• 3 months ago
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00:02His career very well could be over.
00:04They've got clippers!
00:06They're shaving off the mustache!
00:09But they're doing the job.
00:11They are taking him apart piece by piece, piece by piece.
00:44Coming to you live from the Windy City, Chicago, Illinois, here on TNT.
00:52It is WCW Monday Nitro coming your way.
00:58And we are jam-packed, loaded, and ready to rock and roll.
01:04Hello, everybody, and welcome to the number one wrestling program in America.
01:09I'm Eric Bischoff, along with Bobby the Brain,
01:12and Steve Mungo, with Michael of the Chicago Bears.
01:16And hey, Mungo, you know what?
01:18Hey, it's this way, baby.
01:20You need some help?
01:21I know how to turn around.
01:22Here we go.
01:23Getting a little too excited here.
01:24Now we're ready, baby.
01:25Mungo, I mean, I tell you what.
01:27We're getting ready to celebrate the 10th anniversary
01:29of the Chicago Bears winning the Super Bowl.
01:31You're a part of that.
01:32Great to be here wearing the same uniform with Steve Mungo and with Mike.
01:35We better get this thing rolling.
01:36These fans are about to tear the roof off of this thing.
01:39Bobby, let me tell you something I don't think you two guys know about.
01:41About a half hour ago, out in the back,
01:43Hulk Hogan is in the Rosemont Horizon tonight.
01:47But what you don't know and you don't know that I found out is
01:49there has been a restraining order put on.
01:51The Giant is here in Chicago.
01:53Kevin Sullivan is here, and they're outside.
01:55They're not going to sit outside all evening and hear these people scream.
01:58Something is going to happen.
02:00Maybe something bigger than the Chicago Fire.
02:02Absolutely something is going to happen.
02:04Make no mistake about that.
02:05What do we got going here?
02:08Wait a minute.
02:09Get him a mic.
02:10Get him a mic.
02:11Get him a mic.
02:13Hey, man, this Nitro thing is unbelievable.
02:15Let me just put it like that, okay?
02:17But there's something I've got to say.
02:19This thing between the Macho Man and the tunnel package has got to change.
02:23I mean, something's got to break, doesn't it, Bobby?
02:25Yeah, it does.
02:26Yeah, it sure does.
02:27And I've got a remedy for the problem.
02:29Later on tonight, right here on Nitro,
02:32I am going to solve the problem between Macho Man and the tunnel package.
02:40Well, you heard it.
02:42Somehow I've got a feeling he means what he says.
02:44He absolutely means what he says.
02:46Let's go to the ring.
02:47Ladies and gentlemen, the following contest, live from Chicago,
02:51for the United States Heavyweight Championship,
02:53set for one fall.
02:55Introducing first, the challenger, representing the Dungeon of Doom.
02:59He's from Tsunami and weighs over 500 pounds,
03:04The Shark.
03:08The Shark making his way to the ring.
03:10And, Mongo, you heard it.
03:11It's being said flat out.
03:12He's a U.S. Heavyweight Champion.
03:13He's going to be defending that title against this man, The Shark.
03:17But he made it real clear.
03:18He's going to settle the situation between the Macho Man, Randy Savage,
03:22and the tunnel package, Alexa Luger.
03:24What does he mean by that, Mongo?
03:25I don't know what he meant.
03:26Does he mean he's going to interfere in a match?
03:29That's uncharacteristic of Sting.
03:31What do you think, Hayden?
03:32I think Sting's going to try to get himself involved.
03:35He's going to try to get both parties at the table.
03:37He's going to try to get them together.
03:39Sting's best bet is to keep his mouth shut and mind his own business.
03:43Well, make no mistake about it, this is the place to be.
03:47This is the woman from Venice Beach, California,
03:50weighing 251 pounds, the United States Heavyweight Champion,
03:55Chris Sting!
04:00The Stinger!
04:05The U.S. Heavyweight Champion,
04:08and the man who's going to bridge the gap, so to speak,
04:12between Lex Luger and the Macho Man, Randy Savage.
04:16He's Protestant in this broadcast.
04:19But, Bobby, you hit it right on the head.
04:21Hulk Hogan is here.
04:23Mongo, you saw him back in the locker room area.
04:26He is wound real tight.
04:28But what's the deal with the restraining order, Hayden?
04:31Well, the way I understand it, they're scared something's going to erupt here.
04:34They're scared, WCW officials,
04:36that the Giant is going to finish off Hogan once and for all.
04:39You know, Hogan's lucky they shaved his mustache.
04:41If they wanted to, they could have ripped it off his face.
04:43A vicious shark attack going on inside of the ring.
04:45As the U.S. Heavyweight Champion barely had time to get his bearings,
04:49and the shark attacked him from behind.
04:52And running on the hottest show on Monday nights,
04:55Nitro Live, this week, Chicago, Michigan.
04:59Good God, Gertie, this shark means business.
05:02Oh, my goodness.
05:04Leg right across the chest, possibly the throat.
05:07One, two.
05:09You see, Sting has to keep forgetting about getting involved in personal problems.
05:12He's the United States Champion.
