ثلاث و ستين

  • 2 months ago
00:00How can I help you?
00:04Can you help us?
00:09Yes, yes.
00:12How can I help?
00:14If this is Gibran,
00:16I warn them not to say the student's name.
00:18Of course, even if I ask them, they won't tell me.
00:20Of course, they won't tell me.
00:21First of all, it is our right to know who.
00:23You are doing something legal, trust me.
00:25Don't be afraid.
00:26But Gibran seems to be using his strong relationship with the school
00:29to keep the student's name so that we don't get in trouble with him.
00:31That's all.
00:32What I was saying to myself, sir, is that the design is not good.
00:36It's not good at all.
00:37On the contrary, I found it very tacky.
00:39How is it tacky?
00:41Rami, try to find the owner of this design in any way.
00:46We have to offer him a better offer than what he offered, Gibran.
00:49Sir, the design is not good.
00:51I mean, the design is not good.
00:52Sir, it's not good.
00:54What's happening to me?
00:55Nothing is happening to me, but...
00:57What I'm trying to say is, what's going on with this design?
01:01In front of the design of Malek Al-As'ad.
01:03Why do you like it so much?
01:05We are looking for someone who can compete with Malek Al-As'ad.
01:08Someone who has a talent and we can develop it for him.
01:11It's obvious.
01:12It's obvious.
01:13Rami, find the owner of this design.
01:16Contact him in any way.
01:18Find out how we can help you.
01:20Of course.
01:21And Sama, you will help us.
01:25Yes, of course.
01:26Of course, I will try.
01:32Come on, come on, Mr. Danil.
01:35Although I am the smartest person in the world,
01:38is it really my responsibility to be a partner in the most important company in the country?
01:41This is a responsibility.
01:43You have morning meetings with employees.
01:46Remove files.
01:47Put files.
01:48Take calls.
01:49Receive appointments.
01:51I'm fed up. I'm fed up.
01:52I'm fed up.
01:53I'm not a businessman.
01:55I'm an artist.
01:56I don't like the routine.
01:57I don't like someone to lock me in a cage.
02:00I like to stay free.
02:03What day of the month is it today?
02:04Today is the 10th of the month.
02:06The 10th of the month?
02:09I have an appointment with the doctor.
02:12No, Ghaliza, I don't want to go.
02:14I eat emotionally.
02:16It's normal to be emotional.
02:18I'm not an artist.
02:19I mean, if I see a sad scene on TV,
02:22I feel like I'm going to cry.
02:24And I feel like I'm going to throw up.
02:26Speaking of food, what are we going to eat today?
02:28I'll get you a full menu and you can choose what you want.
02:31Everything is available and ready.
02:35God bless me.
02:36Good morning.
02:37Come in.
02:44Hi, Dany.
02:45Hi, Omar.
02:47Hi, Samaya.
02:48What do you think of Mr. Danel's new office?
02:50I love it.
02:51I love it.
02:52I mean, I see all the designs.
02:54Bravo, Hany.
02:56Keep standing at the door.
02:57If you're angry, I'll do anything.
03:00Good morning.
03:02Come in.
03:03How are you?
03:04I'm good.
03:06Dany, I want to ask you.
03:08Do you know anything about Samaya?
03:12What's wrong?
03:14Hey, Dany.
03:16If you know anything, tell me.
03:19I didn't do anything.
03:21You didn't do what?
03:23I didn't do anything.
03:24It's all rumors.
03:25Everything I heard is a lie.
03:26I didn't do anything.
03:28What's a lie?
03:29Tell me.
03:30What happened to you?
03:31Oh, God.
03:32If I stay quiet, your conscience will hurt me.
03:33And if I talk, they'll start paying me hospital bills.
03:35Do you understand?
03:36Look, Dany.
03:37What happened to you?
03:38What happened to you, honey?
03:39Did we ask you a normal question?
03:40Speak like a human being.
03:41I don't understand you.
03:43Nothing happened to her.
03:44Did anything happen to her?
03:45Nothing happened to her.
03:46I'm just asking about her.
03:47I just want to know some information.
03:48Is that all?
03:49Is that all?
03:50Yes, that's all.
