The Fall of Alejandra (2022) English Subtitles Spanish Drama

  • 3 months ago
The Fall of Alejandra (2022) English Subtitles Spanish Drama
In September 2003, Alejandra López de Lemos, the eldest daughter of an esteemed art history professor at the University of Seville, vanished without a trace. The initial investigation turned the spotlight on her ex-husband, yet the police uncovered no incriminating evidence. As months drifted by and media interest faded, a determined journalism student chose to revive the mystery for her final project. Her deep dive into Alejandra's disappearance would uncover startling revelations that no one saw coming...
00:01:15Alejandra, cariño?
00:04:07¡Venga, tía!
00:04:08Que llevas esquivándome tres días.
00:04:10Sandra, es que eres muy seguida.
00:04:12Te he dicho que no puedo.
00:04:14Ayúdame, por favor.
00:04:15No puedo estar otro año más estudiando y trabajando a la vez.
00:04:18El catering me revienta los pies.
00:04:21Un año más sirviendo bodas y me quedo sin deditos gordos.
00:04:25¿Y si le pasa algo a la cámara, qué?
00:04:27¿Tú sabes lo que me está costando pagarla?
00:04:30Mira, yo arreglo las entrevistas para el día que tú tengas libre.
00:04:33Ya está.
00:04:34¿Y qué gano yo, aparte de perder mi día libre?
00:04:37Mi eterna gratitud.
00:04:39Me lo debes.
00:04:40¿No estás tan a gusto con Pablo?
00:04:42Pues acuérdate.
00:04:44Acuérdate de quien te lo presentó.
00:04:49Muchas gracias, amiga.
00:04:51Te quiero.
00:04:52Que sí, mami.
00:04:53Además, no entienda que viene de tanta prisa.
00:04:55Si todavía no sabes ni el tema del trabajo.
00:04:57Bueno, bueno. Eso era antes de ayer.
00:04:59Ahora lo tengo ya.
00:05:00Súper claro.
00:05:01Sí, sí.
00:05:04Es que no me convence ningún tema.
00:05:07Solo tengo claro que sea tipo práctico y audiovisual.
00:05:11Además, si lo piensas, le puedo dar así,
00:05:13con un enfoque más definido.
00:05:15Mira, aquí tienes el tema para tu trabajo.
00:05:18Es la pintora desaparecida.
00:05:21Ya no se habla mucho de ella.
00:05:25Yo la conozco.
00:05:26Bueno, la conocía.
00:05:29Mis padres eran amigos de su familia en la playa.
00:05:32Tía, la cámara y el contenido.
00:05:34Ya, sí que no te debo nada.
00:05:39Ha pasado ya tres meses desde la desaparición de Alejandro Ruiz.
00:05:42Y aún no se ha encontrado ningún indicio
00:05:44que oriente a la policía sobre su paradero.
00:05:47¿Alguna declaración, por favor?
00:05:49Miren ustedes, no tengo nada que decir.
00:05:51Les ruego que respeten la intimidad de mi familia.
00:05:53Muchas gracias. Muchas gracias.
00:05:55Arturo, alguna declaración, por favor.
00:05:57Yo lo único que quiero es que encuentren a mi hija, por favor.
00:06:00Que no podemos seguir viviendo así.
00:06:02Esto es una pesadilla. Se llama Alejandra.
00:06:04Mi hija se llama Alejandra.
00:06:06Por favor, tenemos que irnos.
00:06:08Vamos, mamá. Lo siento. Mi madre tiene que descansar.
00:06:30Hola, Elena.
00:06:44Carmelo, ¿qué haces aquí?
00:06:45Necesito hablar contigo un momento. Solo será un minuto.
00:06:47Ahora no tengo tiempo.
00:06:49Quítate del medio, Carmelo.
00:06:50Elena, espera. Tranquilízate un momento.
00:06:52Te he dicho que ahora no puedo. Tengo prisa.
00:06:54Solo te pido un minuto. Escúchame.
00:06:56Mira, ayer me llamó una periodista
00:06:58que estaba investigando la desaparición de Alejandra.
00:07:00Eso no es asunto tuyo.
00:07:01¿Cómo que no es asunto mío?
00:07:02Se me está costando la salud.
00:07:04¿La salud?
00:07:06Me estoy esperando los resultados de unas pruebas.
00:07:09Y estoy muy asustado.
00:07:11Mira, Elena, yo solo quiero ver a tus padres.
00:07:13Ay, Carmelo, mis padres no quieren verte.
00:07:15Déjalos en paz.
00:07:17Seguro que estás bien. Lo estás somatizando todo.
00:07:19Elena, por favor, te lo pido.
00:07:20Ya te dije en su momento lo que tienes que hacer
00:07:22si quieres de verdad ayudar.
00:07:23Pues haré lo que sea.
00:07:25Devuélvenos los objetos personales de mi hermana.
00:07:27Sobre todo sus cuadernos y los apuntes de dibujo.
00:07:29Ya sabes que mi padre los quiere.
00:07:31Elena, no empecemos con eso otra vez, ¿eh?
00:07:36mi mujer.
00:07:38Y esos objetos los dejó en nuestra casa.
00:07:41Voy conduciendo. ¿Qué coño quiere?
00:07:44Sí, tengo una copia en el ordenador de mi casa, sí.
00:07:47¿Estoy yendo para allá?
00:07:50Bueno, pues que se espere.
00:07:52Que se espere, sí, que se espere.
00:07:54Yo solo quiero encontrar a Alejandra.
00:07:56Y es que nadie hace nada.
00:07:57Está en manos de la policía.
00:07:59¿La policía? Pues esa periodista...
00:08:01Ay, Carmelo, por favor, que es una estudiante.
00:08:03Que sí, que sí, que no me lo repitan más, joder.
00:08:06Que estoy yendo a mi casa por la copia de seguridad.
00:08:08Bueno, ¿y qué más quieres que haga?
00:08:12Sí, sí, estoy escuchando los gritos.
00:08:14Esa tía es una histérica, hombre.
00:08:16A nosotros también nos ha llamado.
00:08:17No le des importancia.
00:08:18Pero ella dice que hay nuevos datos.
00:08:19No sé, la policía os habrá dicho algo.
00:08:21Mira, vamos a hacer una cosa.
00:08:24Trae los dibujos de mi hermana y hablamos.
00:08:26Es lo único que me queda de ella.
00:08:32Carmelo, ahora tienes que marcharte.
00:08:33Te prometo que mañana me tomo un café contigo, te lo juro.
00:08:36Pero, ¿dónde o cuándo?
00:08:37A las cinco.
00:08:38Sí, a las cinco en la cafetería en la que iba siempre Alejandra, en el abelino.
00:08:41Trae los dibujos de mi hermana.
00:08:43Así mis padres se quedarán tranquilos y los convenceré para que te vean, ¿sí?
00:08:46Pero, ¿lo harás?
00:08:47Me intentaré, no prometo nada, pero intentaré convencerles.
00:09:10Yes, I'm looking for it, man.
00:09:12Of course, of course, it has to be here, man.
00:09:16But can you wait?
00:09:20Well, it's not here, man.
00:09:22I don't know, I don't know, it's not here, it's not here.
00:09:26But what do you think?
00:09:27That I did it to annoy you or what?
00:09:29That it's also my job, you know?
00:09:31Yes, yes, yes, I know it's money.
00:09:33And I also need it a lot, damn it.
00:09:35Okay, man, yes, I already found out.
00:09:37I'm coming right now, come on.
00:09:39Fucking computer.
00:09:40Fuck you, damn it.
00:09:42Julio, Julio, please calm down.
00:09:44Calm me down?
00:09:45Look, you haven't seen me calm, huh?
00:09:47You haven't seen me calm.
00:09:48Darling, please stop.
00:09:50Stop what?
00:09:53Do you want me to stop?
00:10:01Do you really want me to stop?
00:10:06Or do I stop?
