the red hand gang story 1 part 4

  • 3 months ago
the red hand gang story 1 part 4


00:00La la la, la la la...
00:28La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la
00:58Here's the story. A boy has been abducted, and the Red Hand Gang follow the kidnappers to an old house being used as a hideout.
01:07Upstairs, the abducted boy is put in the back room, and the door is blocked with a heavy sofa.
01:14After two of the kidnappers go downstairs, Frankie and J.R. sneak in and try to move the sofa while the other kids wait down in the cellar.
01:24But the man still sleeping on the sofa starts to wake up.
01:30We're on our way.
01:54We can't leave these skateboards here. They'll know someone's trying to get to the boys.
02:00I got an idea.
02:09This is J.R. Go up and slam the cellar door. Quick!
02:24It's not like the cellar door.
02:33Oh, it was probably just the wind.
02:37And we got so close.
02:41At least they didn't catch us.
02:43Yeah, they didn't even know we were there.
02:46The big guys even thought we were ghosts.
02:49Guess we'll have to give up, huh?
03:06Maybe that's the way.
03:09They think we're ghosts.
03:11So we'll be ghosts.
03:13We'll spook them right out of the place.
03:15Hey, yeah!
03:17We can't do any more now.
03:19So everybody go home and get a good night's rest.
03:21And in the morning...
03:23We'll scare the pants off of them.
03:28Did I say that?
03:30The woman went out a while ago.
03:32The others are still inside.
03:35Here she comes.
03:46Well, she's back.
03:48When are we going in?
03:50Look, are we still going to go through with this crazy idea?
03:55It'll work out.
03:57Crazy idea.
03:58It'll work out great.
04:00We've already got a whole bunch of stuff to use against them.
04:03Come on.
04:28They're losing some of the fuses.
04:30We all know what we have to do.
04:32Yeah, come on.
04:33Let's go.
04:57Let's go.
05:27Let's go.
05:43Why did you turn on the television?
05:45There isn't any electricity.
05:47There will be.
05:49I'll do the bathroom.
05:57Come on.
06:27Hey people.
06:42Okay, now give me the popcorn.
06:58The cops.
06:59Don't shoot.
07:00Don't shoot.
07:01I give up.
07:02I'll tell everything I know.
07:03Don't shoot.
07:04It's the television.
07:12The ghosts must have turned that on.
07:14The ghosts.
07:16I just didn't loosen the fuse enough, that's all.
07:20Oh, yeah.
07:21That's just what I figured, the fuse.
07:23Was that before or after you surrendered?
07:26Come on.
07:28Move the cops and see how the kid is.
07:31Come on.
07:32Hey, Marco.
07:34I lost my sleeves.
07:36And your marble.
07:38It's inside out, little kid.
07:43Come on, moneybags.
07:45Time for breakfast.
07:46We'll take you downstairs.
07:48Oh, Marco.
07:50You should have done this to my good shirt.
07:53I'll get you for this, Marco.
07:55Tying up the sleeves of my good shirt got all wrinkled.
07:59It's inside out.
08:02You're going to get even, huh?
08:16Wait a minute.
08:17Put him here.
08:21Did you talk to my parents this morning?
08:24Yeah, they're fine.
08:25Everything's fine.
08:27Listen, you stay there and I'm going to make you some breakfast, okay?
08:30Forget it.
08:33I'm glad today's the last day with that dummy.
08:36Um, it's going to take a little longer than we expected
08:40because they're going to need till tomorrow morning
08:43to raise the rest of the money.
08:45The deal was today.
08:50What, they trying to pull something, huh?
08:52Well, if you didn't tie my shirt in knots, who did?
08:55Will you stop that?
08:57Now forget it!
09:01All right, all right.
09:03Let's just settle down.
09:05But no more of that getting even stuff, okay?
09:20All right.
09:22What's this?
09:24Beware the Red Hand Gang?
09:29I don't know.
09:31Must be some kind of movie ad or something.
09:34I don't like it.
09:43No more tricks, huh?
09:46Would you, uh, drink this?
09:52Uh, I'm not much for coffee.
10:07Not bad.
10:09How can you drink that stuff?
10:12Come on!
10:14Come on, let's go out to the kitchen.
10:16I'll tell you what, I'll make a real cup.
10:26Get the coffee.
10:30Where is it?
10:32I don't know! Look around!
10:45I put the coffee in the cabinet over the stove.
10:52You know what the trouble with you is?
10:54You always make a mess out of everything.
11:07What's going on?
11:09What's happening to you?
11:11What is this stuff?
11:21What are you doing?
11:23These balls.
11:24Would you stop that?
11:28Okay, we don't like drunken popcorn, okay?
11:30But I like drunken bird popcorn.
11:35Get him!
11:37Get him!
11:40Get him out of here!
11:42Go on, both of you, right now!
