WWF Prime Time Wrestling 1992-01-06

  • 3 months ago
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00:00:00Member states to form their own armies before they were laid to rest today
00:00:12This week on prime-time
00:00:15Wrestling who my main man Burgess gonna take on that nasty skinner in the barbershop with Brute
00:00:21I the big guy sit justice and Greg the hammer Valentine will take on the huge
00:00:27Warlord and then a special interview with Macho Man and Elizabeth
00:00:31And as you do it, you'll see in tag-team action. The rocker is wearing off against the nasty boy
00:00:39Welcome everyone to prime-time wrestling
00:00:41I'm Vince McMahon and joining us this week on prime-time wrestling will be the reverend slick along with gorilla monsoon
00:00:50Bobby the brain heenan and mr. Perfect and gentlemen, there's no doubt New Year's Eve
00:00:56The 30 competitors competing in the Royal Rumble each individual made his own New Year's resolution gorilla certainly did
00:01:04I can tell you right off the top of my head what the Hulksters was and that was to be five-time
00:01:08Holder of the WWF title never before done in the history of the World Wrestling Federation
00:01:13They all have their opportunity all 30 competitors on January 19. That's Sunday afternoon World Wrestling Federation history
00:01:21Unquestionably will be you know, if you listen to me what I said last time I said, I'm gonna make a New Year's resolution
00:01:27I'm not gonna hold back. I'm not gonna be quiet. I'm gonna be a little more outgoing
00:01:31I'm gonna talk more about the real world champion Ric Flair. He's a man that children can look up to
00:01:36He's a man that's gonna be world wrestling. What please let's get if you're gonna have a your New Year's resolution
00:01:41Oh, I'm talking about Ric Flair the real world
00:01:48He's a man that children can look up
00:01:51To be competing in the Royal Rumble right now
00:02:21Dedicated man to his profession. Oh very tough extremely tough chalked up some great victory
00:02:29He doesn't care about
00:02:48Top contenders
00:02:52On the top rung of the ladder
00:02:54Looking down on the man from the Everglades
00:02:56Should be a great matchup
00:02:58Former million dollar thief may I add
00:03:00You mean former million dollar champion
00:03:02Well you know he stole that title
00:03:04He stole the belt
00:03:06Don't get on my case now
00:03:08You know what happened at Survivor Series Showdown
00:03:10Oh do I
00:03:12The Repo Man coming in
00:03:14And nailing Virgil with his very own championship belt
00:03:16But you understand the Repo Man
00:03:18Was working for Mr. Virgil
00:03:20Was working for Mr. DiBiase
00:03:22DiBiase paid him so much
00:03:24To get back what belongs to him
00:03:28Virgil ready to throw the rights and left
00:03:30Referee warning Virgil
00:03:32About to clench fists
00:03:34Speaking of
00:03:38As we were speaking with Bobby Heenan a little bit earlier on
00:03:40Alfred there's a rumor going around that
00:03:42You may attempt a comeback
00:03:44Any validity to that
00:03:46I don't think there's any validity to that
00:03:48When I watch these fighters today
00:03:50They are nowhere in their class
00:03:52And just look at Virgil there
00:03:54He's enjoying a tremendous run of success
00:04:00Former million dollar champion
00:04:02Unquestionably however a champion in many people's minds
00:04:04And certainly in his own
00:04:06What a competitor Virgil has turned out to be
00:04:08Meanwhile Skinner
00:04:10On the outside collecting his thoughts a bit
00:04:14What a dastardly individual this Skinner is
00:04:18Skewing forth with that
00:04:20Isn't that awful?
00:04:22That is terrible
00:04:26Virgil and Skinner mixing it up here in Madison Square Garden
00:04:32Oh my goodness
00:04:36One thing
00:04:38Bad enough to be in the ring with a man like Skinner
00:04:40But if he ever takes that snuff can
00:04:42Or whatever you'd call it and throws it on you
00:04:44Do you want me to get it?
00:04:46No thanks
00:04:48I'll get it for you if you like
00:04:52The guy just likes a little dip here and there
00:04:54Doesn't bother anybody
00:04:58Standing side headlock here with Virgil
00:05:00Grinding it out on Skinner
00:05:02Trying to set him up now
00:05:04Virgil for the ride off the rope
00:05:06Lowers his shoulder nicely done
00:05:08Back to the rope now over Skinner
00:05:10Virgil coming right back to him and
00:05:12Skinner high in the air
00:05:14Down across the knee of Virgil
00:05:16Virgil now standing side headlock
00:05:18What's he going to do with it?
00:05:20Grinding it out a bit
00:05:22Virgil push to the corner
00:05:24And Skinner moving in now
00:05:26Virgil had an opportunity to take him over
00:05:28Take him down did not at that moment
00:05:30And right now it looks like
00:05:32He's going to be paying for it for a moment here
00:05:34On the rod yes
00:05:38Nice counter
00:05:40By Skinner
00:05:42He certainly is he's a thinking man
00:05:44All the time Vince
00:05:46He always does his homework on his opposition
00:05:48And it certainly looks in this case
00:05:50As he has done that on Virgil
00:05:52Skinner from the Everglades
00:05:58I don't know
00:06:00What this man is likely to do
00:06:02Very unorthodox at the same time
00:06:04Possessing tremendous wrestling
00:06:06Technique from time to time
00:06:08Display all sorts of
00:06:10Different integrated techniques
00:06:12Yes he does Vince he has a knack of being
00:06:14Able to mix up those fine wrestling skills
00:06:16With a lot of primitive motion as well
00:06:18And it's been very successful for him
00:06:20He's very impressive indeed
00:06:24And I'm sure at the moment
00:06:26Virgil is thinking that
00:06:28Now going to the outside
00:06:30Skinner to make sure Virgil
00:06:32Has not come back in at the moment
00:06:34This man is brutal
00:06:36He certainly is Vince
00:06:38And the referees have a difficult job controlling him
00:06:40He knows just how far he can bend the rules
00:06:42And he really takes it to the maximum
00:06:44As far as that's concerned
00:06:46Virgil needs just a little bit more focus
00:06:50Former street fighter more than anything else
00:06:52Of course hired many many years ago
00:06:54By the million dollar man Ted DiBiase
00:06:56To be a bodyguard he was the greatest bodyguard
00:06:58Perhaps in history and look what kind of a rustler
00:07:00He's turned out to be
00:07:02Oh no
00:07:12Going for it all
00:07:14Went flying through the ropes
00:07:16And I would suspect
00:07:18This one's all over
00:07:20I don't think Virgil will beat the count
00:07:22Oh look at this
00:07:24I guess that's the way to have a respite down in the Everglades
00:07:26There's Virgil back to his feet
00:07:30And right back in
00:07:32This is it
00:07:34That's how he finishes off the game
00:07:36He's got him
00:07:38He's got him
00:07:40We have one we have two
00:07:42And look out referee the foot's on the rope
00:07:44See I could have counted to eight by now
00:07:46Oh sure you could have
00:07:48The referee was in the position
00:07:52My goodness look at that by Skinner
00:07:56What is Skinner going to do with Virgil now
00:07:58Again wide open with the leg
00:08:00Working on the hamstring area now
00:08:02Snaps it back over
00:08:04Alfred have you ever been to the Everglades
00:08:06No I haven't Vince
00:08:08I've been to Florida but the Everglades really hasn't fascinated me
00:08:14If this fellow comes from the Everglades
00:08:16I don't really want to go there
00:08:18For fear of meeting somebody like him
00:08:20I'm sure he has lots of kin
00:08:22As he would say down back home
00:08:24Setting up Virgil now
00:08:26Coming off the ropes Skinner back
00:08:28A shoved in a rope
00:08:30Look at that
00:08:32Skinner with the elbow again
00:08:34Striking the butt of the jaw of Virgil
00:08:36And Skinner really doing a number at the moment
00:08:38On Virgil hooks him over now
00:08:40Referee way out of position
00:08:42Count of two
00:08:44A slow count
00:08:46And from my vantage point it looks to me
00:08:48Like Skinner had something to gripe about there
00:08:50The referee first of all way out of position
00:08:52Had he not been quite as rotund
00:08:54He may have gotten into position a little earlier
00:08:56I must agree with that Vince
00:09:00And now to the rope heading right back off
00:09:02And look at this he may get him
00:09:04One, two, yes
00:09:06He gets him, alright
00:09:10And Virgil gets out of dodge
00:09:22Here is your winner
00:09:34Alright we'll go back and take a look
00:09:36Bobby Eden
00:09:38Off the rope
00:09:40Standing up with a back body drop
00:09:42But pulled him right over with the hips
00:09:44Perfect position
00:09:50It's the World Wrestling Federation
00:09:52Coming to these great areas and facilities with action
00:09:54Saturday, January 11th
00:09:56Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
00:09:58Philadelphia Spectrum
00:10:00The Legion of Doom will be in tag team action in Philadelphia
00:10:02Saturday, January 11th
00:10:04Our debut in Fairbanks, Alaska
00:10:06At the Carlson Center
00:10:08Jake The Snake Roberts among those on the card
00:10:10Friday, January 10th
00:10:12Youngstown, Ohio
00:10:14Among those coming to Youngstown
00:10:16Thursday, January 9th
00:10:18Sarasota, Florida
00:10:20Fire and Million Dollar Man Ted DiBiase
00:10:22Among those in Sarasota
00:10:24Thursday, January 9th
00:10:26Spokane, Washington
00:10:28The Spokane Coliseum
00:10:30The Undertaker in individual action in Spokane
00:10:32Wednesday, January 8th
00:10:34Fort Myers, Florida
00:10:36The Lay's Civic Center
00:10:38The Immortal Hulk Hogan
00:10:40Among those on a dynamic card in Fort Myers
00:10:42It's the World Wrestling Federation
00:10:44Be a part of it live when it comes to your area
00:10:46Did Jack Tunny make a
00:10:48fair, unbiased decision
00:10:50by allowing Hulk Hogan and
00:10:52The Undertaker in the Royal Rumble
00:10:54to draw from numbers 20
00:10:56through 30? Or was
00:10:58he showing a bit of favoritism and if so
00:11:00why, Gorilla? I don't think
00:11:02he was showing any favoritism.
