WCW Monday Nitro April 22, 1996

  • 2 months ago
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00:00Welcome to WCW.
00:30Monday, Nitro, live on TNT, the only live wrestling program this Monday night, and what
00:37a broadcast we have for you.
00:38The Nature Boy, Ric Flair, the World Heavyweight Champion, teaming up with the Giant to take
00:49on the World Tag Team Champions, Sting and Lex Luger.
00:54Listen to this, all titles on the line.
00:58Anybody that pins the Nature Boy, Ric Flair, becomes the new World Heavyweight Champion.
01:06That means anybody.
01:07It could mean the Giant.
01:09Should the Giant and Flair defeat Sting and Luger, we have new World Tag Team Champions,
01:15and anybody that beats Luger becomes a new World Television Champion.
01:20It does not get any hotter than WCW Monday, Nitro, live on TNT.
01:27What do you think, man?
01:28Well, I just came from the back area.
01:30There's more police in the back area right now.
01:32You would think that President Clinton is here.
01:34And why are they here?
01:35Because the Macho Man is here tonight.
01:37Last week, they took him out of here in handcuffs, shackled him, took him in a squad car.
01:42Who knows what he's going to do tonight?
01:44Woo, I got to reiterate that, my friend.
01:47You see the little guy.
01:48He's got the eyes popping out.
01:50I saw Macho backstage.
01:52The eyes are out.
01:53He's got the slavering jaws.
01:55He's the Cujo of the WCW.
01:57I don't know what we're going to do.
01:59He's going to tear up the whole joint.
02:01The Cujo, indeed.
02:02This guy has spent more time in handcuffs and squad cars than anybody that I know.
02:06A whole lot of action coming your way.
02:08Like I said, we are live.
02:09Public Enemy coming up.
02:11Let's get down to the ring.
02:14And I'll tell you what.
02:15As I said, we are live.
02:17We are not like the World Whining Federation, which is a tape-canned show.
02:23Happened a couple of weeks ago.
02:24Let me save you some time and put your remote control down.
02:27The RuPaul impersonator, the transvestite Goldust, defeats Zavio Vega,
02:34regains the Intercontinental title, title yawn.
02:39Mankind defeats Aldo Montoya, bigger yawn.
02:43And Vader defeats Fatu.
02:46Oh, boy.
02:47But we are live.
02:48Anything can happen.
02:49And it may happen tonight in the main event.
02:52Every title, almost every title in WCW, up for grabs under the Cruiserweight championship.
02:57We'll be talking about that.
02:58And here we go.
02:59They're getting the furniture ready.
03:01That's their M.O., you know.
03:03They ain't bringing in their lunch when they get that table set up.
03:06They're going to use it to perpetrate some damage on somebody.
03:10And they're not even trying to hide it.
03:12No, no.
03:13They're going to take these two good-looking boys apart right here.
03:15American males.
03:17Well, they're saying, you can use the table on me if you get to it first.
03:22Do not underestimate the American males, former world tag team champions.
03:27It's happened before here on Nitro.
03:30It could happen again.
03:32Marcus Alexander Bagwell, by the way, picked to star in a new movie coming out.
03:39We'll be talking more about that real soon.
03:43An Andy Sedaris action film, by the way.
03:47More on that, like I said, in weeks to come.
03:50But right now, he's not thinking about action films.
03:52He's not thinking about, well, maybe he is.
03:55I know he's thinking about that table outside of the ring.
03:57He does not want to end up out there.
04:00Well, as far as I'm concerned, these American males should be mailed, stamped,
04:04sealed, and delivered to Philadelphia at the footsteps of these men right here.
04:08Public enemy.
04:09Chris Benoit, Eddie Guerrero will be in action here tonight.
04:13Eddie Guerrero still in the hunt.
04:15And we've got action already in the ring, still in the hunt.
04:18For the WCW Cruiserweight Tournament.
04:20We'll be talking more about that later on in the broadcast.
04:23We'll be talking about Slamboree.
04:25Coming your way exclusively on pay-per-view May 19th.
04:28Some of the unique matchups.
04:30Oh, did you see that aerial attack?
04:33A high risk maneuver right off the bat.
04:37And here, right over the top rope,
04:39goes a rockin' American male starting out hot here on Nitro.
04:45Oh, man!
04:46What's he been eating for breakfast?
04:48Well, they've watched Public Enemy, and they know what to do against Public Enemy.
04:51You've got to do that.
04:52You've got to take it out on the floor of them, in the ring, up the aisle,
04:55wherever you have to.
04:56That's how you have to fight Public Enemy.
04:58High, flying action, and American males getting it going.
05:02And while we have a little break in the action here,
05:04I want to say hello to Brian Pillman,
05:06who is recovering from a rather severe automobile accident.
05:09Brian, we know you're watching.
05:11We hope you get well.
05:12Our best to you and your family.
05:14And right now, we have got tag team action in the ring.
05:17And I'll tell you what, very unpredictable, this Public Enemy.
05:21Every time we think they're going to throw the rule book out,
05:23well, they normally do that.
05:25But when we think they're going to forego any kind of a technical,
05:28scientific approach to a match, they can really surprise you.
05:31But one thing not surprising is the way they like to rearrange furniture.
05:35Are you insinuating that these brawlers might have a game plan?
05:39Hey, we've seen it before.
05:40We saw it when they wrestled the Steiners not too long ago.
05:43Nice leapfrog there by Scotty Riggs.
05:45Hip toss takedown up and over.
05:47Body slam.
05:48Scotty Riggs controlling the action here in the center of the ring.
05:50Oh, with a really sweet dropkick.
05:53And a double hip toss takedown.
05:56And a double dropkick.
05:58You've got to love the action here at WCW.
06:00We are live, the only live broadcast tonight, Monday night.
06:06And this program note, beginning next week,
06:08a special 7 o'clock start time for WCW Nitro
06:12as we lead into the playoffs.
06:14NBA on TNT.
06:16All of the action here next week on Monday night.
06:20Tag is made.
06:21Bag well in.
06:22Well, all I can see here is Public Enemy is making a mistake
06:26wrestling with these guys.
06:29They should go back to brawling and bruising.
06:31They might catch them off guard.
06:33I'll tell you something about Public Enemy.
06:34They're the only people that I know that have an advantage at Slamboree
06:37because they're going to be wrestling as a team.
06:39They will be a team.
06:41They will be a team indeed, and I'll tell you what,
06:43you talk about teams, you're talking about 16 teams,
06:4832 names drawn at random,
06:50comprising what is essentially a 16-team tag team tournament
06:54until the final eight men face each other
06:57in nothing more than an eight-man battle royal
07:00to determine the lord of the ring.
07:02And that winner, in addition to receiving a ring,
07:04will get a shot at the world heavyweight champion
07:08in June in Baltimore.
07:11And here we go.
07:13I mean, just think of that.
07:14Eight superstars from WCW in there fighting for one main thing,
07:18that shot at the championship.
