treasure island part 1

  • 3 months ago
treasure island part 1


00:00And just yo-ho-ho and a bottle of rum
00:04Drink and the devil have none for the rest
00:07Yo-ho-ho and a bottle of rum
00:13But one man of the crew alive
00:16Yo-ho-ho and a bottle of rum
00:19What good to see with seventy-five
00:22Yo-ho-ho and a bottle of rum
00:30Yo-ho-ho and a bottle of rum
00:33Drink and the devil have none for the rest
00:36Yo-ho-ho and a bottle of rum
00:39But one man of the crew alive
00:42Yo-ho-ho and a bottle of rum
00:45Drink and the devil have none for the rest
00:48Yo-ho-ho and a bottle of rum
00:51But one man of the crew alive
00:54Yo-ho-ho and a bottle of rum
00:57But one man of the crew alive
01:10I'll do it, Father. You go inside and sit down.
01:13Go on. I'll see to them both.
01:15Aye, dear.
01:27I told you, go to your bed.
01:28I can't afford to.
01:30Jim can do the work.
01:31Oh, I know that.
01:33He's more of a man than I've been of late.
01:39Go to your bed.
01:41I'll ask Dr. Livesey to call.
01:43Has he a remedy for defeat?
01:46I don't think so.
01:48I don't think so.
01:49I don't think so.
01:51I don't think so.
01:52I don't think so.
01:54I don't think so.
01:57Well, it's true.
01:58I am defeated.
02:00The inn doesn't pay.
02:01I've failed to make it pay.
02:02The inn will pay in time.
02:05The ague's making you see things blacker than they are.
02:08We've made a few debts, but...
02:11The interest on the loan is due on the 20th and I can't pay it.
02:14Well, ask them for more time.
02:15You've always paid promptly in the past.
02:17You pay on the due date or that's the end.
02:26You're feeling better, Father?
02:28Yes, I'll be all right.
02:29Why don't you go up to your room and rest?
02:31We can manage, can't we, Mother?
02:34There's something else.
02:35What's that?
02:36I didn't mean to listen, but I couldn't help it.
02:38It will be all good in one day.
02:39Quiet there!
02:44Don't you want a word, is there?
02:49What'll be your pleasure, sir?
02:51Noggin of rum.
02:53Look to it.
02:55Jim, take that bucket into the kitchen.
03:15This seems a handy cove.
03:17A pleasant city-aided grog shop.
03:20Much company, mate?
03:21Very little, and more's the pity.
03:24Well, then, this is the berth for me.
03:26You'll be comfortable here, sir.
03:27Your name is?
03:28Just call me Cap'n.
03:31Aye, aye, Cap'n.
03:38Tell me when I work through that.
03:44Wait till I sling my hammock.
03:46Well, you will, Cap'n.
03:47Facing the sea, matey.
03:49Aye, aye, Cap'n.
03:50Sea chest outside. Fetch it aboard.
03:54Father, you shouldn't be here doing this.
03:56Of course, lad.
03:58Take the other end.
03:59Good. I'll be off with you.
04:23Oh, God.
04:27Oh, you'll have a bite to eat now, Cap'n.
04:29More grog.
04:31Bacon and eggs.
04:32Set a place there.
04:36Where I can see the door.
04:43Down here.
04:47You all right?
04:48Aye, fine.
04:53Aye, fine.
05:03Crystal fashion.
05:05You do sea chest.
05:07Move it over there.
05:12It's a fine chest, Cap'n.
05:15My father was a sailor.
05:17A bosun's mate.
05:19Is that so?
05:21Bosun's mate, eh?
05:23Ever sailed to the Caribbean?
05:25It's all in the past.
05:27I lay a fire for you in the parlor, Cap'n.
05:29Turns cool at night.
05:36You know what this is, Jim?
05:37Yes, Cap'n. A fourpenny piece.
05:39It's yours, Jim.
05:40And more like it if you do a small service for me.
05:43Yes, Cap'n.
05:44All you got to do is to keep a weather eye open
05:46for a seafaring man with one leg.
05:48You hear?
05:49A sailor with one leg?
05:51That's right, Jim.
05:53And should you see him
05:55or any other rogues that don't belong to these shores,
05:58you press your sails to tell me,
06:00no matter where I am.
06:02Yes, sir.
06:05And not a word to anyone.
06:08You hear?
06:19Where is he?
06:20Dead, do you think?
06:22Shipmate Billy got to Davy Jones.
06:26Well, there's a grog to iron.
06:29A rat and flint's treasure in a sea chest.
