وحد و ستين

  • 2 months ago
01:01Every season does the same thing.
01:03I found her, I didn't find her. I found her, I didn't find her. I found her, I didn't find her.
01:06But this time I found her.
01:08The miraculous model who broke the world with her first poster.
01:12And you two know her by heart and you both love her.
01:18You mean Sama?
01:20Of course.
01:23And did she say yes?
01:25Of course she said yes.
01:27Of course she said yes.
01:29Of course she said yes.
01:31Look, she said yes.
01:33But she also has conditions and requirements.
01:35I mean, she needs to lower her budget a bit.
01:37Because she needs money.
01:39There's no need to thank me.
01:41You can just say thank you.
01:43As I told you, the most important thing for me is to have my own office.
01:46Are you done?
01:48Yes, and I have one more request.
01:52From next morning, I want to go to Serine and play.
01:56So if you don't mind, I'm going to go now.
01:58Okay? Bye.
02:12We finished early today.
02:20Are you going to have a drink?
02:22No, I have to go home.
02:24Nassim, let's go and have fun.
02:26Let's have a drink or something.
02:28What are you going to do at home?
02:30I'll see you tomorrow.
02:34Okay, if you change your mind, we're going to Serine.
02:36Okay, bye.
02:48I mean, as I promised.
02:50I'm here.
02:52What are we going to do now?
02:54Oh, I forgot.
02:56I'll call you for dinner.
03:42Why are you still here?
03:44I wanted to talk to you.
03:46So I thought I'd wait a bit.
03:48I came to see you.
03:50We talked earlier.
03:52I couldn't wait.
03:54What's wrong?
03:56I don't need anything anymore.
03:58I don't need anything from you.
04:00Do you mean that I'm a burden to you?
04:02No, not at all.
04:04I even have a new boyfriend.
04:06No, that's not what I meant.
04:08I meant that you can ask me anything you want.
04:14Okay, sure.
04:16I mean, we're going to get married,
04:18so let's not hide anything from each other.
04:20I know, honey.
04:22But we don't need anything.
04:24Come on, let's go.
04:26We don't have time to talk.
04:28Come on.
04:30Daniel, Daniel, hide!
04:34Daniel, he'll see us.
04:36He'll call us.
04:42No, no, no, no.
04:44No, no, no, no, no.
04:48Sultan, Sultan!
04:52I was just saying to myself,
04:54I hope Sultan sees us,
04:56so we can go for a walk together.
04:58The weather is so nice today.
05:00Honey, let's go for a walk.
05:02It's good that I'm here with you.
05:04Now it's your turn to tell her everything you want.
05:06There's something very important I want to tell you.
05:08Do you have something to tell me or not?
05:10We're all a family.
05:12Because it's not a matter of...
05:18How nice.
05:20I kissed her.
05:22I kissed Farida, too.
05:24Don't be sad.
05:28Love you.
05:30How nice it is to see two people
05:32who love each other the most.
05:34It's a million dollars, isn't it?
05:36Come on, confess, who were you talking about?
05:38I said to Sultan,
05:40since the weather is so nice today,
05:42let's go somewhere and sleep.
05:44Thank you so much
05:46for trying to get me
05:48to join your group
05:50in this sleep conference.
05:52You're welcome.
05:54Where do you want to take us now?
05:56A fish or sushi restaurant?
05:58No, I think the Italian one, senor.
06:00Okay, he'll take us there.
06:02You know, I'm on my own.
06:04They're gone.
06:06I have to hide like this all day.
06:08No problem.
06:26Tell me more about yourself.
06:32You know,
06:34I'm not used to talking about myself
06:36because, I mean,
06:38this is one of the disadvantages of being an assistant.
06:40Because your whole life is
06:42about your boss.
06:44You're always thinking about his problems,
06:46his worries, his work,
06:48and what he's eating now.
06:50So I don't really talk about myself
06:52or think about myself.
06:54The other day, I saw a blonde girl.
06:56I don't remember her name.
06:58Her name?
07:00She's not very comfortable.
07:02It's like I see myself.
07:04She's not...
07:06She's not like you.
07:10Thank you.
