WWF Superstars 10-04-1986

  • 2 months ago
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00:00Hello everyone, welcome to the superstars of wrestling and ringside, this is Vince McMahon
00:06along with wrestling's living legend, Bruno Sammartino, and joining us of course, as always,
00:11one Jesse DaBody Ventura.
00:12Sit back, relax, because you're going to be treated to the best in professional wrestling
00:16today, the World Wrestling Federation, here we go.
00:27Tremendous crowd here, capacity crowd, a handful of superstars of wrestling, the best in the
00:55World Wrestling Federation to join us this week, yes indeed, we're going to see a relative
00:59newcomer, but no, that's no newcomer right there, that ladies and gentlemen of course
01:04is no less than the World Wrestling Federation champion, Hulk Hogan, Jesse Ventura will have
01:09an interview.
01:10Yeah, distasteful as it was.
01:13And also to join us will be Mr. Wonderful Paul Laundrop, the self-professed real American
01:19that remains to be seen.
01:21Also on hand this week, an update on Rowdy Roddy Piper, and we're going to have Mr. Piper
01:26with us and find out what kind of shape he is in, and of course, the Macho Man.
01:30The Macho Man and Elizabeth, they're ready to give us some excitement.
01:34Oh, Elizabeth can give us all some excitement and this man can too.
01:37Yeah, I don't know where the World Wrestling Federation found this 1950s grease ball at.
01:43The Hogie Donk Man, and of course, there is Sika, and he is something else.
01:49He's a good looking dude.
01:50He is, and yes sir, right there is Coco Beware, and Jesse, you and everyone else in the World
01:57Wrestling Federation better beware of this man's skills.
02:01And also to join us will be of course the Killer Bees, as the Killer Bees squirt off
02:05against those two in our feature matchup against the Moondogs.
02:10Those matches and more here at the ringside.
02:13This contest is scheduled for one fall.
02:17In the ring to my left, from New York City, at 232 pounds, Randy Barber, and his opponent
02:30from Union City, Tennessee, weighing 228 pounds, the Birdman, Coco Beware.
02:41Yeah, Coco, yes sir, with his bird.
02:45Take a look at that thing.
02:47Coco Beware.
02:50Earlier on, we had an occasion to chit chat with Coco Beware, and introduce us to his
02:57Where are you, Coco?
02:59That's you, Frankie, because you know what, Frankie, you're going to WWF with me, brother.
03:03That's right, we're going to be flying all over the place, baby.
03:05That's right, the WWF, brother, you can't beat it with a stick.
03:08You can't whip it with a switch, baby.
03:10Get ready for Frankie, because he can do the bird.
03:12Come on, Frankie.
03:14Allah have mercy.
03:15Oh, yeah, I feel so good today.
03:17Yeah, have mercy.
03:19What's the name of his bird, Frankie?
03:21I believe so, that's what he said, Frankie.
03:23You know, I do my homework, McMahon, and I found out Coco Beware.
03:27You know what the B stands for?
03:29Bad to the bone, maybe.
03:31No, buckwheat.
03:33Our wrestling fans in the Lowell, Massachusetts area, one week from this coming Tuesday night
03:37on the 14th of October, the Lowell Memorial Auditorium once again hosts the best in wrestling
03:42action, the World Wrestling Federation.
03:44J.Y.D., the Junkyard Dog, the Honky Tonk Man, Billy Jack Kane, Leaping Lanny Popple, Corporal
03:50Kirshner, Pedro Morales, and more, headed to the Lowell Memorial Auditorium, Lowell,
03:54Massachusetts, Monday, October 14th.
03:58All right, Coco now.
03:59Locked up with Randy Barber.
04:01Start things off where this week, Coco is lightning quick.
04:06I think that's certainly one of his principal assets.
04:11Coco now.
04:13And another hip toss.
04:14And you best watch out, the bird's got his back right now.
04:17He's not too interested, I don't think.
04:19No, the bird's showing a lot of confidence in Coco Beware.
04:22He's not even watching the match.
04:24Here it is.
04:25He better be watching.
04:26Everyone better be watching.
04:27Coco is something to believe.
04:28How about those drop kicks of Coco?
04:30He can get up there.
04:31Well, I'll definitely say that.
04:32I would be interested to see a contest maybe between Coco Beware and Jumpin' Jim Brunsell
04:38to see who can actually get up and deliver the most devastating drop kick.
04:43That would be interesting.
04:44Up in the air right now.
04:45No, down to the canvas is Randy Barber.
04:48Coco Beware!
04:50And Randy Barber in the square circle.
04:52Barber reversing things.
04:54What'd he do?
04:55Look at...
04:57Ha ha ha!
04:58Whoa, my!
04:59If he were a bird, he could have done something to Mr. Barber there.
05:05Well, I'll tell you, McMahon, he's quick, he's fast,
05:08but he has yet to meet a big opponent here in the World Wrestling Federation
05:12that I believe will take the starch right out of him.
05:14What do you got to say, Bruno?
05:16I'll say this.
05:17So far, he has shown me so much talent that he can go against anybody,
05:20face anybody, and do quite well for himself.
05:23Coco Beware, snap there, brother, and Coco drops the elbow on Randy Barber.
05:28Barber covers him now.
05:29New victory in good position.
05:32Matter of fact, Barber having a little morsel there.
05:35Coco having a pretty good time of it himself in the ring at the moment.
05:39Off the rope, crisscross fashion here.
05:41Barber, looks like he's in slow motion.
05:44Coco hooks him.
05:46Nice power slam.
05:47Well, Coco put him into fast motion.
05:49Yes, he did.
05:51Coco Beware!
05:53And Randy Barber...
05:55As Barber now backs out.
