When the Scary Nurses at the Hospital Realize My Daughter Is My Late Brother's Child…

  • 2 months ago
When the Scary Nurses at the Hospital Realize My Daughter Is My Late Brother's Child…
Japanese Manga in English
Manga video to learn English


00:00Please take your time to review this when you can.
00:02I prepared a summary of the new medication that will be coming from our company.
00:06My name is Kouta Maeda, a 26-year-old medical representative working at a pharmaceutical company.
00:13Today, I'm once again visiting the clinic I'm in charge of.
00:17Oh, you're always such a help. I appreciate it.
00:21No, it's all part of the job.
00:23The woman here is Ran Tenshin.
00:26She's the director of the Koiwa Clinic.
00:29Not only is she skilled in medicine, but she's also a very friendly person.
00:34You've been a great help today.
00:36If anything comes up again, I'll be counting on you.
00:39Of course, the same goes for me.
00:41Well then, I'll take my leave.
00:43Say hi to Mama for me, okay?
00:46Sure, I'll pass on the message.
00:49Let's see, what time is it now?
00:51Hmm, I still have some time to spare.
00:55Tamotsu, Tamotsu Otakura, please come into the examination room.
01:00Oh right, I should start on the paperwork soon.
01:04Oh no, where are the spare supplies?
01:10Still as busy as ever.
01:12All of the staff at the Koiwa Clinic are women, and they're all quite attractive.
01:17Perhaps because of that, it seems they are loved by many, from children to the elderly.
01:24I, too, often bring my daughter here for medical checkups.
01:28Alright, since I have some free time, maybe I can help with something.
01:32Um, Reina.
01:34Huh? What is it?
01:36Is there anything you need assistance with? I can help with any chores or anything else.
01:41She is Reina Takano, the head nurse.
01:45I thought I could offer to help as a way of showing gratitude for her taking care of my daughter.
01:50No, I'm fine. Please, don't bother me. It distracts me from my work.
01:56Oh right, sorry. I shouldn't have meddled as a non-professional.
02:01Ugh, it didn't go well today either.
02:04Too bad, you got rejected again.
02:07Hey, don't say such horrible things.
02:10But it's true, isn't it? Flirting during work hours and all.
02:14Hey, it's not like that. I just want to be helpful as an MR at the hospital.
02:20Oh, okay.
02:22This is Haru Sasaki, a nurse and my junior from high school.
02:27Thanks to being assigned to this clinic, we had the chance to meet again by sheer coincidence.
02:33We used to be quite close, but...
02:36Alright, I have work to do.
02:38Uh, yeah.
02:40I wonder what's up with her. She's oddly distant these days.
02:44Hehe, you're still as weak as ever, aren't you?
02:49Two consecutive losses, quite the feat.
02:52Were you watching?
02:54And this slightly cheeky young nurse is Erika Fukuda.
02:59She always enjoys teasing me like this.
03:02With that attitude, your wife might lose patience with you.
03:07You need to be more reliable.
03:09Huh? Wife? What are you talking about?
03:13Oh, do you seriously not realize you're a lousy guy?
03:17If that's the case, you'll never...
03:19Erika, wait a minute.
03:21Huh? What is it? I was about to say something nice.
03:25I may be a bit weak as a man, but I genuinely want to be of help to everyone.
03:30So if you ever need assistance with anything, please rely on me.
03:34I'll do my best to assist with anything.
03:37I... I can't believe this.
03:40I... I can't believe it.
03:42I can't with those suggestive words.
03:45You're still here?
03:47Are you perhaps killing time here?
03:49Please stop bothering our staff.
03:52I never had any intention of...
03:55You have an important family, right?
03:58Is it okay to talk to women so casually like that?
04:02Why don't you go home instead of wasting our time?
04:05Someone important is waiting for you, you know.
04:10For some reason, I don't seem to have made a good impression on them.
04:14In the end, I was driven away from the clinic on that day.
04:20What am I doing wrong?
04:22I want to get along with everyone as the assigned MR, but...
