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Dolunay Episode 18 (English Subtitle) Full Moon
00:00:30Said get me to tell me about my ishim olarak bana eşlik etmem şart
00:00:33Ha öyle yani biz artık evli bir çiftiz
00:00:39Ama olsun bu yine de senin hatalı olduğun gerçeğini değiştirmez
00:00:43Hiç bana sordun mu bu kız müsait mi değil mi ihtiyacı var mı bir şeye canı gelmek istiyor mu istemiyor mu acaba
00:00:50Belki restoranda işim var peki bu kız nasıl hazırlanacak ne ara hazırlanacak bu kız düşündü mü bu kızın keyfi nasıl
00:00:58Afiyet olsun teşekkür ederim
00:01:05Çok sağ ol Tarık çok iyi oldu
00:01:07Rica ederim malzeme öğrendin zaten basit bir şey
00:01:09Geçine basıyorsun pin diye atıyor
00:01:11Basıyorum pin
00:01:13Evet ben bir ellerimi yıkayayım
00:01:21Fatoş ne bakıyorsun öyle gitsene yanına
00:01:25Gideyim gideyim de ne diyeceğim bilmiyorum ki bana mı
00:01:27Nasıl yani
00:01:29Benim Engin'i kendimden soğutmam lazım tamam mı
00:01:31Soğusun ki benden ayrılsın
00:01:33Biz birbirimize göre değiliz ya
00:01:35Vallahi bak ben Engin ile evlenirsem çok mutsuz olacağım
00:01:37Dolayısıyla o da mutsuz olacak
00:01:39O zaman bunu böyle olduğu gibi söylesene
00:01:43Burası biraz zor işte ya nasıl söyleyeyim öyle
00:01:47O benden ayrılsın istiyorum anladın mı
00:01:49Hiçbir şekilde kapansın gitsin yani
00:01:51İlginç bir bakan
00:01:53Hem de mutsuz
00:01:55Hadi bana şans dile
00:02:05Hayatım nerede kaldın çok yoğunsuz herhalde
00:02:07Evet çok yoğunuz Engin çalışıyoruz
00:02:13Sen kimle mesajlaşıyorsun
00:02:15İkbal Hanım ile olduk ya
00:02:17İkbal Hanım ben de yuttum
00:02:20Hayatım İkbal Hanım ile mesajlıyorum al bak istiyorsan
00:02:22İşle ilgili bir sürü teferruat
00:02:24Yok yok gerek yok lütfen
00:02:30Sen saçını jöle mi sürdün bugün
00:02:32Atoş ben her zaman saçıma bir şey sürüyorum
00:02:36Öyle de yani bugün bir ekstra süslü geldin bana yani
00:02:40Buradan sonra biriyle buluşacaksın herhalde
00:02:42Ne yapmaya çalışıyorsun sen neyin oyunu bu
00:02:44Hadi hadi kıvırma değiştirme lafı
00:02:46Al bak İkbal Hanım arıyor
00:02:48Aç istiyorsan sen konuş
00:02:50Ay yok canım ne münasebet
00:02:52Sen konuş ben müşterilere bakacağım zaten
00:02:58Efendim İkbal Hanım
00:03:00Yok ben yapamayacağım ya
00:03:02Çok zormuş bu lanet kadın olmak
00:03:04Hiç bana göre değil
00:03:06Yok yani nizah açığında yok anlatabiliyor muyum
00:03:08Ben lokum gibi bir insanım ya böyle şeylerle ne işim olur
00:03:19Ya çok kötü bir şey oldu ya
00:03:21Of hep benim suçum
00:03:23Ama senin de suçun yani
00:03:25Nasıl yani ne oldu Tarık problem ne
00:03:27Ya Burak kaçmış ya
00:03:31Ya ben çıkınca yukarı
00:03:33Belki ben hale taze malzeme almaya gidecektim
00:03:35Tamam Nazlı yeter söylenmem için o zaten
00:03:37Gitmesek olmaz mı
00:03:39Çok kötü bir şey oldu
00:03:41Ne oldu Mala Bey
00:03:45Burak kaçtı
00:03:47Kaçtı ya Ferit Bey
00:03:49Valla ben çok kötü şey yaptım yani
00:03:51Kalkmayacaksın oradan otur oturduğun yerde dedim
00:03:53Bir an buraya çıktım camdan uçmuş
00:03:55Gitmiş ya
00:03:57Yok yok yok Tarık senin hatan değil
00:03:59Hepsi benim hatam çünkü ben Tarık'ı çağırdım
00:04:01Benim hatam
00:04:03Ne yapacağız
00:04:05Yapacak bir şey yok
00:04:08Zaten yemeği sabote ettiğini
00:04:10Ya da Demet'e bilgi aktardığını ispatlayamayacaktık
00:04:12O yüzden önemli olan deşifre olmasıydı
00:04:16Ne oluyor
00:04:18Yok şey Burak kaçtı Enime'ye
00:04:22Ama bundan sonra işe birini alırken daha dikkatli olun
00:04:24Bana haber verin ben bir araştırma yapayım
00:04:26Haberim olmadan kimseyi almayın
00:04:28Çevremizde daha güvenilir insanlar olmalı
00:04:30Biz hallederiz onu canım dikkatli olabiliriz
00:04:32Değil mi Manami
00:04:34Tabi tabi biz hallederiz
00:04:36Bundan sonra onları da seçerim
00:04:38Tabi tabi kesin halledersiniz
00:04:40Benim çıkmam lazım halletmem gereken işler var
00:04:46Oldu elemanlarımızı da mı beyefendi seçecek
00:04:48Hayır nasıl anlayacak elemanın iyisini
00:04:50Kavun mumunlar diplerini koklayacak
00:04:52Koklarsa biz koklarız
00:04:58Ya ne kadar tatlılar değil mi Tarık
00:05:02Bak insanın birinin
00:05:05Onun için endişelenecek kadar sevmesi
00:05:07Bence çok güzel
00:05:17Ay görüyor musunuz kadını ya
00:05:19Resmen aramıza ajan sokmuş yani
00:05:21Ama çok şanslısınız ki benim hassas burnum hemen kokusunu aldı
00:05:23Sen tabi bu tip ajanlık faaliyetlerini iyi bildiğin için
00:05:27Yani adım çıkmış dokuza gerçekten inmiyor
00:05:29Sekize ya
00:05:31Benim o işlerle hiç bir alakam kalmadı ya
00:05:33Kaçırdıktan sonra iyice gözüm korktu bitti gitti o işler
00:05:37Asuman bir dakika
00:05:39Ne dedin sen
00:05:41Hiçbir şey demedim
00:05:45Asuman bana hemen söyle
00:05:47Kim kaçırdı seni neden bahsediyorsun sen
00:05:49Ya hiç önemli bir şey değil yani
00:05:51Öyle büyük bir şey de değil gerçekten kapandı gitti o mevzu
00:05:53Gerçekten Asuman bizim niye buradan haberimiz yok
00:05:57Asuman şansını sakın zorlama hemen konuş hemen
00:06:03Düş önüme
00:06:05Düş önüme konuşacağız seninle
00:06:11Anlat çabuk
00:06:13Ya ben okula gidiyordum
00:06:15Sonra iki tane adam yolumu kesti beni zorla bir arabanın içine tıktılar
00:06:17Oradan da Mehmet'in evine götürdüler
00:06:19Ne demek bu ya nasıl olur böyle bir şey
00:06:21Neden uzak durmuyorsun onlardan
00:06:23Abla zorla götürdüler diyorum anlamıyor musun
00:06:25Neden beni zorla götürmüyorlar
00:06:27Neden onu zorla götürmüyorlar
00:06:29Ne işi kaldı kızım bu kadının seninle
00:06:32Ya çünkü ben ona dosyayı saklamasını söylemiştim
00:06:36Sonra o her şeyi yumurtlayınca ben de onun sırrını patlattım
00:06:38Öyle olunca da o da delirdi tabi
00:06:40Aa olaylara bak
00:06:42Ne sırrıymış bu demedin ki
00:06:44Ya bak bu kocasından gizli çocuk aldırdı tamam mı
00:06:46Ben de böyle her şeyi kanıtlayan belgeleri Bizans'ın içine koyup
00:06:48Hakan Bey'e gönderdim
00:06:50Sonra olaylar karıştı tabi
00:06:52Ama iyi oldu o sarı çıyanı o olsun
00:06:54İnanamıyorum sana ya
00:06:56Hala bu insanlarla böyle olayların içinde
00:06:58Niye hiç akıllanmıyorsun ya
00:07:00Uzak dur dedim sadece bunun neresini anlamadım
00:07:02Bulaşma dedim
00:07:04Ablacım tamam gel sakin ol oturup konuşalım
00:07:08Neden inatla hala sözümü dinlemiyorsun
00:07:10Ya neden
00:07:12Hayatımız birazcık düzene girdi
00:07:14Birazcık sadece
00:07:16Hemen illa yeni belalar açman gerekiyordu değil mi başına
00:07:18Ne çabuk unuttun neler çektiğimizi
00:07:20Hiç mi akıllanmayacaksın sen ya
00:07:22Abla tamam seninle konuşulmuyor şu an
00:07:24Sen biraz sakinleş biz sonra konuşalım
00:07:26Hiçbir yere gitmiyorsun Asuman
00:07:29Konuşacaklarım bitmedi
00:07:34Aşkım gelip bir sürprizim var diyorum sana
00:07:38Bak bakalım kim var burada
00:07:48Aşkım Burak konusunda artık seninle ilgili
00:07:50Konuşacak mı ispiyon olacak mı diye
00:07:52Endişelenmene gerek yok
00:07:54Çünkü Burak konuşmayacak
00:07:56Öyle değil mi Burak
00:07:59Bekir Bey şimdi Burak kardeşimizi alıyorsunuz
00:08:01Egemizin incisi
00:08:03Biricik İzmir'imize
00:08:07Evine yerleştiriyorsunuz
00:08:09Nasıl bir iş istiyorsa ayarlıyorsunuz
00:08:11İsterse organik tarım yapsın tamam
00:08:13Peki Hakan Beyciğim
00:08:15Teşekkürler Hakan Bey
00:08:17Ne demek
00:08:19Bir daha seni gözüm görmesin
00:08:23Gel bakalım canım benim
00:08:31Bu mevzuda hallolduğuna göre
00:08:33Denizin davetine geç kalmayalım tamam mı
00:08:35Hazırlanmamız lazım hadi
00:08:39Rica ediyorum
00:08:41Çocuğa zarar verme
00:08:43Aşkım aşk olsun ya
00:08:45Ben öyle bir insan mıyım ne zarar vermesi
00:08:47Adamı İzmir'e yolluyorum
00:08:49Güzel bir hayat sunuyorum ona
00:08:51Adresi bir tek bende olacak kimse bilmeyecek
00:08:53Fakat Demet Hanım
00:08:55Son kez söylüyorum
00:08:57Bana haber vermezsen sana yemin ederim
00:08:59O çocuğu İzmir'den İstanbul'a getirtirim
00:09:01Buzhane mevzusuyla ilgili de her şeyi anlatır
00:09:09Korkma be ya şaka yapıyorum ya
00:09:11Ben sana hiç öyle şey yapar mıyım
00:09:13Yapmam neden
00:09:15Çünkü sen de bana öyle şey yapmazsın
00:09:17Hazırlan şimdi
00:09:22Bana söz vermiştin
00:09:24Bir daha bu insanlara bulaşmayacağım
00:09:26Öyle biri olmayacağım demiştin
00:09:28Ben sana inandım
00:09:30Ne yapacağım ben seninle ya
00:09:32Nasıl baş edeceğim
00:09:34Abla oldu bitti kapandı mevzu
00:09:36Neyi değiştiririm
00:09:38Yarın öbür gün eline ilk fırsat geçtiğinde
00:09:40Böyle olayların içine girmeyeceğini
00:09:42Nereden bileceğim ben
00:09:44Nasıl baş edeceğim
00:09:50Nereden bileceğim ben
00:09:52Nasıl arkamı döneceğim sana
00:09:54Nasıl emin olacağım senden
00:09:56Asuman bak bu bir değil iki değil
00:09:58Herkesin sabrında bir sonu var
00:10:00Tamam çok güzel
