Who the Heck Did I Sleep With Part 5 (Last)

  • 2 months ago
Who the Heck Did I Sleep With Part 5
00:00I had to hire her to be my pretend girlfriend for the press.
00:03Wait, that's not what she claims.
00:06It was an arrangement. Okay, I paid her.
00:09I promise you, I had no idea who she was.
00:12I moved her in. I never touched her.
00:15Okay? What Gigi and I had wasn't real.
00:18What you and I have, Becca, that's real.
00:26Okay, I need you to tell me the truth.
00:32It was me that night.
00:34You looked so different, so wild.
00:40I was trying to have fun, you know?
00:43I was going for a totally different look.
00:46New dress, new bottoms.
00:49And even a wig.
00:52God, that wig.
00:54No wonder I didn't recognize you.
00:56Why didn't you say anything?
00:58I didn't say anything because I didn't want to lose my job.
01:01And then I thought you had a girlfriend, and then things got complicated.
01:05Look, I don't care if you're having someone else's baby.
01:08Okay? I want to be with you.
01:11I'm not.
01:14Look, I don't care if you're having someone else's baby.
01:17Okay? I want to be with you.
01:20I'm not.
01:23I'm not having someone else's baby.
01:26It's yours.
01:28We're having a baby?
01:33We're having a baby.
01:35And I want you to be a part of it.
01:38If you want.
01:41There's nothing else I'd rather do.
01:51I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner.
01:54Hey, you're telling me now.
01:57Excuse me, sir.
02:00There's something Rose has brought to our attention about your vehicle.
02:09Gigi tried to kill me.
02:11And if you were in that car, she could have killed our baby, too.
02:14I'm going to kill her.
02:16I have a better plan.
02:23You're finally home.
02:26We need to talk.
02:29She was pregnant with another man's child and pretended it was mine.
02:32Did you know that?
02:35No, of course not.
02:38Look, I want to start over and make this relationship work.
02:41Let's get married.
02:50Oh, my God.
02:53Look, I'm having a big gala for the company at the end of this week.
02:56I want to make it official there.
02:59I always knew you'd come to your senses and drop that troll.
03:02I'm going to be the hottest wife ever.
03:18I can't believe he hasn't fired you yet.
03:21Oh, wait, you can't be fired for being a lying whore.
03:24Good morning, Gigi.
03:27It's only a matter of time.
03:30Andrew and I are getting married.
03:33Happy wife, happy life.
03:36So it looks like I won this time, Bex.
03:42I can't believe you were delusional enough to believe he would be with ugly trash like you.
03:45You and your bastard baby need to stay away from my man.
03:48Or I will destroy you.
03:51You and your bastard baby need to stay away from my man.
03:54Or I will destroy you.
03:57You can rest assured that Mr. Young and I only have a professional relationship.
04:00Keep it that way.
04:03I'm just doing my job, Gigi.
04:06A job that I earned.
04:09Oh, speaking of my job, how rude of me.
04:12I'm here to offer the CEO's girlfriend a coffee.
04:15Fiance, can I get you anything?
04:18A hot cappuccino.
04:21Actually, iced.
04:24You can't ice a cappuccino.
04:27Figure it out or you're fired.
04:30Yes, Miss Smith.
04:42Andy told me he's firing you once we get married.
04:45So sad.
04:48Bye, Pookie.
04:51Miss Clark, can I see you for a moment?
05:07I can't tolerate that kind of behavior in the workplace.
05:11Please don't fire me, Mr. Young.
05:16Get your things and get out.
05:25Let's put on a show.
05:35You're a monster.
05:40Oh, no.
05:43Looks like we're finally taking out the trash around here.
05:49Maybe your baby daddy can help you.
05:52Oh, right. There isn't one.
05:55Mr. Young said he wants to see you.
06:01It's probably about my promotion.
06:04Mr. Young.
06:10You're fired.
06:13Gigi told me about your little fiasco with the car.
06:16You're lucky I don't have you arrested.
06:19Uh, Mr. Young, shh.
06:22Leave before I call security.
06:25You're fired.
06:28You're arrested.
06:31Uh, Mr. Young, shh.
06:34Leave before I call security.
06:40That little bitch!
06:43Have you seen Gigi Smith?
