La Promesa - Capitulo 412

  • 3 months ago
00:05No pasó nada de nada, ¿me oyes?
00:08¿No te importa que tu marido se haya besado con María Antonia?
00:10Mi marido es un hombre fiel.
00:12Sí, como todos los hombres, como yo también.
00:14Joder, sarcasmos.
00:16Te estoy diciendo que Alonso jamás me haría algo así.
00:19Y mucho menos con mi mejor amiga.
00:21Es usted un mentiroso.
00:22He cumplido todo lo que prometí.
00:24Eso no es verdad, Ayala.
00:25Dije que no iría a la Guardia Civil y no voy a ir.
00:27Que no volvería al sanatorio y no va a volver.
00:30¿Pretende mandarla a un convento, por el amor de Dios?
00:32Estoy cansada de escaparme, de esconderme,
00:36de no poder ser yo misma,
00:38de enfrentarme siempre con mi propia familia.
00:40Es que no puedo más.
00:41No voy a dejar que te pase nada malo.
00:47El nombre de la duquesa de Carril Santos
00:49no aparece por ninguna parte.
00:52Si voy con esta lista a tu padre y se lo cuento todo,
00:55espero mucho que el señor Pellicer pueda darle la espalda a la evidencia.
00:59Y por mucho que sea tu padre,
01:01no podría liberarte de que te pusieran de patitas en la calle.
01:04¿Seguro que hay una razón por la que tu suegro se ha enmarchado?
01:11Los normalices sin avisar.
01:13Está claro que quieren alejarme definitivamente de mi hijo.
01:17Yo no empecé esta guerra.
01:19Fue Martina que desde el primer momento se puso en mi contra
01:22diciendo que era indigno para su madre.
01:25Si esa muchacha aceptara que nos casáramos,
01:28yo la perdonaría y renunciaría a llevarla a un convento o a ninguna parte.
01:32¿Estarías dispuesto a hacer un trato con ella?
01:35Por supuesto.
01:37La señora Arcos se llamó al palacio del duque para preguntar por ustedes
01:41y ahí le dijeron que no estaban allí.
01:43Ya saben ustedes la desconfiada que es.
01:45Hay que tener especial cuidado con ella.
01:47Es un perro sagüeso.
01:48Yo le dije que el duque había decidido trasladarse a su palacio de verano,
01:52que es donde suele ir a cazar.
01:55Es que Adriana ha decidido romper toda relación conmigo.
01:59Vaya, por Dios.
02:00Es la decisión correcta.
02:02Debí haberla tomado yo, pero no tuve el valor.
02:13¿Para qué nos van a ver?
02:14¿A mí?
02:15¿Qué energía?
02:16Que tenemos que recuperar mucho tiempo perdido.
02:17Ya, ya.
02:19Pues te habrás quedado a gusto.
02:20Pero no te creas que él estaba tan entusiasmado como yo.
02:24Que lo he notado desfavorido.
02:26Así es como la he recordado yo todos estos días en la guerra.
02:30¿Te acordabas de mí?
02:31A todas horas.
02:33Incluso en los peores momentos lo único que me daba ánimo era acordarme de su sonrisa.
02:39Ya sabes que yo también pensaba constantemente en ti, hijo mío.
02:45No estamos haciendo nada malo.
02:46Estáis jugando con el merengue al lado de la vajilla de los señores.
02:49Sí, pero no hemos manchado nada.
02:50Estáis haciendo el imbécil con el merengue.
02:55Pues ese merengue tiene una pinta estupenda.
02:57¿Lo ha hecho usted, señor Ruiz?
02:58Así es.
02:59¿Por fin has decidido abandonar el hangar y volver a casa?
03:02Si te soy sincera, no me voy a quedar por mucho tiempo.
03:05¿Por qué?
03:07Me voy a ir de la promesa.
03:15¿Cómo que te vas a ir?
03:16¿A dónde?
03:17¿Por cuánto tiempo?
03:18Cálmate, cálmate.
03:19Que todavía no me voy.
03:21¿Pero por qué te vas a ir?
03:27Tengo que hablar con Pelayo.
03:32Hermana, ese hombre te ha hecho mucho daño.
03:34Sí, sí, ya lo sé. Lo recuerdo cada día.
03:36¿Y entonces?
03:37Pues no lo sé, pero necesito hablar con él.
03:39¿De qué?
03:41Pues si te soy sincera, no lo sé.
03:44Pero desde que Adriano me dijo que lo que hubo entre Pelayo y yo seguía vivo,
03:48pues no consigo quitarme lo de la cabeza.
03:54¿Tan fuerte es?
03:59He intentado luchar contra mis propios sentimientos,
04:01pero haga lo que haga, todo me remite a él.
04:13Las heridas del corazón son difíciles de curar.
04:16Y sospecho que las que el conde Daniel hizo en el tuyo son profundas.
04:22El problema es que yo no sé si quiero terminar de cerrarlas.
04:27Por un lado la cabeza me dice que sí, que deje el pasado atrás,
04:31pero por otro es que no paro de pensar en que él me quiso de verdad.
04:38¿Y por eso quieres ir a verle?
04:40¿Para daros otra oportunidad?
04:43Ya te digo que no lo sé.
04:46No lo sé.
04:50Pero esta duda me está consumiendo.
04:54No sé si lo que digo tiene sentido, la verdad.
04:56Lo sé.
05:02Por una vez en tu vida permítete hacer algo sin sentido.