07:12No, she's stupid.
07:14I mean, she's really stupid.
07:16When you first came to the company,
07:18she didn't know anything.
07:20Then, little by little, she learned.
07:22Even her looks.
07:24They're all fake.
07:26What do you mean, fake?
07:30I don't feel that way.
07:32She seems very comfortable.
07:34I don't know.
07:36Today, I heard her talking to the accountant
07:38at the company.
07:40He told her,
07:42your salary isn't enough.
07:44She got angry.
07:46She didn't leave a word.
07:48She started going to the company
07:50and talking to herself.
07:52I saw her talking to herself.
07:54She's a little weird.
07:56Her account was registered
07:58in a very important internship.
08:02Assistant. She wants to be a designer.
08:04What did she do?
08:06She applied for a...
08:08What's it called?
08:10Do you know how hard it is
08:12to get accepted
08:14at this school?
08:16And the weirdest thing is that she got accepted.
08:18She got accepted,
08:20and Mr. Rami told her,
08:22don't worry.
08:24It's a very important internship.
08:26It's not logical.
08:28But it's a little weird
08:30that the company they're paying for
08:32is so important to them.
08:34They said they're hiring a designer.
08:36After she got accepted,
08:38they thought she was talented.
08:40Look, I know
08:42all the secrets of the company.
08:44I know all the problems and stories.
08:46Do you know why?
08:48Because I keep secrets.
08:50I'm a very secretive person.
08:52I don't tell anyone, God forbid.
08:54Everyone asks me why I don't talk much,
08:56but I really don't like to talk at all.
08:58So if you're trying to take something from me,
09:00you won't know anything.
09:12I'm going to the bathroom
09:14to fix my makeup.
09:16Go ahead.
09:22What the hell?
09:40All those skills
09:42that I have, someone values them.
09:44No, grandma.
09:46Who isn't valuing them?
09:48Just point me at him, and I'll deal with him.
09:50At least take a picture of me and post it on social media
09:55so that I can get more followers and I can have fans
09:58and you can see how many I have
10:00Come on grandma, we told you
10:02but we didn't know you had such a great talent
10:05Why did you hide it from us?
10:08First of all, so I can keep an eye on you
10:10and secondly, everything is good in its time
10:13Come on, gather all the rich people
10:19I'm ordering you, have you seen a cheap game?
10:25No, I swear I haven't
10:26Do you have the right?
10:27What is this genius idea?
10:29Come on guys
10:30Come on, hurry up, everyone is waiting for their turn
10:32Come on
10:34Come on, everyone who wants to leave, go ahead
10:36Come on guys
10:37Don't be late
10:40What is this?
10:41You always come late
10:45Don't you have class today?
10:47Yes, I just finished
10:49I asked for a raise, but I can't, they won't give it to me
10:53No, don't tell me
10:54Abdo sold the car and I sold the gold
10:57How are we going to secure the rest of the money?
10:59Right? Are you and Abdo upset about something?
11:03Abdo is like a brother to Abdo
11:06It means that my feelings were in his place
11:09In any case, leave us alone
11:11How are we going to arrange the money?
11:12Should I take a small loan?
11:14No, don't do anything
11:15I made a deal with Daniel, let's see if it will work
11:19You know, Leen
11:20Every time I think that he might not secure the money
11:23I have to tell him, don't worry
11:26But I feel like I'm going to suffocate
11:28Calm down, my love, calm down
11:37One more time, Shaheek
11:40Open your mouth a little
11:42Don't worry, we're going to arrange the money from the bottom of the earth
11:49Your grandma is so light-handed
11:52No, no, she's trying to pull a fast one
11:55We just found out
11:56You know, if we send her to a talent show
11:58She'll reach the final stages and she'll arrange the money for us
12:00Go, go, I'll talk to you later
12:07Positive energy
12:08Positive energy
12:09Why do I have to feel like this?
12:54My love
13:02You know what?
13:04Sometimes I'm afraid to be honest with you
13:09I'm sorry
13:12I made you a delicious meal
13:14I'm so hungry, I'm starving
14:01How was your first class?
