ثلا و خمس

  • 3 months ago
00:06Come in.
00:13How are you?
00:15I'm exhausted.
00:17Where's my sleep?
00:18It's hard to sleep.
00:20Are you hungry?
00:22I'm very hungry.
00:23I ran a lot today, and I forgot to eat.
00:26So, what do you think?
00:27I'll prepare dinner,
00:28and then we'll talk about Lebanon.
00:31Yes, we'll talk.
00:33You agree?
00:34I agree.
00:35You like it?
00:37I like it.
00:38Okay, I'll wait for you.
00:39No problem.
00:42♪ La, la, la, la, la, la, la.
00:45La, la, la, la, la, la.
00:47La, la, la, la, la, la.
00:50La, la, la, la, la, la.
00:56Here's the thing.
00:59Is there something else you're hiding from me?
01:01No, nothing.
01:02I told you everything.
01:08Are you sure this is Naima?
01:10I'm afraid she heard us.
01:12I don't want her to hear us.
01:13Naima, Naima.
01:17Are you sure?
01:18I think I heard something from inside.
01:21Don't run away from the subject.
01:23I'm listening.
01:24I'm not running away,
01:25but I really don't want her to hear us.
01:27Where were we?
01:28You said it was because of the debt.
01:32I was saying it was because of the debt I owe Ms. Farida.
01:35Wait a minute.
01:36The debt we owe her.
01:40We owe her.
01:43Anyway, because of the debt,
01:45I had to go back to the company.
01:47She forced me to do this,
01:49but now...
01:53Now you can't leave me
01:55because you can't get over him, huh?
02:00our story is hard.
02:01Because I know it's impossible for us to be together.
02:05There's a big lie between us.
02:07I can't get over him because he's going to leave me.
02:10I can't live with him and lie to him for the rest of my life.
02:15That's why I chose to go back to work.
02:19That way, I can at least see him.
02:22And when are you going to be able to handle this?
02:25I don't know.
02:26I don't know.
02:27I can't do anything else.
02:29Unless there's another way.
02:32There's no other way.
02:33There's no other way but to take care of myself
02:35and run away.
02:37And I can't do that anymore.
02:42I understand.
02:44But there's one thing I haven't thought about.
02:47What is it?
02:50Maybe our friend loves someone else.
02:56I don't know.
03:03I thought...
03:06I thought about it and it really scared me.
03:08I can't be with him.
03:10And at the same time, I can't say no to anyone else.
03:14Between him and me, his old friend is back.
03:17And I feel like I'm getting closer to him.
03:19Every time I think about it, I feel like...
03:22my heart is going to stop.
03:25The peace of your heart.
03:29Keep going.
03:51Thank you for taking me to the hotel.
03:53You're welcome, Mr. Malek.
03:55Hey, hey.
03:57Let's talk about what happened today.
04:00If you want to talk about a personal matter, I can't.
04:04I don't want to talk about work.
04:06I want to talk about Sama.
04:09What's wrong with Sama?
04:11She's not like that.
04:13Yes, she is.
04:15What do you like about her so much?
04:18This is the first thing we're going to talk about.
04:20It's not the right time.
04:21I want to know.
04:23What makes you fall in love with her?
04:25There's nothing in common between you.
04:27All the relationships between you are illogical.
04:30You're right.
04:31If there was logic, we'd be together right now.
04:37Is my question that hard?
04:38A reason.
04:40A reason you can't give me that makes you love me so much?
04:47Because it's Sama.
04:50Good night.
04:54Good night.
05:11What's wrong?
05:12Good morning.
05:15You didn't answer me.
05:16We talked that time and you didn't come to pick me up.
05:19Honestly, I didn't want to talk about it.
05:23But I can't sleep at night.
05:24I can't admit that you know me or you don't know me.
05:30You're so beautiful.
05:31Tell me.
05:33I told him about Farida.
05:36But I didn't want to tell him.
05:39I knew you told him.
05:41What's wrong with you?
05:43You're my friend like my sister.
05:44How can you hide my secrets?
05:46How can I trust you?
05:50Do you believe me now?
05:54Do you think I came to you this morning?
05:57I wanted you to come to this wedding.
05:59Because you're a man and you haven't loved me for a long time.
06:01I knew from the beginning that you told him.
06:04But I'm sorry.
