• 3 months ago
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00:00Last week, the night that went down in history, because that's when we found out at the very
00:12end of the broadcast that history was going to be made at World War III.
00:19You heard Nick Lambros, you heard that maggot Jimmy Hart, well, we know what's going on.
00:27The winner of the 60-man battle royale at World War III will become the new WCW World
00:35Heavyweight Champion.
00:36Seems to me like Jimmy Hart didn't quite have it all figured out, did he, Bobby?
00:39Well, Jimmy Hart had enough of it figured out.
00:42Now the big man, the big man Hulk Hogan, is going to have to get in there with the other
00:4659 wrestlers, and if he wants his title back, he's going to have to win it, plain and simple.
00:52It's a whole new world, Mongo.
00:53Let me tell you what, that tickled me pink last week, bro.
00:56They were up in that ring.
00:57Neither one of them knew what was going on, but look here, folks, the little guy's got
01:01on the super dog outfit, because all you can say is you're seeing superhuman wrestling
01:06on Monday Nitro, baby, period.
01:08All right, let's go now to the former World Heavyweight Champion.
01:13You know something, Hulkamaniacs, the darkness in the Dungeon of Doom shakes in fear just
01:29because Hulk Hogan is walking around with the power of the training, the prayers, and
01:36the vitamins.
01:37Everyone, from Kevin Sullivan to the Master, to each and every creature that breathes the
01:44doom is afraid of Hulkamania, because the training, the prayers, and the vitamins are
01:50They'll live forever, and now my brother of the road, the Macho Man, is on a mission.
01:58He's going to bring us the head of me on a silver platter, the first man on the destruction
02:05hit list of Hulkamania, and as he walks into the light of Nitro, may the maniacs be with
02:13him, but I feel a strange presence.
02:17After what went down with Sting and Luger, I don't know where Sting's head's at, brother.
02:26I don't know if Sting is in the dark side or the light side of Hulkamania, if he's friend
02:32or foe, brother, but when the Macho Man walks carefully into the lightness, when the Macho
02:39Man brings Ming's head back on a silver platter, before I go down the hit list, before we take
02:47him out one at a time, me and the Macho Man together, I'm going to look at Sting somewhere
02:52in the eye, somewhere in the near future, and I'm going to find out exactly where he's
02:58coming from, because if he's on the Doom side with Sullivan, I'm going to move his
03:06name to the top of the list, brothers.
03:09The stench in the Dungeon of Doom is not powerful enough to even make my little Hulkamaniacs
03:16shake in fear for one moment, so Macho Man, from the love of Hulkamania to you, move fast,
03:24move swift, bring me the head of Ming on a silver platter.
03:28What is the Dungeon of Doom going to do when the Macho Man and Hulk Hogan take the darkness
03:33of the Doom and turn it to destroy you?
03:36Mongo, Hulk Hogan, I'll tell you what, you've been an athlete all of your adult life, you
03:41know better than anybody, no one wants to be referred to as a former world champion.
03:46Well, as far as I'm concerned, they stole the title from Hulk Hogan, he deserves every
03:51chance in the world, let him in there, let him do it.
03:55I'm going to go out on a limb here, I'm going to make a prediction, Bischoff, I predict
03:59that Hogan will be the first one out of the ring in the Battle Royal, they're going to
04:03throw him right down to that cement floor first, Scott Platt.
04:07All right, speaking of rings, let's get to it.
04:11Ladies and gentlemen, the following contest is set for one fall, introducing first, representing
04:16the Dungeon of Doom, accompanied to the ring by the Taskmaster and Jimmy Hart, from the
04:21Kingdom of Tonga, weighing 309 pounds, Ming!
04:27And speaking of limbs, Bobby the Brain, this is a man who is on a seek and destroy mission
04:34each and every time he enters the ring, in fact, you know, every time I see Ming in the
04:39ring, Bobby, I think we got to do a species check on this guy, he can't be human.
04:44Oh, I'd agree with that, I think he's part human, but he's mostly animal, and with the
04:49Taskmaster guiding him and feeding his brain with what he wants that man Ming to do, it's
04:56Let me tell you what, I think there has been a big foot sign, he keeps Taskmaster along
05:02just to shave him and keep him looking human.
05:05Here's your winner, from the dark side of Venice Beach, California, the Macho Man, Randy
05:16You heard him, last week, he said, Hulk Hogan, I'm going to make my way out there, and I'm
05:23going to find out who our friends really are.
05:27Wait a minute, there he is, from out of nowhere, the Macho Man, Randy Savage, and I don't know
05:35where he came from, tit for tat, tit for tat, that's all I got to say.
05:39Well, that's what's happening here now at WCW, you can't trust anybody, nobody's got
05:43a friend, nobody even comes out the right door, nobody goes in the right door, it's
05:47every man for himself.
05:49This is it, the Macho Man, Randy Savage, going after Ming, he's got Ming outside of the ring,
05:56and he is taking it to this powerful, menacing maniac, Ming.
06:03You know, most people lay back, most people get butterflies in their stomach, and they
06:07get all nervous and sweaty palms when they know they have to get in the ring with Ming,
06:10but Savage, the competitor he is, he came up with a plan, I'm going to jump the man
06:14from behind, because he knows Kevin Sullivan's at ringside, and it's going to be, believe
06:18me, two against one.
