Who the Heck Did I Sleep With Part 2

  • 2 months ago
Who the Heck Did I Sleep With Part 2
00:00I'll take care of Mr. Young.
00:22You can go back to bed.
00:34What are you doing in here?
00:35I'm nursing you to health, babe.
00:39Just get out!
00:44Oh, Becca, we're going out for a singles night if you want to come.
00:57It'll be fun.
00:58I'm sorry, I can't.
01:00I have plans.
01:01I have a date.
01:06Becca, my office, now.
01:10Oh, God.
01:12I hope he doesn't want to talk about kissing me last night.
01:15Yes, sir.
01:25I think we need to get on the same page.
01:30Please don't mention the kiss.
01:33The deadline for the Real Short Project has been moved up until tomorrow.
01:36I need it on my desk.
01:38Oh, that.
01:41Yes, sir.
01:43Not so fast.
01:44I'm not finished.
01:47I need you to help me pick out a handbag.
01:52Is he asking me to get a present for his girlfriend?
01:56Oh, okay.
02:09What about these?
02:10Is $2,000 an okay price point?
02:13Don't worry about the price.
02:16Just get whatever you'd like.
02:18You're so lucky.
02:19Your boyfriend is so sweet.
02:20Oh, he's not my boyfriend.
02:23He's my boss.
02:25He must be a great boss.
02:29Here you go, sir.
02:32Thank you.
02:34Holy cow.
02:35Seven grand?
02:37Do you like that one more?
02:39You know what?
02:41I'll take both.
02:44He really spoils his girlfriend.
02:47Thank you.
02:54These are...
02:55These bags are beautiful.
02:56Your girlfriend will love it.
02:59She thinks I'm buying these for my girlfriend?
03:01This one's for you.
03:03Oh, sir.
03:04I can't accept that.
03:05That's a $7,000 handbag.
03:07You're my secretary.
03:09You represent me.
03:10Think of it as part of your uniform.
03:15Let's go.
03:23Your cookies, madam.
03:28Oh, thanks for dropping these off.
03:30I'll meet you at dinner later?
03:32That must be your date.
03:34She's definitely not what I pictured.
03:36I just wish Gigi was going to be there.
03:38She moved out super abruptly and she's not returning my calls.
03:42Don't worry about it.
03:43I'll work my magic on her.
03:47You come to work like this?
03:51Just saying.
03:58Oh, I'm so sorry, Mr. Young.
04:00I didn't even see that there.
04:02It's fine.
04:06Did you buy this for your girlfriend for Valentine's Day?
04:10The less people who know the truth, the better.
04:14Yeah, sure.
04:17Actually, Linda.
04:18You deliver those to my house.
04:22Thank you.
04:23Thank you.
04:30It's a pleasure to meet you, Ms. Smith.
04:32Do you know if Mr. Young has any Valentine's Day plans for us?
04:36No, he's really busy and he won't be back till really late.
04:40But he did want me to bring this to you personally.
04:48I helped picked it out myself.
04:52It's gorgeous.
04:55I can see you have good taste.
04:57Well, you're the first of Mr. Young's girlfriends I've ever met.
05:02It must be serious.
05:05You know, Ms. Smith.
05:06I have a feeling that we could help one another.
05:10I could use a friend in Mr. Young's inner circle.
05:23Yeah, Jason.
05:25I'm not coming this year.
05:26I'm busy.
05:30I'll be there.
05:33I'll use this dinner to show Becca who's boss.
05:45She's coming.
05:48I can't get her to return my calls.
05:50I don't know what's going on with her.
05:52She just gets this big job and then she just disappears.
05:56She says working.
05:58We've basically been taking care of her since we were kids
06:01and now all of a sudden she's making $220K a year.
06:05Doesn't that seem weird to you?
06:07A little.
06:08You know Gigi.
06:09She loves the drama.
06:11I don't know.
06:13I barely even recognize her anymore.
06:27That girl's smoking hot.
06:30Her handbag is too grand.
06:33My boss just bought one for his girlfriend.
06:44Gigi, you look so different.
06:46I can't believe you guys still wanted to go to this dump.
06:51The food is so pedestrian.
06:53That handbag is really expensive, G.
06:56Where'd you get it?
06:58My boyfriend bought it for me.
