تسع و ستين

  • 2 months ago
00:30La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la
01:00La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la
01:30La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la
01:32La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la
01:41Let's follow the symbol of fishing
01:44Decorate the coin
01:57You heard?
01:58Now, each of you take a picture.
02:01You take this one, Rami.
02:04Come on.
02:05Look at me.
02:09Successfully. Excellent.
02:14Now, each of you take a picture.
02:15Each of you take a picture.
02:16Wait a minute.
02:17Stay away, Rami.
02:18I don't want to be alone.
02:22Come on, Rami.
02:28Now, it's my turn.
02:30Look at this.
02:32Oh, my God.
02:40Yes, sir.
02:49He is healthy.
02:50No, no.
02:51I want to go out.
02:53Honey, what are you talking about?
02:54Wait a minute.
02:55Wait a minute.
02:56Why didn't you get ready yet?
02:58We have to go get Malek.
02:59We are late for the wedding.
03:00Hurry up.
03:03I don't go to weddings like this.
03:04I don't go to weddings.
03:05I don't go to weddings.
03:06There are no lights.
03:07There are no flashlights.
03:08There are no social media.
03:09I don't go.
03:10I need two hours to get ready.
03:11I haven't done my makeup yet.
03:12I haven't done my hair yet.
03:13Then, I have a job.
03:14I am training for it.
03:15I have to keep training for it.
03:17Like this.
03:18It's a long time.
03:19Anyway, honey.
03:20You go.
03:22You and Malek.
03:23Kiss each other.
03:24Give me a lot of kisses.
03:32What happened to her?
03:33Uncle Adib.
03:34Uncle Adib.
03:35I closed my eyes.
03:36He appeared.
03:37When he appears,
03:38it means that he is coming to us.
03:40It means that if he comes to us,
03:41he will jump and hug me.
03:43He will ask me,
03:44what happened to Malek and Sama?
03:45When will they get married?
03:46Sama is pregnant.
03:47It doesn't work.
03:50On the contrary, the girl is not better than him.
03:51Is it enough that you made Malek love her?
03:53Enough, Sultan.
03:55Every now and then,
03:56you tell me that I made Malek love her.
03:58Malek doesn't love Sama.
04:00Malek loves the girl
04:02that I, Farida Al As'ad, made.
04:05Did you understand or not?
04:13Sorry, honey.
04:15Sorry, I raised my voice at you.
04:17Sorry, honey.
04:18Don't hit me.
04:19Please, honey.
04:20Please, don't leave me.
04:21I am sorry.
04:22But I am a criminal from the city.
04:23I raised my voice at you.
04:24Don't leave me.
04:26Who brought the third series?
04:27I don't want to leave you.
04:28But we have to go and get Malek
04:29so that he can catch up with the cedars.
04:30Enough, honey.
04:31I don't want to go.
04:32Go with Malek and have fun.
04:34I have something else to do.
04:35Honey, take care.
04:36Okay, honey?
04:37Don't leave me.
04:41Sorry, honey.
05:08Hello, uncle.
05:09Are you ready?
05:11I will go with you, but on one condition.
05:13Your wife said,
05:14don't go out with him.
05:16If there is no social media
05:17and cameras,
05:18he won't go out.
05:19Farida, this is not normal.
05:22I heard you are expanding your business.
05:25I also heard something else.
05:28Sama finished the internship.
05:29She came out first and won the award.
05:32I heard.
05:33And she paid the money.
05:36What money?
05:37Nancy told me
05:38that she paid the money
05:40that you won from the award.
05:50Okay, uncle.
05:51Can you go?
05:52I can't.
05:53What do you mean you can't go?
05:55You came all the way here
05:56and told me you don't want to go.
05:57What's your problem?
05:58Are you out of your mind?
05:59Sorry, uncle.
06:00You know I don't go out
06:01on weddings or occasions.
06:02Apologize to me.
06:03Are you sure?
06:04Yes, uncle.
06:08Look, Malik.
06:09If you want,
06:10you can go.
06:11I mean,
06:12let's go out together.
06:13I will stay here with you.
06:15I don't want to leave you alone.
06:16No, uncle.
06:17You can go.
