Bolji Zivot S1E20

  • 2 months ago
Bolji Zivot S1E20
02:00Aha, in connection with that, do you have a blue one?
02:05Excuse me?
02:06The bigger, the better.
02:08But it can also serve as a comb, an ointment, a rag...
02:12Sir, a man who would hit me in the evening,
02:15would not have any chance to stay alive in the morning.
02:18Bravo, madam. I love such clients.
02:21But the violence of my husband is more expressed in the mental sphere.
02:25Congratulations, comrade... colleague Popadic. Thank you.
02:29Six billion, congratulations.
02:31It's four for now.
02:33And four billion is not for nothing. Please, sit down.
02:38But if I remember the will,
02:41it means that one child is suffocating.
02:44Well, yes, because this is a woman's...
02:46Beer, a woman's beer.
02:47Or maybe it's the daughter of a billionaire.
02:50And it should be beer.
02:52Would you like to drink something?
02:53No, nothing, thank you.
02:55No, please, don't.
02:56I have Remy Martel.
02:58Don't, I won't offer you anything.
03:00I don't know what to offer a billionaire.
03:02If you have aspirin.
03:04Yes, my son, I have a headache.
03:06Aspirin, please.
03:08We have Baralgin, Valerian,
03:11Nitroglycerin, Insulin.
03:13If you have sugar, so that the devil doesn't hear.
03:16So, thank God, I haven't arrived yet.
03:18And as soon as you got to the lawyer,
03:21you're not far from the hospital.
03:24I also gave injections for appeasement here.
03:27What kind of clients do you have?
03:29Rarely a billionaire comes here.
03:33Okay, let's leave the billionaires.
03:36As I told you,
03:38I'm really tired here.
03:42Colleague Popadic, when someone has billions,
03:45then divorce is somehow easier for him.
03:47My husband is neither impotent nor greedy.
03:51And my dissatisfaction does not come from him.
03:54And his?
03:55Who is his?
03:56Well, maybe he's dissatisfied with something.
04:01When, for example,
04:04did you last have sexual contact?
04:10You see, if he whines in the morning because of money,
04:15in the afternoon because of children,
04:16and in the afternoon because of some nonsense,
04:18and in the evening comes Pripit,
04:21what kind of sexual contact can he expect at night, I ask you?
04:25Does he whine and come to Pripit
04:29just because he has no sexual contact?
04:32Because he's a sex addict?
04:35Please, are you saying this as his or as my lawyer?
04:39As a lawyer, ma'am.
04:41That's how he will speak in court.
04:44Well, listen to me, deputy.
04:46I gave birth to three children to that man.
04:48I raised them and educated them.
04:50And for all the time I was perfectly faithful to him.
04:53And he to you?
04:55Unfortunately, no.
04:56So you believe that your wife cheated on you?
04:59That's right.
05:01Let me be frank.
05:04What you told me are just indications.
05:07There is no solid evidence.
05:09If I had solid evidence, I wouldn't have come to you.
05:12I would have arrested her myself.
05:14I understand. I can arrest her.
05:17But that would cost you.
05:18Money is not a problem.
05:20I don't mean money, I mean life.
05:22Life is not a problem for me. I don't have it.
05:25I have horns and I want to beat them.
05:28Mr. Popadic, you don't need to use that
05:31inauspicious and inauspicious expression.
05:34What do you mean, I don't need it?
05:35Horns, brother.
05:36And not Jelena's, but Volo's, those dirty ones.
05:39All my life I've been playing tango with those women.
05:43I ride like a horse, I even carry coffee in my bed.
05:45You see, that thing with coffee is a mistake.
05:48A mistake?
05:49I don't care if it's a mistake.
05:51But how did I get those horns?
05:53I want to beat them.
05:56Don't worry about the money.
05:59Money is not a problem anymore.
06:04Here you are, Mr. Ataganac.
06:06You are exceptional today.
06:11Here you are.
06:12I know you are always specific.
06:15Now let's see if you are ready.
06:19Here you are.
06:20It depends on why.
06:22To be free, charming and eloquent between 3 and 6.
06:31Where is that?
06:33On a business lunch where everyone should be happy.
06:38I don't know if you are serious.
06:40About what?