06:20Kevin Sullivan, the Taskmaster, call him whatever you want, as the Macho Man, Randy Savage,
06:24rakes the eyes of Ming, he is the architect, if you will, of the deception, the deceit
06:31that has transpired here in WCW over the past several weeks.
06:35The man who, in my opinion, is responsible, along with Jimmy Hart.
06:39What happened to the WCW World Heavyweight Championship belt?
06:43The belt, look at this, Kevin Sullivan, he's going up top, and he is paying the price.
06:50And man, I'll tell you what, Mongo, I am happy, and I mean double happy to see that.
06:55Uh-oh, Savage is up on top.
06:57That's what I like to see, go ahead.
07:01Well, he had a good plan.
07:03And Jimmy Hart, here comes that whining, sniffling maggot.
07:08The man's a genius.
07:10I never realized how smart that man is.
07:12Jumped up on the rope, deflected Savage for just a second, and then Ming jumps in there
07:18and takes a hold.
07:20The Macho Man, Randy Savage, getting encouragement from the crowd, but he is draped.
07:24His ribcage right over the guardrail.
07:27The ribcage that was injured at the hands of Lex Luger at Halloween Havoc.
07:32The ribcage that is so vulnerable here in the Macho Man.
07:35Randy Savage gets his huge box off the ring post.
07:38Well, he had a good idea, attack Ming from behind,
07:41because you don't want to face him face-to-face.
07:43But it don't look too good for Savage right now.
07:46But I guess that's alright what the Taskmaster did, in your opinion, huh?
07:50Well, sometimes drastic measures, you have to take what drastic means.
07:54It's just that simple.
07:56The Macho Man, Randy Savage, in a lot of trouble here.
07:58He is in the wrong part of town.
08:00He's in a dungeon of disaster right now.
08:02He's got Kevin Sullivan outside of the ring.
08:04He's got Ming inside of the ring.
08:06Jimmy Hart.
08:08That parasite lurking in and around the ring with that megaphone.
08:14Look, he's chopping him down like a tree.
08:16Chop, chop, chop.
08:17Now the boots to the ribs.
08:19Back leg round kicks to the midsection by Ming.
08:21Oh, that went right up alongside of the head.
08:23Ming, so dangerous.
08:25Longo, he's taking him apart.
08:27I haven't seen punishment like this
08:29since San Francisco dismantled a few Super Bowl contenders.
08:35As you notice, the Taskmaster's at ringside.
08:37And he is cosmic.
08:39He's like a baseball coach, a football coach.
08:41He is relaying what he wants Ming to do to Savage.
08:43And Ming's doing it.
08:45Look at Sullivan, he's like a rabid dog.
08:47He's a troubled soul, alright.
08:49But I like him that way.
08:51Don't want to put him in a pounder out of his misery.
08:53One way or the other, this man needs to be disposed of.
08:56Well, the man's not an animal.
08:58No, he's not that good.
09:00You've got to be kidding me.
09:02He's close, but he's a human being.
09:04Is he?
09:06And listen to Jimmy Hart outside of the ring
09:08with that megaphone.
09:10I wish somebody would put that megaphone...
09:12Never mind.
09:14He's only a couple of brain cells shy of a dead amoeba
09:16out there, for God's sake.
09:18You wouldn't tell him that face to face.
09:20Sure I would.
09:22Yeah, you probably would.
09:24How about Savage?
09:26Stay with us.
09:28Coming up, Katsuki Sasaki
09:30and Chris Benoit and you, Bobby.
09:32He didn't have a lot of explaining to do.
09:34Look at that. Did you see that brutal kick?
09:36Kicked him right in the armpit.
09:40Savage is hung out to dry.
09:42He has taken the fight out of Savage.
09:44But you know as well as I do, Bischoff,
09:46Savage, no matter how bad he's hurt,
09:48he keeps coming, he keeps going.
09:50But he's hurt. He is hurt badly.
09:53This guy is nothing but pure intensity
09:55and the Macho Man Randy Savage
09:57told Hulk Hogan last week
09:59that I am going to find out who our friends
10:01really are.
10:03Well, he is here, and one thing Randy Savage knows,
10:05Ming, Kevin Sullivan
10:07and the Maggot, Jimmy Hart
10:09are nobody's friends.
10:11Did you see that?
10:13Ming just had one
10:15too many guys up there helping him, didn't he?
10:17Now wait, it's not over yet.
10:19And here comes the Macho Man!
10:21He drops the elbow!
10:23His history!
10:25He got him!
10:27What is this?
10:29The Shark!
10:31Shark attack!
10:37The Shark is out!
10:39Something has to be done about these gang of goons!
10:41And Lex Luger!
10:43Luger's in there now.
10:45Lex Luger is going after his arm!
10:47Lex Luger
10:49trying to break the arm!
10:51Oh no!
10:55They might do what people always have said,
10:57they might just rip his arm off and beat him with it!
10:59Lex Luger
11:01going after the arm!
11:03The total package!
11:05This is just unmitigated dismemberment here!
11:07The Macho Man
11:09Randy Savage
11:11who is still suffering
11:13from a rib injury that took place
11:15at Halloween Havoc
11:17is now getting his arm ripped
11:19off his body
11:21and we have got to take a break!
11:23I think I heard something break there!
11:25I heard more than something break,
11:27we're going to take a break, we'll be right back!
