
  • 2 months ago
00:22Look down at the floor.
00:24Make sure that your two feet face forward.
00:26Touch your hands to your knees.
00:28Touch your hands to your shoulders.
00:31Touch your hands to your ears.
00:33Touch your hands to the top of your head.
00:35Reach your hands up high into the air.
00:38You are going to take your right hand and place it on your heart.
00:43You're going to take your left hand and place it on your belly.
00:47We're going to do something called complete breath.
00:50Breathe in.
00:51Fill your belly full.
00:53Let it rise all the way up into your hand.
00:55Breathe out.
00:57Relax your hand at the top all the way down to your low belly.
01:01Breathe down.
01:02Again, breathe in.
01:03Fill full.
01:06Breathe out.
01:07Pull back and in.
01:09Notice the beat of your heart under your hand.
01:12Breathe in.
01:13Breathe out.
01:14Last time.
01:15Full deep breath in.
01:16Full deep breath out.
01:17Very good.
01:18Reach your hands back out in front of you.
01:19Stretch your hands up high to the sky like you're going to give a double high five.
01:20Bring your hands down back to the center.
01:21Turn your palms up.
01:22Open your arms out.
01:23Come back.
01:24Bring your hands back to center.
01:25Breathe in.
01:26Take your arms up.
01:27And breathe out.
01:28You're going to make the sound.
01:47So bring your hands to the floor.
01:49And let your arms dangle like this really fast.
01:50That's it.
01:51So this is called joy breath.
01:52And you're focusing on the ah, relaxing your jaw, letting everything out of your mouth.
01:58Touch your hands to your knees.
02:00Touch your hands to your shoulders.
02:01Touch your hands to the top of your head.
02:04Relax your hands to the side of your body.
02:06Imagine your bottoms glued and the crown of your heads rising up towards the ceiling.
02:10Very good.
02:11Here we go.
02:12Breathe in.
02:13Arms up.
02:14Breathe out.
02:15open up. Breathe out back to center. Breathe in all the way up. Breathe out.
02:22Good. So this next time you can fold your body forward if you want or stay up.
02:28Ready? Breathe in. Breathe out. Breathe in. Breathe out. Breathe in. Breathe out. And
02:40then you're gonna roll all the way back up. Good. This time we're gonna do that
02:47and we're gonna go slow. Are you ready? Slow. Breathe in. Breathe out. Breathe in.
03:00Breathe out. Breathe in. Breathe out.
03:12Ready? Fast. Breathe in. Breathe out. Breathe in. Breathe out. Breathe in. Breathe out.
03:19Good job. Very good. Stretch your arms back up to the sky. Let's wiggle our
03:26fingers. That's it. And then what you're going to do is you're gonna interlace
03:31your fingers over your head. You're gonna turn your palms up like they're facing
03:35up towards the ceiling and let your hands rest on top of your head. And we're
03:38gonna do a side stretch. So push into your feet. Push into your bottom. And the
03:43only thing that's gonna move is your side body. Ready? You're gonna take a
03:46deep breath in. As you breathe out, stretch to the side. Breathe in. You're
03:52gonna come back to center. Breathe out. Stretch to the side. Good. This time you
03:58can keep your hands on top of your head or stretch your arms up. We're gonna take
04:03a deep breath in. Deep breath out. Deep breath in. Deep breath out. Very good.
04:11Breathe in. You're gonna come back to center. Reach your hands up. Wiggle your
04:15fingers. Touch your shoulders. Touch your knees. Push into your feet. Come to stand.
04:22Next is Mountain Pose. Are mountains strong or weak? Strong. Tap your right
04:30leg. Lift your right leg up and put it down strong. Left leg. Tap your left leg.
04:38Lift it up and put it down strong. That's it. And then touch your shoulders. Touch
04:44your ears. Touch the peak of your mountain. And then as you touch the peak
04:48of your mountain, make sure the peak of your mountain presses into your hands
04:51like it's reaching, reaching, reaching up towards the ceiling. That's it. And then
04:54bring your hands down to the side of your body. And we're gonna move our
04:57shoulders with our breath. You're gonna breathe in. Reach your shoulders up.
05:01You're gonna breathe out. Roll your shoulders down your back. One more time.
05:05Big breath in. Reach up. Big breath out. And reach back. Very good. Can you stand
05:11strong in your mountain for a moment? Don't blink your eyes. Stand calm, still,
05:16balanced. Are you breathing? Very good. Hands to your hips. And we're gonna walk
05:24to the back of our chairs. Once you're to the back of your chair, I want you to
05:29place your hands on your chair. That's it. So you all are gonna stay facing forward.