05:14Worry about that big shark he got in the ring.
05:16Personal matters, let them worry about it.
05:18Well, we talked a lot about Hulk Hogan.
05:20We talked a lot about the Giant, the Taskmaster,
05:22certainly Lex Luger, the Macho Man, Randy Savage.
05:25But don't forget, coming up later tonight,
05:27you've never seen it before on live TV, national television,
05:31it is going to be a cage match.
05:33Arn Anderson, Ric Flair, past Sting, goes after the shark.
05:37Now he's getting down to business, Mr. Hayden.
05:40I've never seen this man overlook an opponent,
05:43and I don't expect him to tonight.
05:45The shark hit the side of his head on that ring post,
05:47and Sting's taking advantage of it.
05:49The U.S. Heavyweight Champion flying cross-body block on top.
05:52And he gets it.
05:54He gets the win.
05:56Imagine that.
05:57That's surprising me.
05:59Surprising me.
06:00It shouldn't surprise you.
06:01That is why he is the U.S. Heavyweight Champion.
06:04He has electrified this live crowd here in Chicago,
06:09and I do mean that.
06:11Now, in the beginning of the program,
06:13we've got to look at what happened last week.
06:15Hulk Hogan viciously attacked and then embarrassed.
06:19Here, you see the replay, Bobby.
06:21Sting comes off that top rope.
06:23He hooks the big shark for the one, two, and the three.
06:26I can't believe it.
06:27That was magnificent there.
06:29But let me tell you something about what they did to Hulk
06:32and the Hulkamaniacs around America.
06:34They denigrated that man.
06:36He lost.
06:37They tried to take his dignity from him.
06:39Shaving that mustache.
06:40I think he's had it for 25 years.
06:42Let's take a look at it.
06:46And just like I'm going to rip this shirt off right now, brother,
06:51I'm heading to the back since the giant's not here,
06:56and I'm going to rip him apart right now, Mean Gene.
06:59What's he going to do, brother?
07:01Well, I'll tell you what.
07:02Hulk Hogan promised that Hulk Hogan T-shirt
07:06to one of the Hulkamaniacs here at ringside on Monday Nitro.
07:10As you know, Hogan to meet the giant in Detroit on October the 29th
07:15when it's machine versus machine and man versus man at Halloween Havoc.
07:21Circling right now ringside.
07:23I don't know if I'm going to get him back in here for more comments or not,
07:26but Hulk Hogan certainly very popular.
07:29Oh, what is this?
07:31There's a woman with a king.
07:35What is this?
07:36Come on.
07:37Wait a minute.
07:38What is this?
07:39Hold on.
07:40Who is this?
07:41Back to you.
07:42I'll take it, Gene.
07:43You see, this is what makes the WCW Monday Nitro so exciting, baby.
07:49You never know what's going to happen.
07:51That's no woman.
07:52That's no woman.
07:53That's Norman Bates.
07:55Get whoever it is.
07:57Oh, I know who it is.
07:58Oh, no.
07:59What's next?
08:00That's next.
08:02Granny's done come out of the crowd.
08:05That's no granny.
08:07That's no granny.
08:08That's our residence cycle right there.
08:10The taskmaster at ringside doing something in the eyes of the world heavyweight champion,
08:17Hulk Hogan.
08:18This is it.
08:19This is it.
08:20Hulkamaniac could be over right now.
08:21Look at this.
08:22He's ripped the bracelet.
08:24Oh, no.
08:25Rips it off.
08:26The neck brace.
08:27Oh, no.
08:28He's going to do it again.
08:31Somebody needs to get in there and stop this.
08:37His career very well could be over.
08:40Look at this.
08:41They've got clippers.
08:42They're shaving off the mustache.
08:45Oh, no.
08:47This goes beyond inflicting bodily harm.
08:51This goes beyond a quest for the world heavyweight title.
08:55What they're doing, Bishop, they are taking him apart piece by piece, piece by piece.
09:06To WCW Monday Nitro Live coming to you from the windy city of Chicago in Mongo.
09:13Bobby, we're talking about a sumo monster truck.
09:16These two monster trucks locked up bumper to bumper on top of Como Hall.
09:21This is unbelievable.
09:23I mean, this is death and destruction.
09:25They're going to push each other off of that river or across Canada, either one.
09:29I don't know what's going to happen.
09:31Let me get this straight.
09:32It's not just two trucks racing the length of the building.
09:35They're hooked to each other.
09:36Bumper to bumper.
09:37The first truck to push the other truck out of a 100-foot diameter circle is declared the winner.
09:42But right now, making his way into the ring, the man we have seen before, a man who knows Detroit very, very well, Sabu.
09:51When you talk about Mongo, unpredictable, exciting, and a guy that said,
09:56I'm ready to risk it all to win a match.
09:58You're talking about Sabu.
09:59I'll tell you what.
10:00The last time we saw this guy wrestle, everything in ringside was flying around.
10:04Those people around that ring better watch out.
10:06They might get hit in the noggin with something.
10:08Well, don't take him to 11th furniture store.
10:10He'll just smash the place.
10:11He breaks anything he gets his hands on.