06:33Then where is he, Long John?
06:35He put his old father on the ship.
06:37He'll be back in a minute.
06:39He'll be back in a minute.
06:41He'll be back in a minute.
06:43He'll be back in a minute.
06:45He'll be back in a minute.
06:47He put his oath on it, like we all did,
06:49to muster here now.
06:51Seems like he's forgot, Joe.
06:55What, his oath?
06:56Ah, not his old shipmates.
06:58Bars there, John.
06:59We're share and share alike.
07:01Not we're agreed in council.
07:03What we're agreed don't count, George.
07:05Not like Billy's got flint's map.
07:07Might have found a berth already.
07:09Slipped his cable and gone off back to the Caribbean
07:11to grab all the gold for himself.
07:13No, no, he ain't left yet.
07:15Then where is he, John?
07:17Tucked away snug in some quiet cove
07:19awaiting the favorable wind.
07:21If I had my lights, I'd ferry him out.
07:24If you'd not spent 1,200 pounds in a year
07:26like the Lord in Parliament,
07:28you'd have a mite more patience, Pew.
07:30No need to beg, nor steal, nor cut throats.
07:33No starve.
07:35What are we going to do about Billy?
07:37Swing to our anger, awaiting his favorable wind.
07:40Here he comes.
07:42We'll have master boards.
07:44Drink of the devil, I'm done with the rest.
07:47Yo-ho-ho, and a bottle of rum.
07:50But one man off the crew alive.
07:53Yo-ho-ho, and a bottle of rum.
07:56Seeing what St. Lucie was 75.
07:59Yo-ho-ho, and a bottle of rum.
08:08I pays you, Jem, and pays you well.
08:12So you best tell me quick
08:14if you've seen any seafaring men about strangers to these shores.
08:18Do you hear?
08:19Yes, sir.
08:20No, I haven't seen any. Honest, I haven't.
08:24Fetch me up another grog and shake a leg to it.
08:29The man on a dead man's chest.
08:32Yo-ho-ho, and a bottle of rum.
08:35Drink of the devil, I'm done with the rest.
08:38It was a touch of the ague, Doctor. Nothing more.
08:41The ague is not to be taken lightly.
08:43Especially when one falls victim to it as easily as you do.
08:46I'm unlucky.
08:48It's no trivial matter, Mr. Hawkins.
08:50When can I get up?
08:52Well, you give your strength time to build up
08:54before you start thinking about work.
08:58Thank you, Doctor.
09:05I'm afraid his constitution is not the most robust.
09:08I know that, Doctor.
09:10Jim, a glass of pork for the Doctor.
09:12Silence there, tween-dacks.
09:18He can get up tomorrow, provided he rests for a couple of days.
09:22I look to you to see to that, Mrs. Hawkins.
09:24I'll see to it, Doctor.
09:26You must take care.
09:27I said silence there, do you hear?
09:35You addressing me, sir?
09:37I was looking at you when I said it, weren't I?
09:40Damn your eyes!
09:42I have only one thing to say to you, sir.
09:45If you go on drinking rum,
09:47and I stake my wig,
09:49the world will soon be rid of a very dirty scoundrel.
09:56Is there anything further I should do, sir?
10:00I've sent men to the sharks for less.
10:04If you do not put down that cutlass,
10:07this instant,
10:09I swear upon my honour, you shall hang at the next society.
10:15I am not a doctor only.
10:18I'm a magistrate.
10:20And now, since I know there's such a fellow in my district,
10:34you may count I'll have an eye on you day and night.
10:37If I catch so much as one breath of complaint against you,
10:39no matter how small,
10:41from Mrs. Hawkins or from anyone else,
10:43I'll take effectual means to have you hunted down and routed out of this.
10:48Let that suffice.
10:56Going back to sea, Mr. Silver?
10:58Oh, believe that, Mr. Blandly.
11:00When I stepped ashore last time, that was the end of the sea cook.
11:03Every seafaring man needs a snug berth when he gets back to port,
11:07and that's how the spyglass is known.
11:09And the most agreeable hosta it is, Mr. Silver.
11:11My good lady, Mrs., and myself are always honoured by your presence there, Mr. Blandly.
11:16That we are, sir.
11:17You're most kind.
11:18Now, how can I be of service to you?
11:20Well, it's a matter of keeping my ropes well pointed.
11:23In what regard?
11:24As to the departure of all vessels, large or small, bound for the Caribbean.
11:29You want the names?
11:30Aye, ship, captain, mate, and any passengers aboard.
11:33Considerable task, Mr. Silver.