06:18You can go.
06:19We didn't come here.
06:20Okay, you're right.
06:21It's okay.
06:23Close the door.
06:27Take care, uncle.
08:16I'm sorry.
08:26Okay, okay.
08:46Okay, okay.
08:47I'm sorry.
08:50I'm sorry.
08:51I'm sorry.
09:16It's here, right?
09:18I'm sorry.
09:21I'm sorry.
09:23I'm sorry.
09:24Stay here.
09:31It's very light.
09:34Are you sure it's light?
09:37I feel the pain won't go away.
09:40I feel it's very deep.
09:43I feel my heart is going to hurt me.
09:46With time, it'll go away.
09:49Do you think so?
09:51Will you feel it?
09:54I did everything I could.
09:56Are you sure?
09:57Are you sure you did everything you could?
10:00I'm sure.
10:03More than what you offered, I can't offer.
10:07I mean, it's my fault.
10:09I'm not blaming you.
10:10But I'm trying to balance without you.
10:13Tell me, how do you want to balance?
10:15I'll find a way.
10:19You'll find a way?
10:25Find a way.
10:34I heard you.
10:43I heard you.
11:02Hi, Rami.
11:03Our interview is out.
11:05That fast?
11:07The off-wall article is sold out this month.
11:10What do you think?
11:12Look at the pictures these idiots posted.
11:14These people don't understand.
11:16They posted pictures that I told them not to post.
11:19They're destroying my art.
11:20They're destroying my career.
11:21I'm going crazy.
11:22Calm down, Daniel.
11:23Calm down and let's see.
11:25How can I calm down?
11:26How can I calm down?
11:27I'm raising a claim against them.
11:31Now he's forgetting.
11:33I forgot to ask you.
11:34What happened between you and Summer at the restaurant?
11:38I thought I wouldn't see her again.
11:40What did you say?
11:45There's no such thing as coincidence between you two.
11:47You attract each other.
11:49No matter where you go.
11:50And I don't think you'll ever be able to leave each other.
11:53As much as you want.
11:55The problem is that I'm with her.
11:58What is this?
12:00This is the new company.
12:02It looks like they're renovating.
12:03What is it?
12:05Anyway, continue.
12:06What happened between you and Summer?
12:09Can we talk about this later?
12:11Let's see the room.
12:13Okay, okay.
12:16By the way, you look beautiful.
12:18Thank you.
12:22As it is known, you are the main designer in the company.
12:25And this year's winter collection was a great success.
12:29Guess who inspired Malek Al-As'ad to design this collection?
12:35No one?
12:38No one?
12:41What's gotten into you?
12:42That you also deny me?
12:43You deny my existence in front of the world?
12:45While I'm sleeping like an old woman,
12:47and I'm worrying about you all the time?
12:51I'm sorry, Malek.
12:52I'm sorry.
12:53Hi, Samsoumeh.
12:55I knew you'd come during the break.
12:57Good evening, dear.
12:59Did you miss working with me?
13:01Of course I missed it.
13:04Did you book cinema tickets?
13:06Yes, I did.
13:07I need to talk to my uncle.
13:14What's wrong, dear? What's wrong with me?
13:17Nothing. I don't want to talk to you now.
13:19There's no need.
13:20No, there is. Talk to me.
13:21I really don't want to talk to you.
13:22I mean, you're also missing.
13:23There's no problem.
13:25What do you mean I'm missing?
13:26You're crying.
13:27What? Tell me.
13:30Malek, dear.
13:31Did you see me in the magazines?
13:33Look what they asked me.
13:34What do you like to be?
13:35What do I like to be?
13:36You're excited, aren't you?
13:38I mean, isn't she the one who inspired Malek Al-Assad
13:40to design the amazing collection?
13:41What's the answer?
13:43No one.
13:44I turned out to be no one.
13:46But how could he do that?
13:47Just tell me, how could he do that?
13:49I know and I'm asking him to appear in the magazines and the media.
13:53But where is my dignity?
13:54How could he forget me?
13:55Just like that.
13:56In a moment.
13:57As if I wasn't in his life.
13:58But it's not his right.
13:59It's my right.
14:00I'm the one who's making a fool out of myself.