00:11:04I think he unquestionably was. But I think
00:11:06it's justifiable. Here's the last two
00:11:08guys to hold that coveted title
00:11:10and how about if it
00:11:12weren't for Ric Flair sticking his nose in
00:11:14where it didn't belong. I think
00:11:16if preferential treatment is given to the Hulkster
00:11:18and The Undertaker, then Jack
00:11:20Tunny should have made another stipulation
00:11:22saying that Ric Flair gets number one.
00:11:24Ah, no.
00:11:26It's fine. I don't like that idea.
00:11:28I think it's fine. You're the consultant.
00:11:30It doesn't matter. I've talked it over. I
00:11:32am the executive consultant. But you don't believe that, though.
00:11:34Yes, I do believe that because it's never
00:11:36been done before where one man has
00:11:38chosen number one and gone through the
00:11:40whole Royal Rumble and came out the
00:11:42winner. Ric Flair, if he does that
00:11:44and when he does that, then
00:11:46you will all know that he is the real world
00:11:48champion and then he will be the
00:11:50WWF champion.
00:11:52You're a liar.
00:11:54I've never lied in my life.
00:11:56Here's the most important fact that we've got to
00:11:58look at and that is that Hulk Hogan
00:12:00and The Undertaker are both the most
00:12:02recent champions.
00:12:04Therefore, the president made the right decision.
00:12:06And really, I don't think you
00:12:08honestly, you're just putting us on here about
00:12:10Ric Flair because if in fact,
00:12:12if you really believe that, then why don't you ask Jack Tunney
00:12:14for a special dispensation?
00:12:16I will. Give me the phone. I'll call him right now.
00:12:18I think the phone's going to be busy right now because
00:12:20I think, Reverend,
00:12:22why don't you pick up the phone and...
00:12:24Oh, you want to play a Hulk Hogan phone game instead of
00:12:26letting me talk to Hulk Hogan?
00:12:28What's more important?
00:12:30I mean, Jack Tunney.
00:12:32You don't even know who you want to talk to.
00:12:34...Hulkster's daily personal message.
00:12:36Why don't you do so by dialing 1-900-454-HULK
00:12:38And remember,
00:12:40it's $1.49 for the first minute
00:12:42and 99 cents for each additional minute.
00:12:44Kids, make sure you get your parents'
00:12:46permission before you dial.
00:12:48We spoke earlier of the Hulkster
00:12:50and The Undertaker. Well, now let's take
00:12:52you to some action involving
00:12:54one of the individuals who has been
00:12:56seated by Jack Tunney. Here is
00:12:58The Undertaker.
00:13:00The following contest is scheduled
00:13:02for one fall. Introducing currently
00:13:04in the ring...
00:13:06Weighing in at 230 pounds,
00:13:08Richie Garvin.
00:13:10Richie Garvin.
00:13:12A little bit of a
00:13:14anticipatory look on his face.
00:13:16Look out for this.
00:13:18Look like he has an acne problem there, Charles.
00:13:20It's a concern with his skin.
00:13:22I was looking at the expression
00:13:24on his face. He's...
00:13:26I'd like to see the expression
00:13:28on your face, Sean, if you were standing in the ring
00:13:30waiting for this adversary.
00:13:32I'll tell you what, you'd never find me in the ring
00:13:34waiting to take on The Undertaker.
00:13:36He is
00:13:38an incredible individual.
00:13:42You can never tell
00:13:44what he's thinking. That expression
00:13:46never changes.
00:13:48That cold,
00:13:54frightens everyone here in the arena,
00:13:56including us.
00:14:00I have to imagine he is getting a bit excited, though,
00:14:02isn't he?
00:18:14Last week on the Superstars of Wrestling, World Wrestling Federation Tag Team Champions
00:18:18Legion of Doom defended their title against the Dynamic Rockers, however, it is becoming
00:18:24increasingly apparent that Marty Janetti and Shawn Michaels are having relationship problems.
00:18:32So let us go back to last week and that championship contest.
00:19:03Shawn Michaels, trot-kicking out of all trots, and that's the last of his tag team partner there.
00:19:13Yes, and McMahon and the tag team, both guys got to do their part.
00:19:17Now look at Shawn Michaels, I don't blame him for being mad.
00:19:20Well, this is certainly not going to help things out in terms of the distinction that has been growing between the Rockers
00:19:27They have had their opportunity here, folks.
00:19:30They have had their opportunity to be WWF Tag Team Champions, and unfortunately, Janetti screwed it up.
00:19:37I don't know about that. Janetti didn't screw it up.
00:19:39He got pinned, didn't he?
00:19:41No one screwed it up.
00:19:45Shawn Michaels has great wrestling skills, it just makes him mad that he has to have a partner that can't hold his hand up.
00:19:52I don't think one individual can blame the other on this.
00:19:55This is just something that happened.
00:19:59I like to see this.
00:20:01You really don't like to see this because...
00:20:04Lay it on him, give him another one!
00:20:06Come on, they have been great tag team specialists, and I can't imagine that Shawn...
00:20:13Oh, come on! Come on!
00:20:16Look at Janetti, he doesn't have a gut to...
00:20:18Well, he did the right thing, Janetti.
00:20:21Yes, he did.
00:20:22I can't believe how arrogant Shawn Michaels was, slapping his tag team partner, blaming his partner.
00:20:28There's no blame here at all.
00:20:30McMahon, you don't understand. You haven't been inside that ring.
00:20:33When you have great wrestling skills such as Shawn Michaels and your partner, there's a letdown.
00:20:39Of course, there's going to be anger.
00:20:41Obviously, a very distressing situation exists in between the rockers.
00:20:46And nobody knows to what damaging lengths this may go.
00:20:50However, there is one team who get massive support from each other.
00:20:54They stand firmly together, way above their opposition, the huge natural disasters.
00:21:00And now comes the blockbusting news that they have been officially signed to challenge the Legion of Doom for their WWF tag team title.
00:21:09This collision will erupt at the Royal Rumble, Sunday afternoon, January the 19th.
00:21:16Here are comments from Animal on Hawk, Legion of Doom.
00:21:20We continue to prove we can beat anybody. We beat you rockers.
00:21:24And now, natural disasters, Royal Rumble, you're ours.
00:21:28We're going to make Royal Rumble our hunting season.
00:21:31Natural disaster, you're going to be our two carcasses, looking like a couple of dead deers with your tongues hanging out.
00:21:40This contest is scheduled for one fall.
00:21:42Introducing currently in the ring, from St. Petersburg, Florida, weighing 230 pounds, Barry Horowitz.
00:21:51Yes, I see Barry Horowitz has changed a bit.
00:21:56He's patted himself on the back so many times, he has an imprint on the back of his jacket.
00:22:02But we want to hold him.
00:22:04Bret the Hitman Hart receives enough accolades.
00:22:10He doesn't need to pat himself on the back.
00:22:13Chosen the best wrestler of 1991 by his peers.
00:22:19And what an honor that is.
00:22:21He also happens to be the reigning intercontinental champion.
00:22:25And one of the most skilled superstars ever in the history of the WWF.
00:22:31A most deserving award that to Bret Hart, wrestler of the year.
00:22:37And he could have been wrestler of the last three or four years, as far as my money is concerned.
00:22:41A great, great wrestler indeed.
00:22:44And I think we're going to be privileged here today to see Bret Hart, once again, go through his paces and show us just how good he is.
00:22:54Barry Horowitz already complaining.
00:22:57Ah, here's a little Bret Hart fan.
00:23:03You will long remember that encounter with the Hitman.
00:23:10Now he's ready for action.
00:23:12Yes, he took his time there in the beginning.
00:23:14And Horowitz, a little nervous.
00:23:17And it showed when he was demonstrating when Hart jumped out of the ring.
00:23:23Set-up, side headlock.
00:23:25Horowitz looking for a handle here.
00:23:28Almost looking for words.
00:23:30Yes, there we go.
00:23:32There's the ropes.
00:23:34Big shoulder block.
00:23:37Steps across.
00:23:39Horowitz tries a hip toss.
00:23:41He's the one that falls victim to it.
00:23:45The Hitman's so quick.
00:23:49He is very, very quick.
00:23:51That's blazing speed he was using there.
00:23:54But with that also, he combines such great power compacted into that body.
00:24:00I have never seen a superstar like Alfred Hayes, and you may agree with me on this, who can turn a negative into a positive so quickly.
00:24:08Yes, I've got to agree.
00:24:09Boy, your New Year's resolution is really going well, is it not?
00:24:13Agreeing on everything.
00:24:15Surely I must find something to argue with you shortly.
00:24:18It's a long year.
00:24:20Lord Alfred Hayes.
00:24:24Harry Horowitz.
00:24:27Out of reach now.
00:24:29He cannot get a hold of the Hitman.
00:24:32Backs the Intercontinental Champion into the ropes.
00:24:35Backs the Intercontinental Champion into the ropes.
00:24:40And gets just enough space to fire that elbow back.
00:24:48Trying to take control now.
00:24:49You're going to say, I got him.
00:24:50Not for long.
00:24:56Let's talk about some height on that atomic drop.
00:24:59And the snap to that clothesline.
00:25:02Looks like it may already be over for Harry Horowitz.
00:25:08I don't think so.
00:25:09I think Brett may toy with him just a little further.
00:25:11He likes to play with these fellows.
00:25:13He has a good time in the ring with this.
00:25:16Looked as though he were going to step across and attempt to fire in the sharpshooter.
00:25:21Yes, it did.
00:25:22I think he changed his mind at the last moment.
00:25:24He thought, no, I've got a little more practice in on this fellow.
00:25:28Having a good time.
00:25:30Less than two weeks.
00:25:31That's right, Lord Alfred Hayes.
00:25:32In less than two weeks, Sunday afternoon, January 19th.
00:25:36He's going to put the Intercontinental Championship on the line against the Mountie.
00:25:43I'm sure he wants to make the most of this encounter.
00:25:44Sharpen his skills even more.
00:25:47That's the Sunday after next, is it not?
00:25:49It is indeed.
00:25:51There's only one way to see it all live.
