Bolji Zivot S1E23

  • 2 months ago
Bolji Zivot S1E23
02:41Come on. One, two, three, four, five.
02:45And you, five. All caramphiles and all five pieces.
02:51Excuse me, who's all here?
02:53Excuse me?
02:55I'm asking who else brought caramphiles to me.
02:57There was one yesterday, and he too.
02:59Caramphiles, exactly five poems.
03:02And why did he bring the flowers?
03:04Probably because of you.
03:06And why do you think I brought the caramphiles?
03:08You're asking me?
03:10I'm asking because I don't want you to get it wrong.
03:13Well, probably to congratulate her.
03:15Why congratulate her?
03:17Because I returned to her.
03:21Ah, you returned.
03:23I decided to forgive her.
03:25You, her?
03:26Well, I didn't find a hand on my heart either.
03:29But I tried all sorts of things.
03:31But I trust him to tell me.
03:33There's no one like him anywhere.
03:36Other than that...
03:38You found out for yourself.
03:40I don't need to talk to you. Sit down.
03:42What's your name?
03:44Ljuba, Ljupce, and my name is Bubila.
03:47Listen, Ljupce, I don't like this kind of conversation.
03:49What kind of conversation would you like?
03:51None with you. I came to Dara.
03:53You can't ask Dara when you want to.
03:55I'm here now.
03:56And where is she?
03:57She's at the well in Stanara.
03:59Someone keeps pulling the strings.
04:01When will she return?
04:02When she returns, she'll have to bake.
04:04That's how it is at my place.
04:06And I invite guests, we have a conversation,
04:09and she bakes for me.
04:10That's why you eat worms.
04:12No, worms are for you.
04:13And for you, they're boiled eggs.
04:15Boiled eggs are for business trips.
04:17As far as I can see, you're going on a business trip too.
04:19Be careful not to be late.
04:20I won't, until I'm lucky.
04:23Please, Pepo, it's my fault.
04:26And now I think...
04:28It's not right to spoil her.
05:04It's not right.
05:06It's not right.
05:32What is it?
05:39Are you here?
05:44What is this mess?
05:49War mess, son.
05:52What are you up to again?
05:54What's it to you?
05:56Turn off the light, go to sleep.
05:58I can't sleep.
06:00Why not?
06:01Maybe you don't mind.
06:02It's great that you're in charge,
06:04so we can talk.
06:05Talk about what?
06:07Since Guzo left, I haven't had anyone to talk to.
06:09What's wrong with you?
06:12I don't know, Gili, what's wrong with me.
06:14I can't sleep at all.
06:16I can't talk to you at 2 a.m.
06:20What can we talk about, you rich bastard?
06:23For example, about the age difference.
06:26I'm interested in what you think of yourself.
06:30Like a man.
06:35What do you think of the age difference?
06:37Between who?
06:38Between a man and a woman.
06:40Between who, a man, and who is a woman?
06:42What do you think?
06:44Is it obligatory for a woman to be younger than a man?
06:48It's not obligatory.
06:50But it's normal.
06:54But you're not normal.
06:56You're an idiot, and I'm a fool.
06:58I live in a four-bedroom apartment,
07:00I have nowhere to sleep,
07:02and you don't give a damn.
07:04You don't do anything all day,
07:06and then you come here and talk nonsense.
07:09So, it's normal.
07:11If a woman is a little older, then it's not normal.
07:15You tell me,
07:16who put that crazy guy in there to measure the age?
07:19You're all young,
07:21you're always young,
07:22you're waiting for a better future,
07:24you have time.
07:26And when you're old,
07:28everyone kicks you in the ass.
07:31Is that so?
07:35Have you found a woman?
07:37Excuse me?
07:39Have you slept with a woman?
07:42What woman?
07:44I don't know.
07:46Wait, what are you saying?
07:47Wait, don't be stupid.
07:49I can't find you with a woman.
07:51It's none of your business.
07:53You're so mean, Sanja.
07:55I wasn't dreaming.
07:57I was dreaming that my children would become people.
07:59My dream was great.