06:05It's better between you and me.
06:07I can't tell him.
06:09Did I do the right thing?
06:11You relieved me.
06:15What are you doing here?
06:17Who is she?
06:20Who is Nina?
06:21Nina is the ex-girlfriend of Malek.
06:24She's flirting with me.
06:26Are you done with Karol?
06:29Go to him with confidence.
06:31If you're bothered, tell him I'll go slowly.
06:34Tell him.
06:37Tell him.
06:40Good morning.
06:44How are you?
06:45Is there something wrong?
06:47No, not at all.
06:48I just want to talk to you without Malek.
06:53Talk without Malek?
06:56Are you sure you have time?
06:59Yes, of course.
07:00Come in.
07:01Thank you.
07:03Come in.
07:17Thank you.
07:26Good morning, Mr. Malek.
07:28Don't you want to come in?
07:48How are you?
07:50I'm fine.
07:53I talked to Rami last night.
07:55I didn't believe what I heard.
07:57A decision to disband the partnership.
07:59I mean, a conscious decision, right?
08:04What would you do if you were me?
08:07You're going through a difficult time.
08:11And what Rami did made you trust him.
08:14And what Rami did made you trust him.
08:17It took time to come back.
08:21We can't continue to trust each other.
08:25Why don't you listen to me?
08:27Why don't you trust me?
08:28Look where we are.
08:30You should ask him that question.
08:33You have the right to be mad at him.
08:36And you have the right to blame him.
08:38But don't forget that he's your friend.
08:41And he always defends your friendship.
08:43And he's willing to sacrifice everything for you.
08:47Don't forget your history with him.
08:49I won't blame you.
08:50We all make mistakes.
08:53I think you should give Rami another chance.
09:06I'll talk to him.
09:08That's what I want from you.
09:10That's much better.
09:11Uncle, maybe...
09:12Look, dear.
09:13This is how our problems come back.
09:16And you two...
09:17What if he needs you?
09:20You're right.
09:21Maybe I made a hasty decision.
09:24We were all under pressure.
09:26You're right.
09:27Come on.
09:28Let's go inside.
09:30Let's go.
09:37Hello, Rami.
09:38Good morning.
09:39Good morning, Noor.
09:41Rami, I talked to Kamil, the lawyer.
09:44He'll be here in an hour.
09:51Let's start the process of breaking up the partnership.
09:54We don't have much time.
10:01You want to break up the partnership?
10:06Is that what you want?
10:17We were going to go to Italy.
10:19He wanted to study fashion design.
10:21And I wanted to study art history.
10:23Suddenly, everything changed and he decided to stay here.
10:26So you stayed here because of him and didn't go?
10:32I went.
10:33The problem started here.
10:34First, I said I'd stay with him.
10:36I tried to go to the university, but I couldn't find it.
10:38So I decided to go without telling him.
10:40You didn't tell him?
10:43Can you imagine?
10:44But Malik loved me so much.
10:46He knew that I was preparing myself and going.
10:48He knew that from someone else?
10:50He was very, very, very upset and angry.
10:53He told me that he was waiting for me to tell him.
10:55And he told me that I lied to him.
10:57And he stopped talking to me.
10:59Malik is like that.
11:00When he knows that someone lied to him,
11:02his reaction is very, very, very ugly and harsh.
11:05You can't imagine how silent he is.
11:08It's true.
11:10He's like that.
11:11Lying has a red line.
11:13And we stopped talking from that time until now.
11:16In that case, he's still upset with me.
11:21My neighbors would be upset.
11:23At least I had hope that we would go back together.
11:28But I don't know.
11:29I feel maybe that...
11:30That's it.
11:31I forgot about him.
11:33I stopped caring about him.
11:35No, no.
11:36Don't say that.
11:40So cute.
11:41Do you want to kiss me too?
11:44I know that Malik loves you.
11:47But how much does he love you?
11:49I don't know.
11:53And I...
11:54Do you remember the tattoo that I asked you about?
11:57Of course I remember.
11:58We made this tattoo in the same place.
12:01And the same design.
12:03And the same design.
12:11He doesn't really like these moves.
12:13But we made a deal.
12:15And I won.
12:17He had to do it.
12:18Because he wouldn't listen.
12:20That's right.
12:21And we made the tattoo.
12:23Do you still have it or not?