11:54Hey, Marco?
11:57Nobody would cook popcorn up there when there's a stove right here.
12:07No live person, that is.
12:12Look, boss.
12:14Living room.
12:16Something in the living room pushed a button.
12:23Upstairs, study!
12:31Library? Master bedroom?
12:34Downstairs, study?
12:36Boss, you told me there was one little old lady ghost.
12:39There's hundreds of them!
12:54Nobody here.
12:56Nobody can see, anyway.
12:58Now, give it to me straight.
13:00Did you pour ginger ale into my shoe this morning?
13:05Come on, tell me. It's important.
13:07Boss, I have never, in my entire life,
13:10ever poured ginger ale in anybody's shoe.
13:12All right.
13:14Or strawberry pop or grape or cola or uncold.
13:16All right, already!
13:18Although I did hear once about guys putting champagne in ladies' shoes,
13:20but I never heard of anybody putting anything in men's shoes,
13:22because that's unsanitary.
13:24Besides, I wouldn't do that, even if you did tie my shirt together.
13:27Tell me, don't you get it?
13:30Somebody come into our room this morning while we was asleep.
13:36And it wasn't no old lady ghost.
13:41Leave my house!
13:44Leave my house!
13:50I'll be sorry!
13:52It's her.
13:55Right away, lady! We're going!
13:57Hey, hey!
13:59Came from the cellar.
14:01And it ain't no ghost.
14:03Come on. Get down there.
14:10Get up.
14:22You're all right.
14:24You fell on your head.
14:37Hey, what's this?
14:39They're up there.
14:41Pull them down.
14:47All right, you kids. Out.
14:50Come on. Out.
14:54Okay. You want to play that way?
15:01Hey. What's the matter with you?
15:06It's just a head. Stuffed full of sawdust.
15:09Must be a relative.
15:12What's she looking for?
15:14I don't know.
15:16But whoever was talking in that furnace must be down here somewhere.
15:22I'm getting out of here.
15:30Come on. Let's look a little more.
15:44Go back around the other way.
16:09Come on.
16:40Come on.
16:56Find anything?
16:58I did when you know about it.
17:01Keep looking.
17:09Nothing down here, boss.
17:12Where'd the guy go?
17:18Now I'm really mad!
17:23Come on. Let's go upstairs.
17:27And get cleaned up.
17:40Oh, let's get out of here.
17:43Little Bill, here comes the elevator.
17:53Look, baby, will you just relax, huh?
17:57It's just some guy messed around, that's all.
18:14But you really didn't tell us you guys?
18:17No, we just stayed here.
18:19You guys got me!
18:23I said maybe it was just some-
18:26Who cares.
18:28It's all one of the guys that's busy trying to get me and that saw.
18:32I don't know. Maybe it was that kid we saw outside before.
18:36I just turned on the hot water faucet, but I didn't get hot water, I got icy cold.
18:49You probably didn't read it right, Lunkhead.
18:52No, H is for hot and C is for cold.
18:55I turned on the H for hot, but I didn't get hot, I got icy cold.
18:59Get out!
19:01Anyway, I'll tell you one thing, sweetheart.
19:07If those kids are still around here, they're going to wish they weren't.
19:24Hurry, Frankie!
19:32All right, you little brat, now I got you!
19:35Get up!
19:40Get! Come up!
19:55Hey, Lola!
19:57Where'd you do that can of shaving soap?
20:03Didn't use it all, did you?
20:05It's working great. They're already nervous.
20:08So am I.
20:10We gotta keep the pressure on.
20:12Tonight, too. That means we'll need some lights and things.
20:15We can get some old auto lights from that junkyard at the clubhouse.
20:20Do we need to leave them in the watch?
20:22They won't be going anywhere.
20:24We'll be back pretty soon.
20:27Has anyone seen my sweet potato?
20:30Forget it. Come on.
20:32Must have left it outside the house.
20:34You guys go on ahead. I'll be right behind you.
20:44Well, there's nobody nowhere inside the house, nobody outside.
20:49We scared them off.
20:51You're a friend's kind of chicken, aren't you, kid?
21:07Come on. A little two-handed poker.
21:10A thousand bucks a shot.
21:13We're gonna be rich. Who cares?
21:21Who cares?
21:54He's still out there.
21:56Uh-uh. He's leaving, Marco. We can forget about him.
21:59We're not gonna forget about him.
22:02Get the van.
22:04This time we're gonna follow him.
22:21Hey! I found it! I found it!
22:28Found it!
22:30I found it!
22:33He's here!
22:35I found it!
22:37He's here!
22:42He's here!
22:44We found him!
22:46We found Marco!
22:49I found it, you guys.
22:51Okay, now give us a hand, we...
22:58He's following me.
23:01In the...
23:19I don't know.
23:46Go away.
23:48They're in there.
23:50They are all in there.