• 2 months ago
The 37 Scientific Evidence of Digital Evidence Tampering on CCTV Footage at Olivier Café: The Jessica Kumala Wongso Case (2016), Carried Out by Muhammad Nuh Al-Azhar and Christopher Hariman Rianto, Who were Under the Leadership of the General Crime Director of the Jakarta Metropolitan Police, Krishna Murti, and the Chief of the Jakarta Metropolitan Police, Tito Karnavian.

The CCTV 9 footage was deliberately downscaled from its original resolution of 1920x1080 pixels to 960x576 pixels, along with the reduction of the frame rate from 25 frames per second to 10 frames per second, had profound forensic impacts on the investigation of the events at Café Olivier on January 6, 2016. This manipulation, performed by digital forensic experts Muhammad Nuh Al-Azhar and Christopher Hariman Rianto, significantly compromised the ability to analyze critical visual evidence.

One of the most crucial aspects affected by this downscaling was the analysis of the coffee served by Agus Triono to table 54. The original high-resolution footage would have allowed for a detailed comparison of the coffee’s color at the time it was served and after it was allegedly tampered with. Toxicologists Nursamran Subandi and I Made Agus Gelgel hypothesized that the coffee containing cyanide would appear darker than a normal cup of coffee served at Café Olivier. This hypothesis could have been verified by examining the color difference in the high-resolution footage. However, the downscaling blurred the details, making it difficult to discern the subtle color differences that are critical for such an analysis.

In addition to the color analysis, the downscaling also obscured the physiological responses of Mirna Salihin. As she was being wheeled out of the café in a wheelchair, forensic doctors would have been able to analyze her physical state in high detail, noting any signs of distress or specific physiological reactions. These details are crucial in understanding her condition post-ingestion of the alleged cyanide-laced coffee. The lower resolution and reduced frame rate, however, resulted in a loss of important visual cues that could have provided insights into her symptoms and overall physical response.

The manipulated footage also played a significant role in the accusations against Jessica Wongso. According to the interrogation report (BAP - Berita Acara Pemeriksaan) of Muhammad Nuh Al-Azhar, the dimensions of the footage should have remained at 1920x1080 pixels. By reducing the resolution, the forensic analysis of Jessica Wongso's actions became flawed. Muhammad Nuh Al-Azhar alleged that Jessica scratched her right thigh and fingers, actions purportedly indicative of cyanide residue. The reduced resolution made it challenging to accurately interpret these gestures, leading to potentially erroneous con


