When I Was Asked by My Sister to Buy Rubbers, this Unfriendly Clerk Went Bonkers…

  • 2 months ago
When I Was Asked by My Sister to Buy Rubbers, this Unfriendly Clerk Went Bonkers…
Japanese Manga in English
Manga video to learn English


00:00I'm Yamato Kato, college sophomore.
00:04Just like any other day, I was about to go home from uni when…
00:08Hey sis, what's up?
00:13You coming back from college now, right?
00:16Could you grab some rubbers for me?
00:19Heading to my boyfriend's place later, need em!
00:22I'm swamped doing makeup and stuff.
00:25I'll pay you back later, sorry, but can you please?
00:29Hey, did she just hang?
00:32A few minutes later…
00:33Dang sis, dumping this mess on me!
00:37Sure, it's a safety thing, but come on!
00:40Thank you!
00:42Next customer please!
00:43I've never even scored a girlfriend, now buying this!
00:47Plus, today's cashier is that girl!
00:50Umm, can you hurry up?
00:53Man, she's scary!
00:56She's Karina Kimura, working at this convenience store.
01:00Always giving the cold shoulder, even got her name from her name tag.
01:05She's probably around my age.
01:07Nervy, but for my sis's future, alright!
01:13Sorry about that!
01:14Are you, for real, buying this?
01:18Something's off.
01:19Are you, like, absolutely sure, no mistakes?
01:23You don't have to double check, it's all good!
01:25S-sorry, just a sec!
01:28Umm, that'll be $8,500.
01:32You didn't mess up the digits?
01:34S-sorry, let me redo it!
01:37Ahh, the receipt!
01:39C-calm down!
01:41Sorry, I'll fix it right away!
01:44Umm, well, everybody goofs, haha, but please, hurry up!
01:5230 minutes later.
01:53I'm back!
01:55You look totally beat, what's up?
01:57Duh, anyway, here.
02:00Oh, woah!
02:03But, what's this?
02:05I asked for regular hair ties!
02:08That rubber, not this!
02:13Gotta whip up dinner at his place!
02:15Always tie my hair up when I'm cooking, but lost em!
02:18Wouldn't make you buy this!
02:21Ugh, makes sense, thinking about it.
02:26My bad for the confusion, okay?
02:28Gonna cover the cash and extra, and here, keep this.
02:31Forgive me, yeah?
02:34No need, I don't even have a girlfriend!
02:37One day, you'll need it when you get one.
02:40Well, gotta dash to meet my guy!
02:42Sis is living the life with a lover, I wonder if I'll ever get a girlfriend.
02:48Someone else's work in the register now.
02:51In the middle of that, something kinda got me wondering.
02:55From the next day on, never saw Karina at the convenience store.
02:59Thought she might be just under the weather.
03:01But a week passed, and she didn't show up.
03:05She vanished after I bought the rubbers.
03:08Could that have something to do with her?
03:10But why, though?
03:12Hey, Yamato!
03:14Looking troubled, what's up?
03:16He's Tamotsu Otakura, also a sophomore.
03:19And my fellow nerd buddy from college.
03:23Didn't you used to work at the convenience store nearby, too?
03:26I haven't seen Karina there lately.
03:28Anything up?
03:30I'm clueless about that.
03:32Next time our shifts sync up, I'll ask.
03:35Thanks, Otaku!
03:36My name isn't Otaku, it's Otakuda.
03:45Never thought you'd end up with a broken bone.
03:49It's my bad.
03:50But I won't be able to work for a while.
03:53And be a hassle for the manager, too.
03:57Then I'll work for you, Otakuda!
04:00But I don't want to cause you trouble.
04:03Can't leave a friend in trouble!
04:08I'll pay you back for this, I promise!
04:11After a chat between Otakuda and the manager,
04:14I got the go-ahead to work.
04:16So I showed up the next day, but...
04:19So, she's gonna be your mentor here.
04:23No way, Karina's my mentor!
04:26Plus, she was working normally!
04:29Wait, hold up.
04:31Me as a mentor?
04:33What? You can't?
04:34But you've got the most shifts aligning with his.
04:37Can't you manage this for me?
04:43Let's start with how to use the register, first off.
04:48Normally she's ice cold, but she's seriously teaching me.
04:52Hey, are you even listening?
04:58Maybe he was thinking about her.
05:01Huh? Did you say something?
05:05I'll take this.
05:07Hi, how's it going?
05:09Do it like I told you earlier.
05:12Um, like this.
05:14Oh! I messed up!
05:16Calm down.
05:18See? You correct it like this.
05:22Feeling Karina's soft thing on my arm!
05:26A few days later.
05:28Looks like you're getting the hang of it.
05:30Yeah, thanks to you.
