FTS 12:30 20-07 People of Falcon state mobilized in support of GPP presidential candidate Maduro

  • 2 months ago
* In Palestine, W.H.O. finds poliovirus presence in wastewater
* Over 100 people killed during student protests in Bangladesh Telesur
These and more stories now!
00:00In Venezuela, the presidential candidate of the great patriotic poll, Nicolas Maduro,
00:11was welcomed by the people of the state of Alcon to support his candidacy for the elections
00:15to be held on July 28th.
00:18In Palestine, the World Health Organization warned about the presence of poliovirus in
00:23wastewater throughout the Gaza Strip.
00:28And in Bangladesh, over a hundred people were killed during student protests since Monday.
00:37Hello and welcome to From the South, I'm Luis Alberto Matos from the Lesus Studios
00:40in Havana, Cuba.
00:42We begin with the news.
00:55In Venezuela, the National Electoral Council presented the guidelines for the voting abroad
00:59process ahead of the July 28th presidential elections.
01:02The National Electoral Authority explained that the instructions will guarantee the exercise
01:07of the free and secret vote of Venezuelans who reside abroad.
01:11Authorities also highlighted that the act of voting abroad will be carried out under
01:15the manual system morality where the valid document to exercise the right to vote is
01:19the identity card.
01:20The entity added that electoral officials that refuse to admit the vote of voters who
01:24have the right to vote, according to the law, will be sanctioned.
01:32Also in Venezuela, the presidential candidate of the great patriotic poll, Nicolas Maduro,
01:36was received by the people of the state of Alcon to support his candidacy for the elections
01:40to be held on July 28th.
01:42With a great concentration, the inhabitants of the city of Coro were affirming their popular
01:46support for the candidacy of the current Venezuelan president.
01:50Likewise, the candidate for the great patriotic poll thanked the people for their support
01:54to defeat the sabotage plans led by the Venezuelan far-right against the nation.
01:59Maduro also announced that in the city of Coro he started the beginning of the campaign
02:03closing offensive towards the victory in the presidential elections of next July 28th.
02:11In this context, as part of his electoral campaign, the presidential candidate of the
02:15great patriotic poll, Nicolas Maduro, was received on Friday by the people of the state
02:19of Zulia to accompany his candidacy for the elections of July 28th.
02:23With a large mobilization as well, the inhabitants of the municipality of Paraguay Apoa expressed
02:28their support for the candidacy of the current president in the fight against the blockades
02:33imposed by the United States and its European allies.
02:36The candidate for the great patriotic poll thanked the people for their support to defeat
02:40the actions of the far-right and promised to continue working for the welfare of the
02:45Maduro also recalled the historic battle of the indigenous communities to defend their
02:49lands from the genocidal European colonialism of 500 years ago when they arrived to Venezuelan
03:03Five hundred years ago, colonialism came to all of America.
03:15And in this peninsula and in these territories, the people resisted the genocidal colonialism
03:20of Europe.
03:28They could not eliminate the Guaya culture, nor the ANU.
03:37I can say to the world that these million and a half white and these thousands of ANU
03:41who preserved their lands, their language.
03:49Their culture, their identity, their spirituality are an example for all of America of how a
04:01brave people resisted and was capable of transcending history.
04:06On the other hand, the presidential candidate for the great patriotic poll reiterated that
04:10the historic violence perpetrated by the European colonialism 500 years ago cannot go back to
04:15the Venezuela of the 21st century.
04:20We must feel proud of the history we have lived.
04:23We must feel proud of our ancestors.
04:30Because that gives U.S. sense of belonging, roots, spirit, strength.
04:34What did colonialism do when it arrived in America?
04:43There were 100 million men and women in all the peoples from north to south.
04:52In 50 years, they exterminated 80 million and then enslaved those who survived.
05:01At the end of his electoral campaign, the president of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, led
05:05the inauguration of the Paraguay-Poa Aqueduct Network and pumping station located in the
05:10indigenous Bolivarian municipality of Guajira, in the state of Zulia.
05:15The president affirmed that despite the sanctions imposed by the United States and its European
05:19allies, the drinking water restoration project carried out by the revolution will be functional
05:24in the next 15 days.