11:36Kingstown, Jamaica is Sweet Louisa's own port.
11:39She has kin still a-living there.
11:41And not a word betwixt them, in an age.
11:43Right then not be in her strength, nor read in theirs.
11:46We was thinking someone could take a message to my kingfolk.
11:49By word of mouth, Mr. Blandly,
11:51and it would have to be someone that my good Mrs. could take to.
11:55Someone particular, sir.
11:57Hmm, a thoughtful gesture.
11:59Long John Silver, it must be Bristol fashion.
12:03In matters of feeling, as well as in matters of import.
12:06That my dear Louisa thinks the same way I do.
12:14Jim! Here!
12:17Look lively!
12:21What flag's she wearing?
12:22Look well and tell me true, what's her flag?
12:28The one you'd expect, captain.
12:30The Jolly Roger.
12:32No, ours. She's English.
12:34No pirate she would dare come that close to shore.
12:38Come, the money you gave us is long since spent.
12:44The money you gave me is spent.
12:47I was to tell you when it was, and I've done so more than once.
12:53We'll have to go.
12:55I'm not going to!
12:57We'll have to go.
12:59You're going?
13:01I'm going.
13:03I'm going.
13:05And that's the only reply I've had.
13:21Contempt with that, are you?
13:23Or would you like more?
13:25Lots, lots more.
13:30I know how it is here, matey.
13:31If you weren't for the captain here,
13:33you'd be in the doldrums trying to whistle up a wind.
13:37Well, I ain't a poor man, and I ain't a rich one neither.
13:44Yet, I know where's hid a fortune in those,
13:51just for the taking.
13:55Don't you want to know where, or would it frighten you?
14:02A Spanish mane, matey, on an island,
14:06buried these past eight years.
14:11And of them that did it, only one
14:13was left alive to tell the tale.
14:15And before he died, he told one other, me.
14:21But there are dogs that knows I know,
14:23and they'd stop at nothing short to find it.
14:25I need your ship, mate.
14:27Oyster colours alongside mine, matey,
14:29and you'll have gold to make your fine doctor.
14:32And all the general in these parts look like paupers.
14:40Going back to sea?
14:41I never heard such nonsense.
14:43It's fish.
14:44You eat it, and you like it.
14:48You can't go back.
14:49It would be madness, and you know it.
14:51No, it wouldn't.
14:53I got to get the money, haven't I?
14:54How else are you going to do it?
14:55But you can't go back to sea.
14:56You're not strong enough.
14:58I won't go as a deckhand.
14:59I'll try for a purse this night.
15:00But you promised me you'd never go back to sea.
15:03I've no choice.
15:05Nights I used to lie awake, listening to the wind howling,
15:08wondering how you were faring.
15:10Long weeks waiting for news.
15:12Would you put me through all that again?
15:14There's no other way.
15:27The, uh, caribou, you say, Mr. Hawkins?
15:31Well, the Lady Jessica's bound for those climes
15:33in 10 days' time.
15:34Captain Dokes commanding.
15:37I can arrange a passage for you.
15:39No, uh, no, not yet.
15:42Where's she lying?
15:43She's here, Avon Dock.
15:46Thank you, sir.
15:47And good day.
15:49And a very good day to you, Mr. Hawkins, sir.
15:54Take this note at once to Mr. Silver at the Spyglass Inn.
15:59Take this note at once to Mr. Silver at the Spyglass Inn.
16:29I'm sorry, Mr. Hawkins.
16:40If you're looking for work, I've a full crew.
16:43No more how much space for two more will pay the way, Captain?
16:47I'm bound for Kingston, Jamaica.
16:50As good a port as any.
16:52Right you are, then.
16:53There is one condition.
16:57What would that be?
16:58I'll join the ship here.
17:00My shipmate, we pick up along the shore after dark.
17:03After dark?
17:05Oh, no, Mr. Hawkins.
17:07I want no trouble with the revenue men.
17:10I could lose my job.
17:12Would that make it worth your while?
17:23This friend of yours, where would he want to be picked up?
17:28Black Hill Cove.
17:29Black Hill Cove?
17:31There's three fathoms there at Low Water Springs.
17:33Aye, you're right.
17:36You've not talked to anyone else about this, have you?
17:38Anyone else?
17:40It wouldn't be in my interest either, Captain.
17:45Thank you, Mr. Hawkins.
17:47Why did you want to see my Daniel, Sergeant Vance?
17:49Oh, it's nothing, really.
17:51Having a bright young lad like Jim can't manage.
