treasure island part 4

  • 3 months ago
treasure island part 4


00:00And on a dead man's chest, yo-ho-ho, and a bottle of rum.
00:05Drink and the devil have none for the rest, yo-ho-ho, and a bottle of rum.
00:14But one man of the crew alive, yo-ho-ho, and a bottle of rum.
00:20What good to see with seventy-five, yo-ho-ho, and a bottle of rum.
00:30Upside, lads! Puckerses! Fight them in the open!
00:51All right for you, Mr. Anderson?
00:53Quite well enough, for a solo purpose.
00:57Too well for you!
01:23Hunter's still breathing, Doctor. Joyce is a goner.
01:26Jem, light a fire. We'll need hot water.
01:29If I'd have been there in a different year, I'd have annihilated that chimber like an owl.
01:33Israel, you're shameless to leave the watch on board the Espanola.
01:38If Liv's in, the others would have fallen as well. I need fresher and better than I've got.
01:57All three of them, Liv's.
02:03Old Redruth, Joyce, and now Hunter.
02:10Loyal souls, all of them, who served and trusted me.
02:17I have much to account for, Liv's.
02:20Don't be too severe with yourself, John.
02:27What's the damage, Doctor?
02:41Broken shoulder blade, muscles of your calf torn.
02:44Nothing that won't mend.
02:46But for a while, you can neither move your arm nor walk.
02:49In other words, I'm useless.
02:54Couldn't fight a flea.
02:56Your good counsel is all we require of you, Captain.
03:01The odds are better than you said, Squire.
03:03Nine to four, you said.
03:05Then nine to five, we've forgotten someone.
03:09Ben Gunser.
03:11By Jove, of course, the maroon.
03:15Well done, Jem, I've quite forgotten him.
03:20Piece of cheese, you said he wants.
03:22Yes, sir, cheese.
03:23He shall have it.
03:25And to carry something white, you said?
03:27Yes, Doctor.
03:28Well, this should be adequate.
03:30Here, Jem.
03:33Maybe I ought to come with you, to show you the way.
03:36Well, he said to come alone, didn't he?
03:38And he had special reasons.
03:39But he knows me.
03:40I think we'll do as he bid, Jem.
03:44Well, good luck.
03:47Good luck, Doctor.
03:49I'll not be long.
03:53Good luck.
04:23Good luck.
04:54How many of Flint's men did he kill?
04:58Five, Mr. Gunter.
05:00Silver among them?
05:05More's the pity.
05:13Which one of Jem's friends be you?
05:16Doctor Lipson.
05:19Doctor Lipson?
05:26I've brought you a present.
05:36A piece of cheese, is it?
05:40It's very nutritious.
05:47A Christian diet.
05:56I just remembered.
05:57Ben Gunner's boat.
05:59He told me.
06:00Well, you're a brave lad, Jem.
06:03Your father will be proud of you.
06:10Come in, sir.
06:16Damn bandage has come loose.
06:19I can do it, sir.
06:22Come on.
06:40I'm going to slip my old cable from here, mate.
06:42It's more further inland.
06:44Stay here tonight in this mist,
06:46and you'll be in David Jones' locker before sunup.
06:53He must have slipped out
06:55when I was seen to the captain's bandages.
06:58I'm sorry, Livesey.
07:00I was asleep at the time.
07:02Well, just as long as no harm comes to him.
07:06And knowing Jem, I have no high hopes of that.
07:12I'm sorry.
07:15I'm sorry.
07:18I'm sorry.
07:21I'm sorry.
07:30I can't say we were wrong.
07:33We should never have attacked the way we did.
07:37Look, he didn't want to get a dirty work, did he?
07:40Why should he get to share the treasure the same as us?
07:43He didn't fight.
07:45He wasn't in the stockade, was he?
07:49He was one of you.
07:51One leg on one side and one on the other.
07:54You saw the lad, Hawkins.
07:56That took the wind out of your sails.
