Who the Heck Did I Sleep With Part 3

  • 2 months ago
Who the Heck Did I Sleep With Part 3
00:00Who's allergic to peanuts?
00:02I'm so sorry, I didn't know.
00:04You didn't listen.
00:06Are you purposely trying to fuck with me?
00:13Andrew, all of our investors are outside. Do something.
00:16I'm so sorry, I swear I didn't know.
00:19Let Beckham present.
00:21She just started. She can't give a presentation.
00:27She's my protégé.
00:29I believe she can do it.
00:34Okay, I'll do it.
00:40Here, a speech.
00:49What's going on here?
00:51This presentation is big.
01:00Boss, we need to get this thing started. Where is she?
01:04Look, I'm feeling better. I can do it.
01:06Andrew, the girl's not capable.
01:08No, let Beckham do it.
01:30Who's that?
01:33Thank you for coming to the Fitech Investors presentation.
02:02On behalf of our team, I would like to share with you the progress we made in quarter four of last year and how that shapes how we will provide strategy for next quarter.
02:33And that's why we at Fitech are financial advisors for the new age. Thank you.
02:52Thank you very much, Ms. Clark.
02:58You look good up there.
03:02I thought you didn't like these kinds of clothes.
03:05I like them on you.
03:08Congratulations on the presentation.
03:10So much for feeling really good.
03:12Congrats, dude.
03:14You were great. Have we met?
03:16You don't remember Ms. Clark?
03:18You should just be happy she's not pressing charges.
03:22Oh, wait, she's that girl. I am so sorry. I was just messing with Andrew.
03:27Listen, I'd love to set up a meeting about you coming to work for us.
03:30Ms. Clark isn't looking.
03:32I'll pay you double whatever he's paying you.
03:34Well, that's going to be tough. Her salary is $500,000 a year.
03:39Wait, it is?
03:41Okay, Ms. Clark, I can't match that, but if you ever get bored, you know who to call.
03:47$500,000 a year? Are you joking?
03:51You know I don't joke about money.
03:53Oh my God. Thank you.
04:08What the hell was that?
04:10You were supposed to make her look bad, not feed her the company.
04:12I'm sorry.
04:14I'm sorry.
04:15I'm sorry.
04:16I'm sorry.
04:17I'm sorry.
04:18I'm sorry.
04:19I'm so sorry.
04:20I'm sorry.
04:21I'm sorry.
04:22I'm sorry.
04:23I'm sorry.
04:24I'm sorry.
04:25I'm sorry.
04:26Absolutely. But it backfired.
04:29That more than backfired, you twat.
04:32We will get her next time. I promise.
04:35You better hope we do.
04:37Or I'll make sure there are extra peanuts on your pad thai next time.
04:42What? Is there something on my face?
04:56I have a question for you. Have you ever been to the Madison Hotel?
05:00The Madison Hotel is where we met.
05:03No, I can't really afford a place like that, but I've passed through before. Why do you ask?
05:08Well, I'm throwing a party after for the team there, and I want you to be there.
05:13I don't know.
05:14Look, I need you there as my assistant, okay?
05:18I have investors to meet with, but I'll see you there.
05:38He bought these for me?
05:52You did a wonderful job. I mean, congratulations to us all.
06:09Wow, you look amazing.
06:12Thank you.
06:13Such a good job today.
06:14Yes, I had no idea you could read so well.
06:17Come on.
06:18Ms. Clark, come over here.
06:23Sit next to me.
06:33The reports show that due to the presentation this morning, our stock has nearly tripled.
06:38The board is very happy.
06:40Well, I think we have Ms. Clark to thank for that.
06:45Ginger, where's your lovely girl from this evening?
06:52She was unable to attend.
06:55Anyway, I was very intrigued by your speech.
06:57Who wrote it?
07:01I actually helped write the speech, sir, with Linda.
07:06But it wasn't the one Becca gave.
07:10That's strange.