06:42As if you are reciting a poem.
06:46When I was young, I used to write poems.
06:50Especially in the springtime, when it smells good.
06:55That's my perfume.
06:57It's good for young people.
07:00I don't change it.
07:01You shouldn't.
07:04Between 3 and 6?
07:06If you are free, it would be of great use to me.
07:10I will try.
07:11Thank you.
07:13So, you are free.
07:15I am from your family.
07:20A hippo.
07:22With a cap on his head.
07:24My name is Dimir.
07:25Yes, my name is Dimir.
07:27He stole something again.
07:29It's terrible.
07:30He will retire now.
07:33In a month.
07:35We will buy him a gift.
07:38We will follow him.
07:40We will wait for him to do us a favor.
07:43We will try.
07:48In his place,
07:51could we re-record
07:56your performance?
07:59Koviljka Stanković?
08:03With the same equipment.
08:06The same equipment, but the songs are different.
08:09Her retirement date is this month.
08:12You will do it. You are smart.
08:15I will try.
08:27Call Koviljka Stanković.
08:30Good morning.
08:31Good morning, boss.
08:33I don't know if it's good.
08:35What happened to you?
08:36What happened to you?
08:38But you have a meeting.
08:40What meeting?
08:41The board meeting.
08:42I don't care.
08:43No call, no meeting.
08:45Here is your call.
08:47Let me see.
08:49What is this?
08:51First point. Report on the financial business.
08:54Second point.
08:56Complaint of Ljubomir Branković.
09:01Your case is different.
09:04What is my case?
09:06You hit Kurčubić.
09:08Who says that I hit Kurčubić?
09:11Everyone says.
09:15Now I feel guilty.
09:17Why you, Dara?
09:18I told you about him.
09:20But I didn't know that you would hit him.
09:29It's over.
09:31Thank you, my friend.
09:36Why congratulations?
09:38You know why.
09:40If you called him.
09:50Dara, where did you hear that I called him?
09:54In the office.
09:56Let me ask you something.
09:58Ask me something.
10:00Is it true that you hit Kurčubić?
10:04What are you talking about?
10:06That you hit him with his marble drink.
10:10You see, I don't have that marble drink.
10:13But I have this saxophone.
10:18I will beat him.
10:21You will have something to wipe your mouth with.
10:25Boss, what's wrong with you?
10:27What's wrong with me, Dara?
10:29Now it will be worse.
10:31If I were you, I would go to that chair.
10:35Come in.
10:37You were looking for me.
10:39Yesterday, today, you weren't here.
10:41Where are you at work, comrade Stanković?
10:44I'm looking for something new, because you stole mine.
10:47So you don't like me.
10:50I like someone, and someone doesn't.
10:53For example, I don't like that you're going around looking for something better.
10:57You're making bad advertising for us.
11:00I'm not looking for something better.
11:03If you remember, you checked my leave letter.
11:06I have the right to look for someone I need for two hours during my working hours.
11:12Sit down, Kolika.
11:17From today on, we're stopping that searching.
11:22Is that an order or an offer?
11:26An announcement.
11:28As soon as we remove your workplace, you'll move to a new one.
11:32As far as I know, comrade Jataganac, everything is full.
11:36I'm going to empty one.
11:39How can I be so careful?
11:42Like taking care of a working man.
11:45The second point is the complaint of the worker, Ljubomir Branković,
11:49about the decision of the commission for the violation of workers' duties.
11:52I'll explain to the others.
11:55Branković, there's no need.
11:57I'll write it down.
11:59Please, Branković, there's no need when it's all clear.
12:02Comrades, as you can see, the man is in pain,
12:06and the commission is taking action against him.
12:10Where is that, comrades?
12:12They're excluding the worker who is physically and mentally ill,
12:16instead of the man being treated first.
12:19How can they do that?
12:21Of course they can't.
12:23Because I'm careful, because I signal timely.
12:27That's why the commission is constantly pushing me
12:30and physically oppressing me.
12:33Comrades, that's why I want to introduce you to this council
12:37with the vandalism of this faculty-educated man.
12:41That's understated, director.
12:43First, let's decide on Branković's complaint.
12:46What's there to decide when it's all clear?
12:49What do you mean, clear?
12:51Let's start.