07:58I'll kill you! I'll kill you!
08:00I'll kill you!
08:03I'll kill you!
08:05Get swabbed!
08:13Get swabbed! Get swabbed!
08:19Get swabbed!
08:50Get swabbed!
08:53Get swabbed!
09:19Get swabbed!
09:22Get swabbed!
09:26Get swabbed!
09:46Come aboard, Mr Hans.
23:36Why did the doctor give me that chart?
23:39The chart?
23:41He did.
23:43And there's something under that, no doubt.
23:45Something surely under that.
23:47Bad or good.
23:53Now, I were aboard Flynn's ship
23:55when he buried the treasure.
23:59He and, er...
24:01six strong sea men.
24:03He was ashore nigh on a week,
24:05and us laid off in the old walrus.
24:07Now, one fine day,
24:09he comes back
24:11by himself.
24:13There he is, you mind.
24:15And the six, all dead.
24:17Now, how he'd done it,
24:19not a man aboard could make out.
24:21Now, Billy Bones was the mate,
24:23Lung John was the quartermaster,
24:25and they asked him where the treasure was.
24:27Ah, says he,
24:29you can go ashore and stay if you like,
24:31but she'll beat up for more by thunder.
24:33Hee, hee, hee!
24:37Well, that's what he said.
24:39If you'll excuse me, Mr Gunn.
24:41I have to go now.
24:43Take care.
24:45I'll be back soon.
24:51Lung John!
24:53We're ready!
24:55Well, then, you'd better come in, hadn't you?
24:57Don't fret, Jim.
24:59I'm not in my lugger yet, lad.
25:03Step up, lad. I won't eat you.
25:07And it's over,
25:09lubber. I know the rules.
25:11I wanted a deputation.
25:15A black spot.
25:17I thought so.
25:21Hello, what's this?
25:25Oh, this ain't lucky.
25:27You're gonna cut this paper
25:29out of a Bible.
25:31What fool
25:33had cut up a Bible?
25:35I told you.
25:37I told you no good would come of
25:39fighting the Bible.
25:41You're all swing now, I reckon.
25:43What soft-hearted lubber out of Bible.
25:45Are you a dick?
25:47Well, then, Dick had better get to his prayers.
25:49He's seen his slice of luck as dick.
25:51You may later that.
25:53I told you not to spoil the Bible.
25:55You shouldn't have used the label.
25:57This clue has
25:59tipped you the black spot.
26:01In full counsel, as is duty bound.
26:03Now, you just turn it over
26:05and see what's wrote there.
26:07Then, then you can talk.
26:09Thank you, George.
26:11You was always brisk for business and knows the rules
26:13by heart.
26:15Well, let's see what it says.
26:19And very
26:21pretty writ, to be sure.
26:23Much like print, I do swear.
26:27Your and, George.
26:29You was getting
26:31to be quite a leading man in this here crew.
26:33You'll be captain next,
26:35I shouldn't wonder.
26:37You're a funny man, Silver.
26:39But you're finished.
26:41So maybe you'll just step down and help
26:43voting the next man.
26:45I'm still your captain, George.
26:47Till you out with your grievances.
26:49Them's the rules. Grievances, George.
26:55you've made a hash of this cruise.
26:57And you'll be a bold man
26:59to say no to that.
27:01Oh, made a hash of it, have I?
27:03You all know
27:05what I wanted.
27:07If it had been done, we'd have been safe
27:09aboard the Hispaniola now.
27:11Every man of us alive
27:13full of plum, duff
27:15and the treasure in the old
27:17by thunder. But you cross me, George.
27:19You couldn't wait, could you?
27:21And now you have to
27:23Davy Jones' insolence
27:25to stand for captain against me, you.
27:27That's something out of us.
27:31You let the enemy out of here for nothing.
27:33If I hadn't,
27:35you'd have starved.
27:37The food's here.
27:39Now the ship's gone.
27:41Why didn't you let us go to them on their
27:43march out of here?