14:03It was okay
14:05But I was thinking about you all the time
14:10You're thinking about me?
14:12Yes, of course I'm thinking about you
14:16What? It looks delicious
14:19Okay, let's go to bed
14:27Come on, Shaheek
14:28It smells like tea, I hope you like it
14:29Of course I will
14:30Come in
14:43Come on
14:53You're right
15:05Oh God
15:08Oh God, Sultan, why did you move like that?
15:11What's wrong?
15:12Enough, my love, please
15:13Three to four hours and we'll be done
15:15Hold on, hold on
15:16My back hurts
15:17Come on, come on
15:18It's taking too long
15:19Hold on, hold on
15:31Oh God, why are you doing this?
15:32What's wrong?
15:33You're moving
15:34I'm moving, don't you want me to move too?
15:36Now it's time to move and touch
15:38I'm so into the painting
15:40I mean, I'm so into it
15:42It's so creative, you're moving me
15:44What's wrong?
15:45It's unbelievable
15:46It's unbelievable, in this house
15:47No one goes out to make art
15:49No one goes out to draw
15:50When you have to move me, you don't move me
15:53There's no power or strength except for this woman
15:57Calm down, my love, calm down
15:58Why are you so angry?
16:00You don't need to be so angry
16:02Calm down, calm down
16:04Calm down
16:06I'll make you some tea
16:19Now, my dear
16:21This is your favorite movie, right?
16:24I love it so much
16:25You love this movie in particular
16:27I always hear you traveling around the world
16:31I love every Chinese movie
16:34Ever since you said this movie in particular
16:37It has a special place in my heart
16:40I saw it in a movie scene
16:41And I remember it affected me a lot
16:45What is this movie?
16:47Amazon's boat
16:48For Fellini
16:49The hero walks
16:51And imagines the face of his beloved
16:53In all the faces of the people around him
16:56The moments of love are beautiful
17:07Do you want me to pour you some water?
17:09The bottle is empty
17:11If you want, we can go out and continue with something else
17:13But finish your food first
17:15Okay, we'll go
17:16Where do you want to go?
17:17Let's go
17:18To a place you'll love
17:22I'm done
17:23Wait a minute
17:24Taste this
17:25I don't want it, it looks sour
17:27Taste it, it's delicious
17:28Taste it
17:39I made you your favorite tea
17:48What are you doing?
17:50This is Maya's photo
17:51You made me angry
17:53Because I kissed you
17:58Why are you crying?
18:00Drink some tea
18:04I'm telling you
18:06It's hot
18:14It's hot, how did you drink it?
18:15Didn't you burn yourself?
18:16My heart is burned
18:17It's hotter than tea
18:20You're starting to act like a drama queen
18:22What's wrong?
18:24I'm upset with Maya
18:26Every time I close my eyes, I think of Maya
18:28Every time I go, I think of Maya
18:30Every time I come, I think of Maya
18:31I told myself
18:32I told myself
18:33I told myself
18:34I told myself to let you be
18:35I told myself to let you be
18:36But I saw you
18:37I saw Maya
18:39My love, my heart
18:40Calm down
18:41Calm down
18:42Maya is fine, happy
18:43Her future is beautiful
18:44Why are you afraid of her?
18:46Oh, my God
18:49Because you asked me
18:51My head hurts
18:52I feel sick
18:54Because you're afraid of her
18:55That Ramy
18:59What Ramy?
19:00What Ramy?
19:01I told you
19:02We talked about her
19:04We talked about her
19:05We talked about her
19:06We told her that Ramy doesn't suit her
19:08I told her he doesn't have dreams
19:09And I didn't ask her to marry him
19:11I don't know what he did to her
19:12That time
19:13And I told her to not travel
19:14I'm afraid this time he'll make me travel, but it's not appropriate, it's not appropriate
19:19My heart tells me that he's...
19:22Oh! Waleed!
19:24Did you see that?
19:39Honey, I have to go home, okay?
19:41Yes, honey, of course, I'll take you
19:44I'm so happy today, the place is amazing
19:47We do this every now and then, look
19:49Yes, okay, why not?
19:50But why do you think I like jazz?