00:10:02Siz böyle ikiniz birlik oldunuz
00:10:04Benim üzerime saldırıyorsunuz süper
00:10:08Hiç anlamıyorsun değil mi
00:10:10Tüm bu kavganın tek sebebi senin iyiliğini düşünmemiz
00:10:14Her şey senin iyiliğin için
00:10:16Bu insanların ne kadar tehlikeli olduğunu
00:10:19Daha ne kadar belaya bulaşman lazım
00:10:21Daha başımıza neler gelmesi lazım
00:10:23Abla gerçekten bitmiş gitmiş bir mevzuyu
00:10:25Bu kadar izlemene inanamıyorum ya
00:10:27Tamam ben bir hata yaptım evet
00:10:29Ama akıllandım
00:10:31Ben de senin bu kadar pişkin olmana inanamıyorum Asuman
00:10:33Ne ara böyle biri oldun sen
00:10:37Gerçekten yüzünü bile görmek istemiyorum git
00:10:43Telefonunu da bırak
00:10:45Ne alaka şimdi
00:10:47Benim sana söyleyecek tek kelimem kalmadı
00:10:49Hepsini tükettin
00:10:51Git eve bir kendine bak ya
00:10:53Dönüştüğün insana bir bak bir düşün
00:10:55Sen bana haksızlık ediyorsun şu an
00:10:57Resmen haksız yere beni cezalandırıyorsun ve buna hakkın yok
00:10:59Ya ben Burak'ı yakalattım ya
00:11:01Ben size iyilik yaptım ben size yardım ettim
00:11:03Tamam Asuman artık uzatma istemiyorum
00:11:05Ya neyini uzatmayayım
00:11:07Gelmişsiniz burada her şeyde bana bağırıyorsunuz çağırıyorsunuz
00:11:09Ben sizin için fedakarlık yapıyorum
00:11:11Ve bunun hiçbirinin farkında değilsiniz
00:11:13Ama siz farkında olana kadar da ben yokum
00:11:17Kötülükle iyilik yapmaya çalışıyor
00:11:19Bunun doğru olduğunu sanıyor
00:11:21Tamam neyse Nazlı ben akşam onunla konuşurum ya
00:11:23Boyuna posuna bakmadan
00:11:25Cık cık cık cık
00:11:29Sen akşam bir davete gitmeyecek miydin ya
00:11:31Hadi çık istersen yavaştan hazırlanman lazım
00:11:33Bende davete gidecek kafam kaldı Fatoş
00:11:35Gitmeyecek misin
00:11:37Gitmeyecek misin
00:11:39Gitmeyecek misin
00:11:41Gitmeyecek misin
00:11:43Gitmeyecek misin
00:11:45Gitmeyecek misin
00:12:16Cık cık cık
00:12:32Efendim Nazlı
00:12:34Alo Ferit
00:12:36Evde yatağım üzerinde kıyafetler var ne bunlar
00:12:38Marek balonumu aldı senin için
00:12:40İstediğini seçip giyebilirsin davete gelirken
00:12:42Benim zevkime güvenmediniz mi yani
00:12:44Yo sadece vaktin olmadığını düşündüm
00:12:46Balondan rica ettim o da aldı
00:12:48Sen görmedin iki balonumu seçti
00:12:50Öyle mi
00:12:52Bana fotoğraflarını gönderdi
00:12:54Yani benim onaylamadığım bir şey olmaz o
00:12:56Sorun nedir beğenmedin mi yoksa hepsini
00:13:02Çok beğendim çok güzeller
00:13:04Hatta o kadar beğendim ki
00:13:06Galiba giymeye kıyamayacağım
00:13:08Nazlı ben şimdi eve doğru geliyorum
00:13:11Sen de hazırlan istersen
00:13:13Geç kalmayalım
00:13:15Bak ne diyeceğim Ferit bence sen hiç gelme
00:13:17Çünkü ben gelemeyeceğim vazgeçtim
00:13:19Nazlı ne diyorsun sen
00:13:21Bu davete karı koca olarak katılmamız gerekiyor
00:13:23Çok yorgunum Ferit
00:13:25Çok zor bir gün geçirdin
00:13:27Ayrıca bu kıyafetler gerçekten sinirimi çok bozdu
00:13:31Nazlı bu davete birlikte gözükmeliyiz
00:13:33Bir yalan uydurursun ya sorun olacağını sanmıyorum
00:13:41Zafer eve gitmiyoruz dönelim
00:13:53Saygı çok güzel değil mi Oya sen
00:13:55Evet aşkım gerçekten çok güzeldi
00:13:57Gel diğer sayfaya da bakalım
00:14:03Yalnız bir şey dikkatimi çekti mi
00:14:05Ferit Aslan ve sevgili zevceleri
00:14:07Henüz teşrif buyurmadılar
00:14:09Evlendikten sonra ilk defa
00:14:11Böyle bir davete katılacaklar
00:14:13Nazlı bu işlerde çok tecrübesiz tabi
00:14:15Geç kalması çok normal
00:14:19Baksana çok güzel görünüyor
00:14:21Evet evet
00:14:23Aynen öyle
00:14:25Az önce de dediğim gibi
00:14:27Aynı disiplinden 8 ayrı sanatçının
00:14:29Yalnızlık konsepti üzerine yaptığı çalışmaları görmektesiniz
00:14:33Gelen insanlar umarım
00:14:35Keyifle ayrılırlar
00:14:38Ben teşekkür ederim
00:14:52Şurada çocukla güzel bakmış
00:14:54Gerçekten çok güzel
00:14:56Keşke senin arkadaşları da çağırsaydın bu gece
00:14:58Neydi o ressam kızın adı
00:15:00Dilara mıydı
00:15:02Dilara Dilara evet
00:15:04Dilara Londra'da şimdi
00:15:06Hiç zahmet etme istersen Engin
00:15:10Ne bileyim ben çok sevmedim galiba
00:15:12Senin arkadaş çevreni
00:15:14Hatta bence hepsi şımarık bir züppe
00:15:16Nereden vardın bu kadına
00:15:18Fatoş sorabilir miyim
00:15:20Yani enerjilerinden
00:15:22Hallerinden tavırlarından
00:15:24Bence çok sıkıcılar
00:15:26Yani sana rahat et
00:15:28Neyse konuşuruz
00:15:30Hoşgeldin ne haber
00:15:32Yalnız klubu Ferit Aslan teşrif etti
00:15:35Yürüyelim öbür tarafa
00:15:37Deniz'e merhaba
00:15:41Ne haber Deniz
00:15:43İyidir hoşgeldin
00:15:45Hoşbulduk nasılsın
00:15:47İyi Nazlı gelmedi mi
00:15:49Yok Nazlı gelmedi
00:15:51Biraz rahatsız
00:15:53Midesini üşütmüş herhalde
00:15:55Geçmiş olsun
00:15:59Ciddi bir şey yok değil mi
00:16:01Yok ciddi bir şey yok
00:16:03Yok ciddi bir şey yok
00:16:13Tartıştınız mı yoksa
00:16:15Tartışmadık Deniz nereden çıkardın
00:16:23Gergin gözüküyorsun
00:16:25Oradan çıkarıyorum
00:16:27Gerçi normal
00:16:29Birden apar topar evlendiniz
00:16:32Aranızda halledemediğiniz problemler olması çok normal
00:16:40Bizim aramızda hiçbir sorun yok
00:16:44Birileri öyle olmasını umuyor olabilir ama
00:16:54Hala düşündükçe aklıma takılıyor biliyor musun
00:17:02Yani Nazlı ile aranızda geçen onca şey
00:17:04Kızgınlık öfke
00:17:10Bu evlilik sence de biraz hızlı olmadı mı
00:17:12Ben de ilk duyduğumda
00:17:14Olayın şokuyla
00:17:16Hiç idrak edemedim
00:17:20Ama şimdi düşününce
00:17:24Biz birbirimizi çocukluğumuzdan beri tanıyoruz
00:17:28Ve sen birini
00:17:30Belki bu kadar öfkelendiğin birini
00:17:32Kolay kolay affetmez
00:17:40Nazlı ile benim aramda çok özel bir bağ var
00:17:48Senin bunu anlaman çok zor
00:18:00Selim Bey
00:18:04Sağolun hoşgeldiniz
00:18:06Teşekkür ederim
00:18:16Zeynepciğim ne yapıyorsun
00:18:18Aşkım hiç beni sorma
00:18:20Ben hiç iyi değilim
00:18:24Ablamla kavga ettik çok fena
00:18:26Hiç eve gidesim yok yani
00:18:29Gıybet falan yaparız
00:18:33Şileye gidiyorsun anladım
00:18:35Bu gece de yoksun
00:18:37Tamam canım tamam oldu
00:18:39Yok yok hiç sıkıntı değil
00:18:41Hadi öptüm bye bye
00:18:51Merhaba kolay gelsin
00:18:55Ben bir sosis de alabilir miyim
00:18:57Bir tane sosis atar mısınız
00:19:07Naber ya
00:19:11Benim hiç hiç keyfim yok biliyor musun
00:19:13Çok mutsuzum ya
00:19:21Sağolun teşekkürler
00:19:26Gerçekten çok kaliteli işler var
00:19:28Şirketimizin isminin burada gözükmesi çok iyi oldu
00:19:30Tebrik ediyorum seni
00:19:32İşlerine hızlı bir giriş yaptın
00:19:36Zaten planlanan bir sponsorluktu da
00:19:38İşte ben biraz daha organizasyonu genişlettim
00:19:42Denizciğim gerçekten ellerinin sağlık muazzam görünüyor sergi
00:19:46Pusulu holdingin olması ayrıca bir katkı
00:19:48Basamak yani
00:19:52Ferit Aslan
00:19:54Aşk olsun ya bütün gece herkesle muhabbet ettin
00:19:56Bir bize merhaba demedin kırıldım vallahi
00:20:06Nazlı'yı da aramadık
00:20:08Ne oldu bir sorun mu var yoksa
00:20:10Evet ya siz taze evli bir çiftsiniz
00:20:12Böyle bir geceye beraber katılmak daha uygun olmaz mı
00:20:14Bir şey mi oldu acaba Nazlı'ya
00:20:16Neden yok
00:20:24Hah geldi geldi
00:20:26Nazlı da geldi
00:20:54Hoş geldin
00:21:14Geç kaldığım için kusura bakma
00:21:18Hoş geldin
00:21:24Harika görmüşsün
00:21:26Teşekkür ederim
00:21:48Yok bu hiç olmaz
00:21:51Yok bu hiç olmaz
00:21:55Ay bunu ben sevmiyorum
00:21:57Ama bu da beni sevmiyor
00:22:01Ay bunun babası manyak mı bir gece de var ya
00:22:03Hepimizi gebertir
00:22:07Yok kaldın sokakta bravo
00:22:15Gel hayatım diğer tarafı da gezdireyim sana
00:22:17Biz fotoğraflara bakalım
00:22:21Gelmeyeceğini söylemiştim
00:22:23Fikrimi değiştirdim
00:22:25Teşekkür ederim beni yalnız bırakmadığın için
00:22:27Yaptığımız anlaşmadan dolayı buradayım
00:22:29Aklına başka bir şey gelmesin
00:22:33İçin geldiğinin bir önemi yok
00:22:35Geldin yanımdasın
00:22:37Herkes bizi evli ve mutlu bir çift olarak görüyor
00:22:39Bu yeterli
00:22:43Valla gülümseyelim o zaman
00:22:47Kıyafet seni seçti mi
00:22:49Senin aldırdıklarından beri giyeceğimi düşünmedin herhalde
00:22:52Beğenmedin mi?
00:22:54Fena değil
00:22:56Fena değil mi?
00:22:58Stil konusunda biraz çalışman gerekiyor
00:23:02Ben içecek bir şeyler alayım geleyim
00:23:04Çok geliyorsun sen
00:23:19Sana gecenin yıldızı diyebilir miyiz?
00:23:25Ama belki gecenin en yorgun en sefil kızı diyebilirsin
00:23:27Sefil mi?
00:23:29Kendine çok acımasız davranıyorsun bence
00:23:31Işıl ışıl parlıyorsun bazen de harika gözüküyorsun
00:23:33Teşekkür ederim
00:23:39Deniz o benim diktiğim değil mi?
00:23:45Ta kendisi
00:23:48Ne işi var sende?
00:23:50Sen emniyette çıkarmıştın ya
00:23:52Bende bulunca cebime attı
00:23:54Çok yakışmış artık alabilir miyim?