14:03Leave me alone.
14:04I deserve it.
14:05Do you know that it's better that this is happening to me
14:07so that every time I cry, I remember that he doesn't deserve me.
14:10He doesn't love me.
14:11He doesn't love me.
14:12He doesn't love me.
14:13He doesn't deserve to be with me.
14:18I forgot my phone.
14:20Okay, bye.
14:21See you in the neighborhood.
14:22Bye, dear.
14:25She's crazy.
14:30Can I come in?
14:44Amir, don't be mad at me.
14:48Oh, God.
14:51Mom was so upset that she didn't let me leave the house.
14:54You know, when you're with me like this, I want everyone to have fun.
14:58I don't want to be mad at you.
14:59There's no need to be mad at me.
15:01Leave me alone.
15:02I'll be mad at myself.
15:05So you can't be mad at me?
15:07Mom, please leave. I don't want to be mad at you.
15:09No, I won't leave.
15:10You know that I only do what I want.
15:13But why are you so beautiful?
15:15Because you love me.
15:16Do you want me to love you more than that?
15:19I'm not used to being convinced.
15:20Oh, and I have to be convinced of everything you do for me?
15:23For example, shouldn't I be sad that you promised to see me and you didn't see me?
15:27Do you want to drive me crazy?
15:28I don't want to drive you crazy.
15:29But I want you to miss me too.
15:31What do you want?
15:33Do you want me to run after you all my life?
15:35Run after me a little bit.
15:37I've been running after you all my life.
15:53I remembered.
15:54I forgot to tell you something.
15:55The email that was sent from Adnani to the describers was a lie.
16:01Why are we talking about this now?
16:03Are you going to close it?
16:04Yes, I'm going to close it.
16:05But I want to know who sent the email.
16:08Did you hear anything from the describers?
16:10Did anyone suspect anyone?
16:12No, no.
16:13I don't talk to them.
16:15They don't talk to me.
16:16I don't love them.
16:17They don't love me.
16:18Why are we talking about this now?
16:21I came here because I missed you so much.
16:26I missed you too.
16:31How are you Maya?
16:33I'm good.
16:34How are you?
16:35I'm good.
16:37Did you find anyone else?
16:39Of course not.
16:40What do you mean no?
16:41What do you mean no?
16:42We are planning to expand our business.
16:44We are making agreements with important and big people.
16:46And you still haven't found anyone else?
16:50Maya, leave us alone.
16:52Of course.
17:01You have to think about this before you give it to Celine.
17:04Because she is the best in this field.
17:06How can I find someone like her?
17:07There is.
17:08There is someone better than her.
17:09And she will come and work with us.
17:11When you find her, tell me.
17:13I found her.
17:18Yes, Nina.
17:22Nina left.
17:23She started working.
17:25Nina left.
17:26Nina left?
17:28Nina left.
17:29She started working.
17:30Don't worry.
17:32I know how to talk to her and make her leave her job and come and work with us.
17:37We need her.
17:40Or do you need her?
17:45Don't worry.
17:47I promise I will bring Nina back so you can forget about her.
17:51I don't know.
17:54The important thing is that Nina is back.
17:57Nina is the only one who can make me feel better.
18:02And I have to feel better.
18:06I have to.
19:25What's wrong with you? Calm down.
19:27He is calling me stupid and rude.
19:28Why? Because the salad didn't like him.
19:29She ruined his life.
19:31She told me to change the salad.
19:33He talks to me like that.
19:35Guys, I apologize on his behalf.
19:37I don't know what happened to her.
19:39We will send an order again and I will leave the restaurant.
19:44Are you apologizing to him?
19:45Are you really apologizing to him?
19:46Instead of apologizing to him?
19:48How can you do this?
19:50Where are we?
19:51What's going on?
19:52I'm going to tell people.
19:53Not about the money.
19:54I don't want to show my respect to the people I work for.
19:56Not about the people.
19:57Not about the people.
19:59It's not your right.
20:00It's my right to work for a restaurant like this.
20:03It's my right to work for a rude person like you?
20:05You should not treat people.
20:07Get out and don't let me see your face.