10:13Very dangerous man.
10:14Another newcomer to WCW.
10:16A very mysterious man at that, Mr. JL.
10:20That's all we know about him.
10:23Well, if I know Sabu, he's going to rip that mask off of him and beat him with it.
10:27And then eat it.
10:28And hopefully that's all that's going to come off is the mask.
10:35What I want to talk about here for a second is the way you were quivering when Sting came out.
10:39That was a beautiful thing.
10:40I haven't seen him quiver like that since I dropped Jello on the floor.
10:44Well, you never know what the man's going to do.
10:45He's emotionally unbalanced right now.
10:47And you talk about a man who is emotionally unbalanced.
10:50You are talking about Sabu.
10:52He uncorks.
10:53Three right hands.
10:54Did you hear that one?
10:57Bottles it up with a body slam.
10:58Well, that snapped right on the jaw, didn't it?
11:00Right up over the top rope.
11:02Leg drop right across the face.
11:04Somersault over the top rope.
11:06And I do believe Mr. JL is in some serious trouble.
11:11Off the middle rope.
11:12Take a good look at this man's body.
11:13It's completely scarred.
11:14He's gone through tables.
11:16He's gone through plate glass windows, through doors.
11:18He'll sacrifice anything to hurt his opponent.
11:21You know, that is the kind of opponent you need to be scared of in quivering there, Mr. Heenan.
11:26Because that man will use any means necessary, not to just defeat you, but to humiliate you.
11:32Tremendous offense from Mr. JL.
11:37Oh, nice back leg round kick.
11:38Right to the shoulder blades.
11:39And out goes Sabu.
11:41Sabu and Sabu not used to being able to receive the end of a kick like that, I'm sure.
11:45With the athletes we've got in the WCW, baby, they give and take.
11:50Don't they care about their bodies?
11:54Evidently not, because these two are just flying around that ring.
12:00And there is no holds barred in this match, to be sure.
12:03But you've got to fight fire with fire.
12:05And that's what this Mr. JL is doing here.
12:08Up over the top rope.
12:09Sabu's got some momentum going now.
12:10Coming up the top rope.
12:11Ducks under the arm.
12:13Spitting wheel kick.
12:16Oh, watch this.
12:17Both of these guys, this is unbelievable.
12:21They better get two straight jackets out here after this match.
12:24Oh, man.
12:26Look at his spine.
12:27Look at Mr. JL right on that, the leg of that steel rail on there, right on the spine area.
12:32I think it bent that post right there, didn't it?
12:35Sabu came down on the back of his head.
12:37Oh, here he goes.
12:38Time to move the furniture.
12:44I told those people they better watch out at ringside.
12:49What is he going to do now?
12:51Oh, did you see that?
12:52He came off that chair with a crescent kick right across the chops.
12:58JL is out and he is spitting teeth.
13:01You've just got to sit here and shake your head, Mr. Heenan.
13:05Oh, you better call the EMS and get some medical help out here.
13:08They're both going to hurt themselves.
13:13Tremendous offense, but you talk about high risk.
13:16Belly-to-back suplex.
13:18JL with a backwards.
13:19One, two.
13:22Nice backwards there.
13:24And he had Sabu, but Sabu able to make an escape.
13:27And now it is JL with an Irish rip all the way across town.
13:34My friends, those are not sound effects.
13:37Those are chops and feet landing on bones.
13:40Irish whip.
13:45He just crushed a suplex.
13:47I'll tell you what.
13:48Your buddy Kevin Butler of the Chicago Bears is out in the audience.
13:51I bet you he loved that kick.
13:54My friend, he's never kicked like that in his life.
13:57He'd be kicking if he was in there right now.
13:59Camel clutch.
14:01The clutch.
14:02This is a submission hold.
14:03He's got to give it up or he's going to break his spine.
14:06Very hard to get out of.
14:07His spine or his neck.
14:08And he goes to the ropes.
14:09JL does the prudent thing.
14:13The best move he's made in the whole match.
14:15Get away from Sabu.
14:17He keeps coming after the man, don't he?
14:19He is one tough competitor indeed.
14:23Let me tell you what.
14:31Does he get him? No.
14:48Oh, this is scary.
14:49This is scary.
14:51And Sabu misses.
14:53Sabu misses.
14:54And it could have been the mask.
14:55Don't look good here for Sabu.
15:00Nice defensive maneuver.
15:01And he goes into the camel clutch again.
15:03He's in the middle of the ring now.
15:05He's staying.
15:06He's not going anyplace.
15:07There was no rope to grab a hold of that time, baby.
15:16Sabu in a world of trouble early on in the match.
15:22But he came back strong.
15:25What in the world is he doing now?
15:28Taking him out again.
15:29Out to the floor.
15:30Sets a flip off the apron over the top rope.
15:34This guy is one raving lunatic.
15:37And on to the concrete.
15:38This man's been barred in 17 countries.
15:43I'll tell you what.
15:44In case you just joined us, you missed one heck of a match.
15:47These guys are still going at it.
15:49But we've got business to take care of here.
15:51Hulk Hogan is here.