04:27Oh, I can't keep wearing a gloomy expression.
04:30After all, from now on...
04:32Oh, it's daddy!
04:34Momo, were you a good girl today?
04:37Yes, I was a good girl today too.
04:40Great, that's my girl.
04:45Work can be quite challenging, but I can endure any hardship.
04:49Because I'm her father.
04:51A few days later.
04:53Thank you as always.
04:55Pota, are you picking up Momo later?
04:57You seem quite busy.
05:00She got a bit fussy about me being late the other day.
05:03You're really something.
05:05It's not common to raid someone else's child, even if it's your brother's.
05:11The truth is, Momo isn't actually my biological daughter.
05:16She's the child of my brother's family who tragically passed away in an accident two years ago.
05:22Both mine and my sister-in-law's parents passed away a long time ago.
05:27That's why I ended up taking care of Momo.
05:30I'm really grateful to you, Ron.
05:32For helping me with parenting and everything.
05:35What are you saying?
05:37If you're a doctor, it's only natural, right?
05:39Wait a minute.
05:41Is that story true?
05:43I never heard a word about that.
05:45So, does that mean there's no wife?
05:49Oh, goodness.
05:51Did you all hear that?
05:52More importantly...
05:55Kota, answer the question.
05:57What's the truth? Is it for real?
06:00W-well, it's true.
06:02I'm still single.
06:03I don't even have a girlfriend.
06:05Ugh, what's with this intense questioning?
06:08Is this a new form of harassment?
06:11Um, in that case...
06:13Is it okay if I say this?
06:15Oh, chief.
06:17That's not fair.
06:20Isn't it first-come, first-served in these situations?
06:23I won't hold back.
06:26Hey, wait a minute.
06:28What's going on with all of you?
06:30Um, I wanted to discuss something with you related to work.
06:34Oh my, why are you hugging me?
06:38What do you think?
06:40Would you like to have a conversation in a private room?
06:45What's going on here?
06:47Why is Reina acting like this?
06:49It's not fair that only the chief gets to do that.
06:53I want my turn too.
06:56Hey, Erika.
06:57What are you doing?
06:59If you're going to pick someone,
07:01it's better if it's a young wife, right?
07:04How about me?
07:05No way!
07:07Why are both of them doing this?
07:10Well, in times like this,
07:12it's the perfect opportunity for a cool response from my junior.
07:16Kouta, I think I'd make a good mom.
07:19I've had plenty of bride training.
07:22Haru, you too?
07:24So, it's okay, right?
07:26Let's get married.
07:27You're going too far with this.
07:30I can't make sense of this situation at all.
07:33It's time for my last resort.
07:35Run, please help me.
07:37Oh my, it's quite a lovely morning.
07:40What's going on at this clinic?
07:43Wait, hold on.
07:45If they're flip-flopping,
07:47it might actually be harassment.
07:50I knew it.
07:52They want to eliminate me from the clinic
07:54because I'm annoying, don't they?
07:57I won't let that happen.
08:00Oops, lips.
08:03I have a life too.
08:04I won't accept being banned so easily,
08:07even for Momo's sake.
08:09Wait for me.
08:10I'll become an outstanding MR in no time.
08:13I'll definitely make everyone understand.
08:16So long.
08:18He left.
08:20Too bad.
08:21We were almost there.
08:23This might be a bit troublesome.
08:26Since then,
08:27I've been taking work materials back home
08:29and studying late into the night.
08:32Just you wait.
08:33I'll become a top-notch MR.
08:36Wow, daddy's really motivated.
08:39Like the pirate from the anime.
08:41However, a few days later,
08:44I suddenly feel a chill.
08:47My head hurts.
08:48Daddy, your face looks bad.
08:51Are you okay?
08:53I'm fine.
08:55You mean I don't look well.
08:58After dropping Momo off at the daycare,
09:00I went to work as usual.
09:02But on days like this,
09:04it's always busier than usual.
09:06By the time I visited the koiba clinic in the evening,
09:10Don't give up, Kouta.