05:56What's Coco gonna do?
05:58Swinging neckbreaker.
06:00Snaps him right over.
06:02And Coco pretty much in control.
06:05As Barber looks like he's gonna go up.
06:07Yes, indeed, he is up in the air.
06:13That's a brutal move.
06:15That is a brutal move.
06:17He won't have to hook a leg on that one.
06:21You think Coco says, okay?
06:23No, I don't believe so, Jesse.
06:25You don't think so?
06:26Coco victorious.
06:27Here is your winner,
06:28the Birdman,
06:30Coco Beware!
06:36Coco Beware!
06:38Yes, sir!
06:39And he has his capacity crown on its feet.
06:42They're all doing the Bird.
06:43Get up, Jesse.
06:44Come on, do the Bird, Jesse.
06:46Don't you have any rhythm?
06:47I got plenty of rhythm.
06:49I don't see it.
06:50If that ain't buckwheat,
06:51I don't know buckwheat.
06:53This man's got the rhythm!
06:54Yes, sir!
06:56Coco Beware!
06:57The Birdman,
06:58with Frankie.
07:01Yes, sir!
07:02Let's go on home, Frankie.
07:04Heading home victorious
07:05one more time.
07:07Here we go.
07:08I felt like it was gonna be a suplex,
07:10but now look,
07:11he drops him right straight down.
07:12Look at that,
07:13right on his head.
07:14Ooh, like a pile driver
07:15from a staircase section outside.
07:16That is devastating,
07:17as you see Randy Barber.
07:18He's out.
07:20Oh, he's out.
07:21This may out.
07:22Anyone would be.
07:23Coco victorious.
07:24Let's go to the update
07:25with Hillbilly Jim.
07:30With the latest
07:31from the World Wrestling Federation,
07:33here's Gene Okerlund.
07:36Truly one of the most lovable men
07:37to enter the ranks
07:38of the World Wrestling Federation
07:39has to be Hillbilly Jim.
07:41The big gentleman
07:42from Mud Lake, Kentucky
07:43has endeared himself
07:44to wrestling fans
07:45the world over.
07:47Ever since Hulk Hogan,
07:48heavyweight champ,
07:49introduced this to the Hillbilly,
07:50he's been on a roll.
07:52Not only in the ring,
07:53but out of the ring.
07:55Let's hear it for Hillbilly Jim.
08:01Well, I kicked the habit
08:04of smoking back some time ago
08:11Lord, I tried the hard stuff
08:14but I had to let all that go
08:21But the toughest thing
08:24♪ Never gave up, it was her name
08:29♪ Heaven knows she's not an angel
08:32♪ But she really ain't life to be
08:35♪ Lord, that's close enough to fill a field full of dreams
08:55Hillbilly Jim continues to exercise good judgment in the ring
08:59and possesses a great voice outside of the ring.
09:02He's one of my favorites. He's Hillbilly Jim.
09:05For Update, I'm Gene Okerlund.
09:15This is a windfall contest.
09:18To my left, introducing from Milford, Connecticut,
09:21weighing 234 pounds, Mario Mancini.
09:28And his opponent will be led towards the ring
09:32by his manager, The Wizard,
09:35from the jungles of Samoa,
09:38weighing at even 300 pounds, Sika.
09:45I don't think you would want to have that man
09:48sit down at your table and have Sunday dinner, would you, Jesse?
09:51Well, I don't know. I imagine, McMahon,
09:53that I get along pretty well with everybody.
09:55I would be more worried if he sat down with you and Bruno.
09:58Well, each with his hands out.
09:59Because you guys don't have a lot of good things to say all the time.
10:02Well, this man did. Let's listen to him.
10:05All along the Pacific Basin,
10:09all along the pearly white sands,
10:14you can hear the mighty Sika
10:17walking toward destiny.
10:22Toward destiny?
10:23I wonder what his destiny is going to be, Bruno.
10:25Well, if it's up to The Wizard,
10:27there's nothing he would like better than to put Sika against the champion
10:30because in his heart he believes that he could go against anybody,
10:33including Hogan, and come out victorious.
10:35As we mentioned a few moments ago,
10:37the World Wrestling Federation is in Lowell
10:40at the auditorium on Tuesday night,
10:42the 14th of October.
10:43Other great names coming to town include
10:46the likes of the Ugandan headhunter, Kamala,
10:48Jimmy Jack Funk,
10:49Hercules Hernandez,
10:51Handsome Harley Race,
10:52the King of Wrestling, Jake the Snake Roberts,
10:54and the Intercontinental Champion,
10:56Macho Man Randy Savage.
10:58With a lineup like that,
10:59you can be sure it's going to be a tremendous night.
11:02The WWF Lowell Memorial Auditorium,
11:05Tuesday, October 14th.
11:07You know what I like about The Wizard's style?
11:09He has these guys not toy around
11:11and not waste time with opponents.
11:13I like that.
11:14Certainly, Sika's not wasting any time.
11:16As The Wizard looks on, certainly approving.
11:18What? Oh, come on.
11:21Sika and Kamala,
11:23both from the school of The Wizard.
11:26And, Bruno, you see very few wrestling holds
11:29in terms of scientific maneuvers from these two.
11:31Well, that's true.
11:32This is what The Wizard wants.
11:34He wants his men to go in and use that awesome power,
11:37size, strength that they have,
11:39and just maim their opponent.
11:40And he just loves it.
11:41And, of course, they obey him 100%.
11:43You know, I just thought of something
11:45really off the wall, McMahon.
11:48Can you imagine a tag team of Kamala and Sika?
11:52Did you see that?
11:53Chest first, maybe face first,
11:55into the barrier,
11:57right back into the ring.
