My Secret Husband is My Boss Part 2

  • 2 days ago
My Secret Husband is My Boss Part 2
00:07Crap my phone died. Do you want to charge it? No. No, it's it's fine. I'm not far from home. He'll be fine
00:17This is me
00:22Thanks again, good night. Mr. Townsend that kid
00:36Can't have a crush on my married boss
00:43I'm a mess. I don't even care about the money. You know, I'm gonna take care of this fake marriage thing and end it right now
00:53Fuck what do you say to your secret husband? Hi. Nice to meet you. Let's divorce
01:12Who the hell is calling my brother this late at night? Hello. I'm getting rid of her so he can take a
01:21I'm looking for John. This is John's phone. I'm his girlfriend. You bitch. Don't call here again. You skank asshole
01:30I guess that's why I haven't heard from you in two years. Why the hell do you want to stay married to me?
01:36If you have a girlfriend
01:42My landline just ring got a notification my phone, but it got disconnected. Oh, yeah, I was just a spam call
01:47Anyway, I was thinking of setting you up with someone
01:49Jenny I don't want that. Okay. Well that wasn't a no so I'm gonna take that as a yes
01:55Since you already have a girlfriend, why don't we just get a divorce?
02:11John Michael Townsend who the hell is wife
02:16John Michael Townsend who the hell is wife? It's a long story a long story. What did you marry some rando abroad?
02:23Did you answer my phone? Did you marry some rando? Did you answer my phone? Maybe?
02:27Jamie you made it worse. Listen, if you go marry some rando it cuts into my inheritance. I'm not gonna discuss this with you right now
02:34It's a crazy ex a joke. I'm dealing with it
02:37Now I'm done discussing go fine, but only cuz I want to
02:42You're so shady
02:54Probably my husband's mistress calling to bitch me out
03:10Katie I'm sorry meet me for dinner Wednesday. I'll explain
03:18Katie I'm sorry meet me for dinner Wednesday. I'll explain
03:23Maybe bring the papers
03:26Also, don't call me Katie
03:33I'm not gonna be handled by that board. That's final kill the fucking store deals
03:45Jean said you wanted to see me. Yes
03:48Sorry, next week. We're gonna have someone else sit at my desk. Oh
03:51Is everything okay thing is fine about the deal with me till Monday then you can go back to designing, okay
03:58Well, your reservation is all set for 7 tonight at rear one in the Hudson Hotel. Great. Thank you. Miss Abrams. I
04:05Hope mrs. Townsend likes the ring. We'll see if she even accepts it
04:18Wonder if they got into a fight because he came home so late last night. It's too complicated. It's better. I'm off his desk
04:28145 Hudson Street 7 p.m
04:31Can I help you sir, I have a woman meeting me here. Can you see her to the table when she gets here her name, sir?
04:39She doesn't want to be called Katie
04:44And you are I'm Kate Kate Abrams
04:51If only she was the one I was waiting for
04:53Why am I so nervous I'm just gonna go in there and end it eat your heart out big husband
05:23This is where mr. Townsend is meeting his wife
05:31Think I'm getting stood up after two years. I guess I deserve it
05:41Forget it
05:47It's a big restaurant you're not gonna see mr. Townsend just be discreet
05:52Can I help you? I'm supposed to be meeting someone here
05:56You are you sure?
05:59What name is the reservation under John?