07:20That big, huge gold ring looks like a brand-new door knob,
07:22but Liberace didn't have rings like the one I understand they're designing.
07:26Well, what I'm saying is the WCW naturally
07:30is giving the fans something they have never seen before.
07:34Cover, Scottie Riggs came in and broke it up.
07:37Slamboree is gonna be Hulk against Animal.
07:39It's gonna be Steiner against Steiner.
07:43Absolutely, never before in the history of wrestling
07:46have you seen the road warriors against each other,
07:50facing each other on opposite teams
07:52for the opportunity to meet together
07:55in an eight-man battle royal,
07:58and hopefully one of those two will get a shot,
08:00at least from their point of view,
08:02at the WCW world heavyweight champion.
08:05It is going to be unprecedented,
08:07like so many of the events brought to you by WCW.
08:10The three-ring battle royal.
08:12Three-ring 60-man battle royal back in November.
08:15The monster sumo truck match.
08:18The World Cup of Wrestling in December.
08:20So much unprecedented action brought to you in a WCW pay-per-view,
08:24and right now you've got some hard-hitting action
08:27in there, Johnny Grange now are aching the eyes.
08:29Look at that index figure.
08:31Well, don't underestimate the public enemies.
08:36They can inflict some punishment, baby,
08:39for lack of a better word.
08:41Well, you've seen it before.
08:43He was trying to be nice and not say the words he has to
08:45to describe public enemy,
08:47and it's very hard to talk about them
08:49without using the proper adjectives,
08:51which are mostly a bunch of three-letter words
08:53because they're just one big, tough, mean,
08:55miserable team to fight.
08:57Well, let me give you two words that characterize this public enemy.
09:00Enemy sandwich.
09:02I've heard that.
09:03It involves a table.
09:04It ain't pretty, but it's effective.
09:06What an eejup!
09:07Cross-body block by Marcus Alexander.
09:09Bagwell broke up by Rocco Rock.
09:11Johnny Grange now.
09:12Double sledge to the back of the head.
09:13Scottie Riggs beside himself.
09:15Riggs and Bagwell almost had that one sewed up here,
09:18and you can hear this crowd turning on Grange and Rock.
09:23You're right.
09:24They have surprised me.
09:25They have gone into a wrestling mode.
09:27They're usually battling and bruising with everything in the arena.
09:30Trash cans, tables.
09:32They're wrestling these guys and beating them to the punch.
09:35Well, everybody here aware of the additional security.
09:38The Macho Man Randy Savage is here,
09:40but I'm telling you, people who have seen Randy Savage in the past
09:45who know him personally are seeing a man who is possessed,
09:48who has been driven to the edge of abyss, if you will,
09:52by the nature boy Ric Flair, Miss Elizabeth, and woman,
09:56the card-carrying, credit-card-carrying, I should say,
10:00Miss Elizabeth, spending every nickel of Savage's money,
10:03money she says that she has perfect right to
10:06because she is the very reason why the Macho Man is where he is today.
10:11Well, she's not only spending the money.
10:13She's giving it away.
10:14She gives handfuls of money to the humanoids out there.
10:17The other night in a restaurant, get this,
10:19she tipped the waitress $1,500.
10:22Just signed it to the Macho Man's credit card.
10:24Did you see?
10:28That's what Savage is going to do when he gets the bill.
10:30There are high-risk maneuvers, and then there are suicide maneuvers.
10:34That move borders on suicide.
10:38Very kamikaze-ish.
10:40Give him about 20 years, and he'll have that disc frozen in his back.
10:44He's going to be coughing up rib cage if he picks that up.
10:49Scotty Riggs makes a tag.
10:51Big right hand.
10:52Got to go down.
10:56Scotty Riggs on fire.
10:59He's cleaning house.
11:01We have got a tag team match here.
11:05Cover is made.
11:06Referee's in position to move to the kidneys.
11:08Breaks it up.
11:10Bagwell in.
11:12It's a big right over the top rope.
11:14He's in trouble.
11:15He's outside of the ring.
11:17Bad neighborhood, Hawthorne.
11:20So much for the movie star.
11:22I know the name of the movie he's doing, too.
11:24They better have one heck of a makeup crew.
11:26The way this thing is going on.
11:28Want to know the name of it?
11:29Sherwin-Williams, I hope.
11:30It's going to take a lot of pace to fix up that mug if he spends much time outside of the ring.
11:34And this one's over the top rope.
11:36This one's over with.
11:37Referee called it.
11:39They're not through with these guys yet.
11:41I think they want to prove a point here.
11:43Oh, yeah.
11:44Oh, yeah.
11:45It's din-din time.
11:46Oh, yeah.
11:47They couldn't soften these guys up on a table during the match.
11:51They're going to do the next best thing.
11:53Enemy sandwich after the fact.
11:55A dessert, if you will, to the disqualified public enemy.
11:59Live Nitro TNT.
12:03Oh, gosh.
12:04There we go.
12:05And I like this.
12:06This is what you called it.
12:08The enemy sandwich.
12:10I like that, how you coined that.
12:12And is it devastating?
12:13Or the public enemy buffet.
12:16Oh, man.
12:17And Riggs is not even twitching.
12:21He's not moving.
12:22They were like a rocket.
12:23Houston, we have a problem.
12:25Hold the pickle.
12:26Hold the lettuce.
12:27I'm afraid this replay may upset us.
12:30Brought to you by Pep Boys.
12:32Take a look.
12:33Look at this.
12:34Public enemy.
12:35Two against one.
12:36Throw Riggs over that top rope to the floor.
12:38Look at this.
12:40Rocko over that top rope.
12:41On to Grunge.
12:42On to Marcus Bagwell.
12:44Through a table.
12:45You figure out the casualties.
12:47Brought to you by Pep Boys, America's automotive super center.
12:52And we have got some super wrestling action coming your way here live on Nitro.
12:58Chris Benoit.
12:59Eddie Guerrero.
13:01A lot at stake.
13:02A lot of action.
13:04Can you say cruiserweight would be?
13:07We'll be back.
13:11This WCW magazine is really cool.
13:14In the May issue, find out the real deal between Liz and Randy.
13:20Because that woman is vindictive.
13:22And is there a plot to end Hulkamania?
13:25Another win for Jimmy Hart's man.
13:27Plus, an exclusive interview with Medusa.
13:30Man, where do they get this stuff?
13:33Get your copy now on newsstands everywhere.
13:39All right, folks.
13:40We are totally live here on WCW Monday Nitro.
13:44Of course, coming up, Slammery.
13:46The lethal lottery returns as we head to Battle Bull.
13:49That's going to be live from Baton Rouge on Sunday, May 19th, exclusively on pay-per-view.
13:54More on that, of course.
13:55We've got the first round drawings.
13:57And joining me tonight, Ric Flair, if you think you have anything.
14:01I mean Gene Oakerlin, give it a second thought.
14:04Bobby Heenan, please.
14:05I'd like to introduce you to Emily and to Cherry, who are joining us this evening.
14:09Ladies, we're going to get to another drawing live here on the air.