20:10I'm very happy that you don't see your face in the restaurant,
20:12your face, your kitchen, and your restaurant.
20:14And your job, too.
20:16Get out.
20:17Get out.
20:18Yes, get out.
20:19Get out.
20:20My dignity and I are going out!
20:41Hello, Mrs. Serene.
20:43I'm calling to ask if you still want me to work for you or not.
20:46Of course I want, Sama.
20:48But I have one condition. I want a high salary.
20:51Because I don't want to work as a designer.
20:53I don't want to work as an assistant.
20:54And you know that a designer's salary is better than an assistant's salary.
20:58Do you know how much I want?
21:00Tell her that we'll reach a deal.
21:02And try to reply to me as soon as possible. Deal?
21:05Okay, I'll definitely reply to you as soon as possible.
21:07Thank you. Bye.
21:08Okay. Bye.
21:13Put this here.
21:24What's up with you?
21:25No news, no feeling.
21:28Now you want to be honest?
21:30Really, really.
21:32You're a lowly woman.
21:35Don't call me that.
21:36No, I want to call you.
21:38You have to allow me, Mrs. Serene.
21:40Because there's work between you and me.
21:42There's a plan between you and me, and you've ruined it.
21:45And this is what's making me call you.
21:47I'm done with you.
21:48There's no agreement between us.
21:49And I'm done with this game.
21:51I don't want to play with you anymore.
21:53I'll give you your money, and I'll pay you back all the debt.
21:55I'll give you money every month.
21:57Until I pay you back.
22:03You want to pay me back?
22:05What do you mean, you want to pay me back?
22:07You want to pay me back $50,000?
22:12Oh, okay.
22:14They want to take the inheritance.
22:17Don't worry, I'm telling you, it won't take long.
22:19And I'll pay you back all the money.
22:23And if I don't accept, I'll tell you.
22:26If you don't accept, I'll call Mr. Sultan and see what he thinks.
22:30Are you threatening me?
22:31No, I'm telling you.
22:35He's coming with you, Sama.
22:37What now? Did you accept or not?
22:39Get out of here.
22:41Get out of here.
22:43And I'll see you at the first cut, motherfucker.
22:46Okay, okay, I'll see you, bye.
22:48What's wrong with you?
23:10What's wrong with you?
23:12What's wrong with you?
23:14What's wrong with you?
23:16What's wrong with you?
23:18What's wrong with you?
23:20What's wrong with you?
23:22What's wrong with you?
23:24What's wrong with you?
23:26What's wrong with you?
23:28What's wrong with you?
23:30What's wrong with you?
23:32What's wrong with you?
23:34What's wrong with you?
23:36What's wrong with you?
23:40Hello, Nina. How are you?
23:44Nina, I really miss you.
23:46Serine left work with us at the company.
23:48And we're in the middle of a very important development plan.
23:52Honestly, there's no one else by my side in this step.
23:58If we can get there as soon as possible, that would be great.
24:36A few days later
24:56I'm at the office.
25:04How are you?
25:05Come in. Let me show you around.
25:12This is the meeting room.
25:14You know, I wanted it to be simple.
25:16You know what I like.
25:20What do you think?
25:23It's nice.
25:25It's very nice, and it's well decorated.
25:28Just like you.
25:30You know what's best about it?
25:33I don't get it.
25:35I contacted the press.
25:37And starting next week, they're going to start advertising the company's opening.
25:41You're going to open it that soon?
25:43With force.
25:46I have faith in you.
25:49And I know your success is guaranteed.
25:52After all, you're Serine.
25:54Nothing can stop you.
25:56Thank you.
25:58Come here.
26:02Yes, of course. Where are you?
26:05Yes, I know. If you want, you can pick me up. I'll be there in a bit.
26:08Okay, bye.
26:10I have to go.
26:12It looks like it's important.
26:14If you want to go, make a tour of the company before you leave.
26:18See you.
26:19See you.
26:33Hi, Sama.
26:35I'm not late, am I?
26:36No, not at all.
26:41Tell me, what do you want so we can work together?
26:43Look, Serine, I don't like lies, and I don't want to lie to you.
26:46I want to be honest with you.
26:48I have a debt, and I have to pay it off as soon as possible.