27:45You may be fit, Dick.
27:47But John there with his hand broke
27:49and Bill cut to the bone.
27:51Wouldn't thank you for shooting dead a college doctor.
27:53I was promised to visit them every day.
27:57To defend this boy.
27:59Let's bring the cause of all our troubles.
28:01And he'll see us out the other end
28:03or I'm much mistook.
28:05Isn't he a hostage?
28:07Are we going to waste a hostage?
28:09This boy'll be our last chance.
28:11I shouldn't want to kill him. Not me, mateys.
28:13Blockhouse ahoy.
28:15Here's the doctor.
28:17Here's the doctor.
28:19Dick, go and let the doctor in.
28:21Jim, you stay put.
28:23Mike goes and greets him.
28:37Top of the morning to you, doctor.
28:39Quite early to be sure.
28:41How are the patients?
28:43Oh, they're doing well and joyful.
28:45A little stranger here.
28:47A new boarder and lodger.
28:49And him looking fit and taut as a feller.
28:55Not Jim.
28:57The very same Jim as ever was.
28:59Well, well.
29:05Duty first and pleasure afterwards.
29:15Come on.
29:35Ah, you're doing well, my friend.
29:37If ever the man had a close shave, it's you.
29:39And, um,
29:41how did you come to be maroon,
29:47Maroon, says you?
29:49Now, uh, here's how, says I.
29:51Now, um,
29:53three year back,
29:55I was in another ship
29:57and we sighted this island.
29:59Boy, says I, there's Flint's treasure.
30:01Let's land and find it.
30:03Now, 12 days
30:05to go.
30:07Now, 12 days
30:09they looked for it
30:11and every day they had a worse word for me
30:13until one fine morning
30:15all hands went aboard.
30:17And as for you,
30:21Gun, says thee,
30:23here's a musket
30:25and here's a spade and here's a pickaxe.
30:27You can stay and find Flint's money for yourself.
30:29And, uh, and did you
30:31find it, Mr. Gun?
30:47aboard, would you?
30:49I'm surprised at you, Silver.
30:53You're a saner man than most
30:55but you don't seem to have a notion of the rudiments of health.
30:57Thank you, Doctor.
30:59Now I'd like a word with that boy outside.
31:01Silence! Silence!
31:09We're all humbly grateful for your kindness, Doctor
31:11and puts faith in you
31:13by tinkering on them drugs
31:15like so much grog.
31:17And I think I've found a plan
31:19that'll suit all.
31:23will you give me your word
31:25as a young gentleman
31:27not to slip your cable?
31:31I will.
31:33Then, Doctor,
31:35you step down outside the stockade
31:37and I'll bring a boy down on the inside.
31:39You can yarn through the spires.
31:51So that's your game.
31:53Playing doubly.
31:55Making sure you don't swing
31:57at execution, Doc.
31:59Because not we will.
32:01We can go hang
32:03as long as you get a slug berth, eh, Silver?
32:05I'm sick to speak to you.
32:07You haven't got the sense of newborn babies.
32:11The boy must talk to the Doctor
32:13if only to play along with him
32:15till the time comes for us to break that treaty.
32:17Until then,
32:19I'll gammon that Doctor
32:21if I have to oil his boots with brandy.
32:23Come on, Jeff.
32:29Slow, lad, slow.
32:35They might round on us in a twinkle
32:37if we were seen to our heat.
32:45I saved the boy's life, Doctor.
32:47As he'll tell you,
32:49I'm not the only one
32:51who's saved the boy's life.
32:53I'm not the only one
32:55who's saved the boy's life.
32:57I saved the boy's life, Doctor.
32:59As he'll tell you.
33:01And I was deposed for it, too.
33:03When a man's sternness
33:05near the wind is me,
33:07playing Chuck Fathom
33:09with the last breath in his body,
33:11you wouldn't think it too much
33:13to give him one good word.
33:15It's not my life only now.
33:17It's the boy's in the bargain.