06:46Uh, she's in Andrew's office.
06:53Happy to help.
06:58Bitch! You ratted me out!
07:06This is a new outfit!
07:12You're everything.
07:15I did everything you asked me to.
07:18I put faulty brakes on Becca's car.
07:21We tried to kill her, and now you want to get rid of me?
07:24I never said anything. I swear.
07:28If I did it myself, I would have gotten the job done.
07:31It's not my fault you're an idiot!
07:34I'm gonna tell Andrew everything that you did.
07:37And I have proof.
07:40Please. Please don't. I swear. I'll talk to Andrew.
07:43I'll get him to give you your job back.
07:46I admit it. I admit it.
07:49I caused the accident.
07:52I'll get you whatever you want as long as I get Andy.
08:04How are you feeling?
08:07Still sick to my stomach.
08:10Maybe it's just being around Becca.
08:13Listen, sweetie, I think we made a huge mistake with Linda.
08:16She tampered with our car.
08:19Honestly, I think it was Rosa.
08:22I probably just told you it was Linda to get the fire off of her.
08:27Just give Linda a chance. Please?
08:33She can come to the gala, and then we'll go from there.
08:39I have a big surprise for you tomorrow.
08:42Everything looks perfect.
08:45And the press is here.
08:48I'm finally getting the attention I deserve.
08:51In just a couple of minutes, the whole world will know
08:54that you are going to be Mrs. Andrew Young.
09:00Let's go.
09:14Right here. Right here.
09:22What the hell are you doing here?
09:25I guess you didn't get the memo.
09:28I wasn't fired.
09:31Not like you, Linda.
09:34Look, this is Gigi's day.
09:37This is so like you.
09:40Try to steal the show.
09:43I don't have to steal the show.
09:46It's me.
09:49You have to steal the show. It's mine.
09:52Look at me. I'm getting the guy.
09:55You can't compete with me.
09:58You can dress up trash, but it's still trash.
10:07Watch it, Gigi.
10:10You wouldn't want to show them who you really are.
10:19I'd like to thank you all for coming to our annual Phi Tech Gala.
10:22And while I don't normally do this, I'd like to make a bit of a personal announcement.
10:27I know I have a bit of a reputation due to my personal activities,
10:31but I found someone who truly changed me
10:34and made me want to become a better leader and a better man.
10:39And without further ado, I'd like to introduce you all to my girlfriend.
10:43Here she is.
10:46I think you're better than me, but I'm the one marrying a billionaire.
11:02Miss Rebecca Clark.
11:12You liar!
11:15He cheated on me! You told me you loved me!
11:18Gigi, how could I love you when you tried to kill me?
11:24I admit it. I caused the accident.
11:27I'll get you whatever you want as long as I can be.
11:32Stop it! Stop filming! Stop!
11:35Someone please call the police and have them arrested.
11:38He's lying! I would not do that.
11:41I left him for engaged.
11:44It's a two million dollar ring. Why would he buy me this if I were lying?
11:49It's glass.
11:52Fake. Like your relationship.
11:56Gigi, I think we need to end our business relationship.
11:59I hope there's no hard feelings.
12:02It's not me. It's you.
12:06Gigi, I think we need to end our business relationship.
12:09I hope there's no hard feelings.
12:12It's not me. It's you.
12:19You! You were like my sister.
12:22We came from nothing!
12:25We came from nothing and now you're going to send me to jail?
12:28I'm sorry, Gigi.
12:30Please. Please, Bex. Please. I can't go to jail.
12:33Please just take care of me one more time. Please.
12:37You're beyond saving. Goodbye, Gigi.
12:40Take these women away for the attempted murder of myself and my fiancé.
12:45Your fiancé?
12:47Rebecca Clark, whoever you are, whatever you are,
12:52will you make me the happiest man in the world and be my boss?
12:59Will you make me the happiest man in the world and be my boss?
13:03No! But I'll be your wife.
13:22Tech guru Andrew Young surprised everyone yesterday
13:25with an impromptu wedding in a hospital park
13:28just minutes after his wife gave birth.
13:31Young, who wed Phytech CEO Rebecca Clark,
13:35surprised everyone with their low-key location.
13:38Want to watch it again?
13:52You want to take care of the boss or shall I?
13:56I got him.