26:51That's it.
26:52I can't take it anymore.
26:53That's why I want a good salary.
26:55Give me a good salary, and I promise I'll work day and night.
26:58Give me a good salary, and I promise I'll work day and night.
27:02If you don't give me a good salary, I won't work with you.
27:05I like that.
27:06You're like Malek, you only care about work.
27:10Of course.
27:11From now on, I don't want to think about anything other than my business.
27:13I only want to think about how I can improve myself.
27:15And that's what I want.
27:17I want someone who loves his job and improves himself.
27:19But look, Sama.
27:20You'll start with me as a beginner designer.
27:22And you'll have two designers.
27:24And a professional designer will supervise your work.
27:27But I'm sure that in a short time, you'll be their manager.
27:32I promise I'll do my best.
27:35It's a deal.
27:37We can start working tomorrow.
27:41I can drink coffee now.
28:18I'm so tired, Sama.
28:20I'm so tired.
28:37Oh my God, Maya.
28:39Oh my God.
28:43I have to go have dinner with Fifi.
28:51Honey, it's time.
28:53Please, please, hurry up.
28:55What's wrong?
28:56What's wrong?
28:57It's Maya.
28:58I'm sure she went to Rami's place.
28:59Rami? I don't understand.
29:01Invite yourself to Rami's place.
29:03Go and ruin the situation between us.
29:05Please, please.
29:07Okay, that's what I love the most.
29:09To go to the wrong place at the wrong time.
29:12Go right now.
29:14Bye, bye.
29:16I'll call Maya.
29:20Oh my God, Maya.
29:21Today is Maya's day.
29:22And today is Sama's day.
29:23Oh my God.
29:24Someone is going to kill me.
29:25Someone is going to Rami's place.
29:26Oh my God.
29:27What are you going to do?
29:28What are you going to do, Farida?
29:40Why do you want to go back to your old job?
29:42It's so tiring.
29:43But this time,
29:44it's all about art and creativity.
29:47Oh, like your old manager, Malek.
29:50You used to call him an artist.
29:53You and him?
29:57I don't know.
29:58I don't think so.
30:01How is he?
30:05Just like him.
30:06Always away from everyone.
30:08And he doesn't care about anyone but himself.
30:10I don't understand.
30:11I don't understand either.
30:12I don't understand him, and I don't understand myself.
30:14It's like he's annoying you with the carillon.
30:17Let's go to my room,
30:19and then we'll talk.
30:21You made me give them my room,
30:23which I'm used to.
30:25God forgive you.
30:27there are two of them.
30:28Two weddings.
30:30Like twins.
30:31It makes sense for them to take the big room.
30:33Then it's your fault.
30:34You shouldn't have locked the door for them.
30:36Whose fault?
30:37I'm the one who locked the door?
30:39Yes, you are, dear.
30:40Who locked the door for you?
30:42He's been locking the door for days,
30:44and now he's hanging himself.
30:46No, grandma.
30:47I've never locked the door.
30:49When you were in the room, it was better.
30:51What do you mean, when they were in the room?
30:53Every day they fix the door in the morning,
30:55and in the evening they find it broken.
30:59But why?
31:00What are you saying in the middle of the night?
31:02Because I didn't agree to give them my room?
31:04Shame on you.
31:06I'm going to sleep.
31:07Good night.
31:09And you, good night.
31:13I don't know my grandma.
31:14I'm not going to go around in circles
31:16because I didn't lock the door.
31:19He's not making amends with you?
31:21No, he's making amends.
31:23He wants to make amends,
31:25because we know who broke the door.
31:28If it wasn't for him,
31:30I would have come to you every day.
31:32You know what?
31:33I'm thinking of kicking him out
31:34and throwing him out of the house.
31:36Yes, I'd rather do that.
31:37Why lock the door?
31:39Shame on you and your sister
31:40for blaming me every time.
31:42I'm not the one who broke the door.
31:45Look who's coming into our lives again.
31:48And since then, the door has been locked.
31:54I'm going to sleep.
31:56Work slowly, don't rush me.
31:59Good night, my love.
32:02As you wish, old lady.
32:09Who are you talking to?
