Pregnant By The Billionaire Part 3

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Pregnant By The Billionaire Part 3
00:00Or do you have a day with your baby daddy?
00:07Do they like her up?
00:10Connor! I didn't expect to see you here.
00:14Oh look, it's the office newbie.
00:22Real nice dress, Mia.
00:24Where are you? You two know each other?
00:26Uh, yes. He is just my boss.
00:29Wow. Carter and I go way back.
00:31Family friends since we were little kids.
00:34Why don't we go and say hi to some folks, Carter?
00:38And I'll be back with Cynthia in a little bit.
00:42Connor, I'm sorry.
00:47And I'll be back with Cynthia in a little bit.
00:51First Carter, now Cynthia's son.
00:53Seems like sleeping around is the only way that you get work done.
00:56I earned my place, Nancy.
00:58Okay, unlike some, I don't need to undermine others to feel secure.
01:02Hey! Hey! Get back here!
01:05What is going on here?
01:07She's sleeping her way through the contract with Cynthia's son.
01:10That's a lie. I earned my spot.
01:12Shut up, whore!
01:13That is enough, Nancy.
01:15Why do you even care about her?
01:17She's a talentless hag.
01:19I said that's enough.
01:21Clear out your desk by tomorrow.
01:23Wait, you can't...
01:24You're fired.
01:32I'm really sorry you had to see that.
01:35Cynthia, this is Mia.
01:37She's my date tonight.
01:41What a beautiful dress.
01:42Where did you get it?
01:43Oh, Jared actually picked it up for me.
01:46Jared has always had such great taste, hasn't he?
01:49I'll let you guys all catch up.
01:51Have a good night.
01:58You too, lass.
02:01You too, lass. So adorable.
02:03I think Jared's had a crush on you since high school.
02:08Excuse me.
02:12Maybe we should give this a try, huh?
02:14Jared, we're good as friends. Don't start.
02:18We'll see about that.
02:20Come on.
02:26Mr. Prescott.
02:28Mr. Prescott.
02:32What the hell are you doing with Jared?
02:34Or have you already forgotten that you're my wife?
02:36Jared's just a friend.
02:38Oh, does he know that?
02:39Stop it.
02:40Hey, it's not like I'm your real wife.
02:42I saw the divorce papers.
02:44I wouldn't be surprised if you had them on you right now.
02:51I'm going to let everyone see
02:54what a manipulative bitch you are.
02:59Mr. King.
03:01How long has it been?
03:03It has been ages, and you, my dear,
03:05are far prettier than I care to remember.
03:07You're sweet.
03:09But I'm obviously not the prettiest one here tonight.
03:12You see that girl?
03:14She's a new company slut.
03:19She is top shelf goods.
03:22She's here with Jared Montgomery.
03:24So, as you can imagine,
03:26she has a very exclusive client list.
03:30You'd fit right in.
03:32I see.
03:38Just wait a moment.
03:39Do me a favor, my good man.
03:41And, uh, will you kindly give this
03:44to the young lady over there?
03:46Oh, and, uh, get yourself some new shoes or something.
03:55This is going to be fun.
03:59Yes, it will be.
04:01That should teach you a lesson.
04:05You see that girl there?
04:07The moment that I laid eyes on her again,
04:10I knew she was the one for me.
04:12How well do you know her?
04:13You sure she's not seeing someone?
04:16No, don't be ridiculous.
04:20I'd marry her today if she said yes.
04:25And just think, you could be my best man, Carter.
04:32What's your problem?
04:34You're wasting your time.
04:42She go?
04:49She go?
05:01Hello, you sexy kitten.
05:03You ready for me, baby, or do you need another drink?
05:07Who are you?
05:11Who are you?
05:13What did you do to me?
05:14I just gave you a little something
05:16to loosen you up a little.
05:18Get away from me.
05:20Oh, I love being the hunter.
05:22It makes catching the prey so much sweeter.
05:25Who the fuck are you, you bitch?
05:32What's going on?
05:35Kitty, kitty, where are you?
05:38Did you do this to her?
05:40What do you care? She's a whore.
05:42She's my fucking wife.
05:46You know what to do.
05:47She's a whore. She's an escort.
05:48She's an escort.
05:54Just sleep.
05:56Doctor said you'll be okay in the morning.
06:02You really are beautiful, Mrs. Prescott.
06:05I think I could love you.
06:07If only your heart was free.
06:09I never imagined that you would come back to me.
06:12It's nothing like finding out you're pregnant
06:14to change your priorities.
06:18Are you pregnant?
