ثنين و ستين

  • 2 months ago
00:00How long are you going to stay like this?
00:18What do you want me to say?
00:19How much do you want?
00:20Do you want me to go in and tell everyone?
00:21Daniel, what's wrong?
00:22I wrote on the paper how much I want.
00:23Why don't you want to read it?
00:24This is the paper you gave me.
00:25How much do you want?
00:26You ruined it.
00:27I thought you gave me a poem to read at home.
00:33How can I write a poem?
00:37What is this?
00:39Is this going to come out of your mouth?
00:46Wait a minute.
00:48I don't understand why you bought these meals.
00:52I don't know if I can do it, but I want this number.
01:00Okay, let me see if they agree.
01:03This number doesn't make sense, but I'll try.
01:07Daniel, please try.
01:50Let's go.
02:20I know, Ali.
02:21When I get excited, I can't control my emotions.
02:23I start talking about anything.
02:24Sorry if I bothered you.
02:26You bothered me?
02:27Not at all.
02:28You were beautiful.
02:30You were expressing your feelings.
02:33At least I could understand you, because you weren't crying.
02:37So, of course I didn't bother you?
02:40On the contrary.
02:41But we couldn't talk about what we needed to talk about.
02:45I know.
02:47When I get excited, I can't control my emotions.
02:50Sorry if I bothered you.
02:53Why don't you look for Ali?
02:55You'll find him soon.
02:57He's waiting for you.
02:59When can you find him?
03:02When I find him, I'll tell you.
03:33We're here.
03:34Go ahead.
03:36It's too late.
03:37I can't go on like this.
03:39I'll leave you to it.
03:42I'm sorry, I like to be alone sometimes.
03:48Let's talk.
03:52I'll come back to see you.
03:54I have your number. I'll call you when I need you.
03:57Okay, bye.
03:59Wait. I need your hand.
04:06Let Aida remember me to you.
04:12Okay, get out of the car. We'll talk later.
04:26Let's go.
04:31What happened next?
04:32Tell me.
04:33I got to Harasad. They surrounded me from all sides.
04:37Do you know what I did?
04:39I ran away.
04:40You ran away?
04:41I'm with humanity.
04:43Get out of my face, Hani. I'm with humanity.
04:50I'm with love.
04:52Your love, Bors. Go to your office.
04:54Shut up.
04:57Be quiet.
05:07How are you, Iceman?
05:08Hello, baby Bors. How are you?
05:12I'm better than that.
05:18Here you go.
05:21What's this?
05:23Yesterday, while I was sleeping, the devil appeared to me.
05:25He said, write these numbers.
05:27I said, I'll give them to you. Maybe I'll get you a piece of paper or a lottery ticket.
05:32Lottery ticket?
05:33Really, what's this?
05:34This is the number I want, to be the model for our spring collection.
05:50Are you sure?
05:53He said, I'm sure.
05:55Look, I'm Dali.
05:56I'm taking the neighborhood out of Wakra.
05:58It's true that I'm over it with the number, but I really want it.
06:01Why do I want it?
06:02Because I want to bring back the old glory.
06:05Dali brings back the lost talent.
06:08I told you before...
06:11Listen, what are you hiding from me?
06:15Why did you take the...
06:17The money you asked for from Daniel.
06:19And the extra salary you asked for from Rana.
06:23What's going to happen to you?
06:27Do you need anything?
06:28Do I need anything?
06:29I don't need anything.
06:30It doesn't matter if you need anything or need something, you can ask me for it.
06:33I'm supposed to be by your side and support you.
06:36But you're not involved in this.
06:38What do you mean I'm not involved in this?
06:41Aren't we supposed to be on the same page?
06:44It doesn't matter if you want to.
06:45I can't tell you anything about this.
06:48What do you mean you can't tell me anything about this?
06:51First of all, you asked me to keep the secret between you and me.
06:54Then you asked for the money from Daniel.
06:56And the extra salary you asked for from Rana.
06:59All of this, don't you want me to feel that there's something wrong with it?
07:02That there's something I don't understand?
07:04What's going on with you?
07:06You don't have the right to feel this way.
07:10I'm tired of this.
07:12It's starting to hurt me.
07:14Can you make up your mind?
07:17Can you go home and think about it?
07:19And make up your mind and give me an answer?
07:22Do you love me or not?
07:24Do you want to get married or not?
07:29Because it's enough.
07:31It's enough for me.
07:47Don't cry.
07:49Don't cry.
07:56Don't cry.
08:27That's it.
