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Veterans Heroes In Our Neighborhood, by Valerie Pfundstein, is a wonderful kid's book read aloud for preschool, kindergarten, and elementary school ages (and adults still young at heart), for Veterans Day.

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00:00Veterans, heroes in our neighborhood.
00:29Today we learned about our heroes, a really special kind, the ones who serve America
00:44and leave their homes behind.
00:46We read about the veterans who give all they can give to keep our country safe and free
00:52so we can love and live.
00:57Our teacher asked us each to name a veteran we knew.
01:01She said, now you may be surprised, it won't be hard to do.
01:09So after school, I asked my dad.
01:12He had amazing news.
01:14These heroes live right in our town, so many who can choose.
01:23They're our family, neighbors, friends, who never boast or brag.
01:28We all should be reminded of their love for home and flag.
01:36The man in town who cuts our hair is known as Frank the Barber.
01:44But not too many know he was a sailor at Pearl Harbor.
01:51The butcher at the grocery store who cuts the meat for stew was once a paratrooper.
02:02Matt served in World War II.
02:09And Walter is a Navy man who came to fix our heat.
02:13He once fixed boilers on the ships that sailed with the U.S. fleet.
02:25Our neighbor, Jacqueline, is a nurse who wears a uniform.
02:30She cared for wounded soldiers when she served in Desert Storm.
02:37Ernie is a firefighter.
02:39We knew that he was brave.
02:45And yet we never knew about the Air Force time he gave.
02:53Aunt Edna, our librarian, had a son named John.
02:57He died while training for Iraq.
02:59Now she's a Gold Star mom.
03:05Our mailman is a volunteer who trains each year to serve.
03:13When duty calls, Bob goes abroad.
03:16He's in the Army Reserve.
03:21And Manny is a proud Marine who did a corporal's part.
03:25He was wounded overseas and wears a purple heart.
03:32We celebrate our Veterans Day, the 11th of November.
03:36We show our patriotic pride and promise to remember.
03:44Our heroes' headstones wear the flag from coast to coast in May.
03:48It's how we honor those we've lost and mark Memorial Day.
03:56We painted posters of our heroes and marched in a parade.
04:02To thank these men and women for their sacrifices made.
04:10But we don't need a calendar to celebrate the brave.
04:14We pledge allegiance to the flag and let those colors wave.
04:22It doesn't matter where they served, what service branch or rank.
04:26What matters is remembering them and offering our thanks.