00:24:00Yani bende kalmak istiyor hatıra olarak
00:24:08O konuyu kapattık değil mi?
00:24:10Güvenebilirim kapattığımıza
00:24:12Sadece hatıra
00:24:14Hatıralardan zarar gelmez ki
00:24:26Nasıl gidiyor?
00:24:28Çok güzel
00:24:30Harika bir gece iyi ki gelmişim
00:24:32Gelmeyeceğini söylemişti de
00:24:34Seni görünce çok mutlu oldum
00:24:36Ya evet çok kalabalık bir grup vardı restoranda
00:24:38Bende yetişemem sandım ama yetiştim
00:24:42Mideni de üşütmüşsün
00:24:46Bütün aksilikler üst üste geldi bu gece
00:24:48Neslik çok iyi
00:24:50Geçmiş olsun
00:24:52Teşekkür ederim
00:24:56Abi o işler önemli
00:24:58Onlara dikkat etmek lazım şimdi önümüz kış
00:25:00Bakımını yaptırmak lazım abi
00:25:02Kışlık bakım yapacaksın yağın suyun her şeyini
00:25:04Arabaya sen bakacaksın arabada sana bakacak değil mi?
00:25:08Fatoş ne oldu?
00:25:10Bir şey mi oldu?
00:25:13Ay yok Tarık
00:25:15Nedir Engin miyle bir şey oldu?
00:25:17Ay yok ben hiç iyi değilim yani
00:25:19Hani ben Engin'den ayrılmaya gitmiştim ya
00:25:21O bana evlenme teklif edince de gaza gelip evet demiştim
00:25:23Tamam hatırlıyorum yaşandı böyle bir olay
00:25:25Ben var ya çok büyük bir hata yapmışım
00:25:27Biz Engin'e hiç birbirimize uygun değiliz ya bizim ayrılmamız lazım
00:25:29Ay yine başa döndük yani
00:25:31Başa döndük
00:25:35Hayır yani benim bunu ona bir şekilde söylemem lazım artık Tarık
00:25:37E söyle Fatoş
00:25:39Diyeceğim sen de diyeceksin ki bu işler öyle kolay olmuyor
00:25:41Yok tamam en iyisi ben bunu söylemeyeyim sen de onu söyleme
00:25:43Vakitten kazanalım bari
00:25:45Ya söylemesi çok zor diye bir sürü şey yapıyorum benden soğusun diye
00:25:47Hiç oralı değil ya
00:25:49Hayır kalbimi kırmak istemiyorum hiç
00:25:51Tamam tamam anlıyorum yani zor bir şey
00:25:53Ama senin de artık bir şey yapman lazım Fatoş
00:25:59Şey mi yapsak acaba yani şey mi yapsan acaba
00:26:01Böyle yazıyla mı bildirsen
00:26:03Mesaj mı yazayım?
00:26:05Mesaj biraz ayıp olur da ne bileyim böyle nostaljik nostaljik
00:26:07Klasikler ölmez mektup yaz
00:26:10O da olmadı e-mail at
00:26:12Ne bileyim mektup yaz koruyayla gönder
00:26:14Mektup yazıp koruyayla mı yollayayım?
00:26:16He bir şey yap
00:26:18Bilemedim ki Tarık ya bunların hiçbiri bana hiç uygun değil yani
00:26:20Hava da ne kadar soğukmuş ya
00:26:22Dondum valla
00:26:24Neyse içeri giriyorum ben
00:26:26Hadi görüşürüz
00:26:30Valla o da benim sınavım herhalde ya
00:26:32Ne yapayım başa gelen çekilir
00:26:40Galiba Deniz bir şeylerden şüpheleniyor
00:26:42Bence de
00:26:44Ya kavga ettiğimizi falan düşünüyor
00:26:46Ya da
00:26:48Daha kötüsü
00:26:54Evliyemizin gerçek olmadığına inanıyorum
00:26:56Açık mı verdik sence?
00:27:00Sen bir anda restorana gelen kalabalık bir insanın
00:27:02Yaptığına inanıyorsun
00:27:04Sen bir anda
00:27:06Yaptığına inanıyorsun
00:27:08Sen bir anda restorana gelen kalabalık kırık demeydin iyiydi
00:27:10Ay ne bileyim ben ya midemi üşüttüğümü
00:27:12İstediğim midemi üşütmüş gibi davranırdım
00:27:14Nazlı bu hassas bir konu
00:27:16Bulut söz konusu
00:27:18Daha dikkatli olmalıyız açık vermemeliyiz
00:27:20En ufak bir adamızda bütün plan çökebilir
00:27:22Sonra bulut alamayız
00:27:24Bence asıl son duygularda
00:27:26Ne duygusu?
00:27:28Sen bana aşık gibi bakmıyorsun
00:27:30Normal değil mi?
00:27:32Hala sana kızgınım
00:27:34Seni affetmiyorum
00:27:37İşte bahsettiğim şey bu
00:27:39Gerçi ne yalan söyleyeyim
00:27:41Bazen beceriyorsun
00:27:43Hatta öyle bir bakıyorsun ki ben bile inanacağım
00:27:45Neredeyse aşık olduğuna
00:27:47Bazen de bir bakıyorsun
00:27:49Bir kaşık su bulsan sanki beni vuracaksın
00:27:55Aynı şey senin için de geçerli
00:27:57Sen de bana karşı daha yakın olabilirsin
00:28:01Ağzın dışarıdan iki yabancı gibi görünüyor
00:28:03Ay hiç kusura bakma
00:28:05Ben öyle aşkım canım cim diye gezemem
00:28:07Nazlı anlaşma bu
00:28:11Anlaşma bu diye öpüşerek yürüyelim istersen
00:28:13Mecbur kalırsak öpüşebiliriz
00:28:17Asla asla deme
00:28:19Ay bana bak Ferit
00:28:21Sakın beni ulu orta öpmeye falan kalkışma
00:28:23Vallahi olay çıkarsa ikimiz de rezil oluruz
00:28:33Seninle evli olmak da ne zormuş
00:28:37Ne demek neden
00:28:39Yani bu davetleri falan ekstra mesai harcamak lazım
00:28:41Ne oldu
00:28:45İyi misin
00:28:51İyiyim yok bir şey
00:28:59Gel buraya gel
00:29:02Gel buraya gel
00:29:04Ferit ne yapıyorsun
00:29:06Odaya götürüyorum
00:29:08Çok ağrı var mı
00:29:10Biraz var ama geçer şimdi
00:29:12Ben bütün akşam bu sivri topuklarla gezince
00:29:37Önce artık gecenin sonunda dengemi kaybettim
00:29:41Tuzu getireyim mi ister misin
00:29:43Yok gerek yok
00:29:45Emir misin
00:29:47Gerek yok
00:29:49Geçer şimdi
00:29:59Ben odama gidiyorum o zaman
00:30:01Evide kimse olmadığına göre beraber yatmamıza gerek yok
00:30:03Yok tabi
00:30:05No, of course not.
00:30:08Good night.
00:30:10Good night.
00:30:35What are you doing here?
00:31:06Are you okay?
00:31:09Deniz, would it be okay if I stayed with you today?
00:31:11We had a fight with my sister.
00:31:13I don't want to go home.
00:31:14I have a bad relationship with Patoş.
00:31:16I called all my friends, but no one is available.
00:31:20Does Nazmi know?
00:31:25If you don't tell, you won't.
00:31:30Look, Deniz, I know you're mad at me.
00:31:32I know.
00:31:34But maybe this is an opportunity.
00:31:37To make up.
00:31:39And we have a common point.
00:31:42You're both mad at my sister.
00:31:55Since you're here...
00:32:02We'll let Nazli know.
00:32:04Okay, I'll call you back.
00:32:32The house is a little messy, I'm sorry.
00:32:35A little?
00:32:38I mean, I thought I was messy, but...
00:32:41Musi is worse than my room.
00:32:44I'm a little confused these days.
00:32:47It's reflected here.
00:32:48I mean, it's like the inside of my head.
00:32:52Maybe I can help you get it together.
00:32:56No, I can't.
00:32:58I can't.
00:33:02Your head.
00:33:03Or around.
00:33:07I'm getting it together, slowly.
00:33:09Don't worry.
00:33:16Let's see what happens in the end.
00:33:23What will happen?
00:33:29I don't know.
00:33:35You open a place here.
00:33:37I'll bring you a blanket or something.
00:33:39It's late.
00:33:54Come on, I'll drop you off at the restaurant on the way to the company.
00:33:59Are you asleep?
00:34:02I'm coming in.
00:34:34Nazlı, where are you?
00:34:35I'm at the restaurant.
00:34:37What are you doing at the restaurant?
00:34:39Ferit, for God's sake, what do you mean, what are you doing there?
00:34:41Ferit, this is my workplace.
00:34:43If I'm not here, where will I be?
00:34:45Well, we talked last night.
00:34:47I told you, I have a lot of work in the morning, I'm going out early.
00:34:51Okay, there's nothing to worry about.
00:34:54I'm turning it off.
00:34:55Come on, see you.
00:35:00What does he say?
00:35:02He says, what are you doing at the restaurant in the morning?
00:35:04What does it have to do with it?
00:35:05I think it's because of this ice cream thing.
00:35:08He was curious when he couldn't see me in the morning.
00:35:12Don't say that, Patoş.
00:35:16You tell me about Asuman.
00:35:17Did you talk?
00:35:18No, we didn't talk.
00:35:19We weren't at home.
00:35:20What do you mean you weren't at home?
00:35:21Patoş, why didn't you tell me?
00:35:23Oh, I don't know, Nazlı.
00:35:24He was worried about you in the morning.
00:35:25He'll be worried about me in the evening.
00:35:26He knows that.
00:35:27He did his best.
00:35:28He disappeared from there.
00:35:29He must have gone to Gamze or something.
00:35:31Why did you make him so nervous?
00:35:32We had a fight and I was curious.
00:35:36He thinks I'm going to Gamze and get rid of him, but there's no such thing.
00:35:43It's not opening.
00:35:45Oh, why would it open?
00:35:46Of course it won't.
00:35:47But I know how to get there.
00:35:55Give me Asuman.
00:35:59What do you mean, no?
00:36:01Well, where is he now?
00:36:05Look, listen to me carefully.
00:36:06We had a little fight.
00:36:07He won't call me now.
00:36:09If he calls you, call me right away.
00:36:11Okay, thanks.
00:36:13I hope nothing's wrong.
00:36:15He wanted to go to Gamze, but Gamze wasn't available.
00:36:19He's just trying to scare me.
00:36:22Fato, call him.
00:36:23He won't answer when I call.
00:36:43Of course, you call me more often, dear.
00:36:46I'm not answering.
00:36:47I'm going crazy.
00:36:50Why is the door so dirty?
00:36:53Where did this boy put these cups?
00:37:00Good for you.
00:37:02When you drink coffee, does a person make a new cup dirty?
00:37:16I'm suffering in my mother's house.
00:37:17I come here, I work.
00:37:19We're back to the same old place.
00:37:27What are you doing there?
00:37:28Good morning.
00:37:31I made coffee.
00:37:32But then I couldn't find a clean glass.
00:37:34So I thought I'd make one of the old ones.
00:37:36I'm not saying I made it myself, but it's very good.
00:37:38Would you like some?
00:37:41No, I'm hungry.
00:37:42I'll eat something and then make coffee myself.
00:37:44Okay, then I'll make...
00:37:51What do you want?
00:37:52No, I...
00:37:54I'll prepare myself.
00:37:55You prepare yourself.
00:37:57Oh, if we wait for your shame, the coffees will get cold.
00:37:59I mean, even if I'm not as skillful as my sister in the kitchen,
00:38:01it's my job to make coffee.
00:38:08Since this is your house,
00:38:09and this cabinet is in your cabinet,
00:38:11I assume you've eaten everything here.
00:38:18But of course, first we need to clean up here.
00:38:20But I'll take care of that.
00:38:29Good morning.
00:38:42Good morning.
00:38:44Good morning.
00:38:45Good morning, brother.
00:38:51Good morning.
00:38:53Good morning.
00:38:55Last night, you left without saying goodbye.
00:38:57You took a cab.
00:38:58Yeah, that's what happened, right?
00:39:00I guess I don't like to say goodbye, Engin.