05:10Pero tengo una pregunta.
05:13Si tan claro lo tienes, ¿por qué no te has ido ya?
05:18Por Martina.
05:21No la he visto desde que huyo con Curro del sanatorio.
05:24Y tengo unas ganas locas de hablar con ella.
05:32¿Ha pasado algo?
05:34¿Acaso no está bien?
05:39Y no.
05:42Antes de que vayas a verla tengo que hablar contigo.
06:12Las murallas.
06:14El reto.
06:43¿Qué pasa?
06:46¿Qué pasa?
06:48¿Qué pasa?
06:50¿Qué pasa?
06:52¿Qué pasa?
06:54¿Qué pasa?
06:56¿Qué pasa?
06:58¿Qué pasa?
07:00¿Qué pasa?
07:02¿Qué pasa?
07:04¿Qué pasa?
07:06¿Qué pasa?
07:08¿Qué pasa?
07:10¿Qué pasa?
07:12¿Qué pasa?
07:13¿Qué pasa?
07:15¿Qué pasa?
07:38¿Tienes un momento?
07:40Usted irá.
07:42I'm dead, Father. I'm going to rest.
07:47Well, then I'll be brief. What happened before?
07:52Be more specific, Father, because I don't know what you mean.
07:55Your last disagreement with Lope Ibera.
07:57Disagreement? So you were there when ...
08:01Yes, yes, I saw everything, yes. But I preferred to pretend that I had not heard anything
08:05so as not to cause a violent situation.
08:09Well, I just asked them to be more careful with the merengue.
08:12So they didn't lose everything.
08:14And was it necessary to interfere?
08:16They started ignoring my requests.
08:18Besides, it wasn't even the right time or place to be in Arrumacos.
08:25Yeah what?
08:27I don't know if you would have reacted the same if it had been about María Fernández and Salvador, for example.
08:33And why those two in particular?
08:35Because it is another couple of boyfriends that we have in the service.
08:39If what you are insinuating is that I am jealous of the cook, you are wrong, Father.
08:44It is true, I was a bit rough with them.
08:47But it was the drop of a glass that has been filling up for a long time.
08:51And what do you mean?
08:52Well, I've already told you that, they are soaking up all day.
08:54And also, no matter who is in front or if it is work time.
08:57I have never seen any indecorous behavior on your part.
09:00At least they cut themselves in front of a mayor.
09:02I have not received any complaints from your colleagues.
09:05That's because everyone is on the side of the OPI.
09:07Do your best to protect it.
09:09Or maybe you are exaggerating.
09:12I see. It is easier to doubt me, as always.
09:16Santos, don't you think clearly about this situation?
09:23I wanted to give you another chance to prove to me that I am making a mistake with you.
09:29Don't make me regret it.
09:31Well, maybe you have to assume that I know how I am.
09:34And if you don't like it, I'm sorry.
09:37You can take me away from your life again.
09:39I'm used to it.
09:56María, I told you that I don't need anything and that I can go to bed alone.
10:12Stop that, come on. I'll help you.
10:14I have taken pleasure in the brush while I was alone in the hangar.
10:17Oh yeah? Well, I don't know what you see.
10:20In the sanatorium they forced us to comb our hair alone and I hated it with all my soul.
10:26What are you doing here?
10:29I'm going back to the palace.
10:34Cruz has apologized to me. In his own way, of course.
10:37Well, it's not little.
10:41I guess I'll have to settle for that.
10:46But, well, if I've come at this time, it's not to talk about me, but about you.
10:54Manuel has told me everything.
10:57How are you?
11:06Bad because I don't know what I've done to deserve to live in this nightmare.
11:11It's not your fault, Martina.
11:13Then why me?
11:15Why isn't it enough for them with the tortures I've lived in the sanatorium that now force me to take the habits?
11:19Don't let yourself be carried away by disappointment.
11:21But it's just that Ayala has already condemned me.
11:25And the worst thing is that no one is doing anything to find the real culprit because deep down ...
11:32Deep down everyone thinks it's me.
11:34No, that's not true.
11:35Yes, it's true. You haven't seen how they look at me.
11:38Maria Antonia.
11:40Lorenzo. When they cross paths with me, they turn their gaze as if it were a death sentence.
11:46Your mother.
11:47Don't call my mother by her name.
11:49Your mother will never give up, Martina.
11:51But she has already given up.
11:54If she wanted to fight for me, she would face the count, but she doesn't.
12:00I understand your words.
12:03But the truth is that she has no choice but to accept his conditions.
12:07And you know it. For your own good.
12:20What about me, Catalina?
12:29You are not alone.
12:31And don't let that thought get inside you, you hear me?
12:35We will do everything possible to find the infamous person who got you into this.
12:40What if he shows up?
12:42He will.
12:50Can you stay with me a little longer?
12:54Of course.
12:59I told you I make great braids.
13:20What have you forgotten now, Mario?
13:30You can see how much you have recognized me.
13:34I miss you a lot too, sister.
13:37My friend.
13:41What? What? Checking that I come back in one piece?
13:44That nothing has been broken on the way.
13:47Oh, Curro.
13:49Well, as you are squeezing so hard, I still have no ribs.
13:52No, no, you can handle it.
13:54You can't imagine the time I've been waiting for this hug.
13:57Oh, Curro.
14:03You can't imagine the nights I've spent thinking something had happened to you.
14:08Not to mention the news that was in the newspapers, so horrible that ...
14:13that happened in the area where you were, so ...