15:53The Giant is here.
15:55The Giant Taskmaster restraining order.
15:58We don't know what's going to go on here.
16:00Don't leave us.
16:01But we do know that Sting said he's going to bring Lex Luger in the match.
16:05He's going to solve the problem.
16:06Who does he think he is?
16:07Dr. Ruth?
16:08Henry Kissinger?
16:09Bill Clinton?
16:10You're not going to get those two guys together.
16:12They have too much at stake.
16:13They have their own agenda.
16:14Well, I think the Giant is going to take care of everybody's agenda
16:19if somebody doesn't do something and get together and stop this mess.
16:23Well, I'll tell you what.
16:24The Giant has been out here for the past several weeks.
16:26He's been planting his opponents and non-opponents like trees in the center of the ring.
16:31One of the most powerful athletes we have ever seen.
16:34And I'll tell you what.
16:35We talked earlier about Sting, Lex Luger, the Macho Man Randy Simmons.
16:39Let's check in now.
16:40Because I understand that Mean Gene Okerlund is in the ring without any further delay.
16:46Let's go to Mean Gene.
16:48All right.
16:49I thank you very much, Eric Bischoff.
16:51Indeed, I'm in the ring along with a total package, Lex Luger.
16:54And a man of the hour.
16:55We've seen him earlier on.
16:56He is United States Champ Sting.
16:58Apparently, you've got something on your mind tonight.
17:01You promised us some kind of a solution to a big problem.
17:04I've got the solution to the problem.
17:06But one thing missing is the Macho Man.
17:09I need him out here with the total package.
17:12All right.
17:13Let's get the score.
17:14And here for more, the Macho Man, Randy Savage in Chicago and live.
17:37Hey, hey, hey.
17:39Gentlemen, please.
17:42Savage, settle down.
17:43This is not the time or the place, gentlemen.
17:46What's the solution, Sting?
17:48Hey, Macho.
17:51Listen to me.
17:52If you guys will just listen.
17:54Can't you see what's going on around here?
17:57The Giant is winning the game.
18:00The Giant has chokeslammed Hogan.
18:03He's chokeslammed you.
18:04He's chokeslammed you.
18:06And he's going to go on chokeslamming around here.
18:09Oh, what about that?
18:10How come he's chokeslammed Luger and me and he's destroyed Hogan?
18:15How come he hasn't put his hands on you, Stinger?
18:19How would you like to say something about that right now?
18:21I've got something to say about it.
18:23First of all, you're paranoid, Macho.
18:25You're real paranoid.
18:27And you're real insecure.
18:28I've got no reason for that.
18:29I have no idea.
18:31But I've got a problem here.
18:32We all want to be world heavyweight champion here at WCW.
18:38Everybody who puts on a pair of tights wants to be champion.
18:41We've all been there one time or another, haven't we?
18:44That's exactly right.
18:45What's your point?
18:46That makes us want it.
18:47Make your point.
18:48Let me tell you something.
18:49You shut up right now and don't slap anybody in the face,
18:52you might slap the wrong person, okay?
18:56Just listen to what I have to say.
18:57Is that right?
18:58Just listen.
19:00Halloween Havoc.
19:02You've got to face Ming.
19:04You've got to face Kamala.
19:06You pull off a win if you pull off a win against Kamala.
19:10And if you pull off a win against Ming, I say you guys go at it.
19:16I like it.
19:17Whoa, whoa, whoa.
19:18Wait just a second.
19:20We talked about a rematch.
19:22I agreed to a rematch.
19:24But I didn't say anything about Halloween Havoc.
19:26I've got a big match with Ming.
19:28You're putting words in my mouth.
19:30Oh, Sting, Sting.
19:32Oh, man.
19:33That is pathetic.
19:35You're putting words into my mouth.
19:38What kind of?
19:39You are disgusting.
19:41Are you the total package?
19:43You don't look like the total package, man.
19:46I've been sticking up for you left and right around here,
19:49and I'm tired of it.
19:51I'm tired of being a babysitter.
19:54So let me tell you, are you up for it?
19:57Are you up for the match?
19:59Yes or no?
20:01Yes or no?
20:05At Halloween Havoc, gentlemen.
20:07I guess I'm not even talking to the total package, am I?
20:11Yes, you are talking to the total package.
20:14And don't you ever forget it.
20:16I'll take care of business at Halloween Havoc.
20:19If you can do the same, I'll see you in the ring.
20:23We got a date.
20:24Don't be late.
20:25Because I want the world title just like all of us do.
20:29Thank you very much, gentlemen.
20:31I hope we've sorted some of this out at Halloween Havoc.
20:34Hopefully it's going to be Luger and Savage if they win.
20:37Stay tuned for more Monday Night Probe.
20:40Stick around.
20:41Don't go away.
20:43I'm from Chicago and also coming to you from Japan,
20:48a man who has made a name for himself all over the world,
20:52in Canada, in Germany, France, the Middle East,
20:56and certainly in Japan,
20:58a man who is coming to where the competition is.
21:02And he's here because he knows one thing,
21:05like every athlete in our sport.