00:39:02I want to say goodbye to the people in front of me.
00:39:04Then I want everyone to go their own way.
00:39:09How will that be?
00:39:10Oh, I don't know.
00:39:12Oh, never mind.
00:39:13Should I order you some tea or coffee?
00:39:15No, thank you.
00:39:16I was going to tell you,
00:39:17there's a new movie coming out this week,
00:39:19I was going to tell you if we should go.
00:39:22But I'm busy this weekend.
00:39:24Hmm, okay.
00:39:25Do you have work?
00:39:26I'm going to meet Şafak.
00:39:28Who is Şafak?
00:39:29Şafak is my ex-boyfriend.
00:39:31We meet occasionally.
00:39:33We go out like this.
00:39:35We have fun from night to morning.
00:39:38But he's a very funny kid.
00:39:40If you want, I can introduce you to him.
00:39:42No, thank you. I'm fine.
00:39:45Okay, you decide.
00:39:49It's not broken, is it?
00:39:51Because I'm going to meet Şafak.
00:39:52After all, I'm an ex-boyfriend.
00:39:54But what can I do?
00:39:55I'm just like that at home.
00:39:56I'm a comfortable person.
00:39:59No, I'm not broken.
00:40:01No problem.
00:40:03I have work at my company.
00:40:04I'll go.
00:40:05Good luck to you.
00:40:18It's a really interesting grocery store.
00:40:21Isn't it, mom?
00:40:25The woman is right.
00:40:27Oh, I'm the case here.
00:40:42Hello, daddy.
00:40:45I'm fine. How are you?
00:40:48Yes, yes, I called.
00:40:50But then I took care of it.
00:40:51I didn't have to ask anything.
00:40:54So, what's up?
00:40:56How are the deer?
00:40:59Did you ever talk to Osman today?
00:41:03No, nothing happened.
00:41:04It's not because of anything.
00:41:05I called you all in turn.
00:41:07My mother, you, Osman.
00:41:09No one heard.
00:41:10Here you are back now.
00:41:11Osman will call soon.
00:41:15Oh, daddy.
00:41:16Don't worry.
00:41:18I promise.
00:41:19When he calls, I'll let you know right away.
00:41:23Say hello to my mother.
00:41:24See you.
00:41:34Brother İhsan told us about the situation, right?
00:41:36He did, he did.
00:41:38Is there no problem?
00:41:41Very good.
00:41:43Our new element, Tahir.
00:41:47Where is he?
00:41:48Where is the dining room?
00:41:50I say.
00:41:52Let's take this element from the spare room and take it to the field, brother.
00:41:56What do you say?
00:41:57It may be.
00:41:59Is there anyone, master?
00:42:01Good luck.
00:42:02Is there a minister?
00:42:05What the hell is that?
00:42:06Who is Tarık?
00:42:09Brother, I swear, Tarık.
00:42:11Master, go.
00:42:12I'm taking care of it.
00:42:13Do whatever you want, okay?
00:42:21Good luck.
00:42:27Brother, good luck.
00:42:28Here you go.
00:42:29We blew the tire, brother.
00:42:30And you know, I don't understand how it happened on the straight road.
00:42:33It exploded.
00:42:34What about the step?
00:42:35I don't know.
00:42:36I just saw your sign.
00:42:37Do you do tire work?
00:42:38I don't know, but I'll take care of it, brother.
00:42:40We will, brother.
00:42:41Thank you very much.
00:42:42Really, thank you.
00:42:43But I have one more request, brother.
00:42:45I'm going to the company now.
00:42:47Mr. Ferit's company.
00:42:48We have a lot of cars there now.
00:42:49I'm taking care of them too.
00:42:50Could you do me a favor?
00:42:51If I leave the car now,
00:42:52you can send a friend to my address in exchange for the fee.
00:42:54Is that okay?
00:42:55Of course, brother.
00:42:56You go.
00:42:57I'll get the car back.
00:42:58I'll cut your bill.
00:42:59You'll send your fee.
00:43:00Good luck.
00:43:01Cut the bill for me now, brother.
00:43:02What did you do?
00:43:03Mine exploded too.
00:43:04Brother, let me give you my card like this.
00:43:06This is my phone number.
00:43:07If the car is done,
00:43:08if you call me before you leave,
00:43:09we'll be organized.
00:43:19Thank you, brother.
00:43:20Thank you.
00:43:21Thank you.
00:43:28What does the master say?
00:43:29Brother, the tire exploded.
00:43:30They left it in the repair shop and left.
00:43:33The tire exploded.
00:43:36Well, nice.
00:43:39Doctor said it's good to come to the foot of the patient.
00:43:42Did you see?
00:43:43A blind man's eye,
00:43:44God gives blue light, look.
00:43:47Oh, brother Hakan, welcome.
00:43:51Tahir, come, come, come, come.
00:43:55Tahir put a Tahir bird on our head.
00:44:00I'm fine, dad, I'm with my friend.
00:44:02My daughter, your sister was also curious.
00:44:04I called her several times, but you didn't pick up the phone.
00:44:07We studied until late last night.
00:44:10So I took the phone quietly.
00:44:12Then I didn't hear it, I forgot.
00:44:13We were also curious, my daughter.
00:44:15How are you?
00:44:16I swear, I'm thinking of you.
00:44:17How can I be?
00:44:18Your sister can't reach you, I can't reach you.
00:44:21My daughter, you are entrusted to each other there.
00:44:22Okay, dad, don't worry.
00:44:24Don't live apart from each other like this in the big city.
00:44:26I don't want to think of you.
00:44:28Anyway, this marriage story doesn't fit in at all.
00:44:31What doesn't fit in, dad, your voice is gone.
00:44:33Fake marriage, my daughter.
00:44:34Your sister and Ferit are fake married.
00:44:36No, I'll understand if they love each other.
00:44:38Was the name Bulut?
00:44:39Ferit had a nephew.
00:44:41Look at the things he did to get him, his sister.
00:44:43Dad, my sister, what can you do?
00:44:46When you told me to keep my mouth shut, we couldn't talk about it with you.
00:44:50That's right, they said no one should know.
00:44:52They are afraid that if it turns out to be a trick, they will not give it to the court.
00:44:56Of course, they are right.
00:44:59I'm late for class now, let me hang up.
00:45:01We'll talk later.
00:45:02I kiss my mother a lot, say hello.
00:45:04Okay, see you.
00:45:06See you.
00:45:09Of course.
00:45:10You broke the walnut, sister.
00:45:13But you didn't tell me.
00:45:17You'll see.
00:45:29Are you coming in?
00:45:30Yes, I'm going out now.
00:45:32I prepared breakfast, but I can't do it, there's no time left.
00:45:39Don't forget your stuff.
00:45:41I'm late for class now, would it be a problem if I pick them up in the evening?
00:45:45No, no, no problem.
00:46:01Isn't that my sister's bracelet?
00:46:07Weren't you late for class?
00:46:11That's right, see you.
00:46:20Asuman, I may not be at home when you come to pick up your stuff.
00:46:26You can come in and out.
00:46:30Okay, see you.
00:46:33And when you go, leave the keys inside.
00:46:36Open the door.
00:46:39Okay, enjoy your meal.
00:46:48He said it would be easy, so he left.
00:46:51I don't know, I think I exaggerated a little.
00:46:54Padish locked me up right now.
00:46:56What do you mean I exaggerated a little?
00:46:58I know, Nazlı, I went too far, but what can I do?
00:47:01Is it easy to get engaged, Nazlı?
00:47:03God, where was your mind when you put the ring on?
00:47:05Okay, it's over now.
00:47:07I came to my senses and tasted the ring.
00:47:09We thought of something like this as a way to get it off.
00:47:11We thought about it?
00:47:13Asuman gave the idea.
00:47:15Here, he's coming.
00:47:18Well done, you got it from Asuman, didn't you?
00:47:21Where have you been?
00:47:23The phones have been off since last night, you didn't even stay at Gamze's.
00:47:26I'm not staying at Gamze's, I'm not going to stay on the streets.
00:47:28Look, Ser.
00:47:30We don't know those guys at all.
00:47:32Tell us a little.
00:47:34Tell us, tell us a little.
00:47:36Are you the real liar when you're being honest with us?
00:47:40What are you talking about?
00:47:42I'm saying Ferit's marriage was fake.
00:47:46Be quiet, why are you yelling?
00:47:48Where did you learn that?
00:47:51Hello, Mr. Ferit.
00:47:53The plan is working.
00:47:55I blew up the tire.
00:47:57I took it to the car and left it to the repairman.
00:47:59Tahir and Hakan also said they'd be there today.
00:48:01Did you see anyone?
00:48:03No, I didn't see anyone, but I didn't look.
00:48:05So they don't get suspicious of me.
00:48:07What am I looking at?
00:48:09Well, the plan worked, but I was pretty naive.
00:48:11It means there's a little talent.
00:48:13They ate it, they swallowed it.
00:48:15Bravo, Tarik.
00:48:17Bravo, Tarik.
00:48:19You're really good at this.
00:48:21No, I didn't have a hard time.
00:48:23It's easy.
00:48:25I had a hard time blowing up the tire.
00:48:27I don't know, these new tires don't blow up, Mr. Ferit.
00:48:29Or did I not do it?
00:48:31I don't understand.
00:48:33Well, let's see.
00:48:47This is God's work.
00:48:49Ferit Aslan's car came down from the sky...
00:48:51...and fell on our lap.
00:48:57Now I say...
00:48:59...shouldn't we do something nice for our brother Ferit?
00:49:01What do you say, Mahit?
00:49:03Well, I'm thinking of nice things.
00:49:05I mean, there's no evil in me.
00:49:11Mr. Hakan, this is done.
00:49:13Is there anything else you want me to do to Ferit's car?
00:49:27Maybe, brother Tahir.
00:49:35You'll understand everything for Bulut.
00:49:37For Bulut not to live with the killers of his parents.
00:49:41And no one knows that.
00:49:43He doesn't know and he won't know, Asuman.
00:49:45Don't drive me crazy.
00:49:47If you open your mouth, I'll regret it, Asuman.
00:49:49It's even forbidden to think about it, talk about it, even pretend about it.
00:49:53We understand.
00:49:57I guess you're not aware of the seriousness of the situation.
00:49:59I'm telling you, you'll forget everything you know.
00:50:01Did you hear me?
00:50:03We understand.
00:50:05But there's something I don't understand.
00:50:11Now, won't you have any profit from this?
00:50:13What are you talking about?
00:50:15I mean, I'm saying...
00:50:17...everything in this life is mutual.
00:50:19Won't you have any profit in return for your sacrifice?
00:50:23Or will you tell me?
00:50:25Listen to me carefully, Asuman.
00:50:27I started this job to clear your name.
00:50:31Do you understand?
00:50:33The only benefit of this job...
00:50:35...is that my brother's collar is released...
00:50:37...and my conscience is relieved.
00:50:39Is that enough?
00:50:41Have I been able to behave properly enough?
00:50:43Because of you...
00:50:45...I put another lie in my life.
00:50:47And you shut your mouth.
00:50:55It's been about 15 minutes, Mr. Ferit.
00:50:57The car will be here soon.
00:50:59Okay, Tahir.
00:51:01As soon as the car arrives, ask our mechanics.
00:51:03Let's see if they've just played with the tire...
00:51:05...or they've put it somewhere else.
00:51:07Of course.
00:51:09Didn't Tahir call you?
00:51:11No, he can't call when he's there.
00:51:13He's shy.
00:51:21I'm so proud of you.
00:51:23I'm meeting you at the door.
00:51:25I'll tell you something, guys.
00:51:27The car is on fire.
00:51:31As soon as you pull the handbrake...
00:51:33...the water starts to splash.
00:51:35Engin, you have to step on it.
00:51:37You step on it, it works.
00:51:39You step on it, it closes.
00:51:41I liked it a lot.
00:51:43There was a problem with the car.
00:51:45You took me to the service.
00:51:47I was there.
00:51:49The guys asked me if I could take them.
00:51:51I said yes.
00:51:53I'll tell you this much.
00:51:55You did a great job.
00:51:57It's a great place.
00:51:59I'm taking the cars to the service.
00:52:01The guys are very reliable.
00:52:03They did a great job with the tire.
00:52:05There won't be any problems from now on.
00:52:07We have to be careful.