00:25:54That is on a pay-per-view basis.
00:25:57Impressive display there.
00:25:58That was good by Hayes.
00:26:00Slams the hitman.
00:26:03On the back of his head.
00:26:04Surprising little fellow, isn't he, Hayes?
00:26:07Enterprising, quite audacious.
00:26:09But I don't think it's going to make any difference to Brett Hart.
00:26:12In your words, he is a rambunctious fellow.
00:26:15Yes, absolutely.
00:26:18He is indeed.
00:26:19Hitman rolled up here.
00:26:21And a very hopeful fellow, too.
00:26:24Would you imagine it gave up with a victory here today?
00:26:28I can't imagine that.
00:26:29But I know what you're getting at.
00:26:32It would shake the whole World Wrestling Federation to its foundations.
00:26:37Well, the title isn't on the line.
00:26:39It would certainly send shockwaves around the WWF.
00:26:45Especially so close to the Royal Rumble.
00:26:48The Mountie would like to see something like that happen, I'm sure.
00:26:52To the hitman.
00:26:56Brett Hart is such an incredible competitor.
00:27:00We have seen him down on occasions.
00:27:03And you would think there was no way he could possibly come back.
00:27:08And he's silenced us all.
00:27:10He certainly has many, many times he's done that.
00:27:14He seems to be like Felix with so many lives.
00:27:18In the corner, Horowitz.
00:27:20Charging in.
00:27:22Took his time.
00:27:26Full speed right into the turnbuckles.
00:27:31That'll take the edge off.
00:27:34Now the hitman up to the second rope.
00:27:37Looks as fresh as ever.
00:27:41You know, I really believe that Hitman doesn't like to have a match
00:27:45unless he's taken a few blows from the opposition.
00:27:48And he certainly gave Horowitz his chance of the hour there.
00:27:51But Horowitz couldn't do it.
00:27:53There's a sharpshooter.
00:27:55And it's right on target.
00:27:58It doesn't take long for Horowitz to ask for the submission.
00:28:02He wanted nothing more to do with Brett than hitman Hart.
00:28:09And the Intercontinental Champion, Brett Hart,
00:28:11shows why he is the one wearing that belt around his waist.
00:28:15No doubt set for the Royal Rumble in less than two weeks.
00:28:20This river has been our home for hundreds of years.
00:28:25It's been a source of food, transportation, refuge,
00:28:32the very lifeblood of my people.
00:28:35But I now realize, just as the river flows in its own direction,
00:28:42I must flow in my direction.
00:28:46I will be the river.
00:28:48I will carry the sacred wisdom of the Indian Nation to all nations.
00:28:58Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah!
00:29:02Sunday afternoon, April 5th.
00:29:04See all the WWF superstars,
00:29:07along with some of the biggest names in sports and entertainment.
00:29:10So make a New Year's resolution
00:29:12to be part of the record-breaking crowd at the Hoosier Dome.
00:29:16Reserve your seats by calling 317-239-5151
00:29:19or call TCA for travel packages at 1-800-622-0305.
00:29:25Be a part of WrestleMania!
00:29:50Look, he wants to kick Mel Phillips out of the ring.
00:29:57And what a barbaric encounter this should be.
00:30:01Between the Barbarian and the Berserker.
00:30:08I loved your point there about the sword show,
00:30:10because this man is dangerous without a sword.
00:30:14He's using his belt.
00:30:17He could make a weapon out of a pencil.
00:30:22And the cane of Mr. Fuji,
00:30:25put in his reach.
00:30:27Well, we know that that has been used as a weapon
00:30:29on several occasions.
00:30:33Very interesting encounter, Lord Alfred Hayes.
00:30:36Yes, one I never thought I would see.
00:30:38Barbarian actually going into the ring against the Berserker.
00:30:41But why I believe it's one I thought I would never see
00:30:44is I didn't think Mr. Fuji
00:30:46would allow his man to step in the ring with the Barbarian.
00:30:50Good job now, as the Barbarian returns that shot.
00:30:56Back and forth.
00:30:58I don't think it's a matter of being close companions.
00:31:02I don't think these two individuals have any friends.
00:31:05It's just a matter of competition to them.
00:31:08Being in the center of the ring,
00:31:12the man gives an inch.
00:31:15Well, it looks as though the Berserker
00:31:19is taking a little more of the blow than the Barbarian.
00:31:24But he evens it up in a hurry.
00:31:26He certainly did.
00:31:28Two 300-pounders clashed twice then,
00:31:31and suddenly the Barbarian came up with a better move.
00:31:33Wow. Boy, almost.
00:31:35Yes, I thought it was.
00:31:37I thought for one moment
00:31:39a very, very quick victory there by Berserker.
00:31:41That boot really found its mark.
00:31:44I think the Barbarian may have been out cold
00:31:47for a few seconds there.
00:31:50This is with a close line,
00:31:52and now he fires back with a boot.
00:31:57Some really enterprising moves here by both men.
00:32:01Something we didn't expect.
00:32:03Both superstars, Lord Alfred Hayes,
00:32:05with incredibly powerful legs.
00:32:07Yes, absolutely.
00:32:09In fact, incredibly powerful all over.
00:32:13Barbarian is like a solid rock of granite
00:32:16inside the ring with power.
00:32:18Berserker with a lot of speed for such a big man.
00:32:21A lot of agility,
00:32:23but sometimes he gets too, too confident.
00:32:27Berserker charging in.
00:32:29Shoulder takes a huge shot in that turnbuckle,
00:32:34and now the Barbarian tried to take advantage of it.
00:32:40Slamming the Berserker quarter to quarter.
00:32:43Now when he comes charging in, he misses.
00:32:48Sean, you have to admit it,
00:32:50the Berserker for such a big man is exceptionally fast.
00:32:54So both these superstars came into this match
00:32:58with the same strategy.
00:33:00Trying to outfire the other, the Berserker,
00:33:02now with a huge shoulder block.
00:33:04Was that a three count?
00:33:08Very, very close indeed, though.
00:33:10Twice now the Barbarian has almost lost this encounter.
00:33:14Two full counts.
00:33:17He guessed him before he gets the shoulder up.
00:33:20The last tenth of a second, I would say.
00:33:25And look at Barbarian.
00:33:27He's pressing in with his attack.
00:33:29Nothing daunts this man at all.
00:33:31Certainly not Berserker.
00:33:33What a powerful matchup we are witnessing
00:33:37between these two massive superstars.
00:33:41Well, Mr. Fuji, you saw exactly his tactic there.
00:33:45He pulled down the top rope with the cane.
00:33:48Barbarian very upset about that.
00:33:52Look at Fuji. He's inside the ring there.
00:33:55This will be all over.
00:33:58So Fuji has disqualified his man.
00:34:02Well, I think the referee was a little hasty there, don't you?
00:34:05He had no business getting into the ring, Lord Alfred Hayes.
00:34:08You know that.
00:34:10And now the Barbarian with the cane.
00:34:12Well, he may have disqualified the Barbarian
00:34:14for having that cane.
00:34:16Well, we have not received the official word.
00:34:19But we have it now.
00:34:21Let's go to the announcer.
00:34:23From a cut-out, the Berserker.
00:34:28Neither blade took minutes.
00:34:32Very surprising decision here.
00:34:35Barbarian breaks the cane of Mr. Fuji.
00:34:38What a match this was.
00:34:40Well, don't be surprised if either one of the two individuals
00:34:43whom you just saw in action
00:34:45did become the World Wrestling Federation champion
00:34:48on January 19th at the Royal Rumble.
00:34:50Stranger things than that have happened.
00:34:52It's going to take a real cool head to prevail
00:34:54and become champion in the Royal Rumble.
00:34:56And speaking of that, the macho man Randy Savage
00:34:59better have a very cool head as he enters the Royal Rumble
00:35:02knowing full well that Jake the Snake is likely to be in there.
00:35:05Well, you know how much everybody wants to become
00:35:07World Wrestling Federation champion.
00:35:09Savage would like it for a second time.
00:35:11But here's Jake the Snake Roberts who slapped Miss Elizabeth.
00:35:13Do you think Savage is really going to get in that ring
00:35:15and think about business, have himself set,
00:35:17have himself geared to winning that title?
00:35:19No, he's going to go right for the juggler vein.
00:35:21What Jake the Snake should have done
00:35:23was slap Elizabeth before the wedding
00:35:25so she wouldn't have married him.
00:35:29Listen, it's just a matter of focus.
00:35:31You know, a lot of the guys, a lot of the wrestlers
00:35:34have personal vendettas.
00:35:36Whoever can leave the dressing room,
00:35:38go to the ring with his mind focused on one thing,
00:35:40that's becoming the World Wrestling Federation champion.
00:35:41That's the man who's going to have the advantage
00:35:43and that's the man who's going to be victorious.
00:35:45Well, let's find out now
00:35:47if the Macho Man Randy Savage is indeed focused.
00:35:49Let's take you now to a special interview
00:35:51with the Macho Man and Elizabeth.
00:35:53Ladies and gentlemen,
00:35:55please welcome my guest this week,
00:35:57the First Lady of the World Wrestling Federation,
00:36:00Elizabeth and the Macho Man, Randy Savage.
00:36:06Never before has there been a couple
00:36:08that personifies respect,
00:36:10that personifies everything
00:36:12that there is about the great competitors
00:36:14here in the WWF,
00:36:16as we see here in the Macho Man
00:36:18and his bride, Elizabeth.
00:36:20Wow, she's looking great.
00:36:22Taking nothing away from him.
00:36:24Macho Man Randy Savage,
00:36:26the Macho Man Randy Savage,
00:36:28the Macho Man Randy Savage,
00:36:30the Macho Man Randy Savage,
00:36:32the Macho Man Randy Savage,
00:36:34the Macho Man Randy Savage,
00:36:36we are just a couple of weeks
00:36:38away from the Royal Rumble
00:36:40and if you win it all,
00:36:42you could once again be
00:36:44the World Wrestling Federation champion.
00:36:48A grand prize at the Royal Rumble
00:36:50is the World Wrestling Federation
00:36:52championship belt.
00:36:54And I've been to the top
00:36:56of the mountain.