08:01But I'm sick of it.
08:04Whenever I wake up, something terrible is waiting for me.
08:07What is it?
08:08That crazy doctor on the hard night.
08:11That crazy Italian married woman.
08:14I don't know what's wrong with her.
08:15White teeth,
08:16a false tooth.
08:18What's wrong with you, that old hag?
08:21To piss you off physically and financially.
08:24Listen, Gila.
08:25I don't get it.
08:27First of all, no one caught me.
08:29Second, she's not an old hag.
08:31It's not a problem that she's old,
08:33it's a problem that I'm young.
08:35You're young,
08:37but you're old enough.
08:40I don't think it's a coincidence
08:42that you're sleeping in the children's room.
08:44When I was your age,
08:46I slept in the park.
08:48I was already studying.
08:50I don't know where you slept in mine,
08:52but in yours, I won't sleep in the children's room.
08:55What are you saying?
08:56You heard right.
08:57This is according to the children's room project.
08:59And you, since you don't have a maid,
09:01and you run around the house by yourself,
09:03it's normal for you to sleep here.
09:05And you don't have to worry about me.
09:07You know,
09:08Bob is not a sheep.
09:10I know very well what is important
09:12in life and with women.
09:14The most important thing for your woman
09:16is that she doesn't break her leg.
09:18What leg?
09:19Her leg.
09:20Or not to Bob Cook.
09:22It's very hard to grow up
09:24with so many old people.
09:26You know.
09:30You're crazy, Kira.
09:44Good evening.
09:45Why did you break it?
09:47I don't know.
09:59Here, Darce,
10:00to see how it is when you have a husband in the house.
10:02How do you look with that beard?
10:04New image.
10:05What did the church buy me?
10:07By chance, that sexy coffee pot
10:09you bought me for my first anniversary.
10:11It's good that the church didn't buy anything else.
10:13Come on.
10:14Listen, don't get mad.
10:16When the church is our marriage,
10:17maybe that pot is good too.
10:19It's not all the church, as you say.
10:21It is, Ljubomir.
10:23And if you think you can get something back
10:25with one coffee pot,
10:26you're wrong.
10:27Why just one?
10:28I'll cook for you every day.
10:30I made you breakfast.
10:32Here you are.
10:33Just what I heard from Ringo.
10:35Did you learn to run around her
10:37and work like this?
10:39Around who?
10:40Around that little girl of yours.
10:42She used to dress you like this.
10:44It's not dressing.
10:45It's a new way of looking at things.
10:47It's a higher sense of life.
10:50It's a maturing of a person.
10:53Those pots,
10:54they mature only when they fall.
10:56They shoot everyone who touches them.
10:58You compare me to a rotten pot.
11:00To a fallen one.
11:01I could compare you
11:02to a thrown fruit.
11:04They just bit me,
11:06and they gnawed you.
11:08There's a difference.
11:09I got smart,
11:10and you got poisoned.
11:12You look at me like a cat.
11:14I used to look at you like a god.
11:16When I didn't beat you,
11:17when I was gambling,
11:19when I played cards,
11:20when I was chasing women,
11:21you looked at me like an icon.
11:23And now that I'm getting married,
11:25you're grabbing a rope.
11:26Should I hit you on the head?
11:27You can get mad,
11:28and get wings,
11:29and carry eggs.
11:31I don't care.
11:32And that you're the best,
11:33I don't believe you anymore.
11:34Wait, wait.
11:35And that I'll sue you,
11:37you believe that?
11:38I believe that.
11:39That you'll sue me,
11:40I believe that.
11:41I'm interested in you.
11:47We'll see.
12:04I'm Simovic's lawyer.
12:06Good morning.
12:07This is Emilia Konstantinovic.
12:10I wanted to inform you
12:11about some new circumstances.
12:13He left his house last night.
12:16Yes, yes, definitely.
12:18He brought his toiletries
12:20and left his apartment
12:22very pathetically.
12:24I don't know,
12:25believe me,
12:26I don't know where he could be.
12:27I suppose
12:28he has a base.