12:25I feel that...
12:27You also want to know.
12:32Why don't you ask him?
12:35Why should I ask him?
12:40Let's make a deal.
12:43The one who knows if the tattoo exists or not...
12:46Will win.
12:59No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
13:02No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
13:05He's coming, he's coming, he's coming.
13:06Hurry, hurry, hurry, hurry.
13:20Congratulations, congratulations, congratulations.
13:22Yesterday I was born again.
13:24The phones didn't stop ringing.
13:26Congratulations, congratulations, congratulations.
13:29What happened was like a dream.
13:32Congratulations to all of us.
13:34If it wasn't for you, we wouldn't have been able to catch up with the collection in time.
13:37We wouldn't have been able to stand on our feet again.
13:39Thank you, guys.
13:41Thank you, guys.
13:46You are the most beautiful team in the world.
13:49I love you so much. Thank you.
13:51You are the most beautiful team in the world.
13:52Mr. Malik and Mr. Rami.
13:54You are the symbol of friendship, brotherhood, happiness, hope, and love.
13:58We are ready for any challenge for you and for the company.
14:03You are our second family.
14:05Thank you.
14:07Thank you for trusting me.
14:09Thank you for not losing my trust in you.
14:11God bless you.
14:13No matter what happens, you will always be my family that I love and am proud of.
14:24Thank you.
14:25Thank you so much.
14:26Thank you.
14:29Mr. Sultan.
14:30Mr. Sultan, why are you standing by yourself?
14:32Yes, I told you.
14:33You give us all the energy.
14:36That's right, Mr. Sultan.
14:37Happiness doesn't last without you.
14:38You are the boss.
14:43Mr. Sultan, I wanted to ask you a question.
14:45Is it true that Danyal has a problem and he is angry with the models?
14:53He is very angry.
14:56I will go to Mr. Malik's office and talk to him.
15:04Where is he?
15:07I forgot.
15:08I forgot.
15:15I forgot.
15:39What happened outside is not right.
15:41Is it possible that the issue of splitting the company will become this serious?
15:46It seems so.
15:50But this is wrong.
15:51You are Omar's friends and brothers.
15:53You must find another solution.
15:55Didn't you see how he talked to us?
15:57As if we were the ones who were wrong about him.
15:59He didn't even let me finish my words.
16:01And he went out to talk to the lawyer too.
16:04I'm sorry.
16:05It seems better for us.
16:06I don't believe it.
16:07I don't believe it.
16:08You founded this company together.
16:10And you made it grow.
16:12And all the successes that this company achieved were because of you two.
16:17Is it possible for you to split it?
16:23This is our forecast plan.
16:24It has the budget and all the data.
16:28What happened to the guys before they fired us?
16:32It didn't work out.
16:35We reached the point of signing the contract.
16:37At the last moment, he changed his mind.
16:39He doesn't want it anymore.
16:43Do you believe me?
16:44I'm kidding.
16:45I'm Rami.
16:46Call to action.
16:47Of course they will accept.
16:48I swear to God.
16:49You know I don't like to joke about these things.
16:51It's really not the case.
16:52Yes, it's not the case.
16:57Finally, we will have our first company, brother.
17:01But we have to find a name for the company before we sign it.
17:04I thought of a name.
17:05But I don't know if it will work.
17:10Say it.
17:22A nice name.
17:24Eleva, a nice name.
17:33It's really not the case.
17:34Yes, it's not the case.
17:35I'm very happy.
17:36Can we order drinks?
17:37Order, order.
17:38Please, two cocktails on the rocks.
17:43Oh, the guy is crazy.
17:44He came before I started working.
17:50I don't know.
17:52I can't think.
17:53I'm very tense.
17:54I don't know if I made the right decision.
17:57I think you should call the lawyer and tell him not to come.
18:00You and Rami should discuss this matter.
18:02Until you find a solution.
18:03It would be nice.
18:05No, uncle.
18:06It's not the case.
18:07As long as he talked to the lawyer, this step should be taken.
18:13This is wrong.
18:26Everyone is talking about the new collection.
18:28It made a lot of noise in the market.
18:30Open, Rami, open.
18:31See what they're talking about.
18:34In this collection, we made a big move for the company.
18:39The company?
18:41What's wrong, Rami?
18:43What's wrong with you?
18:44You should be happy now.