06:03Don't have a John
06:11Don't know his last name you're at the most expensive restaurant in New York
06:15It takes years to get a reservation here and you don't know the name of the man who's taking you here
06:22He knows me as Katie Smith not Kate Abrams. It can be
06:27Smith or Katie Smith
06:31Seriously look like a better fly than that
06:34Do you know this mystery man looks like
06:36Really? Okay, you're going to need to go
06:40Excuse me. We don't let working girls in a restaurant
06:44So you and your John are going to have to find someplace else for your priest group dinner
06:49I'm not a prostitute. Please don't use that language here. I swear. I have a reservation just where security security
06:59Why the hell are you speaking to my wife that way mr. Townsend
07:03Your wife
07:06Why the hell are you speaking to my wife that way mr. Townsend your wife
07:16Sweetheart I'm sorry. I gave you the wrong information for the reservation. Give me one moment while I deal with this woman
07:24Is there a problem sir Townsend this woman had the audacity to call my date a whore I didn't know
07:30What kind of establishment are you running I want her gone immediately
07:34Sir, please I was confused. I didn't know she was your wife. She looked like good
07:40Oh what were you to call my wife a whore again? Not at all. Um, I'm sorry mrs. Townsend. I want her gone now
07:51I want her gone now
07:55Yes, sir, I'm so sorry, mr. Townsend your meal is complimentary
08:00If you have a seat at your table, I'll take care of this
08:20Thanks for that
08:22Where's your wife she stood me up. Oh
08:26I'm so sorry. It's fine. We'll talk when she's ready
08:31What did you do? That was so awful. I don't know
08:34Marry her I guess
08:38Oh my god, I'm so rude you're waiting for your husband. I hope you two have a great night. Enjoy dinner on me
08:46Actually, it looks like he was stuck at work and isn't gonna make it so
08:51Well shouldn't let a five-star dinner go to waste will you join me
09:01Will you join me I
09:03Couldn't I mean I wouldn't want to impose
09:06Chef already started my tasting and you'd be doing me a favor
09:10That's if it's all right with your husband
09:17Was one of the most amazing meals I've ever had in my whole life
09:21They're gonna have to roll me out of here
09:23Thank you. Thank yourself. You picked it all
09:27Sending flowers in advance was a nice touch, too
09:30If you weren't an amazing designer, I'd hire you as my event planner
09:34It was perfect. Really? Thank you more wine, sir. Yes. Thank you
09:43And for you mrs. Townshend, oh, I'm actually not
09:50Another glass, sweetheart
09:55Yeah, okay
10:03I think we have to keep the act up
10:12That's more than generous split it with your whole team, thank you
10:18That was like $3,000 that's more than I make in a week remind me to pay you more then
10:29She still hasn't gotten back to you yet nothing she's really pissed isn't she
10:37Let's say you were in her situation
10:40Say I'm your husband and I really fucked up but I want to make things right. What would you want me to do?
10:46I want you to show me I mattered
10:51you should just
10:52Go to her and give her no excuse but to see you
10:56Look, I don't know what's going on between you two, but it seems like you're really trying and that's what I'd want a
11:03man who
11:05Unapologetically wants to be with me
11:07Any guy would be lucky to be with you Kate
11:10Thanks for the advice
11:12You're welcome. Take the car. I'll send Tristan back after he drops you
11:21Good night. Good night, Kate
11:37I saw you with him nice dress
11:44Katie I heard you've been in town a while
11:47What took so long? I need you to tell him to stay the fuck away from me. I
11:52Need you to tell him to stay the fuck away from me. You know, maybe we can help each other out meet in my office
12:01Just make sure Evelyn's not there
12:09Here now what?
12:12Is that a way to talk to your father after two years?
12:14You stop being my father the day you let that bitch kick me out and adopted that monster
12:19Which by the way, could you ask Chad to leave me alone your brother? He's just
12:25He's concerned because you married a complete stranger
12:28He is not my brother and I married a stranger because your wife and sicko son spent all my mother's money
12:37Heard you change your name
12:40Kate Abrams, it sounds like a shitty real estate agent. I changed my name to get away from you
12:49And so why didn't you just take your husband's name are you not still together my personal life is really none of your business
12:57What do you want?
13:00It's about your husband
13:05It's about your husband
13:08Company is in trouble and we need a bit of a loan. I already gave you part of my inheritance for my grandmother
13:14He needs 1 million dollars that we're gonna go under. I
13:17Know you're getting the remainder on the two-year anniversary plus more or if you stay in the marriage longer, so I'm not
13:24Doing that Katie
13:27We both need the money
13:29We consider how convenient you reach out now
13:35I'm married a stranger to get the fuck away from this family
13:38What makes you think I'd help you now if you don't want to lose the inheritance or stay in the marriage fine, but
13:45Just ask your husband. I hear he's rich
13:49And if you do look I'll tell Chad to leave you alone. You let me sell myself
13:55And now you're willing to risk your daughter's safety for money
14:03So melodramatic Katie, what's this bitch doing here?
14:09What's this bitch doing here you said she wasn't going to be here is that any way to greet your mommy
14:16You are nothing like my mother no, I'm not your mother was a pushover and she's dead
14:25Fuck you
14:29You ungrateful bitch
14:32Your father is asking for one small favor. You give us your own money or get it from your rich husband
14:38My marriage is none of your business
14:40Keep your psycho son away from me
14:44You threw yourself at my sweet boy
14:47How disgusting your own brother. I
14:51Have nothing to do with that sick bastard
14:54If you don't start leaving me alone, I'm gonna call the police
14:56Oh, are you gonna call the police on a dying man?