33:19So you speak to me fair, Doctor,
33:21for the sake of mercy.
33:23Give me a bit of hope to go on.
33:25No! No, not I.
33:27I'm not a coward, not that much.
33:29But I got the shakes on me
33:31for the gallows.
33:33You're a good man.
33:35I never seen better.
33:37And you won't forget that I done good.
33:39No more you'll forget that I done bad.
33:41I know.
33:43Shall I just step aside now?
33:45Leave you and Jim alone.
33:47So, Jim, here you are.
33:49As you have brood, so shall you drink, my boy.
33:51Heaven knows I can't find it in my heart
33:53to blame you,
33:55but this I will say,
33:57be it kind or unkind.
33:59When Captain Smollett was well,
34:01you dared to gun off.
34:03When he was injured and couldn't help it,
34:05I thought it was downright cowardly.
34:07So you might spare me.
34:09I've blamed myself enough.
34:11I've blamed myself enough.
34:13I've blamed myself enough.
34:15I've blamed myself enough.
34:17My life is forfeit anyway.
34:19I should have been dead by now
34:21if Silver hadn't saved me.
34:25I can die.
34:27I dare say I deserve it,
34:29but what I fear is torture.
34:31If they come to torture me...
34:35Jim, I can't have this.
34:37Whip through and we'll run for it.
34:39I can't. I gave my word.
34:41No, we can't help that boy.
34:43I gave my word.
34:45I can't help that.
34:47You wouldn't do it yourself,
34:49or the squire, or the captain.
34:57Trust me.
35:03Farewell, Jim.
35:07I must tell you that
35:09the ship is beached
35:11on the North Inlet.
35:13I was afraid I'd say if they torture me...
35:15The ship? How did it get there?
35:17I took it.
35:19There's a kind of fate in this.
35:21Every turn, it's you who saves our lives.
35:33Have you shown them that map yet?
35:35No, sir, I ain't much yet.
35:37Well, a word of advice.
35:39Don't be in any great hurry
35:41after that treasure.
35:43But I do my possible, sir,
35:45which that ain't.
35:47I can only save my life and the boy's here
35:49by seeking after that treasure.
35:51You may later that.
35:53Look out for squalls when you find it.
35:55Sir, that's too much and too little.
35:57It's too much and too little.
35:59It's too much and too little.
36:01Sir, that's too much and too little.
36:03What you're after,
36:05why you've done what you've done,
36:07showing me that chart and all, I don't know.
36:09So you tell me plain out what you mean,
36:11or I leave the helm.
36:21It's not my secret, Silver.
36:23I'd swear I'd tell it to you.
36:25But this I promise you.
36:27If we get out of this wolf trap alive,
36:29I'll do my best to save you.
36:31Short of perjury.
36:35I suppose you couldn't say more.
36:37Not if you was my mother.
36:39Keep that boy close beside you.
36:41When you need help, hello.
36:43I'm off to seek it for you now.
36:47Dick lad, it were done in council.
36:49We all agree to depose him.
36:51He answered all our grievances.
36:53I'm with George.
36:55Depose him as we've done,
36:57and vote in a new captain.
36:59That's it, that's what we do.
37:01That's it.
37:05your argument is over.
37:07I'm with George.
37:09Depose him as we've done,
37:11and vote in a new captain.
37:13That's it, that's what we do.
37:17your arguments are run aground.
37:19We've discussed them.
37:21You're deposed.
37:23The black spot stays.
37:27And this
37:29says it all.
37:31This is it.
37:33This is Flint's treasure map.
37:39must go below and club it to it.
37:41That's it.
37:43Satisfied, George?
37:45I'm with Silver.
37:47I'm with Long John forever.
37:49Long John forever.
37:51Long John forever.
37:53Long John forever.
37:55Long John forever.
37:57Long John forever.
37:59Long John forever.
38:01Long John.
38:05Lucky for you I'm not a revengeful man.
38:09Jim, I've got a curiosity
38:11here for you.