18:50Rami Fadi.
18:52There's something important we need to talk about.
18:58I'll leave you.
19:05Don't worry.
19:08I'm not here to insult you or change your mind.
19:15The only advice I have for you is to think carefully before you make a decision.
19:20There's nothing to think about.
19:22I talked to the lawyer.
19:23He's going to do all the procedures.
19:26It's obvious that you didn't think about anything.
19:28You just got angry and took action.
19:31No, uncle Sultan.
19:32I didn't take action.
19:33No, uncle Sultan.
19:34You didn't take action.
19:35Okay, I admit that I made a mistake.
19:37But to think about the partnership that we've had for years,
19:40in the face of the first mistake I made?
19:41It's over, brother.
19:43I'm tired of thinking that I can handle everything.
19:44I'm tired.
19:46If you keep being angry, you won't get any results.
19:50Is he waiting for me to get results?
19:52If he doesn't even accept that we sit down and talk,
19:53think and decide,
19:54and in all his anger,
19:55tell me what he wants.
19:56As usual.
19:58He didn't ask if I wanted an apology.
20:00He didn't ask about the partnership between us.
20:01He didn't ask about the ten.
20:02Is this what Mr. Malik wants?
20:04We'll do what Mr. Malik wants.
20:06You read with me.
20:25Would you like to go back to the show with me?
20:27Cancel everything today, Sama.
20:28I have an important meeting.
20:29Cancel everything?
20:30You've been nervous for an hour
20:31and you don't want to work either?
20:33I think I'll run away from Uncle Sultan.
20:36He's the only one who has positive energy here.
20:41No pressure.
20:52Did something happen to you?
20:53Did something happen?
20:56Rami and I are going to cancel the partnership.
21:00I don't understand.
21:02How are you going to cancel the partnership?
21:06The company's lawyer is coming now.
21:08This is the important meeting I told you about.
21:11Are you serious?
21:14I don't understand.
21:16How can you still be together?
21:19It was impossible.
21:21Now it's possible.
21:28God bless him.
21:30Everything will be fine.
21:40The lawyer is here.
21:43We're going to have a meeting in Sama's office.
21:46Okay, I'll be right there.
21:58Come in.
22:07Come in.
22:25God bless you, Mr. Hassan.
22:26Welcome, Mr. Malek.
22:27Come in.
22:29I was shocked.
22:30I didn't know what was going to happen.
22:35I didn't know what to do.
22:47What is it?
22:48I can't see.
22:50No, no.
22:51I'm fine.
22:54I came to tell you that...
22:56I'm sorry.
22:57I'm sorry.
22:58I'm sorry.
22:59I'm sorry.
23:00It's okay.
23:01It's okay.
23:03First of all, we're going to talk about unmanageable assets,
23:08and the brand's value.
23:09Then we'll move on to other details.
23:12But it might take some time.
23:15No problem.
23:16Take your time.
23:17I want to reassure you that,
23:19according to the financial data,
23:21splitting your shares won't affect the company financially.
24:07You know,
24:08when we open the company,
24:10you'll see me with this energy every day.
24:12That's it.
24:13But you can't make me doubt you, Rami.
24:15Watch out.
24:20Rami, I can't believe it.
24:22I really can't believe it.
24:27Cheers to our partnership.
24:29Our partnership.
24:30Cheers to our partnership and our new company.
24:32Cheers to our partnership and our new company.
24:36Can I drink?
24:44Rami, why are we celebrating?
24:47Tell me, why are we celebrating?
24:52Because we might have achieved our dream!
24:56Sit down.
24:57Sit down.
25:05Don't worry.
25:06I'm fine.
25:08I think you should calm down
25:10and think carefully before you make a decision.
25:13You've worked so hard for this company.
25:16I'm with Mr. Sultan.
25:18If we can take our time to think,
25:20if you'd like to postpone this meeting,
25:23take your time and think it over.
25:25What do you think?
25:28We've thought it over.
25:29You can continue.
25:36don't you want to say anything?
25:38What needs to be said, I've said it.
25:42Please continue.
25:43Continue, sir.
25:57I've calculated that each one of you
25:58has 49% stake in this company.
26:00So, both of you share the shares.
26:06But the contract between you
26:08states that if there's any disagreement
26:10between the partners,
26:11the third party will intervene and resolve it.