14:12But first, I want to mention, before we came back, we did draw another batch of names as the first round continues.
14:19Let me post you on those.
14:21Hugh Morris will be teaming with Ming.
14:24Pretty good combination.
14:25And they're going to be facing the Barbarian, who's usually Ming's partner.
14:29He's part of the Faces of Fear.
14:31And hard work, Bobby Walker.
14:35Also just drawn, Stevie Ray from the Harlem Heat to team up with Big Bubba Rogers.
14:41They're going to be facing Fire and Ice.
14:44Scott Norton and Ice Train will be together.
14:46Thank you very much.
14:47I appreciate that.
14:48Now, ladies, I'd like to have you kind of shake those up a little bit, if you could.
14:52And, Emily, perhaps you can cut them after Cherry kind of, well, this is reminiscent of an old gin rummy game.
15:00Thank you very much.
15:01Here we go with more names.
15:02The first round drawings.
15:04We have, oh, my goodness.
15:08I'm just going to not do this too delicately.
15:11The name of the Nature Boy, Ric Flair.
15:13Emily, thank you very much.
15:16And his partner for this will be, oh, my goodness.
15:21You've got to be kidding me.
15:22The Macho Man, Randy Savage and Ric Flair together.
15:33Arn Anderson.
15:34Arn Anderson on the opposite side of Flair.
15:37And the final name is Eddie Guerrero.
15:43So, there you have it.
15:44First round drawings.
15:45This thing is starting to heat up.
15:47And speaking of Eddie Guerrero, he's going to be coming up right after this.
15:51Don't go away.
15:58Oh, no.
16:04I can't believe this.
16:05I cannot believe this.
16:07Welcome back.
16:08We are live.
16:09We are in shock.
16:11We, I'm afraid, are in trouble.
16:14The Macho Man, Randy Savage and the Nature Boy, Ric Flair, forced to team up at Slamboree Sunday, May 19th,
16:27exclusively on pay-per-view.
16:29And if you thought, Mongo, the Macho Man's eyes were bugging out of his head before this broadcast,
16:35can you imagine what he looks like right now?
16:38And what about Flair, Heenan?
16:40I don't know what to say.
16:43I do not know what to say.
16:44You're speechless.
16:45Yes, I am speechless.
16:46You're speechless.
16:47First of all, Ric Flair, if you're listening or you're anywhere near the monitor, be careful.
16:51You're going to be in there with a very, very sick, dangerous man.
16:54Be careful.
16:56I don't care how professional Macho is.
16:59I look for him to stand him in the back.
17:01I would walk out like everything's okay, and then when the bell rings, turn on him.
17:06Well, you can see the additional security here, and you can believe the additional security.
17:11A little nervous right now after hearing what we just heard.
17:14Savage, he'll be here later on in the broadcast.
17:17Flair is in the building.
17:18Whatever you do, don't leave us for a second,
17:21because this is shaping up to be an explosive, explosive night here on Nitro.
17:26I'm going to see if we can get a camera back there or word about the reaction from Savage and Flair,
17:31so don't go away.
17:34And Art Anderson teaming up with Eddie Guerrero across the ring from Savage and Flair.
17:40You talk about a match.
17:42You talk about, is it the luck of the draw, the disaster of the draw?
17:47It depends on whose boots you're in.
17:49I wouldn't want to be in Flair's boots.
17:50You ever hear the saying, you know, write checks with your mouth that your body's got to cash?
17:55Well, they've been spending Savage's money.
17:58They've been rubbing his nose in it.
18:00They've been pushing him.
18:01Oh, did you see that arm break by Eddie Guerrero?
18:05Yeah, don't turn the dial, fans.
18:07Look at these two guys.
18:08You're going to see more movement in this wrestling match
18:12than you'd see at a Metamusic convention, baby.
18:14The macho man Randy Savage, if you can hear me, bite down on something hard.
18:20Control yourself.
18:22Do not get yourself in trouble now with WCW Executive Committee.
18:27You've got a lot at stake.
18:28It could be you in that Lord of the Rings finals.
18:31It could be you at a shot with the world title.
18:34Do not let your emotions get the best of you here tonight.
18:37Eric, what they've got to do is they've got to learn to put all that bad blood aside,
18:41which you can't do because this has become personal with a woman,
18:44with the money, with Elizabeth.
18:45But the only way they can get a title shot,
18:47the only way they can co-exist is they're going to have to work together.
18:50And can that be done?
18:51I don't know.
18:52Well, you talk about co-existing.
18:55You've got Chris Benoit, Eddie Guerrero,
18:57two of the most dynamic, explosive, technically gifted cruiserweights in the world.
19:02And I may have to tell you, we're going to talk about the cruiserweight division.
19:05In fact, we're going to talk about it right after this timeout.
19:08Don't leave us now.
19:09Guys, there is so much going on here tonight.
19:11I can't keep up with it.
19:12Savage is doing what?
19:13I love it when it's live.
19:15I can't wait to see this.
19:16Wait, wait, wait, wait a minute.
19:17I cannot wait to see this.
19:18Just a minute.
19:19He's doing what?
19:20Or give me that.
19:23All right, welcome back.
19:24We are back into the thick of things here.
19:26Chris Benoit, Eddie Guerrero live on Nitro TNT,
19:31the only place to be because we are the only one that's live.
19:34And we have got it for you tonight.
19:36Now, let's talk about the cruiserweight division.
19:38In Japan, Otani, in fact, we saw him back in December.
19:42He is going to be the Japanese representative
19:45who will be vying for that WCW necktie takeover
19:51or headscissors takeover, if you will.
19:53Eddie Guerrero putting on a clinic here.
19:56Eddie Guerrero still in the hunt,
19:57along with Bobby Eaton and Brad Armstrong from the United States.
20:02However, Benoit going over,
20:05representing the four horsemen with a split agenda,
20:08if you will, not focused, lost to Otani,
20:11and seems to be taking it out here on Eddie Guerrero.
20:14If he can't have it,
20:15he certainly doesn't want Eddie Guerrero to have it.
20:18Well, Benoit told me he'd been on the phone.
20:20You know, with that time difference in Japan,
20:21Aron Anderson's been calling him, Flair's been calling him,
20:24plus he had to tour, plus he had to wrestle.
20:26He just didn't have time.
20:27Too much horseman business was going through his mind
20:30over there.
20:31Nice standing switch into a go-behind
20:33side suplex takedown by Eddie Guerrero.
20:36Eddie Guerrero now getting into it here.
20:38Guerrero a little slow getting up.
20:40Chris Benoit, probably the stronger of the two,
20:43sticks him like a tack in a belly-to-back suplex.
20:47Well, that was right on the spine of that neck, baby,
20:50and I can tell you.
20:51Cover, one, two, and a roll by Eddie Guerrero.
20:54I just got word back from the dressing room area,
20:56you can't get back there.
20:57There's too many police back there.
21:00I love it.
21:01You can only take a man so far.