11:58This man is strong, mean, and nasty.
12:03No, I can't imagine such a thing.
12:04I don't think they could communicate.
12:06How would you control him?
12:10Sika is controlling his opponent at the moment,
12:14Mario Mancini.
12:17Mancini up in the air.
12:19Look at the look on the face of that monster, would you?
12:23It's all over.
12:24300 pounds into the chest,
12:26and a three-count, yes!
12:31Sika, along with The Wizard,
12:35thus far undefeated here
12:38in the World Wrestling Federation.
12:40Here's your winner, Sika!
12:45Sika victorious.
12:47I believe that's called a Samoan drop,
12:50and that's quite a maneuver to polish off an opponent,
12:54as we'll take you back now to the replay
12:56and take a little closer look at him, Bruno.
12:58But watch how he does it now.
12:59When he takes a Samoan drop,
13:01when he takes Mancini back,
13:02you watch Sika.
13:03Look at this.
13:04He throws his feet there.
13:05That way, he puts that whole 300 pounds
13:07on top of Mancini's chest,
13:08and I'm telling you,
13:09he's got enough gold to win the tournament
13:10if he doesn't do other damage besides.
13:12And, of course, he gets him down for the count of three.
13:17Yes, indeed.
13:19As we take a look at The Wizard,
13:21Sika again victorious here in the WWF.
13:25Stand by, ladies and gentlemen,
13:26to join us for the first time
13:28right after the interview
13:29will be Hokey Talk Man here on the Superstars.
13:33All right, Boston,
13:34tonight's the night.
13:35The Boston Garden.
13:36You'll see SD Special Delivery Jones,
13:38Sika on the card.
13:39The Islanders against the Funks.
13:41The Intercontinental title on the line.
13:43The Macho Man, Randy Savage,
13:44against George the Animal Steel.
13:46But it's no disqualification.
13:48Absolutely anything goes,
13:49and the title is on the line.
13:51The six-man tag.
13:53The Giant John Studd, King Kong Bundy,
13:55and Donning the tights.
13:56Bobby the Brain Heenan
13:57against the Super Machine, the Big Machine,
14:00and their partner from Scotland,
14:02the Piper Machine.
14:04And tonight,
14:05it will be the King of Wrestling,
14:07Harley Race,
14:08going up against none other than Tito Santana.
14:10Tito just hours away.
14:12I'm ready for this, Ken.
14:13You know,
14:14I've been putting a lot of thought into this match,
14:17and the most thing that sticks out in my mind
14:20is the fact that the Weasel and Harley Race
14:22comes out and he says,
14:24anybody who steps into the ring
14:26against the King
14:28must bow to me.
14:30I'm going to tell you one thing,
14:33Harley Race,
14:34you and Weasel bring it on down here
14:36to the Boston Garden in a few hours, my man,
14:38and we're going to find out
14:39who's going to be bowing to who, my man.
14:42Boston happens to be one of my favorite towns.
14:46I won the belt there
14:47against Don Morocco.
14:49Harley Race,
14:51get ready for the toughest match
14:52that you've had in the WWF
14:54as of date, my man,
14:56because I'm coming to beat you, Harley Race.
14:58I'm not coming to bow down to you,
15:00to the Weasel,
15:01or no one that you stand for,
15:03the King.
15:04You know, it's the biggest disgrace,
15:06the biggest joke going on
15:07in the Worldwide Wrestling Federation.
15:09Harley comes out here with a crown
15:11and with an overcoat,
15:14100 degrees, still wearing that overcoat.
15:17I'll see you in the ring
15:19in a few hours, my man.
15:22Boston, tonight at Garden,
15:23don't miss it.
15:29This contest is scheduled for one fall.
15:32In the ring to my left,
15:34from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania,
15:37weighing 266 pounds,
15:40Ron Shaw.
15:43And his opponent,
15:46soon to be making his way towards the ring,
15:50from Memphis, Tennessee,
15:53weighing 242 pounds,
15:58the Honky Tonk Man!
16:02Oh yeah!
16:04Honky Tonk Man!
16:06He's something else, Mr. Wayne Ferris.
16:09Honky Tonk Man, he's something else.
16:12Memphis, Tennessee, boy!
16:17Oh yeah!
16:20Wayne Ferris, the Honky Tonk Man,
16:23to square off against Big Ron Shaw.
16:26I think our graphic art's very old,
16:28but Mr. Ron Shaw
16:30is going to have a time of it here.
16:32This man will put the hurtin' on you, Jesse.
16:34Well, I'll tell you what,
16:35if not that, he'll sure grease you up
16:37with the Brylcreem that he wears.
16:38How much do you think he spends on that a week?
16:41I'm not too sure about the Brylcreem,
16:43but looks to me like this man
16:46can put the fisticuffs on you.
16:48That's a relatively unusual-looking outfit
16:50there in the Honky Tonk Man.
16:51I'll say.
16:52Him and Bruno look like they go the same hairstyle.
16:55Honky Tonk Man, a lockup by Ron Shaw.
16:59Shaw, a big, rough customer.
17:01Shaw listed, I would think, somewhere in the neighborhood.
17:04Ooh, wow.
17:06Nice, nice maneuver there by Ron Shaw.
17:10Take a look at this man's attire.
17:12The Honky Tonk Man, a little unusual aside.
17:15Mr. Fuji had something to say
17:17about the attire of the Honky Tonk Man
17:19in comparing and contrasting his attire with his own.
17:24What a big joke.
17:25Honky Tonk Man, you think you class?
17:27You think you dress in the finest rags?
17:29Boy, son, I'm sorry.
17:31You look at Mr. Fuji.
17:33Look how beautiful I look, my beautiful tuxedo.