03:55Okay, honey.
03:57Did you take a picture of her that time?
04:00Yes, I took a picture of her.
04:01At that time, we were forced to hire a model.
04:03Your cousin didn't like her.
04:04I didn't hire a model for her.
04:06So I said, let me take a picture of you.
04:08I said, no, I'm a heart patient.
04:09Until she accepted.
04:10She didn't accept at first.
04:11She didn't want to show her face.
04:12I said, no, I'm not going to show your face.
04:14I took a picture of her.
04:15What pictures?
04:16She has a lot of tattoos.
04:17If you see them, you'll go crazy.
04:19So she's a sweet and kind girl.
04:22And everyone likes her.
04:23And I don't know what else.
04:25What is she sweet and kind and I don't know what else?
04:27What are these things?
04:28When did I praise her?
04:29We understood that you didn't praise her.
04:31I'm stupid, I thought you praised her well.
04:37We don't have a phone.
04:40Yes, Mr. Hasebani.
04:44Shut it, shut it.
04:46Hello? Hello Fifi?
04:51Hi Danny!
04:53Fifi, you called at the right time.
04:57Welcome to my new office.
04:59You're watching live now.
05:01Be careful who's with me in the studio.
05:03Studio? Okay, who's with you?
05:05Moumalek called me from my office.
05:07I mean, from his office.
05:09I made my own office and let Hani
05:11get all the calls to the speaker.
05:13So I always feel like I'm with the audience,
05:17with the people, and for the people.
05:19And of course, my first guest in the studio
05:21is Maya Al As'ad.
05:23Maya, your daughter. Would you like to say hi to her?
05:26Of course! First of all, bravo to you.
05:28Come here.
05:29Hi Maya, how are you?
05:31Hi mom.
05:32Okay, I'm going. Bye, Danny.
05:34Where to? Bye, bye.
05:37I called you because I'm very hungry.
05:41What's the point of this diet if we're going to stay hungry?
05:44You're right, and I'm going to die of hunger.
05:46Oh my God.
05:47Was it necessary for you to follow this diet?
05:49Of course it was necessary.
05:51So we can keep our youth,
05:53keep our energy,
05:54keep our body, our mind.
05:56Okay, you're right. I'm excited.
05:58What do you think?
05:59You come to me.
06:00We do this diet, your diet,
06:02and we do all the exercises.
06:04Then what do we do?
06:06We order
06:08chicken breast,
06:09asafiri nuts,
06:13and hazelnuts.
06:17No, no, no, honey.
06:19These are sweets.
06:20I can't eat any of them.
06:22I'm just here to exercise.
06:23Okay? Shut up.
06:24Shut up.
06:28Yes, Safa?
06:30Don't be shy.
06:33Didn't I tell you to turn off the speaker?
06:35Why don't you understand?
06:36Why do you make me angry?
06:38No, no, no.
06:41No more words.
06:42Don't open your mouth.
06:43I'm mad at you.
06:46Where are my things?
06:47What else do I need?
06:54Hello, Leen.
06:55Hi, Samsoumeh.
06:57Leen, I'm ruined.
06:58I'm done.
06:59What happened?
07:00The designs I sold yesterday.
07:02Malik liked them a lot.
07:03That's not all.
07:04He said he wanted to look for someone
07:05who designed the designs
07:06and put them in his company.
07:07You have to be very happy.
07:11I'm talking about the designs
07:12I sold to Gibran yesterday.
07:14If Malik finds out,
07:15he'll be very upset.
07:16He'll never look at me again.
07:18What do I do?
07:19I'm telling you.
07:20I told you yesterday.
07:21If Malik finds out,
07:22he'll be very upset.
07:24But you were very happy
07:25and didn't listen to me.
07:26Now tell me what you want to do.
07:28I'll tell him the truth.
07:30I'll tell him that
07:31Gibran came to my house yesterday
07:32and I sold him the designs.
07:34What kind of question is that?
07:35Don't tell him.
07:36He'll forget about it.
07:38I told you.
07:39You're right.
07:41He's very busy.
07:42If he asks him,
07:43he'll forget about it.
07:46I have to calm down.
07:48Of course.
