano.
00:33:30Good night.
00:33:32See you tomorrow.
00:33:40You scared me.
00:33:42I was a little late,
00:33:44but they wanted to take me home.
00:33:46There's nothing wrong with that, right?
00:33:52Hi, Francesco.
00:33:54Did it go well?
00:33:56This time, yes.
00:33:58The landlady and Nannina were very good.
00:34:00Did you know they came back this morning
00:34:02and blew up the house?
00:34:04They lost time.
00:34:06Yes, it was very nice.
00:34:08What do you think?
00:34:10You're good at getting married.
00:34:12At first, he took me for a cop.
00:34:14He treated me very badly.
00:34:16I can imagine.
00:34:18Do you know that Don Pietro also met Gino?
00:34:20Yes, I'm pleased.
00:34:22What did he say about my business?
00:34:24He's worried.
00:34:26Today you had to meet the old man.
00:34:28When did he arrive?
00:34:30Last night, but you don't have to see him.
00:34:32He told Gino that after a while
00:34:34he would come back.
00:34:36I don't understand how they caught me.
00:34:38We need to find out what they know about my business.
00:34:40We'll try,
00:34:42but it's hard to get information by mail.
00:34:44If it was the police...
00:34:46Let's hope Don Pietro
00:34:48has found the Italian friend in Cozza.
00:34:50Let's hope so.
00:34:54I brought you the newspaper.
00:34:58It came out well, didn't it?
00:35:00How many copies?
00:35:06That's a lot.
00:35:12Hi, how are you?
00:35:14I'm worried about Marcello.
00:35:16He's gone.
00:35:18I've looked for him all over the palace.
00:35:20At Romoletto?
00:35:22He's not there.
00:35:24Otello, the Sicilian's son...
00:35:26Where did they go?
00:35:28I'm afraid they went out.
00:35:30Let's go.
00:36:00Let's go.
00:36:08I'm proud of you.
00:36:12Let's hurry.
00:36:16Let's wait for him.
00:36:30Good night.
00:36:32Good night.
00:36:46Good night.
00:37:00It would be better to go in one at a time.
00:37:02He's right.
00:37:04Go in first.
00:37:06You're here, you bastards!
00:37:08They're back!
00:37:10I'll kill you!
00:37:12I'll kill you all!
00:37:14Get in!
00:37:16I'm going out for a while,
00:37:18or there'll be a massacre.
00:37:20Where have you been?
00:37:22At Romoletto.
00:37:24No one was there.
00:37:26They were down there.
00:37:28I'll kill you all!
00:37:30You criminals!
00:37:32I'll kill you all!
00:37:34I'm sick of you!
00:37:38Do you want to kill her?
00:37:40I work all day.
00:37:42What kind of work?
00:37:44Speak clearly.
00:37:46Go back to bed.
00:37:50I can't speak in my house?
00:37:52This is my house.
00:37:54We pay for the kitchen.
00:37:56Why are you crying?
00:37:58I'm sick of living here.
00:38:00Go back to bed.
00:38:02You can't fight.
00:38:04This is the last time.
00:38:06I'll kill you all!
00:38:08I'll kill you all!
00:38:12She'll be cooked.
00:38:14She'll be burnt.
00:38:16It's all her fault.
00:38:18Come here.
00:38:22It's a surprise.
00:38:24Your sister is cooking
00:38:26for tomorrow,
00:38:28the wedding day.
00:38:30You won't regret it.
00:38:36Because we're going to have a feast.
00:38:40Go to bed.
00:38:42Good night.
00:38:44Can you turn off the light?
00:38:50We took good care of him.
00:38:52You never take care of me.
00:38:54What does it matter?
00:38:56You're a woman.
00:38:58Can't women be heroic?
00:39:00They can,
00:39:02but Romoletto says
00:39:04women are always in trouble.
00:39:06Go to bed.
00:39:16Go to bed.
00:39:22Go to bed.
00:39:24Aren't you going to sleep?
00:39:28I'm not sleepy.
00:39:30Where have you been with Romoletto?
00:39:32I can't tell you.
00:39:34Not even me?
00:39:38It's a secret.
00:39:40Then you're right.
00:39:42Don't tell anyone.
00:39:48Good night.
00:39:52Good night.
00:39:58What is it?
00:40:02It's true that tomorrow
00:40:04we're going back to Dad's.
00:40:06If you want.
00:40:08Yes, I love you so much.
00:40:10What is it?
00:40:22I fought with my sister.
00:40:26She wants to leave.
00:40:28She says she'll never come to the wedding.
00:40:32I know what they say.
00:40:34No, I'm serious.
00:40:36She's packing her bags.
00:40:38She'll change her mind tomorrow.
00:40:40I'm so tired.
