
  • 2 months ago
00:00Let's go ahead and get started.
00:22Lift your feet up.
00:23Place your feet down.
00:25Make sure that your feet face forward.
00:27Glue your bottom to your chair.
00:29Touch the top of your head.
00:30Reach one hand into the air.
00:32Reach your other hand into the air.
00:34That's it.
00:35Now you are going to take your right hand over your heart.
00:40Take your left hand to your belly.
00:44Take a full deep breath in.
00:45You're going to fill your belly full.
00:49Breath goes all the way to the top of the chest.
00:50You're going to breathe out.
00:53Pull your belly back.
00:55Breathe in.
00:56Breathe out.
01:03One more.
01:04Big breath in.
01:07Big breath out.
01:08Very good.
01:09Reach your arms high into the air.
01:12Touch the top of your head.
01:14Touch your shoulders.
01:15Touch your hips.
01:17Touch your thighs.
01:18Touch your hands to your knees.
01:20Sitting up in the tallest posture you can, look down towards the floor.
01:25Take a deep breath in.
01:28Smooth easy breath out.
01:32Deep breath in.
01:33Smooth easy breath out.
01:38Letting any stress or tension go right out of your mouth.
01:41Take a big breath in.
01:44Big breath out.
01:46And we're going to relax our neck.
01:48Drop your chin to your chest.
01:51Drop your right ear towards your right shoulder.
01:54Bring your head back on top of your neck.
01:57Left ear, left shoulder.
01:59Chin back to your chest.
02:01Head back on top of your neck.
02:03So let's do that again.
02:04Chin to your chest.
02:05This time go left ear, left shoulder.
02:08Head back on top of your neck.
02:10Right ear, right shoulder.
02:12Chin back to your chest.
02:13Lift your head back up.
02:15Very good.
02:17Touch your shoulders.
02:18Touch your ears.
02:20Touch the top of your head.
02:22Drop your hands to the side of your body.
02:24Shoulder circles.
02:26Use your breath to move your body.
02:27Breathe in.
02:29Breathe out.
02:32Breathe in.
02:34Breathe out.
02:35Very good.
02:36Big circles like you're drawing circles with your shoulders.
02:39Breathe in and breathe out.
02:42Now we're going to draw circles with our hands.
02:44You're going to reach your hands out and just gently wiggle your fingers.
02:47Now I want you to imagine your arms are like the rays of the sun.
02:52Big breath in.
02:53Sunshine arms go up.
02:54Open your mouth.
02:55Big ocean breath out.
02:59Letting all the stress or worry you have wash out of your mouth.
03:02Do that two more times.
03:04Big breath in.
03:06Big breath out.
03:09Big breath in.
03:13Big breath out.
03:14That's it.
03:16Look down at your feet.
03:17Make sure your feet face forward.
03:19Your bottoms glued to your chair.
03:20Stretch your arms back up high.
03:22Wiggle your fingers.
03:23Make two tight fists with your hands.
03:25Roll your wrist in one direction.
03:27Roll your wrist in the other direction.
03:29Stretch those hands back up and give me a big double high five.
03:33That's it.
03:34And now you're going to take your left hand and touch your right knee.
03:39Your right hand behind you.
03:42Sit up tall.
03:43Take a deep breath in.
03:44As you breathe out, twist and look over your shoulder.
03:48Breathe in.
03:49Come back to center.
03:50Stretch those arms up.
03:51What hand is this?
03:52Your left hand.
03:53You're going to take your right hand to your left knee.
03:55Your left hand behind you.
03:58Take a deep breath in.
03:59Sit up tall.
04:00As you breathe out, look over your shoulder.
04:04Very good.
04:05Come back to center.
04:06Stretch those arms up.
04:07Touch your hands to your knees.
04:09We're going to do rainbow spine next.
04:12So hands are on your knees making the rainbow shape with your spine.
04:14Breathe in.
04:15Shoulder blades together.
04:16Gaze up.
04:17Breathe out.
04:18Really round your spine.
04:19Go the other way.
04:21Breathe in.
04:23Letting go of any stress and tension you might have in your back.
04:28Breathe out.
04:30And again, big breath in.
04:31Look up.
04:33Big breath out.
04:34Round your spine.
04:35This time, see if you smile a little bit.
04:37See how that feels on your face.
04:38Take a big breath in.
04:41Big breath out.
04:44Stretching the muscles on your face.
04:45One more time.
04:46Big smile.
04:47Breathe in.
04:48Breathe out.
04:50That's it.
04:52Sitting up tall, stretch your hands up high.
04:54Touch your hands to your head, your shoulders, your hips, your thighs.
04:59Touch your forearms to your thighs.
05:03Interlace your fingers.
05:04Let your head relax.
05:05So you can stay here.
05:08If you want to fold forward more, let your body hang over your legs.
05:13Take a full deep breath in.
05:18Deep breath out.
05:21Deep breath in.
05:25Deep breath out.
05:27Tuck your chin to your chest.
05:28You're going to roll all the way back up to stand.
05:31That's it.
05:32So the last thing that we're going to do for our class today is we're going to relax with
05:37our legs up the chair.
05:39If legs up the chair is not comfortable for you, you can always just relax back in your
05:46So why don't you try legs up the chair if you have the space.
05:50You're going to come onto the floor.
05:52You're going to put your legs up onto the chair.
05:57That's it.
05:59And you can stretch your arms up if you have space.
06:02You can make a field goal with your arms, or you can rest your hands on your belly.
06:08You can look up towards the ceiling, soften your eyes, relax your jaw.
06:15Think about your body like an ice cube melting into the floor, melting on the chair.
06:30Take a full deep breath in, letting any stress or worries you may have go on the out-breath.
06:37And then I want you to wiggle your fingers, wiggle your toes, stretch your arms up, slowly
06:53bring your legs off of the chair.
06:56You're going to roll to one side.
07:00That's it.
07:01All the way back up to seated.
07:04Coming back to your chair.
07:07Look at your feet, make sure your feet face forward, shoulders down, hands to the side,
07:13sunshine arms ocean breath, breathe your arms up, big breath out, thank you.