00:52:09We're doing great things.
00:52:11We have rivals.
00:52:13We have enemies.
00:52:15They can change the car.
00:52:19We have to be careful.
00:52:21Anyway, excuse me.
00:52:25Good luck.
00:52:29He knows we're doing a show.
00:52:31Tarik, I don't think they did anything.
00:52:33But you have to check.
00:52:35I'll go to the restaurant.
00:52:37See you.
00:52:39Sir, we'll check.
00:52:45They did fake marriage.
00:52:47And she hides you from her brother.
00:52:51How nice!
00:52:53They made me look stupid.
00:52:55And they made me look like an idiot.
00:52:59But she has the right to learn it.
00:53:01I'll tell everything.
00:53:03Look at the child.
00:53:15I don't know, Rufy.
00:53:33I don't want to have a rich but unhappy life.
00:53:37I don't want to be poor but unhappy either.
00:53:44I think I want to be happy.
00:53:47And I don't think I'm the right person for it.
00:54:04Hi, Fatoş.
00:54:06Hi, welcome.
00:54:07Thank you. Can we talk?
00:54:10Of course. Come in.
00:54:21Tea, coffee? What would you like to drink?
00:54:23Thank you.
00:54:40You've lost a lot of weight.
00:55:03Why aren't you upstairs?
00:55:07Bulut loves this sauce. He wanted it and I couldn't say no.
00:55:17Are you a little bored?
00:55:19No. Why?
00:55:22Nothing. I know you. I mean, I feel you.
00:55:26Asuman, the same old stuff. Never mind.
00:55:30So there's nothing going on between you and Ferit?
00:55:33No. Why would there be?
00:55:35I don't know.
00:55:37I mean, it all seemed so random to me.
00:55:43Deniz, we've talked about this many times.
00:55:46What's going to happen has already happened thanks to Bulut. That's it.
00:55:55I'm going to ask you something.
00:55:57What if you weren't in love with him?
00:56:09Would you have done a fake marriage to get Bulut?
00:56:15Deniz, why do you think I was so devastated when I found out about Ferit's truth?
00:56:23Or why was I afraid to tell Ferit?
00:56:26Because I was afraid of what Ferit would do?
00:56:30You're shy. Because you're clean.
00:56:33You're naive.
00:56:35You're honest.
00:56:38You're different.
00:56:40Deniz, I love Ferit.
00:56:46Yes, I'm shy. That's true.
00:56:49But I'm shy because I did something I've never done to anyone in my life to the man I love.
00:56:58Because I knew he would be devastated when he found out the truth that he loved me and trusted me.
00:57:09Deniz, I'm shy because I did something I've never done to the man I love.
00:57:21Let's not keep Bulut waiting. Happy Bulut.
00:57:42Yes, our sauce is ready. Come on.
00:57:48You're going to eat the sauce, too.
00:57:53They're here.
00:57:55Where are you guys?
00:57:57We're here, Bulut.
00:58:01We were talking about something, but we got lost.
00:58:09How are the meatballs?
00:58:11They're delicious.
00:58:15Actually, it's hard to say.
00:58:20I thought a lot.
00:58:23I made a difficult decision.
00:58:26But I think this is the right thing to do.
00:58:29What happened, Engin?
00:58:34I want to break up.
00:58:48You're upset, too, aren't you?
00:58:51It's obvious, isn't it?
00:58:54I understand.
00:58:56It's been a few days.
00:58:58Is it possible not to understand?
00:59:00I made stupid moves because I couldn't say anything.
00:59:04I'm sorry.
00:59:05There's nothing to apologize for.
00:59:08If there's anyone who needs to apologize, it's me.
00:59:14I was a little hasty about this marriage.
00:59:16Yes, it happened.
00:59:18But I couldn't accept it.
00:59:20I said yes to Ohan's magic.
00:59:26Let's just say it's over.
00:59:29It's over.
00:59:38I'll get up now.
00:59:48We're friends, aren't we?
00:59:49Of course.
00:59:50We're friends.
01:00:08Can you imagine?
01:00:09The teacher did this to me in front of the whole class.
01:00:12I'm looking at the teacher like this.
01:00:13He doesn't say anything.
01:00:18Come on, Bulut.
01:00:19It's time to go.
01:00:20You've started to open your eyes.
01:00:21You're sleepy.
01:00:22Uncle, I'll stay a little longer.
01:00:24But it's late, uncle.
01:00:26Let's go home.
01:00:27Let's take a shower.
01:00:28Then go to bed right away.
01:00:29How can I get rid of the shampoo that makes a mess?
01:00:32Of course you can.
01:00:34Long live!
01:00:38It smells so good.
01:00:39Is that shampoo necessary?
01:00:42Yes, it smells great.
01:00:47Okay, then I'll go home.
01:01:03I have some things to do.
01:01:06See you.
01:01:07See you.
01:01:08See you, uncle.
01:01:09See you.
01:01:11See you.
01:01:12See you.
01:01:13I have an escape in there.
01:01:15I'll take care of them.
01:01:18I'm going to wash the whole room.
01:01:31What are you doing, brother, what kind of engine is this?
01:02:00Where is he?
01:02:14Where is this boy?
01:02:17No, I mean, I can't call him. If I don't call him, I'll explode.
01:02:21I mean, come on, let's talk.
01:02:31I think this is Deniz's motorcycle.
01:02:55Why does it stop?
01:03:00I don't know.
01:03:08What is he doing?
01:03:20He's really going now.
01:03:23I swear, this boy is crazy.
01:03:26He's really gone after my sister.
01:03:31Bulut, do you know?
01:03:33When my mother was your age, she put me to bed when the clock opened its arms.
01:03:37What does that mean? I don't know, of course.
01:03:40It's a shame. When the clock opens its arms.
01:03:43In the afternoons it's three quarters, in the evenings it's nine quarters.
01:03:46That's funny, sister.
01:03:48Then I'll always sleep when the clock opens its arms.
01:03:51Very logical. Then close your eyes right away.
01:03:54Because you have to be asleep when the clock opens its arms.
01:03:56Very, very, very, very.
01:03:59Oh, four fingers on top.
01:04:02Good night kiss.
01:04:04Good night.
01:04:06Good night.
01:04:07Good night, uncle.
01:04:16Good night to you too, my dear wife.
01:04:18I guess you're still sleeping when the clock opens its arms.
01:04:21And where? As long as Bulut stays here, we have to stay in the same room.
01:04:24Oh, you know Bulut, he won't wake up until the clock opens its arms.
01:04:28But is that clear to Bulut?
01:04:30She gets scared and wakes up, tries to drink water and wakes up, or just wakes up.
01:04:33I mean, if she sees us in separate rooms, she'll start asking questions.
01:04:36After these conspiracy theories, it's impossible for me to say no to you.
01:04:39Please, Mr. Tenkin.
01:04:50Come here, come here, come here.
01:04:53What are we going to do with your Bohemian brother there?
01:04:56Wait a minute, wait a minute.
01:04:58You can't say he's your brother.
01:05:00Because my father entrusted both of us with this carotid artery.
01:05:03You're right, unfortunately.
01:05:06Nazlı, I'm Deniz.
01:05:09Let's get back to work.
01:05:11Come on, Fatoş.
01:05:23I'm just trying to be someone who touches their lives.
01:05:54Nazlı, you can sleep downstairs if you want.
01:05:57Because you've already gone to the top three spots you can go to in bed.
01:06:00There's nowhere left.
01:06:02Nazlı, don't be uncomfortable.
01:06:04I'll sleep on the floor.
01:06:06Why would I sleep on the floor when I'm in this state because of the situations you caused?
01:06:10As if I didn't cause anything.
01:06:12For the sake of Bulut's happiness.
01:06:14I'm doing everything I can.
01:06:16I'm doing everything I can.
01:06:18I'm doing everything I can.
01:06:20I'm doing everything I can.
01:06:21For the sake of Bulut's happiness.
01:06:23I'd like to remind you that I'm doing everything I can.
01:06:27Come on, Nazlı, sleep.
01:06:29Look, the clock has already closed its arms.
01:06:31The fish are waiting for you.
01:06:35Aren't you going to tell me what happened in the morning?
01:06:37What was that story?
01:06:39Fish, fish, fish.
01:06:41I'm fine, save the fish.
01:06:51You're different.
01:06:53You're so natural.
01:06:55You're becoming a child, you're growing up.
01:06:57You're coming to the forest with me.
01:07:00There's no one like you.
01:07:03You're the last example of your kind.
01:07:22Fish, fish, fish.
01:07:30So I've subconsciously done a lot of things.
01:07:33When they found the opportunity, they came out as fish.
01:07:38What can I say?
01:07:40I was very curious.
01:07:45I was afraid, I was angry.
01:07:47But it's over.
01:07:49It's over.
01:07:51I'm with you as much as you want.
01:08:13You're honest.
01:08:16You're different, Nazlı.
01:08:18Deniz, I love Ferit.
01:08:21I love you.
01:08:41Come on, close your eyes.
01:08:51I love you.
01:09:05Can I sleep with you?
01:09:07I had a very bad dream.
01:09:09Come, honey, come.
01:09:11I'm sorry.
01:09:14Come on, lion cub.
01:09:18Let's cover you up.
01:09:21Come on.
01:09:52Thank you.
01:09:57Brother, brother.
01:10:18There was an accident in Riva.
01:10:20The engine hit my truck.
01:10:22I was driving the truck.
01:10:24I need an ambulance urgently.
01:10:26Yes, yes, yes.
01:10:28Did you call the ambulance?
01:10:30I'm calling it right now.
01:10:32Are you okay?
01:10:34I'm fine.
01:10:36Calm down, brother.
01:10:38The ambulance is coming.
01:10:40Calm down.
01:10:42When did the accident happen?
01:10:44The engine hit me just now.
01:10:46Did you call the ambulance?
01:10:47I'm calling it right now.
01:10:49I called it right now, it's coming.
01:10:51How many hours has it been?
01:10:53Where is this boy?
01:10:56No, I can't stand it.
01:10:58I'll call again.
01:11:09Who are you?
01:11:10What are you doing on Deniz's phone?
01:11:12Ma'am, calm down.
01:11:14Mr. Deniz had an accident, but he's fine.
01:11:15We're in the ambulance right now.
01:11:16We're taking care of him.
01:11:20What kind of accident is this?
01:11:21Which hospital are you going to?
01:11:33Excuse me, Deniz.
01:11:34Deniz had a motorcycle accident.
01:11:35Where is his room?
01:11:37Room 100, floor 158.
01:11:49Are you okay?
01:11:50I'm fine.
01:11:51I had a little drink.
01:11:53What do you mean a little drink?
01:11:55Look at the state of your head.
01:11:56Are you really okay?
01:11:58I'm fine.
01:12:00My arm is just injured.
01:12:02That's all.
01:12:03How did you know?
01:12:05I called you, then someone else answered the phone.
01:12:07He said he was here.
01:12:09I came here.
01:12:11Look, I'm asking you for the last time.
01:12:12Tell me the truth.
01:12:13Are you really okay?
01:12:14I'm really fine.
01:12:15I was going to go out tonight anyway.
01:12:16But they're holding a night for control.
01:12:20You didn't tell anyone, did you?
01:12:22No, I didn't.
01:12:25Don't tell anyone anything.
01:12:28There's no need to spoil people's fun.
01:12:47Mom, I missed you so much.
01:12:49Don't go.
01:12:57It's over, Cloud.
01:12:58It's over.
01:13:15I'm going to miss you so much.
01:13:31Is this streaming?
01:13:33It's like something happened to it.
01:13:35It's like it stopped.
01:13:38Okay, Asuman.
01:13:39I can't leave you here alone like this.
01:13:44I'm fine. There's really nothing to worry about.
01:13:47Deniz, you took me to your house at the most difficult time.
01:13:51Now I'm not going to leave you in the hospital and go anywhere.
01:13:55Okay, you may be physically fine, but are you mentally well?
01:14:04How did this accident happen?
01:14:09It was an accident. I mean, I lost my balance and fell.
01:14:16Of course, you were upset.
01:14:19What do you mean?
01:14:20I'm talking about your love for my sister.
01:14:23Maybe you were obsessed with her, so you made this accident.
01:14:28Asuman, let's not talk about this.
01:14:31I don't want to talk about it now.
01:14:34There's a lot you don't know.