00:40:42Come on.
00:40:44I'm so tired.
00:40:48Cry a little.
00:40:54Alice is there.
00:40:56She's a friend.
00:40:58I know, but I want to talk to her.
00:41:02Come here.
00:41:04Let's sit here.
00:41:06We talked for the first time.
00:41:08Do you remember?
00:41:10You came to knock on the door
00:41:12with a face.
00:41:14I think so.
00:41:16You were planting a nail in the wall
00:41:18and you threw the mirror down.
00:41:20It didn't break.
00:41:22Who do you think you are?
00:41:24The king of the universe?
00:41:26I was so tired.
00:41:28I lived here for two months
00:41:30and when I went down the stairs
00:41:32you never greeted me.
00:41:34It's different here.
00:41:36There was already a war.
00:41:40Everyone thought it would end soon
00:41:42and that we would only see it
00:41:44at the cinema.
00:41:48When will it end?
00:41:50There are moments
00:41:52when I can't take it anymore.
00:41:54This winter seems to never end.
00:41:56It will end, Pina.
00:41:58It will end.
00:42:00And spring will come back
00:42:02and it will be more beautiful than the others
00:42:04because we will be free.
00:42:06You have to believe it.
00:42:08You have to want it.
00:42:10You see, I know these things.
00:42:12I feel them, but I can't explain them to you.
00:42:14He would know how to do it.
00:42:16He is an educated man
00:42:18who has studied and traveled a lot.
00:42:20He knows how to speak well.
00:42:22But I think it is so.
00:42:24We shouldn't be afraid
00:42:26neither today nor in the future
00:42:28because we are on the right path.
00:42:30On the right path, do you understand, Pina?
00:42:32Yes, Francesco.
00:42:34We are fighting for something
00:42:36that has to come,
00:42:38that can't not come.
00:42:40Maybe the road will be a little long
00:42:42and difficult, but we will get there.
00:42:44And we will see it
00:42:46a better world.
00:42:48And above all, our children will see it.
00:42:50Marcello is...
00:42:52He is what we are waiting for.
00:42:54That's why you shouldn't be afraid.
00:42:56Never, Pina.
00:42:58Yes, Francesco.
00:43:00But I'm not afraid.
00:43:14Ah, it's the lady.
00:43:16You didn't see her?
00:43:18But she didn't even call.
00:43:20She didn't send anyone.
00:43:22Nanina, tell me the truth.
00:43:24Do you know anything?
00:43:26Do you know where she is?
00:43:28I don't know, miss. I swear.
00:43:30If I knew, I would tell you.
00:43:32Let's hope not.
00:43:34Good night.
00:43:36But she's really stupid.
00:43:38She asks for news on the phone.
00:43:40She's going to fill up everyone's pockets.
00:43:56Come in.
00:43:58Come in.
00:44:02The Roman police chief is here.
00:44:04Let him come in.
00:44:08Dear friend,
00:44:10you know,
00:44:12there is something very interesting.
00:44:14Our Manfredi
00:44:16was seen this morning
00:44:18in Rione Prenestino.
00:44:20Thank you.
00:44:22And a little while ago,
00:44:24he was arrested
00:44:26against a petrol car
00:44:28at the railway station.
00:44:30Excuse me, dear Major,
00:44:32but my news
00:44:34are much more sensational than yours.
00:44:36I spent the afternoon
00:44:38at the Central Office
00:44:40and I too
00:44:42had a very interesting meeting.
00:44:46Ferraris Luigi,
00:44:48born in Turin on 3-10-906,
00:44:50arrested in Poland
00:44:52for 11 years for conspiring
00:44:54against the constituted powers of the State
00:44:56and escaped during the Translation
00:44:58reported to Paris and Marseille.
00:45:02Luigi Ferraris.
00:45:06Did you beat me?
00:45:08I would never have allowed it.
00:45:10Besides, there is still more to do.
00:45:12Pinch him.
00:45:14Do not doubt.
00:45:16He will not escape me.
00:45:18Do you want me to take care of it?
00:45:20It is not for trust in your systems,
00:45:22but I prefer to do it myself.
00:45:24Excuse me.
00:45:50Oh, good evening. How are you?
00:45:52Dear lady.
00:45:54Thank you for the flowers and coffee.
00:45:56Ah, sir, at this time you corrupt
00:45:58my employees,
00:46:00but you are forgiven.
00:46:02He made a very interesting discovery.
00:46:14Enough with the words, Ingrid.
00:46:16We must act immediately.
00:46:22Leave it to me.
00:46:24Good morning.
00:46:26Good morning, children.
00:46:30Praise the Lord Jesus Christ.
00:46:32Always praise Him.
00:46:40Praise the Lord Jesus Christ.