21:03You push him over the edge, baby,
21:05and that's what you've got to deal with.
21:07Now, we do understand we're hearing your big right hands
21:09by Chris Benoit and Eddie Guerrero,
21:11who is pinned in the corner.
21:12Referee having words now with Chris Benoit.
21:14Chris Benoit eats a big right hand from Eddie Guerrero.
21:17Benoit fires back.
21:18Guerrero fires back.
21:19Benoit has got, excuse me,
21:21Eddie Guerrero has got to stick to his style of match.
21:23If he's gonna brawl with Chris Benoit,
21:25he may come up short here.
21:28Excuse me, I don't want to interrupt you.
21:29The director's telling me the Macho Man, Randy Savage,
21:32we will have an interview with the Macho Man following this.
21:36We will get his response to being picked
21:40to team up with the Nature Boy, Ric Flair,
21:42and Slamboree only on pay-per-view Sunday, May 19th,
21:46to see who will be, who's gonna be
21:49in the final eight men, Battle Royal,
21:52for a shot to become the Lord of the Ring,
21:54to get a shot at the World Heavyweight title.
21:56Who will it be?
21:58Neck tie, takedown, and a boot across the bottom ring rope.
22:04He's there, he's there.
22:05But let me tell you something about Macho.
22:07My advice to him is, bide your time.
22:10Because as in this case,
22:11every rabid dog has his day, baby.
22:14And it'll come around.
22:15Don't worry about that.
22:17You know, it's very hard for Macho
22:18to get himself geared for something like this.
22:20Flair took his wife, he took his money,
22:22he took his title.
22:23He's taken everything from this man.
22:26Savage is gonna do something he'll be sorry for.
22:29Referee's in position here.
22:30Chris Benoit using the rope.
22:32He used the rope.
22:34Close quarters.
22:35The referee didn't see that.
22:36Referee was pinned in the corner.
22:38I'm not sure he could have seen it.
22:41He made the horseman proud there
22:42because that was a horseman tactic.
22:44And that's a heck of a win over a guy like Eddie Guerrero.
22:50Chris Benoit, he'll win it anyway he can.
22:53Eddie Guerrero, in my opinion,
22:54controlled the majority of this match.
22:57But, unfortunately,
23:00close quarters here for the referee.
23:02Well, he was losing his balance and he just hung on.
23:04That can happen to anybody.
23:05But there's your winner,
23:06member of the Four Horsemen,
23:08Chris the Crippler from Canada, Benoit.
23:12I'll say one thing.
23:13I am falling in love with this cruiserweight division we got.
23:17These guys are crisp.
23:18They do these moves superbly.
23:21It's unbelievable.
23:22It is and we are and we will be back
23:25with Hacksaw, Jim Duggan, and Ming
23:30right after this timeout.
23:32And the Macho Man coming up next!
23:34I'm getting out of here.
23:37All right, fans.
23:38Welcome back to more exciting action here on Nitro tonight.
23:41And I'll tell you what.
23:42A big surprise earlier on
23:44as I drew the names simultaneously
23:46for Slammory, the Lethal Lottery, and Battle Bull
23:48of WCW heavyweight champ Ric Flair
23:51and the Macho Man, Randy Savage.
23:53I don't mind telling you that in the past,
23:56the Macho Man has had to be restrained,
23:58even cuffed recently, by friends of his.
24:00Now joining me at this time in an official capacity
24:03is a vice president
24:05with the World Championship Wrestling Organization,
24:08the front office.
24:09You hobnob with Matt Lambros and some of those other bigwigs.
24:12But my good friend, Rob Garner, here tonight.
24:15Rob, I understand,
24:16and hopefully we can get the Macho Man out,
24:18but some of these subjects have to be addressed
24:20in an official capacity by you and the championship committee
24:24and, of course, all of those here at WCW.
24:26Speaking of the man,
24:28why don't you hold back on the comments?
24:30Randy Savage.
24:32Randy Savage, you have been out of control as of late.
24:35And I knew it was just a matter of time
24:37before the office, so to speak, would come down on you.
24:40You can't continually be a threat to yourself and other people.
24:44And Mr. Garner, any words here for the Macho Man?
24:47Mr. Savage, we're very concerned with your current actions,
24:51both in and outside the ring at WCW.
24:54Now, we at WCW and all the fans
24:57understand your current situation with Ric Flair.
25:00What's there right?
25:01That's right, but your actions are totally unacceptable.
25:06If this current set of actions and behavior that you're doing
25:11does not cease immediately,
25:13the ramifications to your career at WCW
25:16will be severe.
25:19What a big word for a suit and tie.
25:22Hey, hey, hey, hey.
25:23Let me tell you something.
25:25All you guys down at City Hall and WCW
25:28are getting a little too comfortable
25:30around the Macho Man Randy Savage.
25:32You understand?
25:33And about Nature Boy Ric Flair being my tag team partner,
25:37I am the tag team partner from hell, brother.
25:40And I will be real creative when I do what I want to do.
25:45When I want to do it.
25:47And nobody's going to stop me.
25:49Watch it, Randy.
25:50Watch it, Randy.
25:52Because I don't beat City Hall.
25:54I'm going to blow it up.
25:55Wait a minute now.
25:56Just a second.
25:58You are trying to get something across here.
26:01Mr. Garner, maybe you could finish this.
26:03Please give us just the opportunity of talking
26:05and getting this officious, if you will, statement.
26:08I will do what I want to do.
26:10Mr. Savage, if you cannot control your behavior
26:14perhaps you should seek professional help.
26:18You're telling me I need a psychiatrist?
26:20Well, I think that you need a psychiatrist
26:22for standing there like a little, little, little stupid person.
26:28Come on.
26:29Tell me I need a psychiatrist.
26:31It's not worth it, Randy.
26:33You know what an open hand slap is?
26:36Hey, Randy, wait a second.
26:37That is not worth it.
26:38We have seen that before.
26:39And I never want to see that again.
26:41You want to see some excitement?
26:42I am going to create an elector by the whole WCW.
26:47Randy, don't do it.
26:48Randy, please don't do it.
26:50Damn it.
26:51Thank goodness.
26:52Oh, please.
26:54All right.
26:55Thank goodness.
26:56Randy Savage totally out of control.
26:58He should seek some kind of treatment for his behavior.
27:01I thank you, Mr. Garner.
27:02I apologize.
27:03We've got more action coming up.
27:05Don't go away.
27:06He's nuts.
27:07I can't believe that.
27:08And welcome back.
27:10Coming up this Saturday night, WCW Saturday night only on TBS.
27:14Lord Steven Regal takes on the Belfast Bruiser.
27:17The Macho Man, Randy Savage, will be on hand.
27:20The Giant will be there.
27:22And you're going to see Chris Benoit in action against Alex Wright.
27:26And if Sting and Lex Luger are able to hang on to the World Tag Team titles here tonight,
27:31they will be facing Harlem Heat.
27:33Harlem Heat, that coming your way on the number one rated wrestling program
27:37each and every weekend on TBS 605 Eastern.