00:36:58You know what,
00:37:00me and G. you know G licenses,
00:37:02I want to go back.
00:37:04I want to go back
00:37:06the top of the mountain, cause I can see better from there, yeah, and at the Royal Rumble,
00:37:14there are no friends, there are only enemies, yeah, and I don't care if the guy happens
00:37:24to be Justice, I don't care if the guy happens to be The Undertaker, and I don't care if
00:37:33it happens to be Hulk Hogan, every man for themselves at the Rumble, yeah, I don't want
00:37:40anything as badly as I want to become the World Wrestling Federation Champion, except
00:37:52for one thing, and I don't care, cause it's you, Snake Man, yeah, it's you, and it's always
00:38:02been you, and it's gonna be you, until I bring you all the way down, I don't care if it's
00:38:08before the Rumble, I don't care if it's during the Rumble, I don't care if it's after the
00:38:14Rumble, you cross that line, and I'm gonna get you, yeah, trust me, dig it, yeah.
00:38:23Alright, Elizabeth, with all of the occurrences in recent weeks, your feelings for Jake Roberts
00:38:31other than, well, utter contempt?
00:38:34Well, Gene, let me just say that, knowing the way Randy feels about him, I, I almost
00:38:41feel sorry for Jake Roberts.
00:38:43Well, I don't feel sorry for the Snake Man, and after the smoke clears at the Rumble,
00:38:49yeah, I will be the winner, and you, Snake Man, you'll be history, dig it.
00:38:56You know, it sounds to me like things are really looking up for the Royal Rumble, Elizabeth.
00:39:01Speaking of sounds, the one sound I'd like to hear at the end of the Royal Rumble is
00:39:06the new World Wrestling Federation Champion, the Macho Man Randy Savage, oh yeah.
00:39:10I bet you would, I bet you would.
00:39:12Oh yeah, she is for her man, you bet.
00:39:20So if he doesn't win, does that mean she's gonna leave him?
00:39:23I don't think you can count on that, we'll be back.
00:39:27The most prestigious event in the history of the World Wrestling Federation will take
00:39:31place on January 19th.
00:39:33On that particular pay-per-view, ladies and gentlemen, 30 competitors competing for the
00:39:37coveted World Wrestling Federation Championship.
00:39:40The man who wins the Royal Rumble not only can claim to be the WWF Champion, he can look
00:39:46back in time and say, I did something no man has ever done.
00:39:50I defeated one way or another 29 other superstars to be the champion.
00:39:56With that in mind, we heard a little bit earlier on from the Macho Man Randy Savage.
00:40:01It's only right now that we hear from the one man who sits at this table who has competed
00:40:06in no less than three Royal Rumbles, who however will not be competing in this one.
00:40:11The question to you, Mr. Perfect, why are you not competing in this Royal Rumble?
00:40:18Well, when I signed the contract to be Ric Flair's executive consultant, there is a clause
00:40:24in there that excludes me from wrestling against Ric Flair.
00:40:27Exactly, and do you know who put that contract together?
00:40:30Well, Bobby did.
00:40:31That's exactly my point.
00:40:33Bobby Heenan, Mr. Perfect, is precluding you from entering the most prestigious event
00:40:39in the history of the World Wrestling Federation.
00:40:41You, Mr. Perfect, could, so to speak, walk that aisle as the WWF Champion, but according
00:40:48to Bobby Heenan, you're not going to be in the Royal Rumble.
00:40:52No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,
00:40:55no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,
00:41:00no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,
00:41:02no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,
00:41:03no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,
00:41:04no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,
00:41:15no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,
00:41:21no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,
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00:46:08no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,
00:46:14marty jenny the warlord the texas tornado the immortal hulk hogan and steady fire with comments
00:46:23nasty boy sags and nasty boy knobs royal rumble no way it's the nasty tumble 28 geeks the nasty
00:46:32boys that means nastyville 28 people get nasty sensation that's the way it's gonna be hey man
00:46:40it's a rumble and nobody knows about a rumble better than the nasty boys and we don't matter
00:46:46what number we get we're going out there it'll be like two street in allentown but you know what
00:46:52at the end of the tunnel there's a gold rainbow the world wrestling heavyweight championship and
00:46:58it's gonna be nasty plus the repo man rowdy rowdy piper macho man randy savage and this gentleman
00:47:08million-dollar man ted db rc it's the royal rumble and everybody knows sharing in a rumble
00:47:14you have no friends and everybody knows that the million-dollar man has no friends anyway
00:47:18all of my friends are dead presidents 30 men go on the ring and 29 men come out losers and the one
00:47:27left standing is the world wrestling federation champion and what they say is the cream always
00:47:33rises to the top that's right the cream little cream always comes out on top and baby i'm the
00:47:40cream of the crop there's more jake the snake roberts el matador tito santana the berserker
00:47:51the big boss man the undertaker skinner and this gentleman sergeant slaughtered
00:48:00attention okay at ease and listen up royal rumble for the world wrestling federation
00:48:10championship the ring will be filled with 29 other participants i sergeant slaughterer
00:48:18will win the world wrestling federation championship because i know how to fight
00:48:25head-to-head i know what it's like to be in an ambush i'm winning this one for my country
00:48:33hercules superfly jimmy snooker colonel mustafa the barbarian and this man said justice you know
00:48:43someone asked me said why are you so confident why why do you think you're the man that's going
00:48:48to win the royal rumble well it's simple i've always stood alone i never needed anyone to
00:48:52stand beside me or behind me and i'm going to tell you people something when the smoke clears
00:48:57i'll be the man standing why because i am the man who's superior i am sid justice remember the man
00:49:05who stands alone in the ring at the end of the royal rumble will be crowned the undisputed world
00:49:11wrestling federation champion and there is so much more an intercontinental title defense for
00:49:17the hitman heart challenging him the bounty wow do we have tag team action the bushwhackers with
00:49:24jameson of their corner to meet the beverly brothers with the genius in theirs the new
00:49:30foundation squares off against the orient express and ladies and gentlemen a tag team title defense
00:49:38the legion of doom defending against the natural disasters earthquake and typhoon the good news is
00:49:45we are just two weeks away available exclusively on pay-per-view i can't stress strongly enough for
00:49:51you to call your local cable company right now and then get ready for sunday january the 19th
00:49:58and the royal rumble who can bring together people hand in hand
00:50:07the eminem's care who can speak a language the world can you're young you're young we're back
00:50:15with more prime time bobby heenan you're gonna make more money mr heenan mr perfect do you mind
00:50:20joining us please there's no question this discussion continues as to the clause in the
00:50:24contract of rick flair prohibiting mr perfect from entering the royal rumble well right now gorilla
00:50:29let's talk about other participants in the royal rumble let's talk about some of the tag teams
00:50:34actually that are going to be entering this thing principally the rockers and the nasty boys well
00:50:40rockers we've sean michaels marty genetti just like these two birds there seems to be some
00:50:45dissension amongst the rockers which is not going to fare well for them in the royal rumble good
00:50:51boy then again as it relates to the nasty boys let's assume reverend that the nasty boys enter
00:50:56the royal rumble and they have to go at it one-on-one if that occurs what happens on the
00:51:03back side of that what happens out of the royal rumble will they still be the cohesive unit that
00:51:07they are entering the royal i don't think so vince i think number one i don't think the bond between
00:51:11these two guys is all that tight in the first place and let's face it only one man can walk
00:51:16away with the world wrestling federation championship title now i know i certainly
00:51:21wouldn't let my partner my brother anyone stop me from becoming champion so hard feelings can
00:51:26you know develop from that speaking of hard feelings gentlemen uh he worked everything out
00:51:30i say he obviously didn't weasel his way out look at look at his voice
00:51:35to madison square garden we'll take a look at the matchup involving the rockers and the nasty boys
00:51:47and their opponents
00:51:48about to come down the aisle
00:52:19this match means so much to the rockers and the rockers of victoria's here
00:52:23they could very well have a tag team title match upcoming with lod and it means a lot
00:52:30to the nasty boys they could get a return match against lod
00:52:39and either team would make really tough opposition for the tag team champions
00:52:49your assessment what happened in the matchup involving the rockers there was a little
00:52:55miscommunication was there not well there's a lot of miscommunication with the rockers
00:52:59if you if you read the world wrestling federation magazine you'll know as i do that these two guys
00:53:05don't get along now that was just a rumor i believe it though i mean i can see a lot i can
00:53:11tell when two people don't get along i mean they're just they're jealous of one another
00:53:18they're jealous of one another there's something there's something going on there i don't think
00:53:21they've got along for a long time i think it's just a business proposition i don't know i'll
00:53:26have to get i can get to the bottom of the phone you can't for broadcast journals i'll find out
00:53:31i'll find out real soon i'll be right now though but what can we expect as revelation stay tuned
00:53:38stay tuned
00:53:41and a look at the physique of uh mr knobs
00:53:46so exactly a cut physique but even so a very very powerful 300 pounder very powerful young man as
00:53:52well as sags there and uh they are nasty there's no question about that everybody knows they are
00:53:58nasty if you have new dimensions i would think of the term nasty so evil these two knobs and sags
00:54:06they certainly give no love or admiration or respect to anybody at all and on occasion not
00:54:13even to each other which might be a problem with the rockers many have stated and rumored
00:54:18as evidenced by the wwf magazine thus far we've had absolutely no action whatsoever in this match
00:54:25just uh clowning around i wonder how long the rockers are gonna put up with this i think that's
00:54:30the nasty boy strategy get the rockets to make a mistake you know that they probably got a game
00:54:34plan but if you can throw their game plan off a bit then your game plan is going to work
00:54:42just laughing uh off camera there's this uh little lady as a matter of fact we may
00:54:46have an opportunity to pick that up nasty boy dolls there they are here's sags and knobs
00:54:55the nasty boys they even have their fans here in the big apple
00:55:04now the truth never is