00:46:42Always praise Him.
00:46:44But you are always the last to praise Him.
00:46:50Who is it?
00:46:52The force.
00:46:54Good morning, brigadier.
00:46:56Wait a moment.
00:46:58I'm getting dressed.
00:47:00Then, if you allow us,
00:47:02we are going to follow your next future.
00:47:10Francesco, the Germans and the fascists
00:47:12are surrounding the house.
00:47:20Oh, my God!
00:47:22Oh, my God!
00:47:24Oh, my God!
00:47:48Look, they are surrounding the house.
00:47:50Go inside.
00:47:54Go inside.
00:48:24You three go over there
00:48:26and make all the people leave.
00:48:28And you, from that side, do the same.
00:48:42What do you want here?
00:48:44I'm here on duty.
00:48:46Now I have to go.
00:48:48I'm a brigadier.
00:48:50He says he's on duty.
00:48:52Wait here.
00:49:06Marcello! Marcello!
00:49:08What is it, Andrea?
00:49:10The Germans, the fascists.
00:49:14At our house.
00:49:16Let's go, guys.
00:49:18Wait a moment.
00:49:20But where are we going?
00:49:22I told you to stay here.
00:49:24Don Piena, I'm afraid of the Molotov.
00:49:26There are bombs.
00:49:36Hurry, the train is leaving.
00:49:38Wait, the Germans have entered the courtyard.
00:49:40Francesco didn't make it in time.
00:49:42Don't worry, the house is big.
00:49:44He won't die.
00:49:46Go, go, don't worry.
00:49:50What are you doing here?
00:49:52I'm picking up my stuff.
00:49:54Get out, no one touches your stuff.
00:49:56We're here.
00:49:58How stupid, I didn't think about it.
00:50:06Come on, let's go.
00:50:10Francesco, where is he?
00:50:12Don't worry, he's safe.
00:50:14Look at these idiots.
00:50:16They bring down the sick.
00:50:20What are they going to do?
00:50:22Don't worry.
00:50:24Let's go.
00:50:26My son.
00:50:28My son.
00:50:30My son.
00:50:32My son.
00:50:34Look at this.
00:50:36Where were you hiding?
00:50:38I don't know.
00:50:40It was me.
00:50:42My son.
00:50:44It's impossible not to have men in this house.
00:50:46It's nonsense.
00:50:48Where are the men in this house?
00:50:50Do you understand? Where are the men?
00:50:52I don't know, I'm not the doorman.
00:50:56What do you want?
00:50:58There's a sick man who needs comfort.
00:51:00It's the parish priest.
00:51:02There's no one left.
00:51:04We took everyone to get some air.
00:51:06It's not possible.
00:51:08I have to go up.
00:51:12That poor man called you so much.
00:51:16They made everyone go down.
00:51:18No, that's a paralytic old man.
00:51:20Go, hurry up.
00:51:22What a service.
00:51:24Once they arrived like firemen.
00:51:46Romoletto, Romoletto.
00:51:48Open up, it's me.
00:51:50There's also Don Piero.
00:51:52Go away, all of you.
00:51:54Open up, Romoletto.
00:51:56Go away or you'll end up with me.
00:51:58I said open up.
00:52:08What are you doing?
00:52:10I'll kill you all, go away.
00:52:12You want me to kill everyone?
00:52:14I'll kill you all.
00:52:16Antonio, help me.
00:52:18Let me go.
00:52:20Let me go.
00:52:22What floor does this moribund live on?
00:52:24I don't know, third or fourth.
00:52:26I'll take a look.
00:52:28I'm also a doctor.
00:52:30Go with him.
00:52:32No, I'll go alone.
00:52:34I don't like your face.
00:52:44Let's go.
00:52:58There's no one here.
00:53:00Let's look upstairs.
00:53:14The door, the door.
00:53:44What are you doing here?
00:53:46What are you doing here?
00:53:48I'm fine.
00:53:50I'm fine.
00:53:52I'm fine.
00:53:54I'm fine.
00:53:56I want to camp for a hundred years.
00:53:58They're coming.
00:54:00Who's coming?
00:54:02The Germans.
00:54:04I don't care about the Germans or the fascists.
00:54:08Give it to me.
00:54:12Give it to me.
00:54:42You came to save us.
00:54:50You came to save us.
00:54:52You came to save us.
00:54:58What a shame.
00:55:04Come on.
00:55:06On the trip.
00:55:08Where are you going?
00:55:10All right.
00:55:14Sure. Sure.
00:55:28It's nothing.
00:55:49Francesco, it's...
00:55:51Lino! Lino!
00:55:53Lino! Lino!
00:55:57Francesco, I call on you!
00:56:57Attenti quando sono alla svolta.