14:18I know and I'm sorry, Hanna.
14:24The important thing is that you are here.
14:26And I promise you that I have no intention of going anywhere again.
14:32Do you want to talk about the subject?
14:35About the war.
14:40On the one hand, I want to forget it.
14:43And never ever hear anything about it again, but ...
14:47I know I can't.
14:49And that I shouldn't either.
14:54You can tell me.
15:00I've lived a hell, Hanna.
15:03You couldn't even imagine what's going on there.
15:07Because war is not only in the battlefield.
15:10But everything is impregnated with it.
15:14Hunger, misery, they take more lives than bullets themselves.
15:20I've had to see how children agonized and ...
15:24and I couldn't give them a piece of bread.
15:29And now, death doesn't surprise me.
15:34I've seen too many companions fall.
15:38And ... also friends.
15:43Who died without knowing why they were fighting.
15:47My God.
15:50I was wrong.
15:54I needed to run away from here and I chose the worst possible fate and I know it.
15:58I thought that ...
16:00if I held a rifle, I would become someone useful.
16:04That I would become a hero.
16:12The important thing is that you are here again.
16:14That's the important thing.
16:21You don't know how much I've missed you, sister.
16:25Me too.
16:35Let's go.
16:39Hey, I've been told that you haven't been here hand in hand either.
16:45I mean the jams, Salvador.
16:47That yesterday you didn't let go.
16:49We had already talked about firing the cooks.
16:53Yes, but you hadn't told me that.
16:55That you had set up the business on your behalf.
16:58What did you want? To leave me out?
17:00No, I don't know. Well, that should have happened to me.
17:02Yeah, it seems that you have a more pale head than a leg.
17:06Come on, leave that and get on with the glassware.
17:08I've already done that.
17:09And so you don't get your neck in.
17:14Well, I think it's very good.
17:17That Mrs. Margarita dyes her mustache and doesn't scratch you.
17:21Because virtue recovers her son.
17:23Although the fact that her in-laws have suddenly disappeared ...
17:26Bad news, right?
17:28Yes, well ...
17:29I don't know, the same with the jams.
17:32No, with the jams she's not going to get her son back, Salvador.
17:35It seems that there can't be any good news in this house.
17:38Woman, that's not it either.
17:39Tell that to Miss Martina.
17:42What? Tell her what?
17:45You didn't find out?
17:47Boy, you're more clueless than a cat looking at a canary.
17:54I recommend it.
17:56So you knew? And what did you expect, to tell me?
17:59No, nothing. But hey, I already knew that you were going to find out.
18:03Don't play smart.
18:04If I don't find out about the jams, how do you justify keeping quiet about something like that?
18:07Well, no way. But you've already seen that I didn't have a problem telling you.
18:16You're very weird.
18:19No, I'm as usual.
18:20No, not as usual.
18:22Something's wrong with you, I know you as if you were born.
18:25I'm fine, really.
18:30I don't know, I already know what's wrong with you.
18:36That you're falling out of love with me.
18:38Or maybe not so much.
18:39But you'll have realized that you haven't missed me so much.
18:42And maybe now you're wondering that we don't do the same good by being together.
18:48Oh, stop it, Maria. Stop it because it's none of that.
18:52Are you sure?
18:54I'm sure. It's like my name is Salvador.
18:56So what's wrong with you? That you have me behind your ear.
18:59Well, put it aside. I'm telling you that I'm fine.
19:07Maria, please. Let's stop this.
19:12I love you and of course I've missed you when you've been away.
19:16And there's nothing that makes me happier than being together again and that you're back.
19:26Are you sure?
19:27I'm sure.
19:31Thank you.
19:52I know it's atypical for a breakfast, especially in the circumstances we're in.
19:57But I want to propose a toast.
19:59Because I want to focus on the positive that happens to us and not on the negative.
20:06For the family, base and support of any healthy society.
20:10And especially for ours.
20:13Welcome, Catalina.
20:18I understand that with this act any past dispute is closed.
20:23That's right.
20:24And as you say, brother-in-law, disputes are past.
20:29And the past is better left alone.
20:32The important thing is that Catalina is already with us.
20:35And nothing will separate her from our side.
20:39Nothing should separate anyone from their family.
20:43Much less if that person doesn't want to leave.
20:50Nor if that march can be dangerous.
20:55Don't look at me, mother. I have no intention of leaving La Promesa in a good time.
21:02The truth is that it is a pleasure to see the family almost complete.
21:07Will you pass me the jam, Catalina?
21:11I see that you are recovering the hunger that you have spent in the hangar.
21:14Do you want a little butter too?
21:16No, thank you very much.
21:18My breakfasts may be more frugal, but they have nothing to envy these.
21:23I didn't know you were fond of pastry.
21:27I have also tried, but I admit that I am a complete denier.
21:30No, I didn't mean that, María Antonia.
21:33I have learned to appreciate silence in the morning.
21:37Has my comment bothered you? If so, I apologize.
21:39No. Yes, it is good that you apologize because you have been totally out of place.
21:44Please, family.
21:46Not even at my sister's first breakfast back in this house can we have the party in peace.
21:50That's it, Ayala. It would have been the same to wait at least until dinner.
21:56Manuel is right.
21:58Let's not get into a fight at a time that should be reconciled.
22:02And if someone does not agree, let them go to the garden for breakfast, or wherever.
22:13The truth is that it is to see the table so full that one always remembers the absent.
22:17How about filling the honor for the Americas?