05:25Maduro also called on the Venezuelan people to vote in the presidential elections of next
05:29July 28th to continue strengthening the country's basic services, which the far-right plans
05:35to privatize if it comes to power.
05:42Venezuela's electoral campaign is in the final stretch.
05:44Let's see details of how the electoral campaigns are taking place in the following report by
05:48our special envoy, Junot Soner.
05:52The Guajira Peninsula, a region of indigenous communities, Venezuelan President and candidate
05:57Nicolás Maduro received from the Wayu and Anyu peoples necklaces symbolizing protection.
06:03He asked for the vote of the native peoples.
06:08On July 28th, let's go for more peace, more work, more changes and more transformation
06:16from the people, for the people and with the people.
06:25The book of the sociologist and oppositional politician Claudio Fermin gives an account
06:30of what he offers as a government plan.
06:32He became mayor and for the third time he runs for the presidency.
06:36He defends that natural resources should be in the hands of the state.
06:40There is absolutely no need to privatize PetrĂłleos de Venezuela.
06:44On the contrary, the privatization of PetrĂłleos de Venezuela could be the death of the oil
06:50Fifty-year-old lawyer Antonio Ecarri is the leader of the Pencil Party, founded in 2017.
06:57Education is the foundation of his campaign, thus advancing, he says, production and employment.
07:03If I win the elections, I will promote what will come as a pact of state between all the
07:07public powers.
07:09I will promote that the outgoing former president, President Maduro, also be part of that pact
07:14of state.
07:16BenjamĂ­n Rossello was a successful humorist, now a businessman, he declares himself independent.
07:22He seeks to reach the presidential Miraflores Palace, but if he loses, he will continue
07:27with his former work.
07:30I believe that the Venezuelan has the right to listen to the electoral offers, my vision
07:35for the country.
07:36And on the 28th the Venezuelans make the decision, and I am going to respect it.
07:43In the final stretch of the Venezuelan campaign, Brazil joins the international watchers.
07:48The southern giant's Superior Electoral Court, a body that a month ago rejected an invitation,
07:54agreed to send representatives to the next elections in July.
07:58In other news, in Peru, social organizations call a general strike and marches to demand
08:03the resignation of Dina Boluarte and the dissolution of Parliament.
08:05During the day, the General Confederation of Peruvian Workers, together with trade and
08:10political unions, mobilized from Plaza Dos de Mayo in Lima.
08:14The General Secretary of the Confederation explained that they are also carrying out
08:17a national popular civic strike to defend the rights of citizens and the popular classes.
08:22Likewise, the National Human Rights Coordinator joined the movement as an act of protest against
08:28what she described as a corrupt, authoritarian, anti-rights coalition of the government and
08:38And in Nicaragua, thousands of citizens celebrate the 45th anniversary of the triumph of the
08:42Sandinista People's Revolution.
08:45The Nicaraguan people commemorate the struggle against the Somoza regime with street decorations.
08:50In this end, citizens mobilized from the early morning of this Friday through BolĂ­var Avenue
08:55to Chávez, with the purpose of witnessing the fireworks in commemoration of the date
08:59from the Hugo Chávez Traffic Circle, while the carriers conducted caravans along the
09:05main roads of the capital.
09:07In this context, the revolutionary triumph in Nicaragua put an end to the Somoza dictatorship,
09:12which remained in power for 45 years under the tutelage of the United States.
09:20Let's take a short break, but remember you can join us on Tiktok at TELESUR English,
09:24where you'll find news in different formats, news updates, and much more.
09:28We'll be right back, stay with us.
09:43Welcome back.
09:44In Cuba, the Third Ordinary Legislative Session of the National Assembly of People's Power
09:48was held on Friday as part of its tenth legislature.
09:51With the presence of the First Secretary of the Party and President of the Republic, Miguel
09:54DĂ­az-Canel BermĂşdez, the Assembly approved the Law of Administrative Procedure, the Law
09:58of Migration, and the Law of the System of Honorary Titles and Decorations of the Republic
10:02of Cuba.
10:03According to the law, the Assembly of the President of the Republic, Miguel DĂ­az-Canel
10:07and the Law of the System of Honorary Titles and Decorations of the Republic of Cuba.