11:29Get him out of there!
11:37Spot, we've got to tell you
11:39not only will World War III
11:41be a first in wrestling history
11:43three rings simultaneously
11:45each ring holding
11:4720 men
11:49never before has that ever happened
11:51but the winner of the
11:5360 man battle royal
11:55will become the new
11:57World Heavyweight Champion
11:59Bobby Heenan
12:01Heenan I ask you, who do you think
12:03the new World Heavyweight Champion is going to be?
12:05Well I'm going to have to put my money
12:07if I was a betting man on the big man
12:09the giant, but here's the most important thing
12:11those 60 athletes
12:14the superstars of WCW
12:16are going to be in there fighting for everything
12:18originally they had their minds
12:20all set, they knew it was going to be a fight
12:22to get a shot at the champion
12:24but now it is for the title
12:26they're going to go out there and give 200%
12:28somebody's going to the hospital
12:30Mongo, how do you see it bud?
12:32Well let me tell you what, if I had my druthers
12:34I would tell some of these guys
12:36to get together and get that giant out of there
12:38first, gang up on him like this
12:40dungeon of duds is doing
12:43Chris Benoit is really
12:45kicking it off here
12:47he's starting this thing out like a buzz saw
12:49he went after Katsuki Sasaki of Japan
12:51and Bobby Heenan, I'm going to talk to you a lot
12:53before this broadcast is over
12:55because you've got your finger in somebody else's pie
12:57I want details, but I want to know right now
12:59Katsuki Sasaki, he is one
13:01one tough son of a gun
13:03this is going to be a great matchup
13:05with Benoit, power body slam
13:07look at the speed on that move
13:09and the man has tremendous wrestling knowledge
13:11he's like a power lifter
13:13he knows karate, he knows the martial arts
13:15he's a very very tough man to beat
13:17World War 3
13:19everybody talking about World War 3
13:21I'll tell you what, this past weekend
13:23of course, everybody talking about
13:25San Francisco and Dallas
13:27you talk about that Bishop, you talk about a lot of things
13:2960 man battle royal, for the title
13:31the importance of this
13:33but what about yesterday, everybody thought Dallas
13:35was going to walk all over the 49ers
13:37that's not what happened, you saw the 49ers
13:39you saw Steve Young and all those other ham and eggers
13:41they took it to Dallas and they kicked their tails
13:43they knocked the logos right off their helmets
13:45just like the Giants
13:47going to do to those 59 other superstars
13:49at war games
13:51World War 3, whatever you want to call it
13:53World War 3, Bobby
13:553 times, 3 rings
13:57everything's better in 3
13:59except maybe
14:01Katsuki Sasaki now really taking it to Chris Benoit
14:03Benoit in trouble
14:05able to roll the shoulder
14:07on account of one, Benoit in such terrific
14:09physical condition
14:11and a man that can
14:13really take a beating, reverse chin
14:15locked out, Katsuki Sasaki with the knee
14:17right in the spine, look at that
14:19that's the important thing here, he's got the
14:21knee planted firmly in his spine
14:23all of the pressure on the jaw
14:25in the chin, and that can put a tremendous amount
14:27of pressure on the vertebrae in the back of the neck
14:29well his best bet would have been
14:31to spin his legs, try to get on his side
14:33and try to get out of it, well he was lucky enough
14:35that Mr. Sasaki released the holder
14:37he could have snapped the man's neck off
14:39and this, oh look at this
14:41tilt and roll slam attempt
14:43nice counter
14:45Chris Benoit
14:47but Sasaki so powerful
14:49and Katsuki Sasaki, a man that Sting
14:51is going to defend his US title against
14:53later on this week, we'll bring you updates
14:55on that, that will take place
14:57in Tokyo, but now it is Chris Benoit
14:59Katsuki Sasaki with a standing switch
15:01another standing switch is tied
15:03by Benoit, Sasaki up
15:05a third German suplex
15:07and this is punishing, this is punishment
15:13he's not going anyplace
15:15no way
15:17oh is that Benoit
15:23the Canadian crippler
15:25your winner
15:27with the dragon suplex
15:29all the way from Canada
15:31Chris Benoit
15:33the newest member I might add
15:35of the four horsemen
15:37and we'll be back with more action here on Nitro
15:39right after this time out
15:41he is getting his shot this weekend
15:43Longo, hey Bobby
15:45he may be the new world television champion
15:47because he's got a shot
15:49tonight, that's right
15:51he's putting the belt up tonight baby
15:53we're going to see us a championship night
15:55I'll tell you something about this Eddie Guerrero
15:57he's got a thousand different ways to beat you too
15:59he's a hard man to prepare for
16:01because he's quick, he's fast
16:03he'll do high aerial moves and he can wrestle
16:05Eddie Guerrero
16:07a man who is
16:09really one to respect
16:11and admiration of not only his
16:13opponents, not only promoters
16:15from all over the world
16:17but certainly the fans
16:19they love Eddie Guerrero
16:21he's a tremendous athlete, a great
16:23sportsman and a guy that every time
16:25he steps into the ring you know
16:27he's going to give 110%
16:29look at this
16:31I've seen something already here different
16:33Johnny doesn't have his confetti gun with him
16:35what's up with that?
16:37Diamond Dallas owns that now
16:39not good
16:43now that we have just a second I want to ask you
16:45what's the deal with the pro show?