17:36And I don't want nobody to put their greasy hands
17:39on Mr. Fuji's tuxedo.
17:43Nobody puts their hands on the tux of Mr. Fuji.
17:47Keeps talking like that,
17:49the Honky Tonk Man will be all over it.
17:51What do you think some of that grill cream,
17:53if that's what it is, would do to Mr. Fuji's tux?
17:55Well, I'm sure it would make it greasy.
17:57You ever look at Bruno's sport jacket
17:59at the end of the night?
18:01Looks all right to me.
18:03I can't understand.
18:05I can see why you'd like his music too, McMahon.
18:08It's right out of your era.
18:10Ha, ha, ha.
18:11Ooh, my.
18:12Ron Shaw put the stop to that grill creamer.
18:15Did he ever.
18:18Waiting to maneuver there on the part of Ron Shaw.
18:21No, Honky Tonk Man puts on the brakes
18:23and then Shaw hits in their face first.
18:27And Shaw wisely on the outside of the ring.
18:31Honky Tonk Man, I think, taking exception
18:33to the referee backing him off a bit.
18:35He wants to go at it.
18:37He's a honky.
18:38As I understand it, he's a buddy of Hogan's, isn't he?
18:40Matter of fact, he is.
18:41Yes, he is.
18:42Hogan will hang out with anyone, won't he?
18:44He just don't care, does he?
18:46Actually, I think he's very particular with whom he hangs.
18:51I mean, can you imagine McMahon
18:53having to walk down the street with this guy?
18:56Honky Tonk?
18:58Well, what's wrong with that?
18:59Of course, I could imagine that you could imagine that.
19:02What's very difficult for me, personally,
19:03because I have experiences walking down the street
19:05with you, Jesse.
19:07Right now.
19:08It does get tough getting chased by them women, isn't it?
19:11Or whatever else has been chasing him.
19:14As Ron Shaw, with the Honky Tonk Man, has stopped him.
19:19And Ron Shaw, trying to literally throw his weight around,
19:22whips him to the buck.
19:23Oh, misses with the elbow.
19:25Honky Tonk, right on target.
19:27Hammering away with a series of right hands now.
19:30As Ron Shaw has him up now.
19:32Holds him and slams him down to the canvas.
19:34Honky Tonk, what's he doing?
19:36Out to the apron.
19:37Honky Tonk, going up to the top rope.
19:42And boom.
19:44I believe he missed him.
19:46Or did he get him?
19:47I think he got him.
19:48He must have.
19:49Three count.
19:53Now that, McMahon, is a move that I don't think should be allowed.
19:57That's coming off with a closed fist.
19:58That's illegal.
19:59Matter of fact, he did exactly that.
20:01Yes, the Honky Tonk Man victorious.
20:03Here is your winner, the Honky Tonk Man.
20:08Honky Tonk Man, victorious.
20:11Over Ron Shaw.
20:13This capacity crowd taking a look at the Honky Tonk Man for the first time
20:17on the Superstars of Wrestling.
20:21Nice shoulders on the man.
20:22Broad shoulder man.
20:23Here we go.
20:24Let's take a look at it, Bruno.
20:25Here's the Honky Tonk Man after he gave Shaw a big body slam.
20:27Comes off that top rope.
20:28Look at him with the fist.
20:30Comes right down on top of Ron Shaw
20:32and held him down for the pin.
20:34A different move, but a very effective and devastating move.
20:38I'm sure we'll be seeing more of the man from Memphis, Tennessee,
20:42the Honky Tonk Man.
20:44Stay with us, everybody.
20:45Joining us in a moment, Mr. Wonderful himself,
20:48Paul Longdorf, after the interview.
20:51We are just hours away.
20:52Tonight is the night.
20:54The Boston Garden from the jungles of Samoa.
20:56You'll see Sika, the Islanders, against the Funks.
20:59Tito Santana against the King Harley Race.
21:01That six-man tag, and what a wild one it's going to be.
21:04John Studd, King Kong Bundy, and donning the tights.
21:06Bobby the Brain Heenan against Super Machine Big Machine
21:09and from Scotland, the Piper Machine.
21:12And you talk about wild.
21:13Tonight, the Boston Garden.
21:15The Intercontinental title is on the line.
21:17The Macho Man Randy Savage against George the Animal Steel.
21:21But ladies and gentlemen, it is no disqualification,
21:24meaning absolutely anything goes.
21:27And Macho Man Randy Savage, I have got to say,
21:30that if ever the rules favored George the Animal Steel,
21:33it's tonight here in Boston.
21:35I can't even hear you, man.
21:37You talk to me, but I can't even hear you.
21:39I don't understand a word you're saying.
21:41No, channel my mind.
21:44Yeah, going down that aisle sky high in the Boston Garden
21:47is the only thing that I'm concerned about.
21:49Yeah, if I want to go to a different galaxy,
21:52let me go tonight.
21:53Let it be Saturn or Jupiter or whatever.
21:55It doesn't matter to me.
21:57Channel my mind in different directions.
21:59Tonight's the night.
22:00Rod Stewart, a long time ago, said tonight's the night.
22:03He also said, what's the gimmick here?
22:05What's the gimmick here?
22:06What's the gimmick here at George Steel?
22:08Yeah, no DQ, no holds barred.
22:10How could it be worse than last time?
22:13I don't know.
22:14You know how it could be worse than last time?
22:16From one end of the building to the other?
22:18I guess we can do it.
22:19We can go through the roof.
22:20We can set the building on fire.
22:21We can bring nitroglycerin there.
22:23Maybe something special in the Boston Garden.
22:27Be creative.
22:28Yeah, be creative.
22:29Do something special for tonight.