17:53Here, Jim.
17:57There's talk of smugglers along this part of the coast, boy.
18:00People bringing in wines and brandy from France.
18:03If you see any strangers or anything else suspicious,
18:05you let me or one of my men know.
18:07Yes, sir, I will.
18:08Good lad.
18:09Will there be a reward, sir?
18:11If I can help, I mean.
18:13Well, I don't see why not.
18:15All right, Jim boy, you get paid.
18:16Thank you, sir.
18:24Why, there!
18:27Mr. Arrow!
18:29Permission to come aboard?
18:30Aye, John.
18:45She seems a sweet craft, the Lady Jessica.
18:48She sails well.
18:50Has been a time since you laid alongside the spike last,
18:56Grog cost me me last situation as mate, John.
18:59It'll not cost me this one.
19:00Bravely said, bravely said.
19:02Has Captain Dawkes aboard?
19:03No galley birds, John, if that's what you're after.
19:05Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha,
19:07screw my chimpers, me.
19:09Sign on again?
19:10Oh, my signature's on the spyglass now,
19:13and you made it to that.
19:14No, it's advice I'm needing from him of a personal nature.
19:17You'd best come below, then.
19:23Come in.
19:27Yes, Mr. Maid?
19:28Mr. Silver here, wishing a word with you, Captain.
19:33It's come to my ears, Captain, that you may be taking Mr.
19:36Hawkins to Kingstown, Jamaica.
19:39Where did you hear this?
19:41Oh, dockside signals, Captain.
19:43And if I were Mr. Silver, what is it to you?
19:46Well, Jamaica's my missus' own port, Captain.
19:49She's still got Kim there.
19:50And being a good sentimental as though she is,
19:53she has a mind to send a few trinkets with a kind word,
19:56personal delivered like.
19:58And you want Mr. Hawkins to take him?
20:00Well, I want to ask him if he would, not presuming
20:02directly that he will.
20:03So could you be telling me where he's berthed in Bristol,
20:06No, I can't.
20:08But he comes aboard the day before we sail.
20:11You'd better call on him, then.
20:12Oh, thank you.
20:13Thank you, Captain.
20:14Oh, mighty comfortable quarters for a passenger.
20:23I had to berth them midships.
20:24Them, Joshua?
20:25You mean there's more than one?
20:27Who else besides Hawkins, then?
20:29No one else, John.
20:30You just said you had to berth them midships.
20:32No, you didn't hear me proper.
20:35Why don't you take a passage, Jamaica yourself, John?
20:38Rich man like you, eh?
20:44Well, that's the truth of it, Joshua.
20:5235 years at sea, with the wind howling and the rigging,
20:56and the sails slapping, and the roar of them cannons.
21:00That's the worst of all.
21:00That's what turns you deaf.
21:05Thank you, Joshua.
21:08Come alongside the spyglass tonight?
21:11I'd best not, John.
21:13My missus will be disappointed.
21:15She'll be wanting to thank you for what you've done for her.
21:18You'll not deny her that pleasure.
21:22You wouldn't disappoint the lady, would you?
21:26Tell Mistress Louisa I'll be there.
21:28But I'm not drinking.
21:32Father's going to Kingstown, Jamaica.
21:33That's the Spanish main, isn't it?
21:35Aye, Gemblad.
21:38I envy you, shipmate.
21:40A deck of moving under you, a full set of sails
21:43all billowed out as you run afoar the trades.
21:46Were I a younger man, I'd be with you.
21:50Maybe you'll be attacked by pirates
21:51and have to repel boarders.
21:53Have you eaten?
21:54Not since leaving Bristol.
21:55I'll go and get you something to eat.
21:58Sarah, I got an advance of pay.
22:03As well as being made purse's mate?
22:04Enough to pay the interest on the loan.
22:08This Captain Dokes must be very understanding.
22:10Yes, he's a good man.
22:12Ain't good for him.
22:14Them are me chips now, matey.
22:17Them are me chips.
22:18There ain't never been nothing I miss with my lugs.
22:20Them's what you said.
22:22So who is Hawkins' shipmate?
22:24I told you, I don't know.
22:27We'll sell you for morsels of rotten pate
22:30if you don't speak.
22:32Hawkins, all I know is Hawkins comes aboard
22:36and we sail with evening tide.
22:38And his nameless shipmate, what of him?
22:42We pick him up first night out.
22:45Where, matey?
22:45Where do you scoop him up?
22:48Somewhere along the coast.
22:50Do you hear that, matey?
22:51Somewhere along the coast.
22:53Where along the coast?