07:12It's my fault.
07:13I made a folder with blank pages on accident.
07:16You improvised that whole thing?
07:20Wow, that was very impressive.
07:25It was actually better than what Linda and I wrote.
07:34That is very impressive, Ms. Clark.
07:44Excuse me.
07:48Was it the fish?
07:51Believe me, I get it.
07:53I've been there.
07:54My first pregnancy?
07:55I couldn't touch the stuff.
07:56I still can't.
07:58Vomitory City, USA.
08:01Bon appetit, everyone.
08:10I'm nauseous and my period is late by a month.
08:15No, I can't be pregnant.
08:19It's impossible.
08:21I haven't been with anyone except my boss.
08:29What's up, dude?
08:31Lewis, what's going on?
08:33Missed you at the horse racing this weekend.
08:34Yeah, I know.
08:35Busy weekend.
08:36I hear you.
08:37So what are you doing here?
08:39I came to see Becca.
08:43My Becca?
08:45My secretary, Becca.
08:47I wanted to take her out to dinner to formally apologize.
08:50But her colleague says she's in the hospital or something.
08:57All tests confirm that you're pregnant.
09:01Is your husband here?
09:05I'm not married.
09:07He doesn't know.
09:13I'm pregnant with my boss's baby?
09:15Oh my God, I'm pregnant with my boss's baby.
09:18He has a girlfriend.
09:19What about my job?
09:20What am I going to do?
09:27Andrew, what are you doing here?
09:29I was just passing through town and figured I'd take a walk.
09:34Would you like a ride home?
09:35Yeah, thanks.
09:42Hey, Lewis said you were in the hospital.
09:44Is everything all right?
09:48God, I hope he doesn't know I'm pregnant.
09:53Is everything all right?
09:55God, I hope he doesn't know I'm pregnant.
09:58I'm just having some stomach problems, but everything should be fine.
10:02Well, if you're having stomach issues, you probably shouldn't be drinking your iced coffee black.
10:07I mean, you have it every day.
10:08You noticed?
10:09Of course.
10:10I make it my business to notice things about people who are close to me.
10:13You know, when I was a kid, my mom used to force me to eat papaya when I was sick.
10:18I don't even know if it did anything, but it might have just been her way of tricking me into eating something.
10:25Did she usually have to trick you into doing things?
10:28Well, with my luck, my children will probably listen about as well as I did.
10:34Oh, I didn't realize you wanted children.
10:38Yeah, I mean, maybe with the right person.
10:48Well, this is me.
10:51You live here, too?
10:53Who else do you know who lives here?
10:55Uh, no, nobody. Just a friend.
11:00Listen, if you're not feeling well, just feel free to take as much time off as you need, all right?
11:13Is Becca in today?
11:15If she is, I want to keep him at home.
11:17Well, she somehow weaseled her way out of a few days of work claiming she was sick.
11:22Anyway, I'm sending her out of the office.
11:25On a trip?
11:27Yes. She's using his car.
11:30He's going to take her to the airport.
11:32I'm going to take her to the airport.
11:34I'm going to take her to the airport.
11:36I'm going to take her to the airport.
11:38I'm going to take her to the airport.
11:40She's using his car to pick him up from his latest trip.
11:44Becca will be driving alone.
11:46Yes. Why?
11:49I have an idea.
11:51Find a discreet mechanic and meet me at the company garage in an hour.
11:55It would be a shame if an accident happened.
12:00You got it.
12:11Mr. Young, I'm sorry. I'll be at the office shortly.
12:15You're late.
12:17I'm sorry. I'm still feeling kind of out of it.
12:20I haven't been able to keep food down.
12:22Look, if you're not feeling well, don't worry about it. I can drive myself.
12:25Sir, I couldn't ask you...
12:27Look, I need you to be healthy, okay?
12:30Don't worry about it. You can meet me there tomorrow.
12:32Okay. Thank you.
12:40I'm sorry.