22:32I'll be there.
22:33I'll be there.
22:34I ain't answering no phone calls.
22:36I don't know what the gimmick is, but I'm going to be there.
22:38Remember, tonight there is no escape for the Macho Man via disqualification
22:42because there is no disqualification.
22:48For one fall, introducing to my left, from Birmingham, Alabama,
22:54weighing 228 pounds, Dan Haskins.
22:59And his opponent,
23:05to be led towards the ring by his manager,
23:09Bobby the Brain Heenan,
23:12from Tampa, Florida,
23:14weighing 252 pounds,
23:18Mr. Wonderful Paul Orndorff.
23:24This man confuses a crowd every time this music plays
23:30because it's Hulk Hogan's music.
23:32Fans think that the Hulkster's coming out and they're awfully disappointed
23:36when they see Mr. Wonderful Paul Orndorff.
23:39We ask him about just that.
23:41Why does he think he's the real American?
23:43Why do they keep asking me that?
23:44Why do they keep asking me that?
23:45That music was written for me,
23:47not Hulk Hogan.
23:48That's my music.
23:49I am the real American,
23:51not Hulk Hogan.
23:52That's my music.
23:53I'm sick and tired of people asking me that.
23:56Why? Why?
23:57Well, I'll tell you this, Hulk Hogan,
23:59you are not going to be wearing that music nowhere no more.
24:02That's my music.
24:05I don't know about that.
24:07You think he's the real American, Jesse?
24:09Yeah, I think so, McMahon.
24:11I mean, look at him.
24:12He's got the physique, one of the greatest bodies I've ever seen in my life.
24:16He's got a beautiful face.
24:18I mean, can you imagine the women when they look at him?
24:20He truly is Mr. Wonderful.
24:23Paul Orndorff along with his manager, Bobby the Brain Heenan.
24:29Heenan trying to get the arm.
24:31Maybe they need to open those arm holes a little bit.
24:34Make them a little bit bigger so they can get...
24:35Oh, there's a...
24:36Look at that.
24:37Look at that.
24:38He's ripped to shreds.
24:40Look at the arm on the guy.
24:43There is an athlete right there in every sense of the word.
24:47Not these fans you're looking at.
24:49There he is right there, Mr. Wonderful.
24:52And I said it, McMahon.
24:53The real Mr. Wonderful would come back out, and he has.
24:58He has, huh?
24:59All right.
25:00He has a little consultation going on.
25:06Hopefully it'll help Mr. Wonderful.
25:08I'm sure he's hopeful it will, but in any event now...
25:12Clean break.
25:13How about that?
25:14We don't often see that anymore.
25:15Just like a real American, right?
25:18Depending upon your view of what a real American is.
25:21Hastings locking back up with Orndorff.
25:24To the rope.
25:26Johnny Davis, referee, asking for the clean break.
25:28Doesn't get it.
25:29Now, why doesn't he move back in, Mr. Davis?
25:31Well, obviously, Hastings probably said something derogatory to Orndorff,
25:35so Orndorff popped him.
25:36I would, too.
25:37Hastings going underneath, but no.
25:39Orndorff catches him, slams him down to the canvas.
25:44Orndorff all over Don Hastings.
25:50Orndorff is a machine.
25:51I have to give him credit for that.
25:53Hastings through the rope to the outside.
25:56Orndorff going right out after him.
26:00Right after, Hastings just getting up now.
26:03Oh, come on.
26:05Scoops him up.
26:06Oh, no.
26:09I'll crack a hip for you in a second.
26:12Maybe you ought to pile drive him out there.
26:15Oh, sure.
26:16You'd like that, wouldn't you, Jesse?
26:17I would.
26:18I'd enjoy that.
26:19Orndorff coming in the ring.
26:21Look at this guy can do everything.
26:24Oh, no.
26:26This guy is an athlete right there.
26:30Yes, I'll give you that.
26:31He is an athlete, but he's also an animal.
26:34Heenan loving it, loving every second of it.
26:42Look at Mr. Wonderful helping him up there.
26:44Oh, no.
26:46Just the way he closed line Hulk Hogan when he double crossed him.
26:50The very same way.
26:53And now I think he's going to pile drive Hastings the very same way.
26:57Heenan asking for the pile driver moment to come.
27:00Oh, here we go.
27:01Hastings has and boom.
27:04Did you see that?
27:06He bounced two feet back up in the air.
27:09A cover, an easy count.
27:18Posing for everyone.
27:20Oh, look at that.
27:21I mean, this guy's ripped.
27:22He could go in the Mr. America contest right now.
27:26Mr. Wonderful Paul Orndorff.
27:33Paul Orndorff victorious.
27:36And there he goes again playing Hulk's music.
27:40Wait a minute.
27:41Did Hulk write that music?
27:43It was written for him.
27:45Yeah, but he didn't write it.
27:46That means anyone can use it, McMahon.
27:48Unless he has the copyright to it.
27:50I know about those things.
27:53Well, let's take you back to the replay now
27:55and show you the pile driver.
27:57And I must say, it was most impressive.
28:00Anyone who's piled drive by this man doesn't get back up.
28:03Take it, Bruno.
28:04Well, there's no question.
28:05This piled driver, look at this.
28:06He dump drives Hastings so hard,
28:08he actually shoots up a couple of feet in the air
28:10and he comes back down fresh on that mat.
28:13And this is extremely dangerous.
28:15I always said this stuff should be outlawed,
28:17but nobody does it quite as vicious as Orndorff.
28:20All right, standing by now, ladies and gentlemen,
28:22Roddy Piper.
28:23We recorded him earlier,
28:24and this is what happened when Roddy returned.
28:28It's going to take a hell of a lot more.