16:47whose money did you take?
16:49what did you sell them?
16:51and you tell me, what is it?
16:53well first of all I wouldn't normally have
16:55you talk to my attorneys about something like this
16:57but I'll give you a little hint
16:59it's not your business or anybody else's business if any money
17:01changed hands, it's nobody's business
17:03well we saw it, well you don't know how much money
17:05you don't even know if it was money, it could be
17:07coupons, you don't know what it was
17:09but I'll tell you one thing, the Japanese have been
17:11treated poorly here at WCW
17:13and I just made a deal, I got friends
17:15in high places, a lot of people owe me
17:17favors, all I did was just
17:19I called a couple notes and you might see
17:21side headlock by
17:23Johnny B. Badd, head scissors, escape by
17:25Johnny B. Badd, this is going to be a very fast paced
17:27match, Mongo, don't blink, you may
17:29miss it, this is going to happen fast, Bobby
17:31quit looking in your wallet, keep your
17:33eyes on the match, this is exciting
17:35collar and elbow hook up, well let me put it this way
17:37the Japanese people kind of have a
17:39yen for me, I know
17:41what was in that envelope but I owe you
17:43who are you kidding?
17:45hat tip by Johnny B. Badd
17:47working over the arm
17:49Johnny B. Badd
17:51I would think he's going to try
17:53and stay away, keep as
17:55much distance as he can between himself and
17:59Guerrero coming up the ropes, leapfrog by
18:01Johnny B. Badd, another leapfrog by Guerrero
18:03coming up the ropes, slam right across
18:05the back, tremendous execution
18:07there, didn't get him
18:09on the part of Johnny B. Badd
18:11keep working on that back Johnny
18:15Guerrero now on a receiving end of an Irish whip
18:17to extend a clothesline attempt, Johnny B. Badd sets up
18:19another simple, no, this time
18:21head scissors takeover
18:23single leg pickup
18:25Eddie Guerrero won
18:27Johnny B. Badd though
18:29look at that, single leg attempt
18:31oh man this one
18:33is great, this is great action
18:35coming your way, WCW
18:37Monday Nitro on TNT
18:39it does not
18:41cannot, will not
18:43ever get any better than
18:47where are you going to see athletes like this
18:49never, ever are you going to
18:51see anything like this
18:53Eddie Guerrero can take a bad situation
18:55turn it into a positive, just like
18:57Johnny B. Badd tried to slap him into that back
18:59turn it into a head scissors, reversed it
19:01on him
19:03but you can't waste time
19:05it's going to be interesting to see how he can
19:07oh, did you see that right up over the top
19:09he's got him, we got a winner here
19:11right across the jaw of Eddie Guerrero
19:13no, I was going to say, it looks like he's out
19:15he is not, he is one
19:17tough individual from El Paso
19:19talk about
19:21great conditioning, I mean you've got to
19:23be in great condition to do this
19:25and you've got to watch Johnny
19:27B. Badd all the time because he's got that left hand
19:29he'll love to sucker punch him
19:31look at the balance of Eddie Guerrero, he is just like a
19:33head scissors takeover
19:35and this is an offense that I've got to say, cover
19:37one, two, Mongo, Johnny B. Badd
19:39as experienced as he is, the world
19:41television champion, he's come a long way
19:43in a short period of time, but I don't think he has ever
19:45faced an offense quite like this
19:47both these guys are
19:49covered nickel stakes, if you know what I mean
19:51and they, both of these guys
19:53have more wrestling moves than Bobby
19:55DeBruyne has got shady deals
19:57in his side pocket
19:59that is saying a lot, that is saying a lot
20:01Keenan, what did you sell him, I want to know now
20:03I, you're going to have to
20:05he got him, no
20:07did you see that flying
20:09sunset flip by Johnny
20:11Johnny B. Badd, I mean I'll tell you what
20:13I hope he's got his pilot's license
20:15otherwise the FAA is going to come looking
20:17for him after that launch
20:19the deal I negotiated
20:21with them is personal, let me just put it that way
20:23you'll have to talk to my attorneys if you'd like
20:25to discuss anything else
20:27Eddie Guerrero out over the top rope, he's in trouble
20:29he hit the deck hard, Johnny B. Badd
20:31in control, and you look
20:33at the conditioning of these athletes, Johnny B. Badd
20:37bad, bad mood
20:39and I mean it doesn't get any
20:41worse than that, Guerrero
20:43looks like he's holding his knee
20:45and I'll show you how dumb Johnny B. Badd
20:47is, this man is a TV champion
20:49he don't have to beat Guerrero, Guerrero
20:51has to beat him, and to do a move like
20:53that over the top rope is so dangerous
20:55he could have hurt himself, he could have
20:57lost the title
20:59that man is a conditioned athlete, he knows
21:01what he's doing out there Bobby, well he didn't know
21:03until then, and Guerrero
21:05with the cover, he moved out of the way
21:09you talk about action
21:11you talk about excitement, Eddie
21:13is right here, the personification
21:15of excitement, action
21:17and explosiveness
21:19right here
21:21Monday Nitro on TNT
21:23each and every week, standing switch by
21:25Johnny B. Badd as he goes behind
21:27Guerrero traps the legs and counters, one
21:29two, and a kick out by Johnny B. Badd