00:57:00Legate gli autisti.
00:57:27Legate gli autisti.
00:57:57Legate gli autisti.
00:57:58Legate gli autisti.
00:57:59Legate gli autisti.
00:58:00Legate gli autisti.
00:58:01Legate gli autisti.
00:58:02Legate gli autisti.
00:58:03Legate gli autisti.
00:58:04Legate gli autisti.
00:58:05Legate gli autisti.
00:58:06Legate gli autisti.
00:58:07Legate gli autisti.
00:58:08Legate gli autisti.
00:58:09Legate gli autisti.
00:58:10Legate gli autisti.
00:58:11Legate gli autisti.
00:58:12Legate gli autisti.
00:58:13Legate gli autisti.
00:58:14Legate gli autisti.
00:58:15Legate gli autisti.
00:58:16Legate gli autisti.
00:58:17Legate gli autisti.
00:58:18Legate gli autisti.
00:58:19Legate gli autisti.
00:58:20Legate gli autisti.
00:58:21Legate gli autisti.
00:58:22Legate gli autisti.
00:58:23Legate gli autisti.
00:58:24Legate gli autisti.
00:58:25Legate gli autisti.
00:58:26Legate gli autisti.
00:58:27Legate gli autisti.
00:58:28Legate gli autisti.
00:58:29Legate gli autisti.
00:58:30Legate gli autisti.
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00:58:32Legate gli autisti.
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01:00:12Matta turini.
01:00:13Marte in avvis.
01:00:14Matte turini.
01:00:15Marte in avis.
01:00:17Marte in avvis.
01:00:18Poveri besti.
01:01:45At this time there is always an American station that transmits jazz.
01:01:53Guys, can we have a drink?
01:01:58They gave me this bottle of humor.
01:02:01Let's warm up a little.
01:02:05Thank you.
01:02:07Don't you feel well?
01:02:09No, no.
01:02:11But you have a fever.
01:02:12Listen, Giorgio, how hot it is.
01:02:14I'll make you a bed right away.
01:02:16Don't worry.
01:02:19Be brave, Francesca.
01:02:23Help me, Giorgio.
01:02:26He'll see, he'll be very comfortable.
01:02:29When he's in bed, I'll give you an aspirin.
01:02:33Please give me that blanket.
01:02:37You have to be careful.
01:02:39There are so many influencers around.
01:02:40Those times that run,
01:02:42it's the only one that turns.
01:02:45Who could it be at this time?
01:02:54Who is it?
01:02:56It's me, Marina.
01:02:58Oh, it's you.
01:03:00Hello, darling.
01:03:02You saw that I came.
01:03:04Fritz didn't want to let me go, but I...
01:03:06Are you drunk?
01:03:08A little.
01:03:11Who's there?
01:03:13There are people.
01:03:17Oh, the engineer.
01:03:20Go to bed, Lauretta.
01:03:22I'm not going to eat you.
01:03:24Francesco, what are you doing?
01:03:27The queen kicked you out of the house
01:03:29on the first night of your life.
01:03:31Lauretta, I think she's right, Marina.
01:03:33Come with me.
01:03:35Come on.
01:03:37What music, what a welcome.
01:03:38It was better that I stayed with Fritz.
01:03:40As soon as I see the pine, I'll tell him.
01:03:44Go to bed, Francesco.
01:03:46You have a fever.
01:03:48I'm going to get an aspirin.
01:03:50I quarreled with my sister.
01:03:52I'm not going back to that house.
01:03:56Come, come.
01:03:58Don't look at me, engineer.
01:04:00I wanted an aspirin.
01:04:02Yes, look in the drawer.
01:04:04There must be a tube.
01:04:06We missed the stupid one.
01:04:08And now, how do you do it?
01:04:10Where do you sleep?
01:04:12Oh, don't worry.
01:04:14I'll get a chair over there.
01:04:16I'd be uncomfortable, I'd be cold.
01:04:18What anger.
01:04:25Ah, it's her.
01:04:27Good evening.
01:04:29How are you, dear?
01:04:31I was waiting for your call.
01:04:32What do you mean, you're not alone?
01:04:34One hour.
01:04:38Did you see her?
01:04:43Ah, the little Lauretta.
01:04:45She came to live with me for a few days.
01:04:54Yes, of course.
01:04:56All right.
01:04:58We'll call each other tomorrow morning.
01:05:00Good night.
01:05:02Good night.
01:05:06Why is this thing in your pocket?
01:05:08What is it?
01:05:14Ah, yes.
01:05:16The dentist gave it to me when I had a toothache.
01:05:18Do you remember?
01:05:20No, I don't remember.
01:05:22But yes, this tooth is here.
01:05:24I used it to do some treatments, to calm the pain.