07:01Since when?
07:02So I have a boyfriend and I moved in with him.
07:06What's the problem?
07:07The problem is you don't tell us anything anymore.
07:10You just disappeared.
07:12You sound needy.
07:15I'm concerned.
07:16Who's your boyfriend?
07:18You said you moved in with him?
07:20That's moving really fast.
07:22I know he's richer and hotter than any boyfriend you'd ever get.
07:25Oh, that's right.
07:27You've never had one.
07:29G, watch it.
07:30Wait, does that mean you were lying about having a job?
07:34And for a smart person, you're really dumb, Becca.
07:37Yeah, you can get scholarships, you can work your ass off,
07:40you can work your way all the way up the corporate ladder.
07:42But no man is ever going to love you.
07:45At the end of the day, you're just a lonely, bitter old bitch.
07:54You're just a lonely, bitter old bitch.
07:57At least I'm not acting like a whore.
08:04If I'm so horrible, why do you even want me in your life?
08:07I don't.
08:09I never want to see you again.
08:13Gigi, wait!
08:20How did she become like this?
08:22Should we go after her?
08:26What are you doing?
08:29I need you here now.
08:31Okay, the data for the real short project is all wrong and I need you to fix it.
08:34Okay, I...
08:36No, now. Okay?
08:38Text me your address and I'll have Frank come and pick you up and bring you to my house.
08:44Happy Valentine's Day to you too.
08:46God, there's someone so hot, he's so annoying.
08:52You don't really need her to redo the project, do you?
08:55Mind your own business, Frank.
09:01Happy Valentine's Day, Andy.
09:03Don't call me that.
09:05I don't do Valentine's Day.
09:07Then why did you buy me that expensive handbag?
09:12I have a present for you in my room.
09:19Is Becca here yet?
09:20Not yet, sir.
09:24He's spending Valentine's Day with her?
09:33Hey, is that...
09:35Oh, that's Andrew's girlfriend.
09:38She must not be doing well.
09:40Nice to meet you.
09:52Redo it.
09:54It's good, but it can't be better.
10:02Your date must have been pretty lame if you ended up here on Valentine's Day.
10:05It's not like I could help it.
10:08Listen, about the other night when you drove me home, did I...
10:15He remembered?
10:16It's fine.
10:17You were drinking and confused and you thought I was someone else.
10:21Right, I thought you were someone else.
10:23It was a silly mistake.
10:26Do you think it was a silly mistake?
10:36Sir, Ms. Smith is sick and asking for you.
10:51Thank you for taking care of me.
10:53The doctor said with the medicine and rest, your stomach will be fine.
10:57Good night.
10:59Wait, Andrew.
11:01I mean it.
11:03I mean it.
11:05I've been in foster care my entire life and no one's ever really taken care of me before.
11:09You're the first person who's ever really treated me with kindness.
11:12I owe you.
11:14Cool. Get some rest.
11:16Could you just stay with me until I fall asleep?
11:20That's not appropriate.
11:22Why not?
11:23You liked holding me that night at the hotel.
11:25Stop that.
11:26You slept with me.
11:28You asked me to give up my entire life to come here.
11:31And now you don't want me?
11:33Look, it's a three month contract.
11:35Get the fuck out if you don't want to be here then.
11:44Rosa, where's Becca?
11:46She left, sir.
11:55There's no way I'm letting that bitch have him!
12:04I was just about to call you to talk about Becca's proposal.
12:07It's garbage, isn't it?
12:09No, it's perfect.
12:11I wanted to talk to you about the client dinner at the hotel tonight.
12:13Oh yes, well it's all set, sir.
12:157pm, we can go there together.
12:17No, I want Becca to come.
12:19Oh, but she's so new.
12:21Is there a problem?
12:26Now please send Becca into my office.
12:28Oh, sure.
12:31Send Becca into your office.
12:35Oh, Ms. Smith.
12:37What are you doing here?
12:39I couldn't help but overhear Mr. Young's picking your subordinate over you.
12:44Maybe he's looking to replace you with Becca.
12:47I think it's time we talk about what we can do for each other.
12:52You wanted to see me, sir?
12:54Oh, God. Is he still unhappy with my work?
12:59Come to dinner with me.
13:02A client dinner.
13:08Dude, what is going on with you? You're so square.