22:20Do you want to see his account in his last letter?
22:23Well, few, actually.
22:26He is still studying fashion while working for that magazine.
22:29Is there no talk of the war on the other side of the pond?
22:32Yes, there will be. Another thing is that my daughter finds out.
22:34I hope you make the attacks of the German submarines in the Atlantic and come to visit them soon.
22:40Oh, I can't believe it.
22:44What's going on, cousin?
22:46We are talking about absents, right?
22:50And not even his own mother mentions Martina.
22:55In case you don't know, she's upstairs, in her room.
22:58Waiting to be locked up in a convent for something she didn't do.
23:01Boys, don't talk about something you don't know.
23:04You put her in enough danger with that escape from the sanatorium.
23:09She was more in danger in that place where they took her for crazy.
23:12We have all turned our backs on her.
23:14And we are condemning her with our silence.
23:16Stop messing with the subject. It shows that your life is not the one in danger.
23:20Look, shut up.
23:22A breakfast.
23:24A simple breakfast.
23:28I'll be the one to go to the garden.
23:47Do you want another toast, Mr. Beza?
23:49No, thank you, Mrs. Martínez. I'll continue with the cake.
23:53And what about you?
23:55Don't you have anything to tell us?
23:58What do you want to know, Mrs. Candela?
24:00Well, I don't know.
24:02How about Palacio Ajeno, for example?
24:04That? Have they treated you well?
24:06Why did the Dukes need you?
24:08Well, to work there. We haven't gone out of our way.
24:11And if they haven't treated you very well?
24:13In addition, the Dukes have been very kind to us.
24:16Nicer than La Peseta.
24:18And the colleagues too, right?
24:20Well, look, I'm surprised.
24:22Because knowing how I know Mrs. Gutiérrez,
24:25I wouldn't define her precisely as a mother.
24:28Who is that?
24:30El Amadellavis, of course.
24:32It's just that we ...
24:34Come on, we didn't meet Mrs. Gutiérrez.
24:37We were really with ...
24:39With Mrs. Gallego.
24:40We were really with ...
24:42With Mrs. Gallardo, who was in charge.
24:45And how is that?
24:47Because we were not in the usual residence of the Dukes,
24:50but in the palace they had in summer.
24:52Oh, I'm jealous.
24:54What was that palace like?
24:56Well, like all the houses of these people.
24:58With many rooms, many rooms,
25:01a surrounding field ...
25:03They say they are people from Parnes.
25:05I haven't looked at the lady's limonera.
25:07But the house was sunny.
25:08The truth is that we were spoiled when we made the trip.
25:11And in the food either?
25:13Did they give you good food?
25:15Oh, we never went to the catering with hunger.
25:18But like the promise, nowhere.
25:21We all know that.
25:23So have you tried any different dishes than the ones we make here?
25:26Well, yes, some.
25:30Tell me one, and I'll take out the recipe and we'll do it here too.
25:32Better later, Mr. Ruiz.
25:34That Ms. Expósito and Ms. Fernández
25:37can surely explain it to you in more detail.
25:40Yes, yes, we'll talk later, Lope.
25:42And they didn't reason why they called you so late at night and in the morning?
25:46Well, no, they needed two maids and little else.
25:50And to make up for their absence, they burned the service of this house.
25:56Well, guests arrived suddenly, so everything was very fast.
26:00Very fast, very fast.
26:02And who were those guests?
26:04Well, we didn't get to know any guests
26:07because we served Mrs. Susana,
26:09who is the wife of the Duke,
26:12who is also a colonel.
26:14That's more than a captain.
26:16Much more.
26:19So two maids to serve the hostess.
26:22Didn't she have her own service?
26:25Yes, but the woman is very generous
26:28and preferred to leave her trusted maid to the guests.
26:31And of course we had other tasks, Mrs. Petra.
26:34There were tasks to give and to give away, right?
26:37Exactly, and we had our cleaning schedules.
26:39And we had to serve the gentlemen's appetizers,
26:42and also heat the rooms at night.
26:45Come on, less walking the dogs.
26:48There were twelve of us, right?
26:50Yes, there were big dogs like horses, it was scary to look at them.
26:54I'm sorry to interrupt your story, Ms. Fernández,
26:57but it's time for us to go back to our jobs.
27:00At your service, Mr. Maestro.
27:25Here it is.
27:26I told you I'm not in the mood to listen to taurine chronicles.
27:29You're going to like this, it's especially illustrative.
27:32Matías Lara.
27:36In his confirmation exercises,
27:38first and sixth bulls corresponded to him as usual.
27:41Look how good.
27:43The interesting part hasn't arrived yet.
27:45They say of him that he is a brave bullfighter,
27:48cheerful and a painter,
27:50who gives that characteristic note of his
27:52to burn the danger.
27:54I really can't with that cheap lyric
27:56of his.
27:58How much longer are you going to torture me with this?
28:02Soothing the bitterness of the rude emotion
28:04with the sedative of carelessness and grace,
28:07as if that didn't matter,
28:09as if the horns that touch him
28:12couldn't hurt him.
28:16You have the maturity of a ten-year-old, you know?
28:19And isn't it a correct chronicle?
28:24By the way,
28:26isn't it the fault of your...
28:28marital problems?
28:30When the devil has nothing to do,
28:32he kills flies with his tail.
28:34And you've been bored with the promise for too long.
28:36Alonso and I are better than ever,
28:38since Manuel's return.
28:40A second honeymoon.