00:55:09i like it they take their time they make you fight their battle
00:55:14that's the way it is huh time jump up come on okay come on let's get down to some action here
00:55:20come on guys since laverne and shirley are kind of uh off their game plan
00:55:44well it's great tactics i think by the nasty boys here they've certainly done their homework well
00:55:49how could you possibly say that we haven't seen any action
00:55:52there you go just like that vince distract them in the beginning good psychological
00:55:58ploy and then a good physical ploy michael's making a drubbing now the knobs
00:56:05sags that knobs or sides in there yeah that's thanks
00:56:28is certainly having his way here with michaels
00:56:35jerry sags continuing to hammer oh this is with the roundhouse over his man right back at him now
00:56:42caught him in midair
00:56:46sean michaels michaels knocks him down coming over oh yeah let's bring it back
00:56:51tags and knobs having a problem sean michaels a house of fire
00:56:55and that's what it's all about that's action from the rockers
00:57:03two against one and that's why they call him tag team specialist
00:57:08marty janetti and sean michaels the rockers
00:57:12tag team tactics by the rockers like you said michaels had a resort to fighting his cabasas
00:57:19is proboscis oh
00:57:24keep it simple for the human rights i know what you mean beat
00:57:30sides and knobs once again trying to formulate a bit of strategy now as
00:57:33marty janetti will try his luck against the former tag team title holders
00:57:40well there is a little disconcertion in that corner moment but
00:57:44they seem to have regrouped now they're coming back into this match that's the trouble with the
00:57:49rockers you never know when they're going to come off that top rope one rocker two rocker
00:57:52you don't know where they're going to hit you from you've got to ground them you can't have
00:57:55an aerial match with them you've got to ground them well what uh rockers need is close physical
00:58:03contact all right now come on raffleman i'm finally a fresh i think i'd consider uh awarding
00:58:12points for stalling if this were amateur and it's not amateur no but come on the stalling
00:58:19tactic is getting to be a little uh frustrating i'm sure on the part of the rockers we're good
00:58:24then it's working not necessarily to wait and see the outcome of the match
00:58:33firing off a series of wide hands now
00:58:50blazing speed yes
00:58:54completely confused
00:59:05i can't wait to see the armpit move i don't like that but what move
00:59:08that's when the nasty boys get you in the corner and rub your face and
00:59:13one of their armpits yeah that's the pits that's the pits yeah i like that
00:59:20ryan knobs all over marty janetti
00:59:27a lot of power in those blows
00:59:32however knobs better be using his peripheral vision as well because from the top rope the
00:59:38rockers can strike at any time and sean michaels is halfway up janetti off the wall back body drop
00:59:45oh look at that but everybody hang on there it is it's over no it's not oh yeah janetti is a house
00:59:52fire see you gotta keep them grounded you can't let them up once they get up they can attack in
00:59:5910 12 14 25 different ways and that was a good thing by janetti there
01:00:04he kept his core was very patient and picked his moment
01:00:10and the nasty boy is not looking all that crisp here tonight in madison square garden are they
01:00:16well it's early it's early early it's getting late they're a little sluggish you're right
01:00:25and a tag is made now he didn't have the tag rope though
01:00:28he'd have both feet he must have the official saw the tag it was right there
01:00:35and the tag is made now
01:00:36now wait a minute they're going to work on michaels in the corner
01:00:49oh my knobs hammering away may have hurt his hand
01:00:55knobs now with sean michaels to the far corner he comes no
01:00:58way off the mark look how fast sean michaels is from the top down on him
01:01:18he's always there for you albert absolutely not just there in terms of the physicality
01:01:23he's always rooting you on he's almost like having a cheerleader there on your side
01:01:28so stalwart you're absolutely right kings are very very protective and watch for an
01:01:32alert eye on his partner also he'll be calling spots for you when you're in there
01:01:38i mean if you're in trouble he sees something coming from an opponent if you can hear him
01:01:43that is he's he's always giving you advice constantly off the rope now
01:01:50from behind though sean michaels
01:02:07on the outside sean michaels back to the ring post
01:02:14marty janetti over there with his tag team partner trying to help him out
01:02:18what if the match is over
01:02:23did he ring the bell no no no the official moving
01:02:26janetti back to his corner now the official count will begin
01:02:30oh wait a minute distracting the official meanwhile on the outside
01:02:35having scooped one here to the ring post
01:02:39knobs and sags and nasty boys doing what they do best now tag team wrestling what a dangerous
01:02:48move that was on the outside
01:02:52michaels who was doing so well
01:02:58now what sort of dissension would you uh allow that is going on and as far as the rockers
01:03:04concerned what do you know bobby well i just know what i read you read the world wrestling
01:03:08federation magazine you're going to learn something mcmahon they don't get along they
01:03:12have them for a long time they're very jealous of one another that's the case you'd never know it
01:03:18by what happens in the by what happens in the ring
01:03:24we were getting excited
01:03:28reaching for the tag tag out sean michaels needs to get out of there
01:03:32oh well measure beautiful move by sacks
01:03:39bend them in half snap them jerry sacks really pouring on the pressure
01:03:48michael very very vulnerable now needs to make that tag
01:03:53always do everything
01:04:11hoping to hold it together here in madison square garden
01:04:16both teams wanting that matchup with lod
01:04:23both teams wanting to be tag team champions
01:04:28and right now that looks a good proposition here for the nasty boys
01:04:33they've dominated this last 10 minutes or so of this match
01:04:40still got some fight left in the building
01:04:43great courage you're right bobby
01:04:58michael's back to his feet now tag is going to be made a lunge for it on the part of jenetti
01:05:16and meanwhile off the road now
01:05:21nice legal tag by the nasties
01:05:26dropping the elbow the cover now we have one two and a kick out by michaels
01:05:34he's lucky brian knox in control forearm setting up sean michaels coming off back
01:05:41but no look at this bear hug
01:05:46i think i heard it give i've had it i think did he say i have it ring the bell
01:05:54i don't believe so and again jenetti wanting to make the tag
01:06:00you have to have arms as long as andre the giants to make that tag
01:06:03and jenetti and michaels trying to rally here against the nasty boys this match meaning so
01:06:12very very much for both teams and it certainly means a lot to the rockers
01:06:18if they could overcome the nasty boys they would be in the line for a title shot
01:06:25and again perhaps the same would be true here for the nasty boys
01:06:37he possibly could michaels trying to make his move there you go
01:06:56and once again disaster strikes events indeed it's this i was going to say bobby i'll make it
01:07:03oh michaels had better tag out i don't care who you are
01:07:14michaels had better tag out he is being worn down by both nasty boys one after the other
01:07:20and the nasty boys really enjoying this much now off the road
01:07:24sets him up there we go there come on
01:07:32count up two and unfortunately official out of position there well he was doing his job he was
01:07:38getting knobs back to his corner yeah well nob's intention distracting him good tag team wrestling
01:07:44all right strategy's not bad i'll have to agree with you there
01:07:52all power moves by the nasty boys they certainly studied well how to beat the rockers well a good
01:07:59big man always beat a good small man and two good big guys always beat two good little guys
01:08:07these aren't little guys but they're smaller than i'm gonna tell you these are very
01:08:10fair sized guys michaels especially michael no doubt both individuals have both rockers
01:08:18tremendous heart
01:08:22reaching for the tag continually marty jenny two through and again a very close count
01:08:28and if this match goes another five minutes without a tag then there's no question i
01:08:32believe the nasty boys will be victorious two in again a number of near falls here
01:08:39well michaels has never been the same since he got his back grant running to the ring
01:08:42but rammed into the ring post out here on the floor never been the same all the fight went out
01:08:48of him reaching with the tag rope trying to make the tag legally
01:09:00over the top it has to be he knows that he's smart enough he's just goldbrick
01:09:07who's what i don't think he wants in there he knows if he can say that he's going to wind up
01:09:12in the same position michaels is in yet he's trying to encourage his capacity to crowd
01:09:16to help his partner out he's going to help his partner with his partner
01:09:21and sean michaels could use all the help he could possibly get
01:09:38two three
01:09:55all right
01:10:12for the house of fire
01:10:17he's been waiting on the outside wait a minute
01:10:19Yes! He's on the ropes, Alfred!
01:10:23Sure, he's had a rest. He's been standing on the apron for the last couple of hours.
01:10:26Oh, yeah!
01:10:27And cover!
01:10:28One! Two!
01:10:29Oh, no!
01:10:32I've lost track of who the legal man in the ring is supposed to be!
01:10:37Look out!
01:10:39Who is the legal man, Alfred?
01:10:41I... I...
01:10:42Oh, no! It's Turnaround Rock!
01:10:44Turnaround Rock!
01:10:45Oh, no!
01:10:46No, don't turn around!
01:10:50And back again!
01:10:53Wait a minute! He just pinned his own partner!
01:10:55Wait a minute!
01:10:57Oh, he's a mistake!
01:11:01Now, what happened there?
01:11:02What happened there was...
01:11:04There was so much flip-flop, flip-flop back and forth.
01:11:08What happened there was Shawn Michaels thought he was helping his tag team partner.
01:11:13Unfortunately, turned the wrong man over.
01:11:15Here are your winners, The Nasty Boyz!
01:11:22The Nasty Boyz, victorious!
01:11:39A little discussion going on here, as you might suspect, on the part of Shawn Michaels and Bobby Jannetty.
01:11:44It was an accident.
01:11:46Plain as day.
01:11:48I wonder.
01:11:49What do you mean, you wonder? You think Shawn Michaels did that intentionally?
01:11:53He pinned his own tag team partner, realizing that he would be hurting himself?
01:11:58I wonder.
01:12:00You know, wait a minute, Big Rick.
01:12:01They had an opportunity to wrestle for the championship.
01:12:03You think Shawn Michaels would blow that?
01:12:06Well, there is no doubt that there remains a certain amount of dissension among the Rockers.
01:12:11And it does not bid well for them entering this Royal Rumble.
01:12:14And speaking of dissension, gentlemen, I wonder, Mr. Perfect.
01:12:18Not only does it not occur to you that Bobby Heenan had something to do with the clause that prohibits you from entering the Royal Rumble.
01:12:25Stop it!
01:12:26What's wrong with you?
01:12:27But nonetheless, did it ever occur to you, Mr. Perfect, that there may be a little bonus coming Bobby Heenan's way as a result of...
01:12:34Let me ask one question.