19:53Because you look like jazz
19:55You move from one mood to another quickly, you surprise me
19:59But you still keep the rhythm
20:03Do I feel like that?
20:04I always feel like I'm out of rhythm
20:06Not at all
20:09Thank you so much, I'm really happy
20:15Oh, my head!
20:17I'm going to explode!
20:24I brought you a bag of water so you can put it on your head
20:29What's wrong? Are you hot?
20:31Like us, like us!
20:32Look at my head!
20:33You want to see me like a few minutes ago when I was in the green car
20:36Look at what they do to those who get a headache
20:38A bag of cold water, and hot
20:40Come on, come on, come on
20:41What's wrong?
20:43Even my head can make me a cup of green tea
20:45To calm my nerves
20:46I just made you a cup of tea
20:48I'm tired, I'm tired, I'm not going to sleep
20:50I'm going to sleep, I'm going to sleep
20:51Give me a break, Sultan, give me a break
20:53You, calm down
20:55Didn't you notice that I added a little more to it?
20:58You added more?
21:00Yes, tell me you don't want to make me tea
21:03Okay, I'll take care of myself in a little while
21:05I'll put on my headband and go down to make some tea
21:07No, no, I'm going to make it
21:15How many cups?
21:38We're here
21:43It was very nice to spend the day with you
21:45Everything is nice with you
21:47I missed you
21:49I missed you a lot too
21:51Okay, stay with me if you can
21:53I wish I could, I can't, I'm already late
21:56I hope you're sleeping so you don't wake me up
22:01Okay, go to sleep, good night
22:05You too
22:09We're very nice together, aren't we?
22:16Let's get to know each other
22:18Hello, how are you? I'm Malek's girlfriend
22:21Welcome, I'm Malek
22:25You know that you're very beautiful
22:27Very beautiful, too
22:29You know that I love you very much
22:32I don't want to leave you, what should I do?
22:36Let's go back to Syria
22:39We can, but not today
22:41I promise that the next day will be better than tonight
22:52Good night
22:56This is the best thing that has ever happened to me
22:59I don't know how I used to live before you
23:03Sometimes when I look at you, I don't feel anything
23:06I feel like I'm in a cartoon
23:08I can't focus
23:13There's a lot I want to tell you
23:15But I don't have time, I'm talking too much
23:18Don't laugh, you know that I talk a lot
23:20I'm going
23:23Good night
23:25Good night
23:38Good night
23:59Rima, Rima, Rima
24:01Mr. Drame, Mr. Drame, Mr. Drame
24:03What's up today?
24:05Mr. Karol is your uncle's friend
24:07Mr. Karol?
24:08What does he want?
24:09I don't know, but he asked me to tell you that he's waiting for your call
24:13Okay, I'm going to my office
24:18You look beautiful today
24:20Thank you
24:29You scared me, what's wrong?
24:32Don't we need to talk?
24:34Let's talk
24:35Let's talk, come
24:36Come in, let's talk in the living room
24:42Come in
24:54Should I talk?
24:56No, I want to talk first
24:57Even though I don't know what to say or where to start
25:00Even though I don't know what to say or where to start
25:02You're the only one who knows how much Sirine has hurt me
25:04What should I do?
25:06I can't tell you, wow, they're so beautiful and they're playing together
25:08And I can't tell you, that's it, leave her
25:11Sirine has been through a lot in her life
25:13And you made her not trust anyone
25:15And when you try to protect her, you show your selfishness and you take advantage of her
25:19But believe me, when you meet people who really love her and you feel safe between them
25:23You become a very nice person
25:26What are you trying to tell me now?
25:28That she's changing?
25:30I mean, yes
25:31It's true that she needs to change a lot of things in her life
25:34But it's going to take some time
25:36I didn't press a button
25:38I mean, at least she loved me
25:41She was able to love me
25:43And I loved her too
25:48You know how precious you are to me, Sama
25:50And you know what I would do to anyone who would bother you or hurt you
25:54I know
25:56But Sirine has changed
25:58And you're the only one who can understand me
26:04I understand you
26:06That's how he is
26:07When he chooses, no one says no
26:09I mean, I can't say no to you
26:11Just because I see that she doesn't have a suitable choice for him
26:14She doesn't have the right to meddle in his life
26:16But at the same time
26:17Don't think that I might love her or become friends with her
26:21I'm telling you this now
26:22The most important thing is that you're not mad at me
26:24That's the most important thing
26:26No, I'm not mad at you
26:27It's not like that
26:31You're the most beautiful sister in the world
26:34I love you, and why?