27:42Don't miss it.
27:43And gentlemen, we have dodged a bullet here with the Macho Man, Randy Savage.
27:49I thought for sure Rob Garner was going to be Savage's lunch.
27:54Well, he said open hand slap.
27:56I guess that meant across the chops.
27:59I'll tell you, I didn't know if that was Rob Garner or Dr. Kevorkian standing out there.
28:02But I'll tell you one thing, he said Savage needs medical help.
28:05He should maybe seek a psychiatrist.
28:07I believe Mr. Garner's right.
28:09He is over the edge.
28:11Let me tell you, folks, it isn't over.
28:13The Macho Man, Randy Savage, is in the building.
28:16The Nature Boy, Ric Flair, in the building.
28:19He will be teaming up later on with the Giant to take on Sting and Luger.
28:24In case you missed the opening moments of this broadcast, let me tell you.
28:28Here's how it goes.
28:30Anybody who pins Flair becomes the new world heavyweight champion tonight.
28:36That could be the Giant, that could be Luger, that could be Sting.
28:41If, on the other hand, either Sting or Luger are pinned,
28:46then Flair and the Giant become the new world tag team champions.
28:52If it's Luger that is pinned, not only will they lose the tag team championship,
28:57Luger will lose the world television title.
29:00So the odds of a title change here tonight are monstrous.
29:04But I'll tell you what's even more frightening
29:08is what could happen between the Macho Man, Randy Savage,
29:11and his tag team partner, you heard me right,
29:14the Nature Boy, Ric Flair, tag team partners at Slamboree.
29:17This is a broadcast.
29:19They're telling me we've got to take a break.
29:21We'll bring you the match between Hacksaw Jim Duggan and Meg
29:24and a whole lot more right after this.
29:27We are live as live can get.
29:30And thank goodness.
29:32Get on back here.
29:33This is WCW, where the big boys play.
29:38All right, welcome back.
29:39We are live as Ming gets ready to get into the ring
29:43with his opponent in this contest, Hacksaw Jim Duggan.
29:47And Hacksaw Jim Duggan not waiting a moment for Ming.
29:51He gloms him.
29:52He's all over him.
29:54It'll be interesting to see if Duggan goes into his tights
29:56and tapes his hand when he gets in trouble,
29:58because that's what he's been doing lately,
30:00the coward that he is.
30:01Well, he should have held on to that two-by-four he's got,
30:04because if Mr. Ming decides to bring out that golden spike,
30:07it'd give him something to ram it into.
30:09A two-by-four.
30:10This is WCW wrestling.
30:12This isn't Bob Veal and home improvement.
30:14We've got lumber.
30:15No, but this is nitro.
30:16I guess you can have anything then.
30:19And we want to remind you, fans,
30:21coming up following this contest,
30:22forget about that tape stuff,
30:24over at the World Wining Federation,
30:26Goldust, the transvestite RuPaul imitation.
30:29Great idea, great concept there.
30:31Defeats Savio Vega, no big deal.
30:34He gets the title back.
30:35Mankind defeats Ultimatoya, and Vader beats Fatu.
30:39But what is going to happen here tonight?
30:41Who will become the new World Heavyweight Champion?
30:44Will it be Sting?
30:45Will it be Luger?
30:47Heck, it could be The Giant.
30:49What about the World Tag Team titles?
30:51It's all up for grabs here tonight,
30:53live on Nitro.
30:55Oh, stop, stop, think of this.
30:57Flair could win it all.
30:58He can walk out of there as the World Champion,
31:00which he is,
31:01Tag Team Champion,
31:02Television Champion,
31:04and imagine going to Slammory holding three titles
31:07and standing in there with Savage as your partner.
31:10Oh, is this going to rub salt in the wound?
31:13I like it.
31:14Jim Duggan, right and left to the midsection,
31:16sends the man into the rope,
31:17and, oh, did you see that?
31:19That took Hatsaw, Jim Duggan,
31:21right off of his feet.
31:22Want to say hello to Hulk Hogan.
31:25He is traveling this week.
31:26Hulk Hogan is running wild.
31:28We saw it last week.
31:29Hulkamania, stronger, more fired up
31:34than it's been in a long, long time.
31:36And The Hulkster will be back on Nitro soon.
31:39We'll keep you updated on him
31:42and when he'll be back.
31:44But like I said, man,
31:45he was really in control of the action
31:47last week here on Nitro.
31:49Well, he goes berserk.
31:50The people get behind him.
31:51They start the Hulkamania chant.
31:53I love when that happens.
31:54And the red and yellow just run through his veins,
31:57and he snaps and loses it,
31:58just like Savage has lost it.
32:00No, he snaps and wins it.
32:02He snaps and wins it,
32:03but he loses it mentally.
32:05Well, don't try to confuse me.
32:07I like the focus The Hulkster has now.
32:10There's nobody that can stop him.
32:12You got that, Heenan?
32:13You got that?
32:14Yeah, I got it.
32:15I got it.
32:16You can whine all you want,
32:17but you can't stop Hulkamania.
32:19Hacksaw Jim Duggan now making his way to the corner.
32:22Boot to the midsection on Ming.
32:24Ming a little slow here.
32:26And I'll tell you what.
32:30No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
32:32Okay, Hacksaw Jim Duggan, take a note.
32:35Do not go after the head of Ming.
32:38This guy has got a head like a cinder block.
32:42Well, you can crack a cinder block.
32:45Yeah, that lets him get a sledgehammer.
32:47Yeah, it's gonna take a sledgehammer,
32:48not a two-by-four.
32:50Look at that hairstyle on him.
32:54Somebody walk up to him and say,
32:55I don't like your hairstyle.
32:56Merchant Ted Mug on Duggan.
32:58Look at Dagwood Bumstead here.
32:59Yes, sir. Yes, sir.
33:00I'll tell you what.
33:01Duggan responding to the crowd here.
33:03Make no mistake about it.
33:05This crowd decidedly behind Hacksaw Jim Duggan.
33:10Big hands, big hands on Duggan.
33:12Oh, no.
33:13You shake hands with Jim Duggan,
33:14it's like slamming your hand with a 63-70.
33:17This guy's got a massive mud on him.
33:22Well, you gotta like Duggan.
33:23You gotta like what he stands for,
33:25the USA weasel.
33:26You know, this guy is pure.
33:29Oh, he stands for every pub-collar worker in the world.
33:32So what's wrong with that?
33:33Everybody that eats a TV dinner
33:35and wears white socks and a brown sock
33:37and thinks they got a parent home just like him.
33:39Yeah, he's all for these kind of humanoid people.
33:41Going for the nerve hole here.
33:42Ming, very dangerous man indeed.
33:45They won't even let him in Japan.
33:47They're scared to death of him showing up in Australia.
33:51And I heard that there's a restaurant and bar
33:53somewhere up in Toronto
33:54that'll shut down if they hear that he's in town.
33:57Well, this guy's a psycho.
33:59I know airports that have shut down
34:00when they hear he's coming in.