01:05:26And do you still have the pain?
01:05:28No, it's been a long time.
01:05:31But for prudence, you're taking this thing with you.
01:05:33I wanted to go to the dentist and bring it back.
01:05:36Ah, now everything is clear.
01:05:39What are you doing?
01:05:41I'll keep it. We'll go to the dentist together.
01:05:43Don't joke. Give me that thing back.
01:05:49You could lose it.
01:05:51And with what it costs, it would be a good deal.
01:05:59Why are you looking at me like that?
01:06:01Oh, Giorgio, you wouldn't believe it.
01:06:03No, I don't believe anything.
01:06:05Besides, you're in charge of doing what you want.
01:06:07I have no right over you.
01:06:09Who am I?
01:06:11Someone who has spent a moment in your life.
01:06:13You were about to say someone of age.
01:06:15I didn't say that.
01:06:17But you thought about it.
01:06:19Yes, I had lovers.
01:06:21Of course.
01:06:23What should I do?
01:06:25With what do you think he bought these furniture?
01:06:27My clothes, everything.
01:06:29My salary.
01:06:31I've had enough of shoes and cigarettes.
01:06:33I've arranged myself like everyone else.
01:06:35It's life.
01:06:37Life is what we want it to be.
01:06:41Life is a bad, dirty thing.
01:06:43I know misery.
01:06:45And it scares me.
01:06:47If I hadn't done what I did today,
01:06:49maybe I would have married a tramp.
01:06:51And I would have starved.
01:06:53Me, my children and him.
01:06:55Poor Marina.
01:06:56If you think that happiness consists
01:06:58in having a place to live,
01:07:00nice clothes, a maid, rich lovers.
01:07:02If you really loved me,
01:07:04you would have changed me.
01:07:06But you're like everyone else.
01:07:08Even worse.
01:07:10Because at least others don't preach to me.
01:07:12You're right.
01:07:20So much for changing.
01:07:22You quarreled again.
01:07:24You listened to us, of course.
01:07:26I didn't.
01:07:28Of course, I heard.
01:07:30You can hear everything in this house.
01:07:37Tomorrow we'll go to Don Pietro's.
01:07:39I was offered to hide for a while in a convent.
01:07:41Will we go together?
01:07:43No, I can't.
01:07:46Now you have to work more than before.
01:07:49She's dead.
01:07:52Yes, I understand.
01:07:54But you see, Francesco,
01:07:56if you were desperate,
01:07:58you would be reckless.
01:08:00Your activity would be more harmful than useful.
01:08:02Don't be afraid of not arriving in time.
01:08:05The battle is long.
01:08:07Ours has just begun.
01:08:14I brought the aspirin.
01:08:18Thank you.
01:08:22Good night.
01:08:24Good night.
01:08:26Good night.
01:08:57What do you want?
01:08:59You know, maybe Manfredi is right.
01:09:01We're stupid.
01:09:03Shut up.
01:09:27There's a man who wants to see you.
01:09:29Let him in.
01:09:35Come in, if you like.
01:09:42Good morning, Don Pietro.
01:09:44I was waiting for you.
01:09:46I prepared your letter.
01:09:51Giovanni Episcopal.
01:09:53You were two years younger.
01:09:54Thank you.
01:09:56Who is he?
01:09:58He's an Austrian.
01:10:00He didn't tell you, Francesco?
01:10:02He's a good man.
01:10:04This is the man who will come with us.
01:10:06Nice to meet you.
01:10:08I spoke to the priest of the convent.
01:10:10He's waiting for us.
01:10:12And Francesco?
01:10:14He's down in the courtyard with Marcello.
01:10:16We have to hurry.
01:10:18Give me the...
01:10:24Agostino, I'll be a little late.
01:10:26When are you going to plant the pastries?
01:10:30You and the boy have dinner and then go to bed.
01:10:32Who's sleeping?
01:10:34Don Pietro.
01:10:35What is it?
01:10:36If you want to eat the boy, you have to...
01:10:38I understand.
01:10:43Here you go.
01:10:45Do you want to stay without me?
01:10:47No, no.
01:10:49We won't see each other for a while.
01:10:52But I'll be back.
01:10:54And we'll always be together.
01:10:56Let's go, Francesco.
01:10:58I'm coming.
01:11:10Maybe you'll be cold.
01:11:12Mom gave you this.
01:11:26Hands up.
01:11:28No one moves.
01:11:30Get in.
01:11:32Go, go, go.
01:11:34The other one.
01:11:36Go, go.
01:11:38Go, go.
01:11:40Go, go.
01:12:09The results were correct.
01:12:24The results were correct.
01:12:54Do you like it?
01:13:10Try it.
01:13:13Come on, dear.