07:49Calm down and breathe.
07:52Thank you.
07:58Calm down, Sam.
07:59Calm down.
08:00Calm down.
08:06I want to tell you something,
08:07but don't get mad at me.
08:09What is it?
08:11Our showroom at the mall
08:13needs to be changed.
08:16Are you kidding me, Rami?
08:20We can't.
08:21We can't do it.
08:23We're used to our customers.
08:25But our Saudi lawyer
08:27will be here soon.
08:29Why did you tell him?
08:30Why did you change the place?
08:32I don't know.
08:33You're right.
08:35But what?
08:36What's his problem?
08:41paid a double
08:42to take our place
08:43and our showroom.
08:47It's not normal.
08:48He's sick.
08:49What does he want from us?
08:51He has a series of places.
08:52What does he want from us?
08:53You said it.
08:54He's sick and he's mad at us.
08:55He wants to attack us
08:56from all sides.
08:57What do we do?
08:58Should we torture him
08:59to make him understand?
09:01This is Rami's style.
09:02You shouldn't do that.
09:03You're the boss here.
09:04Let me see what I can do.
09:05I'll talk to the mall
09:06and find a solution.
09:07Don't worry.
09:08He's mad and he's sick.
09:12That's enough.
09:20What should I do?
09:22What should I do?
09:23I need to find a solution.
09:25Wait a minute.
09:27Why don't I call Gibran
09:28and tell him I'm done?
09:30I stopped selling designs.
09:32That's the best solution.
09:41Mr. Gibran,
09:42this is Sama.
09:43Hello, Sama.
09:44How are you?
09:45I'm fine.
09:47I changed my mind.
09:48I should have told you
09:49that I changed my mind
09:50and I can't sell you designs.
09:52Your money is ready.
09:53I can send it back to you
09:54at any time.
09:55I won't be able to make
09:56any other designs for you.
09:58But we made a deal.
09:59Why did you change your mind?
10:01We made a deal
10:02because I didn't have time
10:03to think about it.
10:04Maybe I was in a hurry.
10:05Then I realized
10:06that I'm just an employee.
10:09I can't sell designs
10:10to anyone else.
10:11But even if they're employees,
10:12they don't care.
10:13You can sell your designs
10:14to anyone you want
10:15and no one will tell me.
10:16I'm sorry.
10:17In any case,
10:18your money is ready
10:20and I want my designs back.
10:23But I can't do anything
10:24because the designs
10:25are being executed.
10:27When did it happen?
10:31I understand
10:32how you feel about this,
10:33but trust me.
10:34It will be a secret between us.
10:36I know that I keep my secrets
10:38very well.
10:40Okay, but...
10:41He hung up.
10:50Okay, I'm coming.
10:55Is he mad at me?
11:05I don't want to see him.
11:07He's such a sidekick.
11:09I hate him.
11:12I don't want to see
11:14the entire mall.
11:17I think it's going to be hard.
11:19Our schedule is full.
11:20Let's see
11:21if there's anything
11:22we can do.
11:23I'm trying, but...
11:24Let me see the program.
11:27It's impossible.
11:28The schedule is full.
11:29I can't do it in half an hour.
11:30Hour by hour.
11:31Hour by hour.
11:33we already booked
11:34the first meeting
11:35a week ago.
11:36We have to do it today.
11:37And the second meeting
11:38with Ms. Siri
11:39insisted that you two
11:40be there.
11:41Okay, I'll do it.
11:50What's wrong, Maya?
11:51What's wrong?
11:54What's wrong, Sama?
11:56You look like you're
11:57getting along
11:58with everyone.
11:59Good for you.
12:11What do you mean
12:12you're getting along
12:13with everyone?
12:14I didn't mean anything.
12:15I mean she's
12:16a very smart assistant.
12:18I mean,
12:19she doesn't just help you.
12:20She helps Rami,
12:21she helps Dad,
12:22she helps all of us.
12:24She's really
12:25very smart.
12:26I'm proud of you.
12:27Thank you.
12:29I'm doing my job.
12:30I'm trying to do
12:31everything I can.
12:33How are you?
12:34I'm fine.
12:38What are you doing?