38:19There, behind there it says.
38:30What is it, buddy?
38:37You were a seaman.
38:39These waves,
38:41that's a good bit of sea cloth.
38:43You were a seaman, Long John?
38:47Like enough.
38:49You would want to find a bishop here, I reckon.
38:55What sort of a way is that?
38:57Will I?
38:59Take your nature, your gem.
39:01Take this compass.
39:03Right up there is a tip-top point
39:05Spyglass Hill.
39:07Take a bear in, will you?
39:09How do I limbose?
39:15East, southeast
39:17and a half.
39:19This is a pointer.
39:21Right up there is our line
39:23for the Pole Star and the Jolly Dollars.
39:27But my thunder,
39:29if it don't make me cold inside,
39:31do you know why?
39:33I'm thinking of Flint.
39:37This be one of his jokes.
39:39Him and the six others
39:41that were left alone here.
39:43He killed them, didn't he?
39:45Every man.
39:47And this one, he laid down
39:49by compass.
39:53That's what he done.
39:57They them's long bones.
39:59And that hair's been yellow.
40:01Aye, that would be
40:03Allardyce, wouldn't it?
40:05Aye, I remember
40:09He owed me money, he did.
40:11Aye, and he took my knife
40:13for sure with him, too.
40:15Well, it ain't here now.
40:17Nor his own neither.
40:19Why ain't it?
40:21Flint weren't the man
40:23who picked a seaman's pocket.
40:25I guess the birds had let it be.
40:27Aye, I promise,
40:29that's true.
40:31There's nothing left here.
40:33Not a cup of doy, backy box, nothing.
40:35It don't
40:37look natural to me.
40:39No, it don't.
40:41Miss Mace, if Flint were living,
40:43this would be a hot spot
40:45for you and me.
40:47Six they were,
40:49and six we are.
40:51Aye, I remember that, Silver.
40:53Flint is dead.
40:55I saw him with easier deadlights.
40:57Billy took me in.
40:59Aye, there he laid,
41:01with penny pieces on his eyes.
41:03Aye, sure enough, he's dead,
41:05and he won't walk,
41:07at least not by day,
41:09and you may later add,
41:11can't kill the cat,
41:13fetch a head for the doubloons.
41:21Come on, gentlemen.
41:23Ah, I remember.
41:25I know a quick way. Come on.
41:27No, no, no, take it by all means, Mr. Garn,
41:29every second counts.
41:45with the only song he ever knew.
41:47It's the devil's song.
41:49I knew it.
41:51It's the devil himself.
41:53Let's go about. Avast.
41:55To someone's kyla again.
41:59Someone that's flesh and blood,
42:01and you may later that.
42:03Darby McGraw!
42:05Darby McGraw!
42:07That fixes it. Let's go.
42:09Flint's last words.
42:11Nobody on this island ever heard of Darby.
42:13They were Flint's last words.
42:15No one but us that's here.
42:21they're 700,000 pounds,
42:23not a quarter of a mile from here.
42:25What gentleman of fortune
42:27ever so disturbed of that much dollars
42:29for a boozy old seaman
42:31with a blue mug in him dead too?
42:33I was never afeard
42:35of Flint in his life,
42:37and by the powers I face him dead.
42:39Relay there, John.
42:41Don't you cross his spirit.
42:45If I may be,
42:47but one thing ain't clear to me.
42:49There was an echo.
42:51Whoever heard of a spirit with an echo?
42:55Yes, sir.
42:57More like
42:59Flint's voice, but
43:01not so clear away like it.
43:03More like
43:07Ben Gunn.
43:09By the powers,
43:11Ben Gunn.
43:13Ben Gunn?
43:15That's who it was.
43:17It don't matter much odds to it.
43:19Ben Gunn's not here in the body anymore, Flint.
43:21That nobody minds, Ben Gunn.
43:23Dead or alive, nobody minds him.
43:25Let's get to the money.
43:33His army!