05:32Working together, I see she's a serious girl.
05:36And also...
05:38What's up?
05:40You're staring at me that intensely.
05:42Uh, um...
05:45Your hair, Karina.
05:46It's beautiful.
05:49F-focus on work!
05:50Come on, go restock the shelves!
05:55Alright, shelf restock is done.
05:58I told ya, I ain't doing it!
06:01W-what's going on?
06:04But sir, if the customer doesn't press the button on the screen, the payment won't go through.
06:09I hate these modern machines!
06:12Um, excuse me!
06:14Let's calm down.
06:16You just need to touch the screen normally for this.
06:19If it's that easy, why don't you do it?
06:22Well, it's not that simple.
06:25Enough! I'm never coming back to this store!
06:29Oh no! I pissed him off!
06:36For standing up for me.
06:37N-no worries!
06:39But hey, there's a line building up. Gotta hit the register!
06:44Help me out?
06:45Sure thing!
06:48Good work today!
06:49Hey, uh...
06:51Can we head home together today?
06:55Got something I wanna talk about.
06:57Just to the station, cool?
07:00Thanks again for earlier.
07:02That old guy's a regular here.
07:05Is he always like that?
07:07Ugh, yeah.
07:08He's always throwing fits at the cashiers.
07:11Always goes,
07:12Never coming back!
07:14But keeps coming in.
07:16Haha, tough job.
07:19So, today...
07:21Thanks for the save. Appreciate it.
07:23N-no, don't mention it.
07:27Who knew Karina could flash such a cute smile?
07:31Hey, uh, which station are you heading to?
07:34It's Koiwa Station.
07:36I think the train is stopping now.
07:38I heard-
07:41What should I do?
07:42Can't go back like this.
07:44Well then...
07:46Wanna come over?
07:49By the way, you got a girlfriend, right?
07:54Wasn't my intention.
07:55I just wanted to help out as co-workers.
07:58C-can you calm down?
08:00Wait, about the girlfriend...
08:03But the other day,
08:04You were buying that stuff.
08:07Does she mean about that?
08:09No, no!
08:10Actually, that was a misunderstanding.
08:15Come on!
08:17Who'd mess that up seriously?
08:22Are you crashing over tonight?
08:24But wouldn't that be a hassle?
08:27I want to repay today's favor.
08:29Alright, if that's the case,
08:31I'll take you up on that.
08:34I live alone.
08:35Make yourself at home.
08:37I-is this alright?
08:39Going into a girl's house?
08:41What do you want for dinner?
08:43I'll cook anything you like as a thank you.
08:45T-then how about hamburger steak?
08:49You got it!
08:5130 minutes later...
08:53It's ready!
08:54Here, open wide!
08:56B-but wait, why all of a sudden?
08:59I said it's a thank you, remember?
09:02Oh, you don't want to eat it?
09:03I-I'll have it.
09:06Th-this is delicious.
09:09But doing this with guys...
09:10Maybe she's used to guys after all.
09:15She's super blushing!
09:17Aren't you, uh, uncomfortable doing this?
09:21N-n-no way!
09:23Eat up, I made plenty!
09:24Don't hold back!
09:26Looks like she's really pushing herself though.
09:29Phew, Karina's cooking was seriously tasty.
09:33She's probably already taken a bath.
09:35Maybe I should too.
09:39I'm done.
09:40What the-?
09:42Why is she so close?
09:43And she smells so good from her bath!
09:48Nope, I actually can't.
09:50Thought she was gonna do something, but...
09:53What was that about?
09:56Later that night...
09:57Ugh, why so heavy?
10:01Wait, Karina!
10:07I'm sleeping...
10:09Sleeping like...
10:11A baby.
10:13Oh, really?
10:14But if you were sleeping, you wouldn't be mumbling to yourself like that?
10:22We were talking right now though!
10:27What's up?
10:28Ever since we got back to your place, you've been acting weird.
10:36I like you, so...
10:38Can't I...
10:39Be with you?
10:42W-why me though?
10:44That's cause...
10:46Even before, you've helped me out with that old guy.
10:51Oh yeah!
10:52That did happen!
10:53I didn't think today's old man was the same as back then.
10:58Since then he's been on my case.
11:00But I didn't want to quit my job at the convenience store.
11:04You always come by to get manga every week.
11:08You mean, you did that just to see me?
11:12Really wanted to thank you properly.
11:15Whenever I face you, I get so nervous I can't speak properly.
11:20Sorry I couldn't thank you right away back then.
11:24Thanks for helping me out.
11:27It wasn't anything much.
11:29For me, having someone who's got my back means a lot.
11:35Always been conscious about my appearance.
11:39But you're really pretty.
11:42You're the only one who says that.