12:33Yes, but I'm interested
12:34in the legal consequences.
12:37I mean,
12:38he has to come back.
12:41Can I replace the door handle
12:43on the front door?
12:48Well, yes,
12:49there's something left
12:50in his wardrobe
12:51and a couple of
12:52some private things.
12:55I could.
12:57Yes, I could put it
12:58in one of those big suitcases.
13:04Yes, so I should pack it
13:05in a suitcase,
13:07and put the suitcase
13:08in the wardrobe
13:09of the railway station.
13:12And you will
13:13inform him about all of this.
13:20Thank you very much.
13:21Thank you.
13:38I would like to go to the toilet.
13:43Yes, I'm coming.
13:45I didn't sleep well.
13:46What's wrong?
13:48Wait a minute,
13:49who's in the bathroom?
13:50Excuse me, ma'am, I beg you.
13:55Oh, my God!
13:58Here you are.
13:59Two coffees.
14:00No sugar, please.
14:04Well, the union will buy you a nice gift,
14:07your friends will follow you,
14:10so they will accompany you and Bošković to start a better life,
14:15so you can rest your exhausted body.
14:18Well, it's not that exhausted.
14:22I will give you a pension.
14:25You see, I don't intend to retire yet.
14:31You don't intend to retire?
14:33What do you intend to retire?
14:35To die in my regular working hours?
14:38The death of the Taganac union has not yet come.
14:42The death of the Taganac union has not yet come.
14:45And I can still do it.
14:46You look pretty bad, man.
14:48I'm not really pretty, but I'm durable.
14:52You're yellow.
14:53Yellow, yellow, but I have veins.
14:55Your last name constantly reminds me of some veins.
14:58Where did you leave those veins?
15:00And should we cut those veins in the root here?
15:03Excuse me, can I get a glass of water instead of coffee?
15:08Can you go to that pension with dignity?
15:13I can't.
15:14With such a cut, it's impossible.
15:16Only misery and idleness.
15:18If you don't have dignity, do you have respect for the law?
15:22Everything is according to the law of the Taganac union.
15:25Here, I see the law on pension insurance, if you allow me.
15:28I didn't mean that law.
15:30Then which one?
15:31The criminal one.
15:33The criminal one?
15:35You've been stealing from society for years.
15:37You're doing false work experience.
15:39And you're getting more work than you deserve.
15:43You've falsified documents and damaged the social community.
15:48You're stretching the experience like a rubber band.
15:51Excuse me.
15:53Dr. Kurčević.
15:55He's not feeling well?
15:57Call an ambulance.
15:59Where have you been fighting, if I may know, on which front?
16:03Call an ambulance.
16:04How can I?
16:05There are two million people in Belgrade.
16:07We have four ambulances.
16:09And now those four drivers have to deliver us hypochondriacs
16:13while the real soldiers are dying.
16:17I told you to sit down, not to lie down.
16:20I want to personally see your two witnesses.
16:24I want to find out where you fought,
16:27with whom you fought,
16:29against whom you fought
16:31and how much you fought.
16:39Call that car.
16:40I already did.
16:41And see him there.
16:45Good day, comrade Taganac.
16:47What are you doing here, Kurčević?
16:49I wanted to invite you.
16:53If you could come to our collective.
16:56I don't have time to go around Kurčević.
16:59And you could go to the hotel.
17:01There were a lot of candles, handkerchiefs and mugs.
17:04There's work to be done.
17:05That's why I'm calling you.
17:07There's no work to be done.
17:09What do you mean?
17:11I don't know if you're aware...
17:24I don't know if you're aware, but I've been suspended from work.
17:30Sit here.
17:34Thank you, Vera Kurčević.
17:37That can happen to anyone today, comrade Taganac.
17:40No, it can't happen to me.
17:43You're a friend.
17:44There's a certain structure behind you.
17:46There's work behind me, Kurčević,
17:48and a proper attitude towards people.
17:51Where are you?
17:53Thank you.
17:59People are nervous today.
18:01They need to jump a little.
18:03There's a lot of people missing today,
18:05but nothing should be missing from the leaders.