12:40Maya, we're very busy.
12:41I know,
12:42but with what?
12:43We have a meeting
12:44we need to do.
12:45We're checking
12:46if there's time
12:47in the schedule.
12:49It doesn't look like
12:50we have time.
12:51Hold on.
12:52Give me a minute.
12:53There's a group
12:54that's taking
12:55an appointment with us
12:56for the first time today.
12:57Maybe I should call them
12:58and postpone the appointment
12:59until tomorrow.
13:01Sama, I know you can do it.
13:02Please, please,
13:03talk to them.
13:04You're the smartest
13:05and the best assistant
13:06in the company.
13:07Solve it, please.
13:08Half an hour,
13:09but I can't stay longer.
13:11Excuse me.
13:12Sama, you're going
13:13with us to the meeting today.
13:18Okay, I'm going
13:19to the mall
13:20and postpone the appointment.
13:21I'll be done in a few months
13:22and we'll go together.
13:29How are my uncle
13:30and my aunt?
13:32They're fine.
13:33They're nice to me.
13:41Why are you laughing?
13:42Where's Fifi?
13:43Here, here.
13:44Come in.
13:59Sports equipment, too?
14:01What nice equipment
14:03you brought!
14:05Well done, Fifi!
14:08Thank you.
14:09In the name of God,
14:10teach me!
14:11Yes, Dali.
14:12Dali, I'm ready,
14:13but I don't feel like it.
14:15I don't like sports.
14:16I don't like it.
14:17Jamal wants to take it.
14:18We have to.
14:19We have to play sports
14:20with you and me.
14:22our health
14:23is our priority.
14:24You know what?
14:26You're right.
14:28Everyone has to see
14:29that we're playing sports.
14:31We have to film
14:32and document every moment
14:33and post it on social media.
14:36Okay, honey.
14:37Let's post it.
14:38Let's start.
14:40but what do you think?
14:42Should we eat a little?
14:46Of course, honey.
14:48need food
14:49and energy.
14:51we'll eat
14:52and then burn calories.
14:54we'll eat.
14:55I'm starving.
14:57That's a smart idea.
14:58Me too,
14:59but you have to promise me
15:00we won't eat a lot.
15:01Just a little.
15:02I promise, honey.
15:03I promise.
15:05I'll make a food show
15:06for you and me.
15:08we'll start with appetizers.
15:10we'll take a break
15:11and play sports again.
15:13the main course.
15:15we'll take a break
15:16and play sports again.
15:18the dessert.
15:19But I think
15:20we'll skip the dessert.
15:21Or we can make a dessert.
15:23We can tell Siti
15:24to make us brown sugar cake.
15:25What do you think?
15:27let's not talk about it.
15:28Let's eat.
15:31my God!
15:38we want a matbal.
15:40Baba ghanouj.
15:41And I want the maqlouba
15:42that I love.
15:43And I want the kibbeh
15:44that has flowers and potatoes.
15:45I don't want eggplants,
15:46fried and fried.
15:47I don't want that.
15:48And also,
15:49you want kibbeh.
15:51we don't eat fried kibbeh.
15:52What do you think?
15:53Air fryer kibbeh.
15:55And I also want a salad.
15:56As much as you can.
15:57Because Fifi and I
15:58are on a diet.
15:59Do you hear me?
16:00I want exactly
16:01what he wants.
16:02In addition to
16:08With lettuce.
16:10That's it?
16:12And now,
16:13we're going to see
16:14what we're going to eat.
16:15Don't get cold.
16:16Go, go.
16:17Come on, Adan.
16:18We'll see in 2 days
16:19or not 2 days.
16:20No, no.
16:21In 2 weeks,
16:22our bodies
16:23will turn into
16:24mannequin bodies.
16:25All the fashion
16:26agencies will
16:27want us.
16:29I've been wanting
16:30a blue dress
16:31for a long time.
16:32Because people
16:33leave me like this.
16:34I don't want to
16:35get muscle
16:36when I'm
16:37fat tomorrow.
16:38No, I can't.
16:39Give me potatoes.
16:42What's this?
16:46This is
16:47the design.
16:49For a new student.