34:01Look at him get up.
34:03Duggan made a mistake going to Ming's head.
34:05Well, Ming made a mistake
34:06trying to do those nerve holes on him.
34:08Because how many nerve endings
34:10do you think he's got that are already dead?
34:15Ming pulls the trigger twice and nobody there.
34:18And Hatsaw Jim Duggan
34:20ducks, spins, atomic drop.
34:23And Hatsaw Jim Duggan
34:26is one fired-up competitor here on Nitro.
34:29And Nitro does it to you.
34:30And you fans, just a few moments ago,
34:33you saw the schedule.
34:34WCW comes to your town live.
34:37Get a ticket.
34:38Get a ticket quick.
34:40Because nobody brings it to you
34:43like WCW at Nitro.
34:45Oh, and nobody home.
34:46Hatsaw Jim Duggan in trouble here.
34:47Ming in control.
34:48Reversed knife hand chop to the top of the chest.
34:50Boot, very low boot.
34:52Rights and lefts from Ming.
34:53Ming now just glomming Hatsaw.
34:55Referee, he should get a Purple Heart
34:57trying to break it up.
34:59Lefts and rights, lefts and rights.
35:01What is this, a boxing match?
35:03Come on.
35:04Get him up.
35:05There you go.
35:06I told you.
35:07I told you.
35:08Get a hold of that thing, baby.
35:09He's getting ready to swing the lumber.
35:11Standing side kick.
35:13Right on the chin.
35:15Ming grabs him.
35:16Puts him down.
35:17Right over the rope.
35:18He knew where he was.
35:19He knew he was right where he was.
35:21Duggan has never known where he was.
35:23What do you think?
35:24You just keep his leg up?
35:25There he goes.
35:26There he goes with the tape.
35:27You see?
35:28Oh, here we come.
35:29Irish eyes are smiling.
35:32Now, that's cheating.
35:33There you go, kid.
35:34Now, give him a shot right in the kisser.
35:36Generations of Tape Fist champions
35:39are jumping up in your grave.
35:41Hatsaw, Jim Duggan.
35:46He takes one, two.
35:49That's it.
35:50He did it.
35:52I don't believe it.
35:54He did it.
35:55A shot right on top of the noggin,
35:59and he put Ming out.
36:00I can't believe it.
36:01Well, you know, when you tape your fist,
36:03it makes it solid like a rock.
36:05And Duggan did it.
36:06He hit it right between the eyes with that Tape Fist.
36:10Ming has got to be in shock.
36:13I'm in shock.
36:14A tremendous victory for Hatsaw, Jim Duggan.
36:19And I guarantee you, Irish eyes are smiling.
36:21Let's go now to Meno Geno Okerlund.
36:26All right.
36:27Thank you very much.
36:28Eric Bischoff here tonight on WCW Monday Nitro.
36:30The Lethal Lottery continues
36:32as we head to Slammory on Sunday,
36:35May the 19th, live from the Centriplex
36:37in Baton Rouge, Louisiana.
36:39Emily, and yes, Terry, just moments ago,
36:41you drew a couple of more names.
36:43I can't believe this.
36:44Alex Wright will be teamed up with Disco Inferno,
36:47and they're going to be facing
36:49none other than Dirty Dick Slater
36:52and the Earl of Eaton.
36:54So that has been drawn.
36:55We have four names left.
36:56And, ladies, before we get to the drawing,
36:59do you have anything planned for after the show tonight?
37:03What do you mean, James?
37:04Whoa, wait a minute.
37:05I feel like a combination of Bob Barker and Ric Flair.
37:08Let's get to a name here, if I may.
37:10Why don't we shuffle those up a little bit?
37:12And, Emily, could you cut them?
37:14There we go.
37:16And this will be it.
37:18Here we go.
37:19We can't rush on these things.
37:20We've got to take our time
37:21when we're having fun on Nitro.
37:25The name of Lord Steven Regal.
37:27Very interesting.
37:28I think we're going to see him in action.
37:29Thank you, Emily.
37:30And he's going to be teamed up at Slammory
37:33with the Belfast Bruiser.
37:38I can't believe that.
37:39Here's two people that have been at each other.
37:41They've been going back and forth.
37:42And now they're going to be teamed.
37:44You've got to be kidding me.
37:45This is unbelievable.
37:47How about opponents?
37:50How about the opponents?
37:52V.K. Wallstreet.
37:54Thank you, my dear.
37:56I have extra money tonight,
37:58in case we run a little short.
38:00You understand.
38:02And V.K. Wallstreet's partner,
38:05Hatsaw Jim Duggan,
38:06a man we have just seen.
38:08Keep it in mind, ladies and gentlemen.
38:10Excuse me.
38:11Are we...
38:12Thank you very much.
38:13I appreciate that.
38:14We've got everybody together,
38:15and I'm having fun like everybody else.
38:18I'm having fun like everybody has fun
38:20on Monday nights here on Nitro.
38:22The pairings are complete
38:23for the first round of Battle Bowl.
38:26By the way, we're going to be back
38:27with more Nitro.
38:28Don't go away.
38:29Coming up next,
38:30all titles on the line
38:31here on Monday night.
38:34It is the main event.
38:367'4", 440-plus pounds,
38:39teaming up with the World Heavyweight Champion,
38:40the Nature Boy Ric Flair,
38:41to take on Sting and Luger.
38:44Oh, man.
38:46B in WCW stands for commitment.
38:51Commitment to bring you
38:52the most exciting wrestling action
38:55each and every week.
38:58That commitment leads us to this main event.
39:02All titles on the line.
39:05The World Heavyweight title,
39:07the World Tag Team title,
39:09the World Television title.
39:13It's all here.
39:14The question is,
39:17who will walk out of here
39:20as the World Heavyweight Champion?
39:22Who will walk out of this match
39:24as the World Tag Team Champion?
39:27And who will walk out of here tonight
39:30live as the World Television Champion?
39:34Those decisions will be made
39:38here tonight.
39:39It is up to the athletes in the ring,
39:42and that matchup coming to you
39:45live here on Nitro.
39:47That man has a lot to gain
39:50and a lot to lose.
39:51Oh, hey, there's Debra again.
39:53Debra McMichael, your beautiful wife.
39:55That's my beautiful wife right there.
39:57And what is he doing?
39:58Making a habit of it.
40:00Not again, Flair.
40:04I know she can take care of herself.
40:07He's finding out with Macho,
40:09you shouldn't push a man too far.
40:11You crossed that line, baby.
40:13Then you're gonna have to deal with me.
40:18Look at his eyes.
40:19A little sharp.
40:20A little touchy there.
40:21A little touchy, Mongo.
40:22That's all right.
40:23You know, I'll tell you something.
40:24Flair just has a way of getting to people.
40:27Oh, here we go.
40:29Here we go.
40:30The Macho Man, Randy Savage.
40:32He's loose.
40:33We're talking about getting to people.
40:34The Macho Man, Randy Savage.
40:35Get it, Macho.