22:55A cove somewhere.
22:56Which cove, dummy?
22:58Name it.
22:59Name it!
23:01You'll curse the day you was born.
23:06Come on.
23:16We'll signal with a lantern when we're off the cove.
23:22Even the fair wind will not get us in for 10.
23:25We must be clear away by first light.
23:27So be ready to go as soon as you see the signal.
23:30What about my sea chest?
23:32One of the crew will come ashore and pick it up.
23:35All you've got to do is to be ready to leave smartly.
23:39I'll be ready.
23:41I'll leave it to you to see that nothing goes wrong.
23:47Which cove?
23:50I swear, John, I swear I don't know.
23:56Get him out of my sight!
24:02What's we done, John Silver?
24:04We reveals the situation, Israel.
24:06Untangles our wraps.
24:08Hawkins goes aboard.
24:10Pilot Captain Dokes and the Jessica
24:12to that quiet cove where Billy Bones will slip his key ball.
24:16John, which cove?
24:17Well, according to Arrow, it weighs anchor on the evening
24:20tide and picks Billy up before light.
24:22He can't be so very far away, mateys.
24:24Far enough, Long John.
24:26I mean for us to find it and roust him out.
24:28We ain't got time.
24:29They're sunk, that's what.
24:32Because this thing ain't been properly
24:34handled from the start.
24:35Oh, we'll find him, Mary.
24:37Don't you worry.
24:38Yeah? How?
24:41How do we get our hands on his stinking hide?
24:44You mean you don't know?
24:45Well, I'm surprised at you.
24:47A man what reckons he ought to be a leader.
24:49Even a newborn babe could see that.
24:54There's nothing you've forgotten then?
24:56I can't think of anything.
24:59Be good to yourself, Daniel.
25:02I will.
25:03Don't you worry.
25:05I'll do everything you told me, I promise.
25:08I'll come back fitter and better than I've been for years, I will.
25:10All sunburns and healthy.
25:15You do understand, don't you, why I'm doing this?
25:19Believe me, it's the only way.
25:22For that reason, I'm proud of you, Daniel, going back to sea.
25:27I remember how you ate at it towards the end.
25:30All the things you told me about the slave drivers.
25:33Bad food, bad conditions, the ship's not fit to sail.
25:39I'm sorry for complaining.
25:41Well, I understand.
25:42You are telling me the truth, aren't you?
25:44What do you mean?
25:45You are going to be a purser's mate,
25:46not slave at some other work.
25:48I won't be slaving.
25:49Of course I won't.
25:51Jim, where have you been?
25:52Your father's leaving now.
25:54I've been brushing a man's horse.
25:56He gave me a penny.
25:57Now, Jim, you know what to do in my absence, don't you?
26:00Yes, father, take good care of Dean and look after mother.
26:02You see you do it.
26:03I will.
26:04Well, why don't I bring you back from Kingston?
26:08Well, Silk Shore, please.
26:11And yourself safe and sound.
26:25Thank you.
26:49Here's Daphna.
26:50She sails on the evening tide.
26:53Captain Dokes wasn't long to find another mate.
26:56All right, then, manies, let's refresh our memories.
26:59What you've got to do tonight?
27:00We know that long, Jim.
27:01John, just so long as you don't forget.
27:03Israel, you're in charge.
27:04Now, as I see it, our friend Master Bones
27:07will be taken off on a boat.
27:09Now, when they've stood off the beach,
27:11you lay yourselves alongside.
27:12Job, you and Black Dog will seat at the chest.
27:15The map will be in the chest, I suppose.
27:17Well, where else would it be?
27:19You, Israel, will be invaluable help to George, eh?
27:22Dispatch the crew.
27:23Don't worry, we will.
27:25What about Bones?
27:27Send his miserable carcass to the fishers.
27:30With my love.
27:31Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha.
27:33Ha, ha, ha, ha.
27:35Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha.
27:49Belay that tin below.
27:51Where's that broth I asked for?
28:04It's not a night to be a brawl, Mrs. Hawkins.
28:09No, it's going to rain, I shouldn't wonder.
28:14Looking for smugglers, sir?
28:15Oh, aye, Jim.
28:16Fair weather or foul, the watch must be kept.
28:18Don't spill it, for goodness sake.
28:19He's in a bad enough mood as it is.
28:31Come in.
28:34Whom they swans below?
28:37Sergeant Downes and two of his revenue.
28:39They're looking for smugglers.
28:41Smugglers here?
28:43They should be about their duty elsewhere.
28:45Go on.