10:11According to the Minister of Justice, Oscar Silvera, the Law of Administrative Procedure
10:15constitutes a significant advance in the regulation of administrative law in the country, having
10:21as its premise the absolute defense of the rights of Cuban citizens.
10:30The National Assembly, some in synthesis of the country that we are, voted unanimously
10:35almost all its agreements. That provokes not a few criticisms from those who do not know
10:39that behind that agreement there are long and intense days of work, debate and search
10:46for consensus, based on the collective interest. And I think it is worth saying it. Cuba is
10:51not led by one person, not even by a small group of people. This is the rare dictatorship
10:57that the enemies of the revolution will never be able to understand.
11:04The dictatorship of the workers, the dictatorship of the people that those of U.S. gathered
11:09here represent, by popular election. That is why what we discuss here is a guide, and
11:14what we approve is law.
11:16And what we approve is law.
11:30On Thursday, the European Mediterranean Seismological Center reported a 7.3 magnitude tremor shook
11:36the mining region of Antofagasta in northern Chile, with no reports of casualties or material
11:41damage. According to the EMSC, the seism occurred at a depth of 128 km and it was felt in regions
11:48of Bolivia, Peru and Argentina. However, the probability of damage in Chile is low. Although
11:53no immediate damage was reported, the National Disaster Prevention and Response Service stated
11:57that it was investigating possible damage to people, disruption of basic services or
12:02infrastructure resulting from this earthquake.
12:05In Ecuador, a forest fire affected 120 hectares in the cities of Giron and Santa Isabel, in
12:14the southeast of that jurisdiction due to the high levels of heat rays during the area.
12:19Authorities at the site activated an emergency operations center to address the damage, while
12:24the fire brigades of the three cities are trying to control the fire. The Secretariat
12:29of Risk Management informed that so far no houses have been affected, but warned that
12:33the fire is still active. The governmental entity detailed that during this season, the
12:38low humidity levels in the atmosphere, the scarce cloudiness, as well as the increase
12:42in wind speed and ultraviolet radiation, favor the creation of forest fires.
12:51The Brazilian government reported that 96% of the fires in the Pantanal biome have been
12:56controlled or extinguished, but control teams are still mobilized in the area. The Ministry
13:01of Environment and Climate Change reported that 56% of the fires have been extinguished
13:05while the remaining 40% are in the process of being controlled and 4% are still being
13:09fought. In this sense, the entity warned about the forecast of a heat wave with low humidity
13:14starting next weekend, increasing the risk of new fires.
13:21In China, floods caused by rains leave at least five people dead and eight missing in
13:25the center of the country. In Baoji City, Shaanxi Province, the rains caused floods,
13:30landslides, damage to infrastructure, among other effects. Rural roads, as well as 21
13:35brigades, were affected by flooding in several localities. Rescue teams evacuated more than
13:417,800 people and managed to restore traffic communications and power supply.
13:46In other news, the U.S. multinational technology corporation Microsoft presented a massive
13:56failure which caused a worldwide computer system crash. Several airports, media outlets,
14:01banks and hospitals around the world have had to interrupt their operations as the company
14:05assured that some systems could continue to experience problems. The flaw was caused by
14:10a bug in the CrowdStrike security system update, which caused a critical error in the operation
14:15of Windows operating system.
14:22The failure generated delays in scheduled flights of several airlines, with incidents
14:26in Australia, Hong Kong, India and Europe. Likewise, in the United States, all flights
14:31of several major airlines were affected due to the technical problem. From Spanish airports,
14:35an air navigation warned that an incident in the computer system was producing alterations
14:40in the systems and in the airports of the network in the whole Iberian country.
14:44Gradually, the companies reported that they have been recovering some of their systems.
14:53We have a financial break coming up, but before we invite you to join our WhatsApp community
14:57for our English-speaking audience, you can scan the QR code on screen to join directly.
15:01Share the link to reach more people. Consult news coverage of Latin America and the Caribbean
15:05as well as the rest of the world. Financial break, don't go away.
15:10Financial break.