11:45My eyes have always looked fierce and people get scared of me.
11:48And this hair color?
11:50It's from my mom.
11:52Natural hair color?
11:54I'm biracial.
11:55Even though people always thought I dyed it.
11:58Even in high school, the teachers told me to dye my hair black cause I'm disturbing the public morals.
12:04Why didn't you dye it?
12:06My mom...
12:09She passed away when I was in elementary school.
12:13If I dyed my hair the same color as my mom's...
12:17Felt like I'd lose my connection with her.
12:20So I didn't want to dye it.
12:22But because I didn't, I failed at job hunting.
12:25This convenience store is the only place I can work at now.
12:30Cause I've always been scary looking.
12:33I had no friends and I'm not good at dealing with people.
12:38Oh, so that's why she's always so standoffish.
12:42That's why I was drawn to someone who helped me twice.
12:45I've always been feared by others, but I realized there's someone who actually sees me.
12:51I've never done anything bad.
12:54People just misunderstood me.
12:56If my attitude seemed off, I apologize. I'm sorry.
13:01No, that's not true.
13:02Regardless of how you look, you've got so many good qualities.
13:10Will you date me?
13:12It's just that...
13:13So you don't want to date me?
13:15No, it's not like that.
13:18I think you're attractive, but I've never seen you in that way before.
13:23So can I wait to answer until we get to know each other better?
13:27Y-you're really trying to see me for who I am?
13:31If that's the case, then of course it's a yes!
13:33I'll definitely make it worth your while!
13:37Starting the next day, Karina was making moves left and right.
13:41At the convenience store, she was still giving off that icy vibe.
13:46But once work was done...
13:48Hey! Good work!
13:50Let's go home together!
13:52Sticking together is going to make it hard to walk, though.
13:55Ugh, come on!
13:57If we want to know each other, we gotta get closer, right?
14:03Alright, fine. Then come closer.
14:08Hey, what's up?
14:10I, uh...
14:12Did I sound like a perv?
14:14N-no, it's not that.
14:18Don't look at me! My face is all red!
14:21She's just blushing?
14:23Cute. She's still got that innocent side.
14:28During those days with her, one day something happened.
14:32Alright! Stocking up done!
14:35Why should I have to pay for this?
14:37Ah! That voice is...
14:40Um, the thing is they started charging for the plastic bags.
14:44They used to be free!
14:46Are you trying to squeeze money out of an old man?
14:49That's not it!
14:51And besides, what's with your hair for a store employee like you?
14:55Probably just fooling around all the time.
14:58Ugh, that's what young folks these days...
15:03Could you stop that already?
15:05Apologize for what you just said!
15:09W-who do you think I am? I'm a customer!
15:14Just cause you're a customer doesn't mean you can hurt a staff member.
15:18And no matter how someone looks, she's working hard!
15:21There's no excuse for hurting someone based on their looks!
15:25W-what? A youngster being so arrogant!
15:29Cut it out, old man!
15:31Even other customers are...
15:33She's always working hard. The only one complaining is you.
15:37She might not be great with smiling, but she's serious about her job, huh?
15:42Ah! Everyone's been watching out for me.
15:47You think I'm wrong, huh?
15:50That's enough!
15:51Otakura! You okay? I thought you were still hurt!
15:55Thanks, I'm fully recovered.
15:57Now, this is bothering the other customers.
16:03You sir, please come this way.
16:05Let's talk about what's gonna happen from now on.
16:08I won't ever come back to this messed up store!
16:12An hour later...
16:13You helped me again today.
16:17Nah, I didn't like you being talked down like that.
16:22That's because...
16:24Actually, I like you too.
16:28I got to know the kind side of you, your clingy side too.
16:32I fell for your inner self.
16:33So, will you go out with me?
16:36Of course!
16:38From now on, as lovers.
16:42After that, that old man was banned from the store.
16:45His disruptive behavior stood out in other stores,
16:48and it seems he couldn't enter any nearby ones.
16:52And so, we started going out.
16:54Karina! You're so cute!
16:59Hey sis! I'm making her uncomfortable!
17:02But she's so cute, you know!
17:05Sorry if I caused any misunderstandings.
17:08N-no! I just misunderstood.
17:12Oh, by the way!
17:14I'm staying over at his place today!
17:17And since both our parents aren't home...
17:20Karina, why don't you stay too?
17:22W-what are you saying?
17:25It's fine, right?
17:27You probably have that thing anyway.
17:32See ya!
17:33She dropped a bombshell!
17:36Sorry, you don't have to take her words seriously.
17:40I can't?
17:43I can't stay over?
17:46The thing your sister mentioned...
17:49It's about what you mistakenly bought the other day, right?
17:52I'm ready.
17:53S-so, wanna stay over tonight?