16:52Every year,
16:53we ask the design school
16:54to send us
16:55the best designs
16:56to be approved.
16:58We choose someone
16:59from them
17:00to work with us
17:01in the company.
17:03The designer
17:04of this design
17:05is Jebra.
17:07Most of the time,
17:08he's amazing.
17:13Here we are,
17:14you and me.
17:15Let me see.
17:17Tell me,
17:18why did you come?
17:21Don't you want me
17:22to visit you?
17:23Of course not,
17:24but I mean
17:25that Katrani
17:26invited you to the company.
17:29I'm sorry
17:30if I'm bothering you.
17:36I want a small favor
17:37from you.
17:38Talk to dad
17:39and tell him
17:40there's nothing
17:41between me and Rami.
17:42I don't want him
17:43to interfere
17:44because I'm afraid
17:45you'll ruin
17:46your relationship
17:47with him again.
17:49you can play
17:50with everyone
17:51except me.
17:52I'm not playing with you.
17:53So what?
17:55I just want them
17:56to believe
17:57there's nothing
17:58between me and him.
17:59That's the least I can do.
18:04What's your situation now?
18:07There's nothing.
18:08I don't know.
18:10What are you thinking?
18:12Are you trying
18:13to make Rami love you
18:14and convince him to marry you
18:15without your family
18:17Is that it?
18:18If that's the case,
18:19it's not right at all.
18:23Look at you and Sama.
18:24No one knows
18:25about your relationship.
18:26What's the difference?
18:28There is a difference.
18:30Sama and I love each other
18:31and we're going to tell everyone.
18:33But why doesn't anyone
18:34want to know now?
18:35Not like you.
18:36You're dreaming
18:37that Rami loves you.
18:39I'm dreaming
18:40that Rami loves me?
18:42I'm not dreaming.
18:43Rami and I
18:44love each other a lot.
18:45And this will
18:46come true
18:47and you'll see it tomorrow.
18:48You haven't thought
18:49about why
18:50Sama won't tell anyone.
18:52This girl
18:53isn't comfortable at all.
18:54She's mean.
18:55She's mean.
18:56And no one
18:57wants to talk to her.
18:58Hey, hey, hey.
19:00Mind your language.
19:01Don't talk to her like that.
19:04Yeah, yeah.
19:05I'm fine.
19:06Don't get mad.
19:07I didn't say anything.
19:08I'm fine.
19:28How are you?
19:29Good, Maya.
19:30Come in.
19:31Oh my God, Sama.
19:32I can't believe
19:33how boring it is.
19:34All my friends
19:35are traveling
19:36and I'm here alone.
19:37It's hard, isn't it?
19:39Yes, it is.
19:40Life is very hard
19:41and it's strange
19:42how there are people
19:43who are close to us
19:45and because of the circumstances
19:46we're separated.
19:47There are those who get married
19:48and those who travel
19:49and those who take their lives.
19:52I wish we could stay close
19:53to the people we love.
19:57You're right.
19:58To be honest,
19:59our friends are nice.
20:00Yes, they are.
20:02You know,
20:03I leave the house every day.
20:04I can't stay with my mom
20:05for a week.
20:08What can I do?
20:09I come here.
20:10But you all have work.
20:11I have no one.
20:12I have no one to sit with
20:13or take me on a trip
20:14or anything.
20:16You're right.
20:17We're very busy
20:18with work these days.
20:19We don't have the right
20:20to do anything after work.
20:21Now tell me,
20:22I'm a little stressed
20:23because my friends
20:24live in the same neighborhood.
20:25I mean, we go out
20:26and sit
20:27in the neighborhood
20:28next to the houses.
20:29We don't care.
20:30What matters is to eat
20:31and have fun.
20:32Oh, hi.
20:33It's nice to see you.
20:35I wish we could be like this.
20:37What do you mean?
20:38You and I,
20:39we go out,
20:40we go in,
20:41we talk,
20:42we flirt with your friends.
20:44Why don't you come
20:45to our house tonight?
20:46At your house?
20:48To Mrs. Farida's house?
20:50you're one of those
20:51who are afraid of your mom.
20:52Don't be afraid.