28:33It's going to take a hell of a lot more than that
28:37if they're going to keep me down, man.
28:41I can't hear.
28:51I said I would come here and get rid of the flower shop.
29:01If they think that those sons of bitches
29:05can keep me down like this,
29:08they're wrong!
29:11Goodbye, flower shop!
29:20It's going to take a hell of a lot more than that!
29:55The war has just begun!
30:17You'll be seeing me again!
30:21You'll be seeing me again!
30:24Right now, the Boston Herald can make buying a new...
30:27This contest is scheduled for one fall.
30:30Introducing to my left,
30:32from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania,
30:34weighing 233 pounds,
30:37Dan McGuire!
30:40And his opponent...
30:46Escorted to the ring
30:48by his manager, Elizabeth,
30:50from Sarasota, Florida,
30:53weighing 239 pounds,
30:56the Intercontinental Heavyweight Champion,
31:00Grundy Macho Man Savage!
31:06My Elizabeth is beautiful, isn't she?
31:10Don't you talk too quick, McMahon.
31:13If Macho Man hears this broadcast,
31:15you'll be in trouble.
31:17She's gorgeous.
31:19Does the crowd respond to Elizabeth?
31:22They're not responding to her,
31:23they're responding to Macho Man.
31:25They certainly are not.
31:26He's not even in the ring.
31:27There he is, Elizabeth,
31:28holding the ropes for him.
31:32Here's to Macho Man,
31:33reigning Intercontinental Champion.
31:38Perhaps not for long, however,
31:40because there are many individuals
31:42in the WWF today
31:44gunning for the Macho Man.
31:45I'm sure you'd agree with that, Bruno.
31:47Well, I would say this.
31:48Since he stole that title,
31:50I will give him credit.
31:51He has defended successfully
31:53on numerous occasions,
31:54although sometimes it's questionable
31:56as to how he does retain that title.
31:58Stole it.
31:59That's correct.
32:00Stole it.
32:03Stole the title.
32:07Elizabeth, the manager of the Macho Man.
32:12And what a beautiful manager.
32:14I suppose he stole Elizabeth from you, huh, Bruno?
32:17No, I don't know.
32:22But nonetheless,
32:24beautiful legs on Elizabeth, too.
32:26And there's a look at a battered,
32:28war-torn face right there,
32:30the Macho Man.
32:31He has been through some wars.
32:32That's right.
32:33He's been through some wars,
32:34but he's lived through them.
32:35He's still the Intercontinental Champion,
32:37still in terrific condition,
32:39and I've said it before,
32:40the possessor of probably
32:42the most devastated move in all of wrestling
32:44is that elbow off the top rope.
32:46I'll agree with that,
32:47that it's one of the devastating maneuvers.
32:50Macho Man quickly outside.
32:52I wonder why.
32:53Had to talk to Elizabeth.
32:55Oh, he's putting her in her place.
32:58Literally in her place.
33:01Well, someone just might put
33:03the Macho Man in his place,
33:05and earlier on,
33:06we spoke with an individual
33:07who certainly has the potentials
33:08to do just that.
33:09That's right.
33:10You've got the superstar right here
33:11live in the color.
33:12Randy, the Macho Man Savage.
33:15What you gonna do
33:16when Superstar Billy Graham
33:17comes down your head?
33:18You've got to give up
33:19the Intercontinental Championship belt
33:21of the entire universe
33:23to Superstar Billy Graham.
33:24Randy, the Macho Man,
33:25Intercontinental Champion.
33:27Here comes the Superstar, baby.
33:31Oh, come on.
33:34That is conduct, I'm sure,
33:36you would think is, in fact,
33:38becoming of a champion,
33:39what we just saw.
33:40Is that what Macho Man did?
33:42Why not?
33:43Running his opponent
33:44into the barrier on the outside,
33:46kicked right into the ribs
33:47on the outside of the ring.
33:49Oh, come on.
33:53The action, Jesse,
33:54in case you don't recall,
33:55is supposed to take place
33:56inside the 20-foot-square church.
33:59That's right,
34:00but he does have a count of 10,
34:01doesn't he, McMahon,
34:02to get outside and back inside.
34:04Has he been counted out?
34:06Then what he's doing is fine,
34:08as long as he's not out there
34:09over the 10 count.
34:10Back in on the count of 4.
34:12Referee Dave Hebner
34:13putting the count on him,
34:14and Macho Man is putting
34:15the hurt right now
34:16on Mr. McGuire.
34:18Here comes maybe the move
34:19you alluded to earlier.
34:20Look it.
34:21Hebner's counting.
34:23See, totally legal,
34:24Macho Man, wham,
34:26off the rope,
34:27and there's a legal pin
34:28right there.
34:29One, two, three.
34:32I believe Hebner could go
34:33all the way to 10 or 20
34:35if he so desired.
34:37Well, that might be legal,
34:38but it's one of the most
34:39arrogant pins I think
34:40I've seen in some time.
34:42The Macho Man
34:43with his manager, Elizabeth,
34:44as we get the official decision.
34:45Your winner,
34:46the Intercontinental Champion,
34:48Randy Macho Man Savage!
34:57The Macho Man,
34:58victorious in this capacity crowd,
35:01witnessing the Macho Man
35:02and his lovely manager,
35:04Elizabeth, once again,
35:06on the victory.
35:07Looks like he's putting
35:08a bat mouth on her right now.
35:09Come on.
35:10What kind of a man is that?
35:11Big deal.
35:12Big Macho Man.
35:13That's a Macho Man.
35:14Not in my book.
35:16That's a lovely lady right there.
35:18Your book's real thin, Vince.
35:20Is that right?
35:22All right, Bruno, pick it up.