18:08They need to have a sharp mind.
18:10They need to have eyes on their backs.
18:13A good nose, a broad heart and a strong hand.
18:16That's all for nothing, comrade Taganac.
18:18Enough for a fool to go and apologize to his mother.
18:22Why didn't you discredit that fool and kick him out?
18:26Because that fool was your agent.
18:29My agent?
18:31So my agent is a fool.
18:33No, I'm a fool too.
18:35I protected him and he's stabbing me in the back.
18:40What does he want now?
18:42He wants a salary, a flat,
18:44he wants to be able to rely on someone.
18:47To apologize.
18:49Who's behind him?
18:50They say it's you.
18:51I mean, because you're his relative.
18:53A fool is not a fool,
18:54but when he's someone's god, relative,
18:56he can be a fool too,
18:58and you know what I mean.
19:00Listen, Kurčubić.
19:02You let the situation slip out of your hands.
19:05What can one do today, Kurčubić?
19:08You can do three things.
19:09Either you settle the scores without a fight,
19:12or you run away with the money abroad
19:15so they can blame you,
19:17or you pacify the people.
19:19I'll try to pacify them, but it's impossible.
19:21You can pacify them every day.
19:23I think you'd be the most efficient.
19:28I think no one would be like you.
19:33What's this?
19:34Here comes Popadić.
19:36He's coming right away.
19:38Aren't you going to vote?
19:41I won't.
19:42I'll get my money,
19:44my reserves,
19:46and Tutaň.
19:47Boss, why won't you?
19:48Because when I quit my job, I don't do anything.
19:51So I won't even vote.
19:52But the elections are very important.
19:55It's important for me not to be late for court.
19:58I'm surprised by your behavior, Popadić.
20:01In such a difficult moment for our collective,
20:04the election of a strong union leadership
20:07can be of great importance for the company.
20:11Oh, come on.
20:15What are you doing?
20:18Well, I'm not doing anything right now.
20:20What are you going to do?
20:21Don't be silly.
20:22So, Slavodan,
20:24did you hit this man in the face?
20:28I didn't.
20:29I hit him in the stomach first.
20:33To bend a little.
20:34Why bend?
20:36To make it easier for him to swallow.
20:40Can we say hit?
20:46I admit
20:47that I did the work
20:49for which I was charged.
20:52What do you admit?
20:54I don't admit anything.
20:55Did you attack this man in the bar?
20:58He jumped at my door and started hitting me.
21:00And before that you threatened him
21:02that you would put him in jail.
21:03And before that he threatened me
21:04that he would put me in jail.
21:05And you put him in jail.
21:07Listen, judge.
21:09This girl is starting to torture me.
21:11She's pulling you by the hand.
21:12And what is that girl to you?
21:14She was singing to me.
21:16She wasn't just singing to you.
21:18She was singing to him.
21:19Who is that?
21:20That's the boss of the bar who is pulling you.
21:22He says you were drunk
21:23and without any reason
21:24you attacked this man.
21:29Thank God he pays here.
21:31How does he pay?
21:32However you come.
21:34And who knows where.
21:35That's why I put him in jail.
21:38Young man.
21:39You don't send people to jail here,
21:41but I do.
21:43No problem.
21:44Send him then.
21:46As things stand now,
21:47I can only send you to jail.
21:56And where are my witnesses?
21:59These two who were sitting with me.
22:01You see,
22:03they are already in jail.
22:07What jail?
22:09They were arrested yesterday.
22:12One of them paid,
22:13the other accepted.
22:15You are in a nice company.
22:18The difficulty is getting into a delicate state.
22:21The woman's sensibility is getting stronger.
22:23She becomes irritable,
22:27You have to take care of all of that
22:29as peacefully as possible.
22:31Doctor, I'm interested in the case.
22:34What case?
22:36Spontaneous, I mean.
22:37For what reasons can it happen?
22:40First of all,
22:41you don't allow your wife to carry a bag.
22:44That tightens her legs,
22:45and she can get tired.