08:28I can't pay the money.
08:30What if I broke up with Daniel?
08:33I was going to go to him and tell him,
08:34Are you crazy? You're asking me such a question.
08:36Of course I want to get married.
08:37I want to live my whole life with him.
08:40What are we going to do?
08:42We just want to help you.
08:45It's not like that.
08:46I don't know.
08:48I don't want to end my life.
08:50Your secret meeting is not over yet?
08:53You're bored and you know it.
08:54Now you're making fun of us and saying we don't have much time.
08:58It's the first time we're meeting after the engagement.
09:02Come on, get up.
09:08What hasn't changed about you?
09:12Even your face?
09:14Yes, even my face.
09:16You've changed a lot.
09:18It's good that what I did didn't affect him.
09:21That's right.
09:22And in Aleppo they say,
09:27Come on, come on, don't be late.
09:29I'm ahead of you.
09:30Don't be late.
09:37Did you see what I saw?
09:39This girl has a face and she's shy.
09:42By the way, your grandma laughed at me and made me sad.
09:45I have to teach her how to walk.
09:47And me too, by the way.
09:48Like this.
09:50Yes, my dear, teach her and show me.
09:53I'll tell you if she likes it or not.
09:56Come on, mom, go.
09:58Or you'll eat my grandma's food.
10:02Ali will stay with you.
10:04Don't worry, more than that,
10:06I won't leave.
10:07I'll stay with you.
10:09Mom, go with us, you'll change the mood.
10:11Mom made delicious food.
10:14God help your mother.
10:15Her cooking is going and her cooking is coming.
10:16By God, you look like a greedy person.
10:18You like everything.
10:20If it wasn't for me, I'd be in a pot and a plate of stuffing.
10:24These are delicious food, honestly.
10:27But if you don't choose a little more.
10:30A little more.
10:32My dear, don't dream of change.
10:33I've been trying for a million years.
10:35That's it, accept the reality.
10:38Mom, go with us.
10:40You don't love me, really.
10:41I don't want to leave the house.
10:42Okay, okay.
10:43Leave her alone.
10:44Hold her.
10:45She's like Sandy, your mother-in-law.
10:48Come on, let's go.
10:53Mom, go with us.
10:54I don't want to, my sister, I don't want to.
10:55Leave her alone.
10:56I don't want to, that's it, go.
10:58Okay, I'll talk to you later.
11:09Don't talk to me, go.
11:27Watch your steps, Contessa.
11:29Abdo Zaid.
11:30Look at him.
11:34Chadi, as usual.
11:38My dear, if you're tired, let's stay with him.
11:41No, on the contrary, I want her to sit with herself for a while.
11:47I'm confused because I couldn't help her.
11:50Yes, it's simple, Chadi, don't worry.
11:51Every problem has a solution, God willing.
11:54Come on, you're late.
11:55Get out and come in front of me.
11:57You're getting mad, aren't you?
11:59Come on.
12:02Now, when we call, we'll talk, okay?
12:15Come on.
12:22What's wrong with them?
12:23They won't let me sit alone.
12:28I'm coming.
12:30What's wrong with you?
12:33Sama, we need to talk.
12:40What are you?
12:41Don't you understand what you're doing here in my house and in my neighborhood?
12:43Take care of yourself and go back to where you came from.
12:47Can you calm down a little?
12:48I don't want to calm down.
12:49Are you crazy or what?
12:50What do you want?
12:52Sama, we need to talk.
12:53I'm telling you, he doesn't want to talk to you.
12:55For God's sake, what did you do to us?
12:57You're going to destroy us.
12:59It doesn't matter.
13:00This is a competition and it happens in all companies.
13:03What I'm going to tell you is a completely different subject.
13:06I don't care about the subject.
13:07Take care of yourself and goodbye.
13:08Two minutes.
13:11Give me two minutes.
13:12What do you want?
13:15I'm coming to you for a job offer.
13:18He doesn't understand me.
13:21Can you listen to me a little?
13:24Didn't you need money?
13:29What do you know?
13:31It's none of your business.
13:32I needed money and now I don't need it.
13:34That's it. It's over. Everything is over.
13:38What's over?
13:39What's your business?
13:40What's your business in my life?
13:41Who are you to ask me these questions?
13:43And what are you doing here at my house?
13:45You take care of yourself and get out of here.
13:47It's better than making a hole and throwing everyone at you.
13:51Isn't this your design?
13:56This is the design I drew to meet the intern and I met him afterwards.
13:59But I don't understand what he's doing with you.