01:13:24Look at yourself, Marina.
01:13:32Have they arrested him?
01:13:36And what are they going to do to him?
01:13:38Nothing bad.
01:13:40We need some information.
01:13:43As soon as he's given it, we'll set him free.
01:13:46What if he doesn't want it?
01:13:47Don't worry.
01:13:50He'll talk.
01:13:52And if he doesn't talk, why shouldn't he talk?
01:14:01Do you love him?
01:14:04I don't love anyone.
01:14:13Why are you so mean to me tonight?
01:14:16Let me go.
01:14:18You'll stay here with me.
01:14:23I don't want to.
01:14:24I don't want to anymore.
01:14:25Let me go.
01:14:30What have I done?
01:14:32What have I done?
01:14:42What's your name?
01:14:46Come on.
01:15:14Did you hurt yourself, Don Pietro?
01:15:18My glasses.
01:15:19They're broken.
01:15:32Thank you.
01:15:33It's all my fault.
01:15:35They must have hurt me.
01:15:37I don't think so.
01:15:39They've been spying on me for a long time.
01:15:43I shouldn't have brought you here.
01:15:45Shut up.
01:15:46The walls can hear.
01:15:47They can hear too.
01:15:49From what we have to say.
01:15:51Right, Don Pietro?
01:15:53Of course.
01:15:54We have nothing to say.
01:15:59Did you hear that?
01:16:01We'll scream like that too.
01:16:06Calm down.
01:16:09This was found in the priest's apartment, Herr Sturmbannführer.
01:16:13And these are the ID's of the arrested.
01:16:15Of course, they're all wrong.
01:16:17Did you search the priest's apartment?
01:16:19Yes, on this rock.
01:16:20That was an accident.
01:16:22It was just a priest and a young man, Herr Sturmbannführer.
01:16:26You're so afraid that you won't say anything.
01:16:30Calm down.
01:16:31I'll say something.
01:16:32Thank you.
01:16:36Clean up.
01:16:45Aren't you afraid?
01:16:47Yes, I'm very afraid.
01:16:48But I also feel so calm.
01:16:51I don't know why, but I...
01:16:53I understand you.
01:16:55But you...
01:16:56You're crazy.
01:16:59Listen to me.
01:17:00I know.
01:17:01You certainly have something to hide.
01:17:04Human lives depend on your silence.
01:17:08You think you can resist their torture.
01:17:12But you don't know.
01:17:13They make you become villains.
01:17:16Even heroes.
01:17:17We're not heroes.
01:17:19But they'll know something.
01:17:22I assure you.
01:17:23How late is it?
01:17:24Half past nine, Herr Sturmbannführer.
01:17:28These men must speak before the curfew is over,
01:17:31so that their imprisonment does not spread among the conspirators.
01:17:35We have ten hours before us.
01:17:48Listen, Don Pietro.
01:17:50I don't know if we'll stay together much longer
01:17:53or if we'll have a chance to see each other again.
01:17:57But I want to thank you for everything you've done for me.
01:18:00Don't let me say it for us.
01:18:01I have to tell you the truth.
01:18:03I'm not what you think I am.
01:18:07They're coming.
01:18:09I swear.
01:18:10Don't betray me.
01:18:15Don't do it.
01:18:31Turn off the light.
01:18:36Come in.
01:18:50What's your name?
01:18:57Giovanni Episcopo.
01:19:03Episcopo was born in Bari as a merchant.
01:19:09And what did he do?
01:19:10Oil and wine.
01:19:11Oil and wine.
01:19:13Listen, Mr. Episcopo.
01:19:19If I had time to lose,
01:19:22I would have a lot of fun talking to you about your business.
01:19:26But unfortunately, I have a lot of pressure and esteem for you.
01:19:29Therefore, I will make you a proposal.
01:19:32I know everything about you, your real name,
01:19:35your past political activity.
01:19:38As for the present,
01:19:39I know from my informants that you are one of the leaders of the military junta
01:19:44of the National Liberation Committee.
01:19:47And you are in contact with the military center Padolliamo.
01:19:51I absolutely urgently need to know this organization in its details.
01:19:58And you are the most suitable man to let me know.
01:20:01You said you know who I am,
01:20:03that you know my past activity and the present one.
01:20:07And then why do you make me this proposal?
01:20:09Because you think I can become a spy today?
01:20:12I know that in this house, perhaps in this same office,
01:20:15the same proposals have been made to the Italian generals,
01:20:18to the Badogliani, as you say.
01:20:21I know they have paid with their lives for their loyalty and their silence.
01:20:26I hope I'm no less than them.
01:20:28I'm sorry to see such a reasonable proposal refused.
01:20:33But I'll tell you that I expected it.