22:47If you intend to travel,
22:49don't travel on bad roads,
22:51avoid traffic jams.
22:53I'm interested in a fight.
22:56What fight?
22:57Do you intend to fight?
22:59We've already fought.
23:00One fight, my dear young man,
23:02nothing terrible will happen to you.
23:04Be sure of that.
23:05It has already happened, doctor.
23:07What happened?
23:10Did you hit her accidentally?
23:13What comes to your mind, doctor?
23:14It was a regular argument between two intellectuals.
23:18About what?
23:19About the money.
23:20Yes, what were you talking about?
23:22About the fact that I didn't find the money on the street,
23:25and that I don't want to throw it out the window.
23:27And then it happened, right?
23:28Yes, that's what they say.
23:30How is she now?
23:32She's fine, but I don't feel very well.
23:35Young man,
23:36this is an advisory office for hard workers.
23:38If you don't feel well,
23:39you should see a doctor.
23:41Doctor, I'm in a crisis of conscience.
23:42Everyone is accusing me.
23:43I want to know if this is real.
23:45Based on the conversation,
23:46when I speak calmly, reasonably, objectively,
23:49would you throw me out now?
23:56I can't even theoretically, young man.
23:58And when it comes to practice,
24:00you can't avoid the guilt.
24:03You speak like a gynecologist.
24:05I speak as a married man
24:07who gave birth to three children.
24:09For everything that happens in marriage,
24:11regardless of theory, science,
24:13and laboratory analysis,
24:15you will be guilty.
24:17That has nothing to do with medicine.
24:18That's practice.
24:20You said you didn't have a match.
24:30Nina Andrejevic, singer?
24:32An artist.
24:34Can you tell us, Nina,
24:36who of these two challenged Tucha?
24:39I can't.
24:40Why not?
24:41Because I don't like Tucha,
24:42and I insist that I don't look at him.
24:44They came to your table.
24:45I don't even look at them.
24:46Who, them?
24:47Those who are not invited to the cafe,
24:49and come to my table.
24:50Well, where do you look?
24:52Where do I look?
24:53In the table, in the stove, in the vacuum.
24:55In the vacuum?
24:56Yes, in the vacuum.
24:58You're not in a cafe here.
24:59Look at them.
25:03Who came to you first, and why?
25:05I really couldn't remember.
25:07How much could you remember?
25:09You know what?
25:10They're all the same to me.
25:11Wait a minute.
25:12So he didn't mistreat you,
25:13and he pulled your hand all the time?
25:14Calm down, young man.
25:15Wait, please.
25:17On the repeated question,
25:20the witness states
25:22that she didn't notice anything,
25:25and that she doesn't know
25:27who challenged whom,
25:28and who hit whom first,
25:31because in the cafe,
25:32she looked in the stove,
25:34in the table,
25:35and in the vacuum.
25:37Can I go now?
25:38Yes, you can.
25:39Thank you.
25:43Hello, Marko.
25:54Sit down.
25:57What are you doing here?
26:00Who do you think you are?
26:03I'm still in Meden.
26:05Who would say that?
26:07And what would you say?
26:09I would say, young man,
26:10that you're in trouble.
26:13What do you mean?
26:15Well, I mean,
26:16you used to look for a job,
26:19and now you've started to advise and help.
26:22Well, you see,
26:23I found a job.
26:25Did you?
26:27That's why you look so upset.
26:29You see,
26:30it's out of my fingers or out of my palm.
26:32Out of my eyes.
26:33Now I'm looking into your eyes.
26:35You see, you made a mistake.
26:36It's not good for my job.
26:38Then it's bad for your marriage.
26:42It's not good for my marriage either.
26:44I'm looking for advice because of the child.
26:47Don't worry about that.
26:50You'll have a bunch of children.
26:53You see, I'm not ready for a bunch.
26:55Neither morally,
26:56nor emotionally,
26:57nor physically.
26:58I planned only one.
26:59It doesn't matter what you planned.
27:02You'll get two.
27:05You mean twins?
27:07Call them whatever you want.
27:09Whatever we, Jugovici,
27:12we'll find something else.