00:10:25You had to destroy it?
00:10:29But what else do you want?
00:10:31If it was mine?
00:10:32I don't like that you behave like that.
00:10:35Like what?
00:10:36Well, like a wild beast.
00:10:40Didn't you seem to like it a lot a while ago?
00:10:45Pig, you're a pig.
00:10:48Get out, I want you to leave.
00:10:50Leave me? What are you saying, crazy?
00:10:51Pack your things right now and get out of here.
00:10:54What we're doing is not right.
00:10:55Hey, hey, calm down, huh?
00:10:56I don't want this to end, this is not right.
00:10:59You wanted it, huh?
00:11:00You were desiring it.
00:11:02It's not true.
00:11:05My sister disappears and I can only think about
00:11:08messing with her boyfriend.
00:11:11Hey, stop the car and don't make a mistake, huh?
00:11:14Alejandra and I were nothing when she disappeared.
00:11:17Alejandra wanted to leave me.
00:11:19But I was the one who left her.
00:11:22Because no one leaves me, do you understand?
00:11:24No one leaves me.
00:11:39Come on, are you ready?
00:11:40We're going to record the call.
00:11:42Record a police inspector?
00:11:44Like this, without his permission?
00:11:47Girl, I don't know.
00:11:49Record him, no. Record me.
00:11:51Well, well.
00:11:53You'll know.
00:11:55Come on, let's do it.
00:12:10Yes, tell me.
00:12:12Good morning.
00:12:13Good morning.
00:12:15I'm talking to Inspector García.
00:12:17Yes, who is it?
00:12:18Look, I'm Sandra Fuentes.
00:12:20I study journalism and...
00:12:23I'm working on the disappearance of Alejandra López de Lemos and...
00:12:28One second.
00:12:29Juan, give me the report of Alejandra López de Lemos.
00:12:38Yes, tell me.
00:12:39Well, I understand that you are involved.
00:12:42And I would like, if you don't mind, to ask you a few questions.
00:12:46All the information was facilitated in your day through the press office.
00:12:49Yes, yes, I have it all compiled.
00:12:51But my work is focused on how the media influences investigations of this type.
00:12:56And I would need to interview you on video.
00:13:00Because the work is an audiovisual report.
00:13:04I make a request by e-mail to the press office and if it proceeds, they will contact you.
00:13:10I only need ten minutes of your time.
00:13:12Well, the sooner I make the request, the sooner I will get an answer.
00:13:15One moment, please.
00:13:16Let me ask you just one question.
00:13:19Is the case filed?
00:13:21We don't file.
00:13:22The court files.
00:13:24This case is filed temporarily due to lack of evidence.
00:13:27Which does not mean that it cannot be reopened in case any clue related to the initial investigation appears.
00:13:33But it was filed because the corpse has not yet been found.
00:13:36The corpse is the key evidence in a possible homicide.
00:13:39However, before the disappearance, it is the one that concerns us.
00:13:42The one in which we do not know the final outcome.
00:13:45It is nothing more than one of the hypotheses of the investigation.
00:13:48And what is the main hypothesis that you handle?
00:13:52Nothing can be ruled out, miss.
00:13:54Now you have to excuse me.
00:13:56I have a lot of work.
00:14:00But look, let's do one thing.
00:14:02You send that e-mail and we'll see what I can do.
00:14:06Yes, yes, of course.
00:14:07Thank you very much, inspector.
00:14:08Thank you very much.
00:14:10Goodbye, goodbye.
00:14:11Goodbye, goodbye.
00:14:15Very good, miss.
00:14:37The case is filed temporarily due to lack of evidence.
00:14:40The corpse has not yet been found.
00:14:59Why are the sheets missing from this notebook, Carmelo?
00:15:02Did you tear them off?
00:15:04Then where are they?
00:15:06I don't know, I don't have anything else.
00:15:08Alejandra took everything to her new studio.
00:15:15I remember that my sister taught me a series of drawings that are not here.
00:15:19It was in what she worked when she disappeared.
00:15:22Yes, I knew that, but I don't know.
00:15:26I'm talking about a series of drawings, let's say ... erotic.
00:15:32I don't like the inculpatory tone you're using, Elena.
00:15:36Look, I've brought you everything I've found.
00:15:39What else do you want?
00:15:40No, what do you want?
00:15:42You're the one who knocked on the door of my house.
00:15:45What I want ...
00:15:50I just want to tell you that I miss you a lot.
00:15:56I loved your sister with all my soul.
00:15:59And I still love her.
00:16:01And I just ask to be able to see your parents again and spend a little time with them.
00:16:07Is that so much to ask?
00:16:08It's been two years.
00:16:11Enough time for you to make your life again.
00:16:13What happens is that you still believe that I had something to do with Alejandra's disappearance.
00:16:17Believe me, if that were the case, I wouldn't be sitting here.
00:16:20The fact is that I have brought you the drawings for the ...
00:16:22They are not all there!
00:16:25You know it perfectly.
00:16:27You and I made a deal.
00:16:32Look for the rest of the drawings I told you, Carmen.
00:16:35If you bring them to me, I will think if I talk to my parents so that they talk to you.
00:16:39And I have fulfilled.
00:16:40You have fulfilled.
00:17:01I love you.
00:17:33Pretty, what a scare you gave me!
00:17:34Where did you come in?
00:17:35Daughter, sorry, through the door.
00:17:38And why didn't you tell me you were coming?
00:17:40Well, you won't believe who I saw this afternoon.
00:17:45The ex-husband and Alejandra's sister, drinking coffee together.
00:17:48Carmelo and Elena?
00:17:49Yes, yes.
00:17:50Look, it's strange.
00:17:53Well, maybe ...
00:17:57I don't know.
00:17:59I don't know.
00:18:01Carmelo brought you some drawings.
00:18:05What drawings?
00:18:07Well, I don't know.
00:18:08From where I was, I couldn't see them.
00:18:12Yesterday a journalist called me to ask me for an interview.
00:18:15A journalist?
00:18:16Well, a student, yes, who wants to interview us.
00:18:19It was very insistent, but I liked it.
00:18:21And how did you get that girl on your phone?
00:18:24And how did she find out that we were her friends?
00:18:26That we were her friends?
00:18:27Because we are her friends.
00:18:30And she told me something that I can't stop thinking about.
00:18:34Well, what my friend, the lawyer, told me.
00:18:37That the police get to where they have to get.
00:18:40That everything else is a private initiative.
00:18:53But the prices of detectives are prohibitive.
00:18:55Not for a woman who has a rotten husband of money.
00:18:58Cheap as a rat.
00:19:00Who doesn't want to spend even the 30 euros that the airport taxi costs.
00:19:03That I have to go pick it up.
00:19:07Besides, I told you to consult it before with Alejandra's parents.
00:19:16We have to do it for her.
00:19:19We can't close the page until they find a body to bury.
00:19:23Don't say that.
00:19:24What do you think she would have done for us?
00:19:26Ana, please.
00:19:30We owe it to her.
00:19:32She was a being of light.
00:19:35She taught us many things.
00:19:38She would have done it for us.
00:19:43How stubborn you are.
00:19:48What a big head you are.
00:19:55Remember to review tomorrow's schedule.
00:20:10Mr. Arturo, excuse me.
00:20:12Mr. Arturo.
00:20:13This is your work schedule.
00:20:15You have a visitation schedule.
00:20:17But Mr. Arturo, we are not students.
00:20:20Mr. Arturo, we are Ana and Maria.
00:20:23Your daughter Alejandra's friends.
00:20:25Don't you remember us?
00:20:27She taught us painting.
00:20:30Yes, of course I remember.
00:20:32Well, do what you want.
00:20:36Sorry to bother you.
00:20:38We thought it would be better to talk to you in person.
00:20:41We wanted to discuss a matter.
00:20:43What matter?
00:20:44The investigation of your daughter's disappearance.