32:10I know, I heard her.
32:11Unbelievable, what happened to her?
32:12Come sleep in my room.
32:14No, we're going to sleep on the floor.
32:16Let her know that she's putting too much pressure on us.
32:19No, we're going to sleep on the floor.
32:21I'm going to fix the door.
32:23Unbelievable, what happened to her?
32:25I don't know.
32:27Are you happy that you left your job at the restaurant?
32:30Of course I'm happy.
32:31What kind of job is this?
32:32I'm not going to work like this at all.
32:34That's it.
32:35I'm going to start working with Mrs. Serine
32:37at her new company tomorrow.
32:40Well done.
32:43How's the door?
32:44It's great.
32:45I'm coming.
32:47So now you want to work as a designer like Malek?
32:50Come on, my love.
32:52Get up, let's go to sleep.
32:54I asked her an important question.
32:56Come on, you're going to wake Tete up and spend the night with us.
32:58Get up, we're done.
32:59What's gotten into you?
33:00I've been beating you since you were a baby.
33:02You're asking me a question and I'm going to answer it.
33:04It doesn't take five minutes.
33:08I'm coming, my love.
33:09Go, my love.
33:10Brush your teeth, put on your pajamas,
33:12and I'll come after you.
33:15I'm going to put on my pajamas, brush my teeth,
33:17go to bed early, wake up early,
33:19and see what happens to your grandma!
33:23I'm coming, my love.
33:24I'm not going to be late.
33:28No one controls their nerves in this house.
33:30This time it's for everyone.
33:32Shut up.
33:33Don't talk to me.
33:39What's wrong?
33:51You look beautiful.
34:05I don't know.
34:07It's time.
34:16I have an idea that will blow your mind away.
34:19You're going to love it.
34:20I don't know what it is.
34:21An idea that will blow my mind away?
34:23What is it?
34:26Okay, what's this nice surprise?
34:28Look at yourself. You're handsome.
34:31Do you want to go in or do you want to leave?
34:33No, I don't want to leave.
34:35I want to stay here and be free all the time for you.
34:38I'm going to tell you about the surprise.
34:43Maya, you're here?
34:44What a nice surprise.
34:46Oh my God, you're so beautiful.
34:48Oh my God.
34:53Oh my God.
34:55I can see you everywhere.
34:58I really miss you.
34:59What is this?
35:01What is this? Dinner?
35:03Drink? Candles?
35:05Oh my God, this is so nice.
35:08What are these candles?
35:15What is this?
35:16What is this?
35:17What is this?
35:18This is party time.
35:21What party?
35:23Isn't it nice?
35:24What's nice?
35:26I came here to throw a party and celebrate.
35:31On what occasion?
35:34On what occasion?
35:35I'm still like this.
35:37I'm still like this.
35:38On the occasion of expanding the company.
35:44We have to expand.
35:46We have to open.
35:48We have to grow.
35:49Do you understand?
35:50That's why we're celebrating.
35:51You should have told us.
35:53You should have told Rami.
35:55We were ready for your party.
35:57There's no need. Everything is ready.
35:59The food is ready.
36:00The drink is ready.
36:01The candles are ready.
36:02The atmosphere is ready.
36:04The faces are ready.
36:06This is the most important thing in a party.
36:08Let's go.
37:01Wake up.
37:02It's getting late.
37:03Come on, Dali.
37:05Wake up, we're late.
37:08Come on.
37:09Wake up.
37:11Is there nothing nice to eat?
37:13I left something, there's nothing left. Come on, let's go.
37:18Come on.
37:19Slowly, slowly. You'll choke.
37:28No, I can't go.
37:30First of all, it's getting late, and it's dark, and I don't have a car.
37:35Go get me pajamas, I'll sleep inside.
37:37The bedroom, and you sleep here on the sofa.
37:41Get up.
37:43Get up, it's getting late.
37:44It's getting late, get up, we're going to your mom's.
37:46Get up.
37:47And be careful.
37:48Slowly, slowly, while you're driving.
37:51Where did you go?
37:52Wait, wait, wait, a little bit.
37:54Okay, take it.
37:55Come on.
37:58Call me, okay?