14:02Let's say my relationship with Le Chausseur is very good.
14:05And every year they make me look at the most important designs they offer to students
14:09and I buy from them what I like.
14:11And I liked this design of yours and I want to buy it from you.
14:17You liked this design?
14:20It has something very special.
14:23It's beautiful in its contrast.
14:25Sometimes you feel it's clear and innocent.
14:29Sometimes you feel it's mysterious and cruel.
14:33Are you sure we're talking about this design?
14:37Why don't you know your worth?
14:39It's none of your business.
14:41Let's talk about work.
14:43I don't understand.
14:44You like this design and you want to buy it.
14:48That's right.
14:49The money is ready.
14:53You seem to have forgotten that I work for Elava, right?
14:56But it doesn't matter.
14:58This design is dedicated to my internship.
15:00Elava has nothing to do with it.
15:04This is the price of the first design.
15:09Let's say this is the first cooperation between us.
15:13But I'd like you to cooperate with us more.
15:15Design a new design for us and I'm ready to buy it.
15:19What did you say?
15:33Does this affect the company?
15:37Not at all.
15:44Is it a deal?
15:46It's a deal.
15:53It's a deal.
15:55Good night.
15:57Good night.
16:06$5,000 for this design?
16:09This is how I'll be able to pay the money.
16:37Did you hear that, Lulu?
16:38I think I'll be able to collect the money after the first design.
16:41Not only that.
16:42Tell me which design you want me to design.
16:44I'm ready to buy from you.
16:46Who is he?
16:48Isn't he the one who ruined you?
16:50That's him.
16:52How can you do that?
16:53You'll have a construction problem.
16:54Why would it be a problem?
16:56I didn't do anything wrong.
16:57This is a private job.
16:58It has nothing to do with the company.
16:59I'm selling a design that's dedicated to me.
17:01This is the best way to collect the money.
17:03Go tell Malek that I can marry you.
17:05That's great.
17:06No, no, no.
17:07I'm not comfortable with this at all.
17:08If Malek finds out that you're in contact with this Gebran,
17:11he'll tell you how to deal with this enemy.
17:13Don't make me nervous, Lane.
17:14Don't make me nervous.
17:15What do you want me to do?
17:16What do you want me to do?
17:17Go tell Malek that I can't marry you.
17:19Pay attention.
17:20Open your mouth.
17:21I don't want to.
17:22Open it.
17:23I don't want to, Saeed.
17:24Open it.
17:26What's wrong?
17:27What did you do?
17:28I'm nervous.
17:29I'm nervous.
17:30I'm telling you I want to find a way to collect the money.
17:32Breathe, baby.
17:38One, two.
17:39One, two.
17:40Let's feel like we're one.
17:42What's wrong?
17:43I'm nervous.
17:44I'm nervous.
17:45I want you to understand that I love Malek.
17:47I don't want to be away from him.
17:49I want to find a way to stay together.
17:51Yes, Sama.
17:52He loves you too.
17:54It's obvious that he's serious and wants you to marry him.
17:57It's simple.
17:59Simple, right?
18:00Of course.
18:04What should I do now?
18:05Go to him.
18:06Go to him and tell him that I agree.
18:08We can get married.
18:09It's better if he goes to him.
18:11Or no.
18:12I can't go to him now.
18:13Let me go to him tomorrow.
18:14It's better in the morning.
18:16What if he gets upset?
18:17What should I do?
18:18Should I go to him?
18:19Should I think about something?
18:20Or if I go tomorrow, I won't be able to sleep.
18:21I don't know what to do.
18:22I can't sleep at all.
18:23Either I have to go today or I have to go tomorrow.
18:24What should I do?
18:25Should I go now or I have to go tomorrow?
18:26Answer me.
18:27I'm nervous.
18:28If I go now, he'll ask me what to do.
18:29Sama, I won't let you go.
18:30Go now.
18:31Hurry up.
18:32Hurry up.
18:33Hurry up.
18:34Hurry up.
18:35Hurry up.
18:36Hurry up.
18:37Hurry up.
18:38Hurry up.
18:39Hurry up.
18:40Hurry up.
18:41Hurry up.
18:42Hurry up.
18:43Hurry up.
18:44Hurry up.
18:45Hurry up.
18:46Hurry up.
18:47Hurry up.
18:48Hurry up.
18:49Hurry up.
18:50Hurry up.
18:51Hurry up.
18:52Hurry up.
18:53Hurry up.
18:54Hurry up.
18:55Hurry up.
18:56Hurry up.