01:20:36You Italians of whatever party you are, you are sick with rhetoric.
01:20:43I'm sure, however, that before dawn we will agree.
01:20:47A cigarette?
01:20:49Go away, it won't be a cigarette that will make you talk.
01:20:54They say a lot of strange things about the Gestapo.
01:20:59Kramer, bring the man out.
01:21:22The Father, Kramer.
01:21:58Come in.
01:22:20We found this material in your room.
01:22:25Your evident purpose is to bring down the Reich and its armed forces.
01:22:30That's not exactly my purpose.
01:22:33What do you call a man who not only provides false documents and refuge to Italians
01:22:38who prepare attacks against our soldiers,
01:22:41but gives asylum and help even to German deserters?
01:22:45A man who unduly tries to exercise charity.
01:22:49He is a traitor who must be punished according to the laws of war of the Reich.
01:22:55It will be what God wills.
01:22:57Then listen to me carefully.
01:23:00Your friend Bishop is at the head of a military organization
01:23:04of which you also have perfect knowledge.
01:23:07If you speak or convince your friend to do the same,
01:23:12you will not have accomplished your duty as a priest and citizen.
01:23:16I'll explain why.
01:23:18These men who prepare attacks and sabotage against the German armed forces
01:23:24violate the rights of an occupying power guaranteed by international treaties.
01:23:30They are therefore frank shooters and must be handed over to justice.
01:23:37Your words have deeply shaken me.
01:23:42Do you want an instruction?
01:23:45There is, however, a difficulty.
01:23:48I personally have nothing to say.
01:23:50Because I don't know anything.
01:23:52The little I know I took in confession.
01:23:54And these secrets must die with me.
01:23:57It is our discipline.
01:23:58I don't care about your discipline.
01:24:01I care about someone who is above you and me.
01:24:05Then convince your friend to speak.
01:24:08I think he doesn't know anything about what you suspect.
01:24:11Would you like to make me believe that you don't know his true activity?
01:24:15His true identity?
01:24:19I only know that he is a man who needed my humble help.
01:24:23Ah yes?
01:24:24Then I will tell you who this man is.
01:24:26He is a sufferer.
01:24:28A godless.
01:24:29An enemy of yours.
01:24:32I am a Catholic priest.
01:24:34And I believe that those who fight for justice and freedom
01:24:38walk in the ways of the Lord.
01:24:40And the ways of the Lord are infinite.
01:24:44You won't make me preach?
01:24:46I hope not.
01:24:47I have no such intention.
01:24:52Listen, I don't have time to waste.
01:24:55Have you decided not to speak?
01:25:00You don't even want to try to convince your friend?
01:25:05It's about saving him from suffering that you can't even imagine.
01:25:11I imagine it better than you don't believe.
01:25:14But I think it's useless.
01:25:17And then there's the man who says it's hard to convince him to speak.
01:25:21Don't you think?
01:25:22Don't worry.
01:25:25He will speak.
01:25:26I don't believe.
01:25:27He won't speak.
01:25:29He won't speak.
01:25:33I will pray for him.
01:25:34You won't find much credit with your eternal father.
01:26:04You won't find much credit with your eternal father.
01:26:20It will take a little while.
01:26:21I'll go to my room.
01:26:22Call me as soon as there is anything new.
01:26:24Yes, Mr. Sturmbannfuehrer.
01:26:25Come in.
01:26:29Mr. Sturmbannfuehrer, the sorter is hung up.
01:26:35I'll go to my room.
01:26:38I'll go to my room.
01:26:40I'll go to my room.
01:27:23Where do you live?
01:27:24In the middle of the city.
01:27:35I live in the middle of the city.
01:27:46How is work tonight?
01:27:47Not much.
01:27:49But interesting.
01:27:51So? What is it?
01:27:53I caught a man who has to speak until tomorrow morning.
01:27:56And an Italian priest who claims the opposite because he will pray for him.
01:28:01And if he doesn't want to speak?
01:28:03And if he doesn't want to speak?
01:28:05If he doesn't want to speak, it would mean that an Italian would be like a German.
01:28:10It would mean that there would be no difference between the blood of a slave and a noble race.
01:28:21What sense would the fight have for virtue?
01:28:24Twenty-five years ago, I ordered the invasion company in France.
01:28:28At that time, I was a young officer.
01:28:31At that time, I also believed that the Germans belonged to a noble race.
01:28:34But the French patriots preferred to be executed than to say anything.
01:28:38We Germans never want to understand that the people want to live freely.
01:28:43You are drunk, Hartmann.
01:28:45Yes, I am drunk.
01:28:47I am afraid to forget every crime.
01:28:49And the end result?
01:28:51I see it more and more clearly.
01:28:53We don't get any further than murder.