00:20:46That's in the hands of the police.
00:20:48I can't do anything about it.
00:20:50Precisely what we came to talk about.
00:20:52We believe that the investigation has reached...
00:20:54Let's see.
00:20:55You believe.
00:20:57You can have ideas, impressions.
00:21:01But you don't have enough information to have an opinion.
00:21:04But it is clear that there is no progress.
00:21:06Progress, yes.
00:21:07But, but you...
00:21:08Let's see, do you know anything new?
00:21:11But we thought we could do something in private.
00:21:14The best thing you can do is stay out of it.
00:21:18But it's been more than a year.
00:21:20We can have the consent of the family.
00:21:22The family is doing everything possible.
00:21:24Well, we have decided to hire a private detective.
00:21:28Ana, please.
00:21:35What are you going to do?
00:21:38A detective.
00:21:40With your permission.
00:21:41You don't have it, of course.
00:21:42We're going to do it anyway.
00:21:44Then why are you bothering me?
00:21:46Ana, shut up for a moment.
00:21:48Mr. Arturo.
00:21:49Please excuse my friend.
00:21:51A detective doesn't have to interfere with the police's work.
00:21:54On the contrary.
00:21:55They complement each other.
00:21:57And all expenses are covered by us.
00:21:59What are you talking about?
00:22:01We're just trying to find Alejandro.
00:22:03Nobody wants to find my daughter more than me.
00:22:06And leave me alone.
00:22:07I have a meeting at the academy.
00:22:10And you should have the humility to recognize...
00:22:12...that they are two poor incautious people playing Agatha Christie.
00:22:19A few days later.
00:22:32Mr. Arturo.
00:22:33Good afternoon.
00:22:34Good afternoon.
00:22:35My name is Laura Leiva.
00:22:36Do you mind if I talk to you for a moment?
00:22:38Go ahead, but only for a moment.
00:22:40Talk, talk. I'm listening.
00:22:41You see...
00:22:42Well, I'm sorry to interrupt you like this.
00:22:44But I'm finishing the master's degree in heritage management.
00:22:46And I really wanted you to give me the thesis.
00:22:50Yes, look, Miss...
00:22:51Laura, Laura Leiva.
00:22:52Miss Leiva, it's not possible...
00:22:54...because right now I have three theses on the table.
00:22:56But you have the maximum eminence in the subject I want to deal with, Mr. Arturo.
00:22:59Romantic painting in Seville.
00:23:01Well, in a couple of years or more, it won't be possible.
00:23:03And you don't have a gap?
00:23:04I can't wait that long.
00:23:06You see, I went to your alumni for years.
00:23:08Wouldn't there be a possibility?
00:23:09Miss, I'm already telling you it's impossible.
00:23:14I need to start, Mr. Arturo.
00:23:16It's just that I don't have that much time.
00:23:18I was taking care of a sick relative, you know?
00:23:21A sick relative?
00:23:24Yes, my father, who passed away last year,
00:23:26was in bed for three years.
00:23:28Oh my God, I'm very sorry.
00:23:29Thank you.
00:23:30And were you taking care of him for three years?
00:23:34Well, come by my office at eleven tomorrow and we'll see what can be done.
00:23:38Thank you very much, Mr. Arturo.
00:23:39Thank you.
00:23:41Thank you.
00:24:07Wake up.
00:24:08It's very late.
00:24:10Well, I see you've taken your medication.
00:24:12Very good.
00:24:14Come closer, please.
00:24:16Good morning.
00:24:17Look, I brought someone to take care of you.
00:24:20Another one?
00:24:21Hi, Flora.
00:24:22I'm Laura.
00:24:25I don't want more nurses, Arturo.
00:24:27She's not a nurse.
00:24:29She comes from the university.
00:24:31And she's going to keep you company when Elena and I can't.
00:24:34Besides, she's a very cult girl.
00:24:35She's very interested in art.
00:24:37Have you talked to Carmelo yet?
00:24:40With Carmelo?
00:24:41Yes, with your son-in-law.
00:24:42He called yesterday.
00:24:43He's not my son-in-law.
00:24:44And I have nothing to talk to him about.
00:24:46Please, you have to talk to him.
00:24:48He told me he knows something.
00:24:50That he has something important to tell us.
00:24:52Look, don't start.
00:24:54Please, don't start.
00:24:56The bathroom is on the right.
00:24:57Can you bring some water?
00:25:01Do me a favor and calm down.
00:25:04Listen to me.
00:25:07Please, you have to talk to Carmelo.
00:25:09He knows something.
00:25:10I'm sure he knows something.
00:25:13Leave him alone.
00:25:14Leave him alone.
00:25:15I can't leave him.
00:25:16We have to find our daughter.
00:25:21Do you want some?
00:25:26See how Laura keeps you company?
00:25:31But she can't help me find my daughter either.
00:25:34But there are a lot of people who can.
00:25:36For example, the police.
00:25:37Yes, but the days go by.
00:25:39And they keep going.
00:25:40And one day, and another, and another.
00:25:42And no, and no.
00:25:43That's enough.
00:25:45That's enough.
00:25:46That's enough.
00:25:47That's enough.
00:25:48You have to get over yourself.
00:26:04What did you say your name was?
00:26:06My name is Laura.
00:26:07I've come to help you with whatever you need.
00:26:09Don't treat me like I'm crazy.
00:26:14Give me the glasses.
00:26:18Come closer.
00:26:23Come here.
00:26:31You have a nice face, Laura.
00:26:35I'm sorry I can't help you as I should.
00:26:37No, I'm the one who's coming to help you.
00:26:46Do you know my daughter?
00:26:48No, I don't know her.
00:26:51Flora, you can talk to me all you want.
00:26:56I'm sorry about what happened, but I don't know your daughter.
00:27:01Alejandra has hair like yours.
00:27:06Black, deep, long.
00:27:21When Alejandra disappeared, you had been separated for six months, right?
00:27:29How was your relationship with her during this time?
00:27:34Well, it was bad, really.
00:27:37Separations are always complicated.
00:27:46Do you still love her?
00:27:51If you don't mind, I won't answer that.
00:27:54I'm sorry, I didn't mean to ask that.
00:27:59Who can forget the love of their life?
00:28:02Who can forget the person you loved the most?
00:28:06Who can do it?
00:28:08Especially in these circumstances.
00:28:11How did you know Alejandra had disappeared?
00:28:16Well, I found out on TV.
00:28:19No one in the family had the delicacy to call me.
00:28:24I've read comments that you're still the main suspect.
00:28:28How do you cope with the pressure from the media?
00:28:33Can you give me the document you have?
00:28:37Can you give me the document I signed for you?
00:28:41Yes, of course.
00:28:46Here you are.
00:28:47Thank you.
00:28:51Carmelo, what's going on? Why did you break it?
00:28:55Because I changed my mind.
00:28:57You ask injurious questions, so I have nothing more to say.
00:29:00And you, turn off the camera.
00:29:02Go interview Alejandra's last lover.
00:29:04He's a piece of work.
00:29:28And in the end, are we going to stay arm in arm?
00:29:31Are we going to stay arm in arm?
00:29:37Is Elena's mother okay?
00:29:40Can we call Elena, the sister?
00:29:43Of course.
00:29:45And so we find out what she did the other day with Carmelo.
00:29:49I'm going to call her.
00:30:02I'm going to call her.
00:30:14She doesn't answer.
00:30:21Elena, the phone!
00:30:28Elena, where are you?
00:30:40Alejandra, is that you?
00:30:42Elena? I'm Ana, Alejandra's friend.
00:30:46Ana? What Ana?
00:30:48Excuse me.
00:30:50Are you Elena's mother, Flora?
00:30:53But where is Alejandra?
00:30:55They don't want to tell me.
00:30:58I don't know, Flora.
00:30:59I miss her too.
00:31:01But everyone knows and they don't want to tell me.
00:31:04Everyone? Who's everyone?