26:35I love you too
26:37Even though you surprised me
26:38I thought you were the smartest one among us
26:40But no
26:41I slapped you in the face
26:43I ruined you
26:44And Sirine
26:45And Sirine
26:46And Habib too
26:55Yes, Karol, how are you?
27:01No, no, Malik and I didn't break up
27:04Who told you?
27:07It's just a rumor
27:10A lawyer?
27:11No, there's no lawyer
27:12It didn't get to this point
27:14They're going to publish the news?
27:19Please, they can't
27:20Because it's a problem in the market
27:22At least you don't publish it
27:25Yes, yes
27:27And I'll see what I can do
27:31Okay, enjoy your meal
27:33Thank you for telling me
27:35Okay, Karol
27:36God bless you
27:37Bye, bye
27:39If this news gets out
27:40It's going to affect us a lot
27:45How did they know about this?
27:46Who told them?
27:48I don't know
27:49Even though we tried to keep it a secret
27:51Why did it get out now?
27:52And who told them?
27:55What is the topic that needs to stay a secret?
27:58Welcome, Maya
27:59Have a seat
28:01What is it?
28:05It's about breaking up with Malik
28:08It got leaked to the press
28:09And it's going to spread soon
28:12And if it gets leaked
28:13Will it hurt you in any way?
28:15It's bad, Maya
28:17It's very bad for Aileva's reputation
28:20The important thing now
28:21Is to find a way to stop the news
28:24I don't know what exactly
28:25Happened to the press
28:26What I learned from Karol
28:27Is that whoever leaked the news
28:29Knows everything
28:31And knows all the details
28:32He knows about the lawyer
28:33And he knows about the official
28:34Break-up between you and him
28:36I don't know which side
28:37I should be talking to
28:38I don't know which side
28:39I should be talking to
28:41It's time to sleep
28:44You don't have anyone here in the company
28:46Who has a strong relationship with the press
28:47Who knows them
28:48Who cares about them
28:50You want everything to stop now
28:54I do
28:59Rami, don't look at me while you sleep
29:00You know my decision
29:02We should have gotten rid of this topic a long time ago
29:06One phone call
29:07Can solve everything
29:08And we can relax
29:10It's your honor
29:21Thank God
29:29Yes, Serene
29:30You can come to Malik's office
29:31I want to talk to you
29:34Okay, bye
29:45Mr. Tani
29:46You woke me up
29:47I have to wake you up
29:48Because of my energy and my health
29:50How are you today?
29:51I'm good
29:53Why are you late for work?
29:54I had a family matter
29:57And you meet every other day
29:59To talk about family matters?
30:01No, of course not
30:02But my brother Zaid is getting married
30:04We're talking about the details
30:05You know I can't keep up
30:06I see him all the time
30:07Something is wrong
30:08What did Zaid decide?
30:10What do you mean?
30:11Tell me how long do you want to take
30:13To talk to the guys
30:14Not about the modeling thing
30:15You know I forgot the whole thing
30:17I forgot
30:18I don't know where my mind is
30:20What do you mean?
30:21The wedding
30:22Oh, the wedding
30:23It's either at home
30:24Or somewhere close in the neighborhood
30:25It's going to bother us
30:26I hope the expenses aren't too high
30:27Because this time
30:28I really can't pay you
30:29No, no
30:30Why should the expenses be high?
30:31It's not true
30:32We asked for the wedding
30:33Then we paid the expenses
30:34Why do you want to pay us?
30:35There's no need
30:36There's no need, sir
30:37It's about the wedding
30:38I'm talking to you
30:39Not about the modeling thing
30:40Oh, you're back to that
30:42What are you going to wear?
30:44What photo?