06:23What would make you think I was pregnant?
06:26I heard you talking to Jared yesterday.
06:30No, I'm not pregnant.
06:32I was helping him get rid of his date.
06:36Wait, why didn't you ask me that before?
06:39I wasn't sure if it was any of my business.
06:41I was just curious.
06:43Wait, why didn't you ask me that before?
06:45I wasn't sure if it was any of my business.
06:47Trust me, it would be your business.
06:50I married you.
06:52I'm starting to really like that you're my wife.
06:55Mr. Prescott.
06:57I thought you said no emotional entanglements.
07:00That's right.
07:01Starting tomorrow.
07:03No more emotional entanglements.
07:26Call the legal team. I'm on my way.
07:29Is something wrong?
07:30There's been an accident at work.
07:32I have to go.
07:41The legal team's just arrived.
07:48Hi, I'm sorry I'm late.
07:52Carter Prescott?
07:55Damn, he looks good.
07:58Same old Carter.
08:00I never should have left him.
08:05They fucking cut corners.
08:06Now six people in the hospital.
08:08They're fired.
08:09On it.
08:28Are you okay? Are you sick?
08:32Carter, I really need to tell you something.
08:36It's the truth about why I left.
08:40What are you talking about?
08:42Well, I found out I was sick.
08:44And I mean, with your business struggling, I didn't want to be a burden.
08:48You made it pretty clear that you left me because you thought I was going broke.
08:52Seeing you so mad at the restaurant the other day,
08:56I guess my little act was too convincing.
09:01Carter, I'm dying.
09:07No, can't the doctors too?
09:09No, they can't.
09:11They've done everything they can.
09:13They told me to make my last few days happy.
09:16Surely there's something I can do.
09:18Do you remember the promise you made me when you gave me this necklace?
09:24Do you remember the promise you made me when you gave me this necklace?
09:30You promised you'd marry me.
09:34Lily, I can't.
10:11You know, you're a little distracted.
10:14That's why I can't find Mia. She's not answering the phone.
10:17It's probably nothing. The reception in the hospital sucks.
10:20Who's that? Who's that?
10:30Hey, Jared.
10:33Look, I'm sorry I left the party last night when I did.
10:38That bitch.
10:40It would be a lot easier if she wasn't around.
10:48There's something familiar about her.
10:51Wait, really?
10:53That's made my day.
11:06It can't be her.
11:09My sister's dead.
11:16Just give me the information.
11:17I've already given you as much information as I can.
11:19Just give me what I want.
11:21We just heard she was hit by a car.
11:23Which hospital?
11:24This one. Though she checked out with another man.
11:27Your old mate Jared.
11:29Where is he now?
11:31Fuck it. I don't get paid enough for this.
11:37You looking a little better?
11:39Thanks again for picking me up so late from the emergency room.
11:42Honestly, it was nothing at all.
11:44I just want to know he was crazy enough to hit you like that.
11:51You can help yourself to any of those shirts.
11:54If there's anything else you need, just let me know, okay?
11:57Thanks, I will.
12:13Mia? Where are you?
12:15Doesn't matter.
12:16Look, who are we kidding? This fake marriage thing is never going to work.
12:21We should just call it quits now.
12:23You have the divorce papers. I'll sign them.
12:28No more emotional attachments.
12:43Carter, what are you doing here?
12:45Carter, what's your problem?
12:47Where's Mia?
12:48Mia, she's not here.
12:54What are you doing here?
12:57I could ask you the same thing.
13:02Carter, where are you taking her?
13:03Stay out of it!
13:11Where are you taking her?
13:12Stay out of it!
13:21What is wrong with you?
13:23What is wrong with you? You're the one who's having an affair.
13:26That's not in the agreement.
13:28I was not having an affair. I was hit by a fucking car.
13:33I should be the one to protect you.
13:37But you were too busy playing doctor with your ex.
13:41I don't know what you think you know, but you are so far off.
13:44You know what? I told you.
13:46I think we should just end things right now.
13:53Pick that up.
13:55It could be an emergency.
14:00Carter, what's going on?
14:02Carter, what's going on?
14:04Carter, what's going on?
14:06Carter, what's going on?
14:08Carter, what's going on?
14:11Carter, come home. Your grandpa's fainted.
14:21Mom, what's going on?
14:26Mom, what's going on?
14:29It's stress.
14:31At least that's what Doctor Shelby tells me.
14:34Carter, you need to take better care of your grandfather.
14:41I'm sorry.
14:49Oh, hello, you two.
14:57You've been fighting, haven't you?