20:53She won't be home today.
20:54No, mom.
20:55I'm not afraid,
20:56but it's going to be hard.
20:58Because I have work
20:59and after work,
21:00I have to go home.
21:01And then I have a design class.
21:02It's going to be very hard
21:03for me to go back home.
21:05Yes, fine.
21:06No problem.
21:09I'll see where I can go
21:10to walk by myself,
21:12have fun with people,
21:15or maybe go to the mall.
21:18that's it.
21:19Maximum, maximum.
21:21I'll go and sit in my room
21:22like every day,
21:24I don't have anyone.
21:25I sit like this
21:26and cry until I fall asleep.
21:28Okay, whatever you want.
21:29Don't worry about it.
21:30I'm sorry I took your time.
21:36I'll come to your place
21:37this evening.
21:40You made my day.
21:41I'm going home
21:42and I'll wait for you to come.
21:46I'll be waiting for you.
21:47Yes, of course.
21:49My heart is racing.
21:51It's hard.
21:52I can't take it anymore.
21:53I have to see Mrs. Farida.
22:04How are you?
22:05How are you?
22:06I'm fine.
22:07I'm calling you
22:08but you're not answering.
22:09I'm a little busy.
22:10You're sick.
22:11I'm fine.
22:12Call me when you can.
22:14I don't want to bother you.
23:03Thank you.
23:18Welcome, Sultan.
23:20Please come in.
23:25Good evening, Amin.
23:27Can we talk for a minute?
23:29Of course.
23:30There's something I've been wanting to talk to you about for a while now.
23:40Yes, go ahead.
23:48Maya? What about her? Is she okay?
23:51No, no. Maya is fine. She was at the company today.
23:55If you focus well, you'll notice that she's not doing well every day.
23:59Yes, Haram told me.
24:01All her friends are traveling, so she comes here to have fun and see us all.
24:05She's changing her job.
24:06Not to see us, but to see you.
24:13Yes, that's the truth.
24:15We didn't think that Maya would have the same feelings for you after she came back from the trip.
24:20I mean, she doesn't have any worries or anything.
24:23She just wants to see you, be by your side, and know your news.
24:26Rami, let's be honest with each other.
24:30We never lied to each other.
24:34You love her, Sama.
24:36And I saw how much you were suffering to hide your feelings for her.
24:40But you didn't hide them from me.
24:43Maybe I'm the only person who knows about this.
24:46That's right.
24:47That means you know what it means to love and not to be loved.
24:54I know.
24:57Rami, if you don't love Maya,
25:01and I'm 100% sure that you don't love her,
25:04and you love Sama,
25:06don't let her live on the hope that one day you'll love her.
25:10That way you'll be oppressing her and oppressing yourself.
25:14You know how much I love you and you're precious to me.
25:19But Maya is my daughter, my soul.
25:22And I'm not ready to see her being tortured again.
25:26I have to protect her.
25:28You know what I mean, Rami?
25:30It's hard for me not to hurt her.
25:32I'm not torturing her at all.
25:34Maya is precious to me.
25:36But let me be clear.
25:39You don't love Maya.
25:41And Maya can't get you back together with Sama.
25:43And she can't bring you back to your balance.
25:45Otherwise, you'd be making the problem bigger.
25:48So my advice to you is
25:50if you're looking for a serious relationship,
25:53try to look inside yourself.
25:56So you can determine the relationship you want to enter,
25:59and it's not just about reacting.
26:02That's best for you and Maya.
26:05Do you understand what I mean?
26:11I understand.
26:13I understand.
26:20I understand.
26:45Now, let's move on to the most important exercise.
26:48No one suffers from neck pain.
26:50Because we all suffer from neck pain
26:52because we're sitting on our phones.
26:54Let's start with the neck exercise.
26:57Right, right, right, right.
27:01Left, left, left, left.
27:04Back, back, back, back.
27:07Forward, forward, forward, forward.
27:11I won't repeat it like the other trainers.
27:13You can repeat it as much as you want.
27:16And the most important thing when you do this exercise
27:19is to eat healthy food.
27:21So you don't get fat.
27:23Now, let's move on to the next exercise
27:26with our dear Dali.