21:08WCW, where the big boys play.
21:15Where the big boys play indeed.
21:18At least he knows how to show up.
21:21Chris Benoit.
21:23And you will see him in action, and you are in for a treat.
21:26Be sure of that.
21:28Oh, yeah.
21:33What? No.
21:35Oh, yeah.
21:37This guy's starting to give me a taste.
21:40And that shirt was sent to him from his aunt in Milan, Italy.
21:43That's fine Italian silk, handmade for this man.
21:47And what a dancer.
21:48That ain't nothing but real.
21:49You wouldn't know silk if a worm crawled across your face.
21:54The disco guy is not on...
21:57He's not on the roster.
21:59He is not supposed to be here.
22:00This is the second week in a row he's done this.
22:02They wanted him at halftime yesterday in the Bears game to perform,
22:05but they couldn't come up with enough strats for him.
22:07Now, they were at the Iowas game.
22:09Marching band yesterday.
22:11Maybe he's about to come put a couple of dollars in his jargon to get off the stage.
22:15You got any money? Go over and do it.
22:17Get him out of here.
22:19Where's Big Bubba and Road Warrior Hawk?
22:21That's the one we wanted to see.
22:23I think he wants his music cranked up again.
22:25We want to see some slam-dunk.
22:27Thank you, man.
22:28He's bringing his own music now.
22:33Come on, Bubba, get down.
22:35If you can.
22:36Bubba's going to do something under there with that blaster.
22:40Well, Bubba's got Hawk on his mind right now.
22:43He don't care about dancing.
22:45That man right there means nothing but business.
22:47He ain't moving around.
22:49He's some jank-naked dancer, I'll tell you that.
22:59He's a very proud man.
23:01He better get the hell out of there.
23:03Or what?
23:04I'm assuming he's going to have him for lunch.
23:07Yeah, I think he's going to quit dancing right now.
23:09Yeah, I think so.
23:11Matter of fact, get your feet moving in the other direction.
23:14Look at this man.
23:17He can't even shake it.
23:18He got intimidated a little bit.
23:20Yeah, he was shaking, but it wasn't because he was dancing.
23:23Oh, no.
23:26Oh, get your mind on Big Bubba, Hawk.
23:29Don't go messing with that.
23:31What did you call him, a third-party candidate?
23:34Yeah, something like that.
23:36Look at him.
23:37He's not going to give up.
23:39He's showing a kid's hat.
23:42You know, that's one reason Hawk can't wear those shoulder pads into a restaurant,
23:45because you wind up with about 30 coats hanging from it.
23:49And you couldn't see it on your camera,
23:51but this disco inferno was standing behind Road Warrior Hawk,
23:55laughing at him, pointing at that hat he stuck in his shoulder spike.
23:59I think when Mr. Hawk finds out how denigrated he was
24:04right then by Mr. Dance Fever,
24:06there might be some repercussions.
24:08Well, let me tell you, in case you just joined us,
24:11big night here on Nitro.
24:13Hulk Hogan, the WCW World Heavyweight Champion,
24:16is here in Chicago.
24:18So, unfortunately, is the Giant and the Taskmaster,
24:21although, theoretically, they are barred from the building
24:24via a restraining order.
24:25That remains to be seen.
24:27Well, right now, Big Bubba Rodgers hammering away on Road Warrior Hawk.
24:30This is the first time we've seen Hawk in action
24:32since he had his arm broken at the hands of Kurosawa.
24:36I'll tell you, there's more police out back right now.
24:38It looks like they're filming M-Squad.
24:40They better be. They better call 9-1-1
24:42to keep that Giant out of here.
24:44I'm tired of them coming in here and interfering with matches.
24:47Let me interject one thing.
24:48Did you notice Sting?
24:49Did you notice the attitude this man has taken?
24:51He was on the edge.
24:52Yeah, he's on the edge.
24:53He stepped over the edge, Bishop.
24:54He's no longer trying to make people happy,
24:56make people get along.
24:57He got right up in Savage's face.
24:59He got right up in Luger's face.
25:01This thing is boiling.
25:02And the Taskmaster is behind all this.
25:04It is boiling, and I know my daughter's at home
25:06watching this, Montana.
25:07I know you're watching.
25:08I know you're concerned about Hulk Hogan,
25:10but he will be here tonight.
25:12You live in Montana?
25:14No, my daughter's name is Montana.
25:18Power slam by Road Warrior Hawk.
25:20And he's obviously recovered from that broken arm.
25:24Look at this!
25:25Look at this!
25:26Go ahead and pummel him.
25:30Oh, no, not that shirt.
25:34Yeah, he's going to wish he didn't hog that chair this time.
25:37Get out of there if you still can.
25:39They told me from backstage that he's just got to be
25:41putting that out of use later tonight.
25:43I wish I had a nice shirt like that.
25:45Hawk is just crashing this disco garbage.
25:51That's about what he looks like right now.
25:54He could be counted out in this match.
25:56He could be counted out indeed,
25:58and that's exactly what's happening.
26:00Dumb and dumber.
26:03That is what happened.
26:04Hulk got it out.