18:57Hurry up.
18:58Hurry up.
18:59Hurry up.
19:00Hurry up.
19:01Hurry up.
19:02Hurry up.
19:03Hurry up.
19:04Hurry up.
19:05Hurry up.
19:06Hurry up.
19:07Hurry up.
19:08Hurry up.
19:09Hurry up.
19:10Hurry up.
19:11Hurry up.
19:12Hurry up.
19:13Hurry up.
19:14Hurry up.
19:15Hurry up.
19:16Hurry up.
19:17Hurry up.
19:18Hurry up.
19:19Hurry up.
19:20Hurry up.
19:21Hurry up.
19:22Hurry up.
19:23Hurry up.
19:24Hurry up.
19:25Hurry up.
19:28Hurry up.
19:42Yes, I agree to leave with you.
19:52I love you so much. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I don't want to be away from you. I want to get married.
20:09I love you so much. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I don't want to be away from you.
20:39I love you so much. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I don't want to be away from you. I want to spend the rest of my life with you.
21:09I love you so much.
21:11Did you make a group chat on Whatsapp?
21:15Maya, I don't know what you're talking about.
21:19We spent years together to be committed and to take care of all the details.
21:23We published a lot of articles.
21:25You know how it is.
21:27A person over 20 years old needs to take care of all the details.
21:40Are you seeing Ramy?
21:44Listen Maya.
21:47Listen. Focus with me.
21:50Because of this, I can't focus on anything in my life.
21:56Whenever I think of you and him, I get goosebumps.
22:01Whenever I think of you and him, I get happy.
22:04Of course I get happy.
22:06Whenever I think of you and him, I get goosebumps.
22:23He doesn't have to be in your life.
22:26Okay, Mom.
22:29Mom, what's wrong with you?
22:31Of course, Ramy is in the past.
22:34I thought about him.
22:36Why are you still thinking about him?
22:39Don't be upset.
22:41He doesn't mean anything to me.
22:45Good for you.
22:47But I want to ask you a question.
22:50What's wrong with him?
22:52What's wrong with him?
22:54What's wrong with him?
22:56I don't know anything about him.
22:58Your father told me that I shouldn't interfere in his life.
23:01Okay, Sama.
23:06I don't know what's wrong with me.
23:08I don't know what's wrong with me.
23:11Sama, Sama.
23:13Sama, Sama.
23:15Sama, Sama.
23:17Sama, Sama.
23:21Malek's assistant.
23:23Look, I know her.
23:26Just by her looks.
23:28Just by her looks?
23:31Why are you crying, Maya?
23:33I don't know.
23:35What do you want to tell me about these problems?
23:37The assistant and Malek's assistant.
23:39What do I want to know about her?
23:41Where does she live? Where is her house?
23:43Who is her grandmother? Who is her aunt?
23:45Who is her brother? Who is her friend? Who is her uncle?
23:47What do you want to tell me about these things?
23:49What do you want to tell me?
23:51I have much more important things than this, Sama.
23:54Give me your finger.
23:55Give me your hand.
23:57I have blue eyes.
23:59I have artists.
24:01I have a gallery.
24:03I have sports.
24:05Mom, stop it. I understand.
24:07I understand that you are busy and you don't have time.
24:09For example, all the people want to sleep now.
24:12And I want to go to the gym.
24:14To see if I can do it or not.
24:16Can you imagine if I can't do it?
24:18Mom, get up. Get up.
24:20Mom, don't worry about these things.
24:22Take care of yourself.
24:23Mom, I don't know who it is.
24:27Good morning.
24:29Hi, Sama.
24:31The important thing is that the pyjamas look good on me.
24:33If the pyjamas don't look good on me, what should I do?
24:35Should I wear old pyjamas?
24:37It's impossible for me to wear old pyjamas.
24:39Farida, it's impossible.
24:41I've never worn pyjamas before.
24:47Finally, we are together.
24:54You won't hide anything from me, will you?
25:01Will you be honest with me?
25:06Let's get married right now.
25:10Next week in Milan.
25:16We'll take a car and go to the Lycum.
25:18You'll love it.
25:20We'll rent a house and stay there for a month.
25:24Or we'll go to Switzerland and ski.
25:26Ski? No, I don't like skiing.
25:28I'm going to Petronas in a few days.
25:30How are you going to take me skiing?
25:32I don't know how to ride a bike.
25:34I'll teach you.
25:36Where will you teach me?
25:38My brother has been teaching me to ride a bike for three months and I didn't learn it.