01:12:36Did you and Ric Flair look over my contract before I signed it?
01:12:40Of course, Mr. Perfect.
01:12:41Don't you answer for me, damn it!
01:12:43Yes, I negotiated the whole thing.
01:12:46Yes, what did you say?
01:12:47I'm not on trial here. I'm not on trial.
01:12:49You see what's happening with this Royal Rumble.
01:12:51There's so much at stake here that everybody's fighting everybody.
01:12:55Calm down, man.
01:12:56The only way we're going to get someplace is to work together.
01:12:58Well, I'm telling you now, ladies and gentlemen, get a hold of yourself.
01:13:00You shut up or I'll...
01:13:01We'll be back in a minute.
01:13:03Hey, get a hold of yourself.
01:13:11I can't imagine he would do that to a baby.
01:13:15No, definitely not.
01:13:18And he dropped him so nonchalantly outside the ring there, so...
01:13:22As if he was disgusted with the opposition that he's meeting here.
01:13:26Valentine's got to pull himself together.
01:13:29Take a little respite on the outside to get back into this match.
01:13:33Looks to be an incredible pain, though.
01:13:35Yes, the Lordship.
01:13:37And, Sean, looking at Borlaug now,
01:13:39can you believe that a little while ago he was really suffering?
01:13:42I don't think he was.
01:13:43I think it was just part of his game plan.
01:13:47Now continues to work on that lower back of Valentine.
01:13:51Surprised he came back in that quickly.
01:13:54He's obviously hurting.
01:13:59Yes, that surprised me, too.
01:14:00It shows that he's not thinking clearly.
01:14:03Unless he believes that he really can overcome the Warlord
01:14:07with this type of tactic.
01:14:09But I don't think so.
01:14:12Well, the Warlord's certainly a lot more mobile at this point
01:14:16and can easily get out of the way of those moves from
01:14:19those attempted blows from Valentine.
01:14:21And he's just picking his shots at this point.
01:14:25Now there's the bear hug.
01:14:26There it is.
01:14:27This could be the beginning of the end
01:14:30of Valentine's valiant performance here
01:14:33against this huge monster.
01:14:36Obviously, the Warlord felt that he had weakened Valentine enough
01:14:42to use this match-ending clutch
01:14:47he is very well known for throughout the WWF.
01:14:51That bear hug has ended a lot of encounters.
01:14:54Yes, a lot of aspirations, a lot of dreams
01:14:57have been smashed on that rock just there.
01:15:01Valentine refuses to give up, though, trying to fight.
01:15:04How long can you hold on when you're encased in those huge arms?
01:15:10Massive biceps.
01:15:14Bear clap sets him free.
01:15:19Clothesline and the Warlord is down.
01:15:23Let's see if Valentine can take advantage of it.
01:15:25Misses with the elbow.
01:15:28Warlord alert enough to roll out of the way.
01:15:32Not only does Valentine have to worry about the back,
01:15:34now the elbow is hurting.
01:15:36And that was, if you noticed, Sean,
01:15:38that was a very, very slow elbow drop here
01:15:40attempted on Warlord there.
01:15:42Obviously, Warlord has done a lot of damage to Valentine.
01:15:45It's not immediately visible on the outside,
01:15:48but I would say that he's wounded him mentally
01:15:51and really hurt him physically.
01:15:54It really has been a tough encounter, though,
01:15:56for both superstars.
01:15:59Warlord has suffered some damage as well as Valentine.
01:16:03Valentine has certainly got his licks in during this match,
01:16:06but it seems that the impetus now is fully with the Warlord.
01:16:10It may have been in question at the start, but not now.
01:16:15Another backbreaker.
01:16:17But Valentine refuses to stay down.
01:16:23Got the courage there on the part of Valentine, Sean.
01:16:28Obviously hurting, though.
01:16:30And back into the bear hug.
01:16:33Does he have enough to get free again?
01:16:36I would say almost no,
01:16:39but you never know with Valentine.
01:16:41He does possess a lot of stamina,
01:16:43and even if he gets free,
01:16:45that bear hug is doing its damage,
01:16:47as we just observed.
01:16:49He is foundering on that rock.
01:16:52Now, he is known to be one of the most resilient veterans
01:16:55in the World Wrestling Federation.
01:16:58And that is why we have learned,
01:17:00Lord Alfred Hayes,
01:17:02you can never give up.
01:17:04On the hammer.
01:17:05And he holds on there.
01:17:12Three shots, four shots from the hammer.
01:17:14And another.
01:17:16Into the ropes.
01:17:19Number six.
01:17:22He is the one that drops the warlord.
01:17:25Tremendous determination
01:17:27on the part of Valentine.
01:17:29Once again, he's mustered all that stamina
01:17:31he's so famous for.
01:17:34And he does seem to be getting just a might stronger
01:17:37until then.
01:17:41It's almost as though the warlord
01:17:44takes so much,
01:17:45and then the alarm goes off.
01:17:49The reserve of strength kicks in.
01:17:52Valentine rolls up the warlord.
01:17:54Can he keep him down?
01:17:56Oh, so close.
01:17:58That was close indeed.
01:18:02Warlord uses the leverage.
01:18:05Valentine trying to come with a backbreaker,
01:18:07but the warlord came over
01:18:09and kept Valentine's shoulders to the canvas.
01:18:14And although it was an incredible effort on
01:18:16the part of Greg The Hammer Valentine,
01:18:19he did not have enough today
01:18:23to come out victorious
01:18:26in this battle,
01:18:27and Lord Alfred Hay is certainly a tough loss to swallow.
01:18:31It certainly was, and you were right, Sean.
01:18:33That was a valiant effort on the part of
01:18:35The Hammer Valentine,
01:18:37but in the end, the power, the strength,
01:18:39the animal way that warlord deals with his opponents
01:18:42paid off.
01:18:43And Hammer, unfortunately, lost this encounter,
01:18:45but what a tremendous victory
01:18:47for that one powerful, powerful man in the ring there,
01:18:50the warlord.
01:18:52Greg The Hammer Valentine and the warlord.
01:18:54Either one of those two individuals
01:18:56could be the World Wrestling Federation champion.
01:18:58They both are entered.
01:19:00Speaking of entered and winning,
01:19:02well, since, Mr. Perfect,
01:19:04you cannot enter the Royal Rumble,
01:19:06and therefore, since you cannot be
01:19:07World Wrestling Federation champion,
01:19:09stop it.
01:19:10Then why don't we allow
01:19:11Mr. Perfect an opportunity to win something?
01:19:13Here's something you can do.
01:19:14Why don't you dial up the Hoaxter's hotline?
01:19:16You can win prizes.
01:19:17You can hear the daily message from the Hoaxter
01:19:19and play the interactive game.
01:19:20You can win some prizes.
01:19:21Now, wait a minute.
01:19:22Does your contract preclude you?
01:19:24Will you knock it off?
01:19:25It's not fun.
01:19:26No, I'll play the game.
01:19:27I'll play the game.
01:19:28Is that all right with you?
01:19:29Oh, it's okay with me.
01:19:31Just dial.
01:19:32You don't have to sign anything here.
01:19:33Just pick up the phone and dial.
01:19:34I just want to say, I hope you win,
01:19:36since you can never be
01:19:37the World Wrestling Federation champion.
01:19:39All right, with that in mind,
01:19:40if any of you want to play along with Mr. Perfect,
01:19:42why don't you do so by dialing 1-900-454-HOAX.
01:19:46It's only $1.49 for the first minute
01:19:48and 99 cents for each additional minute.
01:19:51And kids, make sure you have your parents' permission
01:19:53or, in this case, let's make sure Mr. Perfect
01:19:55has Bobby the Brain Heenan's permission
01:19:57before he can play the game.
01:19:59How are you doing over there?
01:20:00Let's see if he wins.
01:20:01He's going to win.
01:20:02Let's go to commercial.
01:20:03Hold it.
01:20:04You're trying to prevent him from winning.
01:20:06You're talking in his ear.
01:20:07You're trying to distract him.
01:20:08Will you shut up?
01:20:09Hold it.
01:20:12He's good at this.
01:20:13Bingo! Santa Domingo!
01:20:15I'm a winner.
01:20:16What do you know about that?
01:20:17I'm a winner.
01:20:18You're darn right you're a winner.
01:20:20You're Norman.
01:20:21You're not the only thing you'll ever win.
01:20:22I'll tell you that.
01:20:23He saw to that.
01:20:24I didn't see to anything.
01:20:25I'd like to take this just one step farther for you.
01:20:28Just for your sake, Perfect.
01:20:30For the last seven, eight weeks here,
01:20:32you've been expounding the virtues of Ric Flair,
01:20:34how he's going to walk away from the Royal Rumble
01:20:36with the championship
01:20:37and be the New World Wrestling Federation champion.
01:20:39If that, in fact, happens,
01:20:41if you're right and you say you're perfect,
01:20:44your career could be over
01:20:46before you ever get a crack at the title.
01:20:48Oh, wait a minute.
01:20:49Because he'd never be able to compete with Ric Flair.
01:20:51No, no, no.
01:20:52That's right.
01:20:53No way.
01:20:54Boy, have you ever sold him in any way?
01:20:56You buried this guy forever.
01:20:58You sold him down the river, not what you did.
01:21:00That's exactly what you did.
01:21:02You see what's happening?
01:21:03You see what's happening?
01:21:04No, I don't see what's happening.
01:21:05Well, I'm going to tell you what's happening
01:21:06with this Royal Rumble,
01:21:07and everything is so prestigious,
01:21:09so we're in that title.
01:21:10Everybody's turning on everybody.
01:21:11The only way we're going to make it,
01:21:12the only way Flair's going to make it,
01:21:14is if we stick together.
01:21:15You're going to make more money than you've ever made.
01:21:17What he meant was...
01:21:18You're the best in the business.
01:21:21You're the best in the business.
01:21:22Nobody's ever going to host you.
01:21:23Right now, ladies and gentlemen,
01:21:24let's take a minute of your time.
01:21:25You're a young man from New York.
01:21:26Take the money and run with it.
01:21:28Brutus, the barber beefcake.
01:21:30Now, there's the guy that needs a haircut.