28:42Yes, you could say that.
28:44Wouldn't it be better if your husband tried to cover up the guilt?
28:49And it's not that I have anything against Alonso.
28:51You do.
28:53No, I have nothing against Alonso.
28:54What I have is a great affection for you.
28:57It hurts me
28:59to be made evident that way.
29:03You know Maria Antonia more than anyone.
29:06You know I would never lie about something so serious.
29:09But curiously,
29:11she didn't tell me, you did.
29:13And I repeat,
29:15she told me that Alonso kissed her.
29:17It's not material to apologize to the four winds.
29:20So why did she tell you?
29:22I found her in a moment of weakness.
29:24Dismissed for having to abandon the promise
29:27because of your husband's cowardice.
29:30Very well, then I'll talk to her.
29:32You'll do well.
29:34Although I suspect she'll deny everything.
29:36You forget she's my friend.
29:38Precisely because of that,
29:40you're the main victim.
29:42And you know better than anyone that it's better to be a pious lie
29:44than to put your marriage at risk.
29:46Look, Lorenzo,
29:48I don't know what hidden interest you have this time
29:50in separating me from Alonso,
29:52but you're lying.
29:54The truth will end up being imposed.
30:00Cruz, I understand that you reject any suspicions about your husband.
30:04Everyone needs a rock to sit on in times of storm.
30:09Do you think you can convince me
30:11that he has left you indifferent to Catalina's return?
30:14Especially with your husband's belongings during breakfast.
30:25I'm not your friend, Cruz.
30:29I'm your Ariana.
30:45So why do you say you're at odds?
30:47Did you argue or what?
30:49No, quite the opposite.
30:51I see.
30:52And isn't that supposed to be good?
30:54You don't understand me, Hanna.
30:56We didn't argue because Salvador wasn't paying any attention to me.
30:59Why do you say that?
31:01That's what I'd like to know.
31:04Let's see.
31:06Maria, I think you're making a mistake.
31:11Tell me exactly what happened.
31:13But tell me well.
31:15Well, what I was telling you.
31:17I was talking about the virtues of Miss Martina.
31:19And he seemed to hear it rain.
31:20And I said,
31:22it's so weird that Petra dresses in bright colors.
31:24And he said no, and I said yes.
31:26And he said no, and I said yes.
31:28And then he hugged me and told me he loved me.
31:31And boom.
31:33He told you he loved you?
31:35And he gave you a hug?
31:37Yes, but not a normal hug.
31:39A couple who love each other.
31:41A hug like what? Let's see.
31:43Well, more like two friends in the tavern.
31:45Cold as ice.
31:47I see.
31:48Hey, I'm not kidding.
31:51I know, Maria.
31:53But it looks like you see ghosts where there aren't any.
31:55If I tell you my problem,
31:57it's not to make fun of it.
31:59I know.
32:02Let's see, Maria.
32:04I know that suddenly doubts come to you.
32:07But you know that Salvador loves you.
32:09And maybe you caught him at a bad time and that's it.
32:11If we were just cleaning the crystal.
32:14But if you understand me.
32:16What I want to tell you is that
32:18I love you more and more.
32:21And you?
32:23Have you been able to be alone with Manuel?
32:26Well, not yet.
32:28But I could be with Curro.
32:30And how is the young man?
32:35Oh, how dry that is.
32:37Well, he's very moved by what I see in front of him.
32:40So, as if nothing had happened.
32:43But the important thing is that he's fine.
32:45He's back and safe and sound.
32:48And why didn't you go to see Mr. Manuel at his new study?
32:51What study?
32:53Didn't you know?
32:55That since Miss Catalina is in the hangar,
32:57he has decided to do a new study.
32:59He's going to play with his little plane.
33:04Right now you're going to tell me where he is.
33:18Are you going to have lunch?
33:21Maria Antonia.
33:24What a relief.
33:26I thought it was about the unbearable Catalina.
33:30You have to make a power.
33:32Catalina is your husband's eldest daughter.
33:34You don't have to remind me.
33:36That's why Alonso is already with his toasts out of context.
33:39You have to understand that he is happy with his return to the palace.
33:42I understand many things, Maria Antonia.
33:44And I go through many more.
33:45It's been many years that I've been holding on to that capricious woman,
33:48wanting to be the center of attention in this house.
33:50Many things could be said about Catalina,
33:52but I never imagined that she was a capricious woman.
33:55Well, she is. Since she was a child.
33:57She has the same character as her mother.
33:59Petty and chivalrous.
34:01All me, me, me, with me.
34:03As if she were competing against me
34:05to get Alonso's attention.
34:08Woman is understandable.
34:10She was a girl, wasn't she?
34:12Yes, but now? Now what's your excuse?
34:13To set up the little number she set up,
34:15installing herself in the hangar.
34:17What you have to do is not give so much pabula to her infuriated.
34:21And that's exactly what happened at breakfast.
34:23But Cruz, don't get nervous.
34:25It will be as you say, but you have to learn to be patient.
34:28To trust that the truth always ends up being imposed.
34:32Look how curious.
34:34That same phrase has been told to me by someone recently.
34:40And with respect to what?
34:41Nothing to do with this.
34:44But it led me to a reflection.
34:48Do you remember that conversation
34:51in which I told you that I felt guilty
34:54for keeping you away from your obligations
34:57for too long?
34:59Yes, I remember it perfectly.
35:03In it you told me that you suspected
35:06that someone had done to me ...
