This Scary Nurse, a Former Delinquent, Burst into Tears When She Saw My Sister's Kid…

  • 2 months ago
This Scary Nurse, a Former Delinquent, Burst into Tears When She Saw My Sister's Kid…
Japanese Manga in English
Manga video to learn English


00:00My name is Naoto Ogawa. I work as a salesperson at a stationery company.
00:05The other day, my boss suggested a blind date, saying it's about time considering my age.
00:11Encouraged by my family, I find myself here today.
00:16Um, nice to meet you. I'm Naoto Ogawa, 27 years old.
00:21Hey, I'm Megu Ikeda, 22 years old.
00:26Hey, greet properly.
00:29Is she nervous, perhaps? As a man, I need to take the lead here.
00:34Uh, by the way, what are your hobbies?
00:38Favorite food?
00:40I don't have any.
00:44Don't want to say.
00:47Cut it out. I apologize, Naoto.
00:50Oh, no, it's...
00:53I never had any intention of getting married in the first place.
00:56I was just dragged here against my will.
00:59What's wrong with looking for a good match to ensure my lovely daughter lives comfortably?
01:06Come to think of it, the boss mentioned that he's searching for a potential partner for Megu
01:11because he wants her to be happy, considering how tough her life has been because of his busyness.
01:17Uh, both of your parents just want you to be happy, I believe.
01:22Huh? I don't need you, whom I just met today, to lecture me.
01:29I'm sorry, but your parents' feelings...
01:33That's none of your business, right? Besides, who cares about parents anyway?
01:41You're free to think whatever you want about me,
01:43but I believe it's wrong to disregard parents who treat you with love.
01:48What? So...
01:50Especially saying it doesn't matter.
01:53In my case, my parents passed away when I was young,
01:57so I understand how fortunate you are in your environment.
02:01You... you don't know anything about me.
02:04True, but at least your current parents genuinely care about you.
02:09It might be good for you to face them properly.
02:12Don't act like you understand.
02:15Such rudeness. I apologize.
02:19Uh, no, not at all. I'm the one who overstepped. I apologize for that.
02:24After that, needless to say, the matchmaking thing was dropped.
02:29A few days later.
02:31I wonder if the Ikeda family reconciled after that.
02:34I might have said too much without knowing the circumstances.
02:38Maybe I said too much. Hmm...
02:47Later, I woke up in the hospital with a fracture in my right leg and ribs.
02:51I couldn't use crutches for a while, leading to about three weeks of hospitalization.
02:57After the doctor's examination, a nurse came in to explain.
03:01Excuse me. I'm the assigned nurse, Megu.
03:07Wait, you are...
03:09It was you after all.
03:11Meg, you're a nurse?
03:13As you can see. Let's get started.
03:17Have you been hospitalized before?
03:19It's my first time. I may be confident in toughness, though.
03:24Right now, your bones are broken, though.
03:28I understand you may have many concerns,
03:31but I'll explain everything in the hospitalization plan. Also...
03:37She seems different at work.
03:38It's like she's a completely different person from the other day.
03:42Something wrong?
03:44Oh, no. It's just that the impression is different from before.
03:49You were good at your job. It was very clear.
03:55Well, even if you praise me, I won't treat you specially.
04:00I didn't mean it that way. I just spoke my mind.
04:04That's what I mean.
04:08Just forget it.
04:09We're moving to the hospital room, so please take your time in the wheelchair.
04:16By the way, about the other day...
04:23Whoa, Mei! Why are you here?
04:26Geez, Daddy! I was really worried!
04:33It's really a relief that you're okay.
04:38Haha, sorry for worrying you. I'm glad you came.
04:42Of course. We're family.
04:47Um, you still can't push yourself too hard.
04:52Anyway, for now, rest in the hospital room.
04:54Family members, please come during visiting hours.
04:58Well then, I'll drop by again during a break from work.
05:02Take me out to play again!
05:04Uh, yeah. See you soon!
05:07Wow, the private room is spacious!
05:13Why did you have a blind date with me?
05:18Wait, why are you bringing this up out of nowhere?
05:22Just answer me.
05:24Why? Because my family pushed me into it.
05:28Huh? Why would they do that? Please stop with such obvious lies!
05:34It's true! Isn't it a common reason?
05:37It happens all the time!
05:39A common reason?
05:43Is that really okay with you? Are you truly happy right now?
05:48Well, no girlfriend, unable to work for a while, can't even watch anime.
05:54This is just... I can't say I'm happy.
05:59I thought you seemed really happy, but I guess not.
06:04Wait, am I being provoked right now?
06:06I understand. If that's the case, I'll do my best.
06:12Anyway, please rest today. See you tomorrow!
06:16After deciding to go for a blind date,
06:18pushed by my sister and destroying the chance by myself,
06:22and then falling down the stairs,
06:24now an unmarried guy in his mid-30s who can't watch his beloved anime,
06:29do I really look that pitiful?