12:53Who's for?
12:58Sit down, Branković.
13:00I didn't say anything.
13:02You don't have to say anything when I'm here.
13:05Now, let's see that chairman of the commission.
13:09You can't see him.
13:11Why not?
13:13Because he comes whenever he wants.
13:15He's never in his office,
13:17and he comes in only when he's asked to,
13:19and then he threatens to liquidate me.
13:22And that's only because I've turned my attention
13:25to the illegality of his actions.
13:27That's all.
13:29It's all written down and approved.
13:31Why didn't you tell me before the meeting?
13:33Hurry up.
13:39Good afternoon.
13:58What is it, Popadić?
14:00That material isn't for you.
14:02I want to see what it says here.
14:04It says what you said, Popadić.
14:06Does it say that I hit you
14:08with a marble drinker on your back?
14:10You didn't hit me with a drinker,
14:12but you threatened to liquidate me with a hammer.
14:14How can I liquidate you with a hammer?
14:16To dig me up on my back, along and across.
14:19Okay, that's fine with a hammer,
14:21but I'm interested in a marble drinker.
14:23We're interested in what it says here, Popadić.
14:25Did you say all that to your friend Kurčubić, or not?
14:28Did you tell him that our country is in a mess,
14:30that our companies are, excuse my expression,
14:32in shit, that I'm a hockstapler and a smuggler,
14:35that our collective is full of muffus, thieves,
14:38and that we're all tied up like pigs,
14:40and that crows have eaten our brains?
14:42Are those your words, Popadić?
14:44Those are my words, Mr. President.
14:46What are your words, Branković?
14:48Everything that Kurčubić said a moment ago.
14:50I just didn't say that our country is in a mess,
14:53although it is in a mess.
14:55But all of this remains.
14:57And that Kurčubić is a muffus, and that he's a hockstapler,
15:00and that he's a smuggler,
15:02and that we're all tied up like pigs,
15:04and that the same Kurčubić
15:06threw this company into shit up to here.
15:09But it's not nice
15:11that my words are attributed to others.
15:13What kind of merit, Mr. Branković?
15:16Those are slanders and insults.
15:18You go to court for this, man.
15:20While you're still in power.
15:21But when you shout,
15:23it will be written in your merit.
15:25As I said, my friend,
15:27you're a mentally retarded man.
15:29What you said, Kurčubić,
15:31you can put a cat in a box.
15:33And now I'll say
15:35for the Bulgarian Chepenal and for Katanac.
15:37Sit down, Branković.
15:39You're not a member of the Council,
15:41and you have no right to speak.
15:43When they have the right to speak,
15:45why can't he?
15:47You're not a member of the Council either.
15:49What is this?
15:51Mr. Branković is defending you.
15:53Let him see how he will defend himself.
15:55When he tied the strings from the kit,
15:57I knew he would come to Katanac.
15:59Here's the date, February 15th.
16:01And now I'm asking you,
16:03who will eat 30 tons of Bulgarian Chepenal?
16:07The whole country will get shit because of him.
16:11He'll have to work on his kits
16:13after that Chepenal album.
16:15And I'll still get 5 million in salary,
16:17and I'll pay 6.5 million
16:19to Kira and Struj.
16:21The whole world will be surprised
16:23and curse you like I did.
16:25Dobrila, call for emergency help.
16:27Here's the emergency help.
16:29Branković, what are these manners?
16:31Conditional reflexes, Mr. President.
16:33What conditional reflexes, Branković?
16:36A good back, my friends.
16:38Protect him, Yataganac.
16:40How can he protect me?
16:42Protect him, protect him.
16:44That's why you've become so strong.
16:46Protect each other.
16:48You don't know who tied the strings,
16:49and I don't care.
16:51Bravo, Branković, bravo.
16:53Friends, Branković doesn't need Yataganac.
16:55Branković needs someone else, Branković.
16:58Am I the only case in this company?
17:01If I have to, I'll go to the police,
17:04to the gypsy,
17:06to the madwoman,
17:08to the judge.
17:10God forbid.
17:12And Mitrovica.
17:14Wait, Branković.
17:17I don't want anyone else to follow you.
17:19It's not just one more.
17:23There are more of us.
17:25There are more of us.