27:14They'll find you twins.
27:16Oh, Koko,
27:17you made a mistake again.
27:19God forbid.
27:20But they don't like you.
27:23I'm attracted to one guy.
27:26What does he look like?
27:28He's handsome.
27:30I don't mean that.
27:32What does he do?
27:34What else?
27:35He's smart.
27:37What does he want from you?
27:40He's crazy.
27:42You won't.
27:44I'll think about it.
27:48you're here to think about it.
27:52Unlike you,
27:54I ask for advice
27:56so I don't do anything stupid.
27:59I advise,
28:00I consult,
28:01I measure,
28:02and in the end,
28:03I'll probably ignore him.
28:32Call the witnesses.
28:34Dusan Markovic and Zavisic Ljubomir.
28:38No one's here.
28:41They received the formal invitation.
28:47What does this mean?
28:49It means that the opposite side,
28:51as we said,
28:52has invented the witness Zavisic.
28:55He doesn't exist.
28:56And Markovic is afraid to come here.
29:00I think it's not too late
29:02to get rid of the witnesses.
29:05His arrival is feared by the opposite side.
29:15You are?
29:16Markovic Dusan.
29:21Do you have a nickname?
29:26Excuse me?
29:27How well do we know the witness's nickname, Terminator?
29:30I don't know how important that is.
29:32You just answer the questions,
29:34and if it's important,
29:36the court will decide.
29:38What does Terminator mean?
29:40The exterminator.
29:42Is that your nickname?
29:44That's what my teachers called me.
29:46The so-called exterminator.
29:51Do you have children?
29:53You are obliged to speak only the truth before the court.
29:55For a false witness,
29:56you could also answer wrongly.
29:58Why are you stopping him?
30:00I am obliged by law to mention him.
30:03And you are obliged to be silent until you get a word.
30:06It's not...
30:07It's the same for you.
30:09I'm sorry.
30:11You, Markovic, speak.
30:14What should I say?
30:16So you know why you were called.
30:20Do you know the prosecutor?
30:24How well do you know him?
30:26I know him...
30:28like the mother of my former student.
30:31It is said here that you have crossed the line
30:33of that kind of knowledge, if you understand me.
30:36I don't understand.
30:37For a man of your education,
30:39the question is clear enough.
30:42As far as I can see,
30:43you are interested in my intimate life.
30:45I'm not interested.
30:46I'm just asking what I have to.
30:48I'm interested in the prosecutor.
30:51If that's the case,
30:52why doesn't he address me personally,
30:54as a man with a man, as a man with a man?
30:57The witness doesn't ask questions,
30:58he just answers them.
31:01What questions?
31:09go ahead.
31:10You offered the witness.
31:12Thank you.
31:16First question.
31:18Are you a professor of philosophy?
31:20No, mathematics and physics.
31:22Then I beg you not to philosophize.
31:25And the second question.
31:27Is your student,
31:29the son of the prosecutor,
31:31just before the end of his school year,
31:33had five aces in the Scottish exam?
31:35What aces, colleague?
31:37I'm sorry.
31:39Of which,
31:40two hard aces
31:42from your esteemed subjects.
31:44What does that mean?
31:46It means he had them all year long,
31:48since they were born.
31:51So you told this poor man
31:54that the case is abandoned,
31:56and hopeless,
31:57and that he should wash his hands.
31:59The question is, colleague...
32:00The question is,
32:01how could he finish his school year
32:03with a very good grade?
32:05What does that mean?
32:06It means that in working with young people,
32:08no case is hopeless.
32:10Especially if the mother is young.
32:14Excuse me, Mr. President.
32:18The question.
32:19Yes, the question.
32:20The question is,
32:22after a boring
32:25and tired father,
32:27did a young, charming,
32:33beautiful mother
32:35join your class?
32:36Let me explain.
32:37Don't explain anything to me.
32:41Everything is clear to me.
32:43Explain to the court
32:45how a lazy, abandoned,
32:48hopeless free man
32:50turns into a wunderkind.