21:31wow, ooh
21:33European uppercut there by the bad man
21:35well the only way you're
21:37going to beat Guerrero or a Van Wall
21:39or a Dean Malenko is you're going to have to do your
21:41homework, Guerrero
21:43oh I thought he had him locked in
21:45there, I was sure he had him
21:47Guerrero interesting there, he got up on his shoulders
21:49and nice, dropped a whole takedown
21:51by Eddie Guerrero, he got up on his shoulders
21:53and forced Johnny B. Badd to lose his balance
21:55and now a cradle, he's got him cradled up
21:57just about had him
21:59that looked to be
22:01like an amateur version of an outside cradle
22:03excuse me, a professional version
22:05of an amateur move called an outside cradle
22:07and now, oh did you see that, Eddie Guerrero
22:09suddenly, the left hook coming
22:11and Johnny B. Badd got him with the right hand
22:13this is uncharacteristic of
22:15Johnny B. Badd, we know the left hand is
22:17there, you haven't seen it lately
22:19he took a shot with the left hook
22:21Guerrero knew it was coming, he ducked
22:23but he ain't alright
22:25Guerrero's not sure where he's at right now, I'll tell ya
22:27like the monkey said when he got his
22:29tail ripped off, it won't be long now
22:31I think Guerrero feels
22:33a little bit like Evander Holyfield did
22:35just a couple weeks ago in Las Vegas
22:37Eddie wants to keep wrestling here, you don't want to get
22:39in a punching match with Johnny B. Badd
22:41no, absolutely not, see now Johnny B. Badd right now
22:43should get his hands on Guerrero, take him to the middle
22:45of that ring, ride him, try to go for the pin
22:47if you have to, sucker punch him
22:49do what you have to do, don't waste
22:51time here at WCW
22:53I'll tell you what Mongo, looks to me like Johnny B. Badd
22:55has abandoned the wrestling stuff, he's gonna
22:57try to fight it out and now Guerrero
22:59Guerrero, you talk about uncharacteristic
23:01the gentleman from
23:03El Paso, Texas is now
23:05trading rights and lefts, this has
23:07turned into a brawl
23:09well Johnny B. Badd started it, he sucker punched him
23:11I haven't seen brawling like this
23:13since I was bouncing down at the bar
23:15in Texas
23:17Eddie Guerrero, a man who usually
23:19oh look at this, and now the referee
23:21these two guys
23:23their competitiveness has gotten
23:25the better of both of them
23:27there's gonna be some
23:29cauliflower ears come out of this
23:31this is intense, this is uncharacteristic
23:33and this is two athletes
23:35who are basically role models
23:37basically two guys
23:39who do it right
23:41all of a sudden coming unglued
23:43losing control and listen to the crowd
23:49I don't get it Mongo, I mean you've been in the heat
23:51of competition before but
23:53you know, you gotta come to your senses and
23:55get back in the game
23:57this evil scheme is running rampant
23:59through the WCW, he's talking about
24:01sucker punching over here, there is
24:03such a thing as playing fair
24:05and going by the rules, that's what you do
24:07something that you
24:09probably learned the hard way via
24:11fine defensive threats and everything else
24:13you never pulled on a face mask did you
24:15you never clipped a guy, you never shot blocks
24:17never, no
24:19Natano, alright we
24:21just heard it, there's a 10 minute time limit
24:23on this match, we are running short on time
24:251 and 2 and Eddie Guerrero
24:27knows he is running short on time
24:29as these two guys pummeling
24:31each other, inside of the ring
24:33outside of the ring, flying moves
24:35textbook wrestling
24:37I mean you've got it all right here
24:39well the clock is working for
24:41Johnny B Bad, it's not for
24:43Eddie Guerrero, Guerrero has to beat him
24:47and now Johnny, oh
24:49pile driver
24:51pile driver, 1, 2
24:53and Guerrero
24:55Guerrero and Johnny B
24:57Bad is beside himself
24:59in frustration, 1, 2
25:01and again Guerrero able to
25:03dig down deep, suck it up
25:05and roll that shoulder
25:07there's been more two talented mismatches
25:09than an identical twin convention
25:11you've probably been to a few
25:13of them
25:151 minute remaining, we've got about
25:1760 seconds left
25:19if one of these athletes is gonna
25:21walk out of here the winner, oh
25:23Guerrero's got it, he's got him now
25:25now he's gonna pin him, he's gonna get on top
25:27he's wasting valuable time
25:29here, I think they're both
25:31out on their feet
25:33he's DDT'd him, Johnny
25:35B Bad in trouble, I don't think
25:37he's conscious, he is
25:39he is
25:41Eddie Guerrero came within
25:43a heartbeat of becoming
25:45the new world television champion
25:47we've got 30 seconds left
25:49Mongo, less than 30, you have
25:51to be impressed with athletes like these
25:53ladies and gentlemen, collision
25:55right in the center of the ring and now the referee's
25:57starting the count
25:5915 seconds left, who
26:01is gonna be the first athlete up
26:03Johnny B Bad, it's a horse race
26:05it is a horse race, we are
26:07into the countdown
26:09it's over, it's a draw
26:11now they're pummeling each other
26:13again, they're back to
26:15brawling, they are back to
26:19wait a minute, these two guys
26:21they heard the bell, they know the match is
26:23over, what a great
26:25match that was