26:14That's for sure,
26:15according to the company's structure.
26:18Oh, God.
26:19How did we forget about this?
26:23There's a third party with you,
26:25and you didn't tell me?
26:28Yes, uncle.
26:29When we opened Eleva,
26:30someone financed us.
26:32He's still our partner.
26:39Can we stop working
26:40after all the hard work we've done?
26:42What should we do, Malek?
26:46I don't know.
26:47Don't ask me again,
26:48because I can't do this.
26:50Of course I won't ask you.
26:53We'll find someone to help us tomorrow.
26:57Who will help us
26:58after all the hard work we've done?
27:00Maybe we won't be able to continue.
27:02Don't worry about it.
27:04When the time comes,
27:05we'll find someone.
27:06Okay? Trust me.
27:07Who, uncle?
27:11We'll find someone.
27:12Let's think.
27:22At the time,
27:23we needed a small amount of money,
27:25and we gave him 2% of the shares in return.
27:28Who is he?
27:53Good morning, Bume.
27:55Good morning, Mr. Zainab.
27:56How are you?
27:58My love,
27:59what does Malek want from me?
28:00He called me this morning.
28:02Why is there so much silence?
28:04Why is there so much silence in the office?
28:06What happened?
28:07I don't know.
28:08We're just working.
28:10I really don't know why you're here.
28:13Zainab, where are you?
28:14Mr. Malek is waiting for you in my office
28:16for the meeting.
28:17What meeting?
28:18I don't know.
28:19Come on, wait for us.
28:20Explain to me.
28:21I don't know.
28:22Come on.
28:24I need to go to the bathroom.
28:27Come on, hurry up.
28:28I'll see you in my office.
28:35This tea is so good.
28:37No one makes tea like you, Seti.
28:41Oh, my God.
28:42Oh, my God.
28:43It's so good.
28:45Thank you.
28:47You're welcome, Mrs. Farida.
28:50You know what, Seti?
28:51The most important thing
28:53especially for someone like Farida Al-Assad
28:55is that when you enter a place
28:57you show your charisma.
28:59You show your charisma.
29:01Do you understand?
29:02Yes, I understand, Mrs. Farida.
29:04No, I don't think you understand.
29:06Seti, I want to know
29:08what happened to you
29:10after the accident
29:11that happened to you
29:12and took you to the doctor
29:13and gave you a sedative
29:14and said it was a result of stress.
29:16What happened to you?
29:17What's happening to you is very strange, isn't it?
29:19Yes, it's very strange.
29:22Don't mind us.
29:23Let's go back to our story.
29:26What do you think of my hair style?
29:28What do you think of this new necklace?
29:30Or this red one?
29:31The red one is beautiful, isn't it?
29:33It gives you a scream of joy.
29:35Especially when you enter this gallery
29:37that I haven't been to in a long time.
29:40And look at these dolls sitting there.
29:42Look at who they are staring at.
29:44Do you think I'm going to like them or not?
29:46Hi, Maya.
29:47Hi, Mommy.
29:48Good morning, sweetheart.
29:51How are you today?
29:53I'm fine today.
29:54Oh, right.
29:55Do you remember my friend, Nawal Al-Makyoudeh?
29:58She's a big fan of mine.
29:59She invited me to the gallery
30:01that I used to go to all the time
30:03and invite people.
30:04Thank God, things have changed.
30:05But it's okay.
30:06I didn't want to go.
30:07Then I decided to go.
30:08What do you think?
30:09Is the red one beautiful?
30:10Or should I wear a ring?
30:11In my opinion, no.
30:12The red one
30:13gives you a scream of joy.
30:16If Farida Al-As'ad didn't wear red,
30:18who would wear red?
30:19I have to go.
30:20What do you think?
30:21Should I go or not?
30:22I'm going to go
30:23because I've been stuck for a long time
30:25with my own rights,
30:26my prestige,
30:27my house,
30:28and Farida Al-As'ad.
30:29That's why I'm going.
30:30Wait for me here.
30:31I'm going to go get my phone.
30:33I don't know where I put it.
30:34Oh, you're going, Mommy?
30:36Wait for me here.
30:40Where's the phone?
30:42Or in the kitchen?
30:51Ms. Sati,
30:52I'm going now.