12:58You've got a complication in an accident.
13:02How's he doing?
13:04I'm not going to lie to you. He doesn't look good.
13:07If I were you, I'd prepare for the worst.
13:17Where the hell are you? The clients keep calling.
13:20I'm at the hospital. There's been an accident.
13:23Are you okay?
13:25I'm fine.
13:27There's been an accident.
13:29Are you okay?
13:31I'm fine. I wasn't the one driving. It was Andrew.
13:34The doctor's coming. I have to go.
13:43I'm sorry.
13:45No! You're supposed to stay alive for the baby.
13:50What should I do?
13:59Oh my God!
14:10Wait. If you're alive, then who's that?
14:14You old bastard!
14:16I told you not to visit your mistress!
14:21What am I going to do without you?
14:27Mr. Young, you shouldn't be walking around.
14:30We need you to stay overnight for observation.
14:33You should go home.
14:35No, I'm staying with you.
14:43I basically just told my boss I love him.
14:49Don't get up. The doctor said you need to rest.
14:52Is everything else okay?
14:55You tell me. You look worried. Why?
15:00Because I might have just told you I'm having your baby.
15:04How much did you hear of what I said?
15:09How much did you hear of what I said?
15:12Just the part where you said you couldn't live without me?
15:15Why? Was there more?
15:17Thank God he didn't hear me.
15:19No. I just want to make it clear
15:22that when I said I don't know what I'd do without you,
15:26I meant it in a work sense because you're my boss.
15:30Right. Of course.
15:32While I care about your well-being,
15:35we're just business associates.
15:42You can't wear that forever.
15:44I'm going to go get you some new clothes.
16:05There what?
16:07He wasn't supposed to be in the car.
16:19Yes, ma'am.
16:20I need you to make me chicken noodle soup.
16:22We don't have chicken right now.
16:23We don't have chicken right now. I don't care.
16:25Go find one and kill one. Now!
16:36Gigi, what are you doing here?
16:39Oh my God, you're okay.
16:41Of course I'm okay.
16:43I saw on the news that your boss was in an accident
16:47and I thought you'd be in the car, so I was so worried.
16:50My boss was in the car?
16:52It's awful. I came here right away.
16:54I'm surprised.
16:55After the other night, I thought you hated me.
16:58I could never hate you. You're my foster sis.
17:01Listen, I'm sorry if I said anything that hurt your feelings.
17:04I was just so afraid that I lost you.
17:07Please forgive me.
17:09I made you this soup all by myself.
17:13I was out of line.
17:15I apologize.
17:17I'm going to need all the family I can get.
17:21What does that mean?
17:23Never mind. Nothing.
17:26So tell me all about this boyfriend of yours.
17:28I can't wait to meet him.
17:30He travels a lot for work, so it may be a while.
17:33He's a bit of a workaholic.
17:35Sounds like my boss.
17:37Speaking of him, I should go check on him.
17:39Do you want to come meet him?
17:41Speaking of him, I should go check on him.
17:44Do you want to come meet him?
17:46Meet Andrew Young? I have to go, but maybe some other time.
17:58It's funny. This tastes just like my housekeeper's.
18:04You finished that awfully fast. You must have been hungry.
18:07Oh, sorry. I eat fast.
18:10It's a bad habit. I've done it since I was a kid.
18:15I grew up in foster care, so I never really knew when the next meal was coming.
18:22If you eat slow in a group home, you're not getting seconds.
18:26I'm sorry.
18:28Oh, it's fine. Jason still makes fun of me for it, too.
18:31Jason? The guy from the other day? Your boyfriend?
18:36Jason? Jason's not my boyfriend. He's my brother.
18:41And he's gay.
18:44Oh, that's a relief.
19:06I'm sorry.
19:37I can't do this.
19:40I'm sorry. It's wrong.
19:53He has a girlfriend. You can't do this.
19:56He's your boss, and he has a girlfriend.