35:07that someone had driven me to that determination.
35:12And I think you were thinking about Alonso.
35:16About Alonso?
35:21And then who?
35:24Well, I don't know, I would say so.
35:26It doesn't matter that much either, Cruz.
35:28In fact, I didn't even remember until you mentioned it.
35:32Then I have to understand
35:33that things between my husband and you are fine?
35:36Of course.
35:38We already told you that the misunderstanding we had,
35:41we had solved it.
35:43Between us there is still the same cordial relationship as always.
35:46And I keep the affection he deserves to be your husband.
35:49I see.
35:52Well, then you will be surprised to know that
35:55after that conversation, he ...
35:58did it again.
35:59After that conversation, he ...
36:02emphasized again
36:04the relevance of you leaving the palace.
36:09Well, he will have his reasons.
36:14And what reasons could those be?
36:18Well, the ones you yourself told me one day.
36:21That now that the reunited family is back,
36:23he wants to relive those moments in intimacy.
36:25And I'm still a stranger in this house, right?
36:28And you think that's how it is?
36:33if you have doubts,
36:35you should have this conversation with your husband, not with me.
36:38You may be right.
36:40I'll talk to him.
36:43Shall we go?
36:44Let's go.
36:55Boy, cut me a plate of ham like that,
36:58very thin.
37:00As you know it.
37:02You like it?
37:04Look how funny, huh?
37:06I would like to be able to taste those delicacies.
37:09Well, for the moment you will have to wait for the captain,
37:11who is in the middle of a kneading.
37:12The captain may wait,
37:14but Mrs. Marquesa, I'm telling you, I don't.
37:16Come on.
37:18It's fine, but leave it homogeneous.
37:22Come on, goodbye.
37:27What's that you have there like a chestnut?
37:30Good news.
37:32What are you taking so long to tell me?
37:34We have a new priest in Luján.
37:37And how is that?
37:39You already knew, right?
37:41Mr. Fermín was leaving and a new one had to arrive.
37:43Yes, I mean, how did you find out that he had already arrived?
37:46One who has his resources.
37:48He has to be there.
37:50So the opportunity that my virtues have a job is closer?
37:55Well, as soon as a few days pass and the man is installed,
37:58I approach to visit him and keep him informed of everything.
38:00How good is your room.
38:02Before it gets dark,
38:04I stand at the door of the house of the priest, as Candela calls me.
38:06Candela, but what's the hurry?
38:08Let's see if you're going to overwhelm the man like that
38:10and assault him with a baton.
38:12Well, we'll have to take that risk, right?
38:14And we have to get ahead so that the drunkards
38:17will tell him first about the percale frustration.
38:21Yeah, but nobody knows it was my daughter.
38:24Yeah, yeah.
38:26A confession secret was told to him,
38:28but you already know what the rumors are.
38:30They come out and you don't know where.
38:32Yeah, better to prevent.
38:34I would like to accompany you, Candela.
38:36But we can't leave Lupillo alone like this, without warning.
38:39I told you I'll take care of it.
38:42You leave it to me,
38:44and you'll see that this is going to be my bread and butter.
38:47And wouldn't it be better if we were the two of us another day?
38:50Do you want to be put for your daughter?
38:52Man, doubt offends.
38:54Or trust.
38:56Now I just need my in-laws to show up with the kid.
39:00Because if not, no priest, no work in the parish,
39:03nor God to found it.
39:04And I also have a solution for that.
39:06I'm going to put our boss in a good mood,
39:08so she can give us a hand from the bottom of her heart.
39:17Take a look when you can.
39:19There are some Paul Pogge figurines that you will love.
39:23Let's see if they have already brought us the snack.
39:26Well, no, they haven't brought it yet.
39:31Is something happening?
39:32No, no.
39:34I heard you were going to have a snack, I'm going to go so as not to bother you.
39:37No, no, it's not a nuisance.
39:39On the contrary, you can have a snack with us if you want.
39:42Of course.
39:44Well, forgive me because I'm a little over the top,
39:46but it was just a moment.
39:48I understand that you feel that way.
39:50That you feel very guilty about everything that is happening.
39:54Well, it's ... it's too much.
39:57On the one hand, I understand Ignacio, but Martina is my daughter.
40:00And she doesn't deserve what's happening to her.
40:03She doesn't deserve it.
40:05You must be very in love with that man.
40:09Well, it's ... it's the passionate love of adolescence.
40:13It's a more conscious love.
40:15I guess each one gives the other the stability and the company they need.
40:23And what is love without something like that?
40:24What is love without something like that?
40:27Because everything would have been easier if my daughter and Ignacio had been more in tune, but ...
40:32Well, I'm sure he would have figured out a way to entangle everything.
40:37And now it turns out that I have no other way out than to lock my daughter in a convent.
40:41Well, you do have another way out, Margarita.
40:44Which one?
40:46If Ignacio has made it clear that he is not going to give me his arm to twist.
40:49Ignacio spoke to Alonso.
40:50And he told him that he would be willing to forget everything if Martina was on his side.
40:55And what does my daughter have to do?
40:58He just wants her to accept your marriage.
41:01Is that so?
41:04I'm going to talk to Martina.
41:06Wait, wait, are you sure?
41:08Well, better that than the convent, right?
41:11It is clear that it is a blackmail in all lights.
41:14We are talking about you getting married to the artifice of that blackmail.
41:16Well, if it is the price you have to pay so that my daughter does not lead me to a nightmare, I will pay it.