32:52In the meantime,
32:53he fixes five aces,
32:55and from your esteemed subjects
32:58he gets
33:00two hard threes.
33:02The mother gets two billions.
33:04You get
33:06a golden watch.
33:08And the father,
33:10my poor and esteemed client,
33:13gets beautiful, old-fashioned horns.
33:17And you, sir, will get a scoundrel.
33:19I beg you, colleague.
33:20Calm down.
33:21Calm down, colleague.
33:22But, sir,
33:23I'm not afraid of threats.
33:25I was run over by tires.
33:28I was pushed into a post box
33:30by dead pigs.
33:32But when the truth is revealed,
33:36nothing can stop me.
33:38Can you at least stop him,
33:40Mr. Chairman?
33:44refrain from conclusions.
33:46Limit yourself to questions.
33:48I asked three questions,
33:50but there's no answer.
33:51You want to say
33:52that I sold my pedagogical honor
33:54for a golden watch?
33:56The watch is what we know.
33:59That I appreciated my student.
34:01And the money, Marković,
34:03since you met this
34:05magical woman,
34:06you solved the case.
34:08And you bought her son a shoe.
34:11I'll explain, sir.
34:12No, don't explain anything to me.
34:14I said I understand everything.
34:16Explain to the court, if you can,
34:18what happened between you
34:22and this beautiful woman.
34:25So you solved both cases,
34:27both with grades and money.
34:30who, due to cruelty towards children,
34:33declared her...
34:36a murderer.
34:38Out of mercy.
34:39When does this man have a break?
34:41Right now.
34:43Colleague, sit down.
34:47Mr. Marković, go ahead.
34:50All of us, judges,
34:51do our job routinely.
34:54We give assessments,
34:55we make judgments,
34:57which become
34:59imprecise and unfair.
35:03Because we divide them heartlessly,
35:05looking at the clock,
35:06because we rush for something more important,
35:08we don't look at faces anymore.
35:10And then you look at one.
35:14Right, then we look at a face,
35:16which even looks charming,
35:18seductive, charming to you.
35:20That's what you said.
35:21Let's hear how that face
35:23looked to you.
35:25As a reminder.
35:27What reminder, please?
35:30When we were studying,
35:31we were full of faith in our mission,
35:33in our profession.
35:35We believed in the children,
35:36who will teach us to become people.
35:39That face brought me back
35:40to the time when I was better
35:42and promised even more.
35:44Did you stick to the face,
35:46or did you get to know
35:48that charming person
35:50a little more?
35:52A lot more, sir.
35:55A great mother,
35:57a scrupulous wife,
35:58a smart, educated,
35:59and smart wife.
36:01So, she seduced you.
36:03I wouldn't say she stimulated me.
36:06She encouraged me to work
36:07as I used to at the beginning,
36:09to fight for the chosen student.
36:12Although I can be proud of something,
36:14it's those two grades of freedom
36:15at the entrance exam.
36:17He admitted it,
36:19didn't he, judge?
36:20He admitted it.
36:21What did he admit?
36:22That he was in love with the prosecution,
36:25that he was entangled and shackled,
36:28but that's love.
36:31Maybe it's love,
36:32maybe it's just my fascination,
36:34but I'm not being judged here, sir.
36:39She remained untouchable
36:42and distant,
36:44just like our youth ideals.
36:50There, you heard it.
36:54Do you have any questions?
36:55What did we hear?
36:57I didn't hear the most important thing.
37:00Did this man sleep with my wife or not?
37:04Do you want to answer that question?
37:06I'll answer you.
37:10I didn't.
37:13And I'll add regret.
37:17And now I think it was enough.
37:19I want to live,
37:23a better life,
37:26to rob it like a game.
37:32Life is not a child's game.
37:40I want more,
37:44I want better,
37:47I want everything,
37:50and how can it be worth it
37:55if I don't fall into that dream,
37:58because life is looking for better people.
38:04I want life,
38:08everything or nothing,
38:12I want the main thing,
38:15and that's my motto.
38:20But still,
38:23something is not right here.
38:27Life is not a child's game.