01:14:36There's a lot you don't know, Deniz.
01:14:39Like what?
01:14:44Things about my sister.
01:14:46For example, she's crazy.
01:14:48It's not clear whether she's right or wrong.
01:14:50And then, she's very annoying.
01:14:52She comes to your head and makes noises.
01:14:55Asuman, why did you call me tonight?
01:15:00I was curious.
01:15:02You came to the front of the house.
01:15:03Then you jumped on that motorcycle and left again.
01:15:05Naturally, I was curious, too.
01:15:09Is that all?
01:15:10That's all.
01:15:15That's all?
01:15:17That's all.
01:15:27You couldn't sleep, could you?
01:15:29It's so small, Ferit.
01:15:31It's so painful.
01:15:32It's not a good night.
01:15:34He must be having a nightmare in the nights he isn't here.
01:15:37Is there someone with him?
01:15:40Soon, he will be able to judge everything.
01:15:43We'll take him from behind.
01:15:48Are you sure?
01:15:49Do you think we can do it?
01:15:51I can't say anything for sure, but our family is very strong.
01:15:54So many games.
01:15:56This fake marriage.
01:15:58To take everything in its place.
01:16:00If we can't take it...
01:16:01Don't worry about Ogün.
01:16:04The only thing we have to do is to convince everyone.
01:16:14Go before the light goes out.
01:16:315 minutes later
01:16:57You're awake.
01:16:59Do you feel any pain?
01:17:00No, I'm fine.
01:17:03Are you really going to stay here until morning?
01:17:06Yes, honey. What happened? Didn't you like it?
01:17:10You're surprising me.
01:17:12You're right to be surprised. I'm surprised, too.
01:17:15I mean, I've never been to the hospital for anyone before.
01:17:20But it was the first time for me.
01:17:22Because usually in our family, that's what you do.
01:17:25Because she's a lady-sacrifice.
01:17:28A lady who runs everything. A lady who helps. A lady with a good heart.
01:17:33We're pretty full against our sister.
01:17:36I mean, that's how we are.
01:17:38We're good, we're bad, we're at peace, we're at war.
01:17:41But we can't get rid of each other.
01:17:45Just like your relationship with your sister.
01:17:47Like a relationship.
01:17:50You know, you love her and you're mad at her.
01:17:59Then let's not talk about this anymore.
01:18:03They got married.
01:18:05There's no point in talking about this anymore.
01:18:11You said you were suspicious of something.
01:18:16What happened?
01:18:20I thought Ferit and Nazlı's marriage was fake.
01:18:30But I was wrong.
01:18:32You thought it was fake.
01:18:35So then what happened? Did you believe it was real?
01:18:38Forget it. Let's not talk about this anymore.
01:18:45Which songs do you have on your phone?
01:18:48I have all the songs.
01:18:50I have all the suitable songs.
01:18:52There's a bittersweet one, a bittersweet one.
01:18:54There's a bittersweet one, a bittersweet one, a bittersweet one, a bittersweet one.
01:18:56I have them all.
01:18:59Wait a minute.
01:19:03It's beautiful.
01:19:09How are you going to wear this?
01:19:12I'm smart.
01:19:15Okay, I'm opening it.
01:19:19I'm going to like it.
01:19:32Should we look at other songs?
01:19:37Sure, let's look at other songs.
01:19:39Look, this is a new band.
01:19:41I'm sure you'll like this one.
01:19:43Here, open it.
01:19:48Open it.
01:19:58Catch it, catch it, catch it.
01:20:00Well done.
01:20:02Come on, you're going to be late for school.
01:20:05I want to stay here, I don't want to go anywhere.
01:20:11You're almost there.
01:20:13Uncle, my teeth are falling out, I can't do it.
01:20:20Uncle, when will my teeth come out?
01:20:23When you grow up.
01:20:25But first, milk. Catch it.
01:20:27One step, milk.
01:20:28Oh, they've already started going out.
01:20:31Come on, champion.
01:20:33We'll do it again on the way.
01:20:35What again?
01:20:37Mathematics, so 6 times 8, 9 times 5, things like that.
01:20:40For example, the cloud, 6 times 3, 18.
01:20:43I'm impressed.
01:20:45Let's go.
01:20:49I'm going out, I'll drop you off at the restaurant.
01:20:52No, it's early for me.
01:20:54And I have to reach Asuman.
01:20:56He didn't go home again last night.
01:20:58He has a friend, he must have stayed with him.
01:21:01He's punishing me.
01:21:03What happened between you two?
01:21:05It's nothing new.
01:21:07It's Asuman you know, forget it.
01:21:09Okay, see you.
01:21:11See you.
01:21:15Now, lawyer, this Ferit Aslan,
01:21:17with the court he opened for us to get the will of the cloud,
01:21:20we got into trouble.
01:21:22And the court was two days later.
01:21:24What do we have in our hands? Tell me.
01:21:25Ferit and Nazmi Aslan,
01:21:27they think they are equal to you.
01:21:29Now that they are married,
01:21:31they will assume that the cloud will live in a good family environment.
01:21:34Well, if it's up to me, they won't be considered wrong.
01:21:36As a result, Ferit Aslan has a good house.
01:21:38I mean, it's huge for a child, big, spacious, fun, plays there.
01:21:41Plus, Nazlı is now one of the family.
01:21:44There is no water leaking between them, they are always together.
01:21:47In terms of family environment,
01:21:49we can say that there is equality in the court.
01:21:52Yes, it is.
01:21:55But, because of the drug operation,
01:21:58Ferit's investigation is still on the agenda.
01:22:01Doesn't this situation give him a negative score?
01:22:04Yes, but it seems that Mr. Ferit is clearing himself on that issue.
01:22:07Also, without examining the books of your company,
01:22:11he stopped the municipality's work in your two projects.
01:22:15It is obvious that they will bring them to court.
01:22:19We are taking care of them.
01:22:21In fact, we are trying to open the projects before the court.
01:22:25Do you have any other suggestions?
01:22:27Well, I don't know about the lawyer, but I have a suggestion.
01:22:30Now, there is the drug issue of Ferit Aslan.
01:22:33I say that we should find a new evidence, a new witness for that case.
01:22:38Either a lie or the truth.
01:22:40What do you say?
01:22:42At the moment, the situation seems to be equal.
01:22:44But, if we can find such a witness,
01:22:46the situation may return to normal.
01:22:48But, if we can't,
01:22:50the result of the court will remain in the clouds.
01:22:52If such a thing happens,
01:22:54then we may lose the cloud.
01:22:57We may lose the cloud.
01:22:59We may lose our place in the compass.
01:23:01Then, I may lose myself.
01:23:10Hello, Mr. Zeki.
01:23:12Hello, Mr. Ferit.
01:23:14Let's go to the room.
01:23:23Would you like something to drink?
01:23:25Thank you, Ayse. You may leave.
01:23:28Mr. Zeki,
01:23:30we must get the cloud's will in this court.
01:23:33The reason of the drug slander is obvious.
01:23:35They threw the mud, they will carry it to the court.
01:23:37We carry their corruption to the court, don't we?
01:23:39Of course.
01:23:41I mean, in the eyes of the judge,
01:23:43even if these things are accepted,
01:23:45there is a guarantee that the cloud's statement will be with us.
01:23:47Also, your marriage
01:23:49and the special relationship that the cloud has with Mrs. Nazlı
01:23:52will be with us.
01:23:54I wish we had a proof
01:23:56that Demet and Hakan are not a good couple.
01:23:59I'm sure they are not suitable.
01:24:01Okay, they don't beat the child.
01:24:04But they live in a house
01:24:06with rich facilities.
01:24:08I don't know.
01:24:11We will find something.
01:24:13We must find it.
01:24:23I'm going upstairs now,
01:24:25but if you call me, I'll come right away.
01:24:27Come here.
01:24:29Be careful with your arm.
01:24:31Lean back.
01:24:33I mean, you can call me
01:24:35for tea, coffee,
01:24:37whatever you want.
01:24:39Are you comfortable?
01:24:41Yes, I'm comfortable.
01:24:43No, I won't stay too long.
01:24:45I'll rest a little and go out.
01:24:47If you want, I can call you from upstairs.
01:24:49I can play my songs.
01:24:50It will be fun.
01:24:52No, I have my own songs.
01:24:54I listen to them.
01:24:56I miss them a little.
01:25:00I'll make you breakfast.
01:25:02I'll make you a great breakfast.
01:25:04I'll make you such a breakfast
01:25:06that you'll love it.
01:25:08My friends always love it.
01:25:16I have to clean up here.
01:25:21What's going on?
01:25:23You haven't called me since morning.
01:25:25Yes, sister.
01:25:27Asuman, where are you?
01:25:29I called you 50 times.
01:25:31I was busy.
01:25:33Asuman, you didn't go home last night.
01:25:35Who did you stay with?
01:25:37Come to the restaurant, let's talk.
01:25:39I can't come.
01:25:41Asuman, what do you mean you can't come?
01:25:43I'm serious, I'll call my father.
01:25:45Where are you?
01:25:47I'm at Deniz's house.
01:25:48Asuman, what are you doing there?
01:25:50Did you stay there?
01:25:52No, I didn't stay here.
01:25:54I stayed at the hospital last night.
01:25:56I came here in the morning.
01:25:58What hospital? What's going on?
01:26:00Are you okay?
01:26:02I'm fine.
01:26:04Deniz had a motorcycle accident.
01:26:06I'm taking care of her,
01:26:08so I can't go anywhere.
01:26:10Did Deniz have an accident?
01:26:12Is Deniz okay?
01:26:14Enjoy your meal.
01:26:20Tarik, one more tea.
01:26:22Don't bother.
01:26:24Don't tire yourself for me.
01:26:26I'm working here as a waitress.
01:26:28Okay, I know.
01:26:30But don't tire yourself for me.
01:26:32You can be a waitress,
01:26:34but I'm not a customer.
01:26:36Why should we have a waitress-customer relationship?
01:26:39Of course, we're friends after all.
01:26:41I'll have tea with you.
01:26:43Hasan, give us two cups of tea.
01:26:47We're friends.
01:26:49We're even buddies.
01:26:51Oh, I forgot that you have a heavy hand, Fatoş.
01:26:53Oh, sorry.
01:26:55I'll tell you something.
01:26:57Why don't we...
01:26:59Why don't we be like buddies?
01:27:01Are you saying we shouldn't be so sincere?
01:27:03No, no.
01:27:05I mean, let's be sincere.
01:27:07Let's be sincere, of course,
01:27:09but why don't we be like buddies?
01:27:11So you're saying it's enough if we're good friends.
01:27:13That's what I'm saying.
01:27:15I'm saying there's no need for such classifications.
01:27:17I think we should just leave it.
01:27:19I mean, whatever life offers us,
01:27:21let's live in the moment.
01:27:23Let's see what happens.
01:27:26You're right.
01:27:29Whatever we do, it's useless.
01:27:36Look, until yesterday,
01:27:38we were engaged to Engin.
01:27:40We were going to get married.
01:27:41We became friends.
01:27:43Yes, yes, I heard something like that.
01:27:45I think Mr. Engin said it.
01:27:47But it's not something to force, Fatoş.
01:27:49After all, it's a matter of the heart, right?
01:27:51If it happens, it happens.
01:27:53If it doesn't, it doesn't.
01:27:55That's right.
01:27:58So, Tarık?
01:28:00You're not telling me anything.
01:28:02Don't you have anything?
01:28:10It's just...
01:28:12Tarık, welcome.
01:28:14Thank you.
01:28:17The flower you gave me at your wedding,
01:28:19I'm keeping it safe, you know?
01:28:21It looks great on my house.
01:28:26At the wedding in Akdeniz.
01:28:28I'm giving it to him.
01:28:30Thank you. Goodbye.
01:28:32Thank you so much.
01:28:36Manami, come and sit.
01:28:38Have some tea with us.
01:28:40Come, come.
01:28:42Manami, sit like this.
01:28:44I'm getting up because I'm going to work.
01:28:46Why don't you stay a little longer, Tarık?
01:28:48No, no.
01:28:50They're waiting for me at the company.
01:28:52I'll go to work when it's late.
01:28:54Then we'll have tea.
01:28:56I'm off. See you.
01:28:58See you.
01:29:06How can you not tell anyone about this?
01:29:08Deniz didn't want to.