30:53When you come back and ask about me,
30:55you'll find an excuse
30:56why you didn't wait for me.
30:57Don't hang up on me, okay?
30:58Do you understand?
31:01Why did you wake me up?
31:02Why are you going to kill me?
31:16I'm here.
31:18What's up?
31:19What happened?
31:20Why did you tell me to come quickly?
31:25Why are you looking at me like that?
31:28Did I do something?
31:30Did I do something bad and I forgot?
31:33I didn't do anything.
31:36Why are you looking at me like that?
31:40Don't talk.
31:41I'm going.
31:42I don't care.
31:44What's up?
31:47Hello, Mr. Daniel.
31:49Who is this guy?
31:52Daniel, Rami and I decided to break up the partnership.
31:54And Mr. Kamal, the lawyer.
31:58Break up what?
31:59Break up the partnership?
32:01Do you understand what you're saying?
32:03It's not possible.
32:04You're in this company.
32:06We're in trouble.
32:07We're in trouble.
32:08Why would you break up the partnership?
32:10You're ruining our home.
32:11Calm down.
32:12If we keep arguing like this, we won't understand anything.
32:14Don't be emotional.
32:15Sit down and listen.
32:16I'm emotional?
32:17I'm not emotional.
32:18What are you talking about?
32:19What emotions?
32:20How could you?
32:21How could you?
32:22You're out of your mind.
32:23I stopped loving you.
32:24I started loving Rami.
32:25Can you listen?
32:26I lost him.
32:27I lost him once.
32:28My heart is breaking.
32:29I stopped loving you.
32:30I started loving Malek.
32:31Listen to me carefully.
32:32I don't care.
32:33I don't care.
32:34I don't care.
32:35I don't care.
32:36I don't care.
32:37I don't care.
32:38I don't care.
32:39I don't care.
32:40I don't care.
32:41We're the same standards, 49% and 49%.
32:47I'm the only one who has a 2%.
32:51That's why I wanted you here for the meeting.
32:55Because you're the third party.
33:40Wow! Wow, the place is so beautiful! The music is so good, it's mind-blowing!
33:47What's wrong with you? Why are you upset?
33:50Dany, I told you we have a problem that we have to solve as soon as possible. I told you!
33:54What's the problem? Tell me!
33:56I've been telling you four times already!
33:59We registered a company, we started with the Scorpions, we did everything, but we can't order the leather!
34:05And why can't you order the leather?
34:07Because someone has to pay us to order the leather, and then we give him a small share in the company, that's why.
34:13And what does the sponsor have to do?
34:15Are you serious?
34:17He has to pay money!
34:18Oh, the money thing. Tell me from the beginning that the money thing.
34:23I mean, what do I care about money and shares?
34:26That's it, I don't understand all the information.
34:28Wait, today I filmed a pop star, a super star.
34:34Today I filmed a pop star, a super star.
34:38But I'm not going to tell you who he is, don't even ask me.
34:40Today I caught the Sheik.
34:43Are these enough for you?
34:47Dany, what are you talking about?
34:49Are you sure you can do without this amount of money?
34:52Of course I can do without it.
34:54Even if it's painful, if you don't mind.
35:18Okay, okay.
35:22Daniel, do you know what you did?
35:24What did you do?
35:26Do you know what you did?
35:27What did you do?
35:28If I didn't have you, you would have ruined my life.
35:32What did you do?
35:33I didn't do anything.
35:36Tomorrow I'm going to talk to the lawyer.
35:38And you will become our official partner.
35:41Partner? I don't understand you.
35:42Okay, you do what you want and I'm ready.
35:45I don't have you.
35:48I really don't have you.
35:49But if you do it again, I'll hurt you.
35:51Okay, okay, okay.
35:53I don't believe it.
35:56Let's party.
36:01Hey, chiquita, miquita.
36:04Chiquita, miquita.
36:16Chiquita, miquita.
36:26So, now I'm a partner in the company like you are here and the decision maker?
36:32You have a small share with us in the company, yes.
36:36Didn't you notice that every year you get a percentage of your profits?
36:40I'm pissed off.
36:41And I thought you were giving me a bonus.
36:43Because I have a terrible job and they brought the most important photographer in the whole country.
36:48So, now I'm a third party.
36:52So, my share is 2%.
36:55So, I'm the decision maker here.
37:22La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la.
37:52La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la