06:32And so, the hospital life began.
06:34Once the swelling goes down, it seems they'll perform surgery on my right leg.
06:39What was your temperature?
06:4036 degrees.
06:42Really? Your face looks quite red, so it seems a bit higher.
06:48Well, but this...
06:53Ah! C-close!
06:56There's a fever after all. Please check it again.
07:00Y-yes. The temperature went up just now!
07:05In fact, this devoted nursing care wasn't limited to just this moment.
07:11During lunchtime...
07:12Are you eating?
07:14Well, I don't have much of an appetite.
07:17I see. Well, it can't be helped then.
07:22Here, uh...
07:26Even if you don't have an appetite, you won't recover without eating.
07:29Come on, I'll feed you.
07:31I-I'll eat by myself!
07:34Ugh, don't be shy. Open your mouth.
07:42At another time...
07:44Um, it's embarrassing, but...
07:47There are various uncomfortable things for a healthy mid-30s man.
07:52Don't say such things!
07:53If you don't keep it clean, you might get a different illness!
07:59Now, let's move on to the front.
08:02No, I'll do it myself!
08:04Don't say that! Come on, leave it to me!
08:09W-wait! Aaaaah!
08:12These days continued for a while, and finally, the surgery date was confirmed.
08:18Ah, I'm nervous.
08:21It's okay. The doctor is skilled, so please relax.
08:26Right, I'll do my best!
08:28Cool, right? I can do stuff like this too!
08:32Whoa! Ah, watch out!
08:37Are you okay?
08:40Are you sure you're okay?
08:42I-I'm fine. Didn't I tell you? I'm sturdy.
08:46I'm telling you, your bones are broken right now!
08:49Um, s-s-sorry!
08:53You can't make a commotion in the hallway, okay?
08:56This is a hospital!
08:58There are many people here who are injured or sick, so be careful!
09:03I'll be careful.
09:05Good. Now go back to your room.
09:10I'm really glad that kid wasn't hurt.
09:12Yes. So, what about you?
09:17Why, as a grown adult, do you do reckless things?
09:24Well, that's...
09:26Huh? Enough with the excuses!
09:31If you don't be more careful, all the care and worry I put into taking care of you
09:35will be pointless if you keep getting injured!
09:39Do you understand? Be more aware that you're the one injured!
09:49Sorry. It's my fault for getting all worked up.
09:53No, it's my fault for doing something like that!
09:57I also lost my composure. I apologize.
10:00Could it be?
10:02Um, if I may ask something irrelevant...
10:05Did you at any point ever used to be a delinquent?
10:10That's right!
10:12She admitted it so easily!
10:15When I was a child, my parents were busy with work.
10:19I was always alone.
10:21So, I rebelled and became a delinquent.
10:24Well, I retired during my student days, of course.
10:29Oh, I see.
10:31But recently, my parents have been eager to make up for it with giving me a happy marriage.
10:37Uh, so that's why we argued at that time.
10:41Your parents' affection was misdirected.
10:44But thanks to being scolded by you, I realized how childish I was.
10:51I had never even thought about my parents' feelings.
10:55After that, we had a family discussion and we finally found a good distance.
11:00Thanks to you.
11:02No, I didn't do anything.
11:04If it became a reason for reconciliation, then that matchmaking had meaning.
11:09Yes, it did.
11:11A few days later.
11:13Ah, she is at it again.
11:15Really, she's always doing her best.
11:18If I hadn't rejected the chance, she might have become my wife.
11:22I wonder if I would have been happy.
11:25While thinking about such things, the day of the surgery arrived.
11:29In the end, my sister couldn't come to accompany me due to work.
11:33But the surgery itself was successful, however.
11:38It seriously hurts.
11:40Even though I'm on painkillers, why?
11:43Naoto, how are you feeling?
11:46Meg, I...
11:49It hurts, doesn't it?
11:51But it calms down by morning.
11:53You can feel at ease because I'm holding your hand.
11:57But you're on the night shift, right?
11:59You must be busy.
12:01It's okay for now.
12:03You can rely on me when you're feeling anxious.
12:07Now close your eyes.
12:09Thank you.
12:10I'm grateful that you're here.
12:14After that, I gradually recovered.
12:17It's okay.
12:19Take your time.
12:20Take it slow.
12:24I can keep pushing through because of Meg.
12:27When we're no longer nurse and patient after discharge, I'll express my feelings.
12:33Several weeks later.
12:34Overcoming the painful rehabilitation, I finally reached the day of discharge.
12:39Sorry I can only help you in the morning.
12:42No problem.
12:43The procedures will take about an hour, and I'm totally fine on my own.
12:48I'm glad you say that.
12:50I have this kid's piano recital in the afternoon.
12:53Uh, I see.