15:32Welcome back. Palestine and the World Health Organization warned about the presence of
15:36poliovirus in wastewater throughout the Gaza Strip. According to the International Agency,
15:41the virus is present in sewage samples collected in June from six different locations of Hanjounis
15:46and Deir al-Bala. The World Health Organization is working with local health authorities,
15:51the United Nations Children's Fund and the United Nations Agency for Palestine Refugees,
15:54to assess the extent of the spread. This work will help determine the measures needed to
15:59stop any further outbreaks, including immediate vaccination campaigns.
16:07The Israeli Occupation Forces committed four new massacres against Palestinian families
16:11in the Gaza Strip during the last 24 hours. Health authorities reported at least 37 people
16:17killed and 54 others wounded. Authorities warned that Tel Aviv forces prevent the entry
16:22of rescue teams in the attacked areas, hindering the care of the wounded and the recovery of
16:27the dead bodies. They also detailed that several corpses are trapped under the rubble or scattered
16:32in the woods due to the Israeli onslaught. According to official data, the number of
16:35Palestinians killed since October 2023 amounts to 38,919, while 89,622 people were wounded,
16:43mostly children and women.
16:49On Thursday, the Israeli Hundreds of Citizens marched in Jerusalem to demand measures from
16:53Benjamin Netanyahu's government to guarantee the end of the offensive in the Gaza Strip
16:57and the return of Israeli prisoners. Demonstrations took place in the vicinity
17:01of the residence of the Israeli Prime Minister, whom protesters accused of being the main
17:06responsible for the continuation of the conflict in Gaza. This way, demonstrators demanded
17:11Netanyahu reaches an agreement with the Palestinian resistance movement Hamas for the liberation
17:16of Israelis held in Palestinian territory. This comes after the head of government provoked
17:21the anger of citizens by stating that the hostages are suffering but not dying.
17:31Personally, I am protesting to end this war, to end the suffering of our soldiers and to
17:43end the suffering of the Gazan people.
17:47In Bangladesh, over a hundred people were killed during student protests since Monday.
17:51The government announced a curfew, deployed security forces and cut off a large part of
17:56the country's internet and telephone connections in an attempt to regain control of the country.
18:01Students protested in rejection of the current quota system, favoring a group of people who
18:06support the Prime Minister. Hospital sources confirmed that the death toll was 105. Among
18:11them are security agents and civilians. The UN High Commissioner condemned the repression
18:16in Dhaka.
18:18And in Kenya, the High Court overturns the ban on protests in and around the Nairobi
18:25Financial District, a decision taken previously by the country's acting Inspector General.
18:29The police order to ban the demonstrations was taken under the pretext of guaranteeing
18:33public security after alleged attempts of criminal attacks. The National Human Rights
18:37Commission detailed in a report that after days of protests, at least 53 people died,
18:42another 575 were injured and more than 1,200 were detained. President William Putro, after
18:48the pressure of protests against his government, validated the arguments of demonstrators and
18:52invited them to hold a dialogue.
18:59The Nigerian army neutralized terrorist groups in the Tilaberi region, in northwest of the
19:03country. The Ministry of Defense stated that they captured another 30 members of armed
19:08groups in three regions bordering Mali and Burkina Faso. The security department said
19:13that they increased the extension of the army deployment in this border zone due to the
19:17recent escape from maximum security prisons of Kutu Kale, which caused civilian death
19:22in Tilaberi. They stressed that most of the escaped prisoners are members of terrorist
19:27groups such as Al-Qaeda and the self-proclaimed Islamic State, representing a threat against
19:32military personnel and the civilian population.
19:38And in India, a passenger train derailed nearby the Gonda town, triggering a list to death
19:43and some 31 injured. The incident occurred as the train was covering the route between
19:48the cities of Dibrugarh and Chandigarh in northern India. In the aftermath of the accident,
19:54the Ministry of Railways ordered to pursue a high-level inquiry into its causes and indicated
20:00the families of fatal victims and the injured would receive compensation. Passengers who
20:05were unharmed were transferred by bus to the nearest town from where a special train
20:09was waiting to take them to their original destination.
20:16Like this, we have come to the end of this newsbrief. You can find this and many other
20:19stories on our website at www.teslaringlish.net. So join us on social media on Facebook, Instagram,
20:24Telegram and TikTok. For Telsal English, I'm Luis Alberto Matos. Thank you for watching.
20:35Transcribed by https://otter.ai