29:04You all prepared, Mr. Hawkins?
29:13You better do what you gotta do.
29:15And do it quickly.
29:23They're lowering a boat.
29:25I'll waste no time.
29:27There goes the signal.
29:33Sergeant, there's a light out at sea.
29:58What's that, lad?
29:59Someone's signaling.
30:00Right, come on, lads.
30:02No, you stay here, Jim.
30:03No, stay here.
30:04Oh, go and see what he wants.
30:10Damn you, boy, come here!
30:15Can you see a light out there?
30:16You saw it, too.
30:18You sure there was a light?
30:19Yes, honest, I am.
30:31Come on.
31:04Halt or I'll fire!
31:25I'll get after that one!
31:31I'll get after that one!
32:02Right, lads, come on, drink up.
32:29I'm going to bed.
32:30I'm tired, if you're not.
32:31It's a pity you didn't catch him.
32:33Well, we did luck, Mrs. Hawkins.
32:34I know every foot of those woods now.
32:36What's happened with the breakers, Sergeant?
32:39I know, Jim, I haven't forgot.
32:41And thank you for your help.
32:43With eyes as sharp as yours,
32:44I know I don't have to worry about this part of the country.
32:46If you need my help again, you'll ask me.
32:48I will, boy.
32:49Good night, Mrs. Hawkins.
32:50Good night.
32:52Come on, Jim, off to bed.
32:54I'll go and lock up first.
33:22Where have you been, Jim?
33:37I don't know.
33:38Leave it to me.
33:43Who is it?
33:44Open, open.
33:50Go and get some brownies.
33:51You're soaking wet.
33:52What's happened?
33:53I don't understand.
33:55The ships!
33:56The ships is gone!
33:58Are they coming back for me?
34:00Are they?
34:01Do you hear?
34:02I don't know.
34:03Damn you, Hawkins.
34:04Damn you, Hawkins!
34:06Damn you, damn you!
34:08Damn you, Hawkins!
34:12You stupid sobs!
34:15You decided it was the revenue men
34:17and like true gentlemen of fortune, you ran.
34:20What else can we do?
34:21Well, what are you going to slip to shore
34:23and find out what was going on?
34:25Where Master Bones was.
34:27What are you doing now, all of you?
34:29I want every inn on that part of the coast visited,
34:33searched top to bottom.
34:48I'll just keep him warm.
34:50Nothing but broth until the fever breaks.
34:52Yes, Doctor.
34:53Has he explained at all how this came about?
34:57No, Doctor.
35:07Black Dog.
35:09As ever was.
35:11Well, if you didn't me old shipmate, Billy.
35:14You've run me down, Spigob.
35:16What is it?
35:17I'll take a glass of rum from this dear child here
35:21and we'll talk square.
35:24You, er...
35:25You failed to get off last night, as you hoped.
35:29Get on with it.
35:31Off with you, Sonny, go on.
35:33And none of your keyhole stuff with me either.
35:40Long John says shipmates like us
35:43should share and share alike.
35:46Silver sees some hell before he divvy up.
35:49He's the truest shipmate you ever had.
35:53If that were so, I'd not be here,
35:56nor you come to fetch me.
36:01You go back and tell him that all I share with him
36:04would be a yardarm to swing from.
36:07You turn King's evidence.
36:10He'll not take kindly to that, Bill.
36:13Well, threatening with the noose.
36:16One hand to a black dog.
36:19The map is mine.
36:22When Flint were dying in Savannah,
36:26he gave it to me.
36:28Before Silver has it,
36:31I'd see us all swing first.
36:34Don't come in here!
36:35Swing one, swing all, Sam!
36:49You feathered black dog!
37:06And this is for Silver!
37:29Get me drunk, quick!
37:44Is he dead?
37:49Dead if Fiddlesticks end.
37:52No more dead than you and me.
37:54The man has had a stroke, as I warned him.
37:58Jim, fetch me a basin and I'll bleed him.
38:01Mrs. Hawkins?
38:02You attend your husband.
38:04Please say nothing of this.
38:05Yes, Doctor.
38:08Now, Roe, we'll see the color of your blood.
38:11Black dog.
38:13Black dog.
38:15There's no black dog here,
38:17except what you have on your own back.
38:20And what I have to say to you is this.
38:23A man.
38:24One glass of rum won't kill you.
38:26And if you take one, you'll take another and another.
38:29And I stake my wig.
38:30If you don't break off short, you'll die.
38:32Black dog.
38:33I clear my conscience.
38:35The name of rum for you is death.
38:44Is that what he said?