35:23Wow, they completely
35:24dominated the spot.
35:25Then he goes over there
35:26after that big body slam
35:27and he comes down
35:28with that devastating elbow
35:29with all his weight behind
35:30and McGuire's done
35:31for this contest anyway.
35:33What do you think
35:34about that body?
35:35Looking real good.
35:36Yes, I must say.
35:38All right, Elizabeth,
35:40viewing up
35:41and taking a look, of course,
35:43at the victorious Macho Man.
35:49...was privileged to interview
35:50no less than the reigning
35:51World Wrestling Federation
35:52champion, the one and the only,
35:54Hulk Hogan.
35:55Here's the interview.
35:57This is Jesse,
35:58the body Ventura
35:59with the current,
36:00and I use the term loosely,
36:02heavyweight champion
36:03of the world.
36:04You know, Hulk Hogan,
36:05a lot of people
36:06throughout the world
36:07think that Paul Orndorff
36:08is truly the real American.
36:11Yeah, and I bet you think
36:13you've got a full head of hair
36:15and a big pair of arms, dude,
36:17but standing next to me,
36:18you look like a weak
36:19and willow tree little man.
36:21All I got to say
36:22about Paul Orndorff, brother,
36:23is you're not a real American
36:25like you say you are,
36:26and I'm not afraid
36:27of any small-chains
36:28artists like you,
36:29because to get to the top, man,
36:31you gotta be big time.
36:32You gotta dedicate your life
36:34to training,
36:35saying your prayers,
36:36eating your vitamins,
36:37something you don't know
36:38nothing about, man,
36:39and you also gotta dedicate
36:40your life to those people,
36:42because you gotta have
36:43something behind you
36:44more than just
36:45a mere mortal man.
36:46Paul Orndorff,
36:47you're gonna be judged,
36:49No electric chair,
36:50no gas chamber.
36:51Judge, jury, executioner.
36:54ultimate sentence.
36:56Should be a great matchup here.
36:58What with the Killer Bs
36:59squaring off against
37:01Rex and Spot,
37:02the Moondogs,
37:03and the Moondogs are rough.
37:05No doubt of that.
37:06Jumping Jim Brunzel
37:07with a tremendous
37:09B. Brian Blair,
37:11with tremendous
37:12scientific knowledge
37:13all the way around.
37:14They make perhaps
37:15one of the tag team
37:17knocking on the door
37:18of the championship
37:19these days.
37:20That's right,
37:21but I wanna talk
37:22about something else.
37:23I wanna talk about
37:24that rude champion,
37:25Hulk Hogan.
37:26You see,
37:27I interview that man.
37:28I give him the chance
37:29to talk with Jesse
37:30DiBatti Venturi.
37:31You know what his problem
37:33He is jealous of me
37:34because I'm
37:35Mr. Hollywood now,
37:36because I'm out
37:37doing movies.
37:38The man's jealous
37:39because I don't have
37:40to get sweaty
37:41and get dirty
37:42no more,
37:43and that's his whole
37:45He's jealous of me.
37:47no one is jealous
37:48of anyone in Hollywood
37:49doing walk-on parts.
37:51Here we go now,
37:52B. Brian Blair
37:53with a,
37:55nice neck tie there
37:56for Moondog.
37:58that is,
37:59the larger of the
38:00two Moondogs,
38:01and Moondog
38:02gets behind him,
38:03scoops him up,
38:04and slams him
38:05down to the canvas.
38:07look out there.
38:08Spot also slams
38:09into the canvas.
38:10Blair with a right hand,
38:11pretty much beat
38:12Brian Blair
38:13a house of fire.
38:14Richie for the tag.
38:15Here comes Moondog.
38:17this time,
38:18legally into the ring.
38:20in this matchup,
38:22you're gonna,
38:23the Moondogs
38:24have gotta get
38:25the killer bees
38:26into their corner
38:27and take advantage
38:28of them.
38:29They've gotta use
38:30either their speed
38:31or agility
38:32with the killer bees.
38:35trying to set up,
38:36I believe,
38:38Brunzel over him now,
38:39right back at him,
38:41trying to go for a back,
38:42look at this,
38:43small package wrap up,
38:45it's gonna be over.
38:47Kicked out of that,
38:48I'm impressed.
38:50I'll tell you,
38:52Spot's a powerful man,
38:53and you're gonna have
38:54to wear him down
38:55a little bit more than that
38:56before you can
38:57small package him.
38:58Spot kicks out.
39:00and a referee has,
39:02always a difficult time
39:03in the ring,
39:04but in a tag match
39:05when you have the Moondogs
39:06in there,
39:07he's really gonna be
39:08put to the test.
39:09How about that drop kick?
39:11The man can get up,
39:12can he?
39:13Yes, he can.
39:15way up there,
39:16as some of our fans are here
39:17with this capacity crowd,
39:19Tag is made.
39:20Here comes B.
39:21Brian Blair.
39:22Come on, ref.
39:23No, no,
39:25the referee's doing
39:26what he should be doing.
39:27He did not see the tag,
39:29if he don't see it,
39:30he can't call it.
39:31He'll see that one.
39:32Here we go.
39:34in the,
39:35ooh, my.
39:39Where, in fact,
39:40was turned is now Blair
39:41trying to set up
39:42Moondog Spot.
39:44back body drop.
39:45Nicely executed.
39:46And Rex,
39:47what's he doing in there?
39:48He's going for the ride,
39:50These Moondogs
39:51look like they're lost
39:52in there,
39:53I think, though.
39:54Don't they?
39:55They look like they
39:56don't quite have
39:57the same coordination going.
39:58Bruno, would you agree?