26:27they still ain't had
26:33this is uncharacteristic
26:35it's intensity
26:37is what it is, it's WCW
26:39it is where the big boys
26:41play and this is what happens
26:43to you when you start competing
26:45at this level, on any night
26:47any given athlete
26:49can become a champion
26:53Johnny B Bad retains
26:55the world television title
26:57and look at this
26:59look at that
27:01that's what we have here at the WCW
27:03my friend
27:05why would you want to shake a man's hand
27:07and try to do everything he could to beat you
27:09I don't understand this
27:11what is wrong with being a good loser
27:13around here, such a thing as a good loser
27:15all right, I'll tell you what
27:17hats off to Johnny B Bad
27:19the world television
27:21champion, he held on to the title
27:23Eddie Guerrero, a valiant effort but the sportsmanship
27:25again that you saw at the end of the match
27:27I think that tells the story
27:29one thing I want to point out, we have heard
27:31from Hulk Hogan
27:33Hulk Hogan has been watching
27:35everything that is going on, I just got word
27:37he is going to be on Nitro
27:39next week live
27:41and guess who he wants a shot at
27:43anybody want to venture a guess
27:45the giant, Jimmy Hart probably
27:47no, the stinger
27:49Hogan wants to wrestle Sting
27:51on Nitro
27:53next week, live
27:57Hulk Hogan and the stinger
27:59and I'll tell you what
28:01we're going to hear from Sting
28:03later on in the broadcast
28:05you talk about history
28:07Hulk Hogan chaos
28:09let's go now, let's go to Miji
28:11I thank you very much Eric Bischoff
28:13in front of this great crowd this week
28:15I'm joined by the taskmaster
28:17Kevin Sullivan, by the
28:19big giant
28:21and by the mouth of the south, Jimmy Hart
28:23Jimmy I've talked about it on my
28:25hotline, but I want to publicly
28:27admonish you
28:29for two weeks ago last night at Halloween Havoc
28:31you did one of the most disgusting
28:33one of the most despicable things
28:35you perpetrated one of the
28:37worst scams I've ever seen on any
28:39one organization, world championship
28:41wrestling, and of course
28:43Hulk Hogan, you sold him down the river
28:45you know me Gene
28:47coming from you baby
28:49that's the best compliment I
28:51have ever had in my entire life
28:53you know me Gene
28:55why is Kevin Sullivan and
28:57Jimmy Hart the two smartest
28:59men ever in the history of professional
29:01wrestling, I'll tell you why
29:03because together
29:05we took the WCW
29:07heavyweight championship belt
29:09off of the immortal Hulk Hogan
29:11the only thing that bothers me
29:13is what am I going to do with my 200 Hulkamania
29:17give me a break
29:19Kevin Sullivan coming up on the 26th
29:21of this month, World War 3
29:23you stated that this big man
29:25is the odds on favorite
29:27to win the three ring 60 man
29:29battle royal, for 10 years
29:31I laid awake
29:33every night
29:35trying to figure a way
29:37to end Hulkamania
29:39yes there was collusion
29:41with me and Jimmy Hart
29:43we beat Hulk Hogan
29:45and now
29:47the biggest pay-per-view
29:49event ever
29:51in the history of
29:53pay-per-view, 60 men
29:55from all over the world
29:57you can name
29:59the stars, the ex-champions
30:01Luger, Sting
30:03Macho Man, they'll all be there
30:05for one big prize
30:07the only thing
30:09that means anything in this sport
30:11is the WCW
30:13world heavyweight
30:15title, and there
30:17right here, right now
30:19is the winner
30:21just hand the belt over
30:23give it to him
30:25because, me and Gene
30:27I bet man, would you bet
30:29against the giant
30:31I do want to point out for the record
30:33as announced recently, the winner of the battle royal
30:35will be crowned the WCW
30:37world heavyweight champ
30:39and yes I agree, this man is the odds
30:41on favorite to win, giant
30:43it's like this me and Gene
30:45that 60 man battle royal
30:47there's gonna be competition
30:49sky high, but when it's all
30:51said and
30:55there can be only one
30:57and that's me
30:59Hulk Hogan
31:01the Hulk Hogan legend
31:03will end forever
31:05and I am gonna be
31:07the WCW heavyweight
31:15better get something for this guy
31:17maybe Jimmy Swagger would work out
31:19stay tuned, we've got more exciting
31:21action as WCW
31:23continues on TNT
31:25give us a break
31:35on TNT
31:37and Mongo, you said it best
31:39better than I've ever heard it said before
31:41last week, chaos is
31:43indeed the most powerful force
31:45on the universe and chaos
31:47is what we've got in WCW
31:49and we're gonna talk about Hulk Hogan
31:51challenging the man
31:53that Malenko, the man of a thousand
31:55holes is about to face tonight
31:57Sting has got to be beside himself
31:59let me tell you what brother
32:01Hulk Hogan is fixing to take care
32:03of a lot of agendas around here
32:05and he's gonna start with Sting
32:07well Sting better not be looking ahead for the
32:09battle royal or Hulk Hogan or anything else
32:11he better concern himself with the man of a thousand
32:13holes, Dean Malenko, cause he
32:15can beat you, alright
32:17just a reminder, World
32:19World War 3
32:213 rings, simultaneously
32:23action like you have never seen
32:2560 athletes
32:27from all over the world
32:29converging upon North Carolina
32:31for one reason and one
