• last year
00:00skills, cooperation, memory, physical awareness, spatial awareness.
00:27For Go Stop Back to Back, in this brain break, what we're doing is having your students move
00:32around the space, use music, let them move freely, and then when you stop the music,
00:37have them get back to back with a partner and take a yoga pose of your choice.
00:42For example, tree pose.
00:45Be sure that everyone has a partner for this brain break, that way if you need to play,
00:50you can make sure to include yourself.
00:58All right, everyone, we're going to play Go Stop Back to Back.
01:03Stand up, touch your back.
01:07Turn around and imagine that you are touching your friend's back now.
01:13When I say go, we're going to move around the space.
01:16When I say go, stop, back to back, find a partner and connect your backs and freeze.
01:23Are you ready?
01:24Steady, go.
01:26Move around, move around, use all of your space.
01:32Good job, everyone.
01:33Go, stop, back to back, find a partner, find a partner, find their back and connect your
01:39back to their back and freeze.
01:43Good job, everyone.
01:44Let's go again.
01:46Move around the space.
01:50Nice movements, everyone.
01:52And go, stop, back to back.
01:55Find someone else.
01:57Press your back on someone else's back.
02:02Good job, everyone.
02:04Last time.
02:05This time, when you freeze, when you're back to back, let's all take star pose.
02:10We'll freeze in a yoga pose.
02:11Ready, set, go.
02:13Move around.
02:13And go, stop, back to back.
02:21Find your partner and freeze in star pose.
02:24Back to back.
02:25Turn around, back to back.
02:28Open out star pose.
02:34And smiling.
02:37Good job, everyone.
02:38Go back to your seats.