00:00Australian resident Jessica Wongso has been charged with the murder of Minis Alihin.
00:10Police allege she poisoned her friend by adding cyanide to her coffee.
00:14Jessica is like a devil.
00:17Deep inside is something like evil.
00:20They say the trial of the century is true.
00:30CCTV 9 footage from 1535 to 1659 local time frame dimensions was reduced to 960x576 pixels
00:39from 1920x1080 pixels and frame rate was reduced to 10fps from 25fps.
00:46The CCTV 9 footage was deliberately downscaled from its original resolution of 1920x1080
00:53pixels to 960x576 pixels, along with the reduction of the frame rate from 25fps to
01:0010fps, had profound forensic impacts on the investigation of the events at Café Olivier
01:06on January 6, 2016.
01:09This manipulation, performed by digital forensic experts Mohamed Naa Al-Azza and Christopher
01:14Harriman-Rianto, significantly compromised the ability to analyze critical visual evidence.
01:21One of the most crucial aspects affected by this downscaling was the analysis of the
01:25coffee served by Agus Trajano to Table 54.
01:29The original high-resolution footage would have allowed for a detailed comparison of
01:33the coffee's color at the time it was served and after it was allegedly tampered with.
01:38Toxicologists Nursimund Subbandy and I made Agus Gelgel hypothesized that the coffee containing
01:43cyanide would appear darker than a normal cup of coffee served at Café Olivier.
01:48This hypothesis could have been verified by examining the color difference in the high-resolution
01:54However, the downscaling blurred the details, making it difficult to discern the subtle
01:59color differences that are critical for such an analysis.
02:03In addition to the color analysis, the downscaling also obscured the physiological responses
02:08of Myrna Salahin.
02:11As she was being wheeled out of the café in a wheelchair, forensic doctors would have
02:14been able to analyze her physical state in high detail, noting any signs of distress
02:19or specific physiological reactions.
02:23These details are crucial in understanding her condition post-ingestion of the alleged
02:27cyanide-laced coffee.
02:29The lower resolution and reduced frame rate, however, resulted in a loss of important visual
02:34cues that could have provided insights into her symptoms and overall physical response.
02:40The manipulated footage also played a significant role in the accusations against Jessica Wongso.
02:46According to the interrogation report, BAP Berita Akara Pemarikson, of Mohamedna Al-Azhar,
02:52the dimensions of the footage should have remained at 1920x1080 pixels.
02:57By reducing the resolution, the forensic analysis of Jessica Wongso's actions became flawed.
03:03Mohamedna Al-Azhar alleged that Jessica scratched her right thigh and fingers, actions purportedly
03:09indicative of cyanide residue.
03:11The reduced resolution made it challenging to accurately interpret these gestures, leading
03:16to potentially erroneous conclusions.
03:19Similarly, psychologist Antonia Ratti Angiani used the downscaled footage to claim that
03:24Jessica Wongso showed no urgency in assisting Myrna Salahin, suggesting a lack of immediate
03:29concern for her friend's well-being.
03:32The temporal reduction in frame rate to 10 frames per second contributed to this narrative
03:36by creating a disjointed and less fluid depiction of events.
03:40This manipulation obscured the natural flow of Jessica's actions and reactions, leading
03:45to misinterpretations of her behavior.
03:49The downscaling and reduction in frame rate also hampered the ability to analyze the volume
03:53of coffee before and after it was consumed by Myrna Salahin and Hani Jawid Abun.
03:59High-resolution footage would have enabled forensic experts to use advanced techniques
04:03such as edge detection to measure the remaining coffee in the glass.
04:08This analysis could verify Hani's testimony that she only sipped a small amount of coffee
04:12and confirm the actual volume consumed by both individuals.
04:16The blurred and choppy footage, however, made it impossible to conduct such precise measurements,
04:22resulting in a significant loss of potentially exculpatory evidence.
04:26The manipulation of CCTV9 footage by reducing its spatial and temporal resolution significantly
04:32impacted the forensic investigation.
04:36Critical visual evidence, such as the volume and color of the coffee and the physiological
04:40responses of Myrna Salahin, was obscured, leading to potential misinterpretations and
04:45incorrect conclusions.
04:47This deliberate tampering with digital evidence highlights a severe breach of forensic integrity,
04:52ultimately compromising the judicial process and the pursuit of truth.
04:57The motives behind Mohammed Na'al Azzah and Christopher Harriman Rianto's deliberate tampering
05:01with the CCTV9 footage can be examined from several perspectives.
05:06Firstly, their actions seem to be driven by a clear intent to obscure critical evidence
05:11that could exonerate Jessica Kamala Wongso or at least provide reasonable doubt regarding
05:16her guilt.
05:17By downscaling the resolution and reducing the frame rate, they effectively rendered
05:20key details indiscernible.
05:23This includes the color and volume of the coffee at various stages, which are crucial
05:27for toxicological analysis and the assessment of whether cyanide was indeed present.
05:34One possible motive for this manipulation could be to reinforce the prosecution's narrative.
05:39By degrading the quality of the footage, they might have aimed to eliminate or diminish
05:43any visual evidence that contradicted the claims made against Jessica.
05:48For example, ensuring that the coffee's color change, which could indicate cyanide poisoning,
05:54was not clearly visible would support the argument that the coffee had been tampered
05:57with before Myrna drank it.
06:00This would align with the prosecution's assertion that Jessica was responsible for the poisoning.
06:05Moreover, tampering with the footage might have been intended to manipulate the psychological
06:10and forensic analyses.
06:13Psychologists Antonia Ratti-Angiani and Sarlita Wirawan-Sarwono, for instance, used the degraded
06:18footage to claim that Jessica was checking the placement of CCTV cameras and appeared
06:23to be monitoring Table 54.
06:26These claims, based on poor quality video, could paint Jessica as calculating and premeditative.
06:31Similarly, the accusation that Jessica scratched her thigh and fingers due to cyanide residue
06:36was based on unclear video evidence, which could not be accurately analyzed due to the
06:41deliberate downscaling.
06:43Additionally, the manipulation of the footage served to obscure the physiological responses
06:48of Myrna Salihan as she was carried out in a wheelchair.
06:52High-quality footage could have provided forensic doctors with vital clues about her
06:56condition immediately after the alleged poisoning, potentially indicating the onset and effects
07:01of cyanide poisoning.
07:03By blurring these critical moments, the manipulators ensured that such forensic analyses were severely
07:08hindered, thus protecting the prosecution's narrative from being challenged by objective
07:13medical evidence.
07:15Ultimately, the motive behind these actions appears to be a concerted effort to control
07:20the narrative presented in court, ensuring that the evidence aligned with the charges
07:23against Jessica Kamala Wongso.
07:26This manipulation undermines the integrity of the forensic process and the judicial system,
07:32highlighting a grave abuse of power and a significant miscarriage of justice.
07:36The deliberate tampering with digital evidence by Mohamed Nah Al-Azza and Christopher Harriman
07:40Rianto was a calculated move to suppress exculpatory evidence and ensure a conviction based on
07:45manipulated and incomplete information.