38:00Call me as soon as you get there.
38:03Say hi to your mom.
38:40No, no, no, no, no, no, no.
38:42No, no, no, no, no, no, no.
38:44No, no, no, no, no, no, no.
38:47You're right, mom.
38:48That's what I was talking about with Rami.
38:55We need to find the most important consulting company and contact them.
39:02That's right.
39:04Saudi Arabia is a huge market.
39:06We need to prepare ourselves well before we move.
39:11Are you sure?
39:12Of course.
39:14Can you imagine, uncle, if our work goes well and we open a branch?
39:17How much will we develop?
39:23God willing.
39:24Okay, uncle.
39:25I'll talk to you again.
39:28Bye, bye.
39:32Welcome, Fawaz.
39:33Welcome, Mr. Malik.
39:34Welcome, our friends.
39:35God bless you.
39:36God bless you.
39:37God bless you.
39:39You seem to have a long day.
39:42Yes, I have a lot of work.
39:44But I couldn't do anything because of the noise in the company next to us.
39:49Fawaz, you can go if you want.
39:51No, no, I won't go.
39:52I won't leave you outside and wait for you.
39:55Don't forget to pick Nina up from the airport tomorrow.
39:57Yes, of course.
39:58Where would you like to take her?
40:02I have a place.
40:03At home.
40:04Of course.
41:13Malik please.
41:14I want you to promise me that you'll help me and talk to Mom.
41:18About what?
41:22Okay, calm down.
41:23I can't believe she put us up against each other.
41:25I'm not a little girl anymore.
41:27She won't let me go see him.
41:29She sends Dali after me and ruins our relationship.
41:32All she wants is to ruin my relationship with him.
41:35Drink some coffee.
41:36You don't care?
41:38You don't care at all?
41:39Do you see how I'm boiling?
41:40Okay, I want to drink coffee.
41:42I'll make you some coffee, Foti.
42:02Why are you making coffee?
42:04Didn't you bring an assistant?
42:08Nancy is taking care of the company.
42:10I don't want anyone here.
42:13It's better.
42:14I feel much better now.
42:16I feel tired and depressed.
42:18I don't want to upset people.
42:24Is it about Sama?
42:32It's okay, I...
42:35I want to confess something to you.
42:38I'm the one who exposed her to Sama.
42:44I didn't miss you.
42:47I'm the one who sent an email from Dali to the whole company
42:50and told them that she sent the design to Gibran.
43:07I love you.
43:08I love you too.
43:38I love you.
43:39I love you too.
43:40I love you.
43:41I love you.
43:42I love you.
43:43I love you.
43:44I love you.
43:45I love you.
43:46I love you.
43:47I love you.
43:48I love you.
43:49I love you.
43:50I love you.
43:51I love you.
43:52I love you.
43:53I love you.
43:54I love you.
43:55I love you.
43:56I love you.
43:57I love you.
43:58I love you.
43:59I love you.
44:00I love you.
44:01I love you.
44:02I love you.
44:03I love you.
44:04I love you.
44:05I love you.
44:06I love you.
44:07I love you.
44:08I love you.
44:09I love you.
44:10I love you.
44:11I love you.
44:12I love you.
44:13I love you.
44:14I love you.
44:15I love you.
44:16I love you.
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44:18I love you.
44:19I love you.
44:20I love you.
44:21I love you.
44:22I love you.
44:23I love you.
44:24I love you.
44:25I love you.
44:26I love you.
44:27I love you.
44:28I love you.
44:29I love you.
44:30I love you.
44:31I love you.
44:32I love you.
44:33I love you.
44:34I love you.
44:35I love you.
44:36I love you.
44:37I love you.
44:38I love you.
44:39I love you.
44:40I love you.
44:41I love you.
44:42I love you.
44:43I love you.
44:44I love you.
44:45I love you.
44:46I love you.
44:47I love you.
44:48I love you.
44:49I love you.
44:50I love you.
44:51I love you.
44:52I love you.
44:53I love you.
44:54I love you.
44:55I love you.
44:56I love you.
44:57I love you.
44:58I love you.
44:59I love you.
45:00I love you.
45:01I love you.
45:02I love you.
45:03I love you.