26:05Big Bubba Rogers, a winner,
26:07and I would not want to beat this going for an O.
26:09Don't leave us now.
26:10Hogan, when we return.
26:24America to WCW Monday Nitro
26:27as we welcome to the Windy City
26:30the WCW heavyweight champion of the world,
26:33Hulk Hogan!
27:01We will hold our hands in the air.
27:09He's got it.
27:10Now obviously this crowd reacting to the man
27:14who on this particular evening is dressed totally in black.
27:18I have never, I repeat, I have never
27:22in all my years seen anything like this.
27:26This crowd obviously very much in for the champion.
27:33Hulk Hogan, what I hear in Chicago along with Jimmy Hart,
27:37you can hear the response of this crowd obviously to your attire.
27:42This is not usual attire for you.
27:45Let me tell you something, Gene.
27:47Keep your mouth shut for a minute,
27:49and you, Jimmy Hart, my best friend and confidant,
27:52I don't want to hear a word out of you.
27:54I don't want to hear a word out of you, brother.
27:56I'm here head to toe in all black, brother,
27:59because the games are over, dude.
28:02It's time to take care of all the family business, brother.
28:06Now that I know the rules of the game,
28:09now that Kevin Sullivan and the big giant
28:12have to face Hulkamania,
28:14I'm going to play their game, brother.
28:16And just like I took Andre the Giant
28:20in the Pontiac Silverdome
28:22and beat him in the middle of the ring,
28:25if his son, that no-good stinky giant,
28:29has the guts to come out here right now, brother,
28:32I'll rip this neck brace off
28:35and I'll beat him right in the middle of this ring, brother.
28:38Well, that's not going to happen, Hulk Hogan.
28:40Let me tell you why.
28:41There is a restraining order and injunction.
28:43He has been barred from the Rosebond Horizon tonight.
28:46Well, if that nasty giant is as bad as he says he is,
28:50he'll get out here right now.
28:51But let me tell you a little history about Hulkamania.
28:55A long time ago, brother,
28:57in the New York City area, brother,
28:59when Hulkamania was running wild,
29:01the promoter's ego got bigger than the wrestling business.
29:05It is Hulk Hogan pulled his troops out,
29:08the red and the yellow little holsters,
29:10a couple years down the road.
29:12As we speak, that promoter is dying
29:16and choking on his own ego.
29:18That's why the WCW,
29:20I was looking for a place for Hulkamania to grow,
29:23for the little holsters to become redwoods.
29:26And now that I'm here,
29:28Kevin Sullivan is the man
29:30that wants to burn all the trees in the forest.
29:33The giant is the one who wants to chop
29:36those little Hulkamaniacs down.
29:38But I'm here to plant the seeds.
29:40I'm here to face him right now.
29:42So where is he?
29:43Well, he is not going to be allowed in the building.
29:45You'll have your chance in Detroit
29:47at Halloween Havoc on October the 29th.
29:49Oh, I know all about Detroit
29:51and Halloween Havoc.
29:53And if that giant's not man enough to face me
29:56eye to eye for the first time
29:58in Detroit, Michigan,
30:00because he shaved Hulk Hogan's mustache
30:03off Kevin Sullivan and that giant,
30:05they might as well have put graffiti
30:07on the Washington Monument, brother.
30:09They might as well have burnt
30:11the American flag, brother,
30:13because no, no, no, whoa, nothing.
30:15When I get him in Detroit, brother,
30:17I'm going to take that giant
30:19and I'm going to bury machine against machine.
30:21And after I put that giant in his place,
30:23the last thing I'll do with my immortality
30:26is beat gorgeous George up in heaven.
30:29So what's that giant going to do, brother?
30:31When he's going to face me,
30:33what's he going to do, brother?
30:34Hold on, our cameras are outside.
30:36Apparently, the giant has shown up
30:39in a monster truck.
30:41What do you mean he's outside?
30:43Apparently, Kevin Sullivan and the giant
30:45have shown up in a monster truck.
30:49Get him in here right now.
30:51Get him in here.
30:52They are not going to allow him in the building.
30:54I'll beat him right here.
30:55I don't care, Hulk.
30:56He's not going to be allowed in the building.
31:00He's not going to be allowed inside.
31:02No, the police are keeping him away, Jimmy Hart.
31:05Well, if he can't get in here to fight me,
31:08I can sure as hell get out there, brother.
31:11Wait a minute.
31:12Hulk Hogan is heading for the barn.
31:16You recall what has happened in the past.
31:19The giant has literally wreaked havoc
31:24on Hulk Hogan and other members
31:26of World Championship Wrestling.
31:28We will follow this story as closely as we can,
31:31but in the meantime, Eric Bischoff,
31:33let's get back to you along with
31:35Mick Michaels and Heenan here tonight.
31:37Oh, my.
31:38All right.
31:41Thank you, Mean Gene.
31:42Halloween Havoc coming your way.
31:45It is going to be machine against machine.
31:49Monster Truck versus Monster Truck
31:51on the roof of Cobo Hall.
31:53And then it is going to be
31:56the WCW World Heavyweight Champion,
31:59the man who has had his mustache shaved off.