17:27Come in, Karlo.
17:31This is my house.
17:33It's not a house.
17:35It's not a house.
17:53There's no one here.
17:55There's no mom.
17:57There's no dad.
17:59There's no dad.
18:05Come in, Karlo.
18:08Come in.
18:11Do you want whiskey?
18:13Sit down.
18:18Dad, my son.
18:23There's no whiskey.
18:25There's no whiskey.
18:27Come in the kitchen.
18:29Dad, mom.
18:31Dad, mom.
18:36There's no whiskey.
18:38There's no whiskey.
18:40Dad is eating.
18:42Dad is eating.
18:44There's no whiskey.
18:45There's no whiskey.
18:47There's no whiskey.
18:49Dad, coffee.
18:51Dad, coffee.
18:55I don't have espresso.
18:57I have regular.
19:01I'll take it.
19:03What should I buy?
19:05Buy everything.
19:07Buy spaghetti.
19:09Buy wine.
19:12Buy everything.
19:13I'm going to the store to buy,
19:16and you're going to get a haircut.
19:28Here's the bathroom.
20:56There's nothing in this house.
21:00Here's my gig.
21:02All for one egg.
21:13All for one egg.
21:30Wait, that's my egg.
21:32I need it for the hair.
21:39This is where you really get your hands dirty.
21:43I'm sorry.
21:48Can I know when I'll be free?
21:51I'm in a hurry.
22:01One moment.
22:02One moment.
22:12Can I ask you something?
22:14In the future, only through a lawyer.
22:16Wait a minute.
22:18What is it?
22:20The fact that you're kicking me out of the house,
22:22we'll talk about that in court.
22:24But the fact that your brothers-in-law are trying to buy me,
22:26I'm going to sue them right away.
22:28I don't know if this is delirium,
22:29or trance, or maybe it's some kind of interphase.
22:31But it suits me more when my friends bring you
22:33drunk to the pub,
22:35because then you don't get drunk.
22:40All right.
22:43Hey, buongiorno.
22:45I'm Giancarlo.
22:47Who's Giancarlo?
22:51What are you doing here?
22:53How did you get in?
22:55I'm Dragisa Popadic.
22:57What are you doing in my bathroom?
22:59You see, I'm a little light,
23:01so you'll understand that, all right?
23:03All right, all right.
23:05I understand, all right.
23:29Excuse me.
23:31Who are you?
23:33Signora Mama.
23:35I'm Giancarlo.
23:40Ah, L'Altivera, my dear.
23:42Congratulations, my dear.
23:44Dragisa, I have to introduce you
23:46to my son, Giancarlo.
23:57Congratulations, my dear.
23:59Dragisa, please stop talking.
24:01He's probably wondering who you're dealing with.
24:03I'm asking you who you're dealing with.
24:05Have a seat, please.
24:07Thank you.
24:09All right.
24:11Can you explain to us
24:13how you got here?
24:16Signorina Violeta...
24:20And you?
24:22And you...
24:24My colleague.
24:25My colleague,
24:27Signorina Violeta Trische.
24:29I'm her assistant,
24:31Delmestra Fellini.
24:35Yes, I know her.
24:37And where's Violeta?
24:39Violeta is coming.
24:41She's coming.
24:43Violeta is buying spaghetti,
24:45wine, whiskey.
24:47There's nothing.
24:49There's nothing in this house.
24:51There's no food.
24:52There's no food.
24:54There's no food.
25:01Spaghetti, wine.
25:03I make spaghetti.
25:05I make spaghetti, too.
25:07I'll make spaghetti to cheer you up.
25:09You've already met, haven't you?
25:11Yes, Dad has already introduced himself.
25:13Dad, please be nice to him,
25:15because he's the man of my life.
25:17When did I say that?
25:19Your daughter's life is strange.
25:20She came out of the blue.
25:22Oh, God.
25:24Dad, please be nice to him,
25:26because otherwise I'll start shouting
25:28and I'll make a scandal.
25:30Small nature, great trouble,
25:32my country.
25:34A hundred,
25:36excuse me, 250 stamps,
25:38although I'm not talking to you.
25:40We just need to get to the local,
25:42then I'll give you the stamps.
25:44Everyone's looking at that local.