32:33reason only, a shot
32:35to become the new
32:39World Heavyweight Champion
32:41and who will it be, will it be Sting
32:43will it be Luger, will it be
32:45Hogan, will it be the Giant
32:47will it be someone from
32:49Japan, Bobby Heenan, you were
32:51you still haven't figured it out
32:53you still haven't told me, so we can figure it out
32:55will it be somebody
32:57from Mexico, somebody from
32:59Australia, somebody from Europe, Germany
33:01England, Sweet, Eddie Guerrero
33:03I know what was in that envelope, two
33:05passes to a sushi bar, first of all
33:07it's very rude to ask me about my
33:09personal business, John
33:11actually no one really cares
33:13except for when it comes to money, because
33:15you've been down to sell a few
33:17used car deals
33:19that you wouldn't want to talk about
33:21negotiated deals, I get
33:23paid sometimes as being a consultant
33:25you've taken con artists
33:27to an art form
33:29thank you very much, giving up
33:31a little bit of reach and
33:33height here, and weight, but I'll tell you what
33:35the man of a thousand holes knows better than anybody
33:37for every move there is a counter move
33:39for every hole there is a counter hole
33:41and this guy is a walking
33:43talking, living, breathing expert
33:45of wrestling holes and
33:47counter holes, his father
33:49was a great wrestler, the great Malenko
33:51I mean, he's been trained since he was a
33:53little child, wrestle, wrestle, wrestle
33:55and that's what he does best
33:57Sting's just too powerful for this guy
33:59who are you kidding Bobby, look at that
34:01look at that athlete out there
34:03that man could not take Sting
34:05look at that, what did I tell you
34:07he can't even move him, I don't know
34:09I'll tell you what Mongo, I don't disagree with you very
34:11often, but I had the opportunity to be at
34:13the 1972 Olympic tryouts
34:15in Anoka, Minnesota, and I saw a little guy
34:17about a hundred feet tall by the name of Dan Gable
34:19eat some guys alive
34:21that were a whole lot bigger than he is
34:23Malenko has got more
34:25than a shot here, if Sting is
34:27preoccupied with the fact that he has been
34:29challenged by Hulk Hogan right here
34:31next week on Nitro
34:33if he is confused
34:35at all, if he is thinking about that at all
34:37Malenko can sneak up on him and upset him
34:39it could happen, it could happen right here
34:41on Nitro, you are correct there sir
34:43well it's very simple Mongo, you've gone into
34:45some football games where the Bears were
34:47favorite, right, and I imagine you've gone out
34:49to the bus afterwards with your tail between your legs
34:51when the other team skunked you
34:53shut you out, no score, I've seen it happen
34:55well let me tell you what
34:57I was a good sport about it, I didn't
34:59cry around in pitiful mouth
35:01about like some of the impressions we've got
35:03in this league, alright
35:05we'll be back with more action, right after this
35:07don't go away, Malenko's got him
35:11back in action here
35:13Dean Malenko, Sting, this one
35:15has been going back and forth while you were
35:17away, one thing that has characterized
35:19this match, the power of Sting
35:21the speed of Dean Malenko
35:23watch this, Malenko in trouble
35:25this was just a few moments ago while we were in commercial
35:27break, Sting so quick
35:29tries to capitalize on his mistake
35:31hooks, almost, almost
35:33he's got it, he's got it, but Malenko
35:35was so fast, made his way to the ropes
35:37and referee broke the hold
35:39that is speed, that's heads up
35:41that's nowhere where you are inside of that ring
35:43at all times, and that's it
35:45that characterizes Dean Malenko
35:47and not only is he that fast
35:49he knew enough to turn his body and go
35:51for the rope, that's a counter move
35:53that's why this man knows so much
35:55let me tell you what
35:57I'll have to eat my words here
35:59Mr. Bischoff
36:01you're right, Malenko's been treating Sting like
36:03a red headed stick child up there
36:05Malenko, I'll tell you what, he's not
36:07intimidated by anyone, and Bobby you brought it up
36:09his father of course the Great Malenko
36:11and if you talk to Dean, he's not a guy that
36:13is prone to conversation
36:15but if you talk to him and you get him talking about his
36:17father, he'll tell you that he
36:19dedicates every match he wrestles
36:21to his father the Great Malenko
36:23he has learned many lessons from the Great Malenko
36:25and I'll tell you what
36:27I'm sure wherever the Great Malenko is
36:29right now, he is looking down on one
36:31Dean Malenko, and he is a very very proud
36:33individual indeed. Well like I said
36:35before, he's been wrestling since he was a little boy
36:37a child, and this is his life
36:39and now that I just hear that he dedicates
36:41it to his father, he's going to be very hard to beat
36:43he's got more than just win going for him
36:45he's got pride, family pride
36:47of course that won't get you anything
36:51and you've got to wonder what is going through the mind
36:53of Sting, Sting the man that
36:55whooped the scorpion on Ric Flair
36:57last week of WCW
36:59TNT Nitro Live, Lex Luger
37:01came out, Sting
37:03broke the hold, walked out of the building
37:05with Lex Luger