38:45Swing one, swing all?
38:46That's what he said, Long John.
38:50All right, then, mateys.
38:51No need to parley about it.
38:53Let's put the question.
38:54Are we all of a like mind?
38:58According to the rules and traditions
39:00of gentlemen of fortune?
39:03The black spot.
39:12Don't serve it to him.
39:14I will, John.
39:18Blind Pew will serve it to him.
39:22Me, Long John?
39:23Aye, you, my old shipmate.
39:25The very same broadside
39:27as took my leg off without his lights.
39:29Blind Pew will deliver the black spot.
39:38I see you, Shrewd.
39:40Come for me, have you?
39:42Like them?
39:44Well, they'll not have thee.
39:47Nor you.
39:49Nor the devil himself.
39:51No, no, no, no.
39:53Stay away, Flint.
39:55Stay away!
39:56Stay away, Flint!
39:57Stay away!
39:58No! No, Flint!
39:59Stay away!
40:00Stay away from me, Flint!
40:02Stay away!
40:06Oh, Jim.
40:08I've had the horrors.
40:11Flint, over in the corner there,
40:14as plain as print.
40:17Fetch me a grog, Jim.
40:19But the doctor said you weren't...
40:21Damn the doctor!
40:22What does the doctor know of seafaring men?
40:25I've been in places as hot as pitch
40:27with my mates falling round me with yellowjack
40:30and the land a-heaving like the sea with earthquakes.
40:32What does the doctor know of lands like that?
40:37I've lived on rum!
40:39Jim, Jim.
40:41I haven't had a drop all day.
40:43Please, Jim.
40:45There's a flask over there.
40:49I'll give you a golden tinny for a noggin.
40:51I don't want your money.
40:58Help me up.
40:59Help me up.
41:00Help me up.
41:04Hey, that's enough.
41:13Right now.
41:14That's better.
41:21That seafaring man, yesterday.
41:24Black dog.
41:25He's a bad'un.
41:27But there's worse that sent him.
41:29And they'll be here to tip me the black spot.
41:34It's in my sea chest what they're after.
41:36In a life-skin packet.
41:39When they come, you get on a horse
41:42and ride to that doctor's swab
41:44and tell him to pipe all hands,
41:46lay aboard the Bembo for old Prince Crew, man and boy!
41:50What's left of them.
41:53You hear?
41:57But what is the black spot, Captain?
42:03A summons, lad.
42:06But it's what's written on the back what matters.
42:11A deputation will hand it over
42:15with the full council's decision
42:17written on the back
42:19as is duty-bound.
42:24And I'll need to be there to greet them.
42:30Hello, shipmates, I'll say.
42:34Step aboard.
42:37No need for fear.
42:43And hand it over.
42:47And that they'll do as is duty-bound.
42:53And then I'll turn it over and see what it says.
42:58What'd it say there, Captain?
43:01How long I've got.
43:22How is he?
43:24He's a little quieter.
43:26I've pitched him some beds.
43:28He'll be better.
43:30I've pitched him some berries.
43:36I must tell you.
43:38Not now, Daniel.
43:40You must rest.
43:42I must tell you.
43:44No rest.
43:46Whatever it is, we'll wait till you're better.
43:49I lied to you
43:52for the first time
43:55since the day
43:56I met you.
44:10What you did, you did to help us.
44:14Not to deceive me for your own selfish gain.
44:17You don't know
44:21what I was
44:24going to do.
44:26But I know it was nothing bad or evil, Daniel,
44:28because I know you.
44:32That captain of yours is to blame for this.
44:38We forgive you.
44:41All that matters is that we're all together again.
44:48For you.
44:52For you.
44:58Go and fetch the doctor, Jim, as fast as you can.
45:14Please let me go.
45:15I must fetch the doctor to my father.
45:18By your voice.
45:20A human voice.
45:21You're hurting me.
45:22Would you kindly inform a poor blind man
45:25what lost the precious sight of his eyes
45:27in the gracious defense of our native country, England,
45:30and God save King George.
45:32In what neighborhood I might be.
45:34You're at the Admiral Benbow.
45:36Black Hill Cove.
45:38Please let me go.
45:39Oh, no, Roy.
45:41You take me in to see the captain.
45:43I don't, sir. I must get the doctor.
45:45You take me in straight away or I'll break your arm.
45:48And when I come in view, you cry out,
45:51here's a friend to see you, Bill.
45:53And if you don't, I'll do this.
46:10Oh, be at peace, boy.
46:14Here's a friend for you, Bill.
46:18Blind Pew.