09:13Once this is over, I can go home.
09:16Hey, Kouta.
09:17What on earth is happening to you?
09:20Oh, well.
09:21I've been feeling chilly since morning.
09:24Oh no, you might have a fever.
09:29You do indeed have a fever.
09:32What are you doing?
09:34I'm checking your temperature.
09:37Yes, it's quite high.
09:40You're making my fever rise even more.
09:43Kouta, isn't it tough during times like this?
09:46Should I go and make you some food?
09:48Wait, Haru.
09:49How about eating me?
09:52Of course, in a different sense, you know?
09:55Even you, Erika?
09:57No, this is bad.
10:00Both of them are so soft and smell so nice.
10:03My head is spinning.
10:05Hey, you two back off.
10:08I'm the one who is going to be a mom.
10:10What about me?
10:12I'll let you do anything you want.
10:14Oh, come on, you two.
10:16No cutting in line.
10:20I have no idea what's going on.
10:22Wait, this must be a dream, right?
10:26Otherwise, this can't be happening.
10:29I can't go on.
10:32Oh, Kouta.
10:34He's not moving anymore.
10:36Is this really serious?
10:39What's going on here?
10:40What's all this commotion?
10:42A few minutes later.
10:44Your fever is quite bad.
10:46You need to rest at home as soon as possible.
10:51But I have an important mission.
10:54Picking up Momo.
10:56Hey, don't get up.
10:58I think it's impossible in this condition.
11:00Doctor, what should we do?
11:03We're done for today.
11:05Reina, you'll go pick up Momo instead.
11:09Haru, Erika, accompany Kouta.
11:11Leave it to us.
11:15With the last effort, I contacted the nursery about the temporary pickup.
11:20Afterward, I took a taxi back home.
11:23Kouta, we're right by your side.
11:26If anything's bothering you, feel free to talk about it.
11:30I'm sorry. Thank you, too.
11:33After returning home, a while later.
11:36Daddy! Daddy!
11:39Momo, I'm sorry I couldn't pick you up.
11:42It's okay. Reina came in your place.
11:46How is Kouta doing?
11:48We changed his clothes and he's resting now.
11:51His fever seems to have gone up since earlier.
11:56What's wrong, Momo?
11:58Did something unpleasant happen at the nursery?
12:01No, it's not that.
12:04Then what is it?
12:06Daddy, I don't want you to go away.
12:11Momo, I see.
12:14She's associating my sudden absence with her late parents.
12:17What am I doing?
12:19I'm making Momo so sad.
12:25Daddy! Mommy!
12:27I can't do anything at a time like this.
12:30I'm so powerless.
12:32It's okay, Momo. We got this.
12:36Huh? Will you help Daddy?
12:39We'll make sure Kouta... I mean, your daddy is okay.
12:44Because we're professionals.
12:47You can trust us for caregiving.
12:49Yeah. Momo will be a good girl and wait.
12:54Everyone, thank you. Thank you so much.
12:58After that, they truly lived up to their reputation.
13:02Before taking any medicine, you should eat something first.
13:06I'll make rice porridge.
13:08I will help too.
13:10Sure, I'll wipe his back.
13:13A few minutes later.
13:15Kouta, do you have an appetite? Can you eat something?
13:18Yes, somehow.
13:20Momo, it's still hot, so let's cool it down, okay?
13:23Got it!
13:27Is this good?
13:28Yeah, thanks.
13:30Here comes the awe!
13:34It's really delicious.
13:37Shall we take your medicine now?
13:39Yeah, okay.
13:41You can take your time. Here's your medicine.
13:44Do you think you can swallow some water?
13:46Yes, I can.
13:48Reina is really kind.
13:50It's no wonder she's popular with the kids.
13:53Your pajamas must be soaked with sweat.
13:56I'll help you feel fresh.
13:58I'm sorry for making you do all this.
14:01It's no big deal. You're sick after all.
14:04So, how does it feel? Good?
14:07Uh, it feels good.