43:35Set his head!
43:45Come on!
43:51I found some gold!
43:53Some gold!
43:59My sword, it's gone.
44:03It's gone.
44:07take hold of this
44:09and stand by for trouble.
44:11So you've changed sides again,
44:13have you?
44:17Nothing here.
44:19Two guineas!
44:25So that's
44:27your seven
44:29hundred thousand pounds, is it?
44:33You're a man for bargains, ain't you?
44:37wooden-headed lover!
44:39Dig away, lads.
44:41You'll find some pig nuts,
44:43I shouldn't wonder.
44:45Pig nuts, is it?
44:47Listen, mates.
44:49I tell you, that man knew
44:51all along.
44:53Look in the face of him there.
44:55You can see it wrote.
44:57Standing for
44:59captain again, George?
45:01You are a pushing lad, to be sure.
45:15There's just the two of them.
45:17One's the old cripple
45:19that brought us all
45:21down here and blundered us.
45:23And the
45:25other's that cub
45:27who I mean to have
45:29the heart of.
45:53I reckon I settled
45:55you, George.
46:05Thank you
46:07kindly, doctor. You came just
46:09in a nick, I guess, with me and Hawkins.
46:13So it is you, Ben
46:15Gunn. Well,
46:17you're a nice one, if no mistake.
46:19I'm Ben Gunn, I am.
46:21And how are you,
46:23Mr. Silver? Pretty well, I think.
46:25Says you.
46:27Ben, Ben.
46:29I think it's how you've done me.
46:33John Silver,
46:35you are a prodigious villain
46:37and a monstrous imposter, sir.
46:41And Jim here tells me that I am not to prosecute you.
46:43Well, I will not.
46:47But the dead men, sir,
46:49hang about your neck like
46:53Thank you kindly, Squire. I dare you to thank me!
46:55It is a gross
46:57dereliction of my duty.
46:59When did you
47:01find it, Ben?
47:05These nine months ago.
47:07And carried every doubloon
47:09and piece and bar
47:11on this poor old back
47:13until it was safe and sound
47:15in this here berth.
47:19Where, Ben?
47:23Where, says you.
47:27Here, says you.
47:31Here, says I.
47:57Here, says I.
48:17How are you, Ben?
48:19How are you?
48:21How are you, Ben?
48:23How are you?
48:25Don't leave us!
48:27Don't leave us!
48:29Have him forgive them.
48:31They are not starved.
48:33They have food and Mr. Gunn's supplies.
48:43You did right to leave them there, Squire.
48:45They are all drunk.
48:47Men like that ain't to be trusted.
48:49Don't leave us!
48:51For God's sake, don't be rude!
48:53How could they make me?
48:55Blast you, miserable cock of silver!
48:57May it burn!
48:59How could they make me?
49:07I was hoping he'd be a better shot than that.
49:23I was hoping he'd be a better shot than that.
49:49Fifteen men on a dabban's chest
49:51Yo-ho-ho in a bottle of rum, drink and the devil have done for the rest.
49:57Jim! Jim, come here. Come here to me.
49:59You said you wouldn't get drunk.
50:01I'm not drunk.
50:04He ain't used to the rum of Jamaica.
50:08Too strong for you, Ben.
50:11After all, India's on an island. Drink on lime juice.
50:15Don't worry, matey.
50:18You're back with civilised folk now.
50:21Jim! Closie, come on.
50:24Well, Jim, it's time for a long chance to slip this cable.
50:28My missus will be getting lonely without me.
50:31Your missus?
50:32My dear Louisa.
50:34We fixed up to meet here before I left England.
50:37Jamaica being our native land, I like.
50:42You're a good shipmate, Jim.
50:53They'll come back to England one day.
50:55They'll crawl.
51:21To the hill my mates say a fond farewell.
51:24Yo-ho-ho in a bottle of rum.
51:27We'll meet on the boiling seas of hell.
51:30Yo-ho-ho in a bottle of rum.
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