00:31:06Who's everyone, Flora?
00:31:08Do you know where Alejandra is?
00:31:15I'm going to find her, Flora.
00:31:18We're going to look for her and we're going to find her.
00:31:21I promise you.
00:31:23I promise you.
00:31:26Why are you crying?
00:31:30Why are you crying?
00:31:35I don't know, Flora. I don't know.
00:31:39I don't know. I don't know.
00:31:58Maria, I...
00:32:07Maria, this chain is the only thing I have that can be worth something.
00:32:13Use it to find her, okay?
00:32:21She loved me a lot.
00:32:26Alejandra offered me her house when I was left with nothing
00:32:30and she helped me find my way in life.
00:32:37Maria, let's find her, please.
00:32:46Ana, I'm going to hire a detective right away.
00:32:49Alejandra is like a sister to me.
00:32:58I'm sorry I took so long to make that decision and not believe you.
00:33:08I'm afraid Alejandra is dead.
00:33:19Interpol has been working and has indications that Alejandra López de Lemos could be in Colombia.
00:33:25The rest of the information is confidential and we will continue to inform as the investigation progresses.
00:33:33Arturo, I thought you were out. I didn't hear you coming.
00:33:36Hi, Laura. How are you?
00:33:38Good, good. The new treatment is much better for you.
00:33:40I've got you to sleep a little less and get distracted reading.
00:33:44I'm glad. Look what I saw.
00:33:47Are you okay?
00:33:49No, the shoulder. I'm a little annoyed.
00:33:53That must be a contracture.
00:33:55I have a massage course if you don't mind.
00:34:09Oh, what a relief. I don't know how to thank you.
00:34:13You have a lot of tensions, a lot of worries.
00:34:16It's normal for the body to feel better.
00:34:24Look, Laura, you're going to have to spend more time at home because I have to go on a trip and you know my wife can't stay alone.
00:34:32Don't worry.
00:34:34They leave her in good hands.
00:34:41You ask injurious questions and I have nothing more to say.
00:34:44And you, turn off the camera.
00:34:46Let's interview Alejandra's last lover.
00:34:59Well, you give me the conclusions and that's it.
00:35:02I don't have any conclusions.
00:35:04We still have to interview the family.
00:35:06And I want...
00:35:07They don't want to talk to you.
00:35:08Don't insist anymore.
00:35:09They want to follow you.
00:35:11Well, to the friends.
00:35:13I can't, Sandra, it's over.
00:35:15What do you mean it's over?
00:35:16What do you mean?
00:35:18You can't find Alejandra alone.
00:35:20I got the appointment with the police officer, aunt.
00:35:23With the work I've had to do.
00:35:25You can't leave me now, come on.
00:35:27I can't stay any longer.
00:35:29But why not?
00:35:30Because the little free time I have, I want to dedicate it to my boyfriend, if you don't mind.
00:35:34Your boyfriend?
00:35:35Yes, my boyfriend.
00:35:36Besides, he told me you're a manipulator and that you're abusing him.
00:35:41But what the hell are you saying, Pilar?
00:35:43What do you hear?
00:35:44Besides, look, I was doing you a favor, but I can't stay any longer, okay, Emilio?
00:35:49If you don't understand...
00:35:50Do you know what I'm telling you?
00:35:51Go to hell, you and your fucking boyfriend.
00:36:04Mr. Arturo, Mr. Arturo.
00:36:06What's up?
00:36:07His wife.
00:36:14What's up? What are you doing?
00:36:15I'm leaving, I'm leaving.
00:36:16I heard on the radio that the girl is in Colombia.
00:36:18I'm going to Colombia to find my daughter.
00:36:19No, no, no, calm down.
00:36:20Wait a minute.
00:36:21Calm down, let me wait.
00:36:22I can't wait anymore.
00:36:23I can't wait any longer.
00:36:24But calm down.
00:36:25My daughter is in Colombia and I have to go find her.
00:36:27Nobody does anything.
00:36:28You don't do anything.
00:36:29Nobody does anything.
00:36:30Listen to me.
00:36:31Listen to me.
00:36:33You're right.
00:36:35And I'm going to do something.
00:36:37Something I should have done a long time ago.
00:36:39You're not going to do anything.
00:36:40Nobody does anything.
00:36:41You're not going to do anything.
00:36:42Nobody does anything.
00:36:43Nobody does anything.
00:36:44And you...
00:36:45Look me in the eyes.
00:36:46Look at me.
00:36:51Have I ever lied to you?
00:36:54I told you I was going to do something and I'm going to do it.
00:37:11I told you I was going to do it.
00:37:41I told you I was going to do it.
00:38:11I told you I was going to do it.
00:38:37Fuck, Mr. Arturo.
00:38:39What are you doing here?
00:38:41Is something wrong?
00:38:43Something has to be wrong for me to come to my house.
00:38:47No, no, of course not.
00:38:49You're at home, of course.
00:38:50That's right.
00:38:51I'm at home.
00:38:53I pay for it.
00:38:55I was just surprised to see you around here.
00:38:58I'm still surprised to see you around here.
00:39:01What's up? Do you have a plan to stay with the house?
00:39:04Because I see you're very comfortable.
00:39:06First with Alejandra.
00:39:08And now with Elena.
00:39:14You young people think you know everything.
00:39:19But you have no idea.
00:39:21What do you mean by that?
00:39:24I have a copy of the key because your daughter Elena gave it to me.
00:39:28I have an apartment near the bar.
00:39:30Fantastic. I didn't expect less.
00:39:33Do you want something to drink?
00:39:34No, thank you.
00:39:35I've been drinking all night.
00:39:40Relax, man.
00:39:45Have you heard the latest news about Alejandra?
00:39:49Yes, Elena told me.
00:39:52Look, I'm going to look for my daughter wherever it is.
00:39:56And you're going to help me, right?
00:40:00She wants me to go with you to Colombia.
00:40:03No, the police have no idea.
00:40:06The one who knows where she is is Carmelo.
00:40:12That bastard?
00:40:13That bastard knows more than he tells.
00:40:16How do you know?
00:40:18I don't know.
00:40:20But I'm going to know.
00:40:22I think it just takes a little more persuasion.
00:40:29And what do I have to do with all this?
00:40:31I'm already old.
00:40:33Although I don't lack balls.
00:40:35But I can't do it alone.
00:40:38I need your help.
00:40:43Mr. Arturo, I...
00:40:46I can't help you.
00:40:48Why not?
00:40:49Because I have history.
00:40:53Yes, history.
00:40:55I beat up a jealous husband.
00:40:57I almost killed him.
00:40:58If I stand in front of a judge again, I'll get a good one.
00:41:05Do you think this will be enough to forget about those...
00:41:29Every Friday,
00:41:31Carmelo goes to a farmhouse that he inherited from his grandparents.
00:41:42It's a remote house,
00:41:44surrounded by oranges,
00:41:46where there's barely any coverage.
00:41:48I know this because my wife didn't find Alejandra
00:41:51when they were going to spend the weekend there.
00:41:59It's the perfect place to talk to him.
00:42:31Mr. Arturo, what are you trying to do?
00:42:37Who are you?
00:42:39How do you know our names?
00:42:41I know a lot of things,
00:42:42and I know what you're trying to do.
00:42:44And who says that?
00:42:46Someone who has a gun license says that.
00:42:53I don't know what you're trying to do.
00:42:56I don't know what you're trying to do.
00:42:59So you can both turn around
00:43:01and go where you came from.
00:43:03And don't have to repeat it.
00:43:25Let's go.
00:43:37So you were going to beat him up?
00:43:39Both of us?
00:43:41But Mr. Arturo?
00:43:43I knew it.
00:43:44I knew it.
00:43:46So much rectitude always hides something shady.
00:43:49Are you sure?
00:43:51They were also very determined and brave.
00:43:54It was funny to see them
00:43:55trying to maintain the little dignity they had left.