32:01He will defend his title against this monster,
32:06this giant, this maniac.
32:09And it's coming to you exclusively on Pay-Per-View
32:11Sunday, October 29th.
32:15From Detroit,
32:17make your plans now
32:19to be a part of Halloween Havoc.
32:23And now, the main event,
32:27a cage match,
32:29The Nature Boy,
32:31Ric Flair,
32:33and Arn Anderson.
32:35Let me tell you,
32:36once they get this thing down over the ring,
32:38there's not going to be any interference from Clyde Bryan.
32:40There's just them going to be.
32:41Them two in the ring, baby.
32:44It's all coming your way
32:46right after this.
32:50It's the horror of Halloween.
32:52It's WCW like you've never seen.
32:55The man becomes the monster
32:57when the immortal Hulk Hogan and the mysterious giant
32:59lock up in a sumo monster truck match.
33:02Then, the monster becomes the man
33:04when these two colossal forces bring it to the ring
33:07for the World Heavyweight Title.
33:09WCW presents Halloween Havoc.
33:13Sunday, October 29th.
33:15Live and only on Pay-Per-View.
33:21The competition looks sinister,
33:24but hey, Rocky always wins.
33:27Scream, Go Rocky!
33:29When Sylvester Stallone pummels Dolph Lundgren
33:31in Rocky IV.
33:33Friday at 8 on TNT Heroes Week.
33:36Friday night NBA action on TNT.
33:39The Rockets prove their NBA chance.
33:41Now it's time to prove their world chance.
33:43The Houston Rockets take on Australia.
33:46The McDonald's Championship.
33:48October 20th at 8 on TNT.
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33:53A symbol of justice.
33:55A man in black.
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36:32Venom joins Spidey to battle the symbiotes and the jury.
36:38Welcome back in Mongo.
36:40We are live, and I mean live.
36:43Let me tell you, baby, the little guy had to get out and put his helmet on
36:46because if somebody doesn't get out there real quick,
36:48this building might be coming down on us.
36:50I just came from the back there, Shuff,
36:52and talk about a monster truck.
36:54I've never seen a monster truck.
36:55What is going on here now?
36:58Well, the monster truck I saw back,
37:00the wheel's got to be 25 feet high.
37:02You've got to have a boarding ramp from an airline to get in the thing.
37:05There's fire coming out of the back of the truck.
37:07Hold on, hold on, hold on.
37:08We just talked to the Rosemont police here in Chicago,
37:10and they are keeping Hogan and the Giant apart.
37:14They have got a ton of Chicago area police officers out there.
37:18We've got trouble back here.
37:19There's more cops out there right now than when they busted Capone and Dillinger.
37:22And this truck, Hogan's going to build a monster truck bigger than that one.
37:26He's going to have to get an airplane.
37:27Shut it down.
37:28We've got business to take care of coming up right after WCW Monday Night Show,
37:32live here on T.
37:34Watch as the CIA commando battling nuclear terrorists with his psychic powers.
37:38Watch Blink of an Eye if you know what's good for you.
37:41That's a good one.
37:44All right, let's kick it off.
37:45The main event, let's get to the ring.
37:48Ladies and gentlemen, the rest of the evening,
37:50it is time for the steel cage match.
37:52Introducing first, from Charlotte, North Carolina, weighing 242 pounds,
37:59former heavyweight champion of the world,
38:02Nature Boy, Ric Flair.
38:12The Nature Boy, Ric Flair.
38:14The match he wanted.
38:15He asked for it last week, live from Denver.
38:18And this week, live again, this time from Chicago.
38:23The match is coming your way.
38:26And this, my friends, is unprecedented.
38:30Normally, you have to buy a pay-per-view to see a match like this.
38:33But WCW is bringing it to you live here on TNT.
38:40Let me tell you, these two boys are going to be bouncing off this cage
38:43like two pinballs at the dog pound.
38:46No love lost.
38:48We've chronicled what's happened between these two athletes
38:52over the past few weeks.
38:55And I'll tell you what, it is coming to a boiling point here.
38:57That's the Nature Boy, Ric Flair.
38:58Of course, a big right hand.
39:00And Arn Anderson, double A.
39:02He is down.
39:03He is hurt.
39:04In the opening moments of this contest, Mongo, vicious right here.
39:08Let me tell you what, Arn Anderson better be ready for this
39:10because Ric Flair has been bawling for a few weeks about this match.
39:14Bobby, what is going through Ric Flair's mind as we speak?
39:17Well, he better be focused on the man he's in the ring with right there, Arn Anderson,
39:20because he means business.
39:22He'll run your face through that screen like throwing a tomato through a screen door.
39:26Flair, you better be the best you've ever been tonight to survive this match.
39:30All right, a couple of things we've got to take care of.
39:32Ernie Rodgers, so much happened here on Nitro.
39:35You heard Sting, Lex Luger, the Macho Man Randy Savage.
39:38Sting trying to bridge the gap, ended up being a matchmaker.
39:41If Lex Luger can defeat Ming, then Lex Luger will face Savage if Savage defeats Cabana.