01:28:55Murder. Murder.
01:28:58We have overlooked the whole of Europe with corpses.
01:29:02And on these graves grows unceasing hatred.
01:29:06Hatred. Hatred everywhere.
01:29:10We are suffocated by hatred.
01:29:13Without hope.
01:29:16We will all die.
01:29:18Die without hope.
01:29:20I forbid you to continue.
01:29:24Without hope.
01:29:25I forbid you.
01:29:26Do you understand? You forget to be a German officer.
01:29:35Did he speak?
01:29:36No, Herr Sturmführer.
01:29:37Wendel says that he never thought of such a cruel act.
01:29:40The man has reached a complete insensitivity.
01:29:42What shall we do, Herr Sturmführer?
01:30:00Well, Wendel?
01:30:01It is impossible, Herr Sturmführer.
01:30:03We must wait.
01:30:04Let him regain his strength.
01:30:06It is impossible. It is already too late.
01:30:08Maybe with psychological means, Herr Sturmführer.
01:30:11You are insane. The man must speak.
01:30:56Listen, Mr. Ferraris.
01:30:58I have already told you that I have great esteem for you.
01:31:00And I appreciate very much, believe me, this proof of your courage,
01:31:03of your spirit of sacrifice.
01:31:05But you must understand that it is no longer possible to continue.
01:31:09You are a communist.
01:31:11Your party has concluded an alliance pact with the reactionary forces.
01:31:17You now march together against us.
01:31:20But tomorrow, when Rome will be occupied,
01:31:24or liberated, as you say,
01:31:27will your allies still be these high monarchical officials?
01:31:32I offer you to solve this problem.
01:31:36Give me the names of the battalion generals.
01:31:39Put me in condition to arrest them.
01:31:41And I guarantee freedom to you and immunity to the men of your party.
01:31:47So, Mr. Ferraris, you...
01:32:46You understand?
01:32:48I told you it wouldn't be so easy.
01:34:02Ben Farrer! Soforto!
01:35:19It's over. It's over.
01:35:24You wanted to kill his soul, but you only killed his body.
01:35:28Curse you! Curse you!
01:35:31You will be crushed in the dust of the comet of winter.
01:35:35Curse you!
01:35:44My God!
01:35:47What did I say?
01:35:50Forgive me. My God, forgive me.
01:36:17Get out! Get out!
01:36:19Get the driver out of here! Quickly!
01:36:21All of you, get out!
01:36:23These stupid Italians!
01:36:26Damn it! Raben is confused.
01:36:29This damn driver made me lose my mind.
01:36:31I told you it wouldn't be so easy.
01:36:34You're always right.
01:36:36Herr Sturmbannfuehrer, the report?
01:36:38Oh, yes. Because of the decision.
01:36:42Heart attack.
01:36:44Excuse me, Herr Sturmbannfuehrer, and the report?
01:36:46That concerns the lady.
01:36:48Lock her up for a while, and then...
01:36:50Come, darling, now I have to take something serious with me.
01:36:53Excuse me, Herr Sturmbannfuehrer, what name do I have to give him?
01:36:56Monfredi or Ferraris?
01:36:58Just Episcopo. Giovanni Episcopo.
01:37:01Otherwise we'll create new murders. There are enough of them.
01:37:04One moment, please.
01:37:15For the next time.
01:37:19We are a lord and a servant.
01:37:29What time do you start?
01:37:33Am I late?
01:37:34Yes, you're late.
01:37:35A cigarette?
01:37:36Thank you.
01:37:45Thank you, sir.
01:38:09Adunata, come here.
01:38:15Are you ready?
01:38:44Your hat, Mr. Pietro.
01:38:46Thank you.
01:38:50Thank you.
01:38:59Come, be brave.
01:39:01It's not difficult to die well.
01:39:05It's difficult to live well.
01:39:08It's not difficult to die well.
01:39:11It's difficult to live well.
01:39:38Our Father, who art in heaven,
01:39:41hallowed be thy name.
01:39:43Thy kingdom come,
01:39:45thy will be done,
01:39:47on earth as it is in heaven.
01:39:50Give us this day our daily bread,
01:39:53and forgive us our trespasses,
01:39:56as we forgive those who trespass against us.
01:39:59Give us this day our daily bread,
01:40:02and forgive us our trespasses,
01:40:05as we forgive those who trespass against us.
01:40:09Glory to the Father,
01:40:13and to the Holy Spirit,
01:40:15as it was in the beginning,
01:40:18and shall be for ever and ever.
01:40:32You're a liar, you're a liar, you're a liar, you're a machist!
01:41:02You're a liar, you're a liar, you're a machist!
01:42:02You're a liar, you're a liar, you're a machist!
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