01:29:10She told me not to tell anyone.
01:29:12Where is he?
01:29:14He's in the bedroom upstairs, resting.
01:29:18Look, Deniz needs to understand a little more, okay?
01:29:20She's very sad right now.
01:29:22What are you talking about, Asuman?
01:29:24I'm trying to tell you this.
01:29:26This is not a lie.
01:29:28You've messed up his head.
01:29:30He was dying because of you.
01:29:32Don't you dare open your mouth about this, Asuman.
01:29:34Asuman, is someone here?
01:29:38We need to talk.
01:29:53This is Nazlı.
01:29:55Are you okay?
01:29:58I'm fine.
01:30:00Thank you.
01:30:02I'm getting better, slowly.
01:30:04Can I ask why you didn't tell us?
01:30:09I didn't want to bother you.
01:30:12And it was late.
01:30:14It's nothing serious anyway.
01:30:18Is this because of me, Deniz?
01:30:29Don't think about it.
01:30:31It's all because of me.
01:30:33I didn't want to break you at the restaurant yesterday.
01:30:38I wanted to hurt you.
01:30:41And it hurt.
01:30:43But I understand.
01:30:46I mean...
01:30:48You did what I did to Ali.
01:30:52So that I would give up.
01:30:54So that I wouldn't hurt myself anymore.
01:30:58Actually, I had my doubts.
01:31:02But then I realized that...
01:31:04They were just...
01:31:06A broken hope.
01:31:10Fortunately, I understood.
01:31:12I mean, it hurt a lot.
01:31:14But I understood.
01:31:19I have no doubts.
01:31:21Nor hope.
01:31:31But the doctor said you'd get better soon.
01:31:35And there's something I like to say.
01:31:38Simple but...
01:31:51It's beautiful.
01:31:53After the accident...
01:31:55I realized...
01:31:57Life is really beautiful.
01:32:01But I don't want to suffer anymore.
01:32:16Here's your coffee.
01:32:18Thank you.
01:32:24When are you going to tell me?
01:32:26Tell you what?
01:32:28That you like Tarik.
01:32:29Did I make it too obvious?
01:32:31I mean...
01:32:33I can tell from your look, your smile, your smile.
01:32:36You can't hide it from me.
01:32:38You're right.
01:32:40I think I like him.
01:32:42But I can't be sure.
01:32:44I don't know. Maybe he has a girlfriend.
01:32:46Or someone he likes.
01:32:50He doesn't like anyone.
01:32:52If he did, I'd know.
01:32:54We're very close to him.
01:32:56I know everything about him.
01:32:57You're a good person.
01:32:59What kind of a person is Tarik?
01:33:01Do you know what kind of a person Tarik is?
01:33:03He's a shining star.
01:33:05There's nothing bad about him.
01:33:07He's hard-working, honest, funny.
01:33:09He likes to eat, drink, hang out.
01:33:11He's a great friend of ours.
01:33:14He's a little shy.
01:33:16Sometimes he goes and comes back.
01:33:18He has a different personality.
01:33:20So you're a little fake.
01:33:24Then Fatoş...
01:33:25...kisses his hands.
01:33:27I mean...
01:33:29...you say Tarik is a shy person.
01:33:31I can't run after him.
01:33:33Do you know what I do?
01:33:35It's like a coincidence.
01:33:37We bump into each other.
01:33:39I say, don't be so shy.
01:33:41Do you understand?
01:33:45My daughter Manuel would be scared of you.
01:33:47She knows a lot.
01:33:49They kiss their hands.
01:33:51Don't be shy.
01:33:57I'm in shock.
01:34:03Ferit Bey?
01:34:10Is Deniz upstairs?
01:34:12She's upstairs. My sister is with her.
01:34:14Who told you?
01:34:16Nazlı told me.
01:34:18What are you doing here?
01:34:20I'm helping Deniz.
01:34:22So, they're going to take Askin out.
01:34:26...for a couple of days.
01:34:28It's not a big deal.
01:34:30It's just a precaution.
01:34:35Get well soon.
01:34:37Thank you.
01:34:41Thank you.
01:34:43Let me tell you before you ask.
01:34:45I'm very well.
01:34:47I'm recovering fast.
01:34:49In fact, they called from Switzerland yesterday.
01:34:50They said they didn't see Askin.
01:34:53I asked them why they didn't call us.
01:34:55They said they didn't want to bother us.
01:34:57It's really a very strange case.
01:34:59But we shouldn't forget about Osman.
01:35:01He was very supportive.
01:35:03Should I take you to Switzerland?
01:35:05So, they can examine us together.
01:35:07Sure, sure.
01:35:09And we can take a break from time to time.
01:35:11Give me a couple of hours.
01:35:13I'll get my suitcase ready.
01:35:15Before Osman runs away with his suitcase...
01:35:17...let's have some tea.
01:35:21Are you in pain?
01:35:23A little.
01:35:31You scared me.
01:35:33I was so worried when I heard it.
01:35:36I'm fine, brother.
01:35:38Don't worry.
01:35:41How did this accident happen?
01:35:42How did this accident happen?
01:35:50I was in a hurry.
01:35:54I did the things I shouldn't have done.
01:35:56I entered the streets I shouldn't have entered.
01:35:58And then...
01:36:06I always warned you.
01:36:09I always told you to be careful.
01:36:12You're right.
01:36:14But I didn't listen to you.
01:36:17I don't listen to anyone.
01:36:19You know that.
01:36:21And I'm like that, brother.
01:36:24Actually, we look like Osman in this regard.
01:36:27We're both naughty kids who don't listen to anyone.
01:36:32You're not a kid.
01:36:34You just don't want to grow up.
01:36:37The thing that makes a person grow up...
01:36:39...is the pain it causes.
01:36:41That's why I'm growing up now.
01:36:45Get up.
01:36:47I'm learning slowly, but...
01:36:49...I'm learning solidly.
01:36:54You've overcome the tip.
01:36:58Please be more careful from now on, Deniz.
01:37:03What do you mean I'm not going back home?
01:37:05What are you doing here?
01:37:07Deniz needs me, okay?
01:37:08I'm helping her.
01:37:10Don't make excuses for yourself, Asuman.
01:37:12Deniz is in a very good condition.
01:37:14Besides, is it up to you to take care of Deniz?
01:37:16What do you have to do with Deniz?
01:37:18What's it to you?
01:37:20You can't interfere with me anymore.
01:37:22I'll do whatever you want.
01:37:24You can't, dear. It's too late.
01:37:26But you're doing whatever you want.
01:37:28Everything is free for you.
01:37:30Negotiations, marriages, etc.
01:37:32Don't talk to me, Asuman. Shut your mouth.
01:37:35Neither Deniz nor anyone else will learn this.
01:37:36Do you hear me?
01:37:40Actually, I was going to tell Deniz, you know?
01:37:43But then I gave up.
01:37:45What are you talking about?
01:37:47I was going to tell Deniz, but then I gave up.
01:37:49I mean, she's not ready for such a shock right now.
01:37:51She can't handle it.
01:37:53She's already in a mess.
01:37:57I'm warning you.
01:37:59Listen to me carefully.
01:38:01Deniz will never know the truth.
01:38:03Do you understand?
01:38:04That's your only concern, isn't it?
01:38:06That's why you don't want me to stay here.
01:38:09Yes, my only concern is Bulut's future.
01:38:12His well-being.
01:38:14I don't trust you at all about this.
01:38:16As you wish. It's your choice.
01:38:18I'm having a lot of fun here.
01:38:20I have no intention of going home.
01:38:22Potosun is not with you anyway.
01:38:24Don't go there and annoy me.
01:38:28If you think I'll let you stay here, you're wrong.
01:38:32You're up.
01:38:36Sit down. I'm bored.
01:38:39Let's leave the tea for another time.
01:38:41I don't have much time.
01:38:43I'll drop you off at the restaurant on the way.
01:38:45Okay, let's go.
01:38:47Okay, I'll bring the car.
01:38:49See you.
01:38:51See you.
01:38:56Deniz, aren't you going to tell Asuman anything?
01:38:58She doesn't want to come home.
01:39:00She says she'll stay here.
01:39:02What should I tell her?
01:39:05She's staying here because she's mad at me.
01:39:07And this issue has gone too far.
01:39:09Besides, she looks very strange from the outside.
01:39:15I think she should do whatever she wants.
01:39:18I don't understand.
01:39:20It may be better for you two to stay apart.
01:39:22You know where she is. You know she's safe.
01:39:24Okay, so be it.
01:39:28As we agreed, Asuman.
01:39:30Don't make me regret it.
01:39:36See you.
01:39:38See you, sister.
01:39:40See you.
01:39:46Thank you.
01:39:47Thank you.
01:40:01Now, Tahir.
01:40:03You were telling me that you were tired of repairing this car...
01:40:06...and that you wanted to do more complicated things.
01:40:08Yes, Mr. Hakan. If you think it's appropriate...
01:40:10I see. I see.
01:40:12Here's an opportunity for you. Are you ready?
01:40:14Of course I'm ready, Mr. Hakan. As long as you order.
01:40:17I want you to take this bag to an address.
01:40:20So you're going to make a delivery.
01:40:22What's in the bag?
01:40:28Brother Tahir.
01:40:30There are very important things in this bag for me.
01:40:33The documents of the deliveries I made.
01:40:36A lot of money.
01:40:38Things that the police shouldn't have.
01:40:40Very important things.
01:40:42So why are you sending me such a bag, Mr. Hakan?
01:40:45Good question.
01:40:47But as I just said, the reason I'm sending you such a bag...
01:40:50...is that I'm tired of your car repair.
01:40:53Secondly, we think that I, Bekir, and the people around us...
01:40:57...are being watched, listened to, and followed by the police.
01:41:00But no one suspects my cars...
01:41:02...in front of a mechanic who has just started his new job...
01:41:05...in a car repair shop that I brought to repair.
01:41:08Isn't that right? That's why.
01:41:10I understand, Mr. Hakan.
01:41:13Here you go.
01:41:15Now, Bekir will give you an address.
01:41:18Give it to me, Bekir.
01:41:23You're going to this address.
01:41:25A man's name is written on the address paper.
01:41:27You're giving the bag to that man.
01:41:29Yes, Mr. Hakan.
01:41:31Then I'll call you.
01:41:33Okay, Mr. Hakan. Let's go.
01:41:35Good luck.
01:41:37Thank you, Mr. Hakan.
01:41:40Mustafa, good luck.
01:41:43Thank you.
01:41:53I need to tell you something.
01:41:56Tell me.
01:42:01I don't want to hide anything from you anymore.
01:42:04We opened a new page.
01:42:06I want to be honest with you.
01:42:11What happened, Nazlı?
01:42:14Mr. Asuman.
01:42:18He found out that we're having a fake marriage.
01:42:32How did he find out?
01:42:34My father told him.
01:42:36Didn't you warn your father about this, Nazlı?
01:42:38I thought I did.
01:42:40What do you mean?
01:42:41I told my father not to tell anyone.
01:42:43But I especially didn't tell Asuman.
01:42:45Because he was going to ask me why I didn't tell his brother.
01:42:48What explanation was I going to make?
01:42:54Look, there's really nothing to worry about.
01:42:56It's not going to be as bad as we think.
01:42:58Go to court in two days, Nazlı.
01:43:00If this secret comes out, everything will be ruined.
01:43:02We'll lose the court, we'll lose Bluto.
01:43:04Do you know what that means?
01:43:06Of course I know.
01:43:08But what's done is done.
01:43:12Don't worry, please.
01:43:14I talked to him, he promised.
01:43:16He won't tell anyone anything.
01:43:18Come on, do you still trust Asuman?
01:43:20What can I do?
01:43:22Sometimes you have to trust.
01:43:24Do you think I don't know?
01:43:26He ruined everything.
01:43:28He caused us a lot of trouble.
01:43:30But he deserves one last chance.
01:43:32I believe he's taking lessons.
01:43:34Will Asuman stay with Deniz?
01:43:36For a while.
01:43:38Very good.
01:43:40Fire and gunpowder are in the same house.
01:43:42Very good.
01:43:44What if he says something?
01:43:46Ferit, I'm telling you again.
01:43:48We have to trust Asuman.
01:43:50I want to trust Asuman.
01:43:52Nazlı, you have to find a way to get Asuman away from Deniz.
01:43:55This is very dangerous.