25:46Everyone wants to beat him up.
25:48This is Lika, please.
25:52What did they say down there?
25:54A hundred wolves, one goat.
25:56This is Germany, my country.
25:58It's not Germany, it's a song.
26:00You sit down, you get out with your soul.
26:02With your soul.
26:04Without a soul, you can live well,
26:06and without money,
26:08you can only draw.
26:11And you got rich in Germany,
26:13didn't you?
26:15You see, friend,
26:17that's not a lot of money.
26:19I beg you.
26:21I mean,
26:23maybe you can buy that much
26:25for an inventory,
26:27just that much.
26:29Well, yes,
26:31I can't afford this school,
26:33Bobiška says.
26:35I mean, I can.
26:37Do you know how much she pays me?
26:3915 bricks maximum.
26:4112, brutto, brutto.
26:43And where are my loans?
26:47A little, this is a gift.
26:49And I can't even buy myself
26:51a paid glass.
26:54I forgot the acid in the water.
26:58I'll go now, I'll go now.
27:06Did I do well?
27:10I'd like to drum on this.
27:13Easy, Bobiška.
27:15There's no drumming here.
27:17You have to go to Sigurno.
27:19Here it is, here it is!
27:21If we don't go to Dubrovnik,
27:23we'll go to Greece, right?
27:27I'm still freezing.
27:31Poor orphans.
27:33Are you pushing me back to Germany?
27:37Listen, Sočovaj,
27:39I'm talking to myself.
27:41You're an orphan,
27:43and you're hard on God.
27:45And you,
27:47you're going to be a gentleman.
27:51I could save you like Zemljak,
27:54as a friend,
27:56to push you a little.
27:58I'm small, my dear,
28:00others decide about that.
28:02No, we thought the same,
28:04that you, Zemljak,
28:06as a friend...
28:08What's this, young man?
28:10It costs a lot.
28:14It costs a lot.
28:15It costs a lot.
28:17And the money,
28:19dinner with this,
28:21lunch with that,
28:23whiskey with that,
28:25it costs a lot, young man.
28:27It costs a lot.
28:53Oh, you're still here?
28:55How did you finish school?
28:57Can't you read?
28:59You're crazy, you're asking me.
29:01I'm crazy?
29:03Stop arguing while he's here.
29:05Oh, really? Who is it?
29:07Vyometin, the new Mayor.
29:09He's in the pricing.
29:11Is there a cook out there that can make us coffee?
29:13No, he's a film director.
29:15You see, Vika is making progress, that's normal.
29:17Shut up, shut up a little.
29:19Italians love family atmosphere, so try to be one, at least while he's here.
29:23Which Italian?
29:24Not Italian.
29:25In any case, the guest is free.
29:27Please take care of that.
29:29Here are the spaghetti!
29:35Giancarlo, my brother Boba.
29:37Brother Boba!
29:39And also Giancarlo.
29:41Giancarlo, come and sit.
29:43Sit down.
29:49My dear friends,
29:51I love Yugoslavia.
29:53I love... mother.
29:57She's 30 years old.
29:59I love my mother.
30:01I love my grandfather.
30:03I love my brothers.
30:05I love everything.
30:07He loves everything so much,
30:09it's like he's going to move in.
30:11He's moving to the Continental, dad.
30:13He has the money to buy us all together.
30:17Then he can sell me some money on the course.
30:19Shut up, Boba.
30:21What if we're already a family?
30:25Please, don't be shy.
30:27There are plenty of men for better or worse.
30:29Boba is full of life.
30:31Educated, smart,
30:33he's a great, great rider.
30:35My daughter would ask you if he's married.
30:41Your father asked you something.
30:43He is married,
30:45but only formally.
30:47Oh, God.
30:49They live separately.
30:51Oh, God.
30:53At least his mother was divorced.
30:55You know that in Italy
30:57it's a lot harder than here.
30:59They're Catholics,
31:01so the church forbids them to divorce.
31:03I don't care.
31:05I'm shocked.
31:07Let's eat some spaghetti.
31:09Let's eat spaghetti.
31:11Oh, my God.
31:13I love you, man.
31:15You're giving me a course.
31:17I'll give you a course.
31:19What do you want today?