39:48We'll be talking about all that and more and bring you this tremendous cage match right after this.
39:54Coming to you live from Chicago, cage match, the main event.
39:59So much going on in this contest.
40:01And, Bobby, Ric Flair, a man who was without a friend, without anybody last week here in Denver.
40:08What do you think he's feeling?
40:10Well, he's an island all to himself.
40:12He can't get a partner. He can't buy a partner.
40:14He can't get a friend. He ignores me now.
40:17He won't even talk to me.
40:18Flair, you want to be by yourself? You be by yourself.
40:21All right, while you were away, this match got real interesting.
40:23Take a quick look.
40:25We don't want you to miss anything here on Monday at Nitro.
40:28Arne Anderson trying to get out of the cage.
40:31Ric Flair said, no way. Not tonight. You're mine.
40:36Oh, that'll hurt you right where you live, you old family jewels, huh?
40:42Isn't that pretty pathetic, though, when that steel cage is the only friend you got?
40:48Well, he asked for it. He made his bet.
40:51Oh, no, he's made his cage. Now he has to fight in it.
40:54The Nitro Boy Ric Flair with an Irish whip right into the opposite side of the ring.
40:58Face first into the cage. Double A Arne Anderson.
41:01He's been here so many times before, but he has never been here with the Nitro Boy Ric Flair,
41:06a man that most people consider to be his blood brother.
41:10Men that were so close at one time people thought they were literally brothers,
41:14but now they are men doing battle in clothes inside of a steel cage,
41:18and it's coming to you live here on TNT
41:22as a Nitro Boy is just uncorking right hands.
41:26You know, I noticed another thing. When they took off Hogan's mustache,
41:29that's kind of like taking the mask off the lone ranger.
41:33Oh, man.
41:35Boy, Flair hit that middle bar there, too. He didn't just hit the cyclone fence. He hit the post.
41:39Well, you talk about Paul Kogan and Mongo. You've been around professional athletes all of your life.
41:43Here is a guy. They shaved his mustache. They've left him wanged.
41:47They've done who knows what kind of damage to his neck,
41:50but here is a guy, I sense, that has lost something.
41:53This is a dark side of Paul Kogan I have never seen.
41:56Well, let me tell you, brother, when you go out on that field or any form of athletic endeavor
42:01and you play fair and the other guy comes out, he's cheating, he's using whatever means necessary,
42:07you've got to decide to play an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth, baby.
42:12And that is evidently what Paul Kogan is doing.
42:15And now it's Brian Bryan trying to work his way into the cage.
42:18And here is Ric Flair. Ric Flair, a man who is so smart,
42:21this is why he wanted this cage match, to keep this maniac out of there.
42:25Uh-oh, uh-oh, uh-oh.
42:27And he was kept out of there the hard way, Mongo.
42:30Let me tell you what, Ric Flair is a man on a mission.
42:34And here he comes.
42:40Back in control. Ric Flair on top of his game.
42:45A man who has spent hours and hours and hours inside a steel cage.
42:49A man who has got a track record like no one else in this sport.
42:53Oh, no. Oh.
42:55And the man who has waylaid his opponents with that figure four,
42:58but Arn Anderson, he saw it coming.
43:01Anderson has that one, two, he hit him with something.
43:04He saw it. He saw it.
43:06Here is your winner, here is your winner, Arn Anderson.
43:13I don't think so. I think it was a good forearm shiver.
43:16No way. He had brass knuckles or something in that hand, Mongo.
43:20The only forearm shiver you know about is when your little sister
43:23used to whip you in the backyard.
43:25I promise you he had a foreign object in there.
43:27Ric Flair doesn't go down that easy.
43:30Let's see if we can get another look.
43:32That ancient boy Ric Flair had it right here, Bobby.
43:34Goes to slap on that figure four.
43:37Arn comes up from the floor.
43:39What? It's taped.
43:41You see it right there, right there, right there.
43:43No, it wasn't taped. He had something wrapped around his knuckles.
43:47I can't get a good look from my vantage point.
43:49It looked to me like a good shot.
43:50Put your glasses on.
43:51That looked like good old Chicago brass knuckles to me.
43:55The nature boy, Ric Flair.
43:57Now, wait a minute. The director's telling us he's making his way.
44:00He's going to come and talk to us.
44:02We'll find out what Ric Flair has to say about it.
44:04He was there.
44:06Yeah, but Ric Flair's out of control.
44:09I don't care about the beard.
44:12Let's get it straight.
44:14Next week, I'll wrestle north again.
44:17Pillman, you and Anderson against me.
44:21Two against one.
44:23Keep in mind, I'll look the world over for a partner.
44:28But if I only got one, it's me against the both of you on Monday night show.
44:36Got it?
44:39Well, I'll tell you one thing, McMichaels and Bishop.
44:42That man needs psychiatric help.
44:44And I need a new headset.
44:46Let me tell you, somebody call an EMS.
44:49Somebody call something.
44:51Somebody call our audio person, I hope.
44:53Can you hear okay?
44:55Are you all right over there, my friend?
44:56I'm fine. The headsets need a little bit of help.