39:59If the reason is
40:00because the bees
40:01are so quick
40:02that they are taking
40:04which is the size
40:05away from the Moondogs.
40:06Size isn't everything,
40:07and the bees are proving
40:08that right now.
40:09How about that?
40:10That was the stinger
40:11we just saw.
40:12Oh, yeah.
40:13Trap kick.
40:14Down goes the other Moondog,
40:15a cover,
40:16three count.
40:18after Moondog Rex
40:19helped the calls out
40:20of the killer bees,
40:21things certainly went
40:22a little bit
40:24for the Moondogs.
40:26Things certainly went
40:27directly in favor
40:28of the bees
40:29in another victory.
40:31Your winners,
40:32the killer bees!
40:35Killer bees victorious,
40:36the Moondogs.
40:38What is this?
40:39He's talking about,
40:41he dropped the elbow.
40:42Rex did right on spot.
40:44Little admonition there.
40:46Well, obviously,
40:47the older of the litter
40:48is going to prevail,
40:49I think,
40:50over the younger here.
40:51I don't know.
40:52Well, I don't know
40:53if I ever had a partner
40:54that was older.
40:55Wait a minute.
40:56What are we going to see here?
40:58Whoa, baby.
41:00We just may see
41:02these Moondogs here
41:03go at it
41:04with the bones in hand.
41:07Well, I guess
41:08they'll get together here.
41:10I don't know.
41:11All right, here we go.
41:12There's a replay
41:13in the elbow
41:14right into the chest.
41:17And then from there,
41:18turning around,
41:19a drop kick,
41:20look out,
41:22runs out
41:23Yes, indeed.
41:24A victory
41:25for the killer speed.
41:27Let's take you now
41:28to the interview.
41:32All right, Boston,
41:33tonight is the night
41:34literally just hours away,
41:35the Boston Garden.
41:36And what a night
41:37it's going to be.
41:38SD Special Delivery Jones
41:40out of the jungles
41:41of Samoa,
41:43the Islanders,
41:44Haku and Toma
41:45against the Funks.
41:46Tito Santana
41:47against the King,
41:48Harley Race,
41:49the Intercontinental title
41:50on the line.
41:51The macho man,
41:52Randy Savage,
41:53accompanied by Elizabeth
41:54against George
41:55the Animal Steel.
41:56But this time,
41:57it's no disqualification.
42:00anything goes
42:01and the title
42:02is on the line.
42:03And then,
42:04the six-man tag,
42:05the War,
42:06the Giant John Studd,
42:07King Kong Bundy
42:08and Bobby the Brain Heenan
42:09against Super Machine,
42:11Big Machine.
42:13And from Scotland,
42:14the one and only
42:15Big Machine,
42:16Piper Machine.
42:18At the four-year
42:19football scholarship
42:20Tokyo U
42:21Japanese very good,
42:22don't you agree?
42:23Very good,
42:24and English is becoming
42:25better and better,
42:26Big Machine.
42:27Oh, English very good also.
42:28Hai dozo.
42:29Piper Machine,
42:31hai dozo.
42:32Mucho, mucho.
42:33Piper's son
42:34has much problems
42:35on his mind right now.
42:36We speak
42:37this afternoon
42:38on telephone.
42:40Piper assure us,
42:42he says,
42:43Super Machine,
42:44you take mask,
42:46machine mask
42:47to Arena,
42:48Boston Gardens.
42:49I promise to be there.
42:51I promise to be
42:52in good condition,
42:56but my mind
42:58is very, very upset,
43:00which Big Machine
43:01and myself understand.
43:04We too are upset.
43:06Heenan's son
43:07has put foot in match,
43:09stuck weasel nose
43:10in match
43:11many, many times.
43:14His stable of
43:15Studd and Bundy,
43:17very successful
43:18in wrestling.
43:19Hai dozo.
43:20Successful for one reason,
43:22because of the brain,
43:23Bobby Heenan.
43:25Now, Bobby Heenan,
43:26you must take yourself
43:28inside ring.
43:30Big Machine,
43:31myself, Super Machine,
43:33and Piper Machine.
43:36Boston Gardens,
43:38large arena
43:39with much history.
43:41Tonight, perhaps,
43:43one other historical event.
43:46The machine factory
43:47keeps turning out
43:48new machines,
43:50better and stronger
43:51and faster.
43:53But tonight,
43:54Studd's son,
43:55Bundy's son,
43:56and you,
43:59you must get in ring.
44:01Six men,
44:02tag match.
44:04You cannot hide behind
44:06Studd or Bundy
44:07for entire evening.
44:09You must get in ring,
44:11and when you do,
44:13we will grab our hands
44:14around skinny weasel neck
44:17and choke tongue out.
44:20in Boston Gardens.
44:21You heard it,
44:22whatever you do,
44:23don't miss it.
44:24Tonight, it may be
44:25for the weasel,
44:29Superstars of wrestling,
44:30a tremendous array
44:31of wrestling talent,
44:32the magnificent Morocco
44:34is scheduled to join,
44:36this man,
44:37Cowboy Bob Orton,
44:38in a special tag team matchup.
44:40That should be
44:41most interesting.
44:42And in from there,
44:44the junkyard dog,
44:45along with
44:46George the Animal Steel,
44:47also joining us,
44:48Jake the Snake Roberts,
44:50an individual competition,
44:52all those individuals,
44:54the non-title matchup,
44:55the Bulldogs will square off
44:57against Valentine and Beefcake.
44:59All of this,
45:00next week,
45:01right here,
45:02on the Superstars of Wrestling.
45:04Until next week,
45:05this is Vince McMahon,
45:06along with Bruno Sammartino,
45:08and Jesse the Body Ventura,
45:10saying so long from ringside.