31:21Today I'm going to liquidate that course.
31:23What course?
31:25The course of nonsense.
31:27The course that this ship is sailing
31:29without a rudder and a compass.
31:31The course of valorization
31:33that I'm really going to liquidate.
31:35What did she say?
31:37How am I going to explain
31:39your nonsense to a European?
31:41I'll explain it to her.
31:43Then my presence here is redundant.
31:45I'm sorry.
31:49Take the money.
31:51She won't take the money.
31:53She won't take the spaghetti.
31:55She won't take anything.
31:57She won't buy anything.
31:59What did she say?
32:03It doesn't matter.
32:05It doesn't matter.
32:07It doesn't matter.
32:09It doesn't matter.
32:11It doesn't matter.
32:13Yugoslavia is very interesting.
32:17you want to fight.
32:19Second, you don't want to eat.
32:23you want money.
32:25It doesn't matter.
32:27I can't stand this anymore.
32:29What happened?
32:31It's not about money anymore.
32:33We came to a knife.
32:35What knife?
32:37A kitchen knife.
32:39For meat.
32:43Do you want to eat something?
32:45No, thank you.
32:47Something light.
32:51No, thank you.
32:53I've had enough of spaghetti.
32:55Maybe I could have a fruit salad.
32:57Two fruit salads.
32:59I'm tired.
33:03My heart aches all day.
33:05My legs hurt.
33:07Change the time.
33:09My neck hurts.
33:13Can you see?
33:17What is this?
33:19I can't see anything.
33:25One coffee for me.
33:27A cup of sugar and water.
33:29Let's drink.
33:35Did the knife pull because of me?
33:39It pulled because of an Italian.
33:43What Italian?
33:45Where is he now?
33:47In the bathroom.
33:49It doesn't matter.
33:51It's a different story.
33:53It has nothing to do with you.
33:55Let's go.
34:05One coffee for me.
34:07A cup of sugar and water.
34:15What's wrong?
34:19You scared me.
34:21I thought you saw a ghost.
34:23A devil.
34:25You scared me.
34:27I thought you were going to camp.
34:29I want to go soon.
34:31Can you see better than me?
34:33Where is my son-in-law?
34:37Over there.
34:39I don't know.
34:41Why do you have to learn when you can't see?
34:43Whatever he finds in the apartment,
34:45he'll cut it.
34:47The rest will be discussed in court.
34:49How is he going to do that?
34:53By killing a witness.
34:57I think he's crazy enough to call you to court.
35:01To stab us all with a blunt knife.
35:07Jelena, can you see who's sitting there with him?
35:09A man or a woman?
35:11It looks like a woman.
35:15Go and check.
35:17I'm going.
35:19It's nice to go to the bathroom.
35:21Go, it's nice.
35:25He'll recognize me.
35:27What will he recognize you?
35:29You've seen him twice in your life.
35:39In the world, people become human
35:41and become friends.
35:43We can't live without a blunt knife.
35:47It's like being dragged in front of the court.
35:51Everything that used to seem nice to us
35:55becomes banal and fake in court.
35:59We all turn red,
36:01as if we've been bewitched.
36:07Tell me, what did you see?
36:09A ring.
36:11What kind of ring?
36:13A diamond ring.
36:15Have you seen anything other than a ring?
36:21A ring.
36:23A real diamond.
36:25So that's it.
36:29He found a rich old woman
36:31to pay for his coffins.
36:33To honor him.
36:37Isn't she beautiful?
36:39She's not a woman at all.
36:41She's a real lady.
36:43I don't know what a lady is.
36:45When you're being harassed,
36:47you call her a lady.
36:49That's right.
36:51What is she doing there?
36:53Look, look.
36:57She's paying.
36:59He's paying.
37:01Not her.
37:03I'll just get you out of here alive
37:05so I don't have to untie you
37:07in this coffin.
37:09You'll pay, son-in-law.
37:11You're such a scoundrel.
37:41I want everything
37:43but how will it be?
37:47What's the point
37:49if I don't fall into that dream?
37:51Because life
37:53wants better people.
37:57I want
38:01everything or nothing.
38:05I want the main
38:09to be
38:11about me.
38:15But still
38:17there's something
38:19wrong here.
38:23is not easy.