14:09Erika is really thorough in her work.
14:13In this way, receiving meticulous care from them,
14:16it's as if they've transformed into something else.
14:19Ugh, they're like angels in white coats.
14:23They're so beautiful.
14:27Huh? Daddy fell asleep.
14:30The medicine must be taking effect.
14:32Let's let him rest.
14:36Next morning.
14:40I slept well.
14:42I seem to be completely better now.
14:45Yeah, I really have nothing but gratitude for everyone.
14:50Wait, why are you all still here?
14:53Oh, I'm glad. You've woken up.
14:57Your complexion looks good, so you seem fine now.
15:01Thanks to us, right?
15:04We should get something as a token of gratitude.
15:08More importantly, your clothes, your clothes!
15:11Things have loosened quite a bit.
15:13I'm sorry, I didn't expect you to stay until morning.
15:17It's fine, just a little thing like this.
15:20We were worried about you, Kouta.
15:22We couldn't just leave you alone.
15:25But, morning?
15:30I'm going to be late!
15:32Oh no, we'll get scolded by the doctor.
15:36I don't want to be punished!
15:40Wait, everyone!
15:42They've already gone.
15:44I haven't properly thanked them yet.
15:47I can't thank them enough.
15:50Next week, I went to the Koiwa Clinic to express my gratitude.
15:54Thank you very much for the other day.
15:57I'm truly sorry for causing you so much trouble.
16:00Kouta, please keep your head up.
16:03Yeah, no need to apologize.
16:06But it was entirely my carelessness.
16:09I wanted to earn your approval as soon as possible.
16:12And that's why.
16:14Um, what are you talking about?
16:17We truly rely on you, Kouta.
16:20We're always greatly indebted to you.
16:24Uh, is that so?
16:28I thought you all disliked me.
16:31That's not true at all.
16:34We genuinely respect you, Kouta.
16:38You're not only appreciated by the doctors, but you're the only MR who wholeheartedly supports us nurses too.
16:46For me, Kouta, you're very special.
16:51I've really liked you since high school, you know.
16:54What? Haru?
16:57I'm not good at expressing emotions, so I felt isolated during club activities.
17:03But you were the only one who understood me and offered advice.
17:07I had no idea. Haru had feelings for me?
17:12That's not fair. I really like you too.
17:16Even you, Erika?
17:19Well, you know how I am. I often got misunderstood at my previous work.
17:24But you, Kouta, right from the moment we met, you praised my work, remember?
17:30I just said what I thought.
17:32We actually thought you were married.
17:35When we met again, you were with Momo, so it wasn't unreasonable to think that way.
17:41So I acted distant because I thought I shouldn't fall for a married man.
17:47I'm sorry.
17:49I see.
17:51We also had an agreement among us to keep our feelings in check.
17:55We made a pact to make sure none of us got ahead of the others.
18:00But there's no need to restrain ourselves anymore.
18:03We all love you, Kouta.
18:06So, Kouta, how do you feel?
18:10Who will you choose? Me, right?
18:14It's me, right?
18:17Hey, wait! I'm really grateful for your feelings, but it's all happening so fast.
18:23Can I have some time to think about it?
18:26Yeah, that's fair.
18:29Sure, we'll be waiting for your answer.
18:32Since then, on their days off, I would take Momo with them, and we'd all go out together as if it were perfectly natural.
18:41I'm so happy! It's like having three mommies!
18:45I'm glad you're happy.
18:49So, Daddy, which one are you going to marry?
18:57Wait, let's not rush into those kinds of questions.
19:01Hello, I came for the information you provided.
19:05Finally, you're here.
19:08You're so late.
19:10Honestly, how long do you plan to keep us waiting?
19:13Huh? I'm right on time, aren't I?
19:16Have you decided who you'll choose?
19:19It's going to be me, right?
19:21If you take too long, I might have to give you a big injection, you know?
19:28I was taken aback by their intense approach.
19:31Perhaps these ladies were not angels, but charming devils who could bewitch a man.