00:43:58And how do you know they were going to beat him up, Carmelo?
00:44:01Julio had a baseball bat in his hand.
00:44:03I don't think they were going to play at that time of night.
00:44:06And this excuses them from being suspicious?
00:44:09Of course.
00:44:10They were going to try to force them out, Carmelo.
00:44:13Force them out?
00:44:14You said it.
00:44:16That confession would not be valid
00:44:18and does not prove anyone's innocence.
00:44:21In any case,
00:44:22although these facts may seem novel,
00:44:25we are at the same point.
00:44:27A dead point.
00:44:30But I have obtained, thanks to my contacts,
00:44:32the notification of the Colombian police.
00:44:34It is a customs report.
00:44:36A woman with a Spanish passport
00:44:38crossed the border a few days ago.
00:44:40Her name is Alejandra López de Lemus.
00:44:42It may be a coincidence, but...
00:44:45I need you to sign your approval
00:44:47of the extra expenses of the trip to Colombia.
00:44:49We have to investigate that clue.
00:44:52If we have to investigate, investigate.
00:44:55And as soon as possible.
00:45:19I love you.
00:45:45You always preferred her.
00:45:48The most beautiful.
00:45:49The one who looked good everywhere.
00:45:53The girl of your eyes.
00:45:58Your princess.
00:46:03You never noticed the effort I made to get your attention.
00:46:09I left my youth in books and in those eternal oppositions.
00:46:18I'm still unsatisfied and I don't know what to do with my life.
00:46:24Now I'm with Julio.
00:46:28With the works that my sister has left.
00:46:34And I don't know if I'm doing the right thing or...
00:46:38I'm still reliving my misfortune.
00:46:43In my jealousy.
00:46:48I still dream of Alejandra every night.
00:46:54Sometimes I feel that...
00:46:57her disappearance has a sense of guilt for everyone.
00:47:02For her selfishness, for your frivolity.
00:47:06For dad's pride.
00:47:11For my envy.
00:47:13For my envy.
00:47:19We are a family of opera books, of rural drama.
00:47:27Maybe we deserve everything that happens to us.
00:47:38I'm going to make dinner.
00:47:42I'm going to make dinner.
00:48:12I'm going to make dinner.
00:48:19What's up, honey?
00:48:21I've prepared your favorite dinner. Teriyaki chicken salad.
00:48:26My back hurts a lot.
00:48:28You're still with that?
00:48:30Let's see.
00:48:32You're stretching.
00:48:34I'm suffocating. I can't breathe.
00:48:37I'm suffocating.
00:48:39I need sun.
00:48:40I need fresh air.
00:48:43But here you do practically the same thing you did at home.
00:48:46Drawing, lying in bed and reading all day.
00:48:51Nothing else.
00:48:53I don't have internet.
00:48:55I don't have TV.
00:48:57Have you forgotten to buy me the charcoal fixer again?
00:49:00There are things I can't do.
00:49:02I'm under surveillance.
00:49:06Humidity is affecting me.
00:49:10My bones hurt.
00:49:12I have rheumatism.
00:49:14Please. My grandfather hid here 30 years after the war and never complained about rheumatism.
00:49:19I don't give a shit what happens to your grandfather.
00:49:22I wish they had shot him.
00:49:26I wish they had shot him.
00:49:31It hurts.
00:49:33Give me a massage.
00:49:40Give me a massage.
00:49:45What's that?
00:49:47It's nice, isn't it?
00:49:55It's nice.
00:50:00So you can say later that I don't have feelings for you.
00:50:03You're so cynical.
00:50:05Do you think I forget who you are?
00:50:07Who am I?
00:50:08A madman, a pervert, a psychopath.
00:50:16Don't you think your manners make me forget?
00:50:21You're a criminal.
00:50:24A kidnapper.
00:50:27And you're going to get a good sentence for it.
00:50:31I'm already sentenced, Alejandra.
00:50:34And I've told you a thousand times.
00:50:35This confinement is temporary.
00:50:40And this hole is not filthy at all.
00:50:43My grandfather was here.
00:50:45Leave me alone. I'm your fucking grandfather.
00:50:47What a dirty tongue you have. One day I'm going to wash it with bleach.
00:50:50Let me go at least once.
00:50:52There's not much left.
00:50:55There's not much left? What's left?
00:50:57How long have I been here?
00:50:59I need to get out.
00:51:20Alejandra, listen to me, please.
00:51:23Can we talk?
00:51:25No, we can't talk, Carmelo.
00:51:27Everything has already been discussed and more than discussed.
00:51:29Alejandra, please.
00:51:31I'm taking these books too.
00:51:35And my gala too, of course.
00:51:37No way.
00:51:39The dog is from the house.
00:51:42We'll see about that.
00:51:45Alejandra, please, listen to me.
00:51:48I beg you, go home.
00:51:50I can't, I'm late.
00:51:52But why is it impossible for you to go home?
00:51:54I've told you a thousand times that I don't love you anymore.
00:51:56You even disgust me a little.
00:52:00How can you say that?
00:52:03It's the truth.
00:52:06I look at you and I see you ugly.
00:52:08Almost unpleasant.
00:52:10What do you want me to tell you if I'm going crazy?
00:52:13I recognize you, Alejandra.
00:52:15We've been married for five years.
00:52:20And now that I think about it, I remember everything like a bad dream.
00:52:22What's left of that great artist I fell in love with in college and who promised to be the new Picasso.
00:52:26And you don't even sell a painting at the market in the museum square.
00:52:29You live in the countryside.
00:52:31The heritage that your parents left you.
00:52:33And who do you think you are?
00:52:35A teacher of painting for women in need.
00:52:37Look at you.
00:52:39The spoiled girl of the school.
00:52:41Your life has been given away.
00:52:43You haven't gone through half of what I've had to go through.
00:52:46The poor orphan was traumatized.
00:52:48Do you want me to cry?
00:52:50No, I want you to listen to me.
00:52:52Fuck you, Carmelo. Take your fucking books.
00:52:54You know what? I'm going to call my lawyer right now.
00:52:56Because I'm going to keep everything.
00:52:58Really? But first you're going to listen to me.
00:53:00No, Carmelo, let me go.
00:53:02Let me go.
00:53:03Let me go.
00:54:09It was never my intention to kidnap you.
00:54:12I just wanted us to calm down and be able to talk calmly.
00:54:16I wanted to convince you to come home.
00:54:19To give me a second chance.
00:54:22We all deserve a second chance.
00:54:25And then it occurred to me to bring you to the only place where we could be calm.
00:54:46Alejandra, calm down.
00:54:48You don't have much time left here.
00:54:51How can I believe you after so long here locked up?
00:54:54I don't have much time left either.
00:54:57Not here.
00:54:59Not anywhere.
00:55:03I have cancer.
00:55:05And I don't have much time left.
00:55:10I'm going to get my punishment.
00:55:13I've been sentenced to death for a long time.
00:55:17And it's here.
00:55:20What are you saying, Carmelo?
00:55:29Come here, Carmelo.
00:55:31Sit down.
00:55:34Sit down.
00:55:36What are you saying?
00:55:41Well, yes.
00:55:44That's the last reason I've had you here all this time.
00:55:52A few months ago I was diagnosed with a brain tumor.
00:55:56And I wanted to spend the last days of my life with you.
00:55:59Why didn't you tell me?
00:56:01So what?
00:56:03You would have come home to take care of me if I had asked you.
00:56:07I don't know, Carmelo.
00:56:09But now I'll never know.
00:56:13But how much time do you have left?
00:56:16I don't know. I'm waiting for a second opinion.
00:56:19They told me three, four months, but it's been more than six.
00:56:23More than six?
00:56:25And are you feeling well?
00:56:27Well, sometimes my head hurts a little.
00:56:31But I think it's more because of the stress than the cancer.
00:56:35But what if you suddenly die?