25:40I still don't know how to swim.
25:42You know what?
25:44I've never seen anyone learn this thing so hard.
25:46I've never seen anyone be so beautiful.
25:48I'll teach you tomorrow.
25:49You'll see.
25:55I can't believe it.
25:57I really can't believe that we're planning our lives.
26:01How are we going to get married and where?
26:03I feel like...
26:07Like I was dreaming about something and now it's coming true.
26:10That's why I'm telling you to let's get married right now.
26:12I'd love to be here with you in a faraway place.
26:19Grandma, is it okay for you to see me as a bride in a white dress?
26:21Of course it's okay.
26:23As soon as we get married.
26:26I get it.
26:28You're trying to get married because you don't love the party.
26:32I don't love anyone but you.
26:34Isn't that enough?
26:36It's enough.
26:38It's enough for me to be with you.
26:40For a lifetime.
26:42For a thousand years.
27:48Good morning, Mr. Rami.
27:50Good morning, Mom.
27:54Good morning.
27:56Good morning.
27:58Why are you up so early?
28:00Don't you want to see what's going on?
28:02Rami, it's true that I came back to the company with you but I'm not comfortable.
28:06Malik was honest with me.
28:08He told me that he doesn't want to be friends anymore.
28:10He told me how our relationship is going to be.
28:12He told me about the wedding.
28:14He told me everything.
28:15He told me that he doesn't want to be friends anymore.
28:17He told me how our relationship is going to be.
28:19Give him some time. He'll be sad now.
28:21When he leaves, your relationship will be like before.
28:23Believe me.
28:25The important thing is that you stay with us.
28:29Good morning.
28:31Good morning.
28:33I'll see you.
28:38Since you chose to be with the good side,
28:41that means you're on the right path.
28:42They say that confessing to a crime is a sin.
28:45That's why I'm letting you go.
28:51Mr. Rami?
28:53Yes, Nancy.
28:54Good morning.
28:55Why are you up so early?
28:56They called me from the Sheikh's house.
28:58From where?
28:59The Sheikh's house.
29:01They say the Sheikh's house.
29:03The Sheikh's house.
29:05Yes, the school you're studying at.
29:07What do you want?
29:08How could I not think of that?
29:10He said that you're asking for the files.
29:11They sent you an email.
29:13That's right.
29:15Can you print two copies of each copy and bring them to me?
29:20Thank you.
29:21You're welcome.
29:39Mr. Gebran?
29:42I called to remind you that...
29:43I have a meeting with the mall's board in five minutes.
29:45That's right, and they're also...
29:46Yes, I know that they're going to see Lava after us.
29:50Meet them when I get there.
30:10These are Mr. Rameen's files.
30:11He asked me to give them to you.
30:12Please give them to him.
30:22Bonjour, bonjour, bonjour.
30:24Bonjour, Samar.
30:25Sofia, I'm feeling great today.
30:26That's why I'm going to make the best fenzone ever.
30:28Can I count on you?
30:29Yes, of course.
30:30And I have the biscuits you like.
30:32Maybe we can sit down and talk about what's going on with you.
30:35Okay, Mosi.
30:36No, I can't.
30:37Of course we can sit down and drink coffee.
30:38But it's impossible.
30:39It's impossible for me to tell you what's going on with me.
30:40Come here.
30:42I'll tell you.
30:43Don't you feel that I've changed a lot?
30:46And I'm excited?
30:47Yes, you're excited.
30:48Ask me why I'm excited.
30:51Because I have a new office.
30:54In the street.
30:57Are you out of your mind?
30:58Where would I have an office?
30:59Here, in the office.
31:04I'm going to make all of you leave my office.
31:08Do you hear me?
31:09Yes, I know you.
31:10You're always late.
31:11Where's Hani?
31:12How would he know where I am?
31:18Where are you?
31:21I'm done with you.
31:22You're a troublemaker.
31:25You should be called a troublemaker.
31:28Wake up!
31:30I have something in the office.
31:34It's the five minutes I had to drink a cup of coffee.
31:37I don't want to drink so fast.
31:39Me neither.
31:40I'll see you later.
31:42I'm going to drink my coffee.
31:46Put my name on the door.
31:47Of course.
31:49Come with me.
31:54I really want to stay at home.
31:56But I feel embarrassed when I come to your company.
31:59What can I do?
32:00You're here,
32:01and dad, and Malek.
32:03I miss you so much.
32:04I can't wait to see you.
32:06Is there a better place to see you than here?
32:09Thank you.
32:12Mr. Rami?
