Sitting Sequence

  • 2 months ago
00:00Sitting on the floor, hold on to your ankles, sit up tall, roll your shoulders back, take
00:06a deep breath in, bring the breath all the way to your chest, good, and then exhale and
00:14relax. Now stretch your legs out straight in front of you, bring your feet together,
00:23hands alongside your hips on the floor, you can even be on your fingertips, and you're
00:29going to lift your trunk, keep your bottom on the floor and lift your chest, roll your
00:36shoulders back and lift even taller, now reach your arms up, legs stay on the floor, feet
00:43together, and bring them back down, good. Now cross your legs, cross your legs and get
00:51comfy on the floor, put your hands on your knees, there you go, cross your legs, hands
01:01on your knees, now gently push down on your knees and sit up tall, breathe in and relax,
01:09keep your bottom on the floor and begin to walk your hands forward, try to keep your
01:14back as flat as you can, keep your bottom on the floor, look at the floor and breathe,
01:21good. Then walk your hands back up slowly, breathe in and breathe out, keep your hands
01:52on your knees, and sit up tall, take a deep breath in, try not to yawn, and then let the
02:10breath out and release. Now walk your hands forward, keep your bottom on the floor, look
02:17toward the floor, good. Now look at your hands and try to creep, yep look at your hands and
02:29try to creep and crawl your hands forward a little bit more to give your back a nice
02:35stretch, now look toward the floor, take one more breath in and out and slowly release,