01:21:32He needs a facial.
01:21:33He's a lot done to that head.
01:21:35Did you say he sold mine soon?
01:21:37Well, I don't know what happened
01:21:38to the rest of his outfit.
01:21:40Welcome to the barbershop, ladies and gentlemen.
01:21:43You know, this week, my special guest
01:21:46is one of, if not the biggest
01:21:49and the baddest man in the Royal Rumble.
01:21:52That's right, I'm talking about Sid Justice.
01:21:55No question, he is the biggest, Frank.
01:21:57You know, everybody...
01:21:58Well, maybe the world, but I don't know.
01:21:59Come on out, Sid. Come on, brother.
01:22:01Look at the size of that man.
01:22:02There's no...
01:22:03When you're stepping in that ring
01:22:05in the Royal Rumble,
01:22:07and we all know what it's gonna be like
01:22:10facing 29 competitors at once.
01:22:13But what's gonna happen
01:22:15if you're left in the ring
01:22:17with a guy like Randy Savage
01:22:19or a guy like Hulk Hogan?
01:22:21Well, you know, Brutus, it's no secret
01:22:24that me and Randy Savage and Hulk Hogan
01:22:27are all good friends.
01:22:29And if needed, Hulk Hogan or Randy Savage,
01:22:32you could call on me.
01:22:33I would stand beside them.
01:22:35And if I needed either one of the guys,
01:22:37they would stand beside me.
01:22:39But in Royal Rumble,
01:22:40it's every man for himself.
01:22:42And that's why I believe
01:22:44that Sid Justice has the advantage
01:22:47because I've always been a man
01:22:49that needed no sidekick,
01:22:51a man that needed no manager.
01:22:54I am a man that stands alone,
01:22:57and that is why in Royal Rumble,
01:23:00that is why that justice will be served.
01:23:05One thing, one thing, big man.
01:23:07Everybody's wondering about your arm, man.
01:23:10Is it gonna be finished?
01:23:11Is it ready? Is it healed?
01:23:13Are you gonna be able
01:23:14to really slug it out in there?
01:23:16Or is it gonna be a little crippling to you?
01:23:18Or is it gonna be holding you back?
01:23:20For two months,
01:23:21I have sat and asked myself the same question,
01:23:24and I've got one answer.
01:23:26And that answer is simple.
01:23:28My arms are both at 100%.
01:23:30And what does that mean?
01:23:32That means good for me,
01:23:34and that means bad for the other 29 participants
01:23:38because I am Sid Justice,
01:23:40and I promise that justice will be served.
01:23:44One of the odds-on favorites
01:23:46to win it all at the Royal Rumble,
01:23:48Sid Justice.
01:23:51Here the shrill whistle from the megaphone
01:23:55of the Mountain of the South,
01:23:56Jimmy Hart on his way to the ring.
01:23:58Behind him,
01:24:00a law enforcement officer from Canada,
01:24:02The Mountie,
01:24:05who seems to just get meaner and meaner
01:24:07with every confrontation.
01:24:13And he gets better and better as well, Sean.
01:24:15His record, if you look at it,
01:24:17if you look at it,
01:24:18these last few months
01:24:20is absolutely without comparison.
01:24:23I think he becomes more skilled
01:24:25and losing his dastardly tactics
01:24:27throughout the days.
01:24:30Well, that's sometimes the way to amass
01:24:32a winning record,
01:24:33which he certainly has done.
01:24:35Rudy Gonzalez,
01:24:36the opponent today for The Mountie,
01:24:40goes up,
01:24:41upwards near 300-pound mark.
01:24:44He is going to have a tough time today
01:24:46if he plans to walk out of the squared circle victorious.
01:24:51Seems very anxious for combat.
01:24:53Yes, he does indeed,
01:24:54and that's a good sign.
01:24:55He certainly isn't in awe of this fantastic wrestler.
01:24:59As you know, Lord Alfred Hayes,
01:25:01Royal Rumble,
01:25:02now less than two weeks away,
01:25:03The Mountie will challenge
01:25:05Bret The Hitman Hart
01:25:06for the Intercontinental Championship,
01:25:08but it is going to be a matter of revenge
01:25:10for The Hitman.
01:25:11Most important thing in my life right now
01:25:14is the World Wrestling Federation
01:25:15Intercontinental Belt,
01:25:17and I got one thing in mind.
01:25:19The Royal Rumble,
01:25:20The Mountie,
01:25:21and revenge.
01:25:24And I think he means it,
01:25:25Lord Alfred Hayes.
01:25:26He definitely does indeed.
01:25:29He is determined to have revenge upon this man.
01:25:32Well, you know, that stems from an incident
01:25:33that took place a few months back
01:25:36when The Hitman was battling The Mountie,
01:25:41and a law enforcement officer
01:25:43was on the way out of that encounter.
01:25:46I mean, on the losing end,
01:25:47when Jimmy Hart threw water on Bret Hart.
01:25:53Then The Mountie went after The Hitman
01:25:55with a shock stick,
01:25:57and he was severely injured.
01:26:00I think Bret Hart is still feeling the effects
01:26:02of that shocking incident.
01:26:05Oh, definitely.
01:26:06I remember it well.
01:26:07And Bret Hart,
01:26:09although he might demoralize the backdrop there,
01:26:13not demoralized by that,
01:26:15but he was certainly physically hurt by that.
01:26:19I would say the mental scars remain,
01:26:21and he plans to settle it all off.
01:26:23And the Royal Rumble,
01:26:24the Intercontinental Championship on the line.
01:26:27And you can see every exciting moment
01:26:29of that encounter live on pay-per-view
01:26:31as well as the tremendous main events.
01:26:34Thirty superstars involved in a championship bout.
01:26:38This man with a chance to win the coveted title.
01:26:42Many other things at stake as well, of course, Sean.
01:26:46In that 30-man event,
01:26:47there will be an added honor.
01:26:50Well, not much left here for Rudy Gonzalez.
01:26:53Let's get the official word on this encounter.
01:26:59Bit of a tune-up here
01:27:01from a law enforcement officer from Canada.
01:27:03Jimmy Hart very pleased.
01:27:06But as we have seen on many an occasion,
01:27:08it is not over yet.
01:27:10Now, he made the match part of that very simple indeed.
01:27:13Now comes this right that he goes through.
01:27:16And I'm afraid Paul Rudy Gonzalez
01:27:19is not going to like this one iota.
01:27:24It's always a humiliating experience
01:27:26when he starts to read his opponents their rights.
01:27:31It is my duty to inform you you're under arrest.
01:27:35You have the right to remain silent.
01:27:38Well, Gonzalez is up on his feet at least.
01:27:40He's not out of this.
01:27:42But he certainly will be very, very shortly.
01:27:45Well, he really can't go anywhere.
01:27:47Oh, there he's hit with a shock stick.
01:27:50As he really lights up Rudy Gonzalez.
01:27:55He's certainly taken the fight out of him now,
01:27:57Lord Alfred Hayes.
01:27:58He has indeed.
01:27:59We're going to take a look back down
01:28:00to some of the fights that have happened
01:28:02between Gonzalez and the Mountie.
01:28:04Well, there wasn't much fighting Gonzalez.
01:28:06A tremendous drop kick there by the Mountie.
01:28:09And he came down and finished his man so easily.
01:28:12However, it's not going to be so easy for him
01:28:14when he challenges for the Intercontinental title
01:28:17against Bret Hart.
01:28:36Yes, Sherry, this is the place.
01:28:38Smells just like it.
01:28:39I don't think I'll take it.
01:28:41I'm sure all of you people have got to be asking yourself,
01:28:45what would a man of my stature, of my class,
01:28:48be doing in a place like this?
01:28:50Well, in an effort to bring you the truth
01:28:53and illustrate a point,
01:28:55and teach you what Tito Santana,
01:28:58El Matador is really all about,
01:29:00I have lowered my own personal standard.
01:29:03I have crossed the border into El Matadorville,
01:29:06and I am in the very neighborhood,
01:29:08in front of the very home
01:29:10where Tito Santana grew up as a boy.
01:29:13Now, one picture is worth a million words.
01:29:17Feast your eyes on that.
01:29:19Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha.
01:29:22Now, you can tell by looking at this work of art
01:29:26that there was a lot of time and effort and love
01:29:29put into building this home.
01:29:31I believe it was built by that famous Mexican architect,
01:29:34Señor Slum.
01:29:36Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha.
01:29:38And what have we here, Sherry?
01:29:40I believe this is the local shrine.
01:29:42This is the very bed that Tito Santana slept on as a boy.
01:29:45Oh, mucho congratulaciones.
01:29:49Don't touch anything, Sherry.
01:29:51Don't touch anything.
01:29:52Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha.
01:29:54Oh, what a work of splendor.
01:29:56Just take a look around.
01:29:58And listen.
01:30:01Do you hear all that?
01:30:03All the hustle and bustle and activity in this community.
01:30:07You know that these people must be a very hardworking,
01:30:09industrious people, much like Tito Santana himself.
01:30:13Ha, ha, ha, ha.
01:30:14And if you think this is bad, you ain't seen nothing yet.
01:30:18Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha.
01:30:20Please, let's go.
01:30:21Okay, Sherry.
01:30:22Please, let's get out of here.
01:30:23Okay, let's get back in the car.
01:30:24Let's go back to the hotel.
01:30:25Don't worry about it.
01:30:26Please, I want to go.
01:30:27It'll be okay.
01:30:28It'll be okay.
01:30:29I promise.
01:30:32Alex Furlong is about to die.
01:30:36And enter the year 2009.
01:30:38Alex, don't you remember me?
01:30:40Now, he's a freejack.
01:30:41Someone paid to bring him back.
01:30:43With a body that's priceless.
01:30:45Fifteen million to anyone who can bring you in.
01:30:47In a world that's ruthless.
01:30:49I watched you die.
01:30:50Emilio Estevez, Mick Jagger, Rene Russo, and Anthony Hopkins.
01:30:55Welcome to my mind.
01:30:57Rated R.
01:30:58Starts Friday, January 17th.
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01:32:31Charlie Robinson was used to taking chances.
01:32:34He just wasn't used to losing.