41:23Excuse me.
41:27But do you agree with that?
41:30Aren't you going to do anything to stop her?
41:33You already know the saying.
41:35For the widow and the hungry, there is no hard bread.
41:46I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I didn't see you.
41:48I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I didn't see you.
41:50I'm sorry, I didn't see you.
41:52Don't worry, it's my fault for going through where I shouldn't.
41:55And where are you going?
41:57Well, I actually came to talk to you.
41:59I found out about Adolfito.
42:01And I wanted to ask you if you know anything about your father.
42:05I don't know anything about him.
42:07I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
42:09I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
42:11I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
42:13I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
42:14Well, if you know anything about your father-in-law and him.
42:17Well, no.
42:19I haven't managed to get anyone to give me their reason.
42:21Not in their town, not anywhere.
42:23I don't know where to look anymore.
42:26And don't you think maybe you're not the one who has to look?
42:30So who?
42:33Well, I don't know much about these things, virtues,
42:35but when a person disappears, who does he turn to?
42:38Do you want me to report my father-in-law to the Civil Guard?
42:41I've already told you that I don't know much about laws, but ...
42:46that your son is stolen like this is wrong and it is a crime.
42:49And you don't lose anything for asking.
42:51I can't do that, Maria.
42:53They are Adolfo's parents and Adolfito's grandparents.
42:56And the same thing that your son has been taken without permission.
42:59And if they haven't done it with bad faith?
43:01If something has forced them to disappear like this?
43:08Virtue, you're not doing anything wrong.
43:10And if they have had to leave without leaving a sad mark,
43:14the Civil Guard will tell you.
43:16I don't think getting the authorities involved is a good idea, Maria.
43:21I understand that you are scared. It is normal.
43:26You don't understand.
43:28I can't report them.
43:30They ...
43:35They saved Adolfito's life.
43:39What would he have been if he had ended up on the street like I did?
43:47I know you owe a lot to those people.
43:50But virtue, you are not the woman you used to be.
43:53And they can't take your son.
43:56You may be right, Maria.
43:59But I'm not going to report them.
44:16What did that man say?
44:18Let's not lose our cool.
44:20Martina, given the circumstances, I think it's a generous offer.
44:23A generous offer? Mother, it's blackmail.
44:25But daughter, don't you realize that it is the only way to get rid of the convent?
44:28It's not that bad.
44:30The count and your mother have been in a relationship for months.
44:32It's just about blessing their marriage, that's it.
44:34That's right.
44:37Why not?
44:38Because I can't accept it.
44:39Well, you have to. You have to do it.
44:40Well, I can't because I would be admitting that I had something to do with the poison and I would be guilty in front of everyone.
44:44I can't.
44:45You're right.
44:47But right now you don't care what people think.
44:50Because you can't control their opinion.
44:52And everyone has one.
44:53You are in the convent or you are in the promise.
44:55Very good. Well, I don't care. I'll be in the convent.
44:57Martina, please.
44:58Put aside that pride that you inherited from your father and practice it.
45:02Daughter, think about your future, please.
45:04I'm thinking about his.
45:06What kind of daughter would it be if she blessed her relationship with a man who coerced her openly?
45:10Well, that's my business.
45:12And I know how to deal with him.
45:14Your brothers have given their blessing to that marriage.
45:16From Canada, who have not seen the count in their life.
45:18They are your closest male relatives.
45:20So what?
45:21My mother has shown to have more courage and courage than many men.
45:24She owns her own land and her management is generating many benefits, also for you.
45:28Mother, you don't need the blessing of Felipe and Juan Carlos.
45:31And much less the company of the Count of Ayala.
45:33I don't want you to enter this convent, daughter.
45:35Very well, then avoid it yourself.
45:43I don't know what to do.
45:44They are going to end up destroying each other.
45:48We will find a way for him to accept reality.
45:51Don't worry.
45:52We will find a way for him to accept reality.
45:55Don't worry.
46:16Damn it!
46:19What happened? I heard a blow.
46:22Nothing happened.
46:31You see, Santos, I would like to talk to you.
46:33Well, I don't want to talk to you, so go away.
46:39Listen to me, this conversation is not pleasant for me either, but I think we have to have it as soon as possible.
46:48I understand very well what you are going through.
46:49What are you going to understand?
46:51Yes, I understand it.
46:52Believe it or not, you are not the first person they reject.
46:55I know how much it hurts.
46:57But getting involved with the world is useless.
46:59It is much better to let them laugh at your face.
47:01Nobody is laughing at you.
47:04Pere and I are behaving in our own way.
47:07Because we love each other.
47:10I understand how much it can hurt you, but you have to be patient.
47:13We have to be patient, both of us.
47:15For the sake of ... of ... of coexistence with the service.
47:19You are a rat, Lopez.
47:22Santos, I'm not disrespecting you.
47:23Of course you are.
47:25You come here to tell me that you and Vera have been with each other.
47:27How well you are, how much you love each other.
47:29That's not my intention.
47:30That I know very well those hypocrites who show you their best face,
47:34and then stab you in the back, just like Vera.
47:36Well, shut up!
47:39Santos, I'm trying to solve things with you.
47:42But I'm not going to let you insult me, much less insult Vera.
47:44Truths like fists.
47:46Dare, brave!
47:51What's going on here?
47:55Nothing, Mrs. Arcos.
47:57Not a word.
47:58I hear your voices all over the house.
48:01Can you tell me what was the reason for the fight?