37:07and now we've got Hulk Hogan saying
37:09ok, I know who my friends are, Sting
37:11I want you, I want you in the ring
37:13I want you at Nitro, and ladies and
37:15gentlemen, you are going to have that match
37:17next week, right here on
37:23Hogan Live, and look at that
37:25did you see that one
37:27oh my goodness
37:33and you talk about a textbook
37:35belly to back suplex
37:37high impact on the back of the neck
37:39of the Stinger
37:41I'm surprised Sting's
37:43on his feet, I'm surprised
37:45the man is standing, he's limping
37:47but he's standing
37:49and you can bet, Katsuki Sasaki
37:51will be facing Sting
37:53very soon for that US title in Tokyo
37:55he's watching that
37:57oh, suplex
37:59into the top turnbuckle, he's taking it to Sting
38:03on the button
38:05pulls the trigger
38:07and he is going for it
38:09and oh, that's Texas Cloverleaf
38:11but Sting able to reverse it
38:13and gets it
38:19Sting fighting
38:21what heck of a battle
38:23here on Monday Nitro
38:25on TNT, Malenko is beside himself
38:27but he's got to be proud
38:29he put up one heck of a fight
38:31and we have got more action
38:33right after this, wow
38:35this thing gets hotter every week
38:37sometimes you got to take a few months
38:39to get into the meat, ah shut up
38:41this show
38:43on television, I'll tell you what
38:45it has all hit the fan
38:47since Halloween Havoc
38:49we saw what happened at Halloween Havoc
38:51Jimmy Hart turning the gutless coward
38:53on Hulk Hogan
38:55Hogan, because of that
38:57dubious clause in the contract
38:59premeditated I might add
39:01Jimmy Hart got it in there
39:03Hogan no longer the World Heavyweight Champion
39:05that belt up for grabs
39:07the winner of World War 3, the 60 man
39:09Battle Royal Mongo
39:11will become the new World Heavyweight Champion
39:13that's coming your way exclusively on
39:15Pay Per View, but what about the deal with Sting
39:17and Hogan, next week
39:19right here on Nitro
39:21I told you, Mr. Hulk Hogan is tired
39:23of all these agendas in the WCW
39:25and he is going to go down
39:27the list and take care of
39:29every one of them personally
39:31what's up with Luger and Sting
39:33I don't really know, and if I knew I'd tell you
39:35you know that Mr. Bischoff
39:37I'd be glad to tell you, no matter of fact
39:39I will tell you, but we don't have that much time
39:41stop, let's go now to a man
39:43who will tell us, me, Gene Oakley
39:45I thank you very much Eric Bischoff
39:47and by the way, during the course of
39:49this hour, on the horn
39:53great Hulk Hogan, asking
39:55about this man and actions last
39:57week, where you actually
39:59walked out of the building with
40:01Lex Luger, Hogan has stated
40:03that next week, live
40:05on WCW Monday Nitro Sting
40:07he wants you
40:09one on one, what's going on
40:11what's going on with you right now
40:14let me just
40:16start off by saying, Hogan I got
40:18nothing against you man
40:20I don't know where you're coming from
40:22I never dreamed in my wildest
40:24dream, that you
40:26Hulk Hogan, would ever
40:28come knock, knock, knocking
40:30at my door looking for me
40:32never dreamed it
40:34but you know something
40:36I don't want to do this
40:38but I'm going to do it anyway
40:40I can let it slide
40:42when you call me a little dog waiting
40:44on the front porch
40:46yeah, a little dog
40:48let me just get one thing straight right now
40:50here at World Championship
40:52Wrestling, I'm a big dog buddy
40:56and if you want to
40:58check the list
41:00that have come and gotten in
41:02my face over the years
41:04because like they say, this is
41:06where the big dogs play, my
41:08list is pretty long Hulkster
41:10and I ain't going to walk away
41:12I'm going to do the same thing I've done all along
41:16as a matter of fact
41:18I'm kind of looking forward to it
41:20Sting if I can interrupt
41:22I have always contended
41:24if it looks like a rat
41:26if it smells like a rat
41:28and if it quacks like a rat
41:30you can rest assured that it is a rat
41:32and Hogan says something doesn't smell right here
41:34I don't think there's
41:36any reason why the Hulkster and the Stinger
41:38can't get this squared away
41:40if it has to be right here in the ring
41:42then so be it
41:44I'll see you next week
41:46I'm the big dog, remember?
41:48Alright ladies
41:50and gentlemen, Sting, Hulk Hogan
41:52headlining that big spectacular
41:54next week, Mongo
41:56Brain, you conman, and Eric Bischoff
41:58no conman there, let's get back
42:00to you. I guess he can smell
42:02a conman too
42:04well, I don't know what to make of
42:06this situation. Facts, let's look at the facts
42:10walked out with Lex Luger
42:12that's a fact
42:14Sting broke the hold on Ric Flair
42:16when he had him right where he wanted him
42:18that's a fact, you can't deny that
42:20but does anybody really know why?
42:22Mongo, you can't read his mind
42:24Bobby, I can't read his mind
42:26but Hulk Hogan is one individual
42:28that wants his answers and he's going to get him in the ring
42:30Hogan's getting paranoid now
42:32his manager stabbed him in the back
42:34this guy doesn't like him
42:36this guy's slandering him
42:38this guy's talking about him
42:40Hogan is a lost man right now
42:42he's looking for help
42:44Hogan's in serious trouble