01:32:36So because your brother lost his future, you're gonna throw yours away too?
01:32:40Now it's time to move on.
01:32:42You hired Charlie Robinson to drive this truck?
01:32:44And move out.
01:32:45We're making a run for it.
01:32:47Damn car!
01:32:48Steven Bauer.
01:32:49Did you ride?
01:32:50Cindy Gibb.
01:32:51God, that was fun.
01:32:52The new Steven Wonder.
01:32:54You better drive like lightning.
01:32:56A USA World Premiere movie.
01:32:58Wednesday night at 9.
01:33:02As was brought out earlier on by Bobby Heenan, there's a great deal of dissension going into this Royal Rumble.
01:33:07It is, in fact, every man for himself.
01:33:09That much is pretty clear.
01:33:10And it seems to me that Ted DiBiase is just so far out of line.
01:33:14I mean, Tito Santana, El Matador, is really gonna come after him at the Royal Rumble.
01:33:18I don't know what is provoking Ted DiBiase to do these dastardly deeds.
01:33:23What do you think, Gorilla?
01:33:25I think the guy's sick, really.
01:33:27I think the guy's got a sick mind and he's worried.
01:33:29He's obviously worried about Tito Santana and what Tito's ability is.
01:33:33And that Tito's got the equipment to beat a guy like DiBiase.
01:33:36That's what he's worried about.
01:33:37Santana could very easily be the World Wrestling Federation champion.
01:33:40But you can never be!
01:33:42Hey, you, hey!
01:33:43You're singing the same old song and I'm tired of hearing it!
01:33:46Why don't you drop a new contract for the guy, then?
01:33:49I'm not gonna discuss negotiations.
01:33:53What'd you just say?
01:33:54You know, always make an addendum to the contract or drop a new one.
01:33:59It's too close!
01:34:00It's just a matter of writing words on a piece of paper.
01:34:03What's wrong with doing that?
01:34:05You got something to lose?
01:34:07Bobby Heenan, please.
01:34:09You're actually, you're almost in tears, Bobby Heenan.
01:34:12I've got an investment here.
01:34:13I stand a chance to really clean your ass.
01:34:16There you go.
01:34:19Well, right now, ladies and gentlemen, let's take a look
01:34:22at perhaps the next World Wrestling Federation champion.
01:34:25Let's take a look at Rowdy Roddy Piper.
01:34:33Rowdy Roddy Piper.
01:34:35I think Piper's the pitch as well, McMahon.
01:34:39I'm sure you are.
01:34:41Rowdy Roddy Piper hoping that his dream comes true.
01:34:45He is one of the many participants in the Royal Rumble.
01:34:49The winner of which will be the undisputed World Wrestling Federation champion.
01:34:54Unfortunately for Mr. Piper's opponent in the ring now,
01:34:58the Brooklyn Brawler, he has not qualified to be in the Royal Rumble.
01:35:04This Rowdy Roddy Piper, he has a dream.
01:35:08Some people dream.
01:35:09Some people go out and just get the job done.
01:35:13Mr. Piper never looking.
01:35:15Wait a minute.
01:35:16What is this?
01:35:17What is it?
01:35:18Hey, champ, what do you think Piper's chances are of winning the Royal Rumble?
01:35:22Oh, Mr. Perfect.
01:35:24His chances of winning the Royal Rumble are astronomical.
01:35:28As a matter of fact,
01:35:31I'm going to be there and walk you down the aisle.
01:35:34He may not even show up.
01:35:37Got it.
01:35:39Oh, my goodness.
01:35:41There you heard it.
01:35:44Looks like the brawler has blown his pants out there.
01:35:47Hey, Roddy Piper.
01:35:49Oh, wait a minute.
01:35:50That's Roddy Piper's T-shirt.
01:35:51He's got another blowout right there at Piper's shirt.
01:35:54What's he going to do about it, Piper?
01:35:5730 minutes from one side to the other.
01:35:59To the turnbuckle.
01:36:00Brawler going from pillar to post.
01:36:03Nice reversal there on the part of the brawler.
01:36:05Off the ropes.
01:36:07Piper with a clothesline.
01:36:09Piper coming back with another one.
01:36:12Roddy Piper all over the Brooklyn Brawler.
01:36:14I've never seen Piper so excited.
01:36:16He smells that World Championship belt.
01:36:18He knows the Royal Rumble's around the corner.
01:36:22Yeah, just about two weeks away, but look at this.
01:36:25Look at this.
01:36:26Piper with the brawler's hat.
01:36:29You know what he looks like with that hat on?
01:36:31What's the name of that group?
01:36:32In the Navy.
01:36:33Oh, my goodness.
01:36:34Off the rope.
01:36:36Sleeper hold.
01:36:38The brawler may go nigh-nigh.
01:36:42Piper hanging on to the sleeper hold.
01:36:44How about that?
01:36:45He pins him with a sleeper hold.
01:36:48Never can tell what's going to happen
01:36:50when Roddy Roddy Piper's around.
01:36:53You can clean your shirt off, Piper.
01:36:56He's cleaning it off with the brawler now.
01:36:59And Roddy Roddy Piper could very well be
01:37:01cleaning out at the moment.
01:37:03In the Navy.
01:37:04In the Navy.
01:37:06Sleeper hold.
01:37:09Roddy Roddy Piper hats off to him.
01:37:16It's the World Wrestling Federation's
01:37:18on-tour, experience the action
01:37:20from these great facilities.
01:37:22Friday, January 17th.
01:37:23Uniondale, Long Island, New York.
01:37:25Nassau Coliseum.
01:37:26The Big Boss Man.
01:37:27Among those in action in Long Island.
01:37:29Monday, January 13th.
01:37:31Fresno, California.
01:37:32Fresno Convention Center.
01:37:33Salon D'Arena.
01:37:35The Beverly Brothers and others in Fresno.
01:37:37Monday, January 13th.
01:37:39Saginaw, Michigan.
01:37:40Saginaw Civic Center.
01:37:41Intercontinental Champion.
01:37:43It's Man Hart on his way to Saginaw.
01:37:45Sunday, January 12th.
01:37:47Hamilton, Ontario, Canada.
01:37:48The Hamilton Cops Coliseum.
01:37:50The self-proclaimed real world champion,
01:37:52Ric Flair in Hamilton.
01:37:54Sunday, January 12th.
01:37:55Anchorage, Alaska.
01:37:56Sullivan Sports Arena.
01:37:57The Macho Man, Randy Savage.
01:37:59On a great card in Anchorage.
01:38:01Saturday, January 11th.
01:38:02New Haven, Connecticut.
01:38:03New Haven Coliseum.
01:38:04Roddy Roddy Piper on a dynamic card in New Haven.
01:38:08It's the World Wrestling Federation.
01:38:10Be a part of it live when it comes to your area.
01:38:14Primetime Wrestling is brought to you by Paramount Pictures' Juice.
01:38:20Coming Friday, January 17th to theaters everywhere.
01:38:24Rated R.
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01:39:30Next week on Primetime Wrestling,
01:39:32the British Bulldog versus the Warlord.
01:39:35And on the funeral parlor,
01:39:36the real world champion and winner of the Royal Rumble,
01:39:39my prediction, Ric Flair.
01:39:41And then from there, El Matador versus Colonel Mustafa.
01:39:46What a knockout Texas Tornado taking on the model Ric Martial.
01:39:51All that and more right here next week on Primetime Wrestling.
01:39:55And by the way, by this time next week,
01:39:57perhaps Bobby Heenan and Mr. Perfect would have worked out their difficulties.
01:40:00Perhaps indeed.
01:40:02Stop right there, McManakin.
01:40:04You with the gunny sack on and you two other bozos.
01:40:08You stay out of our business.
01:40:10If there's any trouble with Bobby Heenan and myself or Ric Flair,
01:40:14I'll take care of it.
01:40:16All right, Bobby?
01:40:17Fair enough, fair enough.
01:40:18We'll work out everything.
01:40:20Mind your own business.
01:40:22So I guess we just have one big happy family again, huh?
01:40:25That's right.
01:40:26Everything's smooth.
01:40:27We'll handle it.
01:40:28We've been friends too long.
01:40:29We've got too much invested.
01:40:30I agree.
01:40:31Too many things going on.
01:40:32You know that, buddy.
01:40:33No problem.
01:40:34By the way, what are you doing this weekend, Mr. Heenan?
01:40:36This weekend?
01:40:38Be in New York City.
01:40:40I understand that, but aren't you right here on the USA Network?
01:40:42Well, yeah, I'm hosting up all night the movie show that runs all night,
01:40:46Me and Me and Gene O'Connor.
01:40:47We'll be talking about the pay-per-view and the Royal Rumble
01:40:50and all the action that's going down.
01:40:52But I understand that's quite a lucrative contract.
01:40:54You're being paid handsomely for that.
01:40:55Big bucks.
01:40:57Mr. Perfect, did you know anything about it?
01:40:59Did you know that Bobby Heenan was...
01:41:00Look at the look on his face.
01:41:01He don't have a clue.
01:41:02You don't know too much about what Bobby Heenan does for himself, do you?
01:41:05Wait a second.
01:41:06What are you doing?
01:41:07What is he doing?
01:41:08He is hosting up all night and being paid handsomely for it.
01:41:11You see, my point is this.
01:41:12You're excluded, Mr. Perfect.
01:41:13Wait a minute.
01:41:14You're cut out of the deal.
01:41:15It doesn't concern you.
01:41:16That's what we're...
01:41:17I didn't mean it wouldn't concern you.
01:41:18Let me keep trying to tell you.
01:41:19You're cut out of this deal.
01:41:21He's burying the guy until he's gone.
01:41:23You shut up and sit down.
01:41:24Because there's something I can't stand is someone doing stuff behind my back.
01:41:27I got a problem with you.
01:41:28You're burying the guy, didn't you?
01:41:29You shut up and get the hell out of here.
01:41:31You're caught out.
01:41:32I'm caught.
01:41:33You're caught.
01:41:34You shut up and I'll put one across your lap.
01:41:38You're here for everything.
01:41:39Listen to me now.
01:41:40The reason I didn't mention you...
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