05:33I'm gonna turn to the side so that you can see me better. Now I want you to
05:38raise your right hand into the air. That's it. And then look at your feet.
05:42Your right foot is forward. Your left foot steps back. And can you tap your left
05:47leg and say, you be straight and strong? You be straight and strong. Good. Now
05:51your right knee, hands are on the chair, your right knee bends and suddenly you
05:55feel the warrior in your legs. That's it. And then you're gonna reach one arm up.
05:58And then you're gonna reach your other arm up. That's it. And can you show me
06:02your strong warrior muscles? Oh yeah. And then reach your other warrior arms up.
06:08That's it. Take a deep breath in. Deep breath out. Bring your hands down. Step
06:14back. Mountain. Good. Are you calm? Are you breathing? Big breath in. Big breath out.
06:22So if we did our right side, what side are we doing now? Left. Raise your left
06:27hand into the air. Step your left foot forward. Very good. Step your right foot
06:32back. Tell your right leg you be straight and strong. Turn your hips to your chair.
06:37Touch your chair. Strong warrior. Bend your front knee. Reach one arm up. Reach
06:44the other arm up. This time can you show me how you're a peaceful warrior? Peace
06:50fingers. Good. Take a big breath in. Big breath out. Your hands come down. Step
06:56back. Mountain. Good. Hands to the side. Are you strong? Are you balanced? Are you
07:02breathing? Take a big breath in. Big breath out. Very good. From here, you're gonna go
07:10to the side of your chair. That's it. And then you're gonna stretch your arms up.
07:16And we're gonna imagine we're a palm tree. And we're a palm tree that's moving
07:20in the wind. So you're gonna take one hand to your wrist. You're gonna take a
07:24big stretch up and take a big breath in. And as you breathe out, you're gonna
07:28stretch over to the side. Good. And then you're gonna breathe back to center.
07:33Stretch your arms up. Reach your hands down. Roll your shoulders out. That's it.
07:39And we're gonna do the other side. Reach up. That's it. This time, take your right
07:45hand to your left wrist. Take a big breath in. As you breathe out, over to the
07:49left. Good. Breathing in, come back to center. Reach your hands down. Roll your
07:56shoulders up. Very good. And now you're gonna come back to the front of your
08:01chair and come back to a seat. Look at your feet. They're facing forward. Make
08:06sure your bottom's glued. Touch the top of your head. Sit up tall. Stretch your
08:11arms up. You're gonna take your left hand to your right knee. Your right hand
08:18behind you. Sit up very tall in your body as you breathe in. As you breathe
08:22out, twist and look over your shoulder. Come back to center. Reach your arms up.
08:29Right hand, excuse me. Which knee? Which hand? Behind you. Very good. Sit up
08:38tall. Big breath in. As you breathe out, look over your shoulder. Come back to
08:44center. Reach your arms up. Bring your hands down. Very good. Touch your hands to
08:50the back of your chair. Now, camel pose. This is like a back bend. Feet on the
08:57floor. You're gonna lean forward. That's it. Take a big breath in. Big breath out.
09:04Very good. Come back tall. Reach your arms up. Touch your shoulders. Touch your hips.
09:10Touch your thighs. Touch your knees. Touch your forearms. Touch your forearms to your
09:16knees. Interlace your fingers. Relax your head. So you can stay here or you can let
09:24your whole body go over your legs. Take a big breath in. Big breath out. Big breath
09:34in. Big breath out. Chin to your chest like you're looking through your belly
09:40button. You're gonna roll all the way back up slowly. Head is last. Slowly. Head
09:45is last. Slowly. Head is last. Slowly. Head is last. Last part. You're gonna slide back into your chair.
09:53You're gonna reach your arms out towards me. You're gonna turn your palms to face
09:58down. You're gonna take your hands over one another. Turn your hands towards each
10:03other. Interlace your fingers. Touch your knuckles to your legs. Touch your knuckles
10:10to your pant button. Touch your knuckles to your chest. Touch your knuckles to your chin.
10:18And then you're gonna look down towards the floor and you're gonna take a full deep
10:23breath in. Deep breath out. Calm your body. Relax your face.
10:33Slow your engine down going from like 50 miles to 40 miles to 30 to 20 to 10 to 0.
10:47Take a deep breath in. Deep breath out. Now we're gonna come out so you're gonna lift your chin off of your chest.
10:56You're gonna reach your arms out. Bring your arms down. Bring your hands to the
11:02side. Touch the top of your head. Touch your shoulders. Touch your button. Touch your thighs.
11:11Touch your knees. Sit up tall. Take a deep breath in. Deep breath out. Thank you.