27:29Okay, okay.
27:31Now, I'm going to give you an exercise.
27:34This exercise will make you feel happy.
27:36It will make you feel energetic.
27:37It's an exercise that you can use at weddings,
27:39you can use it at parties.
27:41It's called the jump exercise.
27:43Wow, this exercise is so nice.
27:45Come on.
27:49Come on.
27:51Seven, eight.
27:52Yes, yes, yes.
27:54This is also an exercise that we won't limit you to numbers.
27:57You can do it as much as you want.
27:59Now, we're going to...
28:01No, no, no, Dali, we're not going to the mirror.
28:04Now, we're going to the ground exercise.
28:15Now, we're going to the...
28:16No, no, to the sofa, to the sofa.
28:20Hello, our viewers.
28:21We're going to watch the previous exercise with you.
28:23But now, the Anissa City that's filming
28:25is going to edit it for us.
28:26Okay? Okay.
28:27Let's go.
28:33Oh, my God.
28:35What happened to you, darling?
28:36How are you?
28:37Did something happen to you?
28:38No, no, I'm fine.
28:39I'm fine.
28:40We're very excited, our viewers,
28:42so we apologize.
28:44Okay, City, count for us.
28:50What's two?
28:51What's two?
28:52What's two, darling?
28:54We lost 54, so it has to be 57.
28:5754, 54.
28:58Yes, yes, like that.
28:59Okay, 55.
29:02We lost 50.
29:06Okay, say goodbye.
29:07Let's say goodbye to our viewers.
29:11See you in the next episode.
29:15I'm so sorry, Fifi.
29:16I'm so sorry.
29:17I'm tired.
29:18I'm very hungry, Dali.
29:19Are you hungry?
29:20I'm starving to death.
29:21Do you want to eat on the table or here?
29:23Of course here.
29:24Come on, City.
29:25We want to eat here.
29:27Give me the fork.
29:28Here, here.
29:29Give it to me.
29:31And get me the brown sugar cake.
29:33Over there.
29:42That's enough.
29:43That's enough.
29:48Did you call me?
29:51Are you okay?
29:53I mean...
29:55Is something wrong?
29:57Are you mad at me?
29:59No, I'm not mad at you.
30:01It's not about the model.
30:04No, it's over.
30:05I don't want the model anymore.
30:08And I don't want you to increase my salary.
30:10As usual, I change my mind.
30:11You know me.
30:12I change my mind all the time.
30:13I say I want this, I want that.
30:14And then I don't know what happens to me.
30:16And I don't want the job anymore.
30:17It's weird.
30:18Even though I have the right to read.
30:19I mean, I don't have to be like this.
30:20I have to be like my husband.
30:21He says he changes his mind a lot.
30:24I'm talking nonsense right now.
30:25You know I can't shut up.
30:26But I'm nervous.
30:27That's why you have to help me and shut me up.
30:31Let's go to the meeting.
30:32I don't want to be late.
30:34Let's go.
30:36Come on.
30:41We're going to get married.
30:44I mean, can you imagine?
30:46We're going to live our lives.
30:51Everything will be better with you.
30:53But the important thing is that you don't change your mind.
30:56It's impossible to change my mind.
30:58But it's over.
30:59I found myself.
31:01You mean there's nothing left?
31:03Not at all.
31:04I mean, I don't have to worry about you.
31:06No, no.
31:07Of course, I'm not going to worry about you either.
31:09First of all, we're in the company and people are coming and going.
31:12Second, we're late for the meeting.
31:14And Mr. Rumi is waiting for us.
31:15I'll go to his office at any moment.
31:17And if I don't see you...
31:18Hey, Mom.
31:19Didn't you get anything?
31:21Come on.
31:22Go ahead.
31:30Listen, you have a class today, don't you?
31:34I mean, the internship.
31:35Do you have a class today?
31:36Yes, I do.
31:40Don't forget to tell us the student's name.
31:43Of course.
31:45I mean, I don't understand.
31:46I mean, why am I so attached to the story?
31:48In the end, I'll tell you again.
31:49I mean, the design is nice, but it's okay.
31:51It's not wow.