30:45The wedding
30:46The wedding
30:47I'm going to wear a normal dress
30:48I haven't decided yet
30:50It's true that I'm the groom's sister
30:51But I don't want to overdo it
30:53Overdo it
30:54Overdo it
30:55As much as you want
30:56In the end
30:57He's the one who's going to pay
30:58What does he have to pay?
30:59What does he have to pay?
31:00He wants to pay
31:01For the modeling
31:02Is that what you want?
31:03Mr. Azdani
31:04What do you think?
31:05Let's choose one topic
31:06Because two
31:07Is not enough
31:08I can't focus on two topics
31:09I'm sick of it
31:10I'm sick of it
31:12You're one of those
31:13Who break up all of a sudden
31:14Are you crazy?
31:15You're one of them
31:16I break up
31:17I suddenly break up
31:18I'm sick of it
31:19I'm so sick of it
31:21Go inside
31:22Go inside
31:23No, no
31:24Calm down
31:25Calm down
31:26Calm down
31:27Calm down
31:28Calm down
31:29Calm down
31:30Calm down
31:31We're over
31:32There is no more contact
31:33Remove your hand
31:34Calm down
31:35I'm here
31:36Don't come up
31:39Come in
31:48I made the most of it
31:50Help yourself
32:31What's going on?
32:33That's why we sent you the papers.
32:35We know you have a very strong relationship with the press.
32:37So we want to see if you can help us.
32:39Of course, I can help you.
32:41I know more than one important person.
32:43And I've done more than one job for them.
32:45Maybe it's time to give it back to me.
32:47Don't worry, I'll fix it.
32:55What do you want in return?
32:59Are you serious?
33:01If you think I can take advantage of this situation
33:03to ask you to leave me in the company,
33:05that's not right.
33:07I want to stay with you,
33:09but not like this.
33:13Like what?
33:17I'm still working with Elava,
33:19and I owe her a lot.
33:21Don't worry, I'll solve the problem,
33:23and we'll stay in agreement.
33:25What's wrong, Malek?
33:27What do you think?
33:33Leave me and Serene alone, please.
33:55Can you solve it?
34:01Don't worry, you know me.
34:03I can solve it with one phone call.
34:05Trust me.
34:09It's not like you asked the question
34:11between you and me.
34:13It's time.
34:19Once you solve this,
34:21we can stay in the company.
34:23Of course, if you want.
34:27What you're going to do if it happens
34:29is very important to us.
34:33Thank you.
34:37I'm very sorry that I ruined
34:39the beautiful relationship we had.
34:49I think
34:51I can make you forgive me
34:53one day.
34:55Trust me.
35:17Rahshan, how did you know?
35:19One of the employees told me.
35:21Everyone here knows
35:23that he broke the partnership.
35:25What do you mean?
35:27We have a traitor in the company?
35:29No, no, no.
35:31One of the employees
35:33said it naturally,
35:35and the other took advantage of it.
35:37Why did you make it so big?
35:39Serene will solve it.
35:41You're right, I'm a little nervous.
35:43Yes, take your time.
35:45Serene proved to be smart
35:47You're right.
35:49I have to go. I have a few things to do.
35:51We'll talk later.
36:07Shut up!
36:09I don't want the news to spread
36:11and if it does,
36:13I'll know it was you who spread it.
36:15I know very well what I'm doing.
36:17Okay? Did you hear what I said?
36:33You're the one who spread the news?
36:39You needed a chance to stay here
36:41and to help you,
36:43and you solved it.
36:45But you were in danger.
36:47Maybe you couldn't solve it.
36:49But you solved it.
36:51You're crazy.
36:55I did what I had to do
36:57and now it's your turn.
36:59But Rami...
37:05Who is it that Rami loves?
37:09Who loves her?
37:15I didn't see or hear anything.
37:17You can say it was a feeling,
37:19a prediction, or a conclusion.
37:21By the way, you could have known
37:23if you had paid more attention to him.
37:25Because the girl Rami loves
37:27when he sees her, his eyes sparkle.
37:33We can't talk right now.
37:35About what?
37:37About what?
37:39We'll talk after dinner.
37:43It's too crowded. We can't talk.