40:36He is going after the Nature Boy.
40:38He's shot out of that bathroom area.
40:40Like a rocket.
40:41Come on, boys.
40:42Let him go.
40:43Let him get at him.
40:44They're handcuffing him again.
40:46Another trip downtown.
40:48Bad boy, bad boy.
40:49Oh, look at Flair.
40:50Flair is stopping him while he is being handcuffed.
40:54Thank goodness WCW had the foresight
40:57to have extra security on hand.
40:59But they have handcuffed the Macho Man, Randy Savage,
41:02who is being led out of the building.
41:04And these, I'll tell you what, these cops are hot.
41:07I'll tell you, we should be fair to Savage
41:09and give him his rights.
41:10You have the right to remain silent.
41:12He has the right to get his hands around
41:14the Nature Boy, Rick Flair.
41:15That's what he's got a right to.
41:16Well, if he gives up that right to remain silent,
41:18that man right there in the yellow boots
41:20will kick your teeth down your throat.
41:23He better get away from her.
41:24They're going to be calling us to security for me.
41:28Sit down, Mongo.
41:29Sit down.
41:30I know, I know.
41:31I've got to call a match here.
41:32The Macho Man, Randy Savage.
41:35I think he better take Rob Garner's advice.
41:38Seek some counseling.
41:40Get some help.
41:41Hit the couch.
41:42Fight a bullet.
41:43Do whatever you have to.
41:44But don't get yourself suspended.
41:47I know how to take care of this problem.
41:50Just take out Rick Flair.
41:52There'll be no more problems.
41:54I'll tell you what.
41:56Nitro is electrified.
42:00The World Tag Team Champions making it
42:02to the ring.
42:03Luger and Speed are absolutely sculpted, aren't they?
42:12What some magnificent athletes.
42:14Now, let's point this out.
42:15Last week, we saw a little bit of a dissension,
42:20perhaps the right word, between the Giant and Rick Flair.
42:24Evidently, they've made amends.
42:26They've solved whatever personal problems they have.
42:29And they are united in their attempt to dethrone
42:32the World Tag Team Champions here tonight,
42:35live on Nitro.
42:37I haven't seen Pee Wee Anderson with that much metal
42:39since he stripped four hubcaps off a Mercedes.
42:43Oh, did you see all those belts?
42:45Every one of them are up for grabs tonight.
42:48And the Giant is in the greatest position of anybody.
42:51He's got nothing to lose, but everything to gain.
42:54Singh, on the other hand, despite what I may feel,
42:58despite what he articulates in public,
43:01needs to be at least, at the very least,
43:04aware at all times of Lex Luger.
43:07Because Luger, while he proclaims his loyalty
43:11to Singh as a tag team partner and friend,
43:14we've seen a lot of very interesting situations
43:17with Luger in recent weeks.
43:20And you can't discount it, but right now,
43:22Singh is in there with the biggest man in this sport
43:25bar none.
43:27As a matter of fact, I need to point this out,
43:29we found out, oh, just dropped it,
43:31the Detroit Lions now trying to get their hands
43:34on the Giant he has been invited to try out
43:37by Wayne Foster, the Detroit Lions.
43:40And here's why.
43:42I've been around pro football players all my life,
43:44and that man can play pro football, I guarantee you.
43:48He can do anything he wants.
43:50Who's gonna stop him?
43:52Double, right in front of him.
43:54He's still on his feet.
43:56Who's gonna stop him?
43:57Maybe those two guys right there.
44:03Now give him some just desserts, boys.
44:05That's the way to handle him.
44:07Full press, body slam, double clotheslines,
44:11high five, and the world tag team champions
44:15are on fire here tonight on Nitro.
44:18Don't forget, Slamboree coming your way
44:21exclusively on pay-per-view.
44:23In case you haven't heard,
44:25the Wall Royals, Hawk and Animal are opposite teams
44:28facing each other for the very first time,
44:30as are the Steiners.
44:32A very interesting development between those two teams.
44:35That one you want to watch.
44:37But the biggest news, and maybe the news
44:39that sent the macho man Randy Savage into orbit
44:43is the fact that he will be teaming up
44:45with the nature boy Ric Flair at Slamboree.
44:4716 teams, 32 men will battle it out
44:51in a 16-team tag team tournament
44:54until the final eight men face each other
44:56in an eight-man battle royal.
44:57The winner to become lord of the ring
44:59and get a shot at the world heavyweight champion.
45:02I can tell you exactly why Savage
45:04isn't working 100% with his mind.
45:06If he was smart, he would buddy up to Flair.
45:10He would say, forget all the trouble.
45:12Let's get in there and wrestle as a team
45:14and then take advantage of Flair when he can.
45:16Savage isn't even thinking that smartly.
45:20Dangerous trouble of losing his mind.
45:23Well, if he can get in that ring with Flair
45:25and wrestle with him as a partner,
45:27it'll be a testament to his professionalism.
45:30He can't. No way he can.
45:32And you got to watch this matchup as well
45:34because as we watch Sting and the Giant here tonight,
45:37remember a special grudge match at Slamboree
45:40when the Stinger meets the Giant one-on-one,
45:44mano-a-mano in a grudge match.
45:46What an event that is shaping up to be.
45:48Slamboree, maybe one of the most exciting
45:50pay-per-views of the year.
45:51Stinger now hammering away.
45:53Right hand as the crowd chimes in.
45:56The Stinger maintains control.
45:58Hiptost takes out both of them.
46:00And oh, man, we have got action here.
46:04Pretty satisfied by some of the greatest athletes
46:06in our industry today.
46:08By the time Slamboree comes around,
46:10Flair may not be heavyweight champion of the world.
46:13Sting could be. The Giant could be.
46:15Luger could be.
46:16There's so many different ways to go.
46:18Stay tuned each and every weekend.
46:20Starts out with a pro on TBS 905 Eastern,
46:23605 Eastern Saturday night.
46:25It is WCW Saturday night.
46:27And of course, the main event, 605 Eastern on Saturday.
46:30This program, the big full breast body slam again
46:34by the Stinger.
46:35Next week, Nitro comes your way, 7 o'clock,
46:38the lead-in into the playoffs on TNT,
46:41the NBA playoffs.
46:42All kinds of action coming your way on TNT next Monday night.
46:45This is the place to be where the big boys play.
46:48Go ahead, Stinger. Take him out, baby.
46:50I'll send him a get-well card, and I'll tell you what's
46:53gonna happen to you.
46:54There you go.
46:56Snaps suplex up the top rope, and I'll tell you what.
47:00The opposite should have been falling out of the rafters
47:04from that one.
47:05Ric Flair spending a lot of time up in the Ozone
47:08here tonight.
47:09Oh, Stinger.
47:10Oh, Stinger.
47:13Nobody home, Stinger.
47:14Look at Luger coming through the gate.
47:17That seems like there's a little bit of friendship there,
47:19don't you?
47:21He's there for him, despite what a lot of people think,
47:24what a lot of people say.