31:53What else?
31:54Am I one of them?
31:55Don't worry.
31:56Your place is safe with us in the company.
31:59Don't worry.
32:00I don't have anyone else.
32:01Where am I to be able to make such a beautiful design?
32:03I still need a lot of time.
32:05On the contrary.
32:06Your drawing is very beautiful and excellent.
32:08I mean, I know, but what I mean is that I don't have time to start.
32:11Of course, in this short period of time, I won't be able to do anything well.
32:14I mean, of course, not me.
32:16Look, design doesn't take time.
32:18It's a feeling.
32:19I mean, if you learned for a hundred years and studied for a hundred years,
32:22if you don't have a talent, you're not good.
32:25Then look at this new student.
32:27Our mind is spinning.
32:28He's talented and he doesn't have time.
32:32The design is very excellent.
32:34Of course, Mr. Jobran came and found out that he was talented and stole it from him.
32:42The color is strange.
32:43I mean, even though it's winter, but you feel it's warm.
32:46Open the window.
32:47It's wet. It's like it's wet.
32:49Fawad, get to work. I'll change.
32:50Yes, yes.
33:04I'm sorry.
33:12Jobran has made a very big stop.
33:13He's also taking our offer.
33:15I was thinking that if I defend Duba, he'll defend more than that.
33:22Look, I don't think I'll benefit from this meeting.
33:26I don't understand what this patient wants from us.
33:28Why doesn't he hurt us?
33:30I don't know what I'm going to do with him if I see him.
33:31I don't know.
33:32What does he want from our showroom?
33:33Can someone explain to me what does he want from it?
33:37Oh, the heroes are here.
33:39My greetings.
33:41What do you want from us?
33:42Why do you keep following us everywhere?
33:44Are you mad as I told you?
33:46It's because I decided to take your showroom.
33:48Don't worry, Khairami.
33:50You can put a small stand for you in the corner.
33:52I'll talk to the management if you want.
33:53Jobran, don't cross your limits.
33:56Now, is this a warning or a threat?
34:00Consider what you want.
34:01What do you want from us?
34:03Rami, it's not personal.
34:05It's strictly business.
34:07You know that we're in this together.
34:09And in this field, the winner is the one who precedes the other.
34:12Why don't you just take it?
34:16Rami, let's go to the meeting.
34:18We don't have time to waste.
34:26See you.
34:31See you.
34:51Hi, Jobran. How are you?
34:53I've called you a hundred times and you're not answering.
34:56Am I bothering you?
34:57Am I upsetting you?
34:58Just let me know.
35:00I'm very busy.
35:02I can't reach you.
35:04Either call me or answer me.
35:07Just send me a message to reassure me.
35:18You surprised me.
35:19Well done.
35:20I told them everything.
35:22Well done.
35:23But do we really have to leave the place?
35:26It's your decision.
35:27What do you think?
35:28Do you think it's hard to find a better place than this one?
35:33Not at all.
35:36But it's a shame.
35:37Arshouj and Jobran gave us a deal that we can't refuse.
35:40You stay with Jobran and we'll leave.
35:42You didn't affect them.
35:44You see, Sama?
35:46This is Rami, my real friend and partner.
35:49We support each other in any decision we make.
35:51And whoever goes with me in any way, I choose him even if it's not easy.
35:54But he keeps going.
35:55He keeps going until the end.
35:57And he helps me find a solution.
35:59So you're making things hard for him, and he's finding a solution for us?
36:03He always has a solution.
36:05I can't ignore him.
36:08Wait a minute, Shlomo.
36:09You're insisting on your opinion in front of everyone,
36:11and you don't want to share the place with Jobran.
36:13Because you're sure I'll find a better place than him?
36:16You trust me?
36:18Of course.
36:19So who do I trust?
36:20Daniel, for example?
36:21Yes, everything is up to Daniel.
36:25You have to pressure them to choose.
36:27Either me or Jobran.
36:28They have to choose.
36:31Of course I trusted you.
36:36You're my brother and partner.
36:39I didn't affect you.
36:55I didn't affect you.
37:25I didn't affect you.
37:26I didn't affect you.
37:27I didn't affect you.
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