46:20Stay where you are, Bill.
46:23I cannot see, but I can hear a finger stone.
46:38Well, business is business.
46:42Hold out your left hand.
46:45You take all of his left arm by the wrist
46:47and bring it near to my right.
46:57That's done.
47:12Within the hour?
47:15Oh, Jim.
47:17Help me, Jim.
47:18All right.
47:19We'll do them yet.
47:20We'll do them yet, Jim.
47:21We'll do them yet.
47:23We'll do them yet.
47:28Oh, Jim.
47:33Daniel, please!
47:39Daniel, please!
47:43Daniel, please!
47:46Mother, what are you...
47:47What's the matter?
47:54Father's dead.
47:59Sir, the captain's to blame for this.
48:01Do you know where he is?
48:03Yes, he's downstairs, but he...
48:04He killed your father and he shall answer for it!
48:07Mother, he's dead.
48:09He's dead.
48:17You kill my Daniel
48:20and I'll have my dues.
48:22Yes, he's gone from me because of you.
48:25I'll have my lawful dues.
48:28He's my fatherless child.
48:29Mother, listen.
48:30Go and bolt the door.
48:31Mother, we're in danger.
48:32Do as I say!
48:39They're coming back, Mother.
48:40Don't you understand?
48:41They're coming back.
48:55Mother, they're coming back within the hour.
48:57Flint's men.
48:58The pirates for the map.
48:59I'll show these rogues I am an honest woman.
49:01They're evil, wicked men.
49:02We must get away.
49:03I'll have my lawful dues and not a farthing more.
49:06Please go, Guinness.
49:07They're the ones I'll take.
49:09Them and only them.
49:11Leave me be, boys!
49:23It's them.
49:25They've come back, Mother.
49:26We must hide.
49:27I'll have my lawful dues.
49:28Mother, take them all quickly.
49:29Come on.
49:30We'll go out the back way.
49:32Go on!
49:47They're coming!
49:49They're coming!
49:57Come on, mateys.
50:20Come on!
50:34Bill, don't kill him.
50:35Lying here on the floor.
50:36We'll search him.
50:38The rest of you, find these sea chests.
50:41Come on!
50:45Damn him, will you?
50:46Damn him!
50:47Stand out of the door.
50:48Bill's been overhauled already, Bill.
51:00Have you found it?
51:01I've found something.
51:05Get him out of there!
51:06Get him out of there!
51:09That's more like it.
51:10That is it.
51:19It ain't here.
51:21This, this.
51:22The map.
51:23Have you found it?
51:24It ain't in the chest, Pew.
51:25We've got the doubloons!
51:27Give them to the devil.
51:28It's the map we want.
51:31Is that chest lined?
51:33Then lead me to it.
51:44Get a knife!
51:45Get a knife!
51:46I'd sever my soul if I had eyes!
52:16I'd sever my soul if I had eyes!
52:17I'd sever my soul if I had eyes!
52:18I'd sever my soul if I had eyes!
52:19I'd sever my soul if I had eyes!
52:20I'd sever my soul if I had eyes!
52:21I'd sever my soul if I had eyes!
52:22I'd sever my soul if I had eyes!
52:23I'd sever my soul if I had eyes!
52:24I'd sever my soul if I had eyes!
52:25I'd sever my soul if I had eyes!
52:26I'd sever my soul if I had eyes!
52:27I'd sever my soul if I had eyes!
52:28I'd sever my soul if I had eyes!
52:29I'd sever my soul if I had eyes!
52:30I'd sever my soul if I had eyes!
52:31I'd sever my soul if I had eyes!
52:32I'd sever my soul if I had eyes!
52:33I'd sever my soul if I had eyes!
52:34I'd sever my soul if I had eyes!
52:35I'd sever my soul if I had eyes!
52:36I'd sever my soul if I had eyes!
52:37I'd sever my soul if I had eyes!
52:38I'd sever my soul if I had eyes!
52:39I'd sever my soul if I had eyes!
52:40I'd sever my soul if I had eyes!
52:41I'd sever my soul if I had eyes!
52:42I'd sever my soul if I had eyes!
52:43I'd sever my soul if I had eyes!
52:44I'd sever my soul if I had eyes!
52:45I'd sever my soul if I had eyes!
52:46I'd sever my soul if I had eyes!
52:47I'd sever my soul if I had eyes!
52:48I'd sever my soul if I had eyes!
52:49I'd sever my soul if I had eyes!
52:50I'd sever my soul if I had eyes!
52:51I'd sever my soul if I had eyes!