47:25But the Giant hasn't come to help Flair yet.
47:28Hey, look at Flair.
47:29Flair said, hey, buddy, I need some help.
47:31Oh, he's calling in the women.
47:34Oh, look at woman with those claws.
47:37A rake of the eyes.
47:39She has those things manicured into a point.
47:45He certainly does.
47:46Toes, too.
47:49That ain't your boy, Ric Flair.
47:51A few words now with the Giant, who just steps over that top rope
47:57like it's nonexistent.
47:58440-some-odd pounds right on the solar plexus of Sting.
48:05Sting in serious trouble here, Heaton.
48:07Come on, put him away.
48:08Put him away right now.
48:09Rick, you have an opportunity right now to become
48:11tag team champion of the world.
48:13Do it.
48:14Get him back in that corner.
48:15Let the Giant lean on him.
48:18Well, I love it when he gets out there and gets cocky
48:20and so self-assured, and the tables get turned on him
48:23because he takes too much time to put out a wrestler
48:26that he should already be counting out.
48:28Look at this.
48:29Vertical suplex.
48:30He's got perfect balance, excellent timing, and Stinger up.
48:34Stinger up.
48:35Rick, Rick, Rick.
48:37That's just what I was talking about out there.
48:40Oh, she's got it again.
48:41She's got it again.
48:42Did she have that coffee in her hand again?
48:44She's got it again.
48:45Somebody, I'll tell you what, they ought to quit
48:47serving coffee in these arenas.
48:49After what we've seen here.
48:51It's bad for your eyes.
48:52Irish whip, bumping over the top turnbuckle.
48:54Rick, too, tries to make the tag, runs over the corner.
48:57Lex Luger cuts him off, intimidates him.
49:00He says, go ahead, get up.
49:01I dare you, I'll take you down again.
49:03That's exactly what he did.
49:04This could be it.
49:05Come on, Luger.
49:06Go ahead and carry him on, Luger.
49:12And when the Giant gets that big bump.
49:15Stinger flips the knee, but look at this.
49:18The Giant refuses to let go.
49:20He's got it.
49:21This guy's like a human set of channel locks.
49:24He will not let go of that choke slam.
49:27Right hand, he still won't let go.
49:30Double sledge, he still will not let go.
49:33The power of this man is mind-boggling.
49:37And finally, a kick does it.
49:40Down he goes.
49:41The crowd reacts.
49:42Jimmy Haskins.
49:43And here comes the weasel in the ring.
49:45He gets belted.
49:47He got his just reward.
49:49Now, what do we got here?
49:50What will it be?
49:51Oh, no.
49:52Rick, you're in a bad neighborhood.
49:54Get out of town.
49:55Go ahead.
49:57Oh, no.
49:58He's got coffee.
50:00Remember what?
50:01What's going on, boss?
50:02Scalding coffee in the hands.
50:04Oh, and that's it for the Giant's eyes.
50:07He got the big man.
50:09Oh, no.
50:10That's going to cost him.
50:12Sting and Luger, they knew it.
50:15They scoot.
50:17The Giant is going nuts.
50:20He knows he's in trouble.
50:22This Giant has lost it.
50:25Run for your life.
50:27Man alive.
50:28Scalding hot coffee across the eyes.
50:32Ric Flair, you can run, but you can't hide, my friend.
50:36You done made the Giant mad, and he's going to get his revenge.
50:41One way or the other.
50:42You can bet on that.
50:44That was just an accident, though.
50:46That was a total accident.
50:48Yeah, yeah, yeah.
50:50The Giant is incensed.
50:54Ric Flair begged him.
50:55You saw it right after it happened.
50:57He begged for forgiveness, but he got out of dodging a real.
51:00Here he goes again.
51:01He goes against the towel.
51:02Oh, no.
51:03Listen, let's see if we can hear him.
51:07He's on his knees.
51:09He's begging for forgiveness.
51:11Oh, no.
51:14That was an accident.
51:15You know.
51:18Ric, don't get up in his face.
51:19No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
51:22Wipe him off, Ric.
51:23Do whatever you have to do.
51:25A brave man dies once.
51:27A coward dies a thousand times.
51:29I'll tell you what.
51:30The 11th Commandment should come to mind here, Ric Flair.
51:34Don't make that Giant mad.
51:37Let's go to Gino.
51:38Take it, Gino.
51:39All right, Jimmy Hart.
51:41I'm just having to see all of this myself, but I can't believe it.
51:44Ric Flair, Giant, nailed you in a face with scalding hot coffee,
51:48and you're not happy.
51:50I'm not happy.
51:51That coffee burned.
51:54But it left fire in my soul.
51:58Ric Flair, now I am the real Giant.
52:02Now I fulfill my legacy.
52:05Next Monday, the World Heavyweight Championship belt on your throat.
52:10It's mine.
52:11Oh, just a second.
52:12Let that up.
52:13Ric Flair.
52:14Let that up.
52:15Ric Flair.
52:18I tried to apologize.
52:20You didn't like it.
52:21Now I'm mad.
52:24I don't like the way you look at the girls anyway.
52:26So you've got until the end of the show to apologize to me,
52:31or next week I'm going to kick your big ass.
52:34Oh, that's right.
52:37Ladies and gentlemen, I got to talk to you.
52:39You've got to be kidding me.
52:44There you go.
52:48There you go, my friend.
52:52Everyone, I want to apologize for the language of the Nature Boy,
52:57Ric Flair, uncalled for.
53:00Heenan, you heard it.
53:03Flair in the Giant next week right here on Nitro.
53:07And I'm being told they want it, they got it, you'll get it.
53:11I can't wait to see Flair sticking his head in that mat like he's an ostrich.
53:17Okay, Rob Garner back there.
53:20He's telling me he will get it signed.
53:22The world title will be on the line.
53:24I'll tell you what, so much going on.
53:27The Macho Man Randy Savage, he's let out of here in handcuffs again,
53:31this time by law enforcement, not by WCW personnel.
53:36This guy may have stepped over the line.
53:38You know, Ric, please listen to me.
53:40I've known you your whole career.
53:42Get some help.
53:43Do something, Ric.
53:44You're causing too much trouble.
53:46Let me explain to you why.
53:47First of all, he's got this match with Savage.
53:49As his partner, he's got to concern himself with.
53:51The man wants to take his head off.
53:53Now he's just had trouble with the Giant.
53:55Now the Giant wants Flair in a match.
53:57They're going to sign that.
53:58They're going to make that happen.
53:59Ric, I don't know what you're doing wrong,
54:01but your life is not going in the right direction here.
54:03You're in trouble.
54:04And the Giant after Flair, the Giant's hungry.
54:07Things don't look good for Ric Flair.
54:09All right, Michael, I know you've got a lot to say.
54:11We are running out of time.
54:12This program, no.
54:13Next 7 o'clock Eastern time right here,
54:15Nitro is wheeling into the NBA,
54:17and it will be the Giant and Flair,
54:19the World Heavyweight Title on the line.
54:21We'll see you then.