00:56:37What happens to me?
00:56:39No, no, no, calm down, calm down.
00:56:41Look, my lawyer has the manuscript of my confession in an envelope with your whereabouts.
00:56:45That would be opened the day after my death.
00:56:48But that's not going to happen, that's not going to happen.
00:56:50I swear I'll take you home before.
00:56:52I swear. Besides, I've already told you.
00:56:54You have very little time left here, Alejandra.
00:56:56You have days left here.
00:57:00It depends on me.
00:57:03Alejandra, I'm very sorry for what I've done to you.
00:57:06Believe me.
00:57:08But Carmelo, this is not right.
00:57:11This is not fair to me.
00:57:18You are going to tell me what is fair.
00:57:22No, Carmelo.
00:57:24Carmelo, please, listen to me for a second.
00:57:26You have detained me for a long time against my will.
00:57:28I beg you, please, Carmelo.
00:57:30I beg you.
00:57:34I would be very happy if you put on the dress I bought you.
00:57:39I haven't had you yet as I want to have you before I leave.
00:57:44But I will have you.
00:58:01But let's see.
00:58:03Carmelo has always been the main suspect, right?
00:58:06Are you sure he had nothing to do with the disappearance?
00:58:10Curiosity killed the cat.
00:58:12Sorry, sorry.
00:58:14Of course Carmelo was the main suspect.
00:58:16But from minute one of the investigation.
00:58:21Turn off the camera.
00:58:23But we're done.
00:58:25Stop the recording, please.
00:58:26Stop the recording, please.
00:58:33What I'm going to tell you, I've never said it.
00:58:38Without the judge's knowledge,
00:58:40we put two hidden microphones in Carmelo's houses.
00:58:42The houses?
00:58:44Yes, one in the city and one in the countryside.
00:58:46We were listening to him for months.
00:58:48And do you know what we found out?
00:58:52Absolutely nothing inculpatory.
00:58:54And we had to leave that line of investigation.
00:58:58How strong.
00:59:00And now if you'll excuse me, my duty calls me.
00:59:03But inspector, we just started.
00:59:05We're not done.
00:59:07You have a charming shame.
00:59:09I told you ten minutes and we've been chatting for more than half an hour.
00:59:12Can I wait here for him to come back?
00:59:14I'm not in a hurry.
00:59:16No, but I am.
00:59:18In a hurry to get to my house.
00:59:20And now I'm going to a meeting that I'm afraid will last a while.
00:59:22But then when can I interview him again?
00:59:24You have plenty of material, girl.
00:59:26And you know more than the judge.
00:59:36I hope the investigation goes well.
00:59:38Thank you very much, Mr. Inspector.
00:59:45Mr. Arturo, good afternoon.
00:59:47Hello, Laura.
00:59:49How are you?
00:59:51Fine. Your wife is asleep.
00:59:53She took her sedative, she was very agitated today.
00:59:54Well, so she can rest until dinner, right?
00:59:57She takes too many sedatives, don't you think?
01:00:02Yes, maybe.
01:00:07But she doesn't want to live.
01:00:10The doctor recommends having the sedative
01:00:14so that she doesn't commit any madness.
01:00:18Now I understand why he withdrew the sedatives from the bedroom
01:00:21and left them in his office, of course.
01:00:23I don't know what to do anymore, really.
01:00:26This situation outweighs me.
01:00:28I understand.
01:00:36However, you seem to be so full of life.
01:00:39It doesn't have to be easy, does it?
01:00:43It's not.
01:00:46The only thing that makes me a little happy is the fact
01:00:48that I'm not alone.
01:00:50The only thing that makes me a little happy is knowing
01:00:52that you are here.
01:00:54You have brought a little life to this house.
01:00:58That's flattering.
01:01:00Thank you.
01:01:04I've always admired you, Professor.
01:01:08And for me there is also a moment of the day
01:01:10that I love,
01:01:12which is when you cross that door.
01:01:16You also bring something to this house.
01:01:20An air of...
01:01:36of intelligence.
01:01:49I love you.
01:02:19Laura, are you there?
01:02:26Laura, are you there?
01:02:35Professor, what's wrong with her?
01:02:43Professor, is something wrong with her?
01:02:45Professor, are you okay?
01:02:51Professor Chiflado,
01:02:53what happened?
01:02:55What happened?
01:02:58Hey, hey.
01:03:00What had to happen has happened.
01:03:04what about my wife?
01:03:06Your wife is deeply asleep.
01:03:08She hasn't heard from you at all.
01:03:09She won't even find out.
01:03:11But what are you saying?
01:03:13This can't happen again.
01:03:15No, we'll see about that.
01:03:19No, Laura, wait a minute.
01:03:21Laura, stay still!
01:03:40I'm sorry.
01:03:42All of this is my fault.
01:03:46Flora and I,
01:03:48it's been a long time.
01:03:52And you're so young.
01:03:56I'm sorry.
01:03:58I've been selfish.
01:04:00Look, the best thing is for you to leave this house
01:04:02to avoid bad things.
01:04:06No, no, no.
01:04:07No, no, no.
01:04:09No, forgive me.
01:04:11It's been my fault.
01:04:13I feel something very strong for you
01:04:15since the first class you gave me.
01:04:19The only thing I'm going to ask you
01:04:21is that you don't tell me to leave this house.
01:04:23I need to be close to you.
01:04:25Do you understand?
01:04:27I need to be close to you.
01:04:29No, no, Laura.
01:04:31Laura, don't insist.
01:04:33Please, Laura, leave him now.
01:04:35Leave him now.
01:04:38Look, if...
01:04:40If it's about money, I...
01:04:45Are you going to kick me out like a whore?
01:04:47Who do you think I am, Professor?
01:04:49Please, lower your voice.
01:05:06I didn't mean to offend you.
01:05:08I just wanted to help you.
01:05:11Look, let's do something.
01:05:14Look, if you want,
01:05:16you finish this week and I'll pay you all month.
01:05:18But only this week.
01:05:20It's going to be the best for everyone.
01:05:29Uy, what are you doing here?
01:05:31Nothing, looking for some twins.
01:05:33They thought I had left them here.
01:05:36Hey, have you seen Laura?
01:05:40I'm really hungry.
01:05:42Good, let's go to the kitchen
01:05:44and we'll have some pastries I brought you
01:05:46and a poleo.
01:05:48Then I have to go shopping.
01:06:00But then the tumor has disappeared.
01:06:05Excuse me, Mr. Aguado, what did you say?
01:06:07Yes, Doctor, the tumor that diagnosed me
01:06:10is still there.
01:06:12It's... it's evil.
01:06:14It's... it's...
01:06:15Tell me what it is, please.
01:06:17I'm prepared.
01:06:19It's... it's...
01:06:21It's... it's...
01:06:23It's... it's...
01:06:25It's... it's...
01:06:27It's... it's...
01:06:29Mr. Aguado,
01:06:31what I diagnosed
01:06:33are migraines.
01:06:37Maybe caused by the stress
01:06:39you told me you were going through
01:06:40because of your separation.
01:06:42I didn't...
01:06:44I didn't... I didn't understand that.
01:06:47What's wrong?
01:06:48Mr. Aguado,
01:06:52I should ask for a meeting with the psychologist.
01:06:56He has to work on the duel
01:06:57and find out about the past.
01:07:00He has to work on the duel
01:07:02and find out about the past.
01:10:08Now you're naked.
01:10:10Come on, girls.
01:10:12Take off your clothes.
01:10:16Let's take the pictures.
01:10:21Come on, don't be shy.
01:10:23Don't you want to be the muses of my next painting?
01:10:26But I'm serious.
01:10:30From this picture I'll get studies that I'll turn into a large-format painting.
01:10:38Come on.
01:10:39What's wrong?
01:10:40But I don't know if I have guts for pictures.
01:10:54Don't worry.
01:10:56No one will see this picture.
01:11:00Except me.
