Pregnant By The Billionaire Part 4

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Pregnant By The Billionaire Part 4
00:00Mr. Prescott. No, no. I told you to call me Grandpa.
00:07Grandpa, don't worry. We're fine.
00:11You've got to come to the restaurant. I mean, I don't remember exactly what you said, but you just...
00:32You have reached the time limit for your recording. To send, press 1.
00:41Oh, Carter. Come on, let me take you upstairs for a rest.
00:57I'm waiting for my wife, Mia.
01:00Don't be silly, honey. I'm here now. I'm all you need.
01:09Can you not be here right now, please? Thank you. Go.
01:30Carter. Come on, get up. We're going home.
01:47Mrs. Prescott.
01:49But you deserve the bed.
02:01Are you serious right now?
02:07You're my wife and I love you. No attachments. I just can't see.
02:15Oh my God, can we get some help, please?
02:22Mrs. Prescott, are you aware of your husband's recreational drug use?
02:25Drug use? What? I...
02:27He'll be fine. You can take him home after a couple hours.
02:32Okay. Looks like it's going to be a long night.
02:35Do you mind coming with me for a couple more questions?
02:37Yeah. Yeah, sure.
02:57Of course she's here. Carter loves her.
03:03Puck, she is my sister, but how?
03:09Yes, I do.
03:12H, that's okay. You just stay with me.
03:27You were there at the hospital, weren't you?
03:29I'm not surprised you don't remember. You seem to have your arms full with your girlfriend.
03:36Look, it doesn't matter. Let's start fresh. I know just what you need.
04:06Wow. You look stunning.
04:10I'm not used to these.
04:14Um, where's the bathroom?
04:22That bitch. I asked Carter to give me that necklace for years.
04:30Well, I know how to fix that.
04:38Can I help?
04:39Oh, yeah. Have you seen Mr. Prescott? I'm looking for him.
04:42Certainly. He's upstairs.
04:45Carter, baby, come on. When are you going to leave her?
04:50I can't stand being apart from you for any longer.
04:54Come on, baby. I love you so much.
05:09Mia, what's wrong? Are you okay?
05:11No, I'm leaving.
05:19Mia. Mia, are you okay?
05:24So, there has been some internal bleeding, but the good news is the baby is safe.
05:28Wait, baby?
05:30She's pregnant.
05:31Yeah, you had some blood tests done here the other day. Results came back and you're definitely pregnant.
05:36It's exciting. Congratulations.
05:41Are you going to tell Carter?
05:43I don't know.
05:45But do you even love him, Mia?
05:48Yeah, I think I do. I don't know. It's just so complicated with him.
05:55I mean, it's your decision, but I just want you to be happy.
06:01Okay, just remember that I will always love you and take care of you and the baby. Okay?
06:18Carter might be a bit of a pain in the ass, but I think you're making a mistake.
06:27I know he can keep the house and the money. I don't want it.
06:53You're kind of hard to track down, bitch.
06:55What do you want?
06:56I want money.
06:57I don't have any money.
06:58You're a fucking liar.
07:02I heard the husband got detained on the spot. With the level of her injuries, he's going to be in there for a long time.
07:08Could be a blessing in disguise, if only a family member could afford the transplant.
07:12She does have one. Not blood related, though.
07:15What's her name?
07:16Mia Harper.
07:29Miss Harper, there's really no good way of putting this. Your mother is not good.
07:37Your mother is not good.
07:40Beyond her injuries, we've detected cancer cells in her body. Late stages. She won't survive without a surgery.
07:46No, please, save her.
07:48The surgery will cost at least $20,000.
07:52What's that kind of money?
07:54I'm sorry, there's nothing we can do.
08:01Don't worry, I'm going to take care of everything.
08:13I'll just get more hot water.
08:23Jared, you've got to help me. I need $20,000. It's for my mom.
08:33Who was that?
08:34Just a filthy scammer.
08:36Oh, strange.
08:41What do I do now?
08:48Grandpa! Would you like me to cut up a pear for you?
08:54What the hell are you doing here?
08:57Same as you. I'm dying. Carter invited me to stay.
09:03You're sick. I'm the King of England.
09:06Your Highness.
09:12You. Where's Mia?
09:15Don't you dare even mention that name to me after you got me into that mess.
09:20She signed the divorce papers.
09:22She did what?
09:25Oh, don't tell me it's because of her.
09:28Morning. What's going on here?
09:32Grandpa, Mia and I just aren't a good match.
09:35No, you aren't.
09:36Oh, my God. You don't have a fucking clue, do you?
09:42Mia cheated on him. And now she's pregnant.
09:48You don't have a fucking clue, do you?
09:52Mia cheated on him. And now she's pregnant.
09:57Pregnant? What the hell are you talking about?
09:59Lily, you can't accuse Mia of something like that without any proof.
10:02He says I don't have proof.
10:06I will always love you and take care of you and the baby.
10:10Dad, what kind of a slutty woman did you bring into the house?
10:13Yes, ma'am. Language.
10:15She cheated on my son.
10:17Oh, you don't know that.
10:21Grandpa, just calm down. It's gonna be okay.
10:24Carter, I know what I saw in her.
10:28And this is some sort of misunderstanding.
10:31You've got to find out the truth.
10:34Promise me you'll talk to her.
10:38Not later. Do it now.
10:40Dad, are you okay?
10:42That's it. I'm gonna call the hospital.
11:04Ugh, whatever.
11:06Since you think I'm Mia...
11:09Yes, darling.
11:12It's me, Mia.
11:17Ugh, Mia! Mia! Mia! It's always Mia!
11:21Yes, darling, it's me, Mia.
11:36Mia, Mia, Mia, it's always Mia!
11:51You have some fucking nerves showing up here.
12:16Lily, I don't care that you're with Carter.
12:19He's clearly made his choice.
12:20We asked you nicely to get lost, but clearly you're too stupid to listen.
12:27No, please, I need to talk to Grandpa Prescott.
12:31Lily, please, it's important!
12:41Is it possible that baby could be mine?
12:49Maybe this will take care of the baby.
13:18This will take care of that bastard growing in your belly.
13:31It's my necklace, he gave it to me.
13:33He'll never love you now.
13:40I remember, I'm Stella Bancroft.
13:45You're my sister.
14:07How could you do this to me?
14:09I'm family.
14:11Shut up!
14:12You're really my stepsister.
14:15You're never going to get away with this.
14:18I got rid of you once before.
14:21What makes you think I can't do it again?
14:26Oh, did you actually think Carter cared about you?
14:32All he can see is me.
14:36And my health is about to make a miraculous recovery.
14:46You just wait here.
14:49I'll be back for you.