32:13Yes, Nancy.
32:14These are the files you asked for.
32:18Excuse me.
32:20Call dad again before you leave.
32:27What are you planning to do?
32:28You didn't tell me.
32:29After you decided to stay here.
32:37I have a lot of things on my mind,
32:39but I'm thinking of resting first,
32:41and then I'll think about work.
32:45But my advice is,
32:46don't do anything except what you like.
32:50And you, Rami, what do you want?
32:52I don't understand.
32:54Do you also want to rest?
32:56From what?
32:57From this girl you love.
32:59Don't you want to try to forget her?
33:02Can we change the subject?
33:04No, Rami, we're not going to change the subject.
33:06We're going to talk about the subject.
33:08Because if you keep running away,
33:09you won't solve the problem.
33:11And you'll keep suffering because of this relationship.
33:15There's no such thing.
33:17This is a one-sided love.
33:18I loved her and she doesn't know.
33:20So there's nothing between you two?
33:22Nothing starts to end.
33:26Oh, I get it.
33:28So you don't feel anything towards her?
33:30I mean, the rumors are dying down.
33:34Maya, can we change the subject, please?
33:38Yes, as you wish.
33:43Yes, Reema.
33:44Okay, fine.
33:49Darush and Freema.
33:51That is Nick.
34:24Yes, of course.
34:25I'm at Mr. Mali's.
34:35Darush, hello?
34:43Darush, hello?
34:47Darush, hello?
34:52Yes, of course.
34:53No problem.
34:58Of course, I'll be waiting for you.
35:13Sirin, you have to help me.
35:17What is it, Maya?
35:18How can I help you?
35:19You have to help me, Sirin.
35:21I understand, but how?
35:22Why would I help you?
35:24We had a deal and that's it.
35:26I want Sama to leave the company.
35:31Not because of Rami?
35:32If he wants to keep seeing her, he won't forget her.
35:35You have to stay away from him.
35:37Look, Maya.
35:38I won't fall for any plan that could hurt anyone.
35:41How far is the girl's business from us?
35:43And I hope you didn't tell me either.
35:45Look, we won't hurt anyone.
35:47All I want is for her to leave the company.
35:51Look at her.
35:52She's happy and everyone is taking care of her.
35:54She doesn't feel anything.
35:56And I'm suffering here.
36:01I have to find a way for her to leave the company.
36:03And you, personally, have to help me.
36:22Good evening, Rami. Come in.
36:24I received the designs I asked for from La Chaussure School,
36:26where Sama is doing her internship.
36:30I asked for them, as we agreed.
36:35These are the new designers we chose, aren't they?
36:38Of course, and quickly too.
36:40Before Gebran and his team get ahead of us.
36:42Do you know how many designs he took from them before?
36:48Hi, Sama.
36:49Hi, Sama. How are you?
36:50Hi, sir. I'm good. How are you?
36:52I'm good, I'm good.
37:09Wow. This is very nice.
37:15This is nice.
37:16It's not just nice. It's very nice.
37:19Sama, are you crazy?
37:20Tomorrow, with time, with La Chaussure, you'll do better than this.
37:25Try to tell us who the designer is.
37:27Let's sign with him.
37:29You're right.
37:30Let me call La Chaussure School and find out who this student is.
37:33But, Sama, you know who this is.
37:35No, no, I don't know.
37:36How do I know?
37:38Sama, tell me who the designer is.
37:41The designer?
37:45I don't know.
37:51I mean...
37:53There are so many.
37:54I'm sure it's one of these.
37:55Hold on. Hello?
37:57Yes, hello.
37:59This is Rami from Elava.
38:02God bless you.
38:03Send us the files.
38:04Yes, yes. Thank you very much.
38:05Yes, everything is fine. Everything is fine.
38:07Honestly, we liked number 17.
38:11We liked it a lot.
38:12We liked it a lot, too.
38:13One more thing.
38:15Can we know who this designer is?
38:17Which student?
38:18Just to be able to contact him.
38:33Let me talk to Malek and we'll get back to you.
38:37Thank you very much.
38:38Thank you.
38:41How much do I owe you?
38:46They got to this student and bought a designer from him.
38:49He asked the teacher and the school not to tell him the student's name
38:51because he might want to work with him later.
38:53What is this?
38:54Who gave him the right to do this?
38:55And when I asked the teacher about the student's name,
38:57he was surprised and said,
38:58you don't know who he is?
38:59No, how do you know him?
39:00He's a student at the school.
39:01How does he know him?