12:55Then how about playing a song for my celebration next time?
12:59Look forward to it.
13:01I'm actually pretty good.
13:04Well, take care.
13:05Daddy, look forward to it.
13:08Yeah, yeah.
13:11Oh, Meg!
13:14I have something I want to talk to you about.
13:17So could I have some of your time?
13:20You've been on the night shift since yesterday, right?
13:23So maybe in the afternoon?
13:26I have something to do at a nearby cafe, so it's impossible.
13:32Oh, I see.
13:33Meeting friends or having a meal?
13:36Then on another day.
13:37No, it's not that.
13:40I have a promise to meet someone I had a blind date with the other day.
13:45He's a good person.
13:47His name is Tanaka.
13:49Very gentlemanly and kind.
13:52Do you by any chance like this Tanaka?
13:56It's none of your concern.
13:59No, it is.
14:00Because I, I...
14:04Why are you saying such suggestive things?
14:08You're a married man.
14:13And with a child.
14:16Wait a minute.
14:17What are you talking about?
14:19Please don't bother me anymore.
14:21I'm trying to move forward, even though...
14:28Why am I being portrayed as a married man with a child?
14:31Could it be something about my sister and Mei?
14:35Anyway, I need to clear up this misunderstanding.
14:38First, I'll complete the discharge procedures.
14:42The only cafe near the hospital is there.
14:46If I give up now, I may never see Meg again.
14:49At least, I want to convey my feelings to her.
14:53A few minutes later.
14:58Why are you here?
14:59I'm sorry for doing something so out of the ordinary.
15:03I'm sorry for barging in like this.
15:05There's something I need to tell you, Meg.
15:09I like you.
15:10I want to date you with the intention of getting married.
15:16At first, I thought you were a really unpleasant person.
15:20But during my hospitalization, watching you work changed my impression.
15:24Always earnestly facing your work and patience.
15:28And comforting me in my anxiety and pain.
15:31I realized I had fallen for you.
15:34Even if you say that, I can't believe the words of a married man with a child!
15:40That's a misunderstanding!
15:41I'm single and I don't have a girlfriend.
15:44Didn't they come to visit you in the hospital?
15:47That was my sister and niece.
15:52You said your family pushed you into the blind date.
15:56It was my sister!
15:57There's no way my wife would recommend a blind date!
16:02You said you're not happy now.
16:05That's because I'm single.
16:06And I can't work due to being hospitalized.
16:09And I can't watch anime.
16:11That's why.
16:13You're not married?
16:15I surely thought you have some circumstances.
16:19Could it be...
16:20You're a bit of an airhead?
16:25That's not it!
16:26Besides, Mei calls you daddy, right?
16:30Mei calling me daddy is because her real father passed away when she was young.
16:35She just looks up to me like a father.
16:39I never imagined that.
16:42Thank goodness...
16:44You are single!
16:46I've been interested in you since the date!
16:54Scolded me so directly!
16:56I thought this person would genuinely face me.
16:58And you praised my work so much!
17:02Because I genuinely thought so.
17:05I want you to acknowledge me, to like me, and to think of me as...
17:09As someone they'd like to marry.
17:11That's why.
17:16Seems like quite a lively pair.
17:19Ah, sorry!
17:20How can I apologize to you?
17:23It's okay.
17:24We both just talked about turning each other down.
17:30Tried to make another person I like and accept with a blind date with Tanaka.
17:35But I realized it was disrespectful to have such feelings.
17:40I, too, am at an age where my parents want me to get married.
17:44I went along with the idea, but then I got an offer from an overseas transfer.
17:49I realized I still want to focus on work-centered life.
17:54I see.
17:55I'll look for a wonderful partner like you two.
17:58Well, be happy!
18:00However, mistaking the person who came for the blind date as a married man...
18:05You seem surprisingly scatterbrained.
18:08Unlike when you're at work.
18:10But what can I do?
18:12I'm a complete beginner at romance!
18:15Now, too, please lead the way properly!
18:18Got it.
18:19Well, then...
18:21Shall we go?
18:25Several months passed.
18:28Never thought Naoto would be mistaken for a husband!
18:32Never thought I'd be mistaken for his child!
18:35Oh, really?
18:36Both of you, forget about it!
18:38Come on, it's time for the photoshoot!
18:42You two are still getting along so well!
18:45Hold on, Naoto.
18:46Your tie's crooked.
18:48Honestly, you're so sloppy.
18:50To think I'd get to experience something like this!
18:53I'm the luckiest man in the world!
18:56I'm happy, too.
18:58My parents are overjoyed that their wishes came true!
19:02All right, it's done.
19:04From now on, I'll make you even happier, baby!
19:09I'll do the same to you.
19:12Hi, it's me, Mel!
19:16Thanks for watching my channel!
19:18I'm super happy if you watch the next and other videos, too!
