It's Going In The Cart: The Evil Seductress Known As "New And Improved".

  • 3 months ago


00:00It's going in the cart, the evil seductress known as New and Improved.
00:04My dad rarely did the official grocery shopping in our house.
00:08Mom was the one who kept track of our inventory,
00:10clipped the appropriate coupons, and ran the gauntlet every week.
00:14Dad had more of a visual, impulsive shopping style,
00:18one that could be heavily influenced by three words, New and Improved.
00:22If the package contained those three words anywhere, it was going in the cart.
00:27We didn't like Life Cereal? Too bad, it was New and Improved.
00:31There have always been professionals who get paid the big bucks to convince us
00:35little people we need to improve ourselves whenever possible.
00:39Why settle for hamburgers when ribeye steaks lived right next door?
00:43Why settle for the old and regular when a shiny new and improved version was on full display?
00:50These masters of manipulation certainly found their mark whenever Dad decided to go shopping.
00:56I have to be honest and admit that New and Improved works on me too.
01:01When I see the new packaging, I immediately become a food critic.
01:06What exactly did they do to improve version 2.0's newness?
01:10Were they holding back a little when they released the original?
01:14The fate of many potato chips and breakfast cereals hangs in the balance.