01:43:57This is not possible.
01:43:59I can't.
01:44:01If I do something like this, he'll get angry.
01:44:03Nazlı, if this comes out, if my brother says something...
01:44:15I don't want to experience the same thing again.
01:44:33So my little brother made an accident...
01:44:36...and if I don't call and ask, you won't even know, right?
01:44:39Sister, okay, there's nothing to worry about.
01:44:41I mean, I'm going to be on fire.
01:44:44What do you mean there's nothing to worry about, Deniz?
01:44:46Besides, I think you should stay with us for a few days.
01:44:49Besides, you know, we have a lot of employees at home.
01:44:51You can rest comfortably.
01:44:53I don't want you to be alone here like this.
01:44:55I'm not alone.
01:44:57I have Asuman.
01:45:01Is he staying here?
01:45:03He went to the market. He'll be back soon.
01:45:09Is this a joke, Deniz?
01:45:11What is Asuman doing in your house?
01:45:14They had a fight with Nazlı.
01:45:16When I got home one night, she was sitting in front of the door.
01:45:19She was going to stay on the street, but I stayed.
01:45:22I guess she'll stay for a while.
01:45:26Deniz, look, I don't trust that girl at all.
01:45:29Please be careful, too.
01:45:31Don't even be careful.
01:45:33I think you should send her away.
01:45:35Let the girl stay for a while.
01:45:37What will happen? What harm will it do to anyone?
01:45:39Besides, she's funny, funny.
01:45:42Her existence is good for me for now.
01:45:47Is Asuman going to ease the pain of loneliness?
01:46:00You're being ridiculous right now.
01:46:03I don't want to break your heart.
01:46:23You know I didn't mean any harm.
01:46:25I didn't mean to hurt you.
01:46:28It's just that we were all very nervous as the trial date approached.
01:46:33I mean, I'm really curious about how it's going to turn out.
01:46:37The result is clear.
01:46:39Ferit and Nazlı will win.
01:46:43I don't want to lose Bulut.
01:46:46So does Hakan.
01:46:48He's been with us for months.
01:46:50And now that the trial date is out, it really shook us all.
01:46:56I understand you.
01:46:58But there's nothing to do.
01:47:00Ferit is very determined.
01:47:01Most importantly,
01:47:03Bulut wants him.
01:47:09Ferit's intention is to fire us from the company.
01:47:12You'll see.
01:47:14As soon as Bulut takes over, he'll put us in front of the door.
01:47:24What do you want from me?
01:47:25What do you want?
01:47:30I want you to testify for us in court.
01:47:51I don't think Hakan is an innocent person.
01:47:54He may have a hand in this truck matter.
01:47:57Don't, Deniz.
01:47:59These are Ferit's plans.
01:48:01I know Hakan is innocent.
01:48:05Besides, you make a decision now, please.
01:48:09Are you going to be on Ferit's side?
01:48:11Or mine?
01:48:18It's very difficult for you to see Nazlı and Ferit together.
01:48:20It's very difficult.
01:48:22And think about what they did to Bulut.
01:48:29He has three quarters of the company.
01:48:35It would be really hard to live with that.
01:48:46Yes, Tahir.
01:48:47Good news, Mr. Ferit.
01:48:49I gained trust in Mr. Hakan.
01:48:51He gave me a job.
01:48:53What job? What are you going to do?
01:48:55I'm a courier.
01:48:57I wanted to deliver a bag somewhere.
01:48:59There were very important, hidden documents in it.
01:49:01If the police get hold of it, I'll be in big trouble, he said.
01:49:03I understand, good.
01:49:05I wonder what's in that bag?
01:49:08I don't know, Mr. Ferit.
01:49:10The bag is encrypted and locked.
01:49:12I guess the other side knows the code.
01:49:14I wonder if you can tear it if you take it to the police.
01:49:17I don't think they'll be able to get rid of it.
01:49:20Mr. Ferit, I'm not going to take this bag to the police.
01:49:22I'm going to deliver it and gain their trust.
01:49:25I'm sure what they're going to do next is going to be a lot bigger.
01:49:28And I can stay with them all the time.
01:49:31Okay, Tahir, but be careful.
01:49:33Don't do anything to put yourself in danger.
01:49:35Okay, Mr. Ferit.
01:49:37What's going on?
01:49:39Hakan just swore.
01:49:41He gave Tahir a dirty job.
01:49:43Oh, good.
01:49:45He's smiling for the first time in a long time.
01:49:48Of course, Deniz's accident got him bored.
01:49:51It's all coming to me.
01:49:53And now we're talking without Nazlı coming.
01:49:57Asuman learned that we were getting married.
01:49:59And he's staying at Deniz's house right now.
01:50:01Oh, oh, oh, oh.
01:50:03Red alert level.
01:50:05What does Nazlı say about this?
01:50:07We have to trust Asuman.
01:50:09Look what he says.
01:50:11I got angry, too, of course.
01:50:13I don't know, maybe I said too much.
01:50:15That's the doubt.
01:50:17Look, they're always leaving us in a dilemma.
01:50:20What's going on?
01:50:22I got stuck, too.
01:50:24I don't know if I did well or not.
01:50:27What did you do?
01:50:29We broke up with Fatoş.
01:50:33We decided to stay friends.
01:50:37Can you do this?
01:50:39You want me to fail.
01:50:41They're my number five love.
01:50:43I mean, Fatoş.
01:50:44It's hard for me to stay friends after breaking up.
01:50:48It's really like that, Nazlı.
01:50:50But I don't know.
01:50:53Did you check the salts?
01:50:55I didn't. There are three broken ones.
01:50:57And write a napkin, Nazlı.
01:50:59How do they break?
01:51:01Okay, well, I'll ask you something.
01:51:03So you saw Engin with another girl.
01:51:05What are you going to feel?
01:51:07Depends on the girl.
01:51:09If she's a beautiful girl, I'll get bored.
01:51:11I want to be at the top of my head.
01:51:12I don't come across in the environment.
01:51:14Besides, I shake them from behind.
01:51:16I throw and hold.
01:51:18But if the girl is not beautiful,
01:51:20then I try to come across in special environments.
01:51:22And I beat that girl with her beauty.
01:51:24Oh, Fatoş, you're so bad.
01:51:26Of course, my daughter, this is the world of relationships.
01:51:28Wild life.
01:51:30You have to be in Siberia when you need it.
01:51:32I'm leaving the notes here.
01:51:34You can take it to our site.
01:51:36Should I confess frankly?
01:51:38I loved it because you were going to get married.
01:51:40We were going to see a real wedding.
01:51:42It didn't happen.
01:51:44Oh, Nazlı, you promised me.
01:51:46From now on, I will make the right choices.
01:51:48Oh, Fatoş, it's a bother.
01:51:50Don't you take me as an example?
01:51:52Look at me.
01:51:54My love, there is no problem in your marriage choice.
01:51:56So there is a mistake in your brother's choice.
01:51:58You have no fault in that.
01:52:00While he took the ready name,
01:52:02thanks again, he got me in trouble.
01:52:04What did he do again?
01:52:06Ms. Nazlı, can you look at the safe?
01:52:08I'm coming.
01:52:10We'll talk.
01:52:13This market is so far away.
01:52:16We did two shopping.
01:52:18When I was carrying the bags here,
01:52:20my arms were literally broken.
01:52:24Oh, Demet, would you like some?
01:52:31I'm leaving anyway.
01:52:33I have a job.
01:52:35Oh, won't you stay for dinner?
01:52:37I'm going to make chicken rice now.
01:52:39Deniz is in pain.
01:52:40Besides, I only know how to do that.
01:52:44I have no intention of getting poisoned.
01:52:46You know that?
01:52:48Besides, Deniz,
01:52:50I think you shouldn't get poisoned when you're back from the dead.
01:52:52I think you should tell him from outside.
01:52:54Don't eat.
01:52:56I'll take care of it.
01:52:59Don't forget what we talked about.
01:53:10Let's go.
01:53:21You two get along pretty well.
01:53:23We love each other.
01:53:27Nazlı is right about this.
01:53:30Come on.
01:53:32Are you saying that too?
01:53:34We're talking about Asuman.
01:53:37She's like the elevators in cable car parks.
01:53:39She doesn't trust anyone.
01:53:41You know what? I don't trust them either.
01:53:43I always walk.
01:53:45Walk, Nazlı.
01:53:47Walk until Feride.
01:53:49Then apologize.
01:53:51Don't exaggerate, Fatoş.
01:53:53I didn't do anything to apologize.
01:53:55Okay, you don't have to apologize.
01:53:57But you take the first step to get rid of the tension between you two.
01:54:01I don't understand why I'm taking the first step.
01:54:03I think Nazlı is not guilty.
01:54:05You went too far, girl.
01:54:07You've been through a lot.
01:54:09Nazlı is stuck in this scene.
01:54:11Because of this marriage, her family is in a mess.
01:54:13I feel like you're forgetting these.
01:54:15I'm not forgetting, uncle.
01:54:17I remember everything.
01:54:19What they did in Asuman's time.
01:54:21I'm not forgetting anything, don't worry.
01:54:26Put everything aside.
01:54:28Don't you love this girl?
01:54:30You love her like crazy.
01:54:34When I look into your eyes, I see two red hearts.
01:54:35Do you think I'll do it?
01:54:37They're not hearts.
01:54:39Red light.
01:54:41Turn off the red light, Nazlı.
01:54:43Turn on the green light.
01:54:45Let the man come and go.
01:54:49What if I turn on the green light?
01:54:51The man is not coming.
01:54:53He has no intention of coming.
01:54:55You two lovers are in the same house.
01:54:57You are together day and night.
01:54:59And nothing happens between you, right?
01:55:01No, of course it doesn't.
01:55:03It happens.
01:55:05Your fake love has to come to fruition.
01:55:09This sea accident has to be a lesson for all of us, Nazlı.
01:55:12Today we're here, tomorrow we're gone.
01:55:14Fatoş, even if I turn on the green light, nothing will happen.
01:55:16The man is very angry with me.
01:55:18He has no intention of forgiving me.
01:55:20We have such strong ties between us.
01:55:22Cut those ties.
01:55:24I can't, Fatoş.
01:55:28Because there are high walls, five meters thick.
01:55:30Jump off those walls.
01:55:32I can't jump, Fatoş.
01:55:33It's a cliff.
01:55:35So what if it's a cliff?
01:55:37You can build a bridge and cross it.
01:55:39I can't.
01:55:43Because all the bridges are gone.
01:55:45Then you build new bridges, Nazlı.
01:55:49Think about how you're going to build that bridge
01:55:51while you're setting up the rest, okay?
01:55:53I'm so bored, I can't do it anymore.
01:56:04How can you love each other so much
01:56:06and stay so far away from each other?
01:56:08It's a great success.
01:56:10Tell me, how will the ice melt?
01:56:12Don't worry, the ice won't melt.
01:56:14I'm used to walking on ice.
01:56:16Look, I think you should fix this.
01:56:18Otherwise, it will be much more difficult.
01:56:20I'm going to fix it, right?
01:56:24Go to Nazlı's restaurant on your way out and take her heart.
01:56:26If possible, I'd like to take a flower.
01:56:28Good idea.
01:56:30Yes, yes, do that.
01:57:31I checked with Mr. Muhittin
01:57:33and he convinced me.
01:57:35Who is Mr. Hakan?
01:57:37Hakan? Don't you know Hakan Önder?
01:57:55Sit down, dear.
01:57:57Sit down.
01:57:59Wait here.
01:58:03Wait here.
01:58:25Bravo, Tahir!
01:58:27Good boy, good boy.
01:58:29Give me your hand.
01:58:31Let me shake your hand.
01:58:33Mr. Hakan, I don't understand anything.
01:58:36What's there to understand, son?
01:58:38We tried you.
01:58:40Come, come, sit down, calm down.
01:58:42Sit down, calm down.
01:58:44Come to your senses, don't be afraid, son.
01:58:46The place is ours.
01:58:48We made a production for you.
01:58:50Look, you were carrying a relic that would end my life.
01:58:53You didn't betray the relic.
01:58:55You brought it here as it was in the bag.
01:58:58Son, what is this?
01:59:00It didn't even touch the keys.
01:59:01It was so simple.
01:59:05Three zeros.
01:59:07Let's see.
01:59:09Let's see what's inside.