13:11Look, I'm here to talk about your involvement in our company.
13:14I don't know what you're talking about.
13:16Dude, what is going on with you? You're so square.
13:19Look, I'm here to talk about your involvement in our company.
13:22Not to party. I don't do that shit anymore.
13:27You can have fun, you know? It's not a crime.
13:32Looks like Andrew might need a little help to seal the deal.
13:36I got you. I put it in the one on the left.
13:39Just a little kit to help him loosen up.
13:43This is a business dinner. Just keep it professional.
13:48Let's talk business.
13:54Oh, shit.
14:05You look different at night.
14:10Can I touch your face?
14:12Yeah, how about we just keep our hands to ourselves?
14:15I don't wanna.
14:22I don't understand. She only had one drink.
14:27I don't understand. She only had one drink.
14:31She may have possibly taken something.
14:33Just a little something.
14:36What the fuck did you do to her?
14:38It was an accident. I wanted to give you a little something like old times.
14:41Fuck, Lucy. I don't do that shit anymore.
14:46Okay, dude. It's time to go home. Come on.
14:49Oh, you're so boring.
14:51I am having so much fun. I don't wanna go.
14:55Yeah, I'm sure you are. Okay, so let's go. It's time to go.
14:58I'm gonna get you a hotel. Come on.
15:02Come on.
15:04Now we joke.
15:09Okay. Here we are.
15:11Alright, here we go.
15:13Okay, perfect.
15:15Stay here, alright? I'm gonna get you some water.
15:23You're really cute when you're angry.
15:27You're so nice, but you're also so mean.
15:32Okay, well, thank you.
15:34Seriously, drink the water.
15:37Okay, here we go.
15:41Oh, God.
16:07Well, someone's finally awake.
16:14Last night, did we...
16:17It was quite a night.
16:21Do you need a reminder?
16:32Stop. Stop. Stop.
16:34Stop. Not when you're like this.
16:36Why not?
16:50Becca Clark, that's disgusting.
16:54You don't remember what happened last night, do you?
16:57I'm sorry, I... I don't.
17:00Well, you threw up all over my shirt and yours.
17:05Where are my clothes? Did you...
17:07No, they're at the dry cleaners.
17:09Okay, and no, I didn't see you naked.
17:12I paid a housekeeper 500 bucks to come in here and get you cleaned up and changed.
17:16I am so, so sorry. I can pay for your shirt and the 500.
17:23Did I say anything?
17:26Just that you really like my face.
17:30But anyway, I'll give you some space, okay?
17:32We should probably get changed and go to work.
17:44She's late.
17:46And with the balls.
17:48Hey, Becca.
17:50Didn't you wear that yesterday?
17:52I did? I don't remember.
17:54Must have been a fun dinner.
17:56Dessert was probably more fun.
17:59Excuse me?
18:01It's a very interesting way to getting a promotion.
18:04Sleeping with your boss.
18:06You wouldn't be the first.
18:08I don't know what you're insinuating.
18:10I know you think you'll maybe be his mistress, but...
18:14You're just a whore.
18:16Nothing's going on.
18:17A guy like Andrew Young will hit it and quit it.
18:20But a girl like you isn't lucky to get anything.
18:23How many blowjobs did you have to give before you got that promotion?
18:27I wish.
18:32Mr. Young, this is a professional workplace.
18:35We don't talk like that here.
18:37Go to HR immediately.
18:39You're fired.
18:48Oh, sweetheart. It's okay.
18:57I think I know a way that we can ruin that bitch, Becca.
19:01And you can watch.
19:10Here's your lunch.
19:12You should really eat something before the presentation.
19:14I've been preparing for this for over a year.
19:17It has to go well, or we're all screwed.
19:20I'm sure it'll be fine.
19:22I'm sure it will, too.
19:32Is Linda almost ready?
19:34Look, this is the most important presentation we've ever had.
19:37Okay? Everything needs to be checked twice.
19:39I checked it myself, sir.
19:41Nothing will go wrong.
19:47Sir, sir, it's Linda.
19:48She's having an allergic reaction.
19:49She needs a doctor.
19:52Come on. I don't know how much time we have.
19:54Please, come on.
19:58Someone please call 9-1-1!
20:00You idiot.
20:01I told you.