48:05Santos, we are trying to solve a problem that ...
48:07There is nothing to solve, leave me alone!
48:11To my office.
48:12And right now.
48:14And you, Lopez.
48:16Let it be the last time I find you in one of these.
48:18Because next time I won't be so understanding.
48:42Do you have a minute?
48:46Of course.
48:47The ones you need.
48:52How are you?
48:55I'm not here to steal your time, really.
48:57I just wanted to thank you.
49:00For fulfilling your promise to take care of Curro in the front.
49:09You know ...
49:12If I'm honest with you, there came a time when I don't know who took care of whom.
49:16I just know that things would have been very different for him if you hadn't been by his side.
49:25Everything will be fine.
49:29Soon we will be able to get you out of that convent.
49:33Ayala won't let me go like this.
49:48You just said that there was a time when I made you a promise, remember?
49:53Was I able to keep it?
49:58Well, this time I promise you that you will be back home soon.
50:04Cousin, don't lose hope.
50:08Listen to me.
50:11If there is something that kept Curro and me alive during the war ...
50:15Even in the most adverse moments ...
50:18It was the desire to go home.
50:22So we will find a solution.
50:25You'll see.
50:27There is already a solution.
50:40And why do you say it with that sadness?
50:44Because it's a trap.
50:48Ayala is willing to forget everything, but instead she asks me for something that I cannot grant her.
50:54And what is it?
50:56May she bless her marriage to my mother.
51:08I can't allow my mother to share her life with that man.
51:13Even if you are the one who fulfills the penance?
51:16In that convent?
51:42Thank you for getting me out of that penance.
51:45Stop it, Santos.
51:47What do you want?
51:48To put all your companions against you?
51:50But they are the ones who provoke me.
51:52And you, the one who comes in like a bull when he is presented with the coin.
51:56I believed you, Marcisto.
51:57I should have seen them.
51:58All day there, kissing.
52:00Especially when I'm in front.
52:03And what?
52:04Don't you realize?
52:05What you see from the outside is the son of the mayor losing his papers day in and day out.
52:13You are right.
52:18What did you say?
52:20You are right.
52:21I don't know what's wrong with me lately.
52:23I have a lot of pressure on me.
52:25Ignore them.
52:27I'm not just talking about Lope Vera.
52:30I'm also talking about you.
52:32What a surprise.
52:33You have to leave the matter of the Duchess of Carril alone.
52:36Santos, you don't dictate the rules here.
52:40Trust me.
52:41I beg you, please.
52:42Doña Petra.
52:43I see.
52:45And what have you done to earn that favor?
52:47Because the only thing I remember are lies and more lies.
52:50I had no other option.
52:54Now you have it.
52:57Tell me why you invited the Duchess of Carril to Mrs. Margarita's dinner.
53:02And I promise you that I will take this matter seriously.
53:06Of course.
53:08I hope you are honest this time.
53:11Because of the account she brings you.
53:20Martina, I'm sorry I can't be of more help right now.
53:23Well, you've done enough for me.
53:28Remember that if you need to talk at any time ...
53:30I already know where you are hiding.
53:33Thank you.
54:02Have you forgotten ...
54:05about me?
54:21I'm sorry.
54:22But now I realize it wasn't a good idea.
54:26And I had you for someone crazy.
54:28Well, you also have to think that at that time I had a lot of resentment.
54:31I didn't rule well.
54:32No, no.
54:33You didn't think anything at all.
54:35Who would think of such a trick?
54:38Gregorio has written to Mr. Romulo.
54:42But for what?
54:43What did he say?
54:45He's going to tell him that he knows you're not dead.
54:49Maria, let's see.
54:50I'm not going to take Manuel to a grave and tell him that she's with a woman.
54:53I'm not going to do it.
54:54Because I can't lie to Manuel like that.
54:56Do you understand?
54:58The Duchess is very involved in a very big mess.
55:01So why does he say he doesn't come with good news?
55:04If it's not about the Caliph, what's the problem?
55:07The problem is the new priest himself.
55:11Which is ... peculiar.
55:14I don't understand you.
55:16It can be the problem, the peculiarities of the priest.
55:20And what does that have to do with giving me my job?
55:22Russia has the loyalty of its troops.
55:25As you know, loyalty is the pillar for everything to work.
55:28Whether it's an army, a company or ... a marriage.
55:34What do you think, Alonso?
55:36You say that I don't stop talking, but you don't let go.
55:39Are you going to give me the names and surnames of your in-laws?
55:42What are you going to do, miss?
55:43You can't report them.
55:45The boy was taken care of by them.
55:47Yes, but that child is not his.
55:49And Virtudes has changed, they should give it back.
55:52So I'm going to talk to the Civil Guard.
55:54Are you here to tell me what I have to do or something else?
55:57Well, yes, the truth is that I've been rummaging around for a few days.
56:01And are you going to tell me what's wrong with you?
56:03Ayala is not going to back down.
56:05Unless Martín has sold that marriage.
56:08Let's see, I understand that he doesn't want to accept something like that.
56:12But no matter how much it hurts him,
56:14that Ayala gets away with hers would be the most practical thing.
56:16You won't be so cynical the day I talk.
56:19If you haven't done it yet,
56:21it's because you know no one is going to believe you.
56:24I'm going to end you, Ignacio.
56:27Sooner or later, I will jump on you and destroy you.
56:32And I swear to you, for what I have loved the most in this world.
56:36For my son Feliciano.