01:11:34I made your favorite cake.
01:11:36It's delicious.
01:11:45I want to try it.
01:11:47I made it for you because today is a very special day.
01:12:02I can't help it.
01:12:11I'm glad I trusted you.
01:12:14Next time I'll bring you cookies.
01:12:21You're so funny.
01:12:26I made it for you to celebrate our wedding anniversary.
01:12:33Today is the 6th.
01:12:35Didn't you remember?
01:12:36How can I remember if I don't know what day it is?
01:12:48I've been training.
01:12:57And this is a mistake.
01:13:00This is a very serious mistake.
01:13:02Let me go, Carmelo.
01:13:03That's what I'm going to do.
01:13:06I was going to let you go for our anniversary.
01:13:13Why not now?
01:13:15Because I would like to ask you one last favor.
01:13:22What do you want?
01:13:25I would like to sleep with you one last time.
01:13:34Just sleep?
01:13:37I just want to feel your body next to mine.
01:13:40Like when we were in love.
01:13:43Then let's sleep together and I'll let you go tomorrow.
01:13:49Do I have your word?
01:13:52It's a deal.
01:14:22Look, I'm here with my mother.
01:14:25And my niece.
01:14:26How pretty.
01:14:29Look at the pictures I found.
01:14:31Are they of your daughter with her friends?
01:14:34These women are a bit naughty, right?
01:14:36Well, almost as much as her husband.
01:14:38It has to be something of a family.
01:14:40Oh, this is the best.
01:14:42I say it with composure.
01:14:43Give me that!
01:14:46Take it off!
01:14:47Give it to me!
01:14:49Laura, what's going on here?
01:14:50What are you doing?
01:14:51Come on.
01:14:52The one who was missing.
01:14:55The illustrious Mr. Decano.
01:14:58The future pregonero.
01:15:00The impeccable husband.
01:15:02What are you talking about?
01:15:03We all have something to hide, don't we?
01:15:06Your daughter, for example.
01:15:07Taking dirty pictures with her friends.
01:15:10Do the police know about these pictures?
01:15:12Maybe you had them hidden because you took them.
01:15:16Maybe they are the cause of Alejandra's disappearance.
01:15:19Don't come any closer or I'll scream!
01:15:23Did you tell your wife what we did the other day?
01:15:26Don't come any closer!
01:15:28Or I'll post the pictures so everyone can see them.
01:15:31So keep your distance.
01:15:32But who are you?
01:15:34Why are you doing this to me?
01:15:36Who am I?
01:15:44I'm Laura Leiva.
01:15:47Do you remember me now, teacher?
01:15:50When I begged you to approve me.
01:15:53When I knelt before you, like I did ten years ago.
01:15:58Laura Leiva.
01:16:07You remember now, don't you?
01:16:10I'm that girl without resources who desperately needed her approval.
01:16:16But no.
01:16:17You didn't approve me. Not by a tenth.
01:16:21By a tenth, teacher.
01:16:27This exam is not for testing.
01:16:29Do you remember?
01:16:32They took my scholarship.
01:16:35And I had to go to the village to work in shitty jobs.
01:16:40I understand, but these are not ways.
01:16:42Let's talk civilizedly.
01:16:43No, no, no. You're going to listen to me civilizedly.
01:16:46Because that's what's best for you.
01:16:52To start, you're going to have to admit me in your department.
01:16:56Because if not, I, civilizedly,
01:16:59I'm going to make sure that everyone sees these pictures.
01:17:02But what have we done to you? Why do you want to hurt us?
01:17:04Ask your husband, ma'am!
01:17:07I don't...
01:17:13I don't...
01:17:26What do you think?
01:17:28That I don't have copies of the photos?
01:17:31Now you're going to find out who I am.
01:17:36Why, Arturo?
01:17:39What have we done to deserve this punishment?
01:17:44Do you see how beautiful you are in the dress I bought you?
01:17:49And now,
01:17:52you promise me that you're not going to do anything stupid.
01:17:56You're going to behave, right?
01:17:59Yes, yes. Yes.
01:18:03Yes, yes. Yes, I'm going to behave.
01:18:07If you want us to last together, I have to be relaxed, right?
01:18:16Put this on. It's cold outside.
01:18:32Put this on.
01:19:02Put this on.
01:19:33I'm sorry to have to tie you up, but sometimes you're very naughty.
01:19:38Very naughty.
01:19:40I'm sorry.
01:20:05Don't you dare come back!
01:20:11I'm sorry.
01:20:19Don't you dare do anything stupid or you'll regret it.
01:20:27You promised me.
01:20:33One moment, I'm coming.
01:20:40I'm sorry.
01:20:46What are you doing here?
01:20:48Again with the hug?
01:20:50Look, girl, I think the other day it was perfectly clear that...
01:20:52Yes, I'm sorry. Look, the other day we started off badly.
01:20:55I apologize for bothering you and for showing up here without telling you.
01:20:58I've been calling you, but the answerer jumps all the time or there's no coverage.
01:21:02I'm just asking you to give me another chance, please.
01:21:04And let's finish what we started.
01:21:06Look, I don't even know how you found me.
01:21:08I don't want to talk to you anymore, not a second more, so I'm very sorry.
01:21:11I'll take care of it, but I have the questions written down here.
01:21:31Carmelo! Carmelo, no!
01:21:33Carmelo, please!
01:21:39Carmelo, please!
01:21:47Carmelo! Stop!
01:21:52Carmelo, please!
01:23:01What is my name?
01:23:04You smell rotten.
01:23:09Instead, this smells good.
01:23:11Smell it.
01:23:19And you don't smell good
01:23:21because you left here.
01:23:25Because you had to leave here.
01:23:32I want you to be clean for me.
01:23:35I want you to be
01:23:37very clean for me.
01:23:42I don't want a single tear.
01:23:44You've suffered enough.
01:23:46Don't beg!
01:23:48Not anymore.
01:23:50That poor girl
01:23:52died because of you.
01:23:54Why did you have to scream?
01:24:01You're starting to smell clean.
01:24:05That's what it feels like
01:24:07when someone hurts you
01:24:09without you doing anything to them.
01:24:26Not now.
01:24:29There's no escape.
01:24:33Sooner or later, they'll come looking for us
01:24:37and they'll separate us.
01:24:40Or someone will miss that girl
01:24:44and they'll come.
01:24:51But now I understand.
01:24:54We can go together.
01:24:57Always together.
01:25:00Like you made me swear once.
01:25:04Or Romeo and Juliet.
01:25:09For all eternity.
01:25:13I'll prepare everything.
01:25:40This guy is stupid.
01:25:57It's through the Spanish kings
01:26:00who worked for the king in Naples
01:26:02and in the north of Italy
01:26:05that the new show
01:26:08that was born in Italy
01:26:11was introduced in Spain.
01:26:14We know that the first operas
01:26:17were performed in Madrid
01:26:20and in the old Alcázar of Madrid
01:26:23between 1640 and 1660.
01:26:27It was a courtesan show
01:26:29reduced to the court of the Austrians of Madrid
01:26:33that doesn't fit in other cities
01:26:36and in other audiences
01:26:39beyond the nobility
01:26:42and the nobility...
01:26:54Hi, Elena.
01:26:57Elena, what are you doing here?
01:27:01Is something wrong?
01:27:10We have to tell you something.
01:27:14We've been wanting to do it for a long time
01:27:17but we can't wait any longer.
01:27:19You're scaring me.
01:27:20Elena, your father and Julio
01:27:22have tried to intimidate Carmelo.
01:27:24They wanted to attack him
01:27:26to get something out of him.
01:27:28How do you know?
01:27:30A month ago we hired
01:27:32a private detective.
01:27:34A private detective?
01:27:36Yes, to look for a clue
01:27:38to help us find your sister.
01:27:40Why didn't you tell me?
01:27:43We called you.
01:27:46Your mother didn't tell you anything, did she?
01:27:50My mother...
01:27:51My poor mother is beyond, Caca.
01:27:56Well, has that detective found anything?
01:27:59He's even been to Colombia
01:28:02following the Interpol trail.
01:28:06But he hasn't confirmed that
01:28:09it was fake.
01:28:10He'll be back today.
01:28:12He told us that a priori we're all suspects.
01:28:14You, me, Maria.
01:28:18Your father.
01:28:19My father?
01:28:20What are you insinuating?
01:28:22Elena, don't be offended,
01:28:23but we think your father is hiding something.
01:28:41Of course he's hiding something.
01:28:50You in the pictures you took of my sister.
01:28:54The ones my father found in this house.
01:28:57He hid them so the police wouldn't see them
01:28:59and protect my sister's and yours privacy.
01:29:01Now I understand why your father
01:29:03got so angry when he saw us.
01:29:06It was a joke.
01:29:09Taking those pictures.
01:29:11We lived,
01:29:12and you know how persuasive Alejandra was.
01:29:14Yeah, but my father was afraid the press would find out.
01:29:17The honor of the family above all else.
01:29:23And I keep them?
01:29:25What do I know? That man keeps everything.
01:29:44I love you.
01:30:14I love you.
01:30:31Give it to me.
01:30:32Give it to me, please.
01:30:34Give it to me, please.
01:30:35Give it to me.
01:30:40Let's see.
01:30:41I've connected the exhaust pipe of the car
01:30:44to the ventilation duct of the room.
01:30:47And so,
01:30:48where life used to go for my grandfather,
01:30:51now death will come for us.
01:30:54Don't worry.
01:30:55It will be painless.
01:30:56You just don't resist and everything will be fine.
01:30:59We'll fall asleep
01:31:01and that's it.
01:31:04I'm going to start the car.
01:31:11I'm going to start the car.
01:31:41...and the main candidate will be the coachman next week.
01:31:46The complaint filed by a student
01:31:49has been filed for rape.
01:32:12I know where it is! I know where it is!
01:32:14I know where it is! I know where Alejandra is!
01:32:17Look, you have to see this.
01:32:19Do you see this drawing?
01:32:21Look what happens when I put my finger in it.
01:32:25Alejandra always put a marker at the end.
01:32:27A drawing is a golden rule of any professional.
01:32:31But this one, this one doesn't have it.
01:32:32It doesn't have it, do you understand?
01:32:35It's recent, it was made recently.
01:32:38Look, even the color is much lighter.
01:32:41I put it in the folder that Carmelo brought me.
01:32:44And do you know what house this is?
01:32:47It's Carmelo's house in the field.
01:32:50Alejandra is alive.
01:32:52That bastard has kidnapped her
01:32:54and she's telling us where!
01:33:02they just gave a very strong news on TV.
01:33:09What news?
01:33:11I don't know.
01:33:32Elena, Elena, listen to me.
01:33:35Your father is being interrogated right now
01:33:37and that doesn't mean he's guilty.
01:33:39What he's telling me doesn't hold up.
01:33:41Besides, he's trying to divert his father's attention.
01:33:44I think his family already has a lot of problems.
01:33:46So calm down, come see me and we'll talk.
01:33:52Well, what does he say?
01:33:54He didn't listen to me.
01:33:56He hung up on me, he doesn't believe me.
01:34:00What should we do then?
01:34:02What do we do now?
01:34:05Oh my God!
01:34:06My mother will be alone to know what can happen to her.
01:34:09I have to go.
01:34:13Ana, get out of the way, we're leaving.
01:34:15Are you crazy?
01:34:17Where do you think you're going?
01:34:19We're leaving, yes, we're leaving.
01:34:21But we're going to that bastard's house.
01:34:23How? Without the help of the police or the mother who gave birth to them?
01:34:25We're going there right now!
01:34:27Your sister could be in danger.
01:34:32I believe you.
01:34:34You've been brilliant.
01:34:37What neither the police nor the private detectives have achieved, you've done it.
01:34:44Your mother has to hold on a little longer.
01:34:46What will give her life will be to see your sister again.
01:34:57Well, this is done.
01:35:00I've started the car.
01:35:02So in a few minutes
01:35:04the tube will fill up
01:35:06and the gas will enter the room.
01:35:09You'd better relax, I told you.
01:35:12Calm down, calm down.
01:35:13Death is not so terrible.
01:35:16We'll go from one state to another.
01:35:19Don't worry, don't worry, please.
01:35:22I'll help you.
01:35:54Do you have experience?
01:35:57No, not much, not much.
01:36:00It doesn't matter.
01:36:02And do you have clothes?
01:36:04You know,
01:36:05some lycra.
01:36:08Like, you liked that.
01:36:11Yes, yes, yes.
01:36:13I have something.
01:36:15It's his.
01:36:17The mobile phone, it's vibrating.
01:36:18Ah, yes.
01:36:23I'm not for anyone.
01:36:27What were we talking about?
01:36:28Julio, where are you?
01:36:29I've called you three times.
01:36:32Let's go to Carmelo's house,
01:36:33the one in the field.
01:36:35Alejandra is there, I'm sure.
01:36:36You have her detained there.
01:36:39I'm afraid for her life.
01:36:40The police didn't listen to us.
01:36:43For God's sake, where are you?
01:36:59Be careful, be careful.
01:37:11Do you know what I'm telling you?
01:37:14This is very unpleasant.
01:37:17I thought it was something else.
01:37:20Hey, look,
01:37:21I have to confess something to you.
01:37:25I don't have cancer.
01:37:27It was a jacket that you provoked me with.
01:37:32And look, I'm thinking
01:37:34that I still have a lot to live in life.
01:37:56I love you.
01:38:26I love you.
01:39:09Is anyone there?
01:39:13Carmelo, are you home?
01:39:21There's no one here.
01:39:22But the door was open.
01:39:24I'm hearing something.
01:39:28It's a car.
01:39:29Did you hear a car?
01:39:54I don't know.
01:40:24I'm sorry.
01:40:54I'm sorry.
01:41:19What is this? Look.
01:41:27Take that off, take that off!
01:41:28Alejandra is here!
01:42:33I'm so sorry you're here.
01:42:35Especially you, sister-in-law.
01:42:37But your sister has to learn
01:42:39how hard things can be.
01:42:41Isn't that right, Alejandra?
01:42:55I'm so happy to see you, dear friend.
01:43:00You're hurt.
01:43:03You know I've always had a hard head.
01:43:43Where is it?
01:43:44It's in here.
01:43:46I'm ready, 47.
01:43:50Go ahead.
01:43:51Go ahead.
01:44:05Go ahead.
01:44:11Go ahead.
01:44:18Go ahead.
01:44:21Go ahead.
01:44:24Go ahead.
01:44:34Go ahead.
01:44:51Go ahead.
01:45:21Go ahead.
01:45:22Go ahead.
01:45:23Go ahead.
01:45:28I'm sorry I didn't listen to you,
01:45:31but I know that possible situation has been complicated for you.
01:45:35I know that I'm not professional.
01:45:38I understand your difficulties.
01:45:40But the only thing I know,
01:45:42is that you never wanted to believe me.
01:45:45I was comfortable thinking that my father was guilty,
01:45:48and I guess in your job
01:45:49It's not always the right thing to do.
01:45:51Your father's lawyer doesn't seem to be very sure about her statement.
01:45:55She contradicts herself.
01:45:56I think it's more of a matter of personal revenge or blackmail.
01:46:01I don't know, but I suspect that your father is not responsible for any violation.
01:46:05I hope this time they carry out their investigations on the right path, Inspector.
01:46:09My family has suffered enough, don't you think?
01:46:15If you'll excuse me.
01:46:19Hey, don't worry, I'm fine.
01:46:22I'm just a little dizzy and my head hurts a little.
01:46:27Ana